

Surprise! 惊喜吧!
Alex. Do not interrupt me when I'm daydreaming . 阿历克斯 别在我做白日梦的时候打扰我
interrupt:v.中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍;n.中断; daydreaming:v.做白日梦(daydream的ing形式);空想;
When a zebra's in the zone, leave him alone. 当一只斑马跑到巅峰的时候 别去烦他
Come on, Marty. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. 别生气呀 马蒂 我只是想祝你生日快乐
Hey, man, thanks. 嘿 兄弟 谢谢你
Hey, I got something stuck in my teeth. 嘿 有东西卡在我的牙缝里了
It's driving me crazy. Can you help me? Please 都快我把我弄疯了 你能不能帮帮我? 拜托了
You came to the right place, my friend. 你可是来对地方了 我的朋友
Dr. Marty D.D.S, is in the house. 马蒂医生正好在家
Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may. 请跳上我消毒过的检查台 如果你可以的话
hop:n.啤酒花;单足短距离跳跃;;v.单脚跳行;齐足(或双足)跳行;突然快速去某处; sterilized:v.灭菌;消毒;使绝育;(sterilize的过去分词和过去式)
I don't see anything. - It's on the left. 我什么也没看到 - 在左边
Oh, sorry. 哦 不好意思
Okay, just don't talk with your mouth full. 好吧 嘴里有东西的时候别说话
Right here. What the heck is this doing in there? 就在这 这玩意怎么会在这?
Happy birthday! 生日快乐!
Hey, thanks, man. 嘿 谢谢你 哥们
You put it in behind the tooth. You all right. 你把它放在牙齿后面 你真行
These aren't even on the shelf yet. Here. Check it out. 这可是新货 还没上架呢 这儿 快看
Look at that. Look at that. - Look at that. It's snowing. 看这个 看这个 - 看这个 在下雪呢
Ten years old, huh? A decade. 十岁了 哼? 都十年了
Double digits. The big 1-0. 到两位数了 大大的1-0
You don't like it? 你不喜欢吗?
No, no, it's great. - You hate it. 不 不 它太棒了 - 你讨厌它
I should've gotten you the Alex alarm clock . 早知道我就送你阿历克斯闹钟了
alarm clock:n.闹钟;
That's the big seller. 那个才是最畅销的
No, no, no. The present's great, really. 不 不 不是 礼物棒极了 真的
It's just that another year's come and gone, and I'm still doing the same old thing. 只是年复一年 我还在做着相同又老套的事情
'" Stand over here. Trot overthere. Eat some grass. Walk back over here." 站在这儿 小跑到那儿 吃点草 再回到这儿
Stand over:延期;监督; Trot:v.快步;疾走;小跑;骑马小跑;n.慢跑,小跑,小步快跑;
I see your problem. - Maybe I should go to law school. 我知道你的烦恼了 - 也许我应该去读法律学校
You just need to break out of that boring routine. 你只是需要打破那些无聊的例行程序
How? - Throw out the old act. 要怎么做? - 抛开以前的行为
Throw out:v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出;
Who knows what you'll do. Make it up as you go along. 谁知道你要做什么呢 边走边看呗
Ad lib. Improvise . On the fly . Boom , boom, boom. 随性而为 即兴表演 忙忙碌碌 砰 砰 砰
Improvise:v.即兴创作;临时拼凑;临时做; On the fly:n.邻近备用设备;即时烧录;真时; Boom:n.繁荣;吊杆;v.激增;繁荣昌盛;轰鸣;轰响;adj.(美)猛涨起来的;
Really? - You know, make it fresh. 真的吗? - 你懂的 来点新鲜的
Fresh, huh? Okay. I could do fresh. 新鲜的 哼? 好吧 我看行
Works for me. 我也是这么想的
Here come the people, Marty. I love the people. 人们都来了 马蒂 我爱人们
It's fun people fun time! 欢乐人民的欢乐时刻!
Let's go, Gloria! Up and at'em. We're open! 我们走 歌莉娅! 起床啊 我们开门啦!
What day is it? - It's Friday. Field trip day. 今天星期几了? - 星期五 社会实践日
Field trip:n.(常指学生进行的)野外考察;
Yes, it's field trip day. 是啊 今天是社会实践日
Let's get up and go in ten more minutes. 我们要起来干活啦 让我再睡10分钟吧
Come on! Melman, Melman, Melman! Melman, Melman, Melman! 来吧! 梅尔曼 梅尔曼 梅尔曼! 梅尔曼 梅尔曼 梅尔曼!
Wake up! Rise and shine ! 起床啦! 太阳晒屁股啦!
Rise and shine:太阳都很高了(该起床了);
It's another fabulous morning in the Big Apple . 纽约美好的一天又到来啦
fabulous:adj.难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的; Big Apple:n.纽约市;
Let's go. 我们出发吧
Not for me.I'm calling in sick. - What? 我可不去了 我请病假了 - 什么?
I found anohther brown spot on my shoulder. Right here. See? 我在肩膀上又发现了一块褐斑 就在这 看到了没?
Right there. You see? 在这 你看到了吗?
Melman, you know it's all in your head. 梅尔曼 你知道这只是你的幻想
Let's go! Come on! 我们走! 来吧!
Phil! Wake up, you filthy monkey. 菲尔! 起床了 你这只脏猴子
Oh, I'm going to be fresh. 嘿 我要来点新鲜的
Straight out the ground. Tasty fresh! Freshalicious. 我要更坦率 让人觉得新鲜 新鲜又美味