

I would like to talk to you about why many e-health projects fail. 我想和大家谈谈 众多电子医疗保健(e-health)项目失败的原因
And I really think that the most important thing of it is that we stopped listening to patients . 我想最重要的一点 是我们没有倾听病人的心声
And one of the things we did at Radboud University is we appointed a chief listening officer. 我们在荷兰内梅亨大学(Radboud University)做的一件事 就是委任了一名首席倾听官
appointed:adj.(时间)指定的,约定的; v.任命; (appoint的过去分词和过去式)
Not in a very scientific way -- she puts up a little cup of coffee or cup of tea and asks patients, family, relatives , "What's up? 不是以一种很科学的方式- 她倒杯咖啡或者茶 问问病人,家庭,亲戚 “近来好啊?
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; relatives:n.亲戚;亲属;同类事物;(relative的复数)
How could we help you?" 有什么需要我们帮助的?”
And we think, we like to think, that this is one of the major problems why all -- maybe not all -- but most of the e-health projects fail, since we stopped listening. 我想,我们愿意认为 这就是导致 几乎所有电子医疗保健项目失败的 主要原因之一 即我们没有倾听
This is my WiFi scale . It's a very simple thing. 这是我的WiFi体重测量仪 是个很简单的玩意
It's got one knob , on/off. 这有个开关
And every morning I hop on it. 每天早上我坐上去称重
And yes, I've got a challenge, as you might see. 哈不错,我给自己定了个目标值 你可以看到的
And I put my challenge on 95 kg. 我把体重目标值定为95kg
But the thing is that it's made this simple that whenever I hop on, it sends my data through Google Health as well. 事实上整个操作非常简单 我一坐上去 它就把我的数据发送到谷歌健康(Google Health)
And it's collected by my general practitioner as well, so he can see what's my problem in weight, not on the very moment that I need cardiologic support or something like it, but also looking backward . 同时我的全科医生也可以收到 然后他就能看看我的体重有什么问题 不是等到像心脏病发作 这样十万火急的时候才想到看体重 而是一路走来都会关注
general practitioner:n.普通医师; backward:adj.向后的;反向的;发展迟缓的;adv.向后地;相反地;
But there's another thing. 但还有一点
As some of you might know, I've got more than 4,000 followers on Twitter. 你们有些人可能知道 我在推特(Twitter)上有四千多粉丝
So every morning 所以每天早上
I hop on my WiFi scale and before I'm in my car, people start talking to me, "I think you need a light lunch today, Lucien." 我用WiFi体重测量仪称重 在我上车之前 人们就开始跟我说话了 “我想你今天午饭还是就简吧,吕西安”
(Laughter) (笑声)
But that's the nicest thing that could happen, since this is peer pressure, peer pressure used to help patients -- since this could be used for obesity , it could be used to stop smoking in patients. 但其实那再好不过了 因为这是同伴压力 同伴压力能帮助病人- 它可以帮助治疗肥胖 可以帮助 戒烟
peer:n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员;v.仔细看;端详; obesity:n.肥大,肥胖;
But on the other hand , it also could be used to get people from out of their chairs and try to work together in some kind of gaming activity to get more control of their health. 但是另外一方面,它也可以 把人们聚集到一起 参加一些类似游戏的活动 来更好地维护健康
on the other hand:另一方面;
As of next week, it will soon be available. 下一周这个功能就要上马了
There will be this little blood pressure meter connected to an iPhone or something or other. 届时会有一个像这样的小血压计 连接到智能手机或者其他设备上
blood pressure:n.[医]血压;
And people will be able, from their homes, to take their blood pressure, send it into their doctor and eventually share it with others, for instance , for over a hundred dollars. 然后人们便可在家中 测量血压 之后把数据发给他们的医生 同时也可同其他人分享 只要一百美元
eventually:adv.最后,终于; instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例;
And this is the point where patients get into position and can collect, not only their own control again, be captain of their own ship, but also can help us in health care due to the challenges that we face, like health care cost explosion , doubled demand and things like that. 这就是关键之处,当患者各就各位 收集数据时,他们不仅能自我控制 亲自掌舵 还能帮助我们应付 医疗保健中面临的挑战 比如医疗费用剧增 或者需求成倍增加等等
health care:n.卫生保健; explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增;
Make techniques that are easy to use and start with this to embrace patients in the team. 我们要让技术便于掌控 以鼓励已步入轨道的病人
techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数) embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括;
And you can do this with techniques like this, but also by crowd-sourcing. 你可以通过这样的技术来实现 也可以将任务分派给普通大众(crowdsourcing)
And one of the things we did 今天我将通过
I would like to share with you introduced by a little video. 一个短片来向各位展示我们做的一个项目
(Music) (音乐)
We've all got navigation controls in our car. 我们车里都有导航装置
We maybe even [have] it in our cellphone . 甚至手机里也有
We know perfectly where all the ATMs are about the city of Maastricht. 我们知道马斯特里赫特市 所有ATM(自动取款机)的位置
The other thing is we know where all the gas stations are. 也知道所有加油站的位置
And sure, we could find fast food chains. 当然还有快餐店
fast food:adj.供应快餐的;n.快餐食品;
But where would be the nearest AED to help this patient? 但是最近的能拯救患者的 自动体外除颤器(AED)在哪儿?
We asked around and nobody knew. 我们到处问也没有人知道
Nobody knew where the nearest life-saving AED was to be obtained right now. 没人知道的能救命的自动体外除颤器 现在能找到了
life-saving:n.救生;adj.救生的; obtained:v.获得(obtain的过去分词);
So what we did, we crowdsourced The Netherlands. 我们将属于整个荷兰的任务派发给群众
We set up a website and asked the crowd, "If you see an AED, please submit it, tell us where it is, tell us when it's open," 我们建了一个网站 告诉人们,“如果你看到一个自动体外除颤器(AED) 就请在网上标出它的位置 并备注开放时间”
since sometimes in office hours sometimes it's closed, of course. 备注是因为它不一定24小时都开放
office hours:n.办公时间;
And over 10,000 AEDs already in The Netherlands already have been submitted . 在荷兰已经有一万多个AED 被标注上了
The next step we took was to find the applications for it. 下一步就是开发相应的应用程序
And we built an iPad application . 我们开发了一个iPad应用
We made an application for Layar, augmented reality, to find these AEDs. 一个Layar的应用,扩增实境 来寻找AED
And whenever you are in a city like Maastricht and somebody collapses , you can use your iPhone, and within the next weeks also run your Microsoft cellphone, to find the nearest AED which can save lives. 如果你在马斯特里赫特市 看到有人倒下了 你可以用iPhone 几周之内微软手机也可以了 找到最近的AED 来拯救生命
And as of today, we would like to introduce this, not only as AED4U, which is what the product is called, but also AED4US. 今天 我想介绍的,不仅仅是AED4U 这是那个产品的名字 还有aed4.us(网站域名——译者注)
And we would like to start this on a worldwide level. 我们打算将这项目推广到全世界
And [we're] asking all of our colleagues in the rest of the world, colleague universities, to help us to find and work and act like a hub to crowd-source all these AEDs all around the world. 在这里我们也呼吁世界各地的同事 和大学来帮我们 让我们万众一心 一起将世界各地的AED标识出来
colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); hub:n.中心;毂;木片;
That whenever you're on holiday and somebody collapses, might it be your own relative or someone just in front of you, you can find this. 这样当你假日外出看见有人昏倒了 也许是你的亲人或者只是路人 你就能找到AED
The other thing we would like to ask is of companies also all over the world that will be able to help us validate these AEDs. 在这里我们还想呼吁 世界上的各个公司 能帮我们验证这些AED
These might be courier services or cable guys for instance, just to see whether the AED that's submitted still is in place. 譬如,或许让快递员 或者电报员 去看看被标识的AED 是不是还在那个位置
courier:n.导游;情报员,通讯员;送快信的人; cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住;
So please help us on this one and try to make not only health a little bit better, but take control of it. 所以请在这一项目上帮助我们 让我们不仅更健康,并且能将其掌握,胸有成竹
Thank you. 谢谢大家
(Applause) (掌声)