

Allow me to start this talk with a question to everyone. 在開始之前我想問大家一個問題
You know that all over the world, people fight for their freedom, fight for their rights. 你知道全世界的人都在為自己爭取自由 你知道全世界的人都在為自己爭取自由 爭取權益
Some battle oppressive governments. 有些人是跟強制的政府抗爭
Others battle oppressive societies. 有些人所對抗的是強勢的社會體制
Which battle do you think is harder? 你認為哪個比較難對付
Allow me to try to answer this question in the few coming minutes. 我將會用接下來的時間來試著回答這個問題 我將會用接下來的時間來試著回答這個問題
Let me take you back two years ago in my life. 請讓我帶大家回到兩年前
It was the bedtime of my son, Aboody. 那是我兒子 Aboody 晚上睡覺前
He was five at the time. 他當時五歲
After finishing his bedtime rituals, he looked at me and he asked a question: "Mommy, are we bad people?" 就在準備上床睡覺前 他看著我並問了一個問題 媽媽, 我們是壞人嗎?
I was shocked. 我著實嚇了一跳
'"Why do you say such things, Aboody?" 你怎麼會這麼說呢, Aboody?
Earlier that day, I noticed some bruises on his face when he came from school. 那天下午他放學回家時我發現他臉上有些瘀青 那天下午他放學回家時我發現他臉上有些瘀青
bruises:v.(使)出现伤痕; n.碰伤; (bruise的第三人称单数和复数)
He wouldn't tell me what happened. 他原本不願意告訴我發生了什麼事
[But now] he was ready to tell. [但那當下] 他想告訴我了
'"Two boys hit me today in school. 今天學校裡有兩個男生打我
They told me, 'We saw your mom on Facebook. 他們告訴我說: 我們在臉書上看見你媽媽
You and your mom should be put in jail .'" 你跟你媽媽都應該被抓去關
I've never been afraid to tell Aboody anything. 我從來沒有隱瞞過 Aboody 任何事情
I've been always a proud woman of my achievements. 對於我的成就我總是相當自豪
But those questioning eyes of my son were my moment of truth , when it all came together. 但那天我兒子看著我的質疑眼神 是我不得不面對事實的時候 是我不得不面對事實的時候
moment of truth:关键时刻;斗牛中的最后一剑;
You see, I'm a Saudi woman who had been put in jail for driving a car in a country where women are not supposed to drive cars. 我是個曾經坐過牢的阿拉伯婦女 因為我在一個 不允許女性開車的國家裡開了車
Saudi:adj.沙乌地阿拉伯(人或语)的;n.沙乌地阿拉伯人; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
Just for giving me his car keys, my own brother was detained twice, and he was harassed to the point he had to quit his job as a geologist , leave the country with his wife and two-year-old son. 而我的親哥哥被拘留了兩次 只因為他把他的車鑰匙給了我 甚至因為他不斷地被騷擾 他不得不辭去他地理學家的工作 並帶著他的妻子跟兩歲大的孩子遠走他鄉
detained:v.拘留;扣押;留住;阻留;(detain的过去分词和过去式) harassed:adj.疲惫焦虑的;v.侵扰;骚扰;不断攻击(敌人);(harass的过去分词和过去式) quit:v.离开;放弃;停止;使…解除;n.离开;[计]退出;adj.摆脱了…的;已经了结的; geologist:n.地质学家,地质学者;
My father had to sit in a Friday sermon listening to the imam condemning women drivers and calling them prostitutes amongst tons of worshippers , some of them our friends and family of my own father. 我的父親則必須參加禮拜五的一場伊斯蘭教聚會 聽伊瑪目(伊斯蘭教對領袖之尊稱)指責開過車的女性 並在許多來參加聚會的人面前聽他用妓女來稱呼她們 並在許多來參加聚會的人面前聽他用妓女來稱呼她們 當中不乏是我父親的朋友或甚至是家人
sermon:n.布道;讲道;冗长的说教; imam:n.伊玛目;(伊斯兰的)阿訇; condemning:n.谴责;处刑;v.谴责;(condemn的现在分词) prostitutes:n.卖淫者;妓女v.滥用才能;出卖肉体(prostitute的第三人称单数和复数) amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); worshippers:n.崇拜者;礼拜者;爱慕者;
I was faced with an organized defamation campaign in the local media combined with false rumors shared in family gatherings , in the streets and in schools. 我當時所面對的是一連串有組織性的毀謗 包括當地媒體報出了可能是親戚或街坊鄰居謠傳的不實報導 包括當地媒體報出了可能是親戚或街坊鄰居謠傳的不實報導 就連在學校裡也不得平靜
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) defamation:n.诽谤;中伤; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; rumors:n.谣传,流言(rumor的复数);v.谣传(rumor的第三人称单数); gatherings:n.聚会;集会;收集;采集;(gathering的复数)
It all hit me. 在在地都打擊了我
It came into focus that those kids did not mean to be rude to my son. 我知道那些孩子並不是故意要對我兒子動粗 我知道那些孩子並不是故意要對我兒子動粗
They were just influenced by the adults around them. 他們只是被週遭的大人給影響了
And it wasn't about me, and it wasn't a punishment for taking the wheel and driving a few miles. 而那也不是針對我個人 或對我開車這個舉動的一個懲罰
It was a punishment for daring to challenge the society's rules. 而是針對我竟敢挑戰並違反了社會規範的處罰 而是針對我竟敢挑戰並違反了社會規範的處罰
But my story goes beyond this moment of truth of mine. 但是這個故事並未就此打住
Allow me to give you a briefing about my story. 請讓我繼續跟各位說明 這整個故事的全貌
It was May, 2011, and I was complaining to a work colleague about the harassments I had to face trying to find a ride back home, although I have a car and an international driver's license. 那是 2011 年的五月 我在跟一個工作上的同事抱怨 提到了我所在面對的惱人的事 只為了可以搭個便車回家 雖然我明明自己就有台車跟一張國際通用的駕照
complaining:adj.抱怨的;v.抱怨;控诉;(complain的现在分词) colleague:n.同事,同僚; harassments:n.骚扰;烦恼;
As long as I've known, women in Saudi Arabia have been always complaining about the ban , but it's been 20 years since anyone tried to do anything about it, a whole generation ago. 就我所了解的 所有在沙烏地阿拉伯的女性都對這個禁令很感冒 但是二十幾年來都是如此 老一輩的人也就這麼過了現在又能怎麼辦呢 老一輩的人也就這麼過了現在又能怎麼辦呢
As long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; Arabia:n.阿拉伯半岛(亚洲西南部,等于ArabianPeninsula); ban:v.下令禁止;查禁;n.禁令;
He broke the good/bad news in my face. 他當著我的面說了這個不知算好還算壞的消息
'"But there is no law banning you from driving." 反正又沒有明文規定你不能開車
I looked it up, and he was right. 我抬起了頭,他說得對
There wasn't an actual law in Saudi Arabia. 沙烏地阿拉伯並沒有這麼一條法律
It was just a custom and traditions that are enshrined in rigid religious fatwas and imposed on women. 這不過是一個傳統在被神聖化之後便成了一道不可違背的教令 這不過是一個傳統在被神聖化之後便成了一道不可違背的教令 而且是「女性限定版」
enshrined:把…置于神龛内;把…奉若神;珍藏;铭记(enshrine的过去式和过去分词); rigid:adj.严格的;僵硬的,死板的;坚硬的;精确的; religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑; fatwas:n.法学家的裁决; imposed:adj.强加的;施加的;应用的;v.欺骗(impose的过去分词);把…强加于;
That realization ignited the idea of June 17, where we encouraged women to take the wheel and go drive. 這個領悟促成了六月十七號的活動發想 我們鼓勵所有的女性在當天開車 而且是開上街頭
realization:n.实现;领悟; ignited:v.(使)燃烧,着火;点燃;(ignite的过去分词和过去式) take the wheel:开车,掌控方向;
It was a few weeks later, we started receiving all these "Man wolves will rape you if you go and drive." 幾個禮拜之後我們開始接到這類的警告 妳要是開車出門小心男性之狼找上妳
A courageous woman, her name is Najla Hariri, she's a Saudi woman in the city of Jeddah, she drove a car and she announced but she didn't record a video. 有位勇敢的女性她的名字是 Najla Hariri 她住在沙烏地阿拉伯的吉達 她公開表示自己開了車 但她並沒有錄影下來
We needed proof . 我們需要有東西可以證實
So I drove. I posted a video on YouTube. 所以我就開車出去並且在 YouTube 上面上傳了一段影片
And to my surprise, it got hundreds of thousands of views the first day. 令我驚訝的是 影片上傳的第一天就有上萬人點閱
What happened next, of course? 可想而知接下來會發生什麼事呢?
I started receiving threats to be killed, raped , just to stop this campaign. 我開始受到威脅跟恐嚇 說他們要殺了我或強暴我為的就是讓我不再進行這個活動
The Saudi authorities remained very quiet. 當時沙國的相關當局一直保持沉默
That really creeped us out. 但我們反而越挫越勇
I was in the campaign with other Saudi women and even men activists. 我與其他的一些行動主義份子我們當中不乏女性或甚至男性參與 我與其他的一些行動主義份子我們當中不乏女性或甚至男性參與
We wanted to know how the authorities would respond on the actual day, June 17, when women go out and drive. 我們想要知道 要是女人真的都開車出門政府究竟會如何回應當天的行動 要是女人真的都開車出門政府究竟會如何回應當天的行動
So this time I asked my brother to come with me and drive by a police car . 所以我找了我的哥哥 跟我一起不過我們坐的是警車
police car:警察巡逻车;
It went fast. We were arrested, signed a pledge not to drive again, released . 一切都發生的如此迅速我們先是被逮捕 發誓不會再開車之後就被釋放
pledge:n.誓言;保证;抵押;抵押品;v.保证给予(或做);正式承诺;抵押; released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式)
Arrested again, he was sent to detention for one day, and I was sent to jail. 但很快又被抓了他被拘留了一個晚上 而我則是直接進了監牢
I wasn't sure why I was sent there, because I didn't face any charges in the interrogation . 其實我不太清楚我怎麼會被關起來的 因為在我被問訊的時候並沒有任何的指控
But what I was sure of was my innocence . 但我可以肯定的是我並沒有犯任何的罪
I didn't break a law, and I kept my abaya — it's a black cloak we wear in Saudi Arabia before we leave the house — and my fellow prisoners kept asking me to take it off, but I was so sure of my innocence, I kept saying, "No, I'm leaving today." 我並沒有犯法我的衣著也是符合規條的 就是沙烏地阿拉伯的女性出門必須穿的一件黑色外衣 跟我關在一起的人不斷地叫我把它脫下來 但我清楚知道自己是清白的我只有不斷地說 不, 我今天就可以離開這裡的
abaya:n.毛织物;(阿拉伯式)长袍; cloak:n.斗蓬;宽大外衣;托词;vt.遮掩;隐匿;
Outside the jail, the whole country went into a frenzy , some attacking me badly, and others supportive and even collecting signatures in a petition to be sent to the king to release me. 在監獄的外頭全國上下都陷入了一陣狂熱 有些人氣急敗壞地攻擊我 也有些支持我的人開始進行連署 希望沙國國王可以釋放我
frenzy:n.狂暴;狂怒;暴怒;v.使发狂;使狂怒; supportive:adj.支持的;支援的;赞助的; signatures:n.签名;鲜明特征(signature的复数); petition:n.请愿;请愿书;祈求;[法]诉状;vi.请愿;请求;vt.请愿;请求;恳求;
I was released after nine days. 九天之後我被放出來
June 17 comes. 到了六月十七號這一天
The streets were packed with police cars and religious police cars, but some hundred brave Saudi women broke the ban and drove that day. 街頭上到處都是警車 也有伊斯蘭教警車 但仍是有上百名無懼的阿拉伯婦女 在那天打破了規條開車出門
None were arrested. We broke the taboo . 而且沒有一個人被捕我們打破了這個禁忌
(Applause) (掌聲)
So I think by now, everyone knows that we can't drive, or women are not allowed to drive, in Saudi Arabia, but maybe few know why. 所以我想到目前為止各位都知道了我們不能開車出門 或者沙烏地阿拉伯的女性不能開車出門 但或許沒幾個人知道到底為什麼
Allow me to help you answer this question. 我想我可以為大家回答這個問題
There was this official study that was presented to the Shura Council -- it's the consultative council appointed by the king in Saudi Arabia — and it was done by a local professor, a university professor. 有一份在沙國諮議會中提出的官方研究報告 有一份在沙國諮議會中提出的官方研究報告 諮議會是由沙國國王欽定的 諮議會是由沙國國王欽定的 這個調查是由一位當地的教授完成的 他是位大學教授
official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; Shura:n.舒拉(伊斯兰政治协商制度,具体指阿富汗人民立法会议); Council:n.(市、郡等的)政务委员会;市政(或地方管理)服务机构; consultative:adj.咨询的; appointed:adj.(时间)指定的,约定的; v.任命; (appoint的过去分词和过去式)
He claims it's done based on a UNESCO study. 他表示這份研究報告是參考一份聯合國文教會的報告寫成
claims:v.宣称; n.声明; (claim的第三人称单数和复数)
And the study states, the percentage of rape, adultery , illegitimate children, even drug abuse , prostitution in countries where women drive is higher than countries where women don't drive. 而報告指出 性侵事件、婚外情、私生子甚至濫用藥物或賣淫的比例 性侵事件、婚外情、私生子甚至濫用藥物或賣淫的比例 在女性可以開車的國家裡比女性不能開車的國家還要高 在女性可以開車的國家裡比女性不能開車的國家還要高
percentage:n.百分比;百分率;利润的分成;提成; adultery:n.通奸,通奸行为; illegitimate:adj.私生的;非法的;不合理的;vt.认做私生子;认为违法;n.非嫡出子;庶子; abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂; prostitution:n.卖淫;滥用;出卖灵魂;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
I know, I was like this, I was shocked. 我知道我也是不敢相信
I was like, "We are the last country in the world where women don't drive." 我想:除了我們也沒有別的國家女性是不能開車了啊 我想:除了我們也沒有別的國家女性是不能開車了啊
So if you look at the map of the world, that only leaves two countries: 所以如果你看這張世界地圖 也就只有兩種國家
Saudi Arabia, and the other society is the rest of the world. 沙烏地阿拉伯跟世界上的其他國家
We started a hashtag on Twitter mocking the study, and it made headlines around the world. 我們在推特上發了一篇嘲諷這個研究報告的文章 那篇文章上了國際頭版
hashtag:n.标签; mocking:adj.嘲弄的;v.嘲笑(mock的现在分词);
[BBC News: 'End of virginity' if women drive, Saudi cleric warns] [BBC新聞: 沙國宗教人士警告 女性若開車恐貞節不保 ]
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And only then we realized it's so empowering to mock your oppressor . 我們也才驚覺 原來嘲諷對手可以帶來這麼大的影響力
empowering:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;增加(某人的)自主权;(empower的现在分词) oppressor:n.压迫者;残暴的统治者;暴君;
It strips it away of its strongest weapon: fear. 因為那使他們的最後武器「恐懼」失效
strips:n.条(strip的复数); v.剥夺(stirp的三单形式);
This system is based on ultra-conservative traditions and customs that deal with women as if they are inferior and they need a guardian to protect them, 這整個制度是建立在極端保守的傳統跟習俗上 這整個制度是建立在極端保守的傳統跟習俗上 並視女性為次等的 女性也是需要被管束的
ultra-conservative:极端保守的; inferior:adj.较差的; n.不如别人的人; guardian:n.[法]监护人,保护人;守护者;adj.守护的;
so they need to take permission from this guardian, whether verbal or written, all their lives. 所以終其一生女性都必須受這規範管束 無論那規範是成文還是不成文的
We are minors until the day we die. 哪怕到死女人的地位都是無舉足輕重的
And it becomes worse when it's enshrined in religious fatwas based on wrong interpretation of the sharia law, or the religious laws. 一旦規範成了神聖的宗教規條那情形就更加嚴重 而且往往是錯誤地解讀了伊斯蘭教教法 或其他宗教法律
interpretation:n.解释;翻译;演出; sharia:n.伊斯兰教教法;
What's worst, when they become codified as laws in the system, and when women themselves believe in their inferiority , and they even fight those who try to question these rules. 最糟的是如果這些規條進一步地被訂定成法律 最糟的是如果這些規條進一步地被訂定成法律 就連女性也相信自己是次等的 還反對其他人對這些條例提出質疑 還反對其他人對這些條例提出質疑
codified:编成法典; inferiority:n.自卑;下属;次等;下部;
So for me, it wasn't only about these attacks I had to face. 所以對我來說真正難的不是那些攻擊
It was about living two totally different perceptions of my personality , of my person -- the villain back in my home country, and the hero outside. 而是要面對針對我個人兩種完全截然不同的觀點 而是要面對針對我個人兩種完全截然不同的觀點 在我自己的國家裡我被視為過街老鼠 但是一旦離開了卻又成了別人眼中的英雄
perceptions:n.认知;观念(perception的复数);理解; personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色; villain:n.坏人,恶棍;戏剧,小说中的反派角色;顽童;罪犯;
Just to tell you, two stories happened in the last two years. 就拿前兩年發生的兩個小插曲來說吧
One of them is when I was in jail. 其中一個是當我被關起來的時候
I'm pretty sure when I was in jail, everyone saw titles in the international media something like this during these nine days I was in jail. 我可以非常確定當我被關的時候 這是我被關的那九天裡各大國際媒體版上的標題 (較正面) 這是我被關的那九天裡各大國際媒體版上的標題 (較正面)
But in my home country, it was a totally different picture. 但在我自己的國家裡可就完全不是這麼一回事了
It was more like this: "Manal al-Sharif faces charges of disturbing public order and inciting women to drive." 比較多是這樣寫的 Manal al-Sharif 被指控擾亂公共秩序並煽動女性開車 Manal al-Sharif 被指控擾亂公共秩序並煽動女性開車
disturbing:adj.引起烦恼的;令人不安的;v.打扰;干扰;搅乱;使不安;(disturb的现在分词) inciting:v.煽动;鼓动;(incite的现在分词)
I know. 我不訝異
'"Manal al-Sharif withdraws from the campaign." Manal al-Sharif 退出這波宣傳活動
Ah, it's okay. This is my favorite. 這也還好啦下面這個是我最喜歡的
'"Manal al-Sharif breaks down and confesses : 'Foreign forces incited me.'" Manal al-Sharif 崩潰並承認 「我是受到其他國家指使的」
confesses:vt.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认;vi.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认; incited:vt.煽动;激励;刺激;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And it goes on, even trial and flogging me in public. 情勢越演越烈甚至還公開受審跟受到鞭刑
So it's a totally different picture. 情況真的很不一樣
I was asked last year to give a speech at the Oslo Freedom Forum . 去年我受邀在奧斯陸的自由論壇上演講 去年我受邀在奧斯陸的自由論壇上演講
I was surrounded by this love and the support of people around me, and they looked at me as an inspiration. 我感受到從四面八方而來的愛跟支持 我感受到從四面八方而來的愛跟支持 人們視我為一個正面的鼓勵
At the same time , I flew back to my home country, they hated that speech so much. 但同個時間點當我回到我自己的國家 他們簡直是痛恨我的那場演講
At the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
The way they called it: a betrayal to the Saudi country and the Saudi people, and they even started a hashtag called #OsloTraitor on Twitter. 他們說那是:對沙國國家跟人民的背叛之舉 他們說那是:對沙國國家跟人民的背叛之舉 他們甚至開始在推特上面下了一個名為#奧斯陸叛國者的標題
Some 10,000 tweets were written in that hashtag, while the opposite hashtag, #OsloHero, there was like a handful of tweets written. 大概有一萬多個人推了那個標題吧 另外還有一個#奧斯陸英雄的標題 推的人就寥寥無幾了
They even started a poll . 甚至還有人做了一個問卷調查
poll:n.投票; v.获得(票数); adj.当事人一方作成的;
More than 13,000 voters answered this poll: whether they considered me a traitor or not after that speech. 有一萬三千多個人回覆了這個問卷 問題是聽完我的演講後他們認為我究竟是不是個叛國賊
Ninety percent said yes, she's a traitor. 百分之九十的受訪者說是, 她是是個叛國賊
So it's these two totally different perceptions of my personality. 這就是我剛提到的針對我兩種截然不同的觀點 這就是我剛提到的針對我兩種截然不同的觀點
For me, I'm a proud Saudi woman, and I do love my country, and because I love my country, I'm doing this. 對我來說我以身為沙國婦女感到驕傲 我也深愛著我的國家 也就是因為我愛我的國家我才會這麼做
Because I believe a society will not be free if the women of that society are not free. 因為我相信如果一個社會中的女人沒有自由那個社會就也不可能會自由 因為我相信如果一個社會中的女人沒有自由那個社會就也不可能會自由
(Applause) (鼓掌聲)
Thank you. 謝謝大家
(Applause) (鼓掌聲)
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. 謝謝, 謝謝
(Applause) (鼓掌聲)
Thank you. 謝謝
But you learn lessons from these things that happen to you. 但你也是可以從這些事情中學到些東西
I learned to be always there. 比方我學到要親自參與在當中
The first thing, I got out of jail, of course after I took a shower, I went online, 我從監獄裡出來之後做的第一件事 當然是先洗了個澡啦我就立刻上網
I opened my Twitter account and my Facebook page, and I've been always very respectful to those people who are opining to me. 我連上我的推特帳戶跟臉書 並且我學會保持尊重 即使是面對那些批評我的人
respectful:adj.恭敬的;有礼貌的; opining:vt.以为;想;vi.以为;想;表示意见;
I would listen to what they say, and I would never defend myself with words only. 我會去聽他們在說什麼 我也不會光用言論來捍衛我自己
I would use actions. When they said I should withdraw from the campaign, 我會實際付出行動當他們說我應該要退出的時候
I filed the first lawsuit against the general directorate of traffic police for not issuing me a driver's license. 我對交警處提了第一個訴訟 因為他們不發駕照給我
lawsuit:n.诉讼;[法]官司;诉讼案件; directorate:n.董事会;理事会;指挥部; issuing:n.发行物;争论点;期刊号;v.发行(issue的ing形式);分配;流出;
There are a lot of people also -- very big support, like those 3,000 people who signed the petition to release me. 還有其他許多人 都非常地支持我 就像那些連署要求釋放我的三千多個人
We sent a petition to the Shura Council in favor of lifting the ban on Saudi women, and there were, like, 3,500 citizens who believed in that and they signed that petition. 我們送了一份請願書給沙國諮議會 希望沙國女性不能開車的禁令可以鬆綁 總共有三千五百多位民眾跟我們有一樣的信念 他們加入了這個連署
There were people like that, I just showed some examples, who are amazing, who are believing in women's rights in Saudi Arabia, and trying, and they are also facing a lot of hate because of speaking up and voicing their views. 其中還有些人我這裡舉幾個例子 他們不光只是認同沙烏地阿拉伯婦女所應當享有的權利 甚至因為嘗試發聲或說出他們的觀點而因此遭到不友善的對待 甚至因為嘗試發聲或說出他們的觀點而因此遭到不友善的對待
Saudi Arabia today is taking small steps toward enhancing women's rights. 直到今天在提升婦女權益這塊沙烏地阿拉伯確實有進步一點 直到今天在提升婦女權益這塊沙烏地阿拉伯確實有進步一點
The Shura Council that's appointed by the king, by royal decree of King Abdullah, last year there were 30 women assigned to that Council, like 20 percent. 由沙國國王 Abdullah 所任命的諮議會 由沙國國王 Abdullah 所任命的諮議會 去年諮議會中有三十位女性議員 大約是百分之二十的比例
royal:adj.国王的;女王的;皇家的;n.王室成员; decree:n.法令;判决;vt.命令;颁布;注定;判决;vi.注定;发布命令; assigned:v.分配(某物);分派;指定;委派;(assign的过去分词和过去式)
20 percent of the Council. (Applause) 佔了整個諮議會的百分之二十 (掌聲)
The same time, finally , that Council, after rejecting our petition four times for women driving, they finally accepted it last February. 在我們送交了女性開車的請願書四次都被駁回之後 在我們送交了女性開車的請願書四次都被駁回之後 去年的二月他們總算通過了
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; rejecting:v.拒绝接受;拒收;不录用;不出售,不出版;(reject的现在分词)
(Applause) (掌聲)
After being sent to jail or sentenced lashing , or sent to a trial, the spokesperson of the traffic police said, we will only issue traffic violation for women drivers. 就在歷經了被關、鞭刑或公開受審之後 就在歷經了被關、鞭刑或公開受審之後 交警部的發言人這麼說 我們將來只會開女性駕駛的罰單
lashing:n.大量,许多;鞭打;笞刑;v.猛击;鞭打;抽打;怒斥(lash的现在分词) spokesperson:n.发言人;代言人; issue:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;发行; violation:n.违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸;
The Grand Mufti , who is the head of the religious establishment in Saudi Arabia, he said, it's not recommended for women to drive. 伊斯蘭教法律權威 (Grand Mufti) 也是沙烏地阿拉伯最高宗教領袖 聲稱不建議婦女們開車
Mufti:n.便服,便衣; establishment:n.大型组织;企业;旅馆;权威人士;建立; recommended:v.推荐;举荐;介绍;劝告;建议;(recommend的过去分词和过去式)
It used to be haram , forbidden , by the previous Grand Mufti. 但過去歷任宗教領袖在位時是宗教法規定完全禁止的
haram:n.女眷;闺房; forbidden:adj.禁止的; v.禁止; (forbid的过去分词和过去式) previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
So for me, it's not about only these small steps. 所以對我來說不光只是這些進展
It's about women themselves. 而更是看見女性受到重視
A friend once asked me, she said, "So when do you think this women driving will happen?" 有個朋友這麼問我,她說 你覺得什麼時候女性會真的開始可以開車
I told her, "Only if women stop asking 'When?' and take action to make it now." 我告訴她說:只要她們不再問「什麼時候」 而是直接採取行動那現在就可以開始
So it's not only about the system, it's also about us women to drive our own life, I'd say. 所以不再只是跟這個系統有關 而是身為女性的我們如何去展開自己的生活
So I have no clue , really, how I became an activist . 所以我真的不知道我是怎麼變成這樣一個行動主義者的
clue:n.提示;迹象;(纵横填字谜、游戏或问题的)提示词语;v.提示;为…提供线索; activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子;
And I don't know how I became one now. 我也不知道我怎麼會做我今天在做的這些事
But all I know, and all I'm sure of, in the future when someone asks me my story, 但我知道,而且我很肯定 如果將來有人問起我的故事
I will say, "I'm proud to be amongst those women who lifted the ban, fought the ban, and celebrated everyone's freedom." 我會說:我真的覺得很驕傲 能做為解除這項禁令並了這項禁令抗爭 最後與大家一同享受自由果實的婦女之一
So the question I started my talk with, who do you think is more difficult to face, oppressive governments or oppressive societies? 所以演講開始前我問大家的問題 你認為哪個比較難對付 是強制的政府還是強勢的社會體制呢?
I hope you find clues to answer that from my speech. 希望在我的演講當中你有找到回答這問題的線索
Thank you, everyone. 謝謝大家
(Applause) (掌聲)
Thank you. 謝謝
(Applause) (掌聲)
Thank you. (Applause) 謝謝大家 (掌聲)