

Oh, my God! 天哪
Walt ! Walt !
Stay away from the gas! Stay there! 离机油远点儿 在那别动
Help! Help! 救命 救命
Somebody, help me! 救命啊
Help, help! 救命 救命
Oh, my leg! 我的腿
Hey, get over here. Give me a hand . 过来 帮我一下
Give me a hand:帮我一下;
You, come on! Come over here! Give me a hand! 过来 帮我一下
On the count of three. 数三下一起用力
One, two, three! 一 二 三
Help! Please, help me! 救命! 救救我
Help me! Please, help me! 救命 救救我
Get him out of here. Get him away from the engine. 把他抬走 离引擎远点儿
Get him out of here. 把他抬走
Help me! Please, help me. I'm having contractions ! 救救我! 请救救我! 我开始宫缩了
How many months pregnant are you? 怀孕几个月了
Only eight months. 八个月
How far apart are they coming? 间隔时间呢
I don't know, a few just happened! 不知道 这是头一次
Hey! Get away from there! 快躲开
Listen to me! 听我说
Look at me! You're gonna be okay. Do you understand me? 看着我 你会没事的 知道吗
But you have to sit absolutely still. 但你必须坐着别动
Hey! You! Come here! 你 过来
I need you to get this woman away from these fumes . 让她离这些烟远点儿
Take her there. Stay with her. 带她到那边去 陪着她
If her contractions occur closer than three minutes, call me! 如果宫缩频率接近三分钟就叫我
You gotta be kidding me. 不是吧
I'll be right back. 我马上就回来 好吗
Thank you. 谢谢你
Hey! What's your name? 你叫什么名字啊
Stop! Her head's not tilted back enough. You're blowing into her stomach. 停 她头部后仰不够 气都送到了她胃里
You sure? 你肯定吗
That's exactly what I was doing. 我刚才就是这么做的啊
I'm a lifeguard . I'm licensed . 我是救生员 有执照的
lifeguard:n.救生员;警卫;vt.护卫,保护;vi.当救生员; licensed:adj.得到许可的;获准拥有的;v.批准;许可(license的过去分词和过去式)
You need to think about giving that license back. 你该考虑一下把那执照还回去了
Maybe we should do one of those hole things. 也许我们该试一下插孔
Stick the pen in the throat? 用钢笔在喉部插孔
Yeah, good idea. You go get me a pen. 好主意呀 你给我找个钢笔去
Does anyone have any pens? Do you have a pen? 谁有钢笔 有钢笔吗
Come on! 来吧
Come on! Come on! 醒过来 醒过来
Big deep breaths. 深呼吸
Big breaths. 深呼吸
Move! Move! Move! 离开那儿 离开那儿
Get her up! Get her out of there! Go away! 带她离开 带她离开那儿 走开啊!
You okay? 没事吧
Yeah. Yeah.
You? 你呢
Stay with her. 陪着她
Dude , I'm not going anywhere. 老兄 这还用说
I didn't know which one would work best. 不知道哪个最好用
They're all OK. 都不错