

#I was walking down the street# #我自个在街上走#
'"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked " - Cage the Elephant
#When out the corner of my eye# #眼角瞥见有响动#
#I saw a pretty little thing approaching me# #只见一个可人儿慢慢靠近我#
#She said "I've never seen a man# #她说 我从没见过谁#
#Who looks so all alone# #像你这样的孤独#
#Could you use a little company# #你需不需要我的陪伴#
#Not even fifteen minutes later# #十多分钟后#
#I'm still walking down the street# #我还是在街上走#
#When I saw a shadow of a man creep out of sight# #只见一个男的暗中跟着我#
#And then he sweeps up from behind# #但他从后面扑上来#
sweeps:n.清扫; v.清扫;
#And puts a gun up to my head# #他还拿枪戳我脑袋#
#He made it clear he wasn't looking for a fight# #他显然不想和我说太多废话#
#He said give me all you've got# #他说 你值钱的都给我#
#I want your money not your life# #我不杀人只越货#
#But if you try to make a move I won't think twice# #但你敢乱动你就别想活#
#I go like you can have my cash# #我说你要钱尽管拿#
#But first you know I got to ask# #但我想问你句话#
#What made you want to live this kind of life# #你为什么喜欢这等活法#
#He said there ain't no rest for the wicked# #他说 邪恶无处不在#
#Money don't grow on trees# #票子不会从天落#
#I got bills to pay# #我还有家要养#
#I got mouths to feed# #我还有腹要果#
Turn the music down, Sir! 把音乐关小点声 先生
#There ain't nothing in this world for free# #世上没有免费的午餐#
#I know I can't slow down# #我知道我不能停手#
Cut the music! 把音乐停了
#I can't hold back# #我无路可退#
I'm sorry. 真抱歉
You know why I pulled you over? 知道我为什么叫停你的车吗
Well, obviously you felt the need to exercise your limited power to punish me for ignoring the speed limit . 显然你觉得需要 用你那点小权力来惩罚我 就因为我超速了
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) ignoring:v.忽略,忽视;(ignore的现在分词); speed limit:n.(道路的)最高车速限制;
It's okay, I understand. 没关系 我理解
I like to punish people too. 我也喜欢惩罚人
Or at least I used to. 至少我过去喜欢
Licence and registration . 请出示驾照和行驶证
Licence:n.许可证,执照;特许;vt.特许,许可;发给执照; registration:n.登记;注册;挂号;
Coming right up . 马上给你
Coming right up:马上来;马上就来;
Are you trying to bribe me, sir? 你是要贿赂我吗 先生
Yes, of course. 当然了 你以为呢
Is that not enough? 还不够吗
Take more, it's only money. 尽管拿 不过是钱罢了
It's against the law, sir. 这是违法的 先生
You people are funny about your laws, aren't you? 你们这些人类一说起法律就激动 是吧
You break the law sometimes, don't you? 你有时也会违法 对吧
Sometimes. 有时吧
I put my siren on and drive really fast, for no reason at all, just 'cause I can. 我会打开警笛 在路上飙车 不为什么 因为我乐意
Right? 是吧
Why wouldn't you? It's fun. 凭什么不呢 多有趣