

Writing biography is a strange thing to do. 写传记是件奇怪的事情
It's a olo r="Black"> journey into the foreign olo r="Black"> territory of somebody else's life, a journey, an olo r="Black"> exploration that can take you places you never dreamed of going and still can't quite believe you've been, olo r="Black"> especially if, like me, you're an olo r="Black"> agnostic Jew and the life you've been olo r="Black"> exploring is that of Muhammad. 它像一段踏入异域 另一个人生活的旅程 这段旅程让你去探索 然后仍不能相信你所到达的地方 尤其当你像我一样,是一个不可知论者的犹太人 你所探索的又是 先知穆罕默德的生平
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; territory:n.领土,领域;范围;地域;版图; exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; agnostic:n.不可知论者;adj.不可知论的;
Five years ago, for instance , 举个例子,五年前
I found myself waking each morning in misty Seattle to what I knew was an impossible question: 当我每天在雾气弥漫的西雅图醒来时 总有一个天马行空的问题:
misty:adj.模糊的;有雾的; Seattle:n.西雅图(美国一港市);
What actually happened one desert night, half the world and almost half of history away? 隔着半个世界,半个历史 在沙漠的那个夜晚 到底发生了什么?
What happened, that is, on the night in the year 610 when Muhammad received the first revelation of the Koran on a mountain just outside Mecca ? 公元610年的那个夜晚 当穆罕默德 在麦加郊外的一座山上第一次接受古兰经启示的时候 当时到底发生了什么?
revelation:n.披露; adj.暴露的; Koran:n.《可兰经》,《古兰经》(伊斯兰教); Mecca:n.麦加(沙特阿拉伯一座城市);众人渴望去的地方;
This is the core mystical moment of Islam, and as such, of course, it defies empirical analysis . 这是伊斯兰教最重要的神秘时刻 当然了 无法对其进行实证分析
core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; mystical:adj.神秘的;神秘主义的; defies:vt.藐视;公然反抗;挑衅;使落空;n.挑战;对抗; empirical:adj.经验主义的,完全根据经验的;实证的; analysis:n.分析;分解;验定;
Yet the question wouldn't let go of me. 然而这个问题却挥之不去
I was fully aware that for someone as secular as I am, just asking it could be seen as pure chutzpah . 我了解像我这样的俗人 只是问个这样一个问题 纯粹就是胆大包天
secular:adj.世俗的; n.修道院外的教士,(对宗教家而言的)俗人; chutzpah:n.肆无忌惮;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I plead guilty as charged, because all exploration, physical or intellectual , is inevitably in some sense an act of transgression , of crossing boundaries . 我承认这一点 都无法避免的会亵渎和越界
plead guilty:服罪;被告服罪; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的; inevitably:adv.不可避免地;必然地; transgression:n.罪过;海侵;违反;超越; boundaries:n.边界;分界线;(boundary的复数)
Still, some boundaries are larger than others. 然而,有些领域的边界更为宽广
So a human encountering the divine , as Muslims believe Muhammad did, to the rationalist , this is a matter not of fact but of wishful fiction, and like all of us, I like to think of myself as rational. 所以当一个人碰到了神 就像穆斯林相信穆罕默德那样 对于理性主义者来说,这并不是事实,而是妄想
encountering:v.遭遇,遇到;偶然碰到;意外地遇见;(encounter的现在分词) divine:adj.神圣的;非凡的;天赐的;极好的;v.占卜;预言;用占卜勘探;n.牧师;神学家; rationalist:n.理性主义者,唯理主义者; wishful:adj.渴望的,愿望的;寄予希望的;
Which might be why when I looked at the earliest accounts we have of that night, what struck me even more than what happened was what did not happen. 比起那夜发生了什么,让我更吃惊的是 那些没有发生的事情的原因
Muhammad did not come floating off the mountain as though walking on air . 穆罕穆德没有像在空中行走一般 从山上漂浮下来
walking on air:vi.洋洋得意;飘飘然;
He did not run down shouting, " Hallelujah !"
and "Bless the Lord !" 和“感谢上帝!”
He did not radiate light and joy. 他没有散发着光芒和喜悦,
radiate:vt.辐射; vi.辐射; adj.辐射状的,有射线的;
There were no choirs of angels, no music of the spheres , no elation, no ecstasy , no golden aura surrounding him, no sense of an absolute, fore-ordained role as the messenger of God. 没有天使合唱 没有音乐笼罩,没有兴高采烈,没有心醉神迷 他周围没有金色光环 没有一点表明他就是那个绝对的、注定的 上帝的使者的意思
choirs:n.唱诗班(choir的复数形式);合唱队; spheres:n.[数]球体(sphere的复数); v.把…放在球体内(sphere的第三人称单数形式); ecstasy:n.狂喜;入迷;忘形; aura:n.光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味; messenger:n.报信者,送信者;先驱;
That is, he did none of the things that might make it easy to cry foul , to put down the whole story as a pious fable . 也就是说,他完全没有做过这些事情 而这些事情容易让人们觉得很假 从而把整个故事当做一个虔诚的寓言来看待
foul:adj.犯规的; v.犯规; n.犯规; v.违反规则地,不正当地; pious:adj.虔诚的;敬神的;可嘉的;尽责的; fable:n.寓言;无稽之谈;vi.编寓言;虚构;vt.煞有介事地讲述;虚构;
Quite the contrary. 恰恰相反
In his own reported words, he was convinced at first that what had happened couldn't have been real. 根据他自己的描述 他起初认为 发生的事情是不真实的
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
At best, he thought, it had to have been a hallucination -- a trick of the eye or the ear, perhaps, or his own mind working against him. 他认为那顶多也就是幻觉 也许是一个对眼睛和耳朵的小把戏 或是他自己的脑袋跟他作对
At worst, possession -- that he'd been seized by an evil jinn , a spirit out to deceive him, even to crush the life out of him. 往坏处想,他是被附身了 他被一个邪恶的神灵抓住了 要来欺骗他 甚至要取走他的性命
possession:n.拥有;具有;属地;个人财产; evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸; jinn:n.神灵(jinni的复数形式); deceive:v.欺骗;蒙骗;诓骗;欺骗(自己); crush:v.压碎;弄皱,变形;使…挤入;n.粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群;
In fact, he was so sure that he could only be majnun, possessed by a jinn, that when he found himself still alive, his first impulse was to finish the job himself, to leap off the highest cliff and escape the terror of what he'd experienced by putting an end to all experience. 事实上,因为他非常肯定他只能是一个 被神灵附身的摩君 所以当他发现自己还活着的时候 他首先的冲动就是了结自己 从最高的悬崖下跳下 结束一切感觉 来逃避他经历过的恐怖
possessed:adj.着了魔;v.有;拥有;具有(特质);控制;(possess的过去分词和过去式) impulse:n.冲动;[电子]脉冲;刺激;神经冲动;推动力;v.推动; leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲; cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁;
So the man who fled down the mountain that night trembled not with joy but with a stark, primordial fear. 所以,那夜他从山上飞奔而下 不是因为喜悦而颤抖 而是因为赤裸裸的、原始的恐惧
fled:v.迅速离开;逃避,逃跑;(flee的过去分词和过去式) trembled:震颤; primordial:adj.原始的;根本的;原生的;
He was overwhelmed not with conviction , but by doubt. 他心中没有充满坚定的信念,而是疑惑
overwhelmed:v.受打击,压倒;淹没;(overwhelm的过去分词和过去式) conviction:n.判罪;定罪;坚定的看法(或信念);坚信;肯定;
And that panicked disorientation , that sundering of everything familiar , that daunting awareness of something beyond human comprehension, can only be called a terrible awe . 正是那种受到惊吓的迷失 那种与一切熟悉事物的决绝 那种对超越人类理解范围 的事物的令人生畏的觉察 才能够被称作无比的敬畏
panicked:v.(使)惊慌,惊慌失措;(panic的过去分词和过去式) disorientation:n.迷失方向;迷惑; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; daunting:adj.令人生畏的:令人胆怯的:v.使胆怯:使失去信心;(daunt的现在分词) awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; awe:vt.使敬畏;使畏怯;n.敬畏;
This might be somewhat difficult to grasp now that we use the word " awesome " 这可能有点儿难理解 现在我们用“棒极了”
somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微; grasp:n.抓住;理解;控制;v.抓住;领会; awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的;
to describe a new app or a viral video. 来评价一款新的应用或一段热门视频
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; viral:adj.滤过性毒菌引起的;滤过性毒菌的;
With the exception perhaps of a massive earthquake, we're protected from real awe. 也许大地震的视频除外 但我们离真正的敬畏还很远
exception:n.例外;异议; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的;
We close the doors and hunker down, convinced that we're in control, or, at least, hoping for control. 我们关上门,蹲下来 相信一些都在掌控之中 或者,至少希望一些都在掌控之中
We do our best to ignore the fact that we don't always have it, and that not everything can be explained. 我们尽量忽略这样一个事实: 我们并不总是有这样的敬畏之情 同时并非一切都可以得到解释
Yet whether you're a rationalist or a mystic, whether you think the words Muhammad heard that night came from inside himself or from outside, what's clear is that he did experience them, and that he did so with a force that would shatter his sense of himself and his world and transform this otherwise modest man into a radical advocate for social and economic justice . 然而,无论你是一个理性主义者,还是一个不可知论者 无论你认为穆罕穆德那夜听到的话 是发自他的内心,还是来自外界 很清楚的是他的确经历了它们 并且他如此做时,有一种力量会粉碎 他的感觉和他的世界 将这个本来谦逊的人 转变为一个激进的社会和经济公平的倡议者
shatter:n.碎片;碎块;落花(叶等);v.(使)破碎,碎裂;粉碎,破灭;给予极大打击; transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; modest:adj.些许的;谦虚的; radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的; advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判;
Fear was the only sane response , the only human response. 恐惧是唯一理智的反应 唯一的人性的反应
sane:adj.健全的;理智的;[临床]神志正常的; response:n.响应;反应;回答;
Too human for some, like conservative Muslim theologians who maintain that the account of his wanting to kill himself shouldn't even be mentioned, despite the fact that it's in the earliest Islamic biographies . 对有些人来说可能太人性了 像那些保守的穆斯林神学家坚持认为 穆罕穆德想自杀的描述 根本不应该被提及,尽管那是 最早的伊斯兰传记
conservative:adj.保守的;n.保守派,守旧者; theologians:n.神学者;空头理论家; maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见); despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; Islamic:adj.穆斯林的; biographies:n.列传,传记(biographie的复数形式);
They insist that he never doubted for even a single moment, let alone despaired . 他们坚持认为穆罕穆德
let alone:更不必说;听任;不打扰; despaired:n.绝望;令人绝望的人或事;vi.绝望,丧失信心;
Demanding perfection, they refuse to tolerate human imperfection . 他们想要完美,所以拒绝容忍 人性的不完美
tolerate:v.容忍;忍受;容许;包容; imperfection:n.不完美;瑕疵;缺点;
Yet what, exactly, is imperfect about doubt? 那么,怀疑的不完美性到底在哪儿?
As I read those early accounts, I realized it was precisely Muhammad's doubt that brought him alive for me, that allowed me to begin to see him in full, to accord him the integrity of reality. 当我在读这些早期的描述时,我意识到 正是穆罕穆德的怀疑让他在我面前栩栩如生 让我开始更加全面地认识他 把他和现实联系起来
accord:n.协议;协定;一致;和谐;v.一致;给予;相符;协调; integrity:n.完整;正直;诚实;廉正;
And the more I thought about it, the more it made sense that he doubted, because doubt is essential to faith . 我越想越觉得 他怀疑是因为 怀疑是信仰的关键所在
essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的; faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰;
If this seems a startling idea at first, consider that doubt, as Graham Greene once put it, is the heart of the matter. 如果这听起来很让人吃惊的话 想一想格雷厄姆·格林曾说过 怀疑是事物的核心
Abolish all doubt, and what's left is not faith, but absolute, heartless conviction. 除却所有怀疑,剩下的不会是信仰 只是绝对的、没有感情的相信
Abolish:vt.废除,废止;取消,革除; heartless:adj.无情的;无勇气的;
You're certain that you possess the Truth -- inevitably offered with an implied uppercase T -- and this certainty quickly devolves into dogmatism and righteousness , by which I mean a demonstrative , overweening pride in being so very right, in short, the arrogance of fundamentalism . 你确信你拥有真理 --不可避免的有一个明显的大写的T-- 同时这种确信很快 演变为教条主义和正义 就是一种由于无比的正确 而带有的示范性的、自负的骄傲 即原教旨主义的傲慢
implied:adj.不言而喻的; v.含有…的意思; (imply的过去分词和过去式) uppercase:vt.以大写字母印刷;adj.大写字母的;n.大写字母; certainty:n.必然;确实;确实的事情; devolves:vi.被移交;转让;vt.转移;移交;使滚下;衰落; dogmatism:n.教条主义;独断,武断; righteousness:n.正义;正直;公正;正当; demonstrative:adj.说明的;证明的;公开表露感情的;n.指示词; overweening:adj.自负的,过于自信的;过分的; arrogance:n.自大;傲慢态度; fundamentalism:n.原教旨主义;基要主义;
It has to be one of the multiple ironies of history that a favorite expletive of Muslim fundamentalists is the same one once used by the Christian fundamentalists known as Crusaders : " infidel ," from the Latin for " faithless ." 即穆斯林原教旨主义者喜爱的一句咒骂语 和基督教原教旨主义者曾经使用的是同一个 著名的十字军 “异教徒”,源于拉丁语中的“没有信仰”
multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; ironies:n.讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事;adj.铁的;似铁的; expletive:adj.附加的;填补的;n.填补物;咒骂语; fundamentalists:n.原教旨主义者(fundamentalist的复数形式);基要派; Crusaders:n.十字军;十字军战士(crusader的复数); infidel:n.异教徒;无信仰者;adj.异教徒的;无宗教信仰的; Latin:adj.拉丁语的;用拉丁语写成的;n.拉丁语; faithless:adj.不忠实的;无信的;无宗教信仰的;
Doubly ironic , in this case, because their absolutism is in fact the opposite of faith. 事实上正是信仰的对立
Doubly:adv.双重地;加倍地;双摺地; ironic:adj.讽刺的;反话的; absolutism:n.专制主义;绝对论;
In effect, they are the infidels . 实际上,他们才是异教徒
Like fundamentalists of all religious stripes , they have no questions, only answers. 向所有不同宗教的原教旨主义者一样 他们没有问题,只有答案
religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑; stripes:n.条子布;条纹布(stripe复数形式);v.给…加条纹(stripe的三单形式);
They found the perfect antidote to thought and the ideal refuge of the hard demands of real faith. 他们为思考找到了最佳的解毒药 为对真正的信仰的渴望提供理想的庇护
antidote:n.[药]解毒剂;解药;矫正方法; refuge:n.避难所;庇护;慰藉;庇护者;v.避难;(古)庇护;
They don't have to struggle for it like Jacob wrestling through the night with the angel, or like Jesus in his 40 days and nights in the wilderness , or like Muhammad, not only that night on the mountain, but throughout his years as a prophet , 他们不必像雅各布那样挣扎 整夜与天使博弈 或像耶稣那样在野外呆上40个日夜 或像穆罕穆德那样,不仅是在山顶的那夜 而是在他作为预言者的那些岁月中
wrestling:n.摔跤运动;v.摔跤;奋力对付;全力解决;(wrestle的现在分词) Jesus:int.上帝啊:天哪:n.耶稣:耶稣基督: wilderness:n.荒野;(草木丛生的)荒地;荒芜的地方;杂草丛生处; only that:只是;要不是; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; prophet:n.先知;预言者;提倡者;
with the Koran constantly urging him not to despair, and condemning those who most loudly proclaim that they know everything there is to know and that they and they alone are right. 《可兰经》一直鼓励他不要放弃 同时指责那些大声宣称自己 凡所应知,无所不知
constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; condemning:n.谴责;处刑;v.谴责;(condemn的现在分词) proclaim:vt.宣告,公布;声明;表明;赞扬;
And yet we, the vast and still far too silent majority , have ceded the public arena to this extremist minority . 已经把舞台让给那些少数的极端主义者
silent majority:n.沉默的大多数(不公开表达自己意见的广大民众); ceded:vt.屈服;让与;割让(cede的过去式); arena:n.舞台;竞技场; extremist:n.极端主义者,过激分子; minority:n.少数民族;少数派;未成年;adj.少数的;属于少数派的;
We've allowed Judaism to be claimed by violently messianic West Bank settlers , 暴力的狂热定居者宣称自己是犹太教
Judaism:n.犹太教;(总称)犹太人;犹太主义; claimed:v.宣称;声称;断言;索取;认领;索要(claim的过去分词和过去式) violently:adv.猛烈地,激烈地;极端地; messianic:adj.弥赛亚的;救世主似的; settlers:n.移民;殖民者;(settler的复数)
Christianity by homophobic hypocrites and misogynistic bigots , 允许憎恶同性恋的伪善者和厌恶女性的偏执狂 宣称自己是基督徒
Christianity:n.基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义; homophobic:adj.害怕同性恋的; hypocrites:n.伪君子;伪善者; bigots:n.偏执的人;顽固者;盲信者;
Islam by suicide bombers . 允许自杀式炸弹袭击者称自己是伊斯兰教
suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀; bombers:n.[航][军]轰炸机;喷射机;扔炸弹的人(bomber的复数形式);
And we've allowed ourselves to be blinded to the fact that no matter whether they claim to be Christians, 我们已经允许自己对这样的事实视而不见 不管他们称自己是基督徒
Jews or Muslims, militant extremists are none of the above. 犹太人还是穆斯林 军事极端主义者不会是上面任何一种
militant:adj.好战的;n.富有战斗性的人;好斗者;激进分子; extremists:n.极端主义者;极端分子;过激分子;(extremist的复数)
They're a cult all their own, blood brothers steeped in other people's blood. 他们是邪教
cult:n.崇拜; adj.受特定群体欢迎的; steeped:adj.充满…的;沉浸在…中的;v.浸泡,浸透(steep的过去分词形式);
This isn't faith. 这不是信仰
It's fanaticism , and we have to stop confusing the two.
fanaticism:n.狂热,著迷;盲信; confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词)
We have to recognize that real faith has no easy answers. 我们必须认识到信仰没有简单的答案
It's difficult and stubborn . 它是困难的、执拗的
It involves an ongoing struggle, a continual questioning of what we think we know, a wrestling with issues and ideas. 它需要不断的挣扎 不断怀疑我们以为自己所知道的 它是一场问题和想法的博弈
involves:v.包含;需要;牵涉;牵连;影响;(使)参加,加入(involve的第三人称单数) ongoing:n.发展; adj.持续存在的; continual:adj.持续不断的;频繁的; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
It goes hand in hand with doubt, in a never-ending conversation with it, and sometimes in conscious defiance of it. 在它和怀疑无休止的对话中 有时它会有意地拒绝怀疑
hand in hand:adj.并进的;手拉手的;亲密的; never-ending:adj.不停的;无限的; conscious:adj.意识到的;故意的;神志清醒的; defiance:n.蔑视;挑战;反抗;
And this conscious defiance is why I, as an agnostic, can still have faith. 作为一名无可知论者,这种有意的拒绝就是 我仍然会有信仰的原因
I have faith, for instance, that peace in the Middle East is possible despite the ever-accumulating mass of evidence to the contrary . 比如,我相信中东地区会实现和平 证明事实恰恰相反
Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部); evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明; to the contrary:相反;
I'm not convinced of this. 我不确信这一点
I can hardly say I believe it. 也很难说我相信这一点
I can only have faith in it, commit myself, that is, to the idea of it, and I do this precisely because of the temptation to throw up my hands in resignation and retreat into silence. 我只能对此抱有信仰 即致力于它的理念 我这样做是正是因为诱惑 它让我举起双手服从 回到沉默当中
commit:v.犯(罪等);干(坏事等);[法]提(审);判处; temptation:n.诱惑;引诱;煽诱人的事物; resignation:n.辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从; retreat:v.撤退;退却;后退;退缩;n.撤退;退却;退缩;退避;
Because despair is self-fulfilling . 因为绝望是一种自我实现
If we call something impossible, we act in such a way that we make it so. 如果我们认为它不可能 我们就会以这样的方式让它变成不可能
And I, for one, refuse to live that way. 对我来说,我拒绝这样生活
In fact, most of us do, whether we're atheist or theist or anywhere in between or beyond, for that matter, what drives us is that, despite our doubts and even because of our doubts, we reject the nihilism of despair. 事实上,我们大多数拒绝这样生活 或中间的任何一点或超越二者,就此而言 让我们前进的,尽管我们会怀疑 正是我们拒绝无望的虚无主义
atheist:n.无神论者; reject:v.排斥;拒收;拒绝接受;不予考虑;n.废品;次品;不合格者;被剔除者; nihilism:n.虚无主义;无政府主义;恐怖行为;
We insist on faith in the future and in each other. 我们坚持对未来的信仰 对彼此的信仰
Call this naive if you like. 随便你把它叫做天真
Call it impossibly idealistic if you must. 也随便你把它叫做不可能的理想主义
impossibly:adv.不可能地;难以置信地;无法可想地; idealistic:adj.理想主义的;唯心论的;唯心主义者的;空想家的;
But one thing is sure: 但是有一点是确定的:
Call it human. 把它叫做人性
Could Muhammad have so radically changed his world without such faith, without the refusal to cede to the arrogance of closed-minded certainty? 穆罕穆德能够彻底的改变他的世界吗? 如果没有这样的信仰
radically:adv.根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式; refusal:n.拒绝;回绝; closed-minded:思想保守的;有成见的;
I think not.
After keeping company with him as a writer for the past five years, I can't see that he'd be anything but utterly outraged at the militant fundamentalists who claim to speak and act in his name in the Middle East and elsewhere today. 在过去的五年里 的军事原教旨主义者的全然愤怒
utterly:adv.完全地;绝对地;全然地;彻底地,十足地; outraged:adj.义愤填膺的;愤慨的,气愤的;v.使愤怒(outrage的过去式,过去分词); elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
He'd be appalled at the repression of half the population because of their gender . 他会惊讶于对半数人口的压迫 因为她们的性别
appalled:adj.震惊; v.使大为震惊; (appal的过去分词和过去式) repression:n.抑制,[心理]压抑;镇压; gender:n.性别;
He'd be torn apart by the bitter divisiveness of sectarianism . 他会被宗教派别之间充满愤怒的不和摧垮
bitter:adj.苦的; n.苦味; v.激烈地; v.使变苦; divisiveness:n.分歧;不和; sectarianism:n.宗派主义;教派意识;
He'd call out terrorism for what it is, not only criminal but an obscene travesty of everything he believed in and struggled for. 他会直呼其为恐怖主义 不仅是犯罪,还是对他所相信的和所斗争的
terrorism:n.恐怖主义; obscene:adj.淫秽的;猥亵的;可憎的; travesty:n.歪曲;滑稽作品;拙劣的模仿作品;vt.歪曲;滑稽地模仿; struggled:v.奋斗;努力;争取;艰难地行进;抗争;(struggle的过去式和过去分词)
He'd say what the Koran says: Anyone who takes a life takes the life of all humanity .
Anyone who saves a life, saves the life of all humanity.
And he'd commit himself fully to the hard and thorny process of making peace. 他会全身心地投入
thorny:adj.多刺的;痛苦的;令人苦恼的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
Thank you. 谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢!(掌声)