

Finished, sir? 先生 您用完餐了?
Yeah. Hey, do you have a light? 是的 你有火儿吗
Old Gold man, huh? 你抽的是黄金年代 对吗
Lucky Strike here. 我抽幸福时光
Can I ask you a question? Why do you smoke Old Gold? 问一下 你为什么抽黄金年代
I'm sorry, sir. Is Sam here bothering you? 不好意思先生 山姆打扰到您了吗
He can be a little chatty . 他有时候话有点多
No, we're actually just having a conversation. Is that okay? 不 我们就是聊聊天 怎么了
Can I get you another drink? 我再给您续杯酒吧
Yeah. Do this again. Old-fashioned , please. 好的 还是古典鸡尾酒吧 谢谢
So you obviously need to relax after working here all night. 整夜工作肯定需要好好放松放松
I guess. I don't know. 是吧 我也不清楚
But what is it? I mean, low-tar? 它有什么好 是焦油含量低?
Those new filters ? 还是新款滤嘴?
filters:n.过滤器; v.过滤; (filter的第三人称单数和复数)
Why... I mean... Why Old Gold? 为什么要抽黄金年代
They gave 'em to us in the service a carton a week for free. 餐厅每周给我们一条 免费的
So you're used to 'em, is that it? 那就是你抽习惯了是吗
Yeah. They're a habit. 是啊 习惯成自然了
I could never get you to try another brand ... 你会去抽别的牌子的烟吗
Say, my Luckies? 比如 幸福时光
I love my Old Golds. 我喜欢黄金年代
All right, well, let's just say tomorrow a tobacco weevil comes 打个比方 要是明天地球上的黄金年代
And eats every last Old Gold on the planet. 都被象鼻虫吃光了
That's a sad story. 那太糟了
It's a tragedy . 绝对是个悲剧
Would you just stop smoking? 你会戒烟吗
I think I could find something. 我想我会抽别的牌子
I love smoking. 我喜欢抽烟
'"I love smoking. " That's very good. 我喜欢抽烟 很好
My wife hates it. 我老婆不喜欢我抽烟
Reader's Digest says it will kill you. <读者文摘>上说吸烟会致人死亡
Yeah, I heard about that. 是啊 我也听说了
Ladies love their magazines. 女人们就是喜欢那种杂志
Yes, they do. 没错
You weren't worried about waking me, were you? 你就不怕吵醒我 是吧
Am I interrupting anything? 打扰到你了吗
Mmm, no. 没有
You're lucky I'm still up working 你真会挑时候 我还在工作
And I'm alone. 而且只有我一个人
How's it going? 进行的怎么样了
They invented something called Grandmother's Day. 他们发明了个什么祖母节
That ought to keep me busy drawing puppies for a few months. 估计之后几个月我都得画狗狗了
Can I run a few ideas past you? 能跟你说说我的想法吗
Does that mean what I think it means? 你要说的和我想的一样吗
Because I'm familiar with most of your ideas. 我基本能猜出来你要说什么
I'm having a situation with my cigarette account. 我那个香烟的企划案遇上了点麻烦
Wow, you really are here to talk. 你还真是来找我倒苦水的
The Trade Commission is cracking down on all of our health claims . 贸易委员会驳回了所有的健康证明
Commission:n.委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作; cracking:n.破裂;开裂;adj.裂解的;分裂的; claims:v.宣称; n.声明; (claim的第三人称单数和复数)
I get Reader's Digest. 我看<读者文摘了>了
This is the same scare you had five years ago. 五年前你也碰到过这种情况
You dealt with it. 你处理得很好
I know I slept a lot better 我知道医生也抽烟以后
Knowing doctors smoke. 睡眠质量提高了很多
Well, that's just it. The whole "safer cigarette" thing is over. 只是我们的 香烟无害论 泡汤了
No more doctors, no more testimonials , 不再需要医生 不再需要健康证明