

I am an architect . 我是一名建筑师,
And this picture shows the city that I come from, 图片里的城市,是我的家乡——
Beijing, China. 中国,北京。
And old Beijing is like a very beautiful garden, you can see a lot of nature. 老北京像是一个非常美丽的花园, 你可以看到很多自然风光。
When I was a kid, 当我还是一个孩子的时候,
I learned to swim in this lake and I climbed mountains every day after school. 我在这片河里学游泳, 每天放学都会爬那些山。
But after getting older, we built more and more modern buildings. 但长大以后, 越来越多的大楼拔地而起,
And they all look the same. 但它们看起来都一个样子——
They all look like matchboxes . 都像火柴盒。
Why are modern buildings and cities full of these boxy shapes? 为什么当代建筑和城市 挤满了这些火柴盒?
In this photo, you actually see two cities. 在这张图片里, 你实际上看到的是两座城市。
The one on the left is New York, and the one on the right is Tianjin, a Chinese city that's being constructed . 左边的是纽约, 右边的是天津,
And they have very similar skylines . 它们有着非常相似的天际线。
Maybe they also follow the same principle . 可能它们也遵循着 同样的建筑原则。
You know, competing for density , competing for more space, competing for efficiency . 比如都在攀比建楼密度, 争夺更多空间, 竞争使用效率。
competing:adj.相互冲突的;相互矛盾的;v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛;(compete的现在分词) density:n.密度; efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效;
Therefore, modern architecture becomes a symbol of capital and power. 因此,当代建筑 变成了一个资本和权力的象征。
architecture:n.建筑学;建筑风格;建筑式样;架构; symbol:n.象征;符号;标志;
Chinese cities are building a lot, they're also, you know, not only competing for this space and height, they're also learning a lot from North American urban strategies 中国的城市正在大规模被重建, 它们也不仅都在 比拼空间和高度, 而且也在学习很多北美城市战略,
urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; strategies:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;(strategy的复数)
[and] also repeat a lot from city to city. 将其模式拷贝到 一个又一个城市。
So here, we call it 1,000 cities with one face. 在这儿我们叫它“千城一面”。
So as an architect in China, 在中国,作为一个建筑师,
I have to ask myself, what can I do about it? 我需要问自己:对此我能做些什么?
One day, I was walking on a street, 有天,我在街上走着,
I saw people selling fish. 看到人们在卖鱼,
And they put the fish in this cubic fish tank. 他们把鱼放在一个方形鱼缸里。
So I was asking the same question, why a cubic space for fish? 于是我问着自己同样的问题: 为什么给鱼一个立方空间?
Do they like cubic space? 鱼儿们喜欢立方空间吗?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Obviously not. 显然不。
So maybe the cubic space, cubic architecture, is cheaper, is easier to make. 可能因为方形建筑 建造起来更加便宜、方便。
So, I did this small research, 于是我做了一个小研究,
I put a camera and I tried to observe how fish behave in this cubic space. 我放了个相机,并尝试去观察 居住在立方空间中 那些鱼的行为。
observe:v.观察;看到;庆祝;监视; behave:v.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用;
And then I found they probably weren't happy. 之后我发现它们可能不开心。
The cubic space wasn't the perfect home for them, so I decided to design a new fish tank for them. 立方空间对它们来说 不是一个完美的居住空间, 所以我决定给它们设计一个新鱼缸。
I think it should be more organic , it should be a more fluid space inside. 我认为这新鱼缸应该更有机, 内部空间应该更具流动性,
organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体; fluid:adj.流动的;流畅的;不固定的;n.流体;液体;
More complex interiors . 具有更加复杂的内部构造。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; interiors:n.内部(interior的复数形式);
I think they should feel happier living in this space, but I wouldn't know because they don't talk to me. 我认为鱼儿们居住在这样的环境下 应该感到更加开心, 但我并不知道, 因为它们不会和我说话。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But one year after, we got this opportunity to design this real building for humans. 一年后, 我们有了一个 为人们设计大楼的机会,
This is actually a pair of towers that we built in Mississauga, a city outside Toronto . 也就是在坐落于多伦多市外
And people call this Marilyn Monroe Towers -- 人们称它“梦露大厦”——
(Laughter) (笑声)
because of its curvature . 因为它的曲线外观。
And the idea was to build a tower, high-rise , residential tower, but not a box. 创造这个 高层的、可居住的塔, 而非一个盒子,
high-rise:adj.高楼的;超高层的;n.高楼;大厦; residential:adj.住宅的;与居住有关的;
It's more inspired by nature, with the sunshine and wind dynamics . 更多是受到自然的灵感激发, 阳光,和风动力。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) sunshine:n.阳光;日光;欢乐;幸福 dynamics:n.动力学,力学;
After we finished designing the first tower, they told us, you know, "You don't have to design the second one, you just repeat the same design, and we pay you twice." 在我们结束第一座塔的设计后, 他们和我们说: “你们不用设计第二个塔了, 只要重复第一座的设计就好, 我们照常付你两座塔的钱。”
But I said, "You cannot have two Marilyn Monroes standing there." 但我说:“你不能有两座 玛丽莲梦露站在那儿。”
And nature never repeats itself, so now we have two buildings that can dance together. 因为自然从来不会自我复制。 所以现在我们有两座 相互呼应,共同起舞的大楼。
So I have this question for myself. 我对自己有这么一个疑问:
You know, why, in the modern city, we often think architecture is a machine, is a box? 为什么,在当代城市中, 我们总是把建筑 看作一个机器,或一个盒子?
So here, I want to see how people looked at nature in the past. 想到这里,我想要看看过去 人们是怎样看待自然的。
By looking into this Chinese traditional painting, 通过对中国传统绘画的研究,
I found that they often mixed the nature and the artificial , man-made , in a very dramatic way, so they create this emotional scenery . 我发现他们通常 将自然与人造物件 用一种非常戏剧化的方式混合, 以此创造出这般动人的景象。
artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; man-made:adj.人造的;人工的;合成的; dramatic:adj.突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的;激动人心的; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; scenery:n.风景;景色;舞台布景;
So in the modern city, my question is: 因此在当代城市中, 我的问题是:
Is there a way that we don't separate buildings and nature, but combine them? 有没有一种方法, 不用将楼宇和自然分离, 而是将它们融合?
So there's another project that we built in China. 这里有另一个我们 在中国负责的项目。
It's a quite large residential complex. 是一个规模挺大的住宅区,
And it's located in a very beautiful nature setting. 而且它坐落在 一个非常漂亮的自然景观中。
located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式)
To be honest, the first time when I visited the site , it was too beautiful. 老实说,我第一次实地考察的时候, 它太美了,
And I almost decided to reject the project because you feel as a criminal to do anything there. 以至于我差点儿决定推了这个项目, 因为你在这儿,小摸小碰, 都觉得在犯罪。
I don't want to become a criminal. 我可不想成为罪犯。
But my second thought was, if I didn't do it, they would just put, you know, standard urban towers there, anyway. 但是我三思过后, 如果我不接下项目, 他们不管怎样就会在这儿 放一个标准城市建筑。
And that would be a pity. 那会是一个遗憾。
So I decided I had to give it a try. 所以我决定孤注一掷。
So the way we did that was we took the contour lines from the existing mountains, and we took those lines and then translated them into a building. 我们的方法是 拿来那些山峦的等高线图, 把它们转译成建筑。
So those towers are actually taking the shapes and geometries from the nature. 因此,那些建筑实际上借鉴了 山峦原有的造型和几何图案。
So each building has a different shape, a different size, different height. 每一幢楼,都有 不同的形态、大小和高度。
And they become the extension of the nature 它们的拔起之地成为了
[where] they're situated . 大自然的延伸。
And you know, people think we use computer sometimes to design this kind of architecture, but I actually use a lot of hand sketch , because I like the randomness in the hand sketch. 而且, 人们认为我们有时用电脑 来设计这样的建筑, 但事实上我更多使用手稿, 因为我喜欢手稿中的随性。
sketch:n.素描;草图;速写;概述;v.概述;简述;画素描;画速写; randomness:n.随意;无安排;不可测性;
And they can carry sort of emotions that cannot be made by computers. 它们能够传递出一种 电脑图纸无法表达的情绪。
Architecture and humans and nature can coexist together and are having a good relationship in this photo. 建筑、人类和自然可以共存, 也可以有一个很和谐的关系, 如图所示。
Actually this guy in the photo is one of the architects on our team. 照片中的人 是我们建筑师团队的一员,
I think he's been enjoying the beautiful nature scenery, and feeling relieved that he is not part of the criminals -- 我认为他正在 享受这个美丽的自然风景, 因为他没有成为 破坏景色的罪犯——
relieved:adj.释然的; v.缓解;
(Laughter) (笑声)
in the end. 而终于如释重负。
Back to the city, in Beijing, we were asked to design these urban towers. 说回城市, 在北京,有人叫我们 设计这样的城市建筑。
And I made this model. 我做了这样的一个模型。
It's an architecture model, looks like a minimountain and minivalleys. 这是一个建筑模型, 有迷你山丘和迷你村庄。
I put this model on my table, and I watered it every day. 我把这个模型放在我的书桌上, 每天给它浇水。
And years later, we completed this building. 几年过去, 我们这座大楼完工了。
And you can see how my hand sketch is being translated into the real building. 你能看到我的手稿 是如何一点点被转译为 这一真实建筑。
And they look quite similar. 它们看着蛮相似的。
It looks like a black mountain. 看起来像是一座黑色高山。
And this is how this building is situated in the city. 这就是该建筑如何屹立在城市中的。
It's on the edge of this beautiful park. 它屹立在这美丽公园的边界,
on the edge of:adv.几乎;濒于;在…边缘;
It's different, very different from the surrounding buildings, because other buildings are trying to build a wall around the nature. 和周围的高楼大厦相比, 它极其的与众不同。 因为其他建筑 尝试着在自然周围竖一堵墙,
But what we're trying to do here is to make the building itself as a part of nature, so we can extend the nature from the park into the city. 而我们致力于 将建筑打造成自然的一部分, 随之将自然 从公园延展,并带入城市。
extend:vt.延伸; vi.延伸;
So that was the idea. 这是我们的构想。
A Chinese art critic drew this painting. 一位中国艺术评论家画了这幅画,
He put our building in this painting. 他把我们的建筑放进了其中。
Can you see there's a black, tiny mountain? 你能看到那里有个小黑山吗?
That looks very fit into this painting. 它与整幅画面的关系非常和谐。
However, in this reality, our design was being challenged that it looks so different from the surroundings . 但实际上, 我们的设计一直被质问: 它看起来和周遭环境格格不入。
And they asked me to modify my design, either color or shape, to make the building fit the context better. 他们也要求我改进我的设计, 不管是颜色,还是造型, 让它变得不要那么突兀。
modify:vt.修改,修饰;更改;vi.修改; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
So my question was, why it fits this traditional, you know, natural context, better than the reality? 所以我的问题是 为什么这个建筑设计 更能与传统的自然环境融为一体, 而非现实环境?
Maybe there's something wrong with the reality. 可能是现实出了点问题,
Something wrong with the context. 现实环境的问题。
In the very northern part of China, we also built this opera house . 在中国很北部的地方, 我们也设计了这样的歌剧院。
opera house:n.歌剧院;
It's an opera house next to the river, in the wetland park. 一个湿地公园中 傍水而建的歌剧院。
So we decided to make this building part of the surrounding landscape and merge into the horizon . 我们决定把这个建筑 设计成周围风光的一部分, 并且将其藏入地平线中。
landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境; merge:vt.合并;使合并;吞没;vi.合并;融合; horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围;
The building literally looks like a snow mountain. 这建筑看起来真的和雪山没两样,
And people can walk on the building. 而且人们可以在这“雪山”上行走。
During the day or when there's no opera, people come here, they can enjoy the views, and they can continue their journey from the park onto the building. 在白天或是没有演出的时候, 人们可以来这里欣赏风景, 可以爬上建筑继续他们的 公园观光。
When they reach the rooftop , there's an amphitheater that's framing the sky, where they can sing to the sky. 当他们到达楼顶, 有个圆形剧场, 为天空配上了画框。 在那里, 人们可以对着天空歌唱。
rooftop:n.屋顶;adj.屋顶上的; amphitheater:n.竞技场;[建]圆形露天剧场;古罗马剧场; framing:v.给…做框;作伪证陷害;制订;拟订;n.框架;结构;骨骼;(frame的现在分词)
Inside the opera, we have this lobby with a lot of natural light, and they can also enjoy this semi-indoor-outdoor space, and they can see the beautiful view around them. 歌剧院内部, 我们设计了自然采光的大厅, 人们也可以在室内空间 享受身临室外的景色, 观赏环绕周围的美景。
I've been building several mountains, and here I'm trying to show you one building that I think looks like a cloud. 我最近正在建造几座山, 在这里我给各位展示一下, 有一座建筑我觉得看起来像云朵。
It's the Lucas Museum of Narrative Arts that's being constructed in the city of Los Angeles. 这是洛杉矶正在建造的 卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆。
It's a museum created by George Lucas, the creator of the "Star Wars" movies. 这是电影《星球大战》创始人 乔治·卢卡斯创立的。
Why a building that looks like a cloud? 为什么这个建筑看着像云朵?
Because I think, I imagine, the cloud is mysterious . 因为我幻想云朵是神秘的,
It's nature. 它是自然。
It's surreal when this natural element landed in the city. 当这个自然元素降落于城市大地时, 是非常迷离梦幻的。
surreal:adj.超现实主义的;离奇的;不真实的; element:n.元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境;
And it makes you feel curious about it, and you want to explore it. 它会让你感到好奇, 想要去探索。
curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; explore:v.探索:探测:探险:
So that's how the building landed on earth. 这就是“云朵”如何降落于大地的。
By lifting this museum, making it float above the ground, we can free up a lot of landscape and space underneath the building. 通过抬高这座博物馆, 使它悬浮于地表, 我们可以释放很多 建筑下方的空间和风景。
And then we can, at the same time , create this roof garden above the building where you can visit and enjoy the view. 与此同时,我们能够 在建筑上方创造一个 你可以去拜访并 欣赏风景的屋顶花园。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; roof garden:n.屋顶花园;
This museum will be completed in the year 2022, and you're all invited when it's completed. 这个博物馆将会在 2022 年竣工, 等建造完毕, 欢迎诸位前来参观。
So after building all these mountains and clouds, now we're building these volcanoes back in China. 在那些“山峦”和“云朵”建筑后, 我们正在中国设计这些 “火山”。
This is actually a huge sports park with four stadiums in it, with one football stadium [with] 40,000 seats in there. 这其实是一个有着四个体育馆的 大型体育公园。 其中是一个有 4 万观众席的 足球体育馆。
So it's a very large project. 所以这是一个很大的项目。
And you see from this photo, you can hardly tell where there's building and where there's landscape. 从这张照片, 你很难辨别 哪里是建筑,哪里是自然风景。
So the building becomes a landscape. 所以建筑也成为了自然风景,
Even becomes a land art, where people can walk around the building, they can climb this building as they're wandering in this volcano park. 甚至成为了地景艺术。 人们可以围绕建筑漫步, 可以爬上这个“火山”, 宛如他们正在一个火山公园游走。
And this rendering shows one of the spaces in those volcanoes. 这个效果图展现了 火山间众多空间的一个。
This is actually a swimming pool with natural light coming from above. 这是一个游泳馆, 自然光线能从上方进入。
swimming pool:n.游泳池;游泳场;游泳馆;
So, what we're trying to create actually is an environment that blurs the boundary in between architecture and nature. 所以,我们正在尝试创造的 实际上是一个能够模糊 建筑和自然界线的环境。
blurs:n.斜面边框;污点(blur的复数);v.使…模糊;污损(blur的第三人称单数); boundary:n.边界;范围;分界线;
So architecture is no longer a functional machine for living. 这样,建筑不再是 为生存而建的功能性机器。
It also reflects the nature around us. 它能反映我们周围的自然,
It also reflects our soul and spirit. 也能映射我们的灵魂和精神世界。
So, as an architect, I don't think in the future we should repeat those soulless matchboxes anymore. 所以,作为一个建筑师,我认为 在未来,我们不该再继续 复制那些毫无灵魂的火柴盒,
I think what I'm looking for is the opportunity to create a future with harmony in between humans and nature. 我正在寻找一个机遇, 去创造一个 人与自然和谐相处的未来。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)