

Amber Galloway-Gallego: OK, hi. 安伯·加洛韦·加洛列:大家好。
I'm a sign-language interpreter that specializes in music interpreting . 我是一位手语翻译员, 专精于音乐转译。
interpreter:n.解释者;口译者;注释器; specializes:v.专门研究(或从事);专攻;(specialize的第三人称单数) interpreting:n.解释;口译;v.解释;[语][计]翻译(interpret的现在分词);
And you're probably wondering why Deaf people would attend concerts, but actually, music is so much more than sound simply traveling through the ear. 你大概在想,聋人为什么 会参加音乐会呢? 但事实上,音乐远不止 穿梭于耳中的声音。
See, Deaf people experience music, just in a different way. 聋人也可以感受音乐, 只不过通过一种不同的方式。
For example, my friend Lisa, she cuts her hair a certain length, so she feels the vibrations of sound in the music. 举个例子,我的朋友丽萨, 把她的头发剪到 一个特定的长度, 这样她就可以感受到 音乐声音的震动。
And music has psychological effects on us. 音乐对我们有精神层面的效果。
It invokes feelings of nostalgia , happiness, sadness, falling in love. 它会激发怀旧、 快乐、伤心的感觉, 坠入爱河的感觉。
invokes:(invoke的第三人称单数)vt.调用;祈求;引起;恳求; nostalgia:n.乡愁;怀旧之情;怀乡病;
It makes you have a feeling of connectedness , and unfortunately , 一种联通感, 但不幸的是,
connectedness:n.[数]连通性; unfortunately:adv.不幸地;
Deaf and hard-of-hearing people are excluded from these events, because obtaining a sign-language interpreter is so difficult and so overwhelming that they simply don't buy the tickets or they just give up, and this is not OK. 聋人和患有听力障碍的人们 无法体验这样的感受, 因为找到一位手语翻译员 是非常困难的, 这也让人倍感压力, 于是他们干脆就不买票, 甚至直接放弃, 这很不好。
excluded:v.排除;拒绝;把…除外;驱除;(excluded是exclude的过去分词) obtaining:n.得到,获取;v.得到(obtain的现在分词); overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词)
We have to make everything accessible . 我们需要让所有东西都变得可行。
So, myself, I am a sign-language interpreter, so what I have to do is I have to take music and bring it to life. 所以,我,作为一位口语翻译员, 需要让音乐变得鲜活可见。
In doing that, I become a bridge between the hearing world and the Deaf world, making sure that I'm representing music and the artistry of what music represents . 做这件事,让我成为了一座桥梁 联通声觉世界与无声世界, 确保我在展现音乐的同时, 也展现了音乐的艺术价值。
representing:v.代表;维护…的利益;等于;相当于;(represent的现在分词) artistry:n.艺术性;工艺;艺术技巧;艺术效果;艺术工作; represents:v.代表;维护…的利益;相当于;(represent的第三人称单数)
Now, this is a lot of work, OK? 这很费劲的,好嘛?
For a regular set that might be 12 songs, myself and a team, we have to study over 30 songs or more for one set and hope and pray we have the right setlist. 一套普通的乐集或许有12首歌, 我和我的团队, 我们为了一个乐集要学习过30首歌 并祈祷我们有正确的乐集表。
But you know what? 但是你知道吗?
You know what the reward is? 但你知道收获是什么吗?
Looking down in the audience and seeing Deaf and hard-of-hearing members, all of those people dancing and jamming out and feeling included in that music experience. 是看着观众们, 看到听觉障碍群体, 共同起舞,摇摆, 感到自己也体验了音乐。
For myself, I'm a part of this cultural and linguistic community , and we all communicate in different ways. 对于我自己,我也是 这个语言文化社区的一份子, 我们都用不同的方式交流。
cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; linguistic:adj.语言的;语言学的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
Some of us sign and voice, some of us just sign, but no one way is superior to the other. 有些用声音与手语, 有些只用手语, 但没有谁比谁更高人一等。
But you know what? 但你知道吗?
Those with hearing loss face daily battles to communication access, and those barriers are put up daily for them. 那些失去听力的人们 每天都要为拥有交流能力而奋斗, 这些障碍他们每天都要面对。
And music shouldn't be one of them. 而音乐不当成为其中一种。
So along with Madame Gandhi and myself today, let's break down those barriers. 所以今天让我们和甘地女士, 一起打破这些障碍。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与喝彩)
(Music: "Top Knot Turn Up") (音乐:《发髻朝上》)
(Percussion) (打击乐声)
Madame Gandhi: This is a song about getting the work done. 甘地女士:这是一首关于如何搞定事情的歌。
Hair up in a bun that's the most fun. 发髻盘头甚有趣。
Hearing myself think when I go for a run or maybe I'm practicing the drums or maybe I'm writing in the sun, the takeaway point is I'm talking to no one. 出门跑步思绪多, 又或我在练习击鼓, 又或我在日光下写作, 需要知道的是我不同任何人讲。
Protecting my vibes that are wholesome , trying my best to solve actual problems. 保护我的感受,让我感到安全, 竭尽全力解决实在的问题。
vibes:n.共鸣;电颤琴;气氛(vibe的复数);v.发生共鸣(vibe的三单形式); wholesome:adj.健全的;有益健康的;合乎卫生的;审慎的;
If you want to hang with me then you have to roll up your sleeves and work with me. 如果你想跟我玩, 那你得卷起袖子同我一同干活。
sleeves:n.[服装]袖子; v.给…装袖子; (sleeve的单三形式)
This ain't no time to come flirt with me; pipelines and drills are destroying the earth, you see. 没时间谈情说爱了; 管道钻井摧残着地球,你瞧。
I cannot stand all the constant misogyny . 我无法忍受这不断的女性歧视。
Tie my hair back so there ain't nothing stopping me. 头发系在脑后所以什么都挡不住我。
Top knot turn up. It's a top knot turn up. 发髻朝上,万事无阻。
Top knot turn up, turn up, turn up -- about getting the work done. 发髻朝上,朝上,朝上—— 万事无阻。
Top knot turn up, turn up, turn up. 发髻朝上,朝上,朝上。
It's a top knot turn up. 发髻朝上。
Top knot turn up, eh. 发髻朝上。
(Percussion) (打击乐声)
Tie up and tie up your hair and throw back those curls . 绑起你的头发,绑起你的头发, 把卷毛都绑到后面。
throw back:返祖者; curls:n.卷发(curl的复数);v.弄卷(curl的第三人称单数形式);
So tie up and tie up and tie up your hair and throw back those curls, uh ... 所以绑起你的头发,绑起你的头发, 把卷毛都绑到后面,
Throw back those curls, throw back and throw back and throw back those curls, uh ... 把卷毛都绑到后面, 把卷毛都绑到后面,把卷毛都绑到后面,
(Beatboxing) (口技表演)
(Percussion and beatboxing) (口技表演与打击乐声)
I turned off my phone's notifications , so I have more time. 我关掉了手机的提醒, 所以我能有更多时间。
notifications:n.通知; (notification的复数)
No bubbles to trouble my clear state of mind. 无事缠身,心静意合。
bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数)
One thing to know, I'm not here to please. 有一件事需要知道,我不是来取悦别人的。
Hair tied back, I do it properly. 头发绑在脑后,我知道该怎么做。
My time is not your property when I'm productive like my ovaries . 我的时间不是你的资产。 我像我的卵巢一样高产。
productive:adj.能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的; ovaries:n.[解剖]卵巢,[植]子房(ovary复数形式);
Eh, give a grown girl room to breathe, basic rights and her liberty . 给大女孩点呼吸的空间,她基本的自由。
Free from insecurity that the world's projecting onto me. 从世界向我投射的不安全感中解脱。
Please do not trouble me when I am focused. 请不要在我专注时打扰我。
The future is female , you already know this. 未来属于女性,你已然知道。
I'm fighting against the corruption on SCOTUS, upping my top knot since when I first wrote this. 我抵抗腐败的最高法院, 自我写下这歌便始终绑着发髻。
Eh ... 嘿……
It's a top knot turn up. 发髻朝上。
Top knot turn up, turn up, turn up -- about getting the work done. 发髻朝上,朝上,朝上—— 万事无阻。
Top knot turn up, turn up, turn up. 发髻朝上,朝上,朝上。
It's a top knot turn up. 发髻朝上。
Top knot turn up, ay. 发髻朝上。
(Percussion) (打击乐声)
Tie up and tie up and tie up your hair, throw back those curls. 绑起,绑起,绑起你的头发, 把卷毛都绑到后面。
Tie up and tie up your hair, throw back those curls, uh ... 绑起,绑起,绑起你的头发, 把卷毛都绑到后面,
Throw back those curls, throw back and throw back and throw back those curls. 把卷毛都绑到后面, 把卷毛都绑到后面。
(Beatboxing) (口技表演)
Amber G. 安伯·G。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与喝彩)
Top knot turn up. 发髻朝上。
(Music and applause) (音乐声与掌声)
Madame Gandhi. 甘地女士。
(Music) (音乐声)
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与喝彩)
(Music ends) (音乐停止)
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与喝彩)
Amber, it's such a pleasure to share this stage with you, and to make my music accessible to an audience who might be hard of hearing or Deaf and otherwise might not be able to be included in my music. 很幸运与你同台,安伯, 让我的音乐 得以被聋或听觉障碍群体感受到, 否则他们很难体会到我的音乐。
hard of hearing:adj.听力弱;耳背;n.听力弱的人;耳背的人;
And it really wasn't until this collaboration that I had thought of the fact that though I work so much in diversity and inclusion , that my music may not be reaching as many people as it could be. 而且直到这次合作, 我才意识到 即使我为了多样化与包容性付出了许多努力, 我的音乐并不能传递给那么多人。
collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化: inclusion:n.包含;内含物;
I grew up in New York City, playing the drums, listening to Nas, Lauryn Hill, Thievery Corporation , 我在纽约长大,学习过架子鼓, 听着纳斯,劳伦·希尔,窃盗集团,
Thievery:n.赃物;偷窃;盗窃事件; Corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会;
TV on the Radio, the Spice Girls -- 收音机电视, 辣妹组合——
Spice:v.在…中加香料; n.(调味)香料;
And for me, music was truth. 对于我来说,音乐是真相。
Music was my perspective into somebody else's point of view , into storytelling , into understanding how the world works. 音乐帮我了解他人观点, 了解叙事, 了解世界的运作方法。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; point of view:观点;见地;立场; storytelling:n.讲故事;说谎话;adj.讲故事的;说谎的;
And yet at the same time , I felt like there was such a disconnect between the way that I understood my own very multidimensional sense of my gender identity 然而在同时,我感到一种链接紊乱 在自我对 自己性别的理解
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; disconnect:vt.拆开,使分离;vi.断开; multidimensional:adj.[数]多维的;多面的; gender:n.性别; identity:n.身份;同一性,一致;特性;恒等式;
and the very two-dimensional way that women and femmes were often portrayed in the media . 与媒体对女性们 肤浅的描绘之间。
two-dimensional:adj.二维的;缺乏深度的; femmes:n.女同性恋者;妻子(femme的复数形式); portrayed:v.描绘;描画;描写;表现;扮演(某角色)(portray的过去分词和过去式) media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
(Sighs) (叹气)
As I moved through my life, 在我在人生中前进时,
I went on to study mathematics and women's studies at Georgetown . 我前往了乔治城大学学习数学和女性研究。
mathematics:n.数学;数学运算; Georgetown:n.乔治城(圭亚那首都);
I was the first-ever data analyst at Interscope Records. 我是环球唱片有史以来的第一位数据分析师。
first-ever:adj.第一例;前所未有; analyst:n.分析者;精神分析医师;分解者; Interscope:唱片公司;视镜唱片公司;新视镜唱片公司;
I toured the world playing the drums for M.I.A. 我为M.I.A.打架子鼓并同他们进行了世界巡演。
And I did my MBA at Harvard , all with the intention of being able to make a difference in the music industry and move the needle on gender equality from the business side. 然后我在哈佛读了MBA, 都是为了能够在音乐产业做到不同, 并把对性别平等的需要在商业化上推进。
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; intention:n.意图;目的;意向;愈合; make a difference:有影响,有关系; needle:n.针;针头;指针;缝针;v.穿过;刺激;拿针缝;拿针穿;
But it was only until three years ago, when I ran the London Marathon bleeding freely on my cycle to combat the global menstrual stigma that women face every day all around the world, that I realized that I have a message, 但是直到三年前, 当我跑伦敦马拉松时,我在经期自由的流着血 来对抗全球对女性月经的日日鄙夷, 全世界都如此, 我意识到自己有一条理念,
bleeding:n.出血;渗色;adj.流血的;同情的;v.出血;渗出;(bleed的现在分词) combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; menstrual:adj.月经的;每月的;一月一次的; stigma:n.[植]柱头;耻辱;污名;烙印;特征;
and that the most effective way that I can convey my message was through my music. 最好的阐述这个理念的方式 就是通过我的音乐。
effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; convey:vt.传达;运输;让与;
And why music? 为什么是音乐呢?
Because music caters to the emotions . 因为音乐会激发情感。
caters:v.(为社交活动)提供饮食,承办酒席;(cater的第三人称单数) emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数)
Music is joyful . 音乐是欢乐的。
Music pulls you in with the beat and the rhythm and the melodies . 音乐的节拍,韵律与旋律会吸引你。
rhythm:n.节奏;韵律; melodies:n.美妙的音乐,歌曲(melody的复数);
The music pulls you in via the community aspect of it. 音乐的团体特征也会吸引你。
via:prep.通过;经由;n.道路;[医]管道; aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位;
And music allows you to access somebody else's truth. 而且音乐允许你接触他人的故事。
In the music I listen to today, sometimes I'm like, wow, I love the rhythm so much, but the message is so misogynist , it's tough to work out to our run to or do whatever it is that I'm trying to do. 今天我听的音乐, 有些时候我觉得这个旋律可真好听, 但传递的信息却如此让人厌恶, 我很难听着这种歌健身或者跑步 或者做任何事。
I oftentimes say, "I'm not here trying to turn up to the sound of my own oppression ." 我时常会说: “我不是来宣传 自己的压抑的。”
oftentimes:adv.时常地; oppression:n.压抑;镇压;压迫手段;沉闷;苦恼;
You feel me? 你懂我吗?
(Laughter and cheers) (笑声与喝彩)
So I'm here to build the alternative instead. 所以我是来提供一个解决方案的。
In my work, I talk often about the notion that the future is female. 在我的作品里,我时常讲未来是属于女性的。
That we can actually look to the femme archetype and derive alternative styles of leadership that might encourage, instead, collaboration, emotional intelligence and building a world that is linked and not ranked. 我们能够真正的审视女性的本形 派生不同形式的领导权, 这将会提倡合作, 情感智慧 并建立一个被连接主宰的世界,而非阶层。
archetype:n.原型; derive:vt.源于;得自;vi.起源; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报;
And so for anyone watching or listening and experiencing this talk today, 所以对所有在看或在听 或在现场体验这场演讲的人,
I encourage you to consider the blind spots in your work and what partnerships or collaborations you can do to be able to make your work have even greater of an impact . 我提倡你们去考虑自己工作的盲点 以及怎样的合作关系 可以让你的工作变得更具影响力。
partnerships:n.伙伴关系;合伙;(partnership的复数) collaborations:n.协作(collaboration的复数); impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响;
This next song is called "Bad Habits," 下一首歌叫《坏习惯》,
and it's about being an even better version of yourself. 它关于如何成为更好的自己。
(Percussion and beatboxing) (打击乐声与口技)
(Singing) I had run out of time, (歌唱)我没时间了,
run out of:用完;
I had done lost my mind, 我感觉要崩溃了,
I had run out of time, 我没时间了,
I had done lost my mind. 我感觉要崩溃了。
I didn't know why. 我不知道 为什么。
I didn't know. 我不知道。
I been so pressed that I don't even know what's bothering me. 我被压抑许久,甚至不知道 是什么困扰着我。
All my bad habits have go to, got to go entirely. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走 全部。
It's my year to be free from what's bothering me. 今年我应当自由 不再被困扰。
It's this society that's killing me. 这个社会 在令人厌烦。
All my bad habits have got to, go to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
Yeah. 没错。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
Turn with me. 与我一起摇摆。
(Beatboxing) (口技)
Ready? 准备好了吗?
Clap with me. 同我一起鼓掌。
(Audience claps) (观众掌声)
Now listen. 现在听好。
(Singing) Fela Kuti in the 1970s inspires me. (歌声)1970年的菲拉库蒂 启发了我。
All he wanted was his people to be free from the colony , like Mahatma Gandhi in the 1940s. 他只是想让他的人民获得自由 从殖民者手中, 像1940年的穆哈穆德·甘地。
colony:n.殖民地;移民队; Mahatma:n.大圣;超人;
I've been reading about women's history in the 1920s, thinking about how I could be so much better. 我在阅读1920年女性的 历史, 想着我要怎样才能变得更好。
Thinking about all the tears I've cried. 想着我留下的所有眼泪。
Thinking about how we could be so much better. 想着我们怎样可以变得更好。
Thinking about all the tears we've cried. 想着我们留下的所有眼泪。
(Percussion) (打击乐声)
Yes. 没错。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
All my bad habits have got to, got to go. 我的坏习惯都得走,都得走,都得走。
(Music ends) (音乐停止)
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与喝彩)
Thank you. 谢谢你们。
(Applause and cheers) (掌声与喝彩)