

No, no, son. Over here. 不 不 儿子 这边这边
See the lion? Look at the lion and get the lion. 看见那狮子了吗? 盯着它 过去抓住它
Now, son, if you're gonna grow up and be like yourdaddy someday, you gotta learn how to fight. 听着孩子 要是你想长大 日后有一天能像你父亲我一样 你就必须学会战斗
Da-da. 爹地
Now, Alakay, let me show you something, okay? 阿拉基 我给你看点东西 好么?
You see this mark? 你看见这个胎记了么?
You and me are the same. 你和我是一样的
When you're bigger, you'll be alpha lion, just like me. 你长大以后 你会成为狮王 就和我一样
Now let me see you fight. Ready? 现在来战斗 准备好了么?
No, Alakay. No dancing! 不 阿拉基 我没让你跳舞!
You just amuse yourself, don'tyou? 你自己玩得挺开心 是吧?
You're a strange kid. You're a strange one. I'm... 你就是一个怪孩子 太奇怪了 我...
Now, come on, let's try it again. 来来来 我们再试一次
No, Alakay. 不 阿拉基
Stop that right now. Doggone it! 别这样 哎 我去!
It's so disappointing when they don't grow up the way you want. 孩子没朝你期望的那样发展 这多让人失望啊
Makunga. You're not challenging me again, are you? 马昆加 你这不是又在向我挑衅吧?
Look on the bright side . After I defeat you and become alpha lion, you'll have more time to spend with your pathetic son. 往好的方面想想 有朝一日我打败了你成为了狮王 你就有空去陪你那不成气候的儿子了
Look on the bright side:往好处想;乐观一点; pathetic:adj.可怜的,悲哀的;感伤的;乏味的;
Before I kick you butt ,let me ask you. 我出手之前 想问问你
why do you want to become the alpha lion? 你为什么想当狮王呢?
I'm better looking, I have better hair, I'm deceivingly smart. 我貌若潘安 发丝飘逸 还有我无人能及的聪明才智
and I want everyone else to do what I say. 而且 我想让每一个人都听命于我
We fight on three. One... 三秒解决问题 一...
Pay attention, Alakay. Daddy will show you how it's done. 看着 阿拉基 爸爸给你长长眼
Two, three! 二 三!
Who's the alpha lion? - You are. 谁是狮王? - 你是
Don't you forget it. 你最好别忘了
And that, Alakay, is how you attack... 恩 好 阿拉基 就是这样攻击...
Alakay? 阿拉基?
That's it. Here, kitfy, kitfy. 对 没错 来啊 小猫咪 小猫咪
This one's a beaufy. 这个挺漂亮啊
He'll be worth a few bucks . 他肯定值不少钱的
It just gets easierand easier. 越来越好抓了
Daddy! 爸爸!
Alakay! Alakay! 阿拉基! 阿拉基!
Alakay! 阿拉基!
Da-da! 爸爸!
No! No! No! 不! 不! 不!
Alakay! 阿拉基!
Daddy! - Daddy's got you! Hold on! 爸爸! - 爸爸来救你了! 抓紧了!
Da-da! 爸爸!
Alakay! 阿拉基!
Daddy! 爸爸!
# I've been around the world in the pouring rain # # 整个世界都是大雨倾盆 #
# Feeling out of place and feeling strange # # 我不属于这里 十分陌生 #
out of place:adj.不合适的;不相称的;不在适当的位置;
# Take me to a place where they know my name # # 带我回到那熟悉我的地方 #
# Cause I ain't met nobody that looks the same # # 我在这儿孤独一人 #
# I'm a fish out of water Lion out of the jungle # # 我就像离开水的鱼 就像离开森林的狮子 #
a fish out of water:离水之鱼;不得其所的人;浑身不自在; jungle:n.密林;尔虞我诈的环境;危险地带;
# He's a fish out of water Lion out of the jungle # # 他就像离开水的鱼 就像离开森林的狮子 #
# I'm a fish out of water Lion out of the jungle # # 我就像离开水的鱼 就像离开森林的狮子 #
# He's a fish out of water Lion out of the jungle # # 他就像离开水的鱼 就像离开森林的狮子 #
# I need my peoples, my peoples. Take me to my peoples # # 我需要朋友 我的朋友 带我去见我的朋友 #
# Play that jungle fever Show'em some love # # 燃起森林的热情 献出爱 #