

Tie it off, come on! 系紧了 快点
Hey, guys! Guys, I think we should turn back . 伙计们 伙计们 我们还是回去吧
turn back:往回走;阻挡;翻回到;
And lose good money? Not a chance. 放着钱不赚 休想
Stay close. 跟紧点
Here we are. 到了
Get on his back. 踩他上去
Hurry up. 快点
There he is. Go get him. 他在那里 去抓他
Oh, you'll pay for that. 我会让你付出代价的
No. No, please. 不要 不要 求你
Please, no. 求你了 不要
Hold it there. 站住
I only got one... 我只抓到一只...
but he's a fine specimen . 但他是个好样本
That's all? - Yeah. 就这点 -对
That shroom bit me twice. 那蘑菇咬了我两次
Tomb Bloom . 彼岸花
Once upon a time ... 很久很久以前
Once upon a time:从前(常用于故事的开头)
or perhaps twice upon a time, for you may remember this story... 很久很久以前又一次 你们可能还记得这个故事
there was a powerful Fey named Maleficent . 有一位叫玛琳菲森的强大仙子
For some reason, the mistress of evil and protector of the Moors ... 出于某些原因 这位恶魔夫人 摩尔王国的守护者
mistress:n.情妇;女主人;主妇;女教师;女能人; evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸; protector:n.保护器;保护者;保护装置;防御者; Moors:n.荒野;[地理]沼泽;系泊(moor的复数);v.使停泊;被系住(moor的三单形式);
was still hated after all this time. 过了这么久 依旧被人憎恶
True, she had cursed the princess , Aurora ... 的确 她对奥萝拉公主施过咒
cursed:adj.被诅咒的;讨厌的;v.诅咒;咒骂;(curse的过去分词和过去式) princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; Aurora:n.[地物]极光;曙光;
but that was before she found light in the heart of a human child... 但那时的她还没有发现 人类孩童心中的善良之光
and raised the girl as her own. 也还没有将她视如己出抚养长大
After all, it was Maleficent's love which broke that very same curse. 毕竟 正是玛琳菲森的爱 解开了那个诅咒
But that detail was somehow mysteriously forgotten. 但这个细节却不知怎地被人遗忘了
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; mysteriously:adv.神秘地;故弄玄虚地;难以理解地;
For as the tale was told over and again throughout the kingdom... 而王国里始终流传着的 被人一遍又一遍重复的故事
Maleficent became the villain once more. 是玛琳菲森又一次做了恶人
It's time, guys. Come on. Let's get everyone. 时候到了 来吧 把大家都叫来
It's the big day! 今天可是大日子
Come on. - Let's go! 来吧 -走吧
Wake up. Wake up. 醒醒 醒醒
Come on. 快来呀
Hurry up, wallerbogs! It's time! 快点 泥沼精 时候到了
Do you both remember the secret plan? 你们俩还记得秘密计划吗
I've got it all right here. 全在脑袋里呢
When do I tell the queen the secret? 我什么时候把秘密告诉给女王
You must be patient , Thistlewit. 你必须得耐心点 绿蕨仙子
Do you think Queen Aurora's awake yet? 你们觉得奥萝拉女王醒了吗
Well, she's not " Sleeping Beauty " anymore. 反正她已经不是 睡美人 了
Sleeping Beauty:n.睡了很长时间的人;
I see what you did there. 我听懂你这个双关了
Next item of business, the missing fairies . 接下来要讨论的是 仙子失踪
item:n.条款,项目;一则;一件商品(或物品);adj.又,同上; fairies:n.精灵(fairy的复数);瓶之仙女;
I've sent more sprites to search the Tomb Bloom field. 我已经派出更多精灵去搜寻彼岸花园了
They'll report back to me at nightfall . 傍晚时分他们会来汇报进展
We will keep searching until we find them. 在找到他们之前我们会继续搜寻
Please don't raise your roots at me, Lief . 请别对我举树枝表达不满 叶夫
Crushing humans with branches is not going to help. 用你的躯干碾压人类没有用
Diaval, you're supposed to be on my side. 迪瓦尔 你应该站在我这边的
Well, I'm Queen of the Moors, and I am a human. 我是摩尔王国的女王 我就是人类