

Pat Mitchell: What is the story of this pin ? 帕特·米切尔:这个胸针的背后故事是什么?
Pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍; pin:n.大头针;饰针;旗杆;胸针;v.别上;使不能动弹;按住;钳住;
Madeleine Albright: This is breaking the glass ceiling . 马德琳·奥尔布赖:这是指要打破天花板的潜规则。
glass ceiling:n.无形顶障(虽无明文规定却实际存在的对妇女等在职务升迁上的无形限制);
PM: Oh. PM:哦。
That was well chosen, I would say, for TEDWomen. 我想说,这是为TEDWomen大会,你精心挑选的胸针。
MA: Most of the time I spend when I get up in the morning is trying to figure out what is going to happen. MA:早上起床的大多数时间 我都用来思考这一天会发生什么
And none of this pin stuff would have happened if it hadn't been for Saddam Hussein. 如果不提到有关萨达姆·侯赛因的胸针故事, 这胸针故事都不值得一提。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: Saddam:n.萨达姆(伊拉克前总统);
I'll tell you what happened. 我来告诉你所发生的事。
I went to the United Nations as an ambassador . 我做为美国驻联合国大使。
United Nations:n.联合国; ambassador:n.大使;代表;使节;
And it was after the Gulf War. 那是在海湾战争之后。
And I was an instructed ambassador. 我奉命去履行大使职责。
And the cease-fire had been translated into a series of sanctions resolutions , and my instructions were to say perfectly terrible things about Saddam Hussein constantly , which he deserved -- he had invaded another country. 停战已经转变为 一系列制裁决议, 我的指示 就是不断地说有关萨达姆·侯赛因那些可怕的事情 这是他应得的--因为他侵略了另一个国家。
cease-fire:n.停火; series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; sanctions:n.制裁; v.许可; (sanction的第三人称单数和复数) resolutions:n.决议(resolution的复数);解决;决心;[物]分辨率; constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; deserved:adj.值得的;该奖[罚]的;v.值得;应得;应受;(deserve的过去分词和过去式) invaded:v.入侵;拥入;遍布(invade的过去分词);adj.被侵入的;
And so all of a sudden , a poem appeared in the papers in Baghdad comparing me to many things, but among them an unparalleled serpent . 所以突然间,在巴格达的报纸上有首诗 把我比作许多事物 但其中写到“一条无与伦比的蛇精”。
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; Baghdad:n.巴格达(伊拉克首都); comparing:v.比较;对比;(compare的现在分词) unparalleled:adj.无比的;无双的;空前未有的; serpent:n.蛇(尤指大蛇或毒蛇);狡猾的人;
And so I happened to have a snake pin. 所以我就有了一个蛇形的胸针。
So I wore it when we talked about Iraq. 当我们谈及伊拉克时,我就带着它。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And when I went out to meet the press, they zeroed in, said, "Why are you wearing that snake pin?" 当我出来与媒体见面, 他们的焦点问题是“你为什么要戴蛇形胸针?”
I said, "Because Saddam Hussein compared me to an unparalleled serpent." 我说,“因为萨达姆·侯赛因把我比作一条无与伦比的蛇精。”
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
And then I thought, well this is fun. 之后我想想。好吧这也很有趣。
So I went out and I bought a lot of pins that would, in fact, reflect what I thought we were going to do on any given day. 之后我去买了很多胸针 事实上,这些胸针会映射 我当天的所思所行。
pins:n.插脚,针;精确的综合导航系统; reflect:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达;
So that's how it all started. 这一切就是胸针开始的来龙去脉。
PM: So how large is the collection? PM:那现在你收集了多少胸针了呢?
MA: Pretty big. MA:非常多
It's now traveling. 目前收藏品在各地展示。
At the moment it's in Indianapolis , but it was at the Smithsonian . 此刻它在印第安纳波利斯, 但它曾在史密斯森协会(联合国博物馆)。
Indianapolis:n.印第安纳波利斯(美国印第安纳州首府); Smithsonian:n.史密森尼(美国博物馆);史密森学会;
And it goes with a book that says, "Read my pins." 还有一本书叫“解读我的胸针。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
PM: So is this a good idea. PM:这真是一个棒极了的主意。
I remember when you were the first woman as Secretary of State , and there was a lot of conversation always about what you were wearing, how you looked -- the thing that happens to a lot of women, especially if they're the first in a position. 我记得你做为第一位女性 美国国务卿, 常常有很多舆论 关注你的着装, 你的形象 这种事也发生在许多女性身上, 尤其是当她们是该职位上第一位女性时。
Secretary of State:n.(英国)大臣;(美国)国务卿; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
So how do you feel about that -- the whole -- 所以你对这些所有这些事有何感想?
MA: Well, it's pretty irritating actually because nobody ever describes what a man is wearing. MA:真的,这的确特令人厌烦 因为从来没人去描述一位男性国务卿的着装。
irritating:adj.惹人生气的;恼人的;使人生气的;v.使烦恼;刺激;(irritate的现在分词) describes:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形;(describe的第三人称单数)
But people did pay attention to what clothes I had. 但是人们特关注我的着装。
pay attention to:注意
What was interesting was that, before I went up to New York as U.N. ambassador, 有趣的是 在我去纽约胜任联合国大使前,
I talked to Jeane Kirkpatrick who'd been ambassador before me, and she said, "You've got to get rid of your professor clothes. 我和我的前任大使珍妮·柯克帕特里克谈过 她说,“你得放弃你的职业装。
Go out and look like a diplomat ." 去购物,打扮看上去像个外交官。”
So that did give me a lot of opportunities to go shopping. 所以这让我有很多机会去购物。
But still, there were all kinds of questions about, did you wear a hat? How short was your skirt? 但还是有各种各样的问题 涉及到,我戴什么帽子?我的裙子有多短?
And one of the things -- if you remember Condoleezza Rice was at some event and she wore boots, and she got criticized over that. 一件事 如果你记得康多莉扎·赖斯参加宴会,她穿了靴子, 她为此受到舆论批评。
And no guy ever gets criticized. But that's the least of it. 没有哪个男性会为此受到指责。但对女性就这么难以容忍。
PM: It is, for all of us, men and women, finding our ways of defining our roles, and doing them in ways that make a difference in the world and shape the future. PM:对我们所有人,女性和男性而言, 我们要找到定位我们自身的方法, 为了世界上的改变 和重塑未来尽我们的本职。
defining:v.解释(词语)的含义;给(词语)下定义;阐明;界定;(define的现在分词) make a difference:有影响,有关系;
How did you handle that balance between being the tough diplomatic and strong voice of this country to the rest of the world and also how you felt about yourself as a mother, a grandmother, nurturing . 你是怎么处理这种平衡关系的 既要成为坚强的外交官 又要代表我们国家 向全世界发出强有力的声音呢? 你又是怎么看待你自己 作为一个母亲,一个祖母,“抚育”的这种母性角色呢?
handle:n.[建]把手;柄;手感;口实;v.处理;操作;运用;买卖;触摸; diplomatic:adj.外交的;从事外交的;有手腕的;灵活变通的; nurturing:v.养育;培养;扶持;支持;助长;(nurture的现在分词)
And so how did you handle that? 你是怎么做到的?
MA: Well the interesting part was I was asked what it was like to be the first woman Secretary of State a few minutes after I'd been named. MA:好吧有趣的事是我被问到 当我被任命为第一位美国女性国务卿之后没过几分钟时, 我做为第一位美国女性国务卿感觉咋样?
And I said, "Well I've been a woman for 60 years, but I've only been Secretary of State for a few minutes." 我说到,“我作为女人有60年了, 但我作为国务卿仅有几分钟而已。”
So it evolved . 所以它就是这么演变来的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But basically I love being a woman. 但基本上我喜欢作为一个女人。
And so what happened -- and I think there will probably be some people in the audience that will identify with this -- 随后所发生的是-- 我认为可能在观众中的一些人 会认同这个--
I went to my first meeting, first at the U.N. 我首次出席在联合国的第一次会议。
And that's when this all started, because that is a very male organization . 当这会议完全开始时, 因为联合国是一个非常男性化的组织。
And I'm sitting there -- there are 15 members of the Security Council -- so 14 men sat there staring at me, and I thought -- well you know how we all are. 我坐在那儿--共有联合国安全理事会的15个成员 14个男性坐在那儿盯着我, 我想--好吧你知道我们一般都感觉怎么样。
Security Council:安理会; staring:adj.凝视的,目不转睛的;显眼的;v.凝视;盯着看;显眼;(stare的现在分词)
You want to get the feeling of the room, and do people like me, and will I really say something intelligent ? 你想感受一下房间的气氛, 别人喜欢我吗, 我是否要说些聪明话?
And all of a sudden I thought, well wait a minute. 突然间我想到:嘿等一下,
I am sitting behind a sign that says "The United States." 我正坐在代表“美国”的标志后。
And if I don't speak today then the voice of the United States will not be heard. 假如我今天没发言 那么美国的声音就不会被听到。
And it was the first time that I had that feeling that I had to step out of myself in my normal, reluctant female mode and decide that I had to speak on behalf of our country. 这是第一次我感觉到 我必须得以突破我自己 往常的惯性,勉强被动的女性模式 并决定我得代言我的祖国。
reluctant:adj.不情愿的;勉强的;顽抗的; female:adj.女性的;雌性的;柔弱的,柔和的;n.女人;[动]雌性动物; on behalf of:代表;为了;
And so that happened more at various times, but I really think that there was a great advantage in many ways to being a woman. 随后在不同时期这样的事又接踵而至, 但我的确认为在许多方面 作为女性占有很多优势。
I think we are better a lot at personal relationships, and then have the capability obviously of telling it like it is when it's necessary. 我们在人际关系上 做得相当好, 然后我们的能力 在必要时会得到更明显的发挥。
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; capability:n.才能,能力;性能,容量;
But I have to tell you, I have my youngest granddaughter, when she turned seven last year, said to her mother, my daughter, "So what's the big deal about Grandma Maddie being Secretary of State? 但我得告诉大家,我最小的孙女, 她去年7岁时, 对她妈,我女儿说, “祖母Maddie玛迪作为国务卿有什么大不了的?
Only girls are Secretary of State." 国务卿只可能是女孩啊。(现任希拉里和前任赖斯都是女性)“
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
PM: Because in her lifetime -- (MA: That would be so.) PM:从她出生到现在确实如此--(MA:这事实也如此。)
PM: What a change that is. PM:这真是一个巨大的改变
As you travel now all over the world, which you do frequently , how do you assess this global narrative around the story of women and girls? 现在你在满世界跑, 你经常做些什么, 你如何评价 这有关妇女和女孩参与全球议程的故事呢?
frequently:adv.频繁地,经常地;时常,屡次; assess:vt.评定;估价;对…征税; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的;
Where are we? 我们所处的现状呢?
MA: I think we're slowly changing, but obviously there are whole pockets in countries where nothing is different. MA:我们正在慢慢地改变, 但显然在一些国家 所有的事都没有改变。
And therefore it means that we have to remember that, while many of us have had huge opportunities -- and Pat, you have been a real leader in your field -- is that there are a lot of women that are not capable of worrying and taking care of themselves and understanding that women have to help other women. 因此,这意味我们得记住 虽然我们中许多人有绝好的机会-- --帕特,你已经是你这领域里的真正领导人 但是还有许多女性 她们不能 为她们自己设身处地地去担心和关怀 并明白女性得互助。
And so what I have felt -- and I have looked at this from a national security issue -- when I was Secretary of State, I decided that women's issues had to be central to American foreign policy , not just because I'm a feminist , 所以我感到-- 我从国家安全问题上 看到这个情况 那时我是国务卿,我决定 女性的问题是美国外交政策的中心环节, 不仅仅因为我是个追求男女平等的女权主义者,
issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; feminist:n.男女平等主义者;adj.主张男女平等的;
but because I believe that societies are better off when women are politically and economically empowered , that values are passed down, the health situation is better, education is better, there is greater economic prosperity . 更因为我相信社会会更美好 当女性被赋予政治上和经济上同等的权利时, 这些价值传递开来, 健康状况也会好起来, 教育也会改善, 才会有更富强的繁荣经济。
politically:adv.政治上; economically:adv.经济地;在经济上;节俭地; empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式) prosperity:n.繁荣,成功;
So I think that it behooves us -- those of us that live in various countries where we do have economic and political voice -- that we need to help other women. 所以我认为这值得我们大家去努力-- 我们这些人生活在不同的国家 在那里我们会有经济和政治发言权 我们必须帮助其它女性获得同样权利。
And I really dedicated myself to that, both at the U.N. and then as Secretary of State. 我自己真的投身致力于 在联合国做大使和随后做国务卿的工作中。
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
PM: And did you get push-back from making that a central tenant of foreign policy? PM:你有没有感到种推力 使得女性成为外交政策的关键参与者?
MA: From some people. MA:对一些人,
I think that they thought that it was a soft issue. 我想他们认为这是一个“软性”议题。
The bottom line that I decided was actually women's issues are the hardest issues, because they are the ones that have to do with life and death in so many aspects -- and because, as I said , it is really central to the way that we think about things. 我决定底线 是女性的议题实际上是最困难的议题, 因为这些议题 在许多方面涉及到生与死-- 而且,就像之前我说的, 因为这真的是我们思考这些事的中心。
The bottom line:底线;本质内容;最底线; have to do with:与…有关; aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数); as I said:正如我所说的
Now for instance , some of the wars that took place when I was in office, a lot of them, the women were the main victims of it. 比如, 当我在职时 那时有些战争, 许多战争中,女性都是主要的受害者。
For instance, when I started, there were wars in the Balkans. 比如,我刚任职时, 在巴尔干地区有些战争。
The women in Bosnia were being raped . 在波斯尼亚的女性遭到强奸。
Bosnia:n.波斯尼亚;波士尼亚; raped:v.强奸;强暴(rape的过去分词和过去式)
We then managed to set up a war crimes tribunal to deal specifically with those kinds of issues. 然后我们试着建立起一个战犯法庭 来特别解决这类问题。
tribunal:n.法庭;裁决;法官席; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地;
And by the way , one of the things that I did at that stage was, I had just arrived at the U.N., and when I was there, there were 183 countries in the U.N. 顺便说一下,我刚走马上任 驻联合国工作时, 在我那时联合国有183个国家。
by the way:顺便说一下;
Now there are 192. 目前有192个国家。
But it was one of the first times that I didn't have to cook lunch myself. 但那时也是第一次我不用亲自下厨做午饭。
So I said to my assistant, "Invite the other women permanent representatives ." 我对我的助手说, “请邀请其他女性常驻代表来赴宴。”
permanent:adj.永久的,永恒的;n.烫发; representatives:n.代表;众议院(representative的复数形式);
And I thought when I'd get to my apartment that there'd be a lot of women there. 我想当我到我的房间时 在那儿会有很多女性。
I get there, and there are six other women, out of 183. 我到那儿后,183个国家里,只有6位其他女性代表。
So the countries that had women representatives were Canada, Kazakhstan, Philippines , 派驻女性代表的国家 分别是加拿大,哈萨克斯坦,菲律宾,
Trinidad Tobago, Jamaica , 特立尼达多巴哥,牙买加,
Lichtenstein and me. 列支敦士登和我自己代表的美国。
So being an American, I decided to set up a caucus . 所以作为美国代表,我决定组织一个代表会议。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so we set it up, and we called ourselves the G7. 我们把它建立起来了, 我们自称为G7会议。
(Laughter) (笑声)
PM: Is that girl seven? (MA: Girl seven.) PM:那是指7位女孩?(MA:是的。女孩7。)
MA: And we lobbied on behalf of women's issues. MA:我们游说 代言女性权益。
So we managed to get two women judges on this war crimes tribunal. 我们决定 在这场战犯法庭上安排2位女性法官。
And then what happened was that they were able to declare that rape was a weapon of war, that it was against humanity . 然后接下来发生的 是她们能够宣布强奸是一种战争武器, 而且它是违背人性的。
(Applause) (掌声)
PM: So when you look around the world and you see that, in many cases -- certainly in the Western world -- women are evolving into more leadership positions, and even other places some barriers are being brought down, but there's still so much violence , still so many problems, and yet we hear there are more women at the negotiating tables. PM:所以当你环视全球各地 你看到,在许多情况下-- 特别在西方世界-- 女性正在担当更多领导者的地位, 甚至其他地方 一些障碍正在被推翻, 但还是会有很多暴力, 还有许多问题, 尽管如此,我们还是会听到更多的女性 在谈判桌上讲话。
evolving:v.(使)逐渐形成,逐渐演变;进化形成;(evolve的现在分词) barriers:n.障碍;栅栏;篱笆墙(barrier的复数形式); violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; negotiating:v.谈判;磋商;协商;商定;达成协议;(negotiate的现在分词)
Now you were at those negotiating tables when there weren't, when there was maybe you -- one voice, maybe one or two others. 你曾经就在那样的谈判桌代言 那曾经没女性代言,或许正是你-- 一个声音,或许一个或者另外两个人代言。
Do you believe, and can you tell us why, there is going to be a significant shift in things like violence and peace and conflict and resolution on a sustainable basis? 你相信,你能否告诉我们为什么, 这会有一个巨大转变 在诸如此类事件上像暴力 和平,冲突和 在一个可持续基础上的决议?
significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;
MA: Well I do think, when there are more women, that the tone of the conversation changes, and also the goals of the conversation change. MA:好吧,我的确认为,当更多女性参与时, 谈话的论调会改变, 谈话的目标也随之改变。
But it doesn't mean that the whole world would be a lot better if it were totally run by women. 但这并不意味全世界 会好很多 如果世界全是由女性来管理。
If you think that, you've forgotten high school. 如果你这样想,你已经忘记了高中。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But the bottom line is that there is a way, when there are more women at the table, that there's an attempt to develop some understanding. 但底线 是会有出路, 那就是更多女性在谈判桌上, 这是一种尝试 得以增进一些了解。
So for instance, what I did when I went to Burundi, we'd got Tutsi and Hutu women together to talk about some of the problems that had taken place in Rwanda. 例如,当我在布隆迪所做的事, 我们团结了图西族和胡图族女性一起 来谈论一些问题 这些问题曾经演变为卢旺达大屠杀。
And so I think the capability of women to put themselves -- 所以我认为女性的能力 是把她们自己
I think we're better about putting ourselves into the other guy's shoes and having more empathy . 我们最好是说要设身处地地替别人着想 带有更多同情心。
I think it helps in terms of the support if there are other women in the room. 这在互助方面上会起作用 如果其他女性和你共处时。
When I was Secretary of State, there were only 13 other women foreign ministers . 当我是国务卿时, 那时仅有其他13位女性外交部长。
ministers:n.部长,大臣; v.辅助; (minister的第三人称单数和复数)
And so it was nice when one of them would show up. 所以当我们中一员出面时,这是很好的。
For instance, she is now the president of Finland, but Tarja Halonen was the foreign minister of Finland and, at a certain stage, head of the European Union . 例如,现在芬兰的总统塔里娅·哈洛宁, 但她那时是芬兰的外交部长 在某一阶段,也是欧洲联盟负责人。
European Union:n.欧洲联盟;
And it was really terrific . 这真的很了不起。
Because one of the things I think you'll understand. 因为我想你会理解其中的一些事。
We went to a meeting, and the men in my delegation , when I would say, "Well I feel we should do something about this," 我们曾去了一个会议, 在我们代表团中, 当我要说,“好吧,我感觉我们应该关于此事做点事儿,”
and they'd say, "What do you mean, you feel?" 他们男性代表会说,“你指什么,你感觉到?”
And so then Tarja was sitting across the table from me. 随后塔里娅坐到我桌子对面。
And all of a sudden we were talking about arms control , and she said, "Well I feel we should do this." 突然间我们都谈论军备控制, 她说到,“好吧,我感觉我们应该做这件事。”
arms control:n.军备控制;
And my male colleagues kind of got it all of a sudden. 我的男性同事突然间懂了似的。
But I think it really does help to have a critical mass of women in a series of foreign policy positions. 但我认为这的确帮助 一些至关重要的女性 参与到一系列外交政策立场的谈判中去。
critical mass:n.(核链式反应的)临界质量;
The other thing that I think is really important: 我想到的其他很重要的事是:
A lot of national security policy isn't just about foreign policy, but it's about budgets , military budgets , and how the debts of countries work out. 很多国家安全政策 不仅是关于外交政策, 更关乎于预算,军事预算, 国家债务该怎样解决。
budgets:n.[财政]预算(budget复数形式);v.为…做预算(budget的第三人称单数形式); military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; debts:n.负债类,债务(debt的复数形式);
So if you have women in a variety of foreign policy posts, they can support each other when there are budget decisions being made in their own countries. 所以如果有女性 参与外交政策制定的不同环节中, 她们能互相支持 并制定在她们自己国家的预算决定。
PM: So how do we get this balance we're looking for then in the world? PM:那么我们该怎样 在世界上寻求这种平衡呢?
More women's voices at the table? 让更多女性的声音响彻在谈判桌上?
More men who believe that the balance is best? 更多男性会认为 这种男女平衡是最好的吗?
MA: Well I think one of the things: MA:好吧我认为一件事是:
I'm chairman of the board of an organization called the National Democratic Institute that works to support women candidates. 我是一个 叫做全国民主协会组织的委员会主席 它致力于协助女性候选人。
Democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的; Institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院;
I think that we need to help in other countries to train women to be in political office, to figure out how they can in fact develop political voices. 我认为我们需要 帮助其他国家 培训女性 胜任政务职位, 帮她们搞清楚事实上她们如何能够 发挥她们政治谈判的声音。
I think we also need to be supportive when businesses are being created and just make sure that women help each other. 我认为我们也需要支持 当我们建立企业时 得确保女性得互相协助。
Now I have a saying that I feel very strongly about, because I am of a certain age where, when I started in my career , believe it or not, there were other women who criticized me: "Why aren't you in the carpool line?" 现在我想说的是 我非常强烈地感受于此, 因为我上了一把年纪了 当我刚开始我职业生涯时, 信不信由你,有些其他女性指责我: “你为什么要踩过界线呢?”
career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; carpool:n.拼车;(公司)车队;v.拼车
or "Aren't your children suffering because you're not there all the time?" 或者“你的孩子不受罪吗 缘于你常常不在家?”
And I think we have a tendency to make each other feel guilty . 我认为我们往往会让对方感到内疚。
tendency:n.倾向,趋势;癖好; guilty:adj.有罪的;内疚的;
In fact, I think "guilt" is every woman's middle name . 事实上,我认为“内疚”是每一位女性的中间名。
middle name:n.中名(名和姓之间的名字);
And so I think what needs to happen is we need to help each other. 所以我认为所需发生的 就是我们需要互相帮助。
And my motto is that there's a special place in hell for women who don't help each other. 我的座右铭是地狱里有个专门的地方留给 不互相帮助的女性
(Applause) (掌声)
PM: Well Secretary Albright, I guess you'll be going to heaven. PM:好的,国务卿奥尔布赖特,我猜你会通达天堂。
Thank you for joining us today. 谢谢你今天加入我们的会谈。
MA: Thank you all. Thanks Pat. MA:谢谢大家。谢谢帕特。
(Applause) (掌声)