

My favorite topic is shortcuts . 我爱谈的题目是 捷径.
The master of shortcuts -- it's of course, nature. 抄捷径高手 -- 当然是大自然.
But I will demonstrate different ways to get -- to get rid of difficulties and go to the point; 但我会演示 以多种方法 去除难达标;
To find an answer probably much quicker than Arthur did. so -- first -- first we violate the common sense , the logic . All of you, if you hold your hand like this, 90 degrees, all of you. Not you -- 去比 亚瑟可能更快一点找到答案. 所以 首先 -- 首先我们得违背常理, 及逻辑. 各位请都像这样将手伸出来, 呈90度, 你们全体. 不..
violate:v.违反,违背(法律、协议等);侵犯(隐私等);亵渎; common sense:adj.常识的;有生活经验得来的; logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的;
All of you, right? Palm up. 全都这样, 好麽? 手心向上.
If you do this ... 若你这样做 ...
the common -- the logic says you must turn the wrist . 按常理 -- 逻辑你必须转动手腕.
Do you agree? 同意吗?
Good. 好.
But I will first teach you a -- a method: how you can do it without moving the wrist, and then the shortcut. 不过我会先教你们 -- 一种方法:如何不用 将手腕转动,就抄捷径.
You can do it immediately, right? 你们马上就能做到, 可好?
Hold the hand like this, palm up. 手这样放, 手心向上.
Don't move the wrist. The wrist is -- 别转动手腕. 手腕是 ..
I doesn't speak very many, but I do the best, what I are. 我不讲太多了,但我尽力做好就是.
Right molded you say, with iron? 好了, 你是说以..铸的 ?
That was a joke, actually. 那实情是个玩笑而已.
And I -- 而我 --
OK. 好吧.
Hold the hand palm up. Do this, don't move the wrist. 手提着 手心向上,就这样做,手腕别转.
Over the heart, don't move the wrist. 移到胸前, 手腕别转.
Forward, don't move the wrist. 向前移;手腕别转
Up, don't move the wrist. Over the heart, don't move the wrist. 向上, 手腕别转. 移到胸前, 手腕别转.
And forward. Ya. 向前伸. 对了.
Now -- 现在 --
(Laughter) (笑声)
logic -- logically , logically , you have got to this position from this, without moving the wrist. 逻辑 - 按逻辑说, 按逻辑说来,你没转手腕手就已这样了.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Now, the shortcut. 现在,捷径呐
(Laughter) (众笑)
But it was six -- six moves, now with one move. 原本是6个动作,现在只消动一下.
I start here, palm down, you can follow. 我这样开始,掌心向下,您们可跟着.
And then look at me. 然后看我.
Ya! 对!
One move. OK. 一下子. 就行.
So -- that was the warming up. 就这样 -- 热身好了!
Now -- 现在--
I need an assistant. 我需要一位助手.
I talked to a nice girl before, Zoe -- 早前我跟一位好姑娘聊过,穗 --
She has left. No! A big hand. 她走了? 没! 掌声鼓励喔.
(Applause) (掌声)
Good. Nice. And you can sit over there. 好. 不错, 您可在那里坐着.
One item here was water, right? 这里有样东西是水,对吗?
And I will give my tribute to water. 我要向这水 致意.
I think it's enough with water for me. The other guys can talk about -- cheers. 水於我已够好. 其他男士可能会说到 .. 干杯.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Beer has about -- there's a lot of water in beer. 啤酒占了 .. 啤酒里有大量的水.
(Laughter) (众笑)
So, now 好了,现在
I will demonstrate different ways of memorizing , memorizing , control cards and so on. 我将演示各类不同的 记牌法 记牌, 控牌等等.
And -- I think I'll take off this one. 嗯 - 我还是先将这脱掉.
I work with a special method to do it, quick. 我是运用一种特别的 方法做, 快速地.
I work with -- precision -- oh, sorry -- control ... 我靠 精辨 - 噢,对不起-- 操控...
and -- and a very powerful ... 还有 和一个非常强大的...
memory system, right? 记忆系统,好吗?
(Laughter) (众笑)
So ... 所以
if ... 如果...
I have studied the poker -- I like to gamble . 我研究过扑克 - 我喜欢赌一手.
gamble:vi.赌博; vt.赌博; n.赌博;
Officially, I don't gamble but -- 正式来说,我不赌, 但 -
So, if we are ... 所以,若我们是...
if we have a five person, and I will do a five-handed poker game. 若我们有5人, 而我要玩一局五手朴克牌戏.
Now I will interact . So a different person ... 我现在会(跟你们)互动. 这样每次一位不同...
all the time. So not the same person can answer. 的人, 而不是都只由同一人作答.
So we have an agreement. 那我们有协议了.
Which one shall have a good poker hand? 让那一家得手好牌呢?
Which number? One, two, three, four or five? (Audience: Three.) 那一家呢? 1,2,3,4, 还是5? (观众:3.)
Lennart Green: Three -- good. 格林:3 - 好的.
And -- here ... 还有 - 在这里...
I had a mat here to make it a little -- the critical moment is -- sorry. 我有块桌垫好让.. 关键的一刻是 ..抱歉.
If a card shark gather the card together, immediately when he -- before he deals the card. Now ... 若一位老手将牌集齐 即时在 -- 在他发牌前. 这..
so I think, number three, 所以我在想,第3 (家牌) 嘛,
I have arranged them in a full house . 我已给排了个 *葫芦*
arranged:adj.安排的;v.安排;计划;准备(arrange的过去式和过去分词); full house:n.客满;
(Laughter) (众笑)
With queens and -- it's OK. 其中有Q和.. 别要紧.
Queens and tens. 有些Q和10.
That's a challenge, I like this. 那可是个挑战哪,我喜欢.
I will explain later. One, two, three, four, five. 我稍后会解释. 1,2,3,4,5.
I start with three queens. 我以三张Q作始.
So here you see the contrast when I treat the cards. 这样我理牌时让你们可看出对比.
contrast:n.对比;对照;反差;明显的差异;v.对比;对照;形成对比; treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣;
And two tens. 还有2张10点.
Yeah. Thank you. 好了. 谢谢.
(Applause) (掌声)
But also the other hand is good if all the other guys has good hands too. 然而所有其他人若手顺的话亦可能有好牌在手
So these guys has actually a -- a stronger hand: three aces and two kings. 像这家伙就真搂了一手更强的牌: 三A搭两K.
This guy beats them with two -- four of a kind, or deuce -- deuce. 这厮又以二 ..将他们都击败.. 共四条都是二,或两点.. 两点.
No reaction ? That with even -- 没反应喔? 那边牌更--
OK, and this. 没事, 还有这.
These look in order, I'm probably -- hopefully .. 这牌看来像顺子,我可能 -- 相信是...
yeah. Three, four, five, six, seven and -- 对了! 3,4,5,6,7 还有 --
But of course, I will have the winning hand. 但当然,我终归手操皇牌, 胜券在握.
10, jack, queen, king, ace. 10,J, Q,K,A.
Yeah. So -- good. 好.. 这真 -- 爽.
(Laughter) (众笑)
So the hand that looks so good from the beginning, number three, at the end was actually the lowest hand. 所以那开始看来挺好, 的第3家牌, 最后 实际是最糟的一手牌哩.
Such life. Right? 命数呢, 对吗?
So please -- mix them. 好, 请洗一下牌.
Now, if you are interested I will demonstrate some underground techniques . 有兴头的话我想演示些 秘技.
Yes? 好吗?
I work with ... 我是运用
kind of, estimation ? 某种, 猜算吧?
Shuffle tracking -- ah, good. 洗牌追踪-- 啊,很好.
Shuffle:v.洗牌; n.洗牌,洗纸牌; tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词)
Ex -- impressive . Thank you. 顶呱..酷. 谢谢.
(Laughter) (众笑)
So, first -- the first term is estimation. 所以, 首.. 首个词儿是 估算
Here, I can estimate exactly how many cards are put between the -- my royal flush . 我可估计实际有多少牌 被摄进- 在我的同花大顺之间.
estimate:v.估计;估算;估价;n.估价;(对大小、数量、成本等的)估计;估计的成本; royal:adj.国王的;女王的;皇家的;n.王室成员; flush:n.激动,洋溢; v.使齐平; adj.大量的;
Of course, I can count the card, but this is much quicker. 当然,我大可数牌,但这样快多了.
Right? You agree. 对吗? 你同意吧.
So here I have, actually -- 这里我有,其实--
I know exactly where the cards are. 我清楚知牌在哪.
So. here I can make a bet , and this is actually one of the points where I get my money. 所以我可以落注打赌, 这正是我怎搂钱的其中一个点子.
So here: 10, jack, queen, king, ace. 看这里是:10,J, Q,K,A.
OK. 好啦.
(Applause) (掌声)
Next is a term -- 接着 是个词儿 ..
I do it quick. I call this stealing. 我会做的快. 我叫这 偷牌.
So here, I think -- I -- 所以这里, 我想 -- 我--
I know about where the cards are. 我知牌在哪处.
I will spread the cards and you'll say, stop, when I point to them, right. Point, say stop. 我会将这些牌摊开然后你喊, 停, 在我手点指着牌时,对了. 点指,喊停.
Zoe: Stop. 穗: 停.
LG: Here -- you see some are missing? LG:这里--你见到有些牌没了麽?
And that's the stealing cards, which I did -- 那就是偷牌,我干的--
(Laughter) (众笑)
OK. 好了.
Now, another term called shuffle tracking. 现在,另一个词儿叫 追牌 .
Shuffle tracking means I keep track of the cards, even if another person -- person shuffle. 追牌意思是我一直追踪着牌 即使是由他人, 他人洗的牌.
keep track of:记录;与…保持联系;
This is a little risky. 这有点风险.
So -- because if you look, now I can still see it. 所以, 因为, 若你看一下,现在我仍可看到.?
You agree? But if you square -- square and shuffle -- and then a cut. 同意吗? 但若你将牌齐边 -- 齐边后再洗 然后切一下牌.
So here, to follow my cards, I must look at the shuffle from the begin -- ah, we are started together -- it's OK, it's OK. 就这样 为着追牌,我必须从头紧盯洗牌的过程 噢,我们都分头开始了-- 没事, 没事.
Come to -- no, no, no, no. 来-- 不 ---不
I'm joking, yeah? 我只是开玩笑,行?
Any style -- yeah -- good. 怎洗都可以 -- 对 -- 很好.
Here I have to calculate, but actually I don't like to calculate. 这样我得数算,但实际上我不爱数算.
I work direct with the right brain . 我是直接运用右脑
right brain:n.(人的)右脑(据信用于构思新思想和主管情感);
If you pass the left brain , you have to take care of logic and common sense. 若你经左脑, 那你得顾及到逻辑和常理.
left brain:n.左脑;
Direct in the right brain, that's much better. And so -- 直接在右脑内..,那会好得多. 所以 --
(Laughter) (众笑)
Arthur Benjamin, little -- did -- did a little of the same thing. 亚瑟·本杰明,点儿, 做了, 做了 点儿类似的东西.
And if you work with, in the right atmosphere , with humor , you have -- that's the password to the cosmic bank of knowledge where you can find any solution of any problem. 若你运用, 在合适的气氛下进行,并带点幽默, 你会得到 - 那密码 通往 宇宙知识宝库 在那里你可以找到任何难题的解答.
atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格; humor:n.幽默;心情;情绪;脾气;v.迎合;迁就; cosmic:adj.宇宙的; solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
OK. Now, I drop the cards, and you say stop anyway, right? 好吧. 现在,我掉牌咯, 而你随时喊停,行?
Not at the last card. 别等到最后一张.
Zoe: Stop. LG: Yeah. 穗:停. LG:好了.
When I'm sober I do this much quicker, but we will check. 我清醒时可做得快点,我们盼且查看一下.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Ah, not in order, it -- that was a mistake. 啊,不顺序哪,那 -- 出错了.
No, I'm kidding. 不,我开玩笑啦.
(Applause) (鼓掌)
No -- now and then I put in a mistake, just to emphasize how difficult it is. 不 -- 我不时装点错, 以强调其难度.
now and then:偶尔;有时; emphasize:v.强调;重视;着重;使突出;
Right? 行?
Yeah, last night I forgot that. That was a mistake. 对,昨晚我把那忘了. 那(确)是个错失.
But now I'm glad I remember it. 但还好我想起来了.
So -- this deck is bought here -- sorry -- 所以 -- 这副牌在这里买的 -- 抱歉
I have a little pad to make it a little softer. 我有一个小垫子 让(桌面)平顺点.
This -- deck is bought here in America. 这副牌是在美国这边买的.
it's called -- 叫 --
Bicycle. And this deck is very flexible , but not so many people know. 自行车 . 这牌很富弹性, 但知道的人不多.
If you check -- If you press at the right -- the right spots, you see how thin and flexible this deck is, right? 如你试着 -- 若你按对 了位置, 你会发现这牌有多薄多好弹性,对吗?
Now, you can carry this in your wallet, so -- 您可将它放进钱包带着, 那就 --
You don't see it, make no reaction? 没看到麽, 没反应?
(Laughter) (众笑)
So -- but here -- and -- is the camera getting too much? No. 所以, 但这 还有 -- 让摄像机抓到太多了? 没.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Yeah? (Audience: It's getting too much.) 有麽? (观众:抓多了.)
LG: Pardon. But then, when we will have it back you do this. LG: 甚麽? 但当我们将牌抓回来时, 你这样做吧.
But not too much. 但别过度.
Then you have to push it down again. 接着你得再依样将牌推齐
Here, please. If you push these -- heaps, everyone see -- push them together so they are really interlaced , right? Yeah, good. 这里,请, 可否将这-- (两)叠牌,大家看到麽-- 将牌推叠至真的混在一起, 行? 好,好了.
Perfect. 完美.
Just push them through, good. Thank you. 都全推好就是. 好了,谢谢.
And then I will demonstrate a thing from ... 接着我会演示一样东西,是从...
Russian satellite. 俄罗斯卫星
Stealen -- stolen, probably copied from America but we will see. 偷 --抓来的, 应该是美国货的翻版 - 我们且等着瞧.
Here -- shortcuts. I talk about shortcuts. 这里 -- 捷径. 我谈到捷径.
Now, I go very quick through the deck and try to find some pattern. 我现在很快地 扫视这副牌并尝试找出一些式样.
The new chaos theory is already old, right? 那 新混沌论 已过时咯,对吗?
chaos theory:n.混沌理论;
But you know, I think you are familiar with -- familiar with -- fractals : the Mandelbrot spirals and all these things. 可你知道,我想你们都熟悉-- 熟悉有关 - 碎形: 曼德勃罗螺旋集 及所有这些东西.
familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; fractals:n.碎形;分形学(fractal的复数); spirals:螺旋;盘旋;
And it's much easier to memorize cards in a pattern way, and not concentrate . If you concentrate and calculate, then you go to -- to -- then it's the left brain. But if you just look and talk in another language -- yeah, great. 会更容易 记牌 - 若将牌看成某种样式格局. 别太专注, 若你注于算计, 那你就往 - 左脑去了.但若你只管看着 并以外文聊着. 对, 真棒.
memorize:v.记住;记忆; concentrate:n.浓缩物;v.聚精会神;集中(注意力);使…集中(或集合、聚集);(使)浓缩;
I think I have it. 我猜行了.
So now, different persons, older, tap. 现在,换个人,年长点的,拍.
Please name any card, anyone. 请喊张牌,随便那一位.
(Audience: Jack of spades .) LG: Jack of spades . (观众:黑桃J.) 格林:黑桃J.
Jack of spades. 黑桃J.
I think jack of spades is number 12 from the top. 我猜黑桃J是往下数第12张.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11 -- 12. Yes, right. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11 -- 12. 对了, 没错.
So -- oh, jack of spades. 所以,噢, 黑桃J.
You said spades? (Audience: Yes.) LG: Ah. 你是说是黑桃麽? (观众:是的.)格林:呀.
My fault, don't applaud , this was clubs. 我的错,别鼓掌,这是梅花呢.
So, jack of spades ... 黑桃J嘛 ...
I think ... 我猜 ..
23 -- 24, sorry, 24. 23 -- 24,对不起,是24.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 -- ah, 25, yes. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18,19,20,21,22, 23 -- 25 ,是的.
It's the last. 是那照明 (不够好).
Now, I do it quicker, better. 这回我做得快点, 顺点.
OK. Another person. Oh, I forgot, I shouldn't shuffle but I think -- 好了.另一位. 哦,我忘了,我不该洗牌,但我想--
(Laughter) (众笑)
- actually, my technique is to peek , all the time. - 实际上,我的技巧是偷看, 经常地.
When I lift the heap, I peek. 掀起牌时,我偷看.
You see, yeah -- perfect. 你看,对了-- 完美.
Three, four, five, six -- then I calculate -- yeah, good. 3,4 ,5,-- 然后我就算一下-- 对,好了.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Another person, another card. (Audience: Seven of diamonds.) 另一位,另一张牌. (观众:方块7.)
LG: Seven of diamonds. Perfect, my favorite, yeah, seven -- LG:方块7. 行,我的至爱,对了,7 --
So I will do it quick -- very quick. But in slow motion so you can follow. 那我会做快些 -- 极快. 但以慢动作来做 - 好让们跟得上.
slow motion:adj.缓慢的;慢动作的;高速度摄影的;
(Laughter) (众笑)
Seven of -- (Audience: Diamonds.) LG: Diamonds, good. 7什么 -- (观众:方块的.)格林:方块,好的.
Diamonds, good. I start here. 方块,好. 我从这里开始.
Good, thank you. 好的,谢谢.
(Applause) (掌声)
The thing I did -- I peeked . 我干的是 -- 偷瞥.
I know where the card were, then I chose it. So another person, another card. 我知牌在哪, 我就这样抽选出来. 另一位,另一张牌.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Another person. 另一位.
(Audience: 10 of diamonds.) (观众:方块10.)
LG: Pardon? LG:对不起, 是甚麽?
(Audience: 10 of diamonds.) (观众:方块10.)
LG: 10 of diamonds, yeah. LG:方块10,对了.
I think I do it the same way, I like to -- 我想我照做吧,我爱--
So I know where it is. 我知它在哪.
10 of diamonds. 方块10.
But now I do it the -- the regular speed, right? 我这回以正常速度做,可好?
10 of diamonds. 方块10.
Good. 好的.
Maybe you will cut? Lift. 要切一下牌吗? 掀.
Excellent. 太好了.
So, thank you. Another person, another card. 谢谢. 另一位,另一张牌.
(Audience: Five of clubs.) (观众:梅花5.)
LG: Pardon? (Audience: Five of clubs.) LG:对不起, 甚麽? (观众:梅花5.)
LG: Five of clubs. It's not the same person, even if it's the same spot. LG:梅花5. 这可不是同一个人,虽则在同一处.
We can take some over there later. So now I will drop the cards. 稍后我们可试那边选的牌. 我现在要掉牌了.
And you'll say, stop, anywhere. Got it? 而你们可随时随处喊停.明白了?
Five of clubs. 梅花五.
Not the last. Yes, that's difficult to find a card here. 别等到最后一张. 这上面甚麽牌都没啦.
(Laughter) (众笑)
We do it again. 我们再来一次.
The person who said five of clubs say, stop, when the cards are in the air, right? 选梅花五的那位请喊, 停, 要趁牌还在空中时,好吗?
(Audience: Stop.) (观众:停.)
LG: Very good. LG:很好.
OK. 行.
(Applause) (鼓掌)
OK, I had to use a little force there. 行,那里我得使点劲儿呢.
I think we -- we save five of clubs. 我们将梅花5搂出来了.
And now a card with a contrast of five of clubs. 现在选一张跟梅花5有对比的.
(Audience: Queen of hearts.) LG: Queen of hearts, yeah. (观众:红心Q.) LG:红心Q,好.
Excellent. I love that card. 太棒了. 我爱那牌.
Here, I will do the most difficult thing. 这回我要干最难的事儿.
For example, you are sitting in Las Vegas, and you're betting , and you let the other guys peek this card by mistake . Feel -- it's just the regular, one card. 想象一下你在正坐在拉斯维加斯, 在赌着, 而你不慎让其他玩家 选了这牌. 心想 -- 是张普通牌吧了.
betting:n.打赌;赌钱;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;(bet的现在分词) by mistake:错误地;由于差错;
And now, when I lift this card, it shall be your card. What was your card? 然当我现在将牌拿起, 你当然想它变作自己的心水牌. 你要的是?
(Audience: Queen of hearts.) (观众:红心Q.)
LG: Queen of -- ? Queen of hearts. 格林:什么Q-- ? 红心 Q.
So that's a tough challenge, right? 可是一个挺难的挑战啊,对吗?
So here, I grab -- you know this? Five of clubs ... 就这样,我抓-- 可知这? 梅花五...
and queen of hearts. Yes! (变作) 红心Q . 对了!
This is a tough one, because here I must take advantage of -- 这挺难, 因这里我必须利用 --
take advantage of:利用;
I switch it with the five of clubs. 我将它跟梅花五掉换了
So -- now, a false count. 所以嘛 -- 现在, 来个 假派 .
Which card shall I use? Queen or five? 我该用哪张牌呢? Q还是5?
Zoe: The queen. LG: Queen, yes. 穗:Q. 格林:Q,好哇.
So. I use the queen, and here's five of clubs. 我就用Q,这里有梅花.
The false count and the number one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight -- you say the same card all the time. 假数 和 号数 第1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8-- 你一直在说同一张牌.
Eight, nine, 10. 8,9,10.
This is a kind of optical deal, right? 这可算是一种 错视发牌 吧?
When I put one card at a table, look -- it's not one card. It's -- look, it's a bunch of cards that gives this -- impression . 当我将一张牌放往桌面放, 看--它并不是一张牌.而是 -- 看着, 是一叠看来像 只有一张的牌.
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; impression:n.印象;影响;效果;感想;
Yeah. 对.
Now some hard stuffs . 来点硬玩儿.
I think we keep the queen here, yes. 我想我们且将Q放着,对.
Now, to the satellites things. 现在,是随着的东西.
This -- oh sorry, don't look at the beam , my fault. 这-- 哦,对不起,别朝这光束看,我的过失.
beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波);
(Laughter) (众笑)
This is high-frequency laser, and it's enough with a fraction of a second to destroy the retina completely. 这是 高频镭射 , 可於瞬间 完全将视网膜毁掉.
high-frequency:adj.高频率的;高周波的; fraction:n.分数;小部分;小数;少量; retina:n.[解剖]视网膜;
Right, sorry, my -- I should have mentioned that, yeah. 对,真抱歉,我 -- 我应先知会一下, 对.
But you can relax , because it takes half an hour before it works, so you have plenty of time to see my whole performance . 可你放心好了, 因为要半小时后才起作用, 所以您有充分的时间将我整个表演看完.
relax:v.放松,休息;松懈,松弛;变从容;休养; performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演;
(Laughter) (众笑)
Now ... 现在...
I put the laser here, and -- now, when I deal the cards in the laser 我把激光在这儿放, 然后 -- 当我在朝激光发牌时
I know where they are but -- yes? 我知道牌往那去了, 对吗?
Did the camera got it? 摄影机可拍到?
No? 没有?
They didn't? 他们没拍到?
What happened? 出了啥事?
(Audience: It disappeared .) (观众:牌消失了.)
LG: OK, I'll take another group. 格林:好,我会另取一组牌.
Do the cameras see the cards now? 摄像机可看牌了吗?
No? (Audience: No, they're all gone.) 没有? (观众:没,它们都消失了.)
LG: But you see the hand. 格林:但手你们得见着.
Ah, good, good, good. But now. 啊,好,好,好. 但这.
So now. That was the reason, right? 现在. 正是这样,对吗?
You see the cards? Yes. 牌看到麽? 对.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Yeah, good. 对,好了.
Now -- 现在--
(Laughter) (众笑)
- one guy laughed. So now to find the queen -- do it this way, take back the other one, take back the queen. - 有个家伙乐了. 现在, 要将Q找出来-- 这样做,將另一牌抓回,Q亦回来了.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Yeah, interesting -- but a little dangerous. 對,真有趣 -- 可有点危险.
(Laughter) (众笑)
I liked it. Now -- a little more difficult. 我爱这玩儿. 现在-- 来点更难的.
Name -- Anyone, name, please, any suit. 选个 -- 那位都好, 请, 随便选套牌.
(Audience: Spades.) LG: Spades? Spades, good. (观众:黑桃.) 格林:黑桃? 黑桃,好的.
So here, here I have to peek, lots of cards. 这, 这我得偷瞥,许多的牌.
I think there are lots of -- 我猜有许多的--
I don't know how many -- but 10, 15 spades in a deck, at least, right? 我不知道有多少 -- 但一副牌至少有10张, 15张黑桃吧,不是吗?
(Laughter) (众笑)
So every time I lift the heap, I peek, right. 所以每我次拿起牌叠,我就偷看,对.
Then I arrange them so I can get them quick -- perfect, excellent. 然后我将它们排好, 这样我就可以 快速将它们抓出来-- 完美,棒极了.
So I start with the ace -- yeah, ace. Ah, yeah -- spades? 我以A开始 -- 对,A,啊,对-- 黑桃?
Same mistake as before, right? 跟之前一样的错了,对吧?
So -- I arrange the spades -- the clubs. 嗯, 我将黑桃--梅花 排好
I try to do this right here. First I take the spades -- you see, I don't work with prestige , so always do mistakes. 我试着这样做. 首先,我拿抓黑桃-- 你们请明白我不搞自是那一套, 所以不时出错.
It doesn't matter to me. 於我没甚麽..
And now and then I get some extra sympathy points, right? 不时还得到些额外的同情分呢,不是吗?
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: sympathy:n.同情;慰问;赞同;
One, two, three, four -- yes, the camera got it? -- five, six, seven, eight -- ah. 1, 2,3,4 -- 对了, 摄相机可拍到? -- 5,6, 7,8-- 啊.
Nine, 10, the jack, jack of spades, queen of -- 9,10, J, 黑桃J, Q--
I like that laugh -- yeah! Good. Queen. 我爱那笑声 -- 哇!好.Q.
(Laughter) (众笑)
Wait, wait, wait -- please take any card. 等,等, 等着 -- 请随便抽张牌.
Grab any one, quick, quick, good. 随便一张,快,快,好.
And we switch this to the king. 我们将这牌换成K.
Ace of diamonds. 方块A.
And now look, ace of diamonds will guide -- so I find ... 现在看,方块A会来带着-- 我找到...
king of spades. 黑桃K.
There was the place -- and here is king of spades, correct? 位置就在那里 -- 黑桃K在此,对吗?
Yeah? OK. 行? 好了.
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Now, a little more difficult thing. 现在,来点更难的.
Maybe you think I have the cards in order already, so you help me to shuffle again. 你或会想我的牌是先就排好, 那就请你们帮我再洗一下.
Another suit, please. 请来个另一套吧.
(Audience: Armani .) LG: Pardon? (Audience: Armani .) (观众:阿玛尼.)格林:对不起, 是甚麽? (观众:阿玛尼.)
(Laughter) (众笑)
LG: It was after the blindfold . 格林:那是套眼罩之后的事.
I like this guy, yeah. 我爱这厮,对.
OK. That should be my end effect, but OK. 好了. 是我最後一個戲碼了,都没问题.
Armani --who said Armani? You? 阿玛尼--谁说阿玛尼? 你吗?
I drop the cards and you -- which size? 我掉牌 你喊 -- 啥尺寸?
Which size? It's a piece of cake . I like challenges. 啥大小? 易如反掌, 我愛挑戰呢.
a piece of cake:轻松的事;
Which size? 啥大小?
(Audience: Extra large.) LG: Extra large, OK. (观众:特大的.)格林:特大的,好.
Say stop. (Audience: Stop.) 喊停. (观众:停.)
(Laughter) (众笑)
LG: Yeah, Armani. OK. 格林:對,是阿玛尼. 好了.
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Ah, this is tough. 啊,这可难了.
OK, a suit. I had clubs before, spades. 好啦,选一套. 早前我已有梅花,黑桃.
Another suit. (Audience: Diamonds.) LG: Diamonds, perfect. 另一套. (观众:方块.) 格林:方块,太好了.
So in this case, 那这回,
I try to -- to locate diamonds. I look at the cards, and OK. 我试著 -- 將方块摟出来.我先看一下牌,行.
We try. Yeah. you help me. 我们試試. 好.你帮我一下.
If I drop the card face up, like this, you reverse it. Zoe: OK. 若我掉的的牌面朝上, 像这样,你將它翻轉. 穗:好的.
reverse:n.反面; v.颠倒; adj.相反的;
LG: OK, now. 格林:好,现在.
Do with both hands, and quick. Yes, good, good. 双手一起來,快點. 对,好,好.
(Laughter) (笑声)
I think we have it now. Yeah -- good, good. 我想我找到了. 對 -- 好,好.
So here -- diamonds, hearts -- no, diamonds. Good, good. 这 -- 是方块,红桃 -- 不对,方块.好,好.
Stop. Do you see the pattern? 停一下. 你有看出樣式麼?
No? Now? 没? 现在呢?
Yes, yes, OK. 有,有,好的.
I work with pattern. 我以式樣作業.
Oh sorry, I dropped -- maybe it's important, yes, nine of diamonds, OK. 哦對不起,我掉了 -- 可能是張重要的,是的,方块9,行 .
maybe it's important -- yeah -- nine of diamonds, OK. 可能是張重要的 -- 是的-- 方块9,好 .
So now -- 這 --,
I always ask, why do I put myself in this position? 我总是问, 我幹嗎要自作自受?
I have to figure out so many outs when I miss some cards, but -- 我得想盡千方百計 当我請你們(這樣那樣)後, 但
I love it. So now -- 但我對著幹 -- 所以現在嗎
I will do it -- I will try to find -- find the -- the -- diamonds, but I will do it the hard way. 我會试著 -- 我會试著找出 - 找出 -- 那 -- 方块牌, 然我将取之以難.
It's too easy to do it right away , right? 就這樣找出來太易了吧, 對麼?
right away:立刻;
I think I will do it ... 我想我會 ...
blindfolded . 蒙著眼來.
At this distance it works immediately. 这么近的話立即就见效.
Aargh! 啊呀!
(Laughter) (笑声)
Duct tape . 强力胶带.
Duct tape:n.强力胶布(常用于维修或粘贴管道漏洞);
I look -- shake the -- the cards, so I don't -- 我看看 -- 搞一下牌,我才不能 --
Go ahead. Yeah, good. I like the empathy . 继续. 對,好. 我愛得同情.
Empathy. 同情心.
But it was -- did you hear, it was a women's voice. Hear the guy -- yeah, more, more, more. 但那是 --你听到麼, 那是位女士的声音. 男士都只管说 -- 好哇,多一點, 多一點, 再多一點啊.
(Laughter) (笑声)
Yeah, good. Yeah. 好哇,成. 唉.
You can take the nostril too, because some guys think -- 要不你連鼻孔亦照辦吧,因有些人猜想 --
(Laughter) (笑声)
- some guys think I can peek through the nostril, so do -- more -- go, go. - 有些人猜想我可從鼻孔偷看呢,所以再 -- 加些 -- 继续,继续.
Right? Good. 行了麼? 好.
Satisfied ? 满意吧?
Looks good -- like Batman . Ow! 看起来不错对吧 -- 像 蜘蛛侠. 噢!
(Laughter) (笑声)
No, we dignity and elegance , right? 不,帶点尊重和優雅,好吗?
dignity:n.尊严;高贵; elegance:n.典雅;高雅;
But I like her, yeah. I said be a little -- be a little tough. 其實我挺喜欢她,對. 是我说过即管強硬点的.
And it was OK. One more? 都還可以. 多一片?
The last. 最后一貼咯.
OK. 好.
All right. 行啦.
Now you must agree that I'm -- 现在你們必定都同意我 --
I must rely on other senses, right? 我必須仗赖于其他官能了,对吧?
I work with vibration . 我以震动作業.
So -- what was the card? 所以-- 什么牌来的?
Diamonds. Ah, I memorized hearts. 方块. 啊,我记作红心咯.
So now I have to -- to improvise again. 所以我现在得 -- 即兴发挥了.
Maybe I'll stand up. Half. 我還是半站著吧.
Diamonds -- I'll start with ace of diamonds. 方块 -- 我从方块A作开始.
Just kidding, warming up. King of hearts. 开玩笑,热热身而已. 红心K.
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I give you a diamonds, so they -- so you put them here in a nice row, right. And you can see, yeah? Good. 我给你方块,那它们 -- 那你將它们 一整地放这里,都看到麼? 好.
Ace of diamonds, yes? Zoe: Yeah. 方块A,是吗? 穗:是的.
LG: Good. Good. Two -- 格林:好. 好. 2 --
Thank you. 谢谢.
I never ever miss two. This is interesting. 我从不错過2點. 这真有趣.
Always I've found two, but the wrong color. Spades, sorry. 我总找得著2, 但花色不对哩. 黑桃,抱歉.
And the -- the deck is a gift to you after, so let the skepticals here, in this -- examine them, right? Remind me. It's a gift. 嗯 -- 这副牌等会给你做礼物, 让这些猜疑鬼,在这兒 -- 好好檢查,行? 记得提我. 这个作礼物.
Two -- and it was two of spades, right? 2 -- 是黑桃2,对吧?
Sorry, two of diamonds. I'll do it quick now. 對不起,是方块2. 现在我快起來咯.
Three -- three of diamonds. Yes! 3 -- 方块3. 对!
Four -- 4 --
I like challenges, yes. 我愛挑战,对.
Yeah -- good. 對 -- 好.
Chris Anderson: You're peeking . 安德森:你在偷看哩.
LG: Pardon? 格林:什么?
CA: You're peeking. You just got to -- this is a request from the lady in the back. 安德森:你偷看. 你要这样 -- 这是應后面一位女士的要求.
(Laughter) (笑声)
LG: Okay. 格林:好吧.
Try that. 试试吧.
Yeah. Also listen. 對. 亦要听得到呢.
OK -- now. 行 -- 现在.
This is maybe a little tough. 这或许真有一点難.
We will try. 我们且试著.
Yes? Good? 嗯, 好吗?
(Laughter) (笑声)
OK. So -- how many cards? Five? Zoe: Four. 好吧. 这 几张牌了? 五张? 穗:四张.
LG: Four. Is five the next card? 格林:四张. 那下一张牌是5嗎?
Zoe: Five of diamonds, yeah. 穗:方块五,對.
LG: It's not here? Zoe: It's not there. 格林:那里沒? 穗:那里沒.
LG: Oh. 格林:哦.
So here -- all the cards are face down -- you agree? (Audience: Yes.) 这里-- 所有牌面朝下-- 对吗?(观众:是的.)
LG: Yes? You see that in the screen? 格林:是吗? 你們是從屏幕上看到的麼?
And this is face up, and it's not at the bottom here. 这樣牌面朝上,它並不在這牌底.
So next card will be -- was it five? 下张牌應該 - 是5麼?
Zoe: Five. LG: Yeah -- I -- 穗:5. 格林:行 - -我--
I will reverse it face up here. 我會将它翻過來牌面朝上.
Yes? Zoe: Yeah. 可对? 穗:對.
Six -- six with the thumb . 6-- 用拇指.
Seven. 7.
Yeah, I do this. I know where it is, because I peeked before and then I do this. 是的,我做得到. 我知道它在哪, 因我先偷看了才做.
Right? 可对?
Eight. 8.
If -- and then nine, right? 若-- 然后9,对麼?
Yeah. 行.
Yesterday -- the day before yesterday I was in Vegas, and I used this actually. 昨天 -- 是前天我在拉斯维加斯, 我就真用上这个.
Nine? Yeah? Correct? 9點? 是麼? 对麼?
No? Yes! Ah, okay, okay. 不对?是!我再来一次.
10 -- 10 --
Once again, I love this John Wayne move. 同一句話,我爱这尊荣招牌动作.
Yeah. Jack -- you [unclear] with Jack? 好. J牌 --你...J?
Jack -- of J--
Diamonds, correct? (Audience: No.) 方块J,对吗? (观众:不)
LG: Yes? 格林:對麼?
And ... 和...
Queen! Queen, with misdirection . Q!Q牌,伴隨误导動作.
Misdirection. 误导動作.
Yeah? 對啊?
And then, king -- after exactly ... 然后, K牌 -- 正正...
five seconds. 5秒.
Yeah. Five. Five seconds. 對. 是5. 5秒.
One, two, three, four -- mmm! 1, 2,3,4-- 嗯!
Check it. 查看一下.
Yes? 可對?
CA: King of Diamonds. LG: Ah! CA:方块K. LG:啊!
Good. Oh. 好.哦.
Touch me, feel -- ah ah, you know! 轻撫我,感覺 -- 啊,你知啦..
CA: Ladies and gentlemen, Lennart Green! CA:各位,雷纳德·格林!