

(Piano) (钢琴演奏)
(Singing) It was done (唱)一切已尘埃落定
When the benediction had been sung 当神灵的祈福回荡耳畔
Firelight gently woke us from our golden night 火光轻柔地 把我们从金色夜晚中唤醒
Firelight:n.火光; gently:adv.轻轻地;温柔地;温和地;
My surprise 我如此惊讶
I can turn to see your open eyes 我能转身望见你睁开的双眸
And I know You are alive 我知道
I know that smile 我记得那个笑容
Nothing more 除此外再无其它
In the after 从今往后
There is waking from your sleep 从你的睡梦中醒来
And your lover 而你的爱人
Is the only face you see 是你唯一望见的脸庞
We are after 我们都在追寻
Ever after 永远在追寻
There is laughter 那里有欢笑
Afterneath 在心深处
The war 在战争中
Nobody ever even asked what for 没有人曾问过为何而战
Up above 在一切之上
Nothing matters but the ones you love 没有什麽比你深爱的人更重要
Nothing matters:那没关系;都无所谓;
So get out with me 所以和我一同出去吧
Now you've got enough with me 现在你对我已经足矣
Just the two of us you see 如你所见只有我们两个
And nothing more 再无其他
In the after 从今往后
There is waking from your sleep 从你的睡梦中醒来
And your lover 而你的爱人
Is the only face you see 是你唯一望见的脸庞
We are after 我们都在追寻
Ever after 永远在追寻
There is laughter Afterneath 那里有欢笑 在那心底深处
Oh, we after 哦,我们在追寻
Ever after 永远在追寻
There is laughter 那里有欢笑
Afterneath 在心深处
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thanks. 谢谢。
I love a depressing song ... 我喜爱伤感的歌曲……
depressing:adj.令人抑郁的; v.使沮丧; (depress的现在分词)
(Laughter) (笑声)
you know? 你知道吗?
I've been writing them for 15 years now, and to be honest, over that time, 到现在为止我已经写歌 15 年了, 实话说,这些年以来,
I've come to kind of believe that they're not really depressing at all. 我甚至觉得它们 其实一点也不伤感。
In fact, I think they're kind of the most important songs we have. 事实上,我认为它们是 我们拥有的最重要的歌。
Songs that sing of sorrow, of grief , of longing, of the darker side of love, the underside of being alive, these are the songs I just never tire of hearing and I never tire of writing, because they make me feel less alone. 这些歌,歌唱着惋惜、 悲伤、 渴望、 爱的黑暗面、 活着的另一面, 我从未厌倦聼这样的歌曲, 也从未厌倦去写这样的歌, 因为它们让我不再感到孤独。
grief:n.悲痛;忧伤;不幸; underside:n.下面;阴暗面;
They speak to a very real part of being human that can often be hidden in fear and shame and pushed deep down where it lingers and rots. 它们在述说着 作为人非常真实的一部分, 这些感情通常藏匿于恐惧和屈辱, 被深埋心底,徘徊、腐烂。
But I think in listening to these songs -- really listening -- can allow us to refeel these hard emotions , but in a cathartic and healing way. 但是我相信如果我们用心聼这些歌, 真正用心聼, 能让我们重新去感受这些艰难的感情, 但是以一种宣泄和疗愈的方式。
emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数) cathartic:adj.导泻的;通便的;n.[药]泻药;[药]通便药; healing:n.康复; adj.痊愈中的; v.(使)康复,复原; (heal的现在分词)
In a way that reminds us, as we listen, that we're not alone in darkness. 在我们聆听的同时,也提醒我们, 黑暗中的我们不孤独。
There's a Japanese phrase known as " mono no aware," 日语里有一句话, 「物の哀れ(真情流露)」,
which roughly translates as "the bittersweet poignancy of things," 可以大致翻译为 「万物皆有苦乐参半的心酸」
roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; bittersweet:adj.苦乐参半的;又苦又甜的;n.又苦又甜的东西;蜀羊泉; poignancy:n.辛辣;强烈;尖锐;辛酸事;
or the pathos or "ahness" of things. 或是凄楚之情或对事物的「哀叹」。
It's a valuable awareness of impermanence , both a kind of gentle, transient sadness as things pass by in life, but also a deeper, softly lingering sadness about the impermanence of all reality. 这是对世事无常的一种珍贵的认识, 也是一种温柔、转瞬即逝, 对生命中擦身而过的事物的感伤, 但也是一种更深的、 更加缠绵的忧伤, 关于对于现实中一切事物的短暂性。
valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; impermanence:n.无常;暂时性; transient:adj.短暂的;转瞬即逝的;倏忽的;暂住的;n.暂住某地的人;过往旅客;临时工; softly:adv.温柔地;柔和地;柔软地;静静地; lingering:adj.拖延的; v.继续存留; (linger的现在分词)
'"Mono no aware" can be manifest in lots of life stories and moments and songs. 「物の哀れ」显现在生活中 很多的故事和时刻里 还有歌里。
One example in Japanese culture is the celebration of the cherry blossom . 在日本文化里有一个例子 就是庆祝樱花的盛开。
cherry:adj.上品;卓越的;樱桃色的;n.樱桃;樱桃树;樱桃色; blossom:n.花朵,花簇;v.开花;变得更加健康(或自信、成功);
The cherry blossom in and of itself is no more impressive than that of an apple or orange tree, but what sets it apart is its brevity . 樱花盛开的本身并没有比 一棵苹果或橘子树的盛开更令人惊艷, 但它的与衆不同 在于它盛开时间的短暂。
impressive:adj.感人的;令人钦佩的;给人以深刻印象的; brevity:n.简洁,简短;短暂,短促;
Cherry blossoms fall within a single week -- can be whisked away on the gentlest breeze -- and it's this that makes it more beautiful. 盛开的樱花树会在一周内凋零, 落花会被温和的风儿带走, 这让它显得更美丽。
blossoms:n.花朵,花簇; v.开花; (blossom的第三人称单数和复数) whisked:v.搅打,搅动;匆匆带走;迅速送走(whisk的过去分词和过去式) breeze:n.微风;和风;轻而易举的事;v.轻盈而自信地走;
It's utterly fragile , and fragility gives life its poignancy. 它太易碎了, 易碎感带给生命感伤。
utterly:adv.完全地;绝对地;全然地;彻底地,十足地; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; fragility:n.脆弱;[力]易碎性;虚弱;
Now, being a cheery chap , nothing speaks to me more than this, and -- 我是一个愉快的家伙, 没有什么比这更能说明我了,而且——
cheery:adj.愉快的,活泼的; chap:n.小伙子;家伙;龟裂;v.使皲裂;皲裂;
(Laughter) (笑声)
you know, I think it's been the essence of my songwriting for years, of what moves me to write, what inspires me to sing. 你知道,我觉得这也是 我这些年来创作的精髓, 触动我去写, 鼓舞我去唱出来。
essence:n.本质;实质;精髓;香精; songwriting:n.作曲;作词; inspires:激励;赋予灵感(inspire的第三人称单数);
Because pain and grief and doubt, when it's made manifest in music, in song -- when it's made beautiful in poetry and painting, it can build a community and a kinship in the knowledge that we are none of us alone in darkness. 因为伤痛、悲伤和疑惑, 当它们在音乐、歌曲中呈现, 由美丽的诗歌和画面组成, 可以建立社区和联系, 那就是在黑暗中 没有一个人是孤独的。
poetry:n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; kinship:n.[法]亲属关系,家属关系;亲密关系;
My next song is one that I call "Killing Me," 我的下一首歌是《杀了我》,
and as the name suggests, it's not a dance floor favorite. 就像歌名说的一样, 不适合跳舞。
dance floor:n.(旅馆、餐厅等供客人跳舞的)舞场;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But it isn't miserable . 但也没有那麽痛苦。
It's full of love and hope. 它充满爱和希望。
And I think it exemplifies everything I've been talking about. 我觉得它就是 我刚刚所说的一切的最好例子。
exemplifies:v.是…的典型(或典范、榜样); (exemplify的第三人称单数)
And it's the first song I've written from the perspective of somebody else, specifically my grandmother, as she lives on without my late grandfather, as she experiences new things in her life -- her grandchildren getting married, having their own children, speaking at TED -- all the while she lives without, and all the while she misses her soul mate . 这是我为一个人而写的第一首歌, 这个人就是我的祖母, 当我祖父去世后,她独自生活, 在她的人生中, 她也在经历新的事情—— 她的孙子们结婚了, 有了他们自己的孩子, 在 TED 演说。 为了那些她独自生活的时刻, 也为了她一直想念的灵魂伴侣。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; specifically:adv.特别地;明确地; mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对;
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Piano) (钢琴演奏)
(Singing) Sweetheart would you wake up today? (唱)甜心,今天你会醒来吗?
I promise you would recognize my faith 我向你保证 你会认出我的信心
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰;
I want to show you how I've grown in this place 我想让你看看 我在此如何长大
In this place I'm not alone 在这个地方 我不再孤独
And I know I'll be OK 而且我明白我会很好
But it's always harder When the winter comes to stay 但是当冬天来临 一切都是那麽艰难
And I can't help remember all the words I never said 而且我情不自禁想起 那些我从未说过的话
And it's killing me That you're not here with me 它正在杀了我,我无法承受 因为你不在我身旁
I'm living happily 我开心地生活着
But I'm feeling guilty 但我却感到愧疚
And you won't believe The wonders I can see 你不会相信 我所见到的奇迹
This world is changing me 这个世界正改变着我
But I will love you faithfully . 但我依然会诚心诚意地着爱你。
(Piano) (钢琴演奏)
Oh, everything is taller these days 哦,这些日子里 一切都变得如此高大
Maybe I feel smaller and time rushes away 也许是因为我感到了自己的渺小 而时间正匆匆而逝
So much I could show you 我有那麽多想与你分享
How all the great-grandchildren 我们所有的曾孙子们是如何
Have been laughing like we did when we were young 像我们年轻时一样欢笑
I've been laughing like we did when we were young 就像我们年轻时一样欢笑着
Oh, it's killing me that you're not here with me 哦,它正在杀了我,我无法承受 因为你不在我身旁
I'm living happily 我开心地生活着
But I'm feeling guilty 但我却感到愧疚
Oh, you won't believe The wonders I can see 哦,你不会相信 我所见到的奇迹
This world is changing me 这个世界正改变着我
I will love you faithfully 而我依然会诚心诚意地着爱你。
Oh, it's killing me 哦,它正杀了我
That you're not here with me 因为你不在我身旁
I'm living happily 我开心地生活着
But I'm feeling guilty 但我却感到愧疚
Oh, you won't believe The wonders I can see 哦,你不会相信 我所能见到的奇迹
This world is changing me 这个世界正改变着我
I will love you faithfully 但我依然会诚心诚意地着爱你。
Oh, it's killing me 哦,它正在杀了我
That you're not here with me 因为你不在我身旁
I'm living happily 我开心地生活着
But I'm feeling guilty 但我却感到愧疚
Oh, you won't believe The wonders I can see 哦,你不会相信 我所见到的奇迹
This world is changing me 这个世界正改变着我
But I will love you faithfully 但我依然会诚心诚意地着爱你。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢大家。
(Applause and cheering) (掌声和欢呼)