

Today I want to talk to you about swimming across the North Pole , across the most northern place in the whole world. 我今天要给你们讲讲 我游过北极, 游过世界最北端的故事。
North Pole:n.北极;
And perhaps the best place to start is with my late father. 我最好从我已经过世的父亲说起。
He was a great storyteller . 我的父亲很会讲故事。
He could tell a story about an event, and so you felt you were absolutely there at the moment. 他会把一件事讲得 让你觉得完全是身临其境。
And one of the stories he told me so often when I was a young boy was of the first British atomic bomb test. 我小时候,他常常给我讲的一个故事是 在英国进行的第一次原子弹爆炸试验。
He had been there and watched it go off. 他在现场亲眼看着它引爆。
And he said that the explosion was so loud and the light was so intense , that he actually had to put his hands in front of his face to protect his eyes. 他说,当时爆炸声之响, 光线之强, 使他不得不把手蒙在脸上去保护他的眼睛。
explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; intense:adj.强烈的;紧张的;非常的;热情的;
And he said that he could actually see an x-ray of his fingers because the light was so bright. 他还说他甚至看到了他手指的 x光影像, 因为光线实在是太强了。
And I know that watching that atomic bomb going off had a very very big impact on my late father. 我知道那次原子弹试爆的经历 留给我过世的父亲非常巨大的影响。
Every holiday I had as a young boy was in a national park . 我小时候的每个假期, 都是在国家公园度过。
national park:n.国家公园;
What he was trying to do with me was to inspire me to protect the world, and show me just how fragile the world is. 他这样做是为了要激励我 去保护这个世界, 也让我看到这个世界是多么的脆弱。
inspire:v.激发;鼓舞;启示;产生;使生灵感; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的;
He also told me about the great explorers . 他也给我讲那些伟大的探险家的故事。
He loved history. He would tell me about Captian Scott walking all the way to the south pole . 他热爱历史。他会给我讲斯科特船长怎样 徒步征服南极,
south pole:n.南极;
And Sir Edmund Hillary climbing up Mount Everest . 埃德蒙 希拉里 爵士怎样登上珠穆朗玛峰。
Hillary:n.希拉里(美国国务卿); Mount:n.山;坐骑;山峰;衬纸板;v.登上;爬上;攀登;准备; Everest:n.珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰);
And so ever since I think I was just six years old 所以自打我六岁起,
I dreamed of going to the polar regions . 就梦想着到极地去探险。
polar:adj.极地的;南极(或北极)的;n.极线;极面; regions:n.地区;地域;行政区;左近;(region的复数)
I really really wanted to go to the Arctic . 我想去得不得了,
There was something about that place which drew me to it. 就好像那里有一种魔力 在吸引着我一样。
And, well, sometimes it takes a long time for a dream to come true. 可是,有时候你要等好多年 才能梦想成真。
But seven years ago I went to the arctic for the first time. 我终于在七年前第一次 到了北极圈。
And it was so beautiful that I've been back there ever since, for the last seven years. 那里实在是太美了,让我从那以后的七年,每年都会 再到那里看看。
I love the place. 我深爱那里,
But I have seen that place change beyond all description , just in that short period of time. 但是我也亲眼目睹了在那里发生的 无法形容的变化, 居然就在那么短的时间内。
I have seen polar bears walking across very very thin ice in search of food. 我看见北极熊跋涉在薄薄的冰面上, 寻找食物。
I have swum in front of glaciers which have retreated so much. 我曾经面对着极度消退的 冰川游泳,
glaciers:n.[地理][水文]冰川(glacier的复数);[地理][水文]冰河; retreated:v.撤退;隐退(retreat的过去式及过去分词);
And I have also, every year, seen less and less sea ice. 我也亲眼目睹海洋上的浮冰在 一年一年地减少。
And I wanted the world to know what was happening up there. 我想让世界都知道在那里发生的一切。
In the two years before my swim, 23 percent of the arctic sea ice cover just melted away. 在我游北极之前的两年内, 就有百分之二十三的极地冰盖 溶化掉了。
And I wanted to really shake the lapels of world leaders to get them to understand what is happening. 我真想揪着那些世界领袖的领子, 让他们搞清楚到底发生的是什么。
So I decided to do this symbolic swim at the top of the world, in a place which should be frozen over, but which now is rapidly unfreezing . 所以我下决心要进行这次象征性的游泳, 在世界之巅,在一个本该冰封, 不幸却在快速解冻的地方。
symbolic:adj.象征的;符号的;使用符号的; unfreezing:adj.不冻结的; v.使解冻; n.解冻;
And the message was very clear: 我的信息很清楚:
Climate change is for real and we need to do something about it. 气候变化是真的, 我们需要行动起来。
And we need to do something about it right now. 而且我们需要马上行动。
Well, swimming across the North Pole, it's not an ordinary thing to do. 当然,游泳穿过北极 并不是一件普通的事。
I mean, just to put it in perspective , 27 degrees is the temperature of a normal indoor swimming pool . 我想让大家比较一下, 普通室内游泳池的水温是27摄氏度,
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; indoor:adj.(在)室内的;在户内进行的;在室内用的; swimming pool:n.游泳池;游泳场;游泳馆;
This morning, the temperature of the English Channel was 18 degrees. 今天早晨,英吉利海峡的水温是18摄氏度,
The passengers who fell off the Titanic fell into water of just five degrees centigrade . 泰坦尼克号上掉下来的乘客 掉到海里,当时的水温只有5摄氏度。
Titanic:adj.巨大的;强大的;极端重要的;四价钛的; centigrade:adj.摄氏的;[仪]摄氏温度的;百分度的;
Fresh water freezes at zero. 淡水是在零度结冰。
And the water at the North Pole is minus 1.7. 而在北极,水温只有负的1.7度。
It's fucking freezing. 那是真他妈的冷啊。
(Laughter) (众笑)
(Applause) (掌声)
I'm sorry but there is no other way to describe it. 对不起,我只能那么说。
(Laughter) (众笑)
And so I had to assemble an incredible team around me to help me with this task. 所以我必须组建一个强大的团队 来帮助我完成这次挑战。
assemble:vt.集合,聚集;装配;收集;vi.集合,聚集; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
I assembled this team of 29 people from 10 nations. 我组建了一个由来自10个国家,29人的团队。
Some people think that swimming is a very solo sport, you just dive into the sea and off you go. 有人以为游泳完全是个人运动项目, 你只要跳进海里游就好了。
solo:n.独奏; adj.独奏的; v.单人攀登; v.单独地; dive:n.潜水;跳水;俯冲;猛冲;v.猛冲;(头朝下)跳入水中;[体]跳水(运动);
It couldn't be further from the truth for me. 其实完全不是这样。
And I then went and did a huge amount of training. 接下来我开始进行大运动量的训练。
Swimming in icy water, backwards and forwards. 在冰水里来回地游。
But the most important thing was to train my mind to prepare myself for what was going to happen. 但是训练的关键是做好心理准备, 来面对将要来临的挑战。
And I had to visualize the swim. 我必须在脑海里想象我在游泳,
I had to see it from the beginning all the way to the end. 我必须从头想象到尾。
I had to taste the salt water in my mouth. 我要尝到我嘴里海水的咸味
salt water:海水的;
I had to see my coach screaming for me, "Come on Lewis! Come on! Go! Go! Go! Don't slow down!" 我要看到我的教练向我大喊, “路易斯加油!加油!快!快!快!不要慢下来!”
And so I literally swam across the North Pole hundreds and hundreds of times in my mind. 所以我实际上已经在我的脑海里 游过北极成百上千次了。
And then after a year of training I felt ready. 经过了一年的训练,我觉得我准备好了
I felt confident that I could actually do this swim. 我自信能够完成 这次游泳。
So myself and the five members of the team, we hitched a ride on an icebreaker which was going to the North Pole. 所以我和五名队员一起 搭乘了一艘破冰船, 向北极进发。
hitched:v.免费搭车;拉起(衣服);攀上;(hitch的过去分词和过去式) icebreaker:n.碎冰船;破冰设备;
And on day four we decided to just do a quick five minute test swim. 第四天,我们决定试试水, 很短, 就游五分钟。
I had never swum in water of minus 1.7 degrees before because it's just impossible to train in those types of conditions. 我还从来没有在负的零下1.7度的水里游过泳, 因为不可能在那样的条件下 进行训练。
So we stopped the ship, as you do. 我们把船停下来,
We all got down onto the ice, and I then got into my swimming costume , and I dived into the sea. 大家都走到冰面上, 然后我穿上游泳裤, 就跳进了海里。
swimming costume:na.游泳衣; dived:v.(使)潜水;俯冲;(使)跳水;急剧下降;钻研(dive的过去式和过去分词);
I have never in my life felt anything like that moment. 那一刹那的感觉, 是我一辈子从来没有过的。
I could barely breathe. I was gasping for air. 当时我简直无法呼吸,我大口大口地喘着气,
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; gasping:adj.喘气的;痉挛的;v.喘气;渴望(gasp的现在分词);
I was hyperventilating so much and within seconds my hands were numb. 但是很快就喘不过气来, 仅仅几秒钟之内,我的双手就麻木了。
And it was, the paradox is that you're in freezing cold water, but actually you're on fire. 可奇怪的是, 你人在冰冷的水里, 可是感觉像是浑身着火了一样。
I swam as hard as I could for five minutes. 我竭尽全力游了五分钟。
I remember just trying to get out of the water. 我只记得想尽快从水里起来。
I climbed out of the ice. 我爬到冰面上,
And I remember taking the goggles off my face and looking down at my hands in sheer shock because my fingers had swollen so much that they were like sausages . 然后我记得当我把眼镜摘下来, 看着我的双手的时候,我惊呆了。 因为我的手指 都肿得非常厉害,像香肠一样。
goggles:n.护目镜;风镜;游泳镜;v.瞪大眼睛看;(goggle的第三人称单数和复数) sheer:adj.纯; v.十足地; n.透明薄纱; v.[航海](使)偏航; (使)转向; swollen:adj.肿胀的,浮肿的;浮夸的;激动兴奋的; sausages:香肠,腊肠(sausage的复数)
And they were swollen so much, I couldn't even close them. 它们肿得太厉害,我的手都合不拢。
What had happened is, that we are made partially of water, and when water freezes it expands . 当时的情况是因为,人体的主要成分是水, 而水结冰时就会膨胀。
partially:adv.部分地;偏袒地; expands:v.展开; (expand的第三人称单数)
And so what had actually happened is that the cells in my fingers had frozen and expanded . 所以当时实际上 我手指上的细胞已经结冰膨胀,
And they had burst . And I was in so much agony . 并且它们已经胀裂了。当时我是疼痛万分
burst:v.破裂;爆炸;突破;冲进;n.爆发;点射;释放;(情感的)迸发; agony:n.苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎;
I immediately got rushed onto the ship and into a hot shower. 他们马上把我送上船,让我冲个热水澡。
And I remember standing underneath the hot shower and trying to defrost my fingers. 我忘不了当时站在喷头下, 试着解冻我的手指时的情景。
underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的; defrost:vt.除霜;vi.解冻;
And I thought, in two days time I was going to do this swim across the North Pole. 当时我想,还有两天我就要完成穿越北极的游泳了,
I was going to try and do a 20 minute swim, for one kilometer across the North Pole. 我想要尽力去完成20分钟的游泳, 用一公里横跨北极。
And this dream which I had had ever since I was a young boy, with my father, was just going out the window. 这可是我小时候和爸爸在一起时就渴望实现的梦想啊, 现在却要前功尽弃了。
There is no possibility that this was going to happen. 我怎么可能接着游下去呢?
And I remember then getting out of the shower and realizing I couldn't even feel my hands. 我还记得冲完澡后, 发觉我的双手完全失去了知觉。
And for a swimmer , you need to feel your hands because you need to be able to grab the water and pull it through with you. 而身为游泳选手,你的手必须要有知觉, 因为你要能够抓住水 再把身体往前推。
swimmer:n.游泳者; grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物;
The next morning I woke up and I was in such a state of depression . 第二天早晨,我醒了 完全被淹没在沮丧之中。
And all I could think about was Sir Ranulph Fiennes. 满脑子想的都是Ranulph Fiennes 爵士。
For those of you who don't know him he's the great British explorer. 如果你不知道他是谁的话,他是一位伟大的英国探险家。
A number of years ago he tried to ski all the way to the North Pole. 几年前,他试图一路滑雪征服北极。
He accidentally fell through the ice into the sea. 他不慎顺着冰缝跌入海里
And after just three minutes in that water, after just three minutes in that water, he was able to get himself out. 仅仅在水里待了三分钟, 仅仅在水里待了三分钟, 他终于自己爬了出来
And his hands were so badly frostbitten that he had to return to England. 但是他的手已经被严重冻伤了 使他不得不返回英国。
He went to a local hospital and there they said, "Ran, there is no possibility of us being able to save these fingers. 他到一家当地的医院,在那里,医生对他说, “Ran, 我们不可能保住 你的手指了,
We are going to actually have to take them off." 我们只能把它们截肢。”
And Ran decided to go into his tool shed and take out a saw and do it himself. 听到这话,Ran毅然到他的工具棚里 拿出一把锯子 自己亲手把他的手指锯下来。
And all I could think of was, if that happened to Ran after three minutes, and I can feel my hands after five minutes, what on earth is going to happen if I try 20 minutes? 当时我满脑子里想的都是,如果Ran在冰水里只待了三分钟就那样的话, 而我在五分钟后手就失去知觉, 那么如果我要游二十分钟,又到底会发生怎样的情况呢?
At the very best I'm going to end up losing some fingers. 就是最好的打算我都会丢掉几根手指头。
And at worst, I didn't even want to think about it. 而最坏的打算,我都不敢再想下去。
We carried on sailing through the ice packs towards the North Pole. 我们的船又继续破冰向北极航行
And my close friend David saw the way I was thinking. 我的好友大卫看出了我的心思,
And he came up to me and he said, "Lewis, 就过来对我说,“路易斯,
I've known you since you were 18 years old. 从你18岁起我就认识你了。
I've known you, and I know, Lewis, deep down, right deep down here, that you are going to make this swim. 我很了解你,所以我知道,路易斯, 你内心深处,在你的心底, 你一定是会去游的
I so believe in you Lewis. I've seen the way you've been training. 我对你完全有信心,路易斯。我看着你一直地在努力训练
And I realize the reason why you're going to do this. 也明白你要这样做的原因。
This is such an important swim. 这次游泳确实是重要非凡,
We stand at a very very important moment in this history. 因为我们正站在历史的关键时刻。
And you're going to make a symbolic swim here to try to shake the lapels of world leaders. 而你在这里要用这次象征性的游泳, 来让世界各国的领袖们觉醒。
Lewis, have the courage to go in there because we are going to look after you every moment of it." 路易斯,你放胆去吧, 我们会眼睛都不眨一下地保护你的。”
And I just, I got so much confidence from him saying that, because he knew me so well. 他的一番话又让我鼓起了勇气, 因为他太了解我了。
So we carried on sailing and we arrived at the North Pole. 于是我们继续航行,最后抵达了北极。
And we stopped the ship, and it was just as the scientists had predicted . 我们把船停下, 举目四望, 正如科学家预测的一样,
There were open patches of sea everywhere. 到处都是裸露的海面。
And I went down into my cabin and I put on my swimming costume. 我走进我的船舱, 穿上游泳裤,
cabin:v.把…关在小屋内; n.(轮船上生活或睡觉的)隔间; (通常为木制的)小屋;
And then the doctor strapped on a chest monitor which measures my core body temperature and my heart rate. 然后医生给我系上一个胸部监测仪, 来测量我的核心体温 和心率。
strapped:adj.缺钱的; v.用带子系; (strap的过去分词和过去式) core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
And then we walked out onto the ice. 然后我们走到了冰面上。
And I remember looking into the ice and there were big chunks of white ice in there, and the water was completely black. 我记得往冰水里看时, 里面有大块大块的白色的冰块, 而海水却是完全是黑的
I had never seen black water before. 我还从来没有见过黑色的海水
And it is 4,200 meters deep. 而且它深达4200 米。
And I said to myself, "Lewis, don't look left, don't look right. 我对自己说:“路易斯,不要向左看,不要向右看,
Just scuttle forward and go for it ." 要一直往前冲。”
scuttle:n.天窗;煤桶;筐;v.逃避;急促地跑;破坏; go for it:努力争取;加油;
And so I now want to show you a short video of what happened there on the ice. 我现在就要给大家播放一段 当时冰上的录像。
Video: We're just sailing out of harbor now, and it's at this stage when one can have a bit of a wobble mentally . 录像:我们的船刚刚离开港湾, 也就是在此时 心头会涌起一丝犹疑。
harbor:n.港口;港湾;(比喻)避难所;[军]坦克掩蔽场;v.停泊;包含;隐匿;怀抱(恶意); wobble:n.摇晃;松动;犹豫不决;v.(使)摇摆;一摇一摆地走;犹豫不决; mentally:adv.精神上,智力上;心理上;
Everything just looks so gray around here, and looks so cold. 环顾四周,尽都灰蒙蒙的 让人心生寒意。
We've just seen our first polar bears. 刚才我们看到了行程中的第一对北极熊,
It was absolutely magical. 那感觉真是非常奇妙。
A mother and a cub . Such a beautiful sight. 熊妈妈和她的幼崽,好美的景象。
And to think that in 30, 40 years they could become extinct . 但是想到在30,40年后 它们就可能灭绝,
It's a very frightening , very very frightening thought. 是一个非常可怕,让人不寒而栗的事。
We're finally at the North Pole. This is months and months and months of dreaming to get here. 我们终于到达了北极点。 这一刻,凝聚了我经年累月的梦想,
Years of training and planning and preparation. 训练,计划和准备。
Ooh. In a couple of hours time I'm going to get in here and do my swim. 哦,大概还有两个小时我就要跳下去游泳了。
It's all a little bit frightening, and emotional . 我是有一点点害怕 和激动。
Amundson, you ready? Amundson,你好了吗?
Ten seconds to swim. Ten seconds to swim. 还有十秒钟,还有十秒钟。
Take the goggles off. Take the goggles off! 把游泳镜取下来,把游泳镜取下来!
Man: Take the shoes. Take the shoes. 旁:把鞋拿上,把鞋拿上。
Well done lad ! You did it! You did it Lewis! 干得好,小伙子!你成功了!路易斯你成功了!
Well done:好样的,干得好; lad:n.小伙子;老朋友;
You did it! You did it man! 你成功了!你成功了伙计!
Lewis Pugh : How on earth did we do that? 路易斯 皮尤:我们怎么可能就做到了?
Man: Against the current! You did it against the current! 旁:逆水!你是逆水游完的!
(Applause) (掌声)
Lewis Pugh: Thank you very much. Thank you very much. 路易斯 皮尤:非常感谢。非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you so much. 非常感谢
Audience: Encore ! 听众:再来一次!
(Laughter) (众笑)
Lewis Pugh: I'd just like to end off by just saying this. 路易斯 皮尤:我想用以下的话作为结束,
It took my four months again to feel my hands. 我的手花了四个月才恢复了知觉。
But was it worth it? Yes, absolutely it was. 但这样值得吗?值得,绝对值得。
There are very very few people who don't know now about what is happening in the Arctic. 现在只有极少数的人不知道 北极发生的情况。
And people ask me, "Lewis, what can we do about climate change?" 而且人们问我:“路易斯,我们能为气候变化做些什么呢?”
And I say to them 我就对他们说
I think we need to do three things. 我想我们需要做三件事。
The first thing we need to do is we need to break this problem down into manageable chunks. 第一件事是我们需要把这个问题分解成为 容易解决的小问题。
You saw during that video all those flags. 在录像里,你们看见了很多的旗帜。
Those flags represented the countries from which my team came from. 那些旗帜代表了我的队员 所在的国家。
represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
And equally, when it comes to climate change, every single country is going to have to make cuts. 同样地,对于气候变化, 每一个国家都必须减少排放。
Britain, America, Japan, 英国,美国,日本,
South Africa, the Congo. 南非,刚果。
All of us together, we're all on the same ship together. 我们所有的人都要同舟共济。
The second thing we need to do is we need to just look back at how far we have come in such a short period of time. 我们要做的第二件事是 我们只需要回顾 我们在这么短的时间内 所取得的进步。
I remember just a few years ago speaking about climate change, and people heckling me in the back and saying it doesn't even exist. 我还记得仅仅是在几年前,当我讲到气候变化的时候, 还有人在后面质问我 说那是无稽之谈。
I've just come back from giving a series of speeches in some of the poorest townships in South Africa to young children as young as 10 years old. 我刚刚从一个系列演讲回来, 在南非最穷的一些小镇, 讲给小到十岁的儿童们听。
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; townships:镇区;小镇;六英里见方的地区(township的名词复数);
Four or five children sitting behind a desk, and even in those poorest conditions, they all had a very very good grasp of climate change. 他们四五个人挤着坐在一张桌子后面, 就是在那样贫穷的条件下, 他们都清楚地知道 气候变化的概念。
We need to believe in ourselves. 我们需要相信我们自己。
Now is the time to believe. 而现在就是相信的时候。
We've come a long way . We're doing good. 我们有了很大的进步。我们做得不错。
come a long way:突飞猛进;
But the most important thing we must do is, I think, we must all walk to the end of our lives and turn around, and ask ourselves a most fundamental question. 但是最重要的事情是 我认为,我们必须要能够在我们生命的尽头, 转过身来,问我们自己一个最根本的问题。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
And that is, "What type of world do we want to live in, and what decision are we going to make today to ensure that we all live in a sustainable world?" 那就是:“我们想生活在怎样的一个世界, 而且我们今天应该做怎样的决定, 才能保证我们都住在 一个可持续发展的世界?”
ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;
Ladies and gentlemen thank you very very much. 女士们先生们,谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)