

Code is the next universal language. 程式码是下一个世界的共通语言。
In the seventies, it was punk music that drove the whole generation. 七十年代,庞克族音乐引领整个世代,
In the eighties, it was probably money. 八十年代,可能是金钱吧!
But for my generation of people, software is the interface to our imagination and our world. 但到我这一代, 软体是我们的幻想与世界的介面,
interface:n.接口;人机界面;连接电路;v.连接; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
And that means that we need a radically , radically more diverse set of people to build those produc ts, to not see computers as mechanical and lonely and boring and magic, to see them as thi ngs th at they can tinker and turn around and twist, an d so f orth. 这意谓着我们需要 更多更多各式各样的人 来制造这种产品, 这些人不会把电脑看为机械式、孤独、无聊与神奇的, 他们会把电脑看成是 可以改进的、可以变好的等等。
radically:adv.根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式; mechanical:adj.机械的;力学的;呆板的;无意识的;手工操作的;
My personal journey into the world of programming and technology started at the tender age of 14. 我个人的程式设计与科技世界的旅程, 从我稚嫩的 14 岁开始。
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; tender:v.投标;提供;提出;n.投标;(蒸汽机车的)煤水车;adj.和善的;温柔的;亲切的;
I had this mad teenage crush on an older man, and the older man in question just happened to be the then Vice President of the United States, Mr. Al Gore. 我狂热地迷上了一位年纪比我大的男士, 而这位男士恰好是 那时的美国副总统艾尔.高尔先生。
crush:v.压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入;n.粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群; Vice:n.恶习;缺点;[机]老虎钳;卖淫;prep.代替;v.钳住;adj.副的;代替的; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
And I did what every single teenage girl would want to do. 而我做了一件每一个青少女都会想要做的事情,
I wanted to somehow express all of this love, so I built him a website, it's over here. 我要以某种方式表达我全部的爱慕, 所以我为他做了一个网站,就在这里。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
And in 2001, there was no Tumblr, there was no Facebook, there was no Pinterest. 在 2001 年,那时没有 Tumblr、 没有 Facebook、没有 Pinterest。
So I needed to learn to code in order to express all of this longing and loving. 所以我需要学编写程式, 来表达我全部的渴望与爱意。
And that is how programming started for me. 这就是我如何开始编写程式。
It started as a means of self-expression . 它开始是一种自我表达的手段,
Just like when I was smaller, I would use crayons and legos . 就像我还小的时候,我会用蜡笔和乐高积木来表达。
And when I was older, I would use guitar lessons and theater plays. 当我大些,我会利用吉他课程及戏剧表演。
But then, there were other things to get excited about, like poetry and knitting socks and conjugating French irregular verbs and coming up with make-believe worlds and Bertrand Russell and his philosophy . 然后,还有其他令人兴奋的事, 例如诗歌及织袜子、 练习法文的不规则动词变化、 自创的幻想世界、 还有伯特兰.罗素以及他的哲学。
poetry:n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术; knitting:n.针织;编织物;[外科]骨愈合;v.编织;皱眉(knit的ing形式); conjugating:vt.结合;使成对,使结合;vi.结合;结亲;性交;n.同源词;adj.共轭的;结合的; irregular:n.不规则物;不合规格的产品;adj.不规则的;无规律的;非正规的;不合法的; verbs:n.[语]动词(verb的复数); make-believe:n.伪装;虚伪;假扮者;adj.假装的;虚假的; philosophy:n.哲学;哲理;人生观;
And I started to be one of those people who felt that computers are boring and technical and lonely. 然后我开始变成那些 觉得电脑是无聊的、专業的和孤独的人之一。
Here's what I think today. 现在我是这样认为:
Little girls don't know that they are not supposed to like computers. 小女孩不知道她们被认为不该喜欢电脑。
Little girls are amazing. 小女孩是很厉害的,
They are really, really good at concentrating on things and being exact and they ask amazing questions like, "What?" and "Why?" and "How?" and " What if ?" 她们非常非常擅于专注在事物上, 又很精准,而且她们会问一些奇妙问题, 像「是什么?」「为什么?」「怎么样?」「如果?」
concentrating:v.集中(注意力);聚精会神;(使)浓缩(concentrate的现在分词) What if:如果…怎么办?
And they don't know that they are not supposed to like computers. 她们不知道她们被认为不该喜欢电脑。
It's the parents who do. 是父母们这样认为的。
It's us parents who feel like computer science is this esoteric , weird science discipline that only belongs to the mystery makers. 是我们父母觉得 电脑科学是一门难懂又诡异的学科, 那是专属于制造神秘的人的。
computer science:n.计算机科学; esoteric:adj.秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的; weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; discipline:n.纪律;训练;自制力;风纪;v.训练;管教;惩罚;处罚;
That it's almost as far removed from everyday life as, say, nuclear physics . 它几乎就像离日常生活遥不可及的核子物理学一样。
nuclear physics:n.(原子)核物理学;
And they are partly right about that. 他们部份是对的。
There's a lot of syntax and controls and data structures and algorithms and practices, protocols and paradigms in programming. 编写程式中是有许多语法、控制项、资料结构、 演算法、演练、 通讯协定以及程式范例。
syntax:n.语法;句法;有秩序的排列; structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式); protocols:n.协议; v.拟定议定书; paradigms:n.范例,模范(paradigm的复数形式);
And we as a community , we've made computers smaller and smaller. 我们一起将电脑做得越来越小,
We've built layers and layers of abstraction on top of each other between the man and the machine to the point that we no longer have any idea how computers work or how to talk to them. 我们在人与机器之间, 建立了层层迭迭的抽象观念。 一直到我们不再了解电脑是如何运作的 或如何与电脑沟通。
layers:n.层;表层;层次;阶层;v.把…分层堆放;(layer的第三人称单数和复数) abstraction:n.抽象;出神;心神专注;提取;分离;
And we do teach our kids how the human body works, we teach them how the combustion engine functions and we even tell them that if you want to really be an astronaut you can become one. 我们有教孩子,人体是如何运作的, 我们教他们,内燃机是如何作用的, 我们甚至告诉他们:如果你真的要成为太空人, 你会办得到的。
But when the kid comes to us and asks, "So, what is a bubble sort algorithm?" 但当孩子来问我们: 「什么是冒泡排序演算法?」
Or, "How does the computer know what happens when I press 'play,' how does it know which video to show?" 或「当我按 “执行” 时,电脑怎么知道它要做什么? 它怎么知道要放映那部影片呢?」
Or, "Linda, is Internet a place?" 或是:「琳达!网际网路是一个地方吗?」
We adults, we grow oddly silent. 我们大人变得异常安静。
'"It's magic," some of us say. 「它有神奇力量!」有些人会说。
'"It's too complicated ," the others say. 「它太复杂了!」另一些人会说。
Well, it's neither. 嗯!其实两个都不是。
It's not magic and it's not complicated. 它既没有神奇力量,也不复杂。
It all just happened really, really, really fast. 只是这一切发生得太快太快了!
Computer scientists built these amazing, beautiful machines, but they made them very, very foreign to us, and also the language we speak to the computers so that we don't know how to speak to the computers anymore without our fancy user interfaces . 电脑科学家制造了这些惊人美妙的机器, 但却让我们对它非常非常陌生。 也让电脑对于我们沟通的语言也很陌生, 以致于如果没有巧妙的使用者介面,我们就不知道如何与电脑沟通了。
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; interfaces:n.分界面; v.把界面缝合; (interface的复数)
And that's why no one recognized that when I was conjugating French irregular verbs, 这就是为什么没有人看出 当我在做法文的不规则动词变化时,
I was actually practicing my pattern recognition skills. 事实上我是在做 ‘模式识别技巧’ 练习。
And when I was excited about knitting, 当我对编织感到很兴奋时,
I actually was following a sequence of symbolic commands that included loops inside of them. 事实上我是在遵循一串符号指令, 包括好几个在里面的重复指令。
sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列; symbolic:adj.象征的;符号的;使用符号的; loops:n.[计]循环(loop复数); v.使...成环,以圈结,以环连结(loop的第三人称单数形式);
And that Bertrand Russell's lifelong quest to find an exact language between English and mathematics found its home inside of a computer. 伯特兰.罗素终其一生的追求, 在英文与数学之间找一种精确的语言, 这追求就在电脑里找到了归宿。
quest:n.追求;寻找;vi.追求;寻找;vt.探索; mathematics:n.数学;数学运算;
I was a programmer, but no one knew it. 我那时就是个程式设计师,但没有人知道。
The kids of today, they tap, swipe and pinch their way through the world. 现代的孩子终日把玩电脑,
swipe:vt.猛击;偷窃;刷…卡;n.猛击;尖刻的话;vi.猛打;大口喝酒; pinch:v.拧;捏;掐;捏住;夹紧;偷摸;逮捕;n.捏;掐;拧;一撮;
But unless we give them tools to build with computers, we are raising only consumers instead of creators. 除非我们给他们内含电脑的制造工具, 否则我们只是在培育一群消费者,而不是创造者。
This whole quest led me to this little girl. 整个追求过程带领我遇到这个小女孩,
Her name is Ruby , she is six years old. 她是六岁的露比,
She is completely fearless , imaginative and a little bit bossy . 她胆子很大并且富想像力,还有一点霸道。
fearless:adj.无畏的;大胆的; imaginative:adj.虚构的;富于想象的;有创造力的; bossy:adj.专横的;浮雕装饰的;爱指挥他人的;n.母牛;牛犊;
And every time I would run into a problem in trying to teach myself programming like, "What is object-oriented design or what is garbage collection?", 每次我遇到一个有关 自我教育写程式的问题, 例如:「物件导向设计是什么?或是垃坄回收是什么?」
object-oriented:adj.面向对象的; garbage:n.垃圾;废物;
I would try to imagine how a six-year-old little girl would explain the problem. 我就会试着想像一个六岁小女孩会如何解释这问题。
And I wrote a book about her and I illustrated it and the things Ruby taught me go like this. 我写了一本有关她的书,并画了插图, 描述露比教我的事情就像这样。
Ruby taught me that you're not supposed to be afraid of the bugs under your bed. 露比教我 「我不认为妳应该怕 床底下的虫子」。
And even the biggest of the problems are a group of tiny problems stuck together. 还有「即使是最大的问题 也是一群小问题凑在一起而已」。
And Ruby also introduced me to her friends, the colorful side of the Internet culture. 露比也将我介绍给她朋友, 他们是网路文化多彩多姿的一面。
She has friends like the Snow Leopard , who is beautiful but doesn't want to play with the other kids. 她有朋友,例如雪豹, 它很美可是不想和其他小朋友一起玩。
And she has friends like the green robots that are really friendly but super messy . 她有朋友,像绿能机器人,十分友善但超极散乱。
And she has friends like Linux the penguin who's really ruthlessly efficient , but somewhat hard to understand. 她有朋友,像名叫 Linux 的企鹅, 十分冷酷地有效率,但有点让人难以了解。
Linux:n.Linux操作系统(一种类似于UNIX的计算机操作系统); penguin:n.企鹅; ruthlessly:adv.无情地;残忍地;冷酷地; efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的; somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微;
And idealistic foxes, and so on. 还有理想主义的狐狸等等。
In Ruby's world, you learn technology through play. 露比的世界是透过游玩学技术。
And, for instance , computers are really good at repeating stuff , so the way Ruby would teach loops goes like this. 又譬如,电脑很擅长于重复的事物, 所以露比教我像这样用重复指令。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
This is Ruby's favorite dance move, it goes, " Clap , clap, stomp , stomp clap, clap and jump." 这是露比最喜欢的舞蹈动作:“拍、拍、踩、踩、 拍、拍、跳“。
Clap:n.鼓掌;拍手;掌声;拍手声;v.拍手(表示赞许或欣赏);击掌; stomp:v.迈着重重的步子走(或跳舞、移动);
And you learn counter loops by repeating that four times. 这样重复四次,就可学会counter计数器回圈,
And you learn while loops by repeating that sequence while I'm standing on one leg. 当我单脚站,重复这个排序时,就学会了 while 回圈。
And you learn until loops by repeating that sequence until mom gets really mad. 而当你一直重复那个排序, 直到你妈气疯了你就了解甚么是 until 回圈了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And most of all, you learn that there are no ready answers. 最重要是你学到的是没有现成的答案。
When coming up with the curriculum for Ruby's world, 当我要设计一个诉说露比世界的课程时,
I needed to really ask the kids how they see the world and what kind of questions they have and I would organize play testing sessions . 我需要真正地问孩子们,他们是如何看这世界的, 以及他们有什么样的问题, 然后我会安排些游戏测试。
organize:v.组织;安排;处理;分配;管理; sessions:n.会议;会期(session的复数);
I would start by showing the kids these four pictures. 一开始我会给孩子们看四张图片,
I would show them a picture of a car, a grocery store, a dog and a toilet. 一张是一部车的图片, 还有杂货店.一只狗和一个马桶的图片。
And I would ask, "Which one of these do you think is a computer?" 接着我会问:「这些之中,你认为那一个是电脑?」
And the kids would be very conservative and go, "None of these is a computer. 孩子们会非常严肃地说: 「这里没有一个是电脑,
I know what a computer is: it's that glowing box in front of which mom or dad spends way too much time." 我知道电脑是什么: 它是一个会让妈妈或爸爸 在它面前花很多时间的发光盒子。」
But then we would talk and we would discover that actually, a car is a computer, it has a navigation system inside of it. 然后我们会讨论, 并且发现其实车子就是一部电脑, 它里面有导航系统。
And a dog -- a dog might not be a computer, but it has a collar and the collar might have a computer inside of it. 狗或许不是电脑, 但它有个项圈, 项圈内可能有个电脑。
And grocery stores, they have so many different kinds of computers, like the cashier system and the burglar alarms. 杂货店里有各式各样的电脑, 例如收银机及防盗警报器。
cashier:n.出纳员;v.开除…的军籍; burglar:n.破门盗贼;入室窃贼;
And kids, you know what? 孩子们,你们知道吗?
In Japan, toilets are computers and there's even hackers who hack them. 在日本,马桶是电脑, 甚至骇客也会骇入它们。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And we go further and I give them these little stickers with an on/off button on them. 再进一步地, 我给他们一些在上面有开关按钮的贴纸,
And I tell the kids, "Today you have this magic ability to make anything in this room into a computer." 然后我告诉孩子:「今天你们有魔力, 能将这房间里的任何东西都变成电脑。」
And again, the kids go, "Sounds really hard, I don't know the right answer for this." 然后孩子们又说了: 「听起来很难,我不知道正确答案。」
answer for:因…而受罚;对…负责;
But I tell them, "Don't worry, your parents don't know the right answer, either. 我告诉他们:「别担心, 你们父母亲也不知道正确答案。
They've just started to hear about this thing called The Internet of Things. 他们只是才开始听说有这个 叫『网际网路』的东西。
But you kids, you are going to be the ones who are really going to live up in a world where everything is a computer." 但是孩子们,你们会活在一个 所有的东西都是电脑的世界。」
And then I had this little girl who came to me and took a bicycle lamp and she said, "This bicycle lamp, if it were a computer, it would change colors." 然后有位小女孩走向我, 手里拿着一个脚踏车车灯, 她说:「如果这脚踏车车灯是个电脑, 它会变各种颜色。」
And I said, "That's a really good idea, what else could it do?" 我说:「这真是个好主意。它还可以做其它什么吗?」
And she thinks and she thinks, and she goes, "If this bicycle lamp were a computer, we could go on a biking trip with my father and we would sleep in a tent and this biking lamp could also be a movie projector ." 她想了又想, 然后回答:「如果这脚踏车车灯是个电脑, 我们就能和我爸爸骑脚踏去旅行, 我们可以睡在帐篷里, 这脚踏车车灯也可当电影放映机。」
And that's the moment I'm looking for, the moment when the kid realizes that the world is definitely not ready yet, that a really awesome way of making the world more ready is by building technology and that each one of us can be a part of that change. 这正是我期待的一刻! 这一刻当孩子们明瞭 这世界肯定尚未准备就绪, 让这世界更能准备就绪的最棒方法 就是开发技术。 而我们每个人都能成为这改变的一部份。
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的;
Final story, we also built a computer. 最后一个故事,我们还建立了一台电脑,
And we got to know the bossy CPU and the helpful RAM and ROM that help it remember things. 我们知道了发号施令的「中央处理器」及有幫忙的「随机存取记忆体」 和幫电脑记住一切的「唯读记忆体」
And after we've assembled our computer together, we also design an application for it. 在我们将电脑组装之后, 我们也为它设计了应用程式。
assembled:v.聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装;(assemble的过去分词和过去式) application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;
And my favorite story is this little boy, he's six years old and his favorite thing in the world is to be an astronaut. 我特别喜爱的故事是这位小男孩, 他六岁, 在这世上最喜爱的一件事就是成为太空人。
And the boy, he has these huge headphones on and he's completely immersed in his tiny paper computer because you see, he's built his own intergalactic planetary navigation application. 这小男孩戴着很大的耳机, 完全沉醉在他的小纸张电脑里。 你看!他创造了自己的 星际宇宙导航应用程式。
headphones:n.[电讯]耳机;听筒;[电子]头戴式受话器;(headphone的复数) immersed:adj.沉入的; v.浸没; (immerse的过去分词和过去式) intergalactic:adj.星系间的;银河间的; planetary:adj.行星的;
And his father, the lone astronaut in the Martian orbit , is on the other side of the room and the boy's important mission is to bring the father safely back to earth. 他的爸爸 ─在火星轨道上唯一的太空人─ 在这房间的另一边, 这小男孩的重要任务 就是将他爸爸安全地带回地球。
Martian:adj.火星的;n.火星人; orbit:n.轨道;眼眶;势力范围;生活常规;vi.盘旋;绕轨道运行;vt.绕…轨道而行; on the other side:另一面;在另一边; mission:n.使命,任务;代表团;布道;v.派遣;向…传教;
And these kids are going to have a profoundly different view of the world and the way we build it with technology. 这些孩子将会对这世界及我们用科技创造世界的方法 有截然不同的看法。
Finally , the more approachable , the more inclusive , and the more diverse we make the world of technology, the more colorful and better the world will look like. 最后,越是平易近人就越能包罗万象; 我们创造这世界的技术越多样化, 这世界就会看起来越多彩多姿且越好。
Finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; approachable:adj.亲切的;可接近的; inclusive:adj.包括的,包含的;
So, imagine with me, for a moment, a world where the stories we tell about how things get made don't only include the twentysomething-year-old Silicon Valley boys, but also Kenyan schoolgirls and Norwegian librarians. 所以,和我一起想像一个世界, 我们说了个故事:这世界里 东西是如何被创造出的,它不只是包括 二十多岁的硅谷男孩, 也包括肯亚的女学生及挪威图书馆员。
Silicon Valley:n.硅谷(美国加利福尼亚州一处计算机和电子公司聚集地,有时用以指任何计算机公司聚集地); schoolgirls:n.女学生; Norwegian:adj.挪威的;挪威人的;挪威语的;n.挪威人;挪威语;
Imagine a world where the little Ada Lovelaces of tomorrow, who live in a permanent reality of 1s and 0s, they grow up to be very optimistic and brave about technology. 想像一个世界,那儿未来的小爱达.勒芙蕾丝 她的世界就是 1 和 0, 他们长大后对科技既乐观又勇敢。
permanent:adj.永久的,永恒的;n.烫发; optimistic:adj.乐观的;乐观主义的;
They embrace the powers and the opportunities and the limitations of the world. 他们拥抱了这世界的力量、 机会与限制。
embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; limitations:n.局限性;(限制)因素;边界(limitation的复数形式);
A world of technology that is wonderful, whimsical and a tiny bit weird. 一个美好、新奇别致 又有点古怪的科技世界。
When I was a girl, 当我还是个小女孩,
I wanted to be a storyteller . 我想成为一个说故事的人。
I loved make-believe worlds and my favorite thing to do was to wake up in the mornings in Moominvalley. 我爱虚幻世界, 我最喜欢做的事 就是早上在姆明谷醒来,
In the afternoons, I would roam around the Tatooines. 下午在塔图因行星漫游,
And in the evenings, I would go to sleep in Narnia . 晚上则睡在纳尼亚里,
And programming turned out to be the perfect profession for me. 而程式设计成为我最理想的职業。
I still create worlds. 我仍然在创造世界,
Instead of stories, I do them with code. 但不是说故事,而是编写程式。
Programming gives me this amazing power to build my whole little universe with its own rules and paradigms and practices. 程式设计给了我神奇力量 去建立我整个小宇宙 有它自己的规则、范例和演练。
Create something out of nothing with the pure power of logic . 用逻辑的单纯力量去创造出「从无到有」吧!
Thank you. 谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)