

So the type of magic I like, and I'm a magician, is a magic that uses technology to create illusions . 我是个魔术师,我喜欢的魔术类型 是用科技创造 错觉的魔术
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; illusions:n.幻想;错觉;幻觉;幻影(illusion的复数)
So I would like to show you something I've been working on. 所以我想给大家展示一下我所从事的事情
It's an application that I think will be useful for artists -- multimedia artists in particular . 这是个应用软件 我觉得它对艺术家们有用-- 特别多媒体艺术家
application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用; multimedia:n.多媒体;adj.多媒体的; in particular:尤其,特别;
It synchronizes videos across multiple screens of mobile devices . 它能在几个移动设备之间 进行多屏幕视频同步
synchronizes:v.同时化; (synchronize的第三人称单数); multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
And I borrowed these three iPods from people here in the audience to show you what I mean. 我向在座的观众 借了这三台ipod 协助我进行表演
And I'm going to use them to tell you a little bit about my favorite subject: deception . 我将通过它们来向大家讲述 一点我最喜欢的一个主题 欺骗
(Music) (音乐)
One of my favorite magicians is Karl Germain. 我最喜欢的一个魔术师 是 卡尔·戈尔门
He had this wonderful trick where a rosebush would bloom right in front of your eyes. 他变过一个很棒的戏法 让蔷薇花 在你眼前盛开
rosebush:n.蔷薇丛;玫瑰丛;灌木; bloom:v.盛开;开花;繁殖;繁盛;n.水华;风华正茂;霜;青春;
But it was his production of a butterfly that was the most beautiful. 但最厉害的是他变出了一只蝴蝶 那才是最美的
(Recording) Announcer : Ladies and gentlemen, the creation of life. (录音)旁白:女士们 先生们 生命的创造
Announcer:n.[广播]广播员;宣告者; creation:n.创造,创作;创作物,产物;
(Applause) (鼓掌)
(Music) (音乐)
Marco Tempest : When asked about deception, he said this: 马可·坦布斯特: 当问及欺骗时 他这样说:
Announcer: Magic is the only honest profession . 旁白:魔术是唯一诚实的职业
A magician promises to deceive you -- and he does. 魔术师承诺要欺骗你-- 他做到了
MT: I like to think of myself as an honest magician. 马可:我觉得自己是个诚实的魔术师
I use a lot of tricks, which means that sometimes I have to lie to you. 我用到许多手法 也就是说 有时我不得不对大家撒谎
Now I feel bad about that. 现在我对此有点于心不安
But people lie every day. 但是人们每天都在撒谎
(Ringing) Hold on. (电话铃声)稍等
Girl in Phone: Hey, where are you? 女士来电:嘿,你在哪?
MT: Stuck in traffic. I'll be there soon. 马可:我正堵在路上,马上到
You've all done it. 你们一定也说过类似的谎
(Laughter) (笑声)
Lady: I'll be ready in just a minute, darling. 女士:我马上就好,亲爱的
Man: It's just what I've always wanted. 男士:这正是我一直想要的
Woman: You were great. 女士:你真了不起
MT: Deception, it's a fundamental part of life. 马可:欺骗 这是我们生活重要的一部分
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
Now polls show that men tell twice as many lies as women -- assuming the women they ask told the truth. 调查显示 男人说谎的次数是女人的 两倍-- 假设受访的女性没说谎的话
polls:n.民意调查; v.对…进行民意测验,使投票(poll的单三形式); assuming:conj.假设…为真; adj.傲慢的; v.假定; (assume的现在分词)
(Laughing) (笑声)
We deceive to gain advantage and to hide our weaknesses. 我们通过欺骗获得优势 同时隐藏我们的缺点
The Chinese general Sun Tzu said that all war was based on deception. 中国的军事家孙子 认为所有的战争 都是基于欺骗
Oscar Wilde said the same thing of romance . 奥斯卡·王尔德 认为浪漫也是如此
Some people deceive for money. 有些人 为了钱从事行骗
Let's play a game. 让我们做个游戏
Three cards, three chances. 三张牌,三次机会
Announcer: One five will get you 10, 10 will get you 20. 旁白:押五收益为10,押10得20
Now where's the lady? 红桃Q在哪里?
Where is the queen? 哪张是皇后?
MT: This one? 马可:这张?
Sorry. You lose. 不好意思,你输了
Well, I didn't deceive you. 我并没有欺骗你
You deceived yourself. 你自己欺骗了自己
Self-deception . 自我欺骗
That's when we convince ourselves that a lie is the truth. 当我们自己说服了自己时 谎言就是事实
Sometimes it's hard to tell the two apart. 有时很难分清谎言和事实
Compulsive gamblers are experts at self-deception. 沉迷于赌博的人 很善于自我欺骗
Compulsive:adj.强制的;强迫的; gamblers:n.赌徒;投机者(gambler的复数);
(Slot machine noise) (老虎机的声音)
They believe they can win. 他们坚信他们能赢
They forget the times they lose. 却忘记已经输了多少次了
The brain is very good at forgetting. 人的大脑是很健忘的
Bad experiences are quickly forgotten. 对于不好的经历忘记的更快
Bad experiences quickly disappear . 不好的经历 快速消失
Which is why in this vast and lonely cosmos , we are so wonderfully optimistic . 这就是为什么在这个庞大而又孤独的宇宙中 人类是如此的乐观的原因
cosmos:n.宇宙;和谐;秩序;大波斯菊; wonderfully:adv.精彩地;惊人地;极好地; optimistic:adj.乐观的;乐观主义的;
Our self-deception becomes a positive illusion -- why movies are able to take us onto extraordinary adventures; why we believe Romeo when he says he loves Juliet; and why single notes of music, when played together, become a sonata and conjure up meaning. 我们的自我欺骗 变成了一种积极的错觉-- 为什么电影 可以把我们带入奇妙的冒险中 为什么我们相信罗密欧 当他说他爱朱丽叶的时候 为什么单个音符 当演奏在一起的时候 就变成了奏鸣曲并被赋予了含义
positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; Romeo:n.年轻的男情人;风流放荡的男子; sonata:n.奏鸣曲; conjure up:想起,使在脑海中显现;用魔法召唤;
That's "Clair de Lune ." 月光曲
Its composer called Debussy said that art was the greatest deception of all. 它的作曲家是德彪西 认为艺术 是世上最伟大的欺骗
Art is a deception that creates real emotions -- a lie that creates a truth. 艺术是创造了 真实情感的欺骗-- 一个创造了真实的谎言
And when you give yourself over to that deception, it becomes magic. 当你让自己沉浸在这种骗局之中的时候 就成为了魔术
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. Thank you very much. 谢谢,非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)