

They told me that I'm a traitor to my own profession , that I should be fired, have my medical license taken away, that I should go back to my own country. 他们告诉我, 我背叛了自己的职业, 我应该被解雇, 我的医生执照应该被吊销, 我应该回到自己的国家。
traitor:n.叛徒;卖国贼;背信弃义的人; profession:n.行业,职业;业内人士;同行; license:v.许可;批准;
My email got hacked . 我的邮箱被入侵了。
In a discussion forum for other doctors, someone took credit for "Twitter-bombing" my account. 在一个其他医生开设的论坛上 有人轰炸我的推特账户,而且还得到了其他人的赞赏。
Now, I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing, but then came the response : "Too bad it wasn't a real bomb." 当时, 我不知道是一件好事还是坏事, 但是接着有人回复了: 可惜不是真的炸弹。“
I never thought that I would do something that would provoke this level of anger among other doctors. 我从来没有想到过我做的事情 能激起其他医生们这种程度的愤怒。
Becoming a doctor was my dream. 成为一个医生曾是我的梦想。
I grew up in China, and my earliest memories are of being rushed to the hospital because I had such bad asthma that I was there nearly every week. 我在中国长大, 我最早的记忆是被匆忙送到医院 因为我有很严重的哮喘,以至于当时几乎每周都在那里。
I had this one doctor, Dr. Sam, who always took care of me. 我有一个总是照顾我的医生, 山姆医生。
She was about the same age as my mother. 她当时和我的妈妈一个年纪。
She had this wild, curly hair, and she always wore these bright yellow flowery dresses. 她有一头狂乱的卷发, 而且她总是穿着一条明黄色的花裙子。
She was one of those doctors who, if you fell and you broke your arm, she would ask you why you weren't laughing because it's your humerus . Get it? 她是那些医生中的一个, 如果你跌倒并摔伤了胳膊, 她会问你是为什么不笑 因为那是你的肱骨(与搞笑同音), 明白吗?
See, you'd groan , but she'd always make you feel better after having seen her. 你会痛得哇哇叫, 但是在见到她之后她总是会让你感觉很好。
Well, we all have that childhood hero that we want to grow up to be just like, right? 我们所有人都有 我们想长大后成为的儿时英雄, 对吗?
Well, I wanted to be just like Dr. Sam. 我想成为像山姆的医生。
When I was eight, my parents and I moved to the U.S., and ours became the typical immigrant narrative . 当我八岁的时候, 我的父母和我搬到了美国, 我们成为了典型的移民家庭。
typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; immigrant:n.(外来)移民;外侨;adj.侨民的; narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的;
My parents cleaned hotel rooms and washed dishes and pumped gas so that I could pursue my dream. 我的父母去清理酒店房间、洗盘子和给瓦斯充气 来让我追逐我的梦想。
pumped:adj.紧张的; v.用泵输送; (pump的过去分词和过去式) pursue:v.继续;从事;追赶;纠缠;
Well, eventually I learned enough English, and my parents were so happy the day that I got into medical school and took my oath of healing and service. 最后, 我学了足够的英语, 我的父母很开心 对于我进入医学院学习,并为治疗服务宣下了誓言。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; oath:n.誓言,誓约;诅咒,咒骂; healing:n.康复; adj.痊愈中的; v.(使)康复,复原; (heal的现在分词)
But then one day, everything changed. 但是有一天, 所有的事情都变了。
My mother called me to tell me that she wasn't feeling well, she had a cough that wouldn't go away, she was short of breath and tired. 我的妈妈打电话和我说她感觉不是很好, 她得的咳嗽一直没有好她喘不过气而且一直很疲累。
Well, I knew that my mother was someone who never complained about anything. 我知道我的妈妈是那种从来不向他人抱怨的人。
For her to tell me that something was the matter, 所以当她告诉我她觉得不对劲的时候,
I knew something had to be really wrong. 我就知道事情不妙了。
And it was: 结果:
We found out that she had stage IV breast cancer , cancer that by then had spread to her lungs, her bones, and her brain. 我们发现她已经到了乳腺癌四期, 癌细胞当时已经扩散到她的肺,骨头和大脑里。
My mother was brave, though, and she had hope. 我的妈妈是勇敢的, 她一直抱有希望。
She went through surgery and radiation , and was on her third round of chemotherapy when she lost her address book . 她经历了手术和放射治疗, 在她在进行第三轮的化疗的时候 她弄丢了她的通讯薄。
surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室; radiation:n.辐射;放射线;放射疗法; chemotherapy:n.[临床]化学疗法; address book:n.通讯录;通讯簿;(计算机)通讯录;
She tried to look up her oncologist 's phone number on the Internet and she found it, but she found something else too. 她想从网上找到她的肿瘤科医生的电话 她找到了, 并且也找到了一些其他的东西。
On several websites, he was listed as a highly paid speaker to a drug company, and in fact often spoke on behalf of the same chemo regimen that he had prescribed her. 在一些网站上, 他是一家药物公司高薪聘请的代言人, 而且, 事实上经常为他给我妈定的化疗方案
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; on behalf of:代表;为了; regimen:n.[医]养生法;生活规则;政体;支配; prescribed:v.给…开(药); (prescribe的过去式和过去分词)
She called me in a panic , and I didn't know what to believe. 她很慌张的给我打电话, 我不知道该相信什么。
Maybe this was the right chemo regimen for her, but maybe it wasn't. 可能为她做的化疗方案是对的, 但是也可能不是,
It made her scared and it made her doubt. 这使她非常害怕并产生怀疑。
When it comes to medicine, having that trust is a must, and when that trust is gone, then all that's left is fear. 当我们遇到药物问题时, 这种信任非常重要, 当信任失去了, 那么剩下的就只有害怕了。
There's another side to this fear. 这份恐惧也有着另外一面。
As a medical student, I was taking care of this 19-year-old who was biking back to his dorm when he got struck and hit, run over by an SUV. 作为一个医学院的学生,我一直照顾一个19岁的 骑自行车回他的宿舍的路上 被撞倒, 卡在 一辆越野车里的人。
He had seven broken ribs , shattered hip bones, and he was bleeding inside his belly and inside his brain. 他有七根断掉的肋骨, 破裂的臀部骨头, 他的腹部和脑袋一直在流血。
ribs:n.[解剖]肋骨;排骨(rib的复数); shattered:adj.受到严重打击的; v.(使)破碎,碎裂; (shatter的过去式和过去分词) hip:n.臀部;蔷薇果;忧郁;adj.熟悉内情的;非常时尚的; bleeding:n.出血;渗色;adj.流血的;同情的;v.出血;渗出;(bleed的现在分词) belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起;
Now, imagine being his parents who flew in from Seattle , 2,000 miles away, to find their son in a coma . 现在,想象一下他的父母 要从2000英里外的西雅图飞过来, 为了去见正在昏迷的儿子。
Seattle:n.西雅图(美国一港市); coma:n.[医]昏迷;[天]彗形像差;
I mean, you'd want to find out what's going on with him, right? 我意思是, 他们真的想找出到底发生了什么在他的身上?
They asked to attend our bedside rounds where we discussed his condition and his plan, which I thought was a reasonable request, and also would give us a chance to show them how much we were trying and how much we cared. 他们要求去参加我们的查房, 听取我们的诊疗经过。 我认为是个合理的请求。 同时也给我们一个机会去向他们展示 我们有多努力和关心,
bedside:n.床边,床旁;adj.床旁的,枕边的; reasonable:adj.合理的,公道的;通情达理的;
The head doctor, though, said no. 尽管主治医生说不行。
He gave all kinds of reasons. 他给了很多方面的原因。
Maybe they'll get in the nurse's way. 可能他们会妨碍护士的工作.
Maybe they'll stop students from asking questions. 可能他们会阻止学生问问题。
He even said, " What if they see mistakes and sue us?" 他甚至说, “如果他们看到错误并起诉我们怎么办?”
What if:如果…怎么办?
What I saw behind every excuse was deep fear, and what I learned was that to become a doctor, we have to put on our white coats, put up a wall, and hide behind it. 我看到的是每个借口后面深深的恐惧, 我学到的是去成为一个医生, 我们不得不穿上白大褂, 筑起一道墙, 并藏在后面。
There's a hidden epidemic in medicine. 这其实是一种在医学领域里隐藏的风气。
Of course, patients are scared when they come to the doctor. 当然, 患者会害怕当他们去看医生的时候。
Imagine you wake up with this terrible bellyache , you go to the hospital, you're lying in this strange place, you're on this hospital gurney , you're wearing this flimsy gown , strangers are coming to poke and prod at you. 想象你因肚子痛而醒来, 你去医院, 你躺在一个一个陌生的地方,你在医院的轮床上, 你穿着单薄的病人服, 陌生人过来对你一通摆弄,
bellyache:n.腹痛;vi.无故抱怨; gurney:n.(医院用来移动病人的)轮床; flimsy:adj.脆弱的;浅薄的;易损坏的;不周密的;n.薄纸;复写纸;打字纸; gown:v.给…穿宽大的长袍;使穿睡衣;n.长袍;长外衣;睡衣; poke:v.刺,捅;戳;伸出;刺探;闲荡;n.戳;刺;袋子;懒汉; prod:v.戳;杵;捅;催促;鼓动;n.戳;督促;捅;催促;鼓动;
You don't know what's going to happen. 你不知道将发生什么。
You don't even know if you're going to get the blanket you asked for 30 minutes ago. 你甚至不知道你会不会拿到你30分钟前要的毛毯。
But it's not just patients who are scared; doctors are scared too. 但是这不仅仅是患者害怕; 医生也一样害怕,
We're scared of patients finding out who we are and what medicine is all about. 我们害怕患者找出我们是谁 和医学是关于什么的,
And so what do we do? 所以我们做什么呢?
We put on our white coats and we hide behind them. 我们穿上我们的白大褂并藏在后面,
Of course, the more we hide, the more people want to know what it is that we're hiding. 当然, 我们越是想隐藏, 人们就越想知道我们隐藏的是什么.
The more fear then spirals into mistrust and poor medical care. 越多的害怕就会造成医患之间不信任,以及贫乏的医疗救助。
spirals:螺旋;盘旋; mistrust:vt.猜疑;不信任;n.猜疑;疑虑;不信任
We don't just have a fear of sickness, we have a sickness of fear. 我们不仅仅有着对疾病的害怕, 我们也患上了恐惧病。
Can we bridge this disconnect between what patients need and what doctors do? 我们能在患者需求和医生之间 的这种隔阂搭建桥梁吗?
Can we overcome the sickness of fear? 我们能克服这种恐惧吗?
Let me ask you differently: 让我换种方式问你:
If hiding isn't the answer, what if we did the opposite? 如果隐藏并不是解决问题的答案,假使我们反方向而行之了呢?
What if doctors were to become totally transparent with their patients? 如果医生和患者之间变得完全透明呢?
Last fall, I conducted a research study to find out what it is that people want to know about their healthcare . 去年秋天, 我做了一个研究学习去找出 人们想知道关于他们医疗保健的哪些事情。
conducted:v.组织;安排;实施;执行;指挥;带领;引导;(conduct的过去分词和过去式) healthcare:n.医疗保健;健康护理,健康服务;卫生保健;
I didn't just want to study patients in a hospital, but everyday people. 我不仅是想了解医院病人们的想法, 而是所有人。
So my two medical students, Suhavi Tucker and Laura Johns, literally took their research to the streets. 所以我的两个实习生,苏诃毗·塔克和劳拉·约翰, 到街上做了这个研究。
Tucker:n.作褶裥的人;缝褶机;(装上去的)衣领;v.使疲倦; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
They went to banks, coffee shops, senior centers, 他们去了医院, 咖啡店, 老人中心,
Chinese restaurants and train stations. 中餐厅和火车站。
What did they find? 他们发现了什么呢?
Well, when we asked people, "What do you want to know about your healthcare?" 当我们问他们, 你们想知道关于你们的医疗保健的什么?
people responded with what they want to know about their doctors, because people understand health care to be the individual interaction between them and their doctors. 人们回应他们想知道关于他们的医生的信息, 因为人们知道医疗保健 是他们和他们医生之间的个人互动。
responded:v.回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;(respond的过去式和过去分词) health care:n.卫生保健; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰;
When we asked, "What do you want to know about your doctors?" 当我们问, 你们想知道关于医生的什么?
people gave three different answers. 人们给了三个不同的回答。
Some want to know that their doctor is competent and certified to practice medicine. 一些人想知道他们的医生是有能力 和资格去行医。
competent:adj.胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的; certified:adj.被证明了的; v.(尤指书面)证明,证实; (certify的过去式和过去分词)
Some want to be sure that their doctor is unbiased and is making decisions based on evidence and science, not on who pays them. 一些人想确定他们的医生公正的 做决定是基于科学依据, 而不是谁给他们付钱。
to be sure:诚然;的确;哎呀(表惊奇); unbiased:adj.公正的;无偏见的; evidence:n.证据,证明;迹象;明显;v.证明;
Surprisingly to us, many people want to know something else about their doctors. 令我们惊讶的是, 许多人想知道关于医生的其他事情。
Jonathan, a 28-year-old law student, says he wants to find someone who is comfortable with LGBTQ patients and specializes in LGBT health. 乔纳森, 一个28岁的法律学生, 说他想找一些愿意为同性双性恋及跨性别患者治疗, 而且是这一类别相关疾病的专家。
Serena, a 32-year-old accountant , says that it's important to her for her doctor to share her values when it comes to reproductive choice and women's rights. 塞丽娜, 一个32岁的会计, 说她的医生分享她的价值观 在生育选择上和女性权力上对她说是重要的。
accountant:n.会计;会计师; reproductive:adj.生殖的;再生的;复制的;
Frank , a 59-year-old hardware store owner, doesn't even like going to the doctor and wants to find someone who believes in prevention first, but who is comfortable with alternative treatments . 弗兰克, 一个59岁的五金店老板, 甚至不喜欢去看医生 只是想找以预防为先, 而且愿意进行替代疗法的医生。
Frank:adj.坦白的,直率的;老实的;n.免费邮寄特权;v.免费邮寄; hardware:n.计算机硬件;五金器具; prevention:n.预防;阻止;妨碍; alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择; treatments:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;(treatment的复数)
One after another , our respondents told us that that doctor-patient relationship is a deeply intimate one — that to show their doctors their bodies and tell them their deepest secrets, they want to first understand their doctor's values. 一个接一个的, 我们的回应者告诉我们 医生和患者之间的关系是紧密到可以 让他们的医生去看他们的身体 并可以告诉他们最深秘密的。 他们想先了解他们的医生的价值观。
One after another:adv.接连地;一个接一个地; respondents:n.回答者,调查对象(respondent复数形式); doctor-patient:医患; intimate:n.知己; v.暗示; adj.亲密的;
Just because doctors have to see every patient doesn't mean that patients have to see every doctor. 仅仅是因为医生可以去看每一个患者 并不代表每个患者就不得不去看每个医生。
People want to know about their doctors first so that they can make an informed choice. 人们想先了解他们的医生 所以他们可以在知情情况下做出选择,
informed:adj.见多识广的; v.通知; (inform的过去分词和过去式)
As a result of this, I formed a campaign, 通过这个结果, 我组织一个活动,
As a result:结果;
Who's My Doctor? 我的医生是谁?
that calls for total transparency in medicine. 来呼吁医疗界的透明化。
Participating doctors voluntarily disclose on a public website not just information about where we went to medical school and what specialty we're in, but also our conflicts of interest. 自愿参与的医生公开信息 在一个公共网站上, 不仅仅我们上了哪家医学院 我们的专业是什么, 而且还有我们的经济利益冲突。
Participating:v.参加;参与(participate的现在分词) voluntarily:adv.自动地;以自由意志; disclose:vt.公开;揭露; specialty:n.专业,专长;特产;特性;招牌菜;adj.特色的;专门的;独立的; conflicts:n.冲突; v.抵触;
We go beyond the Government in the Sunshine Act about drug company affiliations , and we talk about how we're paid. 我们已经超出了政府关于 制药从属公司的阳光行动, 我们讨论了我们是如何得到报酬的。
Sunshine:n.阳光;日光;欢乐;幸福 affiliations:n.联盟;附属机构;加入(affiliation的复数);
Incentives matter. 诱因很重要。
If you go to your doctor because of back pain, you might want to know he's getting paid 5,000 dollars to perform spine surgery versus 25 dollars to refer you to see a physical therapist , or if he's getting paid the same thing no matter what he recommends . 如果你去看医生因为背痛, 你可能想知道, 他做一个脊柱手术就能拿到5000美金, 而引荐你去看物理治疗只能拿到25美金。 或者说不管他推荐你什么,他得到的支付都是一样的。
perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好); spine:n.脊柱,脊椎;刺;书脊; versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗; refer:v.参考;涉及;提到;查阅; physical therapist:n.物理治疗师;理疗师; no matter what:不管什么…; recommends:v.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议;使受欢迎;(recommend的第三人称单数)
Then, we go one step further. 然后, 我们更进一步。
We add our values when it comes to women's health, 我们带来了更多的好处:比如女性健康,
LGBT health, alternative medicine , preventive health, and end-of-life decisions. 同性双性恋及跨性者的健康问题, 替代疗法, 卫生预防, 以及临终决定。
alternative medicine:n.替代疗法; preventive:n.预防药;预防法;adj.预防的,防止的;
We pledge to our patients that we are here to serve you, so you have a right to know who we are. 我们向我们的患者保证我们在这里是为你服务。 所以你有权利知道我们是谁,
We believe that transparency can be the cure for fear. 我们相信这种透明可以治疗恐惧。
I thought some doctors would sign on and others wouldn't, but I had no idea of the huge backlash that would ensue . 我当时认为一些医生会签下这份协议, 一些不会, 但是我不知道接下来会产生这么大的反对意见。
backlash:n.反冲;强烈抵制;vt.强烈反对;发生后冲; ensue:vi.跟着发生,接着发生;继起;vt.追求;
Within one week of starting Who's My Doctor? 在这项活动开始的一周内
Medscape's public forum and several online doctors' communities had thousands of posts about this topic. 知名医学网站医景的公共论坛 和一些网上医生社区 有了上千个关于这个话题的帖子。
Here are a few. 这里有一些
From a gastroenterologist in Portland: "I devoted 12 years of my life to being a slave. 来自于波特兰的一个胃肠病专家: 我奉献了我生命中的12年去成为一个奴隶,
gastroenterologist:n.胃肠病学家; devoted:adj.专心致志; v.献身; (devote的过去分词和过去式)
I have loans and mortgages . 我有贷款和抵押贷款,
mortgages:n.抵押贷款; v.[经]抵押(mortgage的三单形式);
I depend on lunches from drug companies to serve patients." 我依靠制药公司给的饭碗去给患者服务。“
Well, times may be hard for everyone, but try telling your patient making 35,000 dollars a year to serve a family of four that you need the free lunch. 这个时代对于每一个人都是困难的, 但是尝试去告诉你的患者 一年赚35,000美金去养活一家四口 使你需要这个免费午餐。
From an orthopedic surgeon in Charlotte : "I find it an invasion of my privacy to disclose where my income comes from. 这个是来自夏洛特的一名矫形外科医生: “我认为公开我的收入来源是一种对我隐私的侵犯,
orthopedic:adj.整形外科的(等于orthopaedic); surgeon:n.外科医生; Charlotte:n.法国水果奶油布丁;夏洛特; invasion:n.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯;涌入;干预; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处;
My patients don't disclose their incomes to me." 我的病人也不向我公开他们的收入情况。“
But your patients' sources of income don't affect your health. 但是你病人的收入来源不影响你的健康。
From a psychiatrist in New York City: "Pretty soon we will have to disclose whether we prefer cats to dogs, what model of car we drive, and what toilet paper we use." 这个是来自一名纽约的精神科的医生: 不久之后我们将不得不公开我们是否喜欢喜欢猫比狗多一点, 我们开什么类型的车, 我们用什么厕纸。“
psychiatrist:n.精神病学家,精神病医生; prefer:v.更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升; toilet paper:卫生纸,厕纸;
Well, how you feel about Toyotas or Cottonelle won't affect your patients' health, but your views on a woman's right to choose and preventive medicine and end-of-life decisions just might. 你的丰田汽车和斯科特纸的看法 不会影响你的病人的健康, 但是你对女性权利的选择, 预防医学和临终决定的看法是可能的。
And my favorite, from a Kansas City cardiologist : "More government-mandated stuff ? 还有我最喜欢的一条,来自于堪萨斯城的心脏科医生: “更多国家指定的医生?
Kansas:n.堪萨斯州(美国州名); cardiologist:n.心脏病学家;心脏病科医师; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
Dr. Wen needs to move back to her own country." 文医生需要搬回自己的国家。“
Well, two pieces of good news. 这有两条好消息,
First of all , this is meant to be voluntary and not mandatory , and second of all, I'm American and I'm already here. 第一, 这应该是自愿的而不是强制的, 第二, 我是美国人, 而且我已经在这了。
First of all:adv.首先; voluntary:adj.自愿的;志愿的;自发的;故意的;n.志愿者;自愿行动; mandatory:adj.强制的;托管的;命令的;n.受托者(等于mandatary);
(Laughter) (Applause) (掌声)
Within a month, my employers were getting calls asking for me to be fired. 一个月之内, 我的雇主接到过几通电话 要求解雇我。
I received mail at my undisclosed home address with threats to contact the medical board to sanction me. 在我的一个私人的居所里, 收到了一封邮件 威胁说要去联系医委会制裁我,
undisclosed:adj.未泄露的;身分不明的;保持秘密的; contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; sanction:n.制裁,处罚;认可;支持;vt.制裁,处罚;批准;鼓励;
My friends and family urged me to quit this campaign. 我的朋友和家庭强烈要求我从这个活动里退出,
After the bomb threat, I was done. 在收到炸弹威胁后, 我受够了。
But then I heard from patients. 但是然后我从患者那里听说,
Over social media , a TweetChat, which I'd learned what that was by then, generated 4.3 million impressions , and thousands of people wrote to encourage me to continue. 基于大众评价, Tweetchat, 是我在当时用的社交工具, 已经产生了430万的留言, 上千人留言鼓励我继续。
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词) impressions:n.印象;观感;(impression的复数)
They wrote with things like, "If doctors are doing something they're that ashamed of, they shouldn't be doing it." 他们写下一些如, “如果医生做了一些让他们感到羞愧的事情, 他们就不应该那样做。“
'"Elected officials have to disclose campaign contributions . “当选官员在公开他们的竞选资金来源,
Lawyers have to disclose conflicts of interests. 律师在公开他们的经济利益冲突的情况下,
Why shouldn't doctors?" 医生怎么就不能公开了?“
And finally , many people wrote and said, "Let us patients decide what's important when we're choosing a doctor." 最后, 许多人留言说, “让我们患者决定 当我们选一个医生的时候,什么才是重要的。”
In our initial trial, over 300 doctors have taken the total transparency pledge. 在我们初期的实验里, 超过300个医生参与了这个透明承诺。
initial:adj.最初的; n.(名字的)首字母; v.用姓名的首字母作标记(或签名)于;
What a crazy new idea, right? 多么疯狂的想法, 对吗?
But actually, this is not that new of a concept at all. 但是事实上, 这一点都不算是新的概念。
Remember Dr. Sam, my doctor in China, with the goofy jokes and the wild hair? 记得山姆医生, 那个会讲傻傻的笑话和狂野的头发的中国医生吗?
Well, she was my doctor, but she was also our neighbor who lived in the building across the street. 她曾是我的医生, 但是她同时也是 住在街对面的邻居。
I went to the same school as her daughter. 我和她的女儿去的同一所学校,
My parents and I trusted her because we knew who she was and what she stood for, and she had no need to hide from us. 我的父母和我相信她 因为我们知道她是怎样的一个人和她的信仰是什么, 她不需要向我们隐藏什么。
Just one generation ago, this was the norm in the U.S. as well. 仅仅这一代之前, 这在美国也是常态。
You knew that your family doctor was the father of two teenage boys, that he quit smoking a few years ago, that he says he's a regular churchgoer , but you see him twice a year: once at Easter and once when his mother-in-law comes to town. 你知道你的家庭医生是两个十几岁男孩的父亲, 他几年前把烟戒掉了, 经常去做礼拜, 但是你见他一年两次: 要么是在复活节 要么就是他的岳母到访的时候。
family doctor:na.家庭特约医师; churchgoer:n.经常去做礼拜的人; mother-in-law:n.岳母;婆母;
You knew what he was about, and he had no need to hide from you. 你知道关于他的事情, 他不需要向你隐藏什么。
But the sickness of fear has taken over, and patients suffer the consequences . 但是现在已经恐惧占据了, 患者为其承担后果。
I know this firsthand . 我亲身经历过的。
My mother fought her cancer for eight years. 我的妈妈和癌症做了八年的斗争,
She was a planner , and she thought a lot about how she wanted to live and how she wanted to die. 她是一个有计划的人, 她想了很多关于她想如何活 和她想如何死去。
Not only did she sign advance directives , she wrote a 12-page document about how she had suffered enough, how it was time for her to go. 她不仅签了预留医疗指示协议, 而且她写下了12页,关于她遭受的是怎样的痛苦, 是时候让她走了。
One day, when I was a resident physician , 一天, 当我是一名住院医师的时候,
resident:adj.居住的;住院医师;定居的;n.居民; physician:n.[医]医师;内科医师;
I got a call to say that she was in the intensive care unit. 我接到电话说她在特护病房。
intensive care:n.(医院里的)特别护理病房;重症监护;
By the time I got there, she was about to be intubated and put on a breathing machine. 我到那儿时, 她正要被插管 装上呼吸机。
was about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; intubated:v.把管子插进;(intubate的过去分词和过去式)
'"But this is not what she wants," I said, "and we have documents." “但是这不是她想要的,“我说, “我们有协议的。“
The ICU doctor looked at me in the eye, pointed at my then 16-year-old sister, and said, "Do you remember when you were that age? 重症加护病房的医生看着我的眼睛, 指着我16岁的妹妹说, “你记得当你是这个年纪的时候吗?
How would you have liked to grow up without your mother?" 你会想要没有妈妈陪在你身边吗?“
Her oncologist was there too, and said, "This is your mother. 她的肿瘤医生也在那里对我说, “这是你的妈妈。
Can you really face yourself for the rest of your life if you don't do everything for her?" 在你接下去的日子里, 你真的能面对你自己 如果你没有为她尽全力?“
I knew my mother so well. 我非常了解我的妈妈。
I understood what her directives meant so well, but I was a physician. 我明白她签的协议是什么, 但是我也是一名医生。
That was the single hardest decision I ever made, to let her die in peace, and I carry those words of those doctors with me every single day. 这曾是我人生当中做的一个最难的决定: 让她在平静地死去, 我每一天都在想 这些医生的话
We can bridge the disconnect between what doctors do and what patients need. 我们能在患者需求和医生之间 的这种隔阂搭建桥梁。
We can get there, because we've been there before, and we know that transparency gets us to that trust. 我们可以做到, 因为之前我们做到过, 我们知道这种透明让我们得到信任。
Research has shown us that openness also helps doctors, that having open medical records, being willing to talk about medical errors, will increase patient trust, improve health outcomes , and reduce malpractice . 研究已经表明公开也可以帮助医生, 有一个公开的的病历, 就会愿意去讨论医疗差错, 这将增加患者的信任 改善健康结果, 减少治疗不当。
openness:n.公开;宽阔;率真; improve:v.改进;改善; outcomes:n.结果;成果;后果;出路;(outcome的复数) malpractice:n.玩忽职守;不法行为;治疗不当;
That openness, that trust, is only going to be more important as we move from the infectious to the behavioral model of disease . 公开, 信任, 只会变得更加重要, 因为我们关注的是疾病的行为模式,而不是它的传染模式。
infectious:adj.传染的;传染性的;易传染的; behavioral:adj.行为的; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
Bacteria may not care so much about trust and intimacy , but for people to tackle the hard lifestyle choices, to address issues like smoking cessation , blood-pressure management and diabetes control, well, that requires us to establish trust. 细菌可能不关心信任和亲密 但是为了帮助患者彻底改变他们不良生活嗜好, 为了让患者戒烟, 为了让患者控制血压,控制血糖, 这些都要求我们去建立医患信任感。
Bacteria:n.[微]细菌; intimacy:n.亲密;密切;关系密切;性行为; tackle:v.处理; n.用具; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) cessation:n.停止;中止;中断; management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; diabetes:n.糖尿病;多尿症; establish:v.创立;设立;建立;确立;使立足;查实;
Here's what other transparent doctors have said. 以下是其他参与透明活动的医生说的。
Brandon Combs , an internist in Denver : "This has brought me closer to my patients. 布兰登?库姆斯, 在丹佛的内科医生: “这让我和我的患者亲近。
Combs:n.梳子(comb的复数);v.梳头发;梳毛(comb的第三人称单数); internist:n.[内科]内科医生; Denver:n.丹佛(地名,美国城市);
The type of relationship I've developed — that's why I entered medicine." 这种我一直以来建立起来的医患关系恰恰就是 为什么当初我行医的原因。“
Aaron Stupple, an internist in Denver: "I tell my patients that I am totally open with them. 亚伦, 丹佛的一名内科医生 我告诉我的患者们,我对他们完全公开。
I don't hide anything from them. 我不向他们隐藏任何什么。
This is me. Now tell me about you. 这就是我, 你呢。
We're in this together." 我们同心协力。“
May Nguyen, a family physician in Houston : "My colleagues are astounded by what I'm doing. 五月阮, 休斯顿的一名家庭医生: 我的同事对于我在做什么都很震惊。
Houston:n.休斯顿(美国得克萨斯州港市); colleagues:n.同事;同行(colleague的复数); astounded:adj.受惊骇的;被震惊的;v.使惊愕(astound的过去式和过去分词);
They ask me how I could be so brave. 他们问我, 我怎么这么勇敢。
I said, I'm not being brave, it's my job." 我说, 这不是勇敢, 这是我的工作。
I leave you today with a final thought. 今天我留给你们最后一个思考。
Being totally transparent is scary. 成为完全透明是令人害怕的,
You feel naked , exposed and vulnerable , but that vulnerability , that humility , it can be an extraordinary benefit to the practice of medicine. 你感觉很不安, 脆弱, 但是那些脆弱, 谦卑, 对于我们行医来说,会带来非同凡响的益处。
naked:adj.裸体的;无装饰的;无证据的;直率的; exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式) vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的; vulnerability:n.易损性;弱点; humility:n.谦卑,谦逊; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
When doctors are willing to step off our pedestals , take off our white coats, and show our patients who we are and what medicine is all about, that's when we begin to overcome the sickness of fear. 当医生愿意放下架子, 脱下白大褂, 向我们的患者展示我们是谁和医学是关于什么的, 那就是我们开始去克服恐惧的时候,
That's when we establish trust. 那就是我们建立信任的时候,
That's when we change the paradigm of medicine from one of secrecy and hiding to one that is fully open and engaged for our patients. 那就是我们改变医学模式 从秘密和隐藏 到完全开放 并参与我们的患者中去。
paradigm:n.范例;词形变化表; secrecy:n.保密;秘密;隐蔽; engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)