

Let us tell an old story a new. 我们重新讲一个老故事
And we will see how well you know it. 来看看你到底多了解它
Once upon a time there were two kingdoms that were the worst of neighbors. 从前 有两个邻国 它们互相仇视
Once upon a time:从前(常用于故事的开头)
So vast the discord between them that is was said only a great hero or a terrible villain might bring them together. 两国间有着深刻的冲突和鸿沟 据说只有伟大的英雄或可怕的恶人 才能化解冲突 使它们统一
discord:n.不和;不调和;嘈杂声;vi.不一致;刺耳; villain:n.坏人,恶棍;戏剧,小说中的反派角色;顽童;罪犯;
In one kingdom lived folk like you and me with a vain and greedy king to rule over them. 一个王国里 住着你我这样的人 在自负贪婪的国王的统治下
vain:adj.徒劳的;自负的;无结果的;无用的; greedy:adj.贪婪的;贪吃的;渴望的;
They were forever discontent and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors. 他们总是不满足于现状 觊觎邻居的财富和美好
discontent:n.不满;adj.不满的;vt.使不满; envious:adj.羡慕的;嫉妒的; wealth:n.财富;大量;富有;
For in the other kingdom, the Moors lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature . 在另一个王国 摩尔森林中 生活着各种奇怪而有趣的生物
Moors:n.荒野;[地理]沼泽;系泊(moor的复数);v.使停泊;被系住(moor的三单形式); creature:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人;
And they needed neither king nor queen but trusted in one another. 这里不需要国王或皇后的统治 只需要彼此互相信任
In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors lived one such spirit. 在摩尔王国悬崖边的一棵参天大树上 生活着一个精灵
You might take her for a girl. 你或许以为她只是个小女孩
But she was not just any girl. 但她并不仅仅是普通的女孩子
She was a fairy . 她是个仙女
There you go. 好好成长吧
And her name was Maleficent . 她的名字叫玛琳菲森
Good morning, Mr. Shantuwell. I love your car. 早上好 尚特瓦尔先生 你的车不错
No! No! Don't do it! 别别 别这样
Ha, you missed me! 哈哈 没砸中我
Good morning. - Good morning. 早上好 -早上好
Love your walk, girls. 步子真轻盈 姐妹们
What's all the fuss about? 怎么一副大惊小怪的样子
fuss:n.大惊小怪; v.瞎忙一气; (为小事)烦恼;
The border guards... 边境守卫...
Why'd you get to tell her? I want to tell her! 凭什么你来说 我想告诉她
There are rules, Flittle. 有规矩的 蓝蝶仙子
I tell this time, you tell next time. 这次我说下次你说
The border guards... 边境守卫...
No, you told last time. 不对 你上次就说过了
So I should tell this time and Thistletwit next time. 所以这次该我说 绿蕨仙子下次说
Tell me what? 到底要说什么
Fine! - Ah, thank you. 好了好了 -多谢你
Maleficent, the border guards... 玛琳菲森 边境守卫...
The border guards have found a human thief at the Pool of Jewels! 边境守卫在珠宝湖 发现一个人类小偷
I'm sorry. 很抱歉
She's always in a hurry with her big wings. 她总是用那副大翅膀来去匆匆
Humans, here. 这里出现了人类
I hope this isn't another war. 我希望不会又发生战争
I'm not afraid. 我不害怕
Besides , I've never seen a human up close. 再说 我还没有近距离看过人类呢
Come out! 出来吧
No! They mean to kill me. 不 它们会杀了我的
And besides, they're hideous to look at. 再说 它们都丑死了
That's extremely rude! 你真是太没礼貌了
Don't listen to him, Balthazar . 别听他乱说 巴尔萨泽
You're classically handsome. 你帅得很古典
It's not right to steal, but we don't kill people for it. 偷东西不对 但我们也不会因此杀人
Come out! Come out this instant ! 出来 马上出来
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas";
Are you fully grown? 你成年了吗