

Okay, wind her up boys. It's Monte Carlo or bust ! 好了 让她飞起来吧 孩子们 目标蒙特卡洛!
Monte:n.始于西班牙的纸牌赌博游戏; bust:n.(石或金属的)半身像; v.打破; adj.破碎;
Struts . - Check. 机舱 - 正常
Struts:n.标记层; v.大摇大摆地走;
Flaps . - Check. 机翼 - 正常
Diamonds and gold. - Check. 钻石和金子 - 正常
We'll be back from our gambling spree in a couple of weeks... 我们去赌几周就回来...
gambling:n.赌博;投机;v.赌博;打赌;(gamble的现在分词) spree:n.狂欢;无节制的狂热行为;欢闹;vi.狂欢;狂饮;
Bye. - Or whenever the gold runs out. 再见 - 或者是金子输光的时候
Bye bye... Goodbye... 拜拜... 再见...
I'll write... We'll be waiting for ya! - Just kidding, we're never coming back... 我会给你写... 等着你们! - 开玩笑的 我们不会回来的...
Sorry, what was that? 等等 你说什么?
Initiate warp drive. 启动曲相推进
Initiate:vt.开始,创始; n.开始; adj.新加入的; warp:v.弯曲;(使)扭曲,变形;使乖戾;n.(织布机上的)经线,经纱
Did they just say they were never coming back? 他们是说不回来了?
Guys? 伙计们?
Marty? - Oh goody , you're here... 马蒂? - 噢 好的 你来了...
goody:n.糖果; adj.感伤的;
Why don't you chew on this, I was hungy. Yum, yum, yum... 你怎么不吃这个 我饿了 嗯 好吃 真好吃...
Oww... - I'm just messing with ya. 喔... - 我跟你闹着玩呢
I lost all feeling in this thing years ago. He, he, he... 我很多年前就失去对它的感觉了 咳咳咳...
Melman, why do you look like that? 麦尔曼 你怎么这个样子了?
Look who's talking. - Gloria? Why are you guys so... elderly . 看看是谁在讲话 - 格洛丽亚? 你们怎么都... 老了
Now when was the last time you looked in the mirror? 你上一次什么时候照的镜子?
What? 什么?
Noooo... 不...
Wake up, wake up, wake up... 醒醒 醒醒 醒醒...
Marty. Oh, Marty it was horrible . 马蒂 噢 马蒂太可怕了
That same nightmare again, huh? 又做了那个噩梦?
We were stuck here in Africa and we were all super old and wrinkly and... 我们被困在非洲这里又老又丑而且...
Well I aged well but the rest of you looked terrible. 噢 我还行 你们都老得不行了
Relax Alex 'cause I got a surprise for you. 放松 亚利克斯 我要给你个惊喜
Is it the penguins ? Have they come to take us home? 是企鹅们吗? 他们回来接我们回家了?
Nope, but it's the next best thing. - Another day bites the dust. 不 不过差不多 - 还有更差的
Come on now... Watch it, watch your step, watch yourself, sorry a this side, back, up the hill, low hanging branch, and just over this bluff there was... 来吧... 看看 看着点路 看好自己 再往这边一点 退后 上山去 低一点 在这个山那边...
Happy birthday pal! 哥们儿生日快乐呀!
Wow... New York city. 喔... 纽约城诶
Surprise. 惊喜
Gloria, you took the statue of liberty . 格洛丽亚 你变身自由女神像了啊
statue of liberty:n.(美国纽约港的)自由女神像;
Bring me your cuddled masses baby. 快来个拥抱吧 宝贝儿
cuddled:v.拥抱;搂抱;(cuddle的过去分词和过去式) masses:n.民众;大量(mass的复数);包块;v.集中;聚集(mass的三单形式);
And Melman, you're the Brooklyn Bridge. - Actually, I'm the bridge. 还有麦尔曼 你是布鲁克林大桥 - 其实 我是三区大桥
Wow. You guys made this? 喔 你们给我做的?
Yep, from memory, from crazy obsessive memory. 对 按照记忆 疯狂地记忆
Hey, Fifth Avenue with no traffic. There's times square with it's modern-day corporate lack of character. Nine Dwayne reeds on the same street. 嘿 没有车流的第五大道 看时代广场 地标没有雕人 还在同样的街道上
Avenue:n.途径;(城镇的)大街;林荫道(尤指通往大住宅者);选择; modern-day:adj.当代的;今日的; corporate:adj.公司的;组成公司(或团体)的;法人的;社团的; reeds:n.芦苇属植物(reed的复数);v.用苇子盖(reed的单数第三人称);
And the zoo. Wow, our home. Look there's a little me, and little all of us's. 还有动物园 喔 我们的家 还有个小小的我 我们所有人
Roar ... 狮子吼...
You guys, you've both made and ruined my day. 你们 你们真是让我喜极而泣
Make a wish sweetheart . 许个愿吧宝贝儿
Your wish has come true. - Oh yeah... My tummy is speaking to me. 你的愿望实现了 - 好耶... 我的肚子在跟我说话
I wouldn't eat that side of the cake if I was you. 我要是你就不会吃那个部分蛋糕了
Alex, what was your wish? 亚利克斯 你许了个什么愿?
I wished we could go home. I mean, don't get me wrong, 我希望我们可以回家 我是说 别多想
I love this but it's not the real thing. 我喜欢这个 但这不是真的
Well, that's because it's a mud-model Alex. 因为是泥塑嘛亚利克斯
It's not actually New York. I thought that was clear. 不是真的纽约 我还以为你都清楚了
What are you doing? 你们在干什么?
Here we are relying on the penguins to come back for us but... 我们还在等着企鹅们来接我们 可是...