

Today, what I want to share with you is something that happened to me, actually, around four weeks ago, it happened. 今天,我想和各位分享的, 是发生在我身上的事, 其实,发生的时间 就只是四周之前。
Words were said to me that I never thought I would ever hear it said to my face by another human being. 有人当面对我说了一些话, 我从来不认为 会有任何人当面对我说出这种话。
And those words, they shattered my heart. 那些话让我心碎。
shattered:adj.受到严重打击的; v.(使)破碎,碎裂; (shatter的过去式和过去分词)
And at the same time , they filled it with so much hope. 同时,那些话也让 我的心中充满了希望。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
And the whole experience renewed my commitment to the idea that I came to share with you today. 这段经验让我对于今天我来此 和大家分享的想法有了新的承诺。
renewed:adj.再次发生的; v.重新开始; (renew的过去分词和过去式) commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺;
You see, I tell everyone that I am a haunted person. 我告诉每一个人
What haunts me is the impossible stories, story after story after story after story of young people, my people, people like me dying out there on the ocean, right now, laying at the bottom of the ocean, serving as fish food. 让我焦虑的是荒谬的故事, 一个又一个又一个的故事, 诉说着年轻人,我的同胞, 像我这样的人, 死在海洋上,尸体沉入海底, 现在成为鱼类的食物。
haunts:v.出没; n.常去的场所; (haunt的第三人称单数和复数)
Do you really think that's the best we can do? 你们真的认为我们只能这样吗?
To serve as fish food? 成为鱼类的食物?
And for those of them who are trying to migrate to Europe -- because that's what it is all about, they are trying to migrate to Europe to find a job. 试图要移民到欧洲的人—— 这就是他们的目的, 他们试图穿过利比亚, 移民到欧洲找工作。 他们试图穿过利比亚, 移民到欧洲找工作。
Going through Libya .
Do you know what happens to us when we're trying to cross through Libya and we're trapped over there? 你们可知道, 当我们试图横越利比亚 却被困在那里时, 会发生什么事吗?
Well, we're being sold as slaves. 我们会被卖去做奴隶。
For 300 dollars, maybe sometimes 500 dollars. 只要 $300,有时 $500,就成交。
Sometimes I hear stories of bodies that fall off an airplane . 有时,我听到的故事是说 有尸体从飞机上掉下来。
Somebody hid in the landing gear of a plane or in the cargo section of a plane, and then you find them frozen to death. 有人会躲藏在飞机的起落架上, 或是飞机的货仓内, 最后冻死了。
landing gear:na.[航]起落装置; cargo:n.(船或飞机装载的)货物;
Wouldn't you be haunted if, like me, from the moment you were a little girl, you hear these stories and they keep repeating themselves, over and over and over? 如果你们从还是小女孩的时候, 就听到这些故事, 一而再再而三地重覆发生, 你们不会焦虑不安吗?
over and over:反复;再三;
Wouldn't you be haunted? 你们不会焦虑不安吗?
That's my case. 那就是我的情况。
And at the same time, you know, as my people are dying, my culture is also dying. 当我的同胞正在一个个消失的同时, 我的文化也正步入灭亡。
There, I said it. 好了,我说出来了。
Because, you know, we have this culture inferiority , which means that anything that comes from us is not good enough. 因为,我们有种文化自卑感, 意思就是说,我们的 任何东西都不够好。
But you know, in my situation, and because I was raised to criticize by creating, it's Michelangelos. 但,在我的情况, 因我被教导要用 有创意的方式来批评,
My father said, "Do not come to me with problems unless you thought of a couple alternatives . 我父亲说:「如果 你要带着问题来找我, 你就要先想出些替代方案。
They don't have to be right, but I just want to know that you thought of something." 不一定要是对的, 但我要知道你有想出东西来。」
So, I have this attitude in life -- something is wrong, find a way to fix it. 出错了,就想方法来补救它。
And that's why I start the businesses that I start, that's usually consumer brands , that have embedded in them the very best of my African culture. 那就是为什么我创立了我的事業, 通常是消费者品牌, 都会内建有我的非洲文化的精华。
consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者; brands:n.品牌;烙印(brand的复数);v.加商标于;铭刻于(brand的第三人称单数); embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式);
And what I do is it's all packaged, 21st century, world-class tendered , and I bring that to one of the most sophisticated markets in the world, which is the US. 我所做的是包成套装, 21 世纪,世界级呈现, 且我把它带进世界上 最复杂的市场之一, 美国。
world-class:n.世界级;adj.世界级的; tendered:adj.温柔的; n.偿付,清偿; vt.提供,偿还; vi.投标; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的;
First company was a beverage company, second one is a skin care company, third one is launching next month, and they all have that in common. 第一间公司是饮料公司, 第二间公司是皮肤照护公司, 第三间下个月就会上路, 它们都有那样的共同点。
beverage:n.饮料; launching:n.发射;开办;起飞;v.开始从事,发起,发动;(launch的现在分词)
So, why are these people leaving? 所以,为什么这些人会离开?
They're leaving because they have no jobs. 他们离开是因为
They're leaving because where they are, there's no jobs. 他们离开是因为 他们所在的地方没有工作。
So ... 所以……
But poverty , that's really striking them, is the root cause of why they're leaving. 但贫困才是真正打击他们,
Now, why are people poor? 为什么有人会贫穷?
People are poor because they have no money. 贫穷是因为没有钱。
You have no money because you have no source of income. 没有钱是因为没有收入来源。
And for most of us, what is a source of income? 对大部分人来说, 收入的来源是什么?
For most of us, what is our source of income, what is it, tell me? 对大部分人来说, 收入的来源是什么?告诉我。
Jobs, thank you. 工作,谢谢。
Where do jobs come from? 工作从哪里来?
Come from where? 从哪里来?
Businesses, thank you. 企業,谢谢。
Now, if jobs is what fixes poverty, and jobs come from businesses, don't you think -- especially , they come from small and medium size enterprises, SMEs -- then don't you think, maybe for a second, 如果工作能够解决贫困问题, 且工作来自企業, 难道你们不认为—— 且工作主要是来自中小型企業—— 你们不认为,至少闪过这个念头,
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的;
that we should focus on making it easy for a small-business person to start and run their business? 我们应该要专注让小企業的人更容易 创業和经营他们的企業?
Don't you think that it makes sense? 这样不是很合理吗?
Why is it that when I look at the Doing Business index ranking of the World Bank , that ranks every country in the world in terms of how easy or hard it is to start a company, you tell me why African countries, all 50 of them, are basically at the bottom of that list? 为什么当我看到 将全世界所有国家 依照成立公司的难易度来排名, 请告诉我,为什么非洲国家, 全部五十个国家, 排名基本上都吊车尾?
index:n.指标;指数;索引;指针;v.做索引;指出;编入索引中; World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构); basically:adv.主要地,基本上;
That's why we're poor. 那就是我们贫穷的原因。
We're poor because it is literally impossible to do businesses in these countries of ours. 我们很贫穷是因为 在我们的这些国家里 真的是不可能做生意。
But I'm going to tell you exactly what it means on the ground for someone like me. 但我要告诉你们,这对于我这样的 一般人来说,有什么意涵。
I have a manufacturing facility in Senegal. 我在塞内加尔有个 制造厂。你们可知道,
manufacturing:n.制造业;工业;v.制造;生产(manufacture的现在分词); facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资;
Did you know that for all my raw material that I can't find in the country, 对于所有在国内无法找到的原料,
raw material:n.原料;
I have to pay a 45 percent tariff on everything that comes in? 我得要支付 45% 的关税才能进口?
Forty-five percent tariff. 45% 的关税。
Do you know that, even to look for fine cardboard to ship my finished products to the US, 你们是否知道, 即使要找好的硬纸板, 来把我制造出来的成品 运送到美国,
I can't find new, finished cardboard? 我也找不到新的、做好的硬纸板?
Impossible. 不可能。
Because the distributors are not going to come here to start their business, because it makes no sense, either. 因为批发商不会来这里营業, 因为没道理那样做。 因为没道理那样做。
So right now, I have to mobilize 3000 dollars' worth of cardboard in my warehouse , so that I can have cardboard, and they won't arrive for another five weeks. 所以现在我的仓庫得要动员 价值三千美元的硬纸板, 这样我才有硬纸板可用, 且要等上至少五个星期才会到。
mobilize:v.动员;动员;调动;组织;鼓动;调用; warehouse:n.仓库,货栈;货仓;
The fact that we are stifled with the most nonsensical laws out there. 法律荒谬到让我们感到窒息。
stifled:堵; nonsensical:adj.无意义的;荒谬的;
That's why we can't run businesses. 那就是为什么我们无法经营企業。
It's like swimming through molasses . 感觉就像是游泳游过糖浆一样。
So, what can you do about that? 所以,你们能怎么做?
I told you today that someone said to me words that marked me, because I explained the same thing to my employees in Senegal. 我刚告诉过各位,有人对我 说了一些让我难忘的话, 因为我向我在塞内加尔的 员工解释了同样的道理。
And one of them started crying -- her name is Yahara. 其中一位员工开始哭泣, 她叫做雅哈拉。
She started crying. 她开始哭泣。我说: 「你为什么要哭泣?」
I said, "Why are you crying?" 她说:「我哭的原因 是因为我渐渐相信——
She said, "I'm crying because I had come to believe -- always seeing us represented as poor people -- 她说:「我哭的原因 是因为我渐渐相信—— 我们一直被当作可怜人——
represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
I had come to believe that maybe, yes, maybe we are inferior. 我渐渐相信,
Because, otherwise, how do you explain that we're always in the begging situation?" 要不然要如何解释 我们总是处在乞求的 情境中,为什么?」
That's what broke my heart. 那就是我心碎的原因。
But at the same time that she said that, because of how I explained just what I explained to you, she said, "But now, I know that I am not the problem. 但就在她这么说的时候, 我把刚才对你们说的解释给她听, 她说:「现在我知道问题不在我。
It is my environment in which I live, that's my problem." 我的问题在于我所处的环境。」
I said, "Yes." 我说: 「是的。」
And that's what gave me hope -- that once people get it, they now change their outlook on life. 那给了我希望—— 一旦人们能了解这一点, 他们就会改变对人生的观点。
Here, what are some of our solutions, then? 那么,我们有些什么解决方案呢?
If jobs is a solution , don't you think, then, that we should be simplifying the business environment of all of these countries? 如果工作是种解决方案, 那么,难道你们不觉得 我们应该简化所有 这些国家的企業环境吗?
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; simplifying:v.简约,简化(simplify进行时形式);
Don't you think? 你们不觉得吗?
And along with you, 除了你们之外,
I would like for all of your friends from the other 50 countries that are on the bottom of that list to do the same thing. 如果你们有其他朋友 在这吊车尾的五十个国家中, 我也希望他们能做同样的事。
You do that, we do the rest of the job. 你们做这些,剩下的交给我们。
I'm doing my part of the game, what are you doing? 我在做我的份,你们在做什么?
(Applause) (掌声)
What are you doing? 你们在做什么?
(Applause) (掌声)
What are you doing? 你们在做什么?
(Applause) (掌声)
And as for you, everybody here in this room, 至于在这间房间中的每个人,
I leave you with two marching orders. 我想留给你们两项进军令。
Get in the game, and the way you get in it is educate yourself, build awareness around yourself, and then also advocate for e-government solutions. 挽起袖子参与,而你参与的方式, 就是教育你自己, 在你自己的周遭建立起意识, 接着,也要倡导 电子政府解决方案。
awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人;
He said, "Oh, corruption , how do we fight corruption?" 他说:「喔,贪腐, 我们要如何打击贪腐?」
Well, as a matter of fact , I'm here to tell you that yes, you can do it by the stroke of a pen. 事实上,我来这里告诉各位 是的,你可以很轻易办到。
as a matter of fact:事实上; stroke:n.中风;笔画;钟声;抚摩;v.抚摩(动物的毛皮);轻抚;轻挪;轻触;
You do not need anyone to tell you when and how to do that. 你不需要任何人来告诉你 何时做、如何做。
It is one thing, actually, that you don't need to wait for anyone to do, so do it. 其实,这件事 你并不需要等任何人,
Otherwise, don't come and tell me that you want to fix corruption. 不然,就别来跟我说 你想要打击贪腐。
You and your other 50 friends from the other 50 countries that are at the bottom of that list. 你和你从那些从吊车尾的 五十个国家来的五十位朋友。
That's how you fight corruption. 那就是你对抗贪腐的方式。 因为贪腐会发生。
If you were only charging me 5 percent to get my stuff in the country, my raw material, instead of the 45 percent, do you really think that I would have to go a pay a bribe ? 如果我把东西,我的原料, 而不是 45%, 而不是 45%, 你们真的认为我必须要 花钱去贿赂吗?
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: bribe:v.贿赂,收买;n.贿赂;
That's what breeds corruption. 贪腐就是这么来的。
breeds:n.[生物]品种; v.繁殖;
Bad laws, sets of horrible , nonsense laws. 不好的法律,
horrible:可怕的,极讨厌的, nonsense:n.胡说;废话;adj.荒谬的;int.胡说;
(Applause) (Cheers) (掌声)(欢呼)
Right? 对吧?
(Applause) (掌声)
You want to fight corruption? 你想要打击贪腐?
That's what you do. 你就要这么做。
And again, remember, you don't need to wait for anyone. 同样的,切记, 你不需要等任何人。
You can do that by yourself. 你自己就能做到。
Unless you're telling me that maybe you have no sovereignty , and that's a whole other problem. 除非你告诉我,也许你没有主权, 好,从这里开始,
OK, so, from here on, I have simple words for our "leaders." 好,从这里开始,
This can go two ways. 可能会发生的状况有两种。
It can go the nasty way, because we have hundreds of millions of young people coming to life right now, here, and if they don't have an outlook in life, they are going to go for a revolution . 可能会很糟。 因为我们有数亿名年轻人 醒过来了,就在这里, 如果他们没有人生的展望, 他们将会选择革命。
nasty:adj.极差的:令人厌恶的:不友好的:n.令人不愉快的事物: revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环;
They're going to go for violence . 他们将会选择暴力。
And none of us wants that. 没有人希望如此。
None, none of us. 没有人。
That's the one way it can go. 那是其中一种状况。
Or the second way it can go is, all this happens peacefully , productively , and everything is good, and you do what you need to do, you get out of my way, 第二种可能的状况是, 这一切会以和平、 有生产力的方式发生, 你做你该做的, 你不要挡到我的路,
peacefully:adv.平静地;和平地; productively:adv.有结果地;有成果地;
you let people like me do our job, we create all these jobs we need, and then Africa becomes this very prosperous country that it's designed to be, it should have been for a long time. 让我们这样的人尽本份, 我们就会创造出我们需要的工作, 接着非洲就会变成 非常繁榮的国家, 它本来就被设计是如此, 且很早以前就该一直是了。
It happens like that, everybody's happy, we move on with our lives. 就像那样发生了,大家都快乐, 我们继续过我们的生活。
It can happen in two ways -- pick violence or you pick the calm, productive way. 可能会发生的状况有两种—— 选择暴力,或选择冷静、 有生产力的方式。
I want the calm, productive way. 我想要后者。
None of us should ever, ever even try to think about what else could happen if we don't go there. 我们都不应该试着去想 如果我们没达成目标 会发生什么事。
So, please. 所以,拜托。
And the time has come. 时候到了。
This type of picture -- prosperity , happiness, human flourishing -- that's what I see if we do our job. 这种景象——繁榮、 快乐、人类昌盛—— 我认为若我们尽本份, 它就会实现。
prosperity:n.繁荣,成功; flourishing:adj.繁荣的;繁茂的;v.繁荣;兴旺;茁壮成长;(flourish的现在分词)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (Cheering) (掌声)(欢呼)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)