

Mrs. Carroll ? 卡罗尔太太
Is everything all right? 出什么事了吗
Mrs. Carroll? It's Mare Sheehan. 卡罗尔太太 我是梅尔.希安
I'm standing outside your front door. 我站在你家门口
In the fucking freezing cold. 外面冷死了
Mrs. Carroll? 卡罗尔太太
Mare? Mare, you out there? 梅尔 梅尔 你在外面吗
Oh, you're here. 你到了
I'm here. 我到了
I wanted to make sure you knew about this right away so the community's safe in case the pervert is still on the loose . 我想确保你第一时间知道这事 如果那变态还在逃的话 社区才能保持安全
right away:立刻; pervert:v.败坏;误导;误用:n.性变态者: on the loose:散漫;放荡;
Well, next time, you just call the station. 下次 你打给局里就行
Do you have the main number? - I don't remember. 你有总局号码吗 -我不记得了
But-- but I trust you, and I don't know who the station will send over. 但我信任你 我不知道局里会派谁来
I understand, but I'm a detective sergeant , which means I investigate the burglaries and the overdoses and all the really bad crap that goes on around here. 我明白 但我是警司 意味着我调查盗窃和吸毒过量 以及这里发生的所有破事
detective:n.侦探;警探;私人侦探;adj.侦查(用)的 sergeant:n.军士;警察小队长;海军陆战队中士;高等律师; investigate:v.调查;研究;审查; burglaries:n.盗窃,夜盗;盗窃行为;v.入室行窃; overdoses:vt.配药过量; n.药量过多(等于overdosage); vi.服药过量; crap:n.废话;废物;屎;拉屎;vi.掷骰子;拉屎;
Sounds awful. 听上去很糟
Maybe you should look into a different line of work. 也许你该考虑换行
Here it is, Mrs. Carroll. See this? 找到了 卡罗尔太太 看到没
That's the main station number, all right? 这是总局号码
That's the one you want. 这才是你要拨打的
I'll put it right in the center. 我贴在正中间
So you call them, okay, next time, instead of waking me up. 下次有事就打给他们 而不要吵醒我
So, there's the scene of the crime, as they say in your business. 那是犯罪现场 你们的术语
My granddaughter was upstairs getting undressed to take a shower when she looked out the window and "Ahh!" 我孙女当时在楼上 准备脱衣洗澡 当她看向窗外
There he is. He was standing right out there. 他就在那 他站在那里
One of those creepy peeper weirdos . 那种偷窥狂
creepy:adj.令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的; peeper:n.偷窥者;眼睛;嘀咕的人; weirdos:古怪的人;奇怪的人(weirdo的复数);
Did your granddaughter say anything about him or... 你孙女有说他长什么样吗
He was wearing a hooded sweatshirt so it was hard to get much of his face, but from what she could see, he looked like a ferret . 他穿着连帽卫衣 所以很难看清他的脸 但从她能看到的来说 他看上去像雪貂
hooded:adj.有罩盖的,戴头巾的; sweatshirt:n.运动衫;T-恤衫; ferret:vt.搜出,查获;驱出;用雪貂猎取;vi.搜索,侦破;n.雪貂;白鼬;侦探;
A ferret? - That's what she said. 雪貂 -她是这么说的
Is that a security camera up there? 那上面是监控摄像头吗
Oh, yes. We bought that at Best Buy three months ago, but Mr. Procrastinator hasn't figured out how to use it yet. Big surprise. 是的 我们三个月前在百思买买的 但拖延症先生还没弄明白 怎么用 惊喜吧
And where is your granddaughter now? 你孙女现在在哪
Oh, she was scared to death, so she hightailed it back to Allentown . 她吓坏了 所以她急忙赶回了阿伦敦
hightailed:vi.迅速逃走; Allentown:n.艾伦镇(美国宾夕法尼亚州);
She didn't wanna stay around here with a ferret on the loose. 她不想在一只 雪貂 在逃的情况下待在这儿
All right. Well, uh, 好吧 那么
I'll file a report and, uh, make sure patrol's aware. 我会提交一份报告 确保巡逻队知情
I'm half tempted to leave as well, but then I'd have to go to my sister's place in Ridley , and she has cats. 我本来也想走的 但我只能去找我在雷德利的妹妹 而她养了猫
tempted:adj.想做…的; v.引诱; (tempt的过去分词和过去式) Ridley:n.鳞龟属动物(产于墨西哥湾,等于Lepidochelys);
Oh, I hate cats. 我讨厌猫
No, I get that, Mrs. Carroll. - They are disgusting animals. 我懂 卡罗尔太太 -恶心的动物
You know, they're all bones. - Good morning, Mare. 它们只有骨头 -早 梅尔