

One day a one-eyed monkey came into the forest. 一天,一只独眼母猴来到森林里。
Under a tree she saw a woman meditating furiously . 在树下,她看到一个妇人 正在沉思冥想。
meditating:v.冥想;沉思;考虑;谋划;(meditate的现在分词) furiously:adv.猛烈地;狂暴地;
The one-eyed monkey recognized the woman, a Sekhri. 独眼猴子认出这妇人,一个刹帝利族人。
She was the wife of an even more famous Brahmin . 她的丈夫是个有名的婆罗门。
To watch her better, the one-eyed monkey climbed onto the tree. 为了更好地看看她的样子,独眼猴子爬到了树上。
Just then, with a loud bang , the heavens opened. (Claps) 恰当其时,伴随着一声轰然巨响, 天空打开了。(击掌)
bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好;
And the god Indra jumped into the clearing. 然后天神因陀罗跳到空地中。
Indra saw the woman, a Sekhri. 因陀罗看见了刹帝利妇人。
Ah-hah. 啊哈。
The woman paid him no heed . 那妇人却没注意到因陀罗。
So, Indra, attracted, threw her onto the floor, and proceeded to rape her. 于是,受到诱惑的因陀罗将那妇人推倒在地上, 上前奸污了她。
proceeded:v.继续做;接着做;继而做;行进;前往;(proceed的过去分词和过去式) rape:n.强奸罪;强奸案;v.强奸;强暴;
Then Indra disappeared . (Clap! Clap !) 事后因陀罗就消失了。(啪!啪!)
disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词) Clap:n.鼓掌;拍手;掌声;拍手声;v.拍手(表示赞许或欣赏);击掌;
And the woman's husband, the Brahmin, appeared. 此时妇人的丈夫,那婆罗门人出现了。
He realized at once what had happened. 他马上就明白过来发生了什么事。
So, he petitioned the higher gods so that he may have justice . 于是,他向更高处的神灵陈情申诉 希望能够获得公平正义。
petitioned:n.请愿;请愿书;祈求;[法]诉状;vi.请愿;请求;vt.请愿;请求;恳求; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
So, the god Vishnu arrived. 于是,毗湿奴神降临。
'"Are there any witnesses ?" “有无目击证人?”
witnesses:n.[法]证人; v.作证;
'"Just a one-eyed monkey", said the Brahmin. “只有独眼猴一只”,婆罗门答道。
Now, the one-eyed monkey really wanted for the woman, a Sekhri, to get justice, so, she retold events exactly as they had happened. 这独眼猴子现在 确实想为这刹帝利妇人伸张正义, 于是,它就将事情的经过原原本本地讲了一遍。
Vishnu gave his judgment . 毗湿奴做出了裁决。
'"The god Indra has sinned . “因陀罗神犯了罪。
in that he has sinned against ... a Brahmin. 在这罪行中侵害了一位婆罗门。
May he be called to wash away his sins ." 我将召唤他来洗刷自己的罪行。”
So, Indra arrived, and performed the sacrifice of the horse. 于是,因陀罗也降临了, 并且以一匹马作为牺牲。
performed:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好)(perform的过去分词和过去式) sacrifice:n.牺牲;舍弃;祭献;祭祀;祭品;v.牺牲;献出;作祭献
And so it transpired that a horse was killed, a god was mad sin-free, a Brahmin's ego was appeased , a woman ... was ruined , and a one-eyed monkey was left ... 这罪行就此便蒸发了, 只有一匹马被杀死了, 一个神的罪即被免去, 一个婆罗门的尊严得到了安抚, 一个妇人……被糟蹋了, 剩下一只独眼猴子……
transpired:v.公开;为人所知;发生;(植物)水分蒸发;(transpire的过去式和过去分词) ego:n.自我;自负;自我意识; appeased:vt.使平息;使满足;使和缓;对…让步; ruined:adj.毁灭的;荒废的;v.毁坏;破坏;糟蹋;(ruin的过去分词和过去式)
very confused at what we humans call justice. 为了我们人类所谓的正义而困惑。
confused:adj.困惑的; v.使糊涂; (confuse的过去分词和过去式)
In India there is a rape every three minutes. 在印度,每三分钟便有一起强奸。
In India, only 25 percent of rapes come to a police station , and of these 25 percent that come to a police station , convictions are only in four percent of the cases. 在印度,只有百分之二十五的强奸 报了警, 并且这百分之二十五报了警的案子中, 只有百分之四是受害人报警。
rapes:v.强奸;强暴(rape的第三人称单数) police station:n.警察局;派出所; convictions:n.判罪;定罪;坚定的看法(或信念);坚信;肯定;(conviction的复数)
That's a lot of women who don't get justice. 有很多妇女不想要得到正义。
And it's not only about women. 然而这不仅仅关乎妇女。
Look around you, look at your own countries. 看看你的周围,看看你自己国家。
There is a certain pattern in who gets charged with crimes. 因犯罪而被起诉的人群有特定的模式。
If you're in Australia, it's mostly aboriginals who are in jail . 如果你在澳大利亚,多数狱囚是原住民。
aboriginals:n.土著居民(aboriginal复数); jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱;
If you're in India it's either Muslims, or Adivasis, our tribals, the Naxalites. 如果你在印度,监狱里的多是穆斯林或Adivasis原住民, 还有我们的族人,纳萨尔人。
If you're in the U.S., it's mostly the blacks. 如果在美国,则多是黑人。
There is a trend here. 这里面有一种趋势。
And the Brahmins and the gods, like in my story, always get to tell their truth as The Truth. 就像在我的故事中,婆罗门和神灵们, 总是得以把他们的真实说成真实。
So, have we all become one-eyed, two-eyed instead of one-eyed, monkeys? 于是,难道我们不都成了 独眼的猴子,或者双目健全的但困惑的旁观者?
Have we stopped seeing injustice ? 我们是否对不公正已经视若无睹?
Good morning. 早上好。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
You know, I have told this story close to 550 times, in audiences in 40 countries, to school students, to black-tie dinners at the Smithsonian , and so on and so forth, and every time it hits something. 你知道,我已经把这故事 讲了550次, 在40个国家对着不同的听众, 从学校里的学生,到史密森纳研究院的黑领结礼服高级宴会等等等等, 每一次这故事都产生一些触动。
black-tie:adj.要求宾客穿半正式礼服的;n.黑色领结; Smithsonian:n.史密森尼(美国博物馆);史密森学会;
Now, if I were to go into the same crowd and say, "I want to lecture you about justice and injustice." 如果当时我走进同样的人群, 然后说,“我想给你们讲讲正义和非正义。”
they would say, "Thank you very much, we have other things to do." 他们会说,“非常感谢,我们还有别的事要做。”
And that is the astonishing power of art. 这就是艺术的惊人力量。
Art can go through were other things can't. 其他事物无能为力之处艺术通行无阻。
You can't have barriers , because it breaks through your prejudices , breaks through everything that you have as your mask, that says, "I am this, I am that, I am that." 你无法预设障碍,因为艺术打破了你的偏见, 它打破所有你用来作为面具的东西, 就是常说的,“我是这个,我是那个,我是那个。”
barriers:n.障碍;栅栏;篱笆墙(barrier的复数形式); prejudices:成见;偏见;歧视(prejudice的复数);
No. It breaks through those. 没用,艺术将这些统统打破。
And it reaches somewhere where other things don't. 它触及的地方没有别的事物可以到达。
And in a world where attitudes are so difficult to change, we need a language that reaches through. 并且在这样一个态度很难被改变的世界里, 我们需要一种语言能穿越这层隔膜。
Hitler knew it; he used Wagner to make all the Nazis feel wonderful and Aryan . 希特勒明白这一点;他用瓦格纳的音乐 来让纳粹分子感觉无与伦比以及“像雅利安人”。
Nazis:n.纳粹;纳粹党人(nazi的复数); Aryan:n.雅利安人;印欧语;adj.雅利安语系的;印欧语系的;
And mister Berlusconi knows it, as he sits atop this huge empire of media and television and so on and so forth. 意大利总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科先生也明白这一点,他高坐在 这个巨大的媒体电视帝国之巅。此外不胜列举。
atop:prep.在…的顶上;adv.在顶上; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
And all of the wonderful creative minds in all the advertising agencies , and who help corporate sell us things we absolutely don't require, they also know the power of the arts. 还有所有广告行业里的最好的创意头脑, 他们帮助企业向我们销售我们根本不需要的商品, 他们也知道艺术的力量。
creative:adj.创造性的; advertising:n.做广告;广告业;广告活动;v.做广告;(advertise的现在分词) agencies:n.代理;代理处(agency的复数); corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地;
For me it came very early. 对我来说,艺术降临很早。
When I was a young child, my mother, who was a choreographer , came upon a phenomenon that worried her. 当我还是个小孩子,我的母亲,一个编舞者, 注意到一个令她担忧的现象。
choreographer:n.编舞者,舞蹈指导; phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物);
It was a phenomenon where young brides were committing suicide in rural Gujarat, because they were forced to bring more and more money for their in-laws' families. 这现象就是在古吉拉特邦边远乡下 很多年轻的新娘相继结束自己的生命, 因为她们被迫要为夫家带来越来越多的嫁妆钱。
brides:n.新娘;(bride的复数) committing:v.做出;犯罪或错等;自杀;承诺,保证;(commit的现在分词) suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的;
And she created a dance piece which then prime minister Nehru saw. 于是我妈妈编了一支舞蹈,这支舞后来总理尼赫鲁也看到了。
prime minister:n.首相;总理;
He came to talk to her and said, "What is this about?" 总理来问我妈妈说,“这舞表达的是什么?”
She told him and he set out the first inquiry into what today we call Dowry Dance. 妈妈向他说明年轻妇女自杀的问题,而总理就此开始针对此事最早的调查, 今天我们把这舞叫做陪嫁之舞。
inquiry:n.询问;查询;打听;调查; Dowry:n.嫁妆;天资;亡夫遗产;
Imagine a dance piece for the first inquiry into something that even today kills thousands of women. 想象一下,一支舞 引起对某一社会问题的调查, 时至今日这一社会问题还令成千上万妇女失去生命。
Many years later, when I was working with the director Peter Brook in "The Mahabharata" playing this feisty feminine feminist called Draupadi, I had similar experiences. 很多年以后,当我与导演Peter Brook一起工作 在“The Mahabharata”里扮演一个活跃的有女人味的女权主义者, 她名叫Draupadi。我自己也有类似的体验。
Brook:v.忍受;容忍;n.小溪;小河; feisty:adj.活跃的;好争吵的;烦躁不安的;坚决而据理力争的; feminine:adj.女性的;妇女(似)的;阴性的;娇柔的; feminist:n.男女平等主义者;adj.主张男女平等的;
Big fat black mamas in the Bronx used to come and say, "Hey girl, that's it!" 来自布朗克斯区的胖黑人大妈 总会上前来说,“嘿姑娘,就是这么回事!”
mamas:n.妈妈(口语); Bronx:n.布朗克斯(纽约市最北端的一区);布朗克斯鸡尾酒;
And then these trendy young things in the Sorbonne would say, "Madame Draupadi, on n'est pas feministe, mais , ?a? ?a!" 然后那些巴黎索邦大学的年轻小妞们会说: “Draupadi夫人不是女权主义者,是吗?是吧!”
trendy:adj.时髦的,流行的;n.追求时髦者;新潮人物; Sorbonne:n.(泛指)巴黎大学;索邦神学院; mais:n.芒果黄;
And then aboriginal women in Africa would come and say, "This is it!" 非洲的原住民妇女 会说,“就是这样!”
And I thought, "This is what we need, as a language." 我想,“这就是我们需要的, 作为一种通行的语言。“
We had somebody from public health. And Devdutt also mentioned public health. 我们有人来自公共健康领域。并且帕塔奈克博士(Devdutt Pattanaik)也提到了公共健康。
Well, millions of people around the world die of waterborne disease every year. 好吧,每年世界各地有数百万人 因水传播疾病而死。
waterborne:adj.水运的;水传播的;由水浮起的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
And that's because there is no clean water to drink, or in countries like India, people don't know that they need to soap their hands before defecation . 仅仅因为没有干净的饮用水, 或者象印度这样的国家里, 人们不知道应该便后洗手。
So, what do they do? 那么,他们是怎么做的呢?
They drink the water they know is dirty, they get cholera , they get diarrhea , they get jaundice and they die. 他们喝下已知不洁的水, 感染霍乱,感染疟疾和黄疸, 然后他们就死去了。
cholera:n.[内科]霍乱; diarrhea:n.腹泻,痢疾; jaundice:n.黄疸;v.使怀偏见;使患黄疸;
And governments have not been able to provide clean water. 政府无力提供干净的水源。
They try and build it. They try and build pipelines; it doesn't happen. 他们尝试建造水源,尝试建造水管系统;但是没有实现。
And the MNCs give them machines that they can not afford . 众多跨国公司提供了政府无力负担的机器设备。
So what do you do? Do you let them die? 那么我们会怎么做呢?任凭他们死去?
Well, somebody had a great idea. 有人有了个好主意。
And it was a simple idea. It was an idea that could not profit anybody but would help health in every field. 并且是个简单的主意。这个主意不能为任何人谋取利润, 但能在每个地方令人们更健康。
Most houses in Asia and India have a cotton garment . 在亚洲和印度的大多数房屋里 都能找到一件棉质外衣。
And it was discovered, and WHO endorses this, that a clean cotton garment folded eight times over, can reduce bacteria up to 80 percent from water sift through. 人们发现,并且世界卫生组织也赞成这一点, 一件棉布外衣折叠八次后 可以从渗过的水中减少百分之八十的细菌。
endorses:vt.背书;认可;签署;赞同;在背面签名; bacteria:n.[微]细菌; sift:vt.筛选;撒;过滤;详查;vi.筛;详查;撒下;细究;
So, why aren't governments blaring this on television? 那么,为什么各国政府不在电视上大大地宣扬这件事呢?
Why isn't it on every poster across the third world ? 为什么这个办法不在世界上每一张招贴海报上出现呢?
poster:n.海报;巨幅装饰画;发布消息的人; third world:n.第三世界;
Because there is no profit in it. 因为其中没有利润可以赚取。
Because nobody can get a kickback . 因为没有人能得到回扣。
But it still needs to get to people. 但是它还是需要传达给人们。
And here is one of the ways we get it to people. 这视频演示的就是传达给大众的其中一种办法。
[Video] Woman: Then get me one of those fancy water purifiers . 【视频】女人:那么就给我这么一个高级净水器吧。
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; purifiers:n.[食品]净化器;净化剂(purifier的复数);
Man: You know how expensive those are. 男人:你知道这净水器有多贵吗?
I have a solution that requires neither machine, nor wood, nor cooking gas . 我有个方法既不需要机器, 也不需要木头,也不需要烧饭煤气。
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; cooking gas:n.灌装液化气(用于取暖和做饭);
Woman: What solution? 女人: 这解决方法是什么?
Man: Listen, go fetch that cotton sari you have. 男人:听好了,拿来你穿的棉布莎莉。
Boy: Grand-dad, tell me the solution please. 男孩:祖父,请告诉我解决方法。
Man: I will tell all of you. Just wait. 男人:我待会儿会告诉你们所有人,稍等一下。
Woman: Here father. (Man: Is it clean?) Woman: Yes, of course. 女人:给你,父亲。(男人:干净吗?)女人:当然。
Man: Then do as I tell you. Fold the sari into eight folds. 男人:好,那就按我说的做。请把这衣服折叠八次。
Woman: All right, father. 女人:好的,父亲。
Man: And you, you count that she does it right. (Boy: All right, grand-dad.) 男人:你来数她折叠的次数。(男孩:没问题,爷爷。)
Man: One, two, three, four folds we make. 男人:一,二,三,我们折叠了四次。
All the germs from the water we take. 我们过滤水中的所有病菌。
germs:n.[微]细菌; v.发生(germ的单三形式);
Chorus : One, two, three, four folds we make. 齐声:一,二,三,我们折叠了四次。
All the germs from the water we take. 我们过滤水中的所有病菌。
Five, six, seven, eight folds we make. 五,六,七,我们折叠了八次。
Our drinking water safe we make. 我们得到了安全饮用水。
drinking water:n.饮用水;
Five, six, seven, eight folds we make. 五,六,七,我们折叠了八次。
Our drinking water safe we make. 我们得到了安全饮用水。
Woman: Here, father, your eight-times folded cotton sari. 女人:父亲,这是你折叠八次的棉莎莉。
Man: So this is the cotton sari. 男人:这就是那件莎莉。
And through this we will have clean water. 通过它的过滤,我们喝上了干净水。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
I think it's safe to say that all of us here are deeply concerned about the escalating violence in our daily lives. 我想,应该说所有现在在场的人,我们 对于日常生活中不断升级的暴力都深感担忧。
concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词) escalating:v.(使)逐步扩大,不断恶化,加剧;(escalate的现在分词) violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲;
While universities are trying to devise courses in conflict resolution , and governments are trying to stop skirmishes at borders, we are surrounded by violence, whether it's road rage , or whether it's domestic violence, 许多大学在试图设计课程来消除矛盾, 政府则努力减少边界冲突, 我们被暴力包围,无论是路上的交通暴力, 家庭暴力,
devise:v.设计; n.[法]遗赠财产的遗嘱(或其中的条款); conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触; resolution:n.解决;分辨;解析;决议; skirmishes:n.小冲突,小规模战斗;小争论;vi.进行小规模战斗;发生小争论; road rage:n.公路暴怒(司机之间因驾驶问题而大动肝火); domestic:n.佣人;家佣;家庭纠纷;家庭矛盾;adj.本国的;国内的;家用的;家庭的;
whether it's a teacher beating up a student and killing her because she hasn't done her homework, it's everywhere. 还是教师殴打学生致死, 仅仅因为她没有完成家庭作业,总之暴力无处不在。
So, why are we not doing something to actually attend that problem on a day to day basis? 那么,为什么我们不做点什么 用日常的努力还对付这些问题呢?
What are we doing to try and make children and young people realize that violence is something that we indulge in, that we can stop, and that there are other ways of actually taking violence, taking anger, taking frustrations into different things that do not harm other people. 我们正在力图使孩子们 和年轻人意识到 我们已沉溺于暴力, 但我们可以停止暴力, 并且存在其他的办法能够真正 把暴力,愤怒,和挫败变成 不同的情绪并避免伤害别人。
indulge:v.沉湎,沉迷,沉溺(于…);放纵;听任; frustrations:n.沮丧;受阻;阻止;挫败;(frustration的复数)
Well, here is one such way. 那么,现在就有这么一个办法。
(Video) (Laughs) You are peaceful people. (视频)(笑声)你们都是温和的人。
Your parents were peaceful people. 你们的父母都是平和的人。
Your grandparents were peaceful people. 你们的祖父母也都是平和的人。
So much peace in one place? 一家里有这么多平和的人?
How could it be otherwise? 除了平和还能如何?
(Music) (音乐)
But, what if ... 但是,如果……
what if:如果…怎么办?
Yes. What if ... 是的,如果万一……
One little gene in you has been trying to get through? 只是你身上的一点点基因 在努力传承下去?
From your beginnings in Africa, through each generation, may be passed on to you, in your creation . It's a secret urge, hiding deep in you. 从你在非洲最早的祖先开始, 穿越每一代人,也许最终在诞生过程中传递给了你, 这是一种隐秘的冲动,深藏在你身体里。
And if it's in you, then it's in me too. Oh dear. 并且如果它在你身体里,那么也就在我身体里。天哪。
It's what made you smack your baby brother, stamp on a cockroach , scratch your mother. 正是它让你揍你的小弟弟, 打死一只蟑螂,抓伤你的妈妈。
smack:v.用巴掌打; n.打巴掌; v.恰好; cockroach:n.蟑螂 scratch:n.擦伤; adj.打草稿用的; v.抓;
It's the feeling that wells up from deep inside, when your husband comes home drunk and you wanna tan his hide. 这种感觉从心灵深处涌现出来, 当你的丈夫醉醺醺地回到家,你恨不得上去揍他一顿。
tan:n.(日晒后皮肤的)黝黑色; vt.鞣(革); vi.晒成棕褐色; adj.黄褐色的;
Want to kill that cyclist on the way to work, and string up your cousin cause she's such a jerk . Oh dear. 或是在上班路上想要杀死那些自行车骑士, 还有想要吊死你的侄女因为她是那么混帐。天哪。
cyclist:n.骑自行车的人; string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的; jerk:v.猛拉;n.混蛋;突然而剧烈的动作;adj.卤的;
And as for outsiders , white, black or brown, tar and feather them, and whip them out of town. 至于那些外来人,白人,黑人或棕色人种, 给他们涂满柏油沾满羽毛用鞭子赶出城去。
outsiders:n.[劳经]局外人,外来者(outsider复数形式); tar and feather:严厉惩罚;把浑身涂上柏油并粘上羽毛; whip:n.鞭子; v.鞭打;
It's that little gene. It's small and it's mean. 就是这么一小点基因。小而卑劣的基因。
Too small for detection , it's your built-in protection. 太小了以至于难以察觉,它是你的内建保护机制。
detection:n.侦查,探测;发觉,发现;察觉; built-in:adj.嵌入的;固定的;n.内置;
Adrenaline , kill. It'll give you the will. 肾上腺激素,杀戮。这基因让你有这样的欲望。
Yes you'd better face it cause you can't displace it. 是的,你最好面对它,因为你无法剔除它。
You're V-I-O-L-E-N-T. 你是 暴——力——的。
Cause you're either a victim , or on top, like me. 因为,你要么就是个暴力受害者,要么,你就凌驾于暴力之上,像我一样。
Goodbye, Abraham Lincoln. 再见,亚伯拉罕·林肯。
Goodbye, Mahatma Gandhi . 再见,圣雄甘地。
Mahatma:n.大圣;超人; Gandhi:n.甘地(印度政府,社会和宗教领袖);
Goodbye, Martin Luther King. 再见,马丁·路德金。
Hello, gangs from this neighborhood killing gangs from that neighborhood. 你好,这一街区的黑帮 对另一街区的帮派大开杀戒。
gangs:n.帮派(gang的复数);v.成帮结伙;合伙行动(gang的三单形式); neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的;
Hello governments of rich countries selling arms to governments of poor countries who can't even afford to give them food. 你好,富国的政府们 把军火卖给穷国的政府们, 以至于穷国政府都无力承担向大众供应食物。
Hello civilization . Hello 21st century. 你好文明世界。你好二十一世纪。
Look what we've ... 看看我们做的……
look what they've done. 看看人们都做了什么。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Mainstream art, cinema, has been used across the world to talk about social issues . 主流艺术,电影, 在全世界都已经被用来讨论社会问题。
Mainstream:n.主流; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
A few years ago we had a film called Rang De Basanti, which suddenly spawned thousands of young people wanting to volunteer for social change. 几年前有一部电影叫做Rang De Basanti(芭萨提的颜色), 突然令成千上万的年轻人着迷, 使得他们志愿参与推动社会变革。
spawned:v.产卵;引发;引起;导致;造成;(spawn的过去分词和过去式) volunteer:n.志愿者;志愿兵;adj.志愿的;v.自愿;
In Venezuela , one of the most popular soap operas has a heroine called Crystal . 在委内瑞拉,其中一部最受欢迎的肥皂剧 有个女主角叫做Crystal。
Venezuela:n.委内瑞拉; operas:n.歌剧(opera的复数); heroine:n.女主角;女英雄;女杰出人物; Crystal:n.水晶; adj.晶莹的;
And when, onscreen , Crystal got breast cancer , 75,000 more young women went to have mammographies done. 当屏幕上的Crystal患上了乳腺癌, 有七万五千新增的年轻女性去做了早期胸部肿瘤X射线照相。
onscreen:adj.银幕上的;adv.银幕上; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤;
And of course, "The Vagina Monologues " we know about. 当然还有,我们都知道的“阴道独白”。
Vagina:n.[解剖]阴道;叶鞘;鞘; Monologues:独白;
And there are stand-up comics who are talking about racial issues, about ethnic issues. 还有那些栋笃笑表演 谈论的是关于伦理道德的尖锐话题。
stand-up:起立 racial:adj.种族的;人种的; ethnic:adj.种族的;人种的;
So, why is it, that if we think that we all agree that we need a better world, we need a more just world, why is it that we are not using the one language that has consistently showed us that we can break down barriers, that we can reach people? 那么,为什么会这样呢, 如果因为我们认为所有人一致同意 我们需要一个更好的世界, 我们需要一个更公正的世界, 那为什么我们没有在使用那共同的语言, 而这语言已经一直在向我们展示 我们有能力打破藩篱,我们有能力触及人们的内心?
What I need to say to the planners of the world, the governments, the strategists is, "You have treated the arts as the cherry on the cake. 我要向那些世界的规划者决策者说, 那些政府,策略专家们, 我要向他们说,“你们一直把艺术当作蛋糕上的浆果。
planners:n.规划师;规划人员(planner的复数);计划人员; strategists:n.战略家;军事家; treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) cherry:adj.上品;卓越的;樱桃色的;n.樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色;
It needs to be the yeast ." 然而它应当成为酵母。”
Because, any future planning, if 2048 is when we want to get there, unless the arts are put with the scientists, with the economists, with all those who prepare for the future, badly, we're not going to get there. 因为,任何对未来的规划, 如果2048年我们还指望存在, 除非艺术被所有科学家, 经济学家, 以及所有那些为未来做准备的人所接纳,除非这样, 否则,很不幸到2048年我们美好公正的世界可能不会存在。
And unless this is actually internalized , it won't happen. 并且,除非这一点真正遍及世界,否则这美好公正世界永远不会成为现实。
So, what is it that we require? What is it that we need? 那么我们需要什么呢?我们需要什么来实现呢?
We need to break down our vision of what planners are, of what the correct way of a path is. 我们需要仔细分析我们的想法 关于未来规划者应该是什么样, 关于正确合适的道路是什么。
And to say all these years of trying to make a better world, and we have failed. 然而,这么多年 建立一个更好世界的努力尝试,我们还是失败了。
There are more people being raped . There are more wars. 被强奸的人更多了。战争更多了。
There are more people dying of simple things. 有更多的人因简单的事情而死去。
So, something has got to give. And that is what I want. 所以,应当还要有所付出。这就是我希望的。
Can I have my last audio track please? 能不能请把刚才最后那个音乐放一下?
audio:adj.声音的;录音的; track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
Once there was a princess who whistled beautifully. 从前有个公主口哨吹得很美。
princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; whistled:n.口哨; vt.吹口哨;
(Whistling) (吹口哨)
Her father the king said, "Don't whistle." 她的父亲国王说,“不许吹口哨。”
Her mother the queen said, "Hai, don't whistle." 她母亲皇后说,“哎呀,别吹口哨。”
But the princess continued whistling . 但公主还是接着吹。
(Whistling) (吹口哨)
The years went by and the princess grew up into a beautiful young woman, who whistled even more beautifully. 时光飞逝公主长大了 变成了一个美丽的年轻女子, 口哨吹得甚至比人更美。
(Whistling) (吹口哨)
Her father the king said, "Who will marry a whistling princess?" 她的父王说,“谁会娶一个吹口哨的公主?”
Her mother the queen said, "Who will marry a whistling princess?" 她的母后说,“谁会娶一个吹口哨的公主?”
But the king had an idea. 然而国王有了个主意。
He announced a Swayamvara. 他宣布了选婿。
He invited all the princes to come and defeat his daughter at whistling. 他邀请来所有的王子与他的女儿比试吹口哨。
'" Whoever defeats my daughter shall have half my kingdom and her hand in marriage!" “无论是谁吹口哨胜过我女儿就能得到我的半个王国 和我的女儿!”
Soon the palace filled with princes whistling. 很快王宫里挤满了吹着口哨的王子。
(Whistling) (吹口哨)
Some whistled badly. 有的吹得差。
Some whistled well. 有的吹得好。
But nobody could defeat the princess. 但是没人能胜过公主。
'"Now what shall we do?" said the king. “现在我们怎么办呢?”国王说。
'"Now what shall we do?" said the queen. “现在我们怎么办呢?”王后说。
But the princess said, "Father, Mother, don't worry. 公主却说,“父亲,母亲,别担心。
I have an idea. I am going to go to each of these young men and I am going to ask them if they defeated correctly. 我有个主意。我要去见这里每个年轻人 并且我要问他们, 他们是不是确实败给了我?
I am going to:我将要做什么事情
And if somebody answers, that shall be my wish." 而有谁能承认这一点,那么他就是我心所属。”
So she went up to each and said, "Do you accept that I have defeated you?" 于是她去问每一个人,“你承认不承认我打败了你?”
And they said, "Me? Defeated by a woman? 王子们说,“我?败给一个女子吗?
No way, that's impossible! No no no no no! That's not possible." 没门,那绝不可能!不不不不!那是不可能的。”
Till finally one prince said, "Princess, I accept, you have defeated me." 直到最后一个王子说, “公主,我承认,你确实胜过我。”
'"Uh-huh ..." she said. “嗯哼……”她说
'"Father, mother, this man shall be my wife." “父亲,母亲,这个人应该做我的妻子。”
(Whistling) (吹口哨)
Thank you. 谢谢你们。
(Applause) (鼓掌)