

'"My Air Jordans cost a hundred with tax. 我的乔丹气垫鞋价值100大洋连税
My suede Starters jacket says Raiders on the back. 我的Starters山羊皮夹克衫后面写着 侵略者
suede:n.小山羊皮;vt.使织物起绒面;vi.起绒面;adj.软羔皮制的;仿麂皮织物制的; Starters:n.(主菜之前的)开胃小吃;参赛者;发令员;(starter的复数) Raiders:n.突击者;侵入者(raider的复数);
I'm stylin', smilin', lookin' real mean, because it ain't about being heard, just being seen. 我很有型、我笑意盈盈、我看起来可真了不得, “无所谓有没有人听见你,重要的是被看见。”
My leather Adidas baseball cap matches my fake Gucci backpack. (Laughter) “我的纯皮阿迪棒球帽,” 配着假的酷奇包。(笑声)
leather:n.皮革;皮革制品;v.用皮革包盖;抽打;adj.皮的;皮革制的; Adidas:n.阿迪达斯(体育用品公司,主要生产运动服等); baseball cap:n.棒球帽(有长鸭舌); fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的; Gucci:n.古琦(品牌名);
Ain't nobody who looks as good as me, but this costs money, it sure ain't free, and I gots no job, no money at all, but it's easy to steal all this from the mall. “没人比我酷” “但这些都是要花钱的,哪里有免费的午餐” “我没工作没钱“ 但我可以轻而易举地从商场里偷这些东西
Parents say I shouldn't, but I knows I should. 大人们说我不该这样,但我觉得我就该这样
Got to do what I can to make sure I look good, and the reason I have to look real good, well, to tell you the truth, man, ”我得竭尽所能让自己好看“ ”为什么要把自己打扮得花见花开呢?“
I don't know why. Guess it makes me feel special inside. ”说实话,我也不知道为什么。也许是为了让我由内而外地特别起来“
When I'm wearing fresh gear I don't have to hide, and I really must get some new gear soon or my ego will pop like a 10-cent balloon. ”当我穿着新装备的时候,我不用躲躲闪闪“ ”我必须尽快弄点新装备“ ”不然我的自尊会像一只廉价气球一样爆掉“
gear:n.齿轮; v.适合; ego:n.自我;自负;自我意识;
But security is tight at all the shops. Every day there are more and more cops . ”但商场里的保安越来越严格。条子也一天天多起来“
My crew is laughing at me because I'm wearing old gear. ”我的哥们儿们都在嘲笑我,穿得又旧就没型。“
School's almost over. Summer is near. ”快放假了,夏天要来了“
And I'm sportin' torn Jordans. ”我还穿着破破烂烂的乔丹运动“
I need something new. Only one thing left to do. ”我要弄点新装备“”就差一件事没做了“
Cut school Friday, catch the subway downtown , check out my victims hangin' around. ”逃学,坐地铁去市中心,“ ”寻找我那些到处晃荡的猎物“
Maybe I'll get lucky and find easy prey . ”也许我够走运,不费吹灰之力便有所得“
Got to get some new gear. There's no other way. ”必须得弄点新装备了“”我别无所选了“
I'm ready and willing. I'm packing my gun. ”我准备好我的枪“
This is serious business. This ain't no fun. ”这可是件正经事“”这可不能开玩笑“
And I can't have my posse laughin' at me. ”我不能让我的哥们儿们嘲笑我“
I'mma cop something dope , just wait, you'll see. ”我得弄点够酷的东西“”你们就等着瞧吧!“
Come out of the station, West 4th near the park, brothers shooting hoops and someone remarks , 'Hey homes, where you get them Nik's?' ”走出地铁站“”来到公园西四路“ “哥们儿们在打篮球”“有人说: “嘿,你的耐克哪买的?”
hoops:n.箍;环;圈;(篮球)篮圈,篮框;(hoop的复数) remarks:n.评论(remark的复数);摘要;附注;
I says to myself, 'Yeah. I likes 'em, I likes.' “我自言自语:我喜欢那双鞋!我真喜欢那双鞋“
They were Q-tip white, bright and blinding my eyes. ”它们看起来像棉签一样白,亮闪闪的简直照瞎了我的双眼“
The red emblem of Michael looked as if it could fly. ”乔丹的红色标志就像会飞起来一样“
Not one spot of dirt . The Airs were brand new . ”一尘不染“”气垫鞋还是全新的“
dirt:n.污垢;尘土;下流话; brand new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的;
Had my pistol and knew just what to do. ”我已准备好手枪“”我知道我该如何行动“
Waited until it was just the right time, followed him very closely behind. ”等到时机恰好时“”紧紧地跟着他“
He made a left turn on Houston , I pulled out my gun, and I said, 'Gimme them Jordans!' ”当他在休斯顿街左转时“”我拿出我的枪“ “说‘ 把你的乔丹鞋给我!’”
And the punk tried to run. “那个小阿飞居然要逃跑”
Took off fast, didn't get far. I fired,'Pow!' “他飞快的跑来,却没跑多远”“‘嘣’ 我扣响扳机”
Fool fell between two parked cars. “阿飞倒在两辆车之间”
He was coughing, crying, blood spilled on the street. “咳嗽、哭喊、血肉四溅”
And I snatched them Air Jordans off of his feet. “我把乔丹气垫鞋从他脚上扒下来”
While laying there dying, all he could say was, "Please man, don't take my Air Jordans away." “躺在地上,小阿飞却只知道说” “求你了,哥们儿,别抢我的乔丹”
You'd think he'd be worried about staying alive. “你可能会以为他会担心自己的生死存亡”
As I took off with his sneakers , there was tears in his eyes. “但当我把乔丹鞋从他脚上扒下来时,他的眼里却饱含泪水”
Very next day, I bopped into school with my brand new Air Jordans, man, I was cool. “第二天,我穿着新乔丹去学校” “兄弟们呐,我可是帅呆了”
I killed to get 'em, but hey, I don't care, because now I needs a new jacket to wear." “我杀了人才得到这双鞋但我一点也不在乎” “因为现在,我又需要一件夹克衫”
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢大家。(掌声)
For the last 15 years that I have been performing , all I ever wanted to do was transcend poetry to the world. 在过去的15年里,我一直都从事表演, 将诗词传播于世界是我一直心驰神往的事。
performing:adj.表演的;演奏的;v.做;执行;演出;运转(perform的现在分词) transcend:v.超出,超越(通常的界限); poetry:n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术;
See, it wasn't enough for me to write a book. 对于我而言,写作并不够。
It wasn't enough for me to join a slam competition , and while those things hold weight, it wasn't the driving force that pushes the pen to the pad . 加入大满贯比赛也难以满足我, 尽管这些都举足轻重, 但仍然难以成为使我的笔尖落到实处。
slam:v.(使…)砰地关上; n.猛关(或推,摔,撞等); competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛; pad:n.软垫,护垫;便笺本;爪垫;肉掌;v.填充,覆盖,保护;蹑手蹑脚地走;做黑账;
The hunger and thirst was, and still remains: 我的渴望,欲望曾在,到现在亦然、
How do I get people who hate poetry to love me? 我怎样才能使讨厌诗词的人, 喜欢上我?
Because I'm an extension of my work, and if they love me, then they will love my work, and if they love my work, then they will love poetry, and if they love poetry, then I will have done my job, which is to transcend it to the world. 因为我是我作品的延续, 假如他们喜欢我,自然就会喜欢我的作品, 如果他们喜欢我的作品,就会喜欢诗词, 如果他们喜欢诗歌,那我的使命就完成了, 我要使诗词在世界传播。
And in 1996, I found the answer in principles in a master spoken-word artist named Reg E. Gaines , who wrote the famous poem, "Please Don't Take My Air Jordans." 1996年,我在一位叫做 Reg E. Gaines的朗诵艺术大师那里, 找到了最初的答案, 他是诗歌名篇《请别拿走我的乔丹气垫鞋》的作者。
principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数) Gaines:n.盖恩斯;
And I followed this guy everywhere until I had him in the room, and I read him one of my pieces, and you know what he told me? 我四处追随这位艺术家,直到我等到了和他独处的机会, 我朗诵了我写的诗, 你们知道他跟我说了什么吗?
'"Yo' wack . 他说:“真糟糕.
You know what the problem is with you, homie ? “你知道你哪儿有问题吗? 哥们儿”
You don't read other people's poetry, and you don't got any subordination for verbal measures to tonal consideration ." (Laughter) “你不朗诵别人的诗歌” “你的诗里没有一个动量词的附属词” “一点也没有考虑音调”(笑声)
subordination:n.从属;附属;主从关系; verbal:adj.口头的;言语的;动词的;照字面的;n.动词的非谓语形式; tonal:adj.色调的;音调的; consideration:n.顾及;报酬;斟酌;仔细考虑;
Now he kept on rambling about poetry and styles and Nuyorican Friday nights. 他继续在那儿闲聊, 关于诗歌、关于诗的风格以及新波多黎各人周五的晚上。
rambling:adj.漫无目的的; n.乡间漫步; v.闲逛; (ramble的现在分词)
Now I could have quit . I should have quit . 我本来可能就此放弃。我也应该放弃了。
I mean, I thought poetry was just self-expression . 我原本以为诗歌只是一种自我表达。
I didn't know you actually have to have creative control. 我却不知道还需要富有创意。
So instead of quitting , I followed him everywhere. 但我没有就此放弃。我反而开始四处跟随他。
When he was writing a Broadway show, I would be outside of the door. 他写百老汇剧本的时候,我就在门外候着。
I would wake him up at, like, 6:30 in the morning to ask him who's the best poet. 我会在早上六点半叫醒他, 问他谁是最优秀的诗人。
I remember eating the eyes of a fish right out of the sea because he told me it was brain food. 我记得,我吃过刚从海里捕出来鱼的眼睛, 因为他说鱼眼补脑。
Then one day I told him, "Reg E., what is subordination for verbal measures to tonal consideration?" (Laughter) 有一天,我问说, ”Reg E. 什么是考虑音调的动量词附属词啊?“ (笑声)
And he handed me a black-and-white printed out thesis on a poet named Etheridge Knight and the oral nature of poetry, and from that point, 他递给我一份白纸黑字的论文, 一篇关于诗人Etheridge Knight, 以及诗歌口头艺术本质的论文, 而从那一刻开始,
black-and-white:adj.印刷的;黑白混合的;用笔写的; thesis:n.论文;论点; Knight:n.(中世纪的)骑士;(英国)爵士(其名前冠以Sir);v.封(某人)为爵士; oral:adj.口头的; n.(尤指外语考试中的)口试; (大学里的)口试;
Reggie stopped becoming the best to me, because what Etheridge Knight taught me was that I could make my words sound like music, even my small ones, the monosyllables, the ifs, ands, buts, whats , Reggie对我来说,再也不是最好的了, 因为那个叫 Etheridge Knight的诗人让我明白, 怎样使我的诗词像音乐一样动听, 即使那些细小的部分,单音节词, if ,and,but,what这些词,
whats:pro n.什么; adj.什么; v.到什么程度,在哪一方面;
the gangsta in my slang could fall right on the ear, and from then on , I started chasing Etheridge Knight. 以及我使用的一些黑帮俚语听起来都那么悦耳, 从那以后,我就一直追随者Etheridge Knight.
gangsta:n.黑帮;歹徒成员; slang:n.俚语;行话;adj.俚语的;vi.用粗话骂;vt.用俚语说; from then on:从那时起
I wanted to know which poet he read, and I landed on a poem called ["Dark Prophecy : Sing of Shine"], a toast signifying that got me on the biggest stage a poet could ever be: 我想知道他都读了哪些诗人的诗, 我开始练习一首叫做《黑暗预言:光亮之歌》, 这首诗歌把我送上了一个诗人 梦寐以求的舞台:
Prophecy:n.预言;预言书;预言能力; toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯; signifying:v.表示;说明;预示;显示;要紧;(signify的现在分词)
Broadway, baby. 百老汇的舞台! 同志们!
And from that point, I learned how to pull the mic away and attack the poetry with my body. 而从那时开始,我学会了如何甩开麦克风, 用我的身体抒发诗歌的情感。
But that wasn't the biggest lesson I ever learned. 但这还不是我学到的最重要的一课。
The biggest lesson I learned was many years later when I went to Beverly Hills and I ran into a talent agent who looked at me up and down and said I don't look like I have any experience to be working in this business. 最重要的一课是很多年后, 我在比佛利山庄遇见一个经纪人时学到的, 他上下打量着我, 说我的经验还不足以 让我在这一行混口饭吃。
And I said to him, "Listen, punk fool, you're a failed actor who became an agent, and you know why you failed as an actor? 我回答道:“听着!你个蠢驴,” “你做不了演员,就来做经纪人” “你知道你为什么做不了演员吗?”
Because people like me took your job. “是因为像我这样的人才拿了你的工作”
I've traveled all the way from Cleveland and Essex in East New York, took the local 6 line up to the hookers of Hunt's Point who were in my way on my way to master the art of space, “我从克利夫兰和艾塞克斯一路走来” “亨特港的渔船边上排满了长队” “他们挡塞住了我的去路”
Essex:n.艾塞克斯(英国英格兰东南部的郡); hookers:n.妓女;(橄榄球并列争球时的)钩球队员;(hooker的复数)
and the one-to-infinite amount of man, woman and child you can fit in there only so I can push them to the back of the wall with my experience. “我一个人娱乐着无数的男人女人和小孩” “他们在舞台下” “我用我的表演将他们深深地折服”
People have bought tickets to my experience and used them as refrigerator magnets to let them know that the revolution is near, so stock up. “人们买票来看我的演出” “他们把我的表演当做冰箱磁铁” “来提醒他们革命即将到来,准备好吧!”
magnets:n.磁铁;磁石;吸铁石;有吸引力的人(或地方、事物);(magnet的复数) revolution:n.革命;旋转;运行;循环; stock:n.股票; v.库存; adj.老一套的;
I'm so experienced that when you went to a privileged school to learn a Shakespearean sonnet , “我的经验够丰富了“ ”当你在贵族学校学莎士比亚的十四行诗的时候“
privileged:adj.有特权的; v.给予特权; (privilege的过去式和过去分词) Shakespearean:adj.莎士比亚的; n.莎士比亚研究家; sonnet:n.十四行诗;商籁诗;
I was getting those beats kicked and shoved into me. ”那些诗歌的韵律早就烂熟于我心了“
I can master shock of "The Crying Game" with the awe of a child being called an AIDS victim by a bully who didn't know that it was his father who gave it to my mother, and that's a double entendre . 我能用敬畏之心朗诵《哭泣游戏》, 就像一个孩子被学校里的恶霸叫做艾滋病患者一样, 而这个恶霸并不知道孩子的父亲传染了母亲, 母亲又传染给了孩子,这是一种双关。
awe:vt.使敬畏;使畏怯;n.敬畏; victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者; bully:vt.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;n.仗势欺人者;adj.快活的;盛气凌人的; double entendre:n.双关语;
I'm so experienced that when you went to the Fell School and all the rich little fairy boys decided to sponsor a child in it, that was me, but kicked me out when I was caught ”我经验比我丰富得多,当你去Fell 学校念书时,“ ”所有的富家子弟都想帮助其中的一个孩子,“ ”那个孩子就是我,而我却因为教他们怎样从lee牛仔裤上
fairy:n.仙子;adj.美丽的;优雅的;妖精(一样)的; sponsor:n.赞助商; v.主办;
teaching the fairy boys how to rob the PATS off a pair of Lee Jeans and bring them to VIM . Let me see Chekhov pull that off. 偷走一块潮流手帕并将手帕送给那个艾滋病小孩而逐出校园。“ ”让我瞧瞧契科夫是怎么把手帕从牛仔裤上面摘下来的
PATS:n.拍打;一小块黄油;v.(喜爱地)轻拍;(pat的复数和第三人称单数) VIM:n.精力,活力;精神,生气;
Sanford Meisner was my Uncle Artie yelling silently to himself, "Something's always wrong when nothing's always right." 我的叔叔曾用Sanford Meisner [美国演员&表演教师,创造了方法表演(method acting)]的话对自己说, “有些事情总是不正确,也没有事情总是正确。”
Method acting is nothing but a mixture of multiple personalities , believing your own lies are reality, like in high school cool Kenny telling me he wanted to be a cop. “方法表演只是多种个性的混合,” “相信自己的谎言就是事实,” “这就像在高中时Kenny告诉我他想做个警察一样。”
Method acting:n.方法演技; mixture:n.混合;结合体;混合物;集合体; multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; personalities:n.性格;个性;人格;气质;名人;(personality的复数)
Dude , you go to Riker's Island Academy . “哥们儿,你去里克岛学院学习,”
Dude:n.男人,小伙子;(非正式)花花公子; Academy:n.学院;研究院;学会;专科院校;
I could make David Mamet psychoanalyze my attack on dialogue, “我可以让大卫·马梅” “对我的对话进行精神分析,”
Stanislavski be as if he were Bruce Lee kicking your roster of talentless students up and down Crenshaw. “让斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基 (《演员的自我修养》的作者、演员、导演)像李小龙一样,” “把你那些毫无天赋的学生们打得鼻青脸肿”
roster:n.花名册;执勤人员表;逐项登记表; talentless:adj.无能的;
So what, your actors studied guerrilla theater at the London Rep? “难道你的演员们都是在伦敦培训机构学习的街头表演吗?”
Let me tell you an ancient Chinese Saturday afternoon kung fu secret. “我告诉你一个 中国武术界的秘密。”
Boards don't hit back. “板子是不会反击的”
You think black entertainers have it hard finding work in this business? I'm a suspicious mulatto , which means I'm too black to be white and too white to be doing it right. “你认为黑人在这一行不好混口饭吃吗?” “我就不信,我可是个不信邪的黑白混血” “我很黑,不算白人;我又太白了,做不了黑人”
entertainers:n.演艺人员,娱乐圈人士(entertainer的复数形式); suspicious:adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的; mulatto:adj.黄褐色的;白黑混血儿的;n.[基医]白黑混血儿;
Forget the American ghetto . I've cracked stages in Soweto, buried abortion babies in potter's field and still managed to keep a smile on my face, so whatever you curse at me to your caddyshack “别说什么美国街头”“我在南非索威特都有我的足迹” “我埋葬过因堕胎而死去的婴儿”“但我仍然可以微笑” “不管在我踏出这道门之后,”
ghetto:n.犹太人区;贫民区;vt.使集中居住; cracked:adj.疯狂;破裂的;有裂纹的;v.破裂;裂开;断裂;(crack的过去分词和过去式) abortion:n.流产,小产;流产的胎儿;(计划等)失败,夭折; curse:n.诅咒;咒骂;v.诅咒;咒骂;
go-for-this, go-for-that assistant when I walk out that door, whatever slander you send my way, your mother. “你要跟你那言听计从的助理咒骂我时” “不管你要怎么诽谤我” “尼玛”
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢(掌声)