

No one can explain what happened to us on April 7, 2013. 没人能解释2013年4月7日我们发生了什么
Some people called it impossible. 有些人认为不可能
Others called it a miracle . 有些人则认为是奇迹
All I know is...it was the day my life changed forever. 我只知道 那一天彻底改变了我的人生
If you'd seen us that afternoon, you probably would have thought we looked like a typical American family returning home from vacation. 如果你在那天下午见到我们 也许会认为我们是典型的 一户美国家庭 刚结束旅行准备回家
My brother, Ben, and his wife, Grace , still in love after 15 years. 我哥哥本和他妻子格蕾丝 结婚十五年依然相爱如初
Their twins, Olive and Cal, always bickering like an old married couple. 他们的龙凤胎宝贝 奥莉芙和卡尔 像老夫老妻一样争吵不休
Olive:n.橄榄;橄榄树;橄榄色;adj.橄榄的;橄榄色的; bickering:v.(为小事)斗嘴,争吵;(bicker的现在分词)
And the real old married couple -- my parents. 而真正的老夫老妻 我的父母
Still in perfect health, still trying to run my life. 依然很健康 并努力插手我的生活
It's not just about you. 这不仅仅是关于你
This family needs something to celebrate. 我们大伙儿需要一个由头庆祝一下
Okay, that's a pretty backwards reason for a wedding, but... 这个结婚的理由太本末倒置了吧 但是
How's this for a reason? 那这个理由如何
Jared loves you. 杰瑞德爱你
And I know you love him. 我知道你也爱他
Typical, right? 很典型 是吧
But what you couldn't see is that Cal's leukemia wasn't responding to treatment ... 但你看不到的是 卡尔的白血病治疗并不起作用
leukemia:n.[内科][肿瘤]白血病; responding:v.响应;作出反应;反应灵敏;(respond的现在分词) treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;
or that Ben and Grace were desperately struggling to find a cure... 或是本和格蕾丝 绞尽脑汁想找到治疗方法
or that I still had nightmares about the car accident. 或是我依旧会做关于车祸的噩梦
Michaela Beth, even people that have made mistakes deserve happiness. 米凯拉.贝丝 犯过错的人 也可以幸福
You know my favorite verse - 你知道我最爱的经文是
I don't believe that anymore, Mom. How can I? 我不再相信了 妈 我怎么能再信呢
Which is why, when I got the chance to stay away from home for even a few more hours, I jumped at it. 所以当我有机会能够与他们分开 哪怕几小时 我也马上抓住了机会
All passengers for Flight 537 to New York, John F. Kennedy Airport , your attention, please. This flight is oversold . 前往纽约肯尼迪机场的旅客请注意 您乘坐的537航班已超售
Airport:n.机场;航空港; oversold:v.向…销售过多;
We are offering travel vouchers in the amount of $400 for anyone willing to take a later flight. 我们现在提供四百美元的旅行代金券 给愿意乘坐下一趟航班的旅客
Yes. That's me. 太好了 我晚点走
No. - It's $400 per person. 别去 -那可是每人四百呢
That's our next trip down to the Mayo Clinic . 下次去梅奥诊所的钱就出来了
I'll stay with Dad. 我要跟爸爸一起
There you go. Man time. 这才对嘛 父子时光
All right. - All right. 好 -一会儿见
So Grace and Olive and my folks took the first flight home while Ben and Cal and I waited for Flight 828. 因此格蕾丝和奥莉芙还有我父母坐了第一趟航班 而本 卡尔和我则坐上了828航班
Funny how one little decision can ruin your life. 一个小小的决定竟会毁了你的一生
But also save it. 但同时也拯救了自己
Peanuts ? You're welcome. 要花生吗 不客气
Ma'am, would you like peanuts? 女士 您要花生米吗
Do you have anything sodium-free? 你有什么不含盐的零食吗
Peanuts? 要花生吗
Mom's not wrong. Jared's not gonna wait around forever. 妈说得没错 杰瑞德不会一直等你
wait around:呆呆地等;空等;
Great marriage pep talk . Thank you. 你这结婚动员做得不错啊 谢了
pep talk:n.打气的话;激励人心的话;
Why are you fighting this when all it's gonna do is make you happy? 你为什么这么抗拒 这一切不都是为了让你幸福吗
It's all we want for you. 我们也都希望你幸福
That was really sweet of you. You must be drunk. 你可真是好心 你肯定醉了