

This is poo, and what I want to do today is share my passion for poo with you, which might be quite difficult, but I think what you might find more fascinating is the way these small animals deal with poo. 是的,这是真的便便 而我今天来就是想跟大家分享 我对便便的热爱 或许这很难让你接受, 但是我想你大概会对这些小家伙们 处理便便的方法感兴趣的。
passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词)
So this animal here has got a brain about the size of a grain of rice, and yet it can do things that you and I couldn't possibly entertain the idea of doing. 这个小动物的脑子只有 米粒那么大,但是它的能耐 超过了你我的想象。
grain:n.粮食; v.把…作成细粒; entertain:v.娱乐;款待;使有兴趣;使快乐;
And basically it's all evolved to handle its food source , which is dung . 基本上它所有的能耐都是围绕着它的食物 也就是便便。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; dung:vt.施粪肥于;n.粪;
So the question is, where do we start this story? 现在,该如何开始说这个故事呢?
And it seems appropriate to start at the end, because this is a waste product that comes out of other animals, but it still contains nutrients and there are sufficient nutrients in there for dung beetles basically to make a living , and so dung beetles eat dung, and their larvae are also dung-feeders. 看起来从(别的动物的)排泄开始比较合适 因为便便就是其它动物的排泄废物, 但是它还是有营养成分的 对于蜣螂(屎壳郎)而言里面的营养成分 已经足够它们维持生命了 所以蜣螂靠吃便便生存, 它们的幼虫也靠吃便便生存。
appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; waste product:n.工业垃圾;(生产中的)无用副产品; nutrients:营养盐;[食品]营养素; sufficient:adj.足够的;充分的; beetles:n.甲虫;v.快速移动;(beetle的第三人称单数和复数) make a living:谋生,维持生活; larvae:n.幼虫;幼体(larva的复数形式);
They are grown completely in a ball of dung. 实际上它们就是在一个大粪球里长大的。
Within South Africa, we've got about 800 species of dung beetles, in Africa we've got 2,000 species of dung beetles, and in the world we have about 6,000 species of dung beetles. 在南非,人类已经发现了800种蜣螂 在全非洲则发现了2000种, 全球的蜣螂种类大概有6000种。
So, according to dung beetles, dung is pretty good. 所以,对蜣螂而言,便便味道是极好的。
according to:根据,据说;
Unless you're prepared to get dung under your fingernails and root through the dung itself, you'll never see 90 percent of the dung beetle species, because they go directly into the dung, 除非你下定决心用手把便便捡起来 并仔细的检查,否则你可能会漏掉 世界上90%的蜣螂物种, 因为它们会直接钻进便便里,
fingernails:n.手指甲;(fingernail的复数) directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就;
straight down below it, and then they shuttle back and forth between the dung at the soil surface and a nest they make underground. 直直地钻下去,一直钻到地面, 在地下造一个巢穴 然后在便便和巢穴之间来回穿梭。
shuttle back and forth:如梭来回;来回穿梭;
So the question is, how do they deal with this material? 现在的问题是,他们如何处理这些食材?
And most dung beetles actually wrap it into a package of some sort. 大多数蜣螂都会以某种方式把便便打包。
Ten percent of the species actually make a ball, and this ball they roll away from the dung source, usually bury it at a remote place away from the dung source, and they have a very particular behavior by which they are able to roll their balls. 大约10%的种类会把便便裹成一个球, 然后把这个粪球滚到别的地方去, 经常会离发现便便的地方远一点。 而它们在滚粪球这件事情上 真的有一些独门绝技。
bury:v.埋葬;隐藏; remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的;
So this is a very proud owner of a beautiful dung ball. 现在你看到的蜣螂有一个裹的很好看的粪球。
You can see it's a male because he's got a little hair on the back of his legs there, and he's clearly very pleased about what he's sitting on there. 从它腿后的一小撮毛可以看得出来 这是一只公蜣螂 而且显然它对于自己屁股下面的东西很满意
And then he's about to become a victim of a vicious smash-and-grab . (Laughter) 现在它马上就会遇到另一个坏蛋蜣螂 成为一个被抢劫的受害者。(观众笑)
victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者; vicious:adj.恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的; smash-and-grab:adj.砸橱窗抢劫的;n.砸橱窗抢劫;
And this is a clear indication that this is a valuable resource . 这也很清楚的体现出 粪球是一个价值很高的资源
indication:n.显示;表明;标示;象征; valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备);
And so valuable resources have to be looked after and guarded in a particular way, and we think the reason they roll the balls away is because of this, because of the competition that is involved in getting hold of that dung. 这么有价值的资源,需要用特殊的方法 小心的看护,而我们认为蜣螂之所以 要把(便便打包成)粪球推走也是因为这个原因, 因为如果想要占有整个粪堆的话, 打来打去是免不了的。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
So this dung pat was actually -- well, it was a dung pat 15 minutes before this photograph was taken, and we think it's the intense competition that makes the beetles so well-adapted to rolling balls of dung. 所以这个粪堆实际上——好吧,在照片拍摄的 15分钟之前它还是一个粪堆, 我们认为围绕粪堆的激烈斗争 造就了蜣螂非凡的 滚粪球的能力。
pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍; intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的;
So what you've got to imagine here is this animal here moving across the African veld. 你可以把蜣螂的旅程想象成 穿越非洲大草原。
Its head is down. It's walking backwards. 它的头是朝下的,而且是倒着走。
It's the most bizarre way to actually transport your food in any particular direction, and at the same time it's got to deal with the heat. 最古怪的地方是蜣螂如何能够控制粪球的方向, 同时还需要防止自己的头被烤熟了。
bizarre:adj.奇异的(指态度,容貌,款式等); transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
This is Africa. It's hot. 这是非洲,非常的热,
So what I want to share with you now are some of the experiments that myself and my colleagues have used to investigate how dung beetles deal with these problems. 现在我要跟大家分享的 是我自己和我的同事做过的一些实验 我们研究了蜣螂 是如何处理这些问题的。
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); investigate:v.调查;研究;审查;
So watch this beetle, and there's two things that I would like you to be aware of. 看这些蜣螂, 我希望你注意到两个细节。
The first is how it deals with this obstacle that we've put in its way. See, look, it does a little dance, and then it carries on in exactly the same direction that it took in the first place . 一是它如何处理我们 放在路上的障碍物。看,像是跳舞一样, 然后它继续照着它一开始的方向前进, 分毫不差。
obstacle:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;绊脚石; in the first place:首先;起初;
A little dance, and then heads off in a particular direction. 一小段舞蹈,然后又冲着一开始的方向。
So clearly this animal knows where it's going and it knows where it wants to go, and that's a very, very important thing, because if you think about it, you're at the dung pile , 非常明显这个小东西有方向感 而且知道要往哪里去。 这是非常、非常重要的一件事情 你自己想想看,你站在粪堆上,
you've got this great big pie that you want to get away from everybody else, and the quickest way to do it is in a straight line. 你现在有了一个粪球,而你想要它离别的蜣螂远远的, 最快的转移路线就是一条直线。
So we gave them some more tasks to deal with, and what we did here is we turned the world under their feet. And watch its response . 于是我们做了更多的实验, 我们把蜣螂脚下的地皮 挪了挪位置,然后看它的反应。
So this animal has actually had the whole world turned under its feet. It's turned by 90 degrees. 现在蜣螂所在的一小块范围 已经被我们转了90度。
But it doesn't flinch . It knows exactly where it wants to go, and it heads off in that particular direction. 它毫不畏惧,它清楚知道要往哪里走, 而且它转向了一个特定的方向。
So our next question then was, how are they doing this? 我们第二个问题是 它们怎么做到的?
What are they doing? And there was a cue that was available to us. 它们做了什么?有一条可能的线索。
It was that every now and then they'd climb on top of the ball and they'd take a look at the world around them. 它们经常需要爬到粪球的顶端 这样它们可以看到周边的环境。
every now and then:不时地;常常; take a look at:看一看;检查;
And what do you think they could be looking at as they climb on top of the ball? 这时候你可能会想它们爬上了粪球之后 能看到什么东西?
What are the obvious cues that this animal could use to direct its movement? And the most obvious one is to look at the sky, and so we thought, now what could they be looking at in the sky? 周围有什么“标志性建筑”让蜣螂能够 指引自己的方向?而最明显的地标 应该就是天空了。我们接着想, 现在(大白天)它们看天上能看到什么?
obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的; cues:n.开端,线索;提示,关键;球杆;诱因(cue的复数形式);
And the obvious thing to look at is the sun. 最显眼的就是太阳。
So a classic experiment here, in that what we did was we moved the sun. 于是我们做了一个经典实验, 我们移动了太阳的位置。
What we're going to do now is shade the sun with a board and then move the sun with a mirror to a completely different position. 我们现在用一块板把太阳遮起来 再用一块镜子把太阳 挪到另外一个位置。
And look at what the beetle does. 然后我们看这些蜣螂怎么办。
It does a little double dance, and then it heads back in exactly the same direction it went in the first place. 它调整了一下, 然后转到了跟原先的前进路线 完全相反的方向。
What happens now? So clearly they're looking at the sun. 这是怎么回事?这很明显的证明了它们靠太阳认路。
The sun is a very important cue in the sky for them. 对它们来说太阳是天上很重要的一个指引。
The thing is the sun is not always available to you, because at sunset it disappears below the horizon . 可是是太阳并不是一直挂在天上, 日落之后太阳就在地平线以下了。
sunset:adj.霞红色的; n.日落(时分); v.(使)定期届满废止; disappears:v.消失;不见;消亡;失踪;丢失;(disappear的第三人称单数) horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围;
What is happening in the sky here is that there's a great big pattern of polarized light in the sky that you and I can't see. It's the way our eyes are built. 在日落之后天空中 充满了大量的偏振光 这是我们人类的眼睛所看不到的。
polarized:v.(使)两极化,截然对立; (polarize的过去分词和过去式)
But the sun is at the horizon over here and we know that when the sun is at the horizon, say it's over on this side, there is a north-south , a huge pathway across the sky of polarized light that we can't see that the beetles can see. 现在太阳在远处的地平线上 我们知道太阳在地平线下时 我们假设在这个位置 这是北极和南极,偏振光沿着这条长长的路线贯穿天空 我们的眼睛看不到它们 但是蜣螂可以看到。
north-south:adj.纵贯的;n.北-南; pathway:n.路,道;途径,路径;
So how do we test that? Well, that's easy. 我们怎么证明这点?其实不难,
What we do is we get a great big polarization filter , pop the beetle underneath it, and the filter is at right angles to the polarization pattern of the sky. 我们找到一个很大的偏振光滤镜, 把它罩在蜣螂上面,把偏振光滤镜调整到 跟大气中的偏振光对应的角度
polarization:n.极化;偏振;两极分化; filter:n.滤波器;过滤器;滤光器;滤声器;v.过滤;渗入;(用程序)筛选;缓行; underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的;
The beetle comes out from underneath the filter and it does a right-hand turn, because it comes back under the sky that it was originally orientated to and then reorientates itself back to the direction it was originally going in. 蜣螂从我们的滤镜下面出来了 右转了一下 因为它重新看到了 没有被过滤的天空 于是它就又可以把自己的路线 调整到最初的前进方向上。
right-hand:adj.得力的;右手的,用右手的; originally:adv.原来;起初; orientated:v.朝向(orientate的过去式和过去分词);面向;确定方向;使适应;
So obviously beetles can see polarized light. 这个实验证明了蜣螂可以看到偏振光。
Okay, so what we've got so far is, what are beetles doing? They're rolling balls. 现在,让我们回顾一下, 蜣螂做什么事情?它们滚粪球。
How are they doing it? Well, they're rolling them in a straight line. 怎么滚粪球?它们沿着直线滚。
How are they maintaining it in a particular straight line? 它们怎么能滚出一条直线来?
Well, they're looking at celestial cues in the sky, some of which you and I can't see. 它们通过天上的太阳和偏振光线索进行定位。 有些线索我们人类看不见。
But how do they pick up those celestial cues? 但是它们是怎么感知到天上的各种天体信息的?
That was what was of interest to us next. 这是我们就接下来要关心的。
And it was this particular little behavior, the dance, that we thought was important, because look, it takes a pause every now and then, and then heads off in the direction that it wants to go in. 我们关心的就是这段舞蹈(调整方向的过程), 我们相信这个行为很重要,你看 它每次都会停下来,调整一下 然后朝着它想去的方向推进。
So what are they doing when they do this dance? 所以问题是它们在跳舞(调整)的时候做了什么?
How far can we push them before they will reorientate themselves? 在它们重新调整方向之前我们能够误导它们多远?
And in this experiment here, what we did was we forced them into a channel, and you can see he wasn't particularly forced into this particular channel, 在这个实验中,我们铺了一段管道 让蜣螂不知不觉的 走入这个特殊的管道
and we gradually displaced the beetle by 180 degrees until this individual ends up going in exactly the opposite direction that it wanted to go in, in the first place. 这个管道一点一点的让蜣螂改变方向, 最终让它转了180度的大弯 跟它刚进管道时的方向恰恰相反。
gradually:adv.渐渐地;逐步地; displaced:v.取代;替代;置换;迫使(某人)离开家园;转移;(displace的过去式和过去分词) individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
And let's see what his reaction is as he's headed through 90 degrees here, and now he's going to -- when he ends up down here, he's going to be 180 degrees in the wrong direction. 我们来看看它的反应: 现在它跟原来的方向偏了90度, 现在它正要——它在这里停了下来, 它已经跟原先的方向偏差了180度。
And see what his response is. 看它的反应
He does a little dance, he turns around, and heads back in this. He knows exactly where he's going. 它跳了一小段舞,它转了过来, 它开始往回推。它清楚的知道自己在干嘛。
He knows exactly what the problem is, and he knows exactly how to deal with it, and the dance is this transition behavior that allows them to reorientate themselves. 它清楚的知道哪里出了问题, 它也清楚的知道怎么处理这个问题。 而这种舞蹈本身就是调整自己的动作。 让它们可以重新确定方向。
So that's the dance, but after spending many years sitting in the African bush watching dung beetles on nice hot days, we noticed that there was another behavior associated with the dance behavior. 这就是蜣螂的舞蹈,但是我们花了这么多年 蹲在非洲那么热的灌木丛中观察蜣螂 我们除了发现蜣螂的舞蹈是用来调整方向 我们还发现了舞蹈的另一个用途。
bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的; associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式)
Every now and then, when they climb on top of the ball, they wipe their face. 时不时的,每当它们爬上粪球的顶端时, 它们都会擦自己的脸。
And you see him do it again. 再看一次,
Now we thought, now what could be going on here? 现在我们想,它这是在干什么?
Clearly the ground is very hot, and when the ground is hot, they dance more often, and when they do this particular dance, they wipe the bottom of their face. 现在地面很烫,而当地表很烫的时候, 它们跳舞就跳得频繁。当它们跳这种舞蹈时, 它们会擦自己的脸的底部
And we thought that it could be a thermoregulatory behavior. 我们猜想这可能属于体温调节的行为。
We thought that maybe what they're doing is trying to get off the hot soil and also spitting onto their face to cool their head down. 我们猜想它们之所以这么做是想要 把脸上滚烫的沙子擦掉并涂点吐沫 在自己头上降温。
So what we did was design a couple of arenas . 于是我们设计了两个实验场。
one was hot, one was cold. 一个温度很高,一个温度不高。
We shaded this one. We left that one hot. 我们遮起来这一块地,另一块什么也没遮。
And then what we did was we filmed them with a thermal camera. 接下来我们用热成像摄像头去拍摄蜣螂。
So what you're looking at here is a heat image of the system, and what you can see here emerging from the poo is a cool dung ball. 你现在看到的是我们实验的热成像图 你可以注意到在图像中 粪球的温度很低。
So the truth is, if you look at the temperature over here, dung is cool. (Laughter) 所以事实上就是,当你从温度的角度来看 便便太酷了(酷和冷都是“cool”)(观众笑)
So all we're interested in here is comparing the temperature of the beetle against the background. 当然我们最感兴趣的还是比较地表的温度 和蜣螂的温度差异。
So the background here is around about 50 degrees centigrade . 地表的温度大概是50摄氏度左右,
The beetle itself and the ball are probably around about 30 to 35 degrees centigrade, so this is a great big ball of ice cream that this beetle is now transporting across the hot veld. 蜣螂和粪球的温度大概处在 30到35摄氏度这个范围。 所以对于正在穿越炎热的“非洲大草原”的 蜣螂而言,粪球就是个巨无霸冰淇淋。
It isn't climbing. It isn't dancing, because its body temperature is actually relatively low. 它没有爬上粪球也没有跳舞, 因为它的温度已经相对较低了。
It's about the same as yours and mine. 它的体温跟你我都差不多。
And what's of interest here is that little brain is quite cool. 值得注意的是它的小脑袋温度非常的低。
But if we contrast now what happens in a hot environment, look at the temperature of the soil. 但是如果同样的事情发生在炎热的环境中, 看看这边地表的温度,
It's up around 55 to 60 degrees centigrade. 大概在55到60摄氏度之间。
Watch how often the beetle dances. 注意看蜣螂开始频繁的跳舞。
And look at its front legs. They're roaringly hot. 注意它的前腿,非常的热。
So the ball leaves a little thermal shadow, and the beetle climbs on top of the ball and wipes its face, and all the time it's trying to cool itself down, we think, and avoid the hot sand that it's walking across. 粪球提供了一个降温场所, 我们认为蜣螂之所以爬上粪球, 擦自己的脸是为了让自己凉快一些, 并把前进过程中沾上的热沙去掉。
And what we did then was put little boots on these legs, because this was a way to test if the legs were involved in sensing the temperature of the soil. 然后我们给蜣螂穿上了特制的小鞋子, 希望搞清楚蜣螂是不是 用它的前腿来检测地表的温度。
And if you look over here, with boots they climb onto the ball far less often when they had no boots on. 看这里你能发现,穿了鞋子的蜣螂比没穿鞋子的 爬上粪球的次数要少了很多。
So we described these as cool boots. 我们叫这些小鞋子为“清凉靴”。
It was a dental compound that we used to make these boots. 鞋子的原料是从一个牙印胶膜上剪的,
dental:n.牙医;[语]齿音;;adj.牙齿的;牙科的;齿音的; compound:v.合成; adj.混合; n.大院;
And we also cooled down the dung ball, so we were able to put the ball in the fridge, gave them a nice cool dung ball, and they climbed onto that ball far less often than when they had a hot ball. 我们还把它们的粪球放在冰箱里面冷冻, 给蜣螂提供一个冰爽可口的冰淇淋粪球, 我们发现相比热腾腾的粪球, 它们爬上粪球的次数少了很多。
So this is called stilting. It's a thermal behavior that you and I do if we cross the beach, we jump onto a towel, somebody has this towel -- "Sorry, I've jumped onto your towel." -- 这种手法叫“踩高跷”。这跟你我穿过沙滩时 避免脚被烫到的行为是类似的, 我们跳上一条毛巾,不知道谁的毛巾 —— “抱歉,我踩到了你的毛巾。”——
and then you scuttle across onto somebody else's towel, and that way you don't burn your feet. 然后你又跳到另一个人的毛巾上, 这样你就不会烫到自己的脚了。
And that's exactly what the beetles are doing here. 蜣螂也是这么做的。
However, there's one more story I'd like to share with you, and that's this particular species. 我还有一个好玩的事情要跟你们分享, 关于这个特别的品种。
It's from a genus called Pachysoma. 这个物种属于“Pachysoma”属。
There are 13 species in the genus, and they have a particular behavior that I think you will find interesting. “Pachysoma”属包含13个不同的物种, 它们有种行为很特别,我想你会很感兴趣。
This is a dung beetle. Watch what he's doing. 看这只蜣螂,注意看它在干嘛。
Can you spot the difference? 你看到不同了么?
They don't normally go this slowly. It's in slow motion . 它们运动的比看起来要快很多,现在是慢速播放。
normally:adv.正常地;通常地,一般地; slow motion:adj.缓慢的;慢动作的;高速度摄影的;
but it's walking forwards, and it's actually taking a pellet of dry dung with it. 它在向前走, 事实上它随身带了一个粪丸子。
This is a different species in the same genus but exactly the same foraging behavior. 虽然这是同一属中不同的物种, 但是觅食行为都是完全一致的。
There's one more interesting aspect of this dung beetle's behavior that we found quite fascinating, and that's that it forages and provisions a nest. 这只蜣螂还有一个有意思的地方 就是它会建立巢穴并存储粮食, 这让我们觉得很神奇。
aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; forages:n.饲料;草料;搜索;vi.搜寻粮草;搜寻; provisions:n.规定(provision的复数); v.供应补给品;
So watch this individual here, and what he's trying to do is set up a nest. 注意看这只,它正打算 做一个窝。
And he doesn't like this first position, but he comes up with a second position, and about 50 minutes later, that nest is finished, and he heads off to forage and provision at a pile of dry dung pellets . 然后它不满意它一开始选的地方, 它找到了第二个地段 50分钟后,窝建好了。 然后它开始外出寻找食物 并囤积了大量的粪丸子。
And what I want you to notice is the outward path compared to the homeward path, and compare the two. 我想让你注意的是它出去的路径 和回来的时候走的路径。对比一下。
outward:n.外表; adj.表面的; v.同"outwards.outwardandhomeward"; compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词) homeward:adv.在归途上,向家地;adj.在归途上的,向家的;
And by and large , you'll see that the homeward path is far more direct than the outward path. 从总体上看,你会意识到它回家的路线 要比外出的路线更加像是直线。
by and large:大体上,总的来说;
On the outward path, he's always on the lookout for a new blob of dung. 当外出觅食时,它总是东张西望的 寻找新的便便。
on the lookout for:寻觅;注视着,警惕着; blob:n.一滴;一抹;v.弄脏;把…做错;得零分;
On the way home, he knows where home is, and he wants to go straight to it. 回家的路上,它知道家在哪里, 而且它想走直线回家。
The important thing here is that this is not a one-way trip, as in most dung beetles. The trip here is repeated back and forth between a provisioning site and a nest site. 这点很重要,与其它绝大多数蜣螂的单向旅程不同, 这只蜣螂的需要在食物来源 和自己的巢穴之间反复来回。
one-way:adj.单程的;单行道的;单方面的; provisioning:n.准备金提取;v.供应补给品(provision的ing形式); site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址;
And watch, you're going to see another South African crime taking place right now. (Laughter) 注意看,另一场发生在南非的 犯罪行为正在进行。(观众笑)
And his neighbor steals one of his dung pellets. 它的邻居偷了它的一个粪丸子。
So what we're looking at here is a behavior called path integration . 我们刚才观察到的行为 称为“路径整合(path integration)”。
And what's taking place is that the beetle has got a home spot, it goes out on a convoluted path looking for food, and then when it finds food, it heads straight home. It knows exactly where its home is. 这个的意思是说蜣螂 知道巢穴的位置,它沿着弯弯绕绕的路线 寻找食物,一旦它找到了食物, 它沿着直线返回巢穴。它清楚的知道家在哪里。
Now there's two ways it could be doing that, and we can test that by displacing the beetle to a new position when it's at the foraging site. 有两种方式可以做到这一点, 我们可以通过挪动蜣螂巢穴位置的办法 来确定它使用的是哪种方式。
If it's using landmarks , it will find its home. 如果它使用的是地标信息,那么它会找到自己的巢穴;
If it is using something called path integration, it will not find its home. It will arrive at the wrong spot, and what it's doing here if it's using path integration is it's counting its steps or measuring the distance out in this direction. 反之如果使用的是路径整合, 它就会找不到,跑到一个错误的位置去。 在这里使用“路径整合”的意思是指 它记得走过的步数或走过的距离。
It knows the bearing home, and it knows it should be in that direction. 它知道家的方向,知道应该往那里走。
If you displace it, it ends up in the wrong place . 如果巢穴被挪动,它将会走到错误的地方。
in the wrong place:不合适的地方;
So let's see what happens when we put this beetle to the test with a similar experiment. 现在我们来看看这个蜣螂 在相似的实验中如何反应。
So here's our cunning experimenter. 这就是我们狡猾的实验员
He displaces the beetle, and now we have to see what is going to take place . 它转移了蜣螂, 我们看看接下来会发生什么
displaces:vt.取代;置换;转移;把…免职;排水; take place:发生;举行;
What we've got is a burrow . That's where the forage was. 这是一个巢穴,食物就放在里面。
The forage has been displaced to a new position. 食物被移动到了一个新的位置
If he's using landmark orientation , he should be able to find the burrow, because he'll be able to recognize the landmarks around it. 如果它使用的地标导向 它应该可以找到巢穴 因为它能够识别洞穴周围的地标
orientation:n.方向;定向;适应;情况介绍;向东方; recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;
If he's using path integration, then it should end up in the wrong spot over here. 如果它使用的是路径整合 它应该跑到一个错误的地方去
So let's watch what happens when we put the beetle through the whole test. 现在让我们来考验一下蜣螂 看看会发生哪种情况。
So there he is there. 现在它跑到了那里
He's about to head home, and look what happens. 它本打算冲着巢穴的方向,但是看看结果。
Shame. 丢人啦。
It hasn't a clue . 它没有头绪。
It starts to search for its house in the right distance away from the food, but it is clearly completely lost. 它开始寻找巢穴的地点跟食物来源的相对距离是正确的 但是显然它已经彻底迷路了。
So we know now that this animal uses path integration to find its way around, and the callous experimenter leads it top left and leaves it. (Laughter) 现在我们知道这种蜣螂是通过路径整合 来找到回家的路,但是我们无情的实验员 把它骗到了左上角然后抛弃了它。(观众笑)
So what we're looking at here are a group of animals that use a compass , and they use the sun as a compass to find their way around, and they have some sort of system for measuring that distance, and we know that these species here actually 所以我们现在看到的这些动物 它们会辨方向,它们使用太阳作为自己的指南针 来寻找它们的路, 它们还拥有某种形式上的 距离测算系统 我们知道这些动物能够记住自己走过的步数
count the steps. That's what they use as an odometer , a step-counting system, to find their way back home. 它们用步数统计作为自己的里程表 来找到它们回家的路。
We don't know yet what dung beetles use. 我们还不知道蜣郎是怎么做到的。
So what have we learned from these animals with a brain that's the size of a grain of rice? 我们从这种动物脑袋只有米粒那么大的 动物身上能够学习到什么?
Well, we know that they can roll balls in a straight line using celestial cues. 嗯,我们知道它们能借助天空中的天体线索 沿直线推球
We know that the dance behavior is an orientation behavior and it's also a thermoregulation behavior, and we also know that they use a path integration system for finding their way home. 我们知道它们的舞蹈是一种定向行为 也是一种温度控制行为 我们还知道它们使用路径整合系统 来找到它们回家的路。
So for a small animal dealing with a fairly revolting substance we can actually learn an awful lot from these things doing behaviors that you and I couldn't possibly do. 所以,从这种成天跟便便打交道的小动物身上 我们可以学习到很多令人敬畏的技能 这些技能是你我都做不到的。
fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; revolting:adj.令人作呕的;极其讨厌的;v.反抗,反叛;叛逆;(revolt的现在分词) substance:n.物质;实质;主旨;物品;
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢大家。(鼓掌)