

I want to say that really and truly, after these incredible speeches and ideas that are being spread, 我想说的是 继这些非凡的演讲 和广泛传播的想法之后
I am in the awkward position of being here to talk to you today about television. 我真的处于一个尴尬的境地 因为今天我要讲的 是电视
So most everyone watches TV. 几乎每个人都看电视
We like it. We like some parts of it. 我们喜欢看电视 至少它的一部分
Here in America, people actually love TV. 在美国,人们热爱电视
The average American watches TV for almost 5 hours a day. 普通美国人每天 看5个小时的电视
Okay? 是吧?
Now I happen to make my living these days in television, so for me, that's a good thing. 我恰好是靠电视吃饭的 所以对我来说,是个好事
But a lot of people don't love it so much. 但很多人并不太喜欢它
They, in fact, berate it. 实际上,痛斥电视
They call it stupid, and worse, believe me. 他们称之为愚蠢 肯定还有更难听的
My mother, growing up, she called it the " idiot box." 我的母亲,在我成长过程中 叫它“傻子盒子”
But my idea today is not to debate whether there's such a thing as good TV or bad TV; my idea today is to tell you that I believe television has a conscience. 但我今天不旨在辩论 电视的损益之处 我今天 是向告诉诸位 电视是有良知的
So why I believe that television has a conscience is that I actually believe that television directly reflects the moral , political, social and emotional need states of our nation -- that television is how we actually disseminate our entire value system. 为什么我相信电视有良知 因为我相信 电视直接地反映了国民在 道德,政治 社会和情绪上的需要 因为电视是我们传播 整个价值体系的方法
directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; reflects:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达;(reflect的第三人称单数) moral:n.寓意;品行;教益;adj.道德的;道义上的;道德上的;品行端正的; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; disseminate:vt.宣传,传播;散布;vi.散布;广为传播;
So all these things are uniquely human, and they all add up to our idea of conscience. 所以人类具有的一切特质 都组成了 我们对良知的理解
Now today, we're not talking about good and bad TV. 今天,我们不是讨论电视好坏
We're talking about popular TV. 我们谈的是流行电视
We're talking about top-10 Nielsen-rated shows over the course of 50 years. 50年间在 尼尔森排行前十的电视节目
How do these Nielsen ratings reflect not just what you've heard about, which is the idea of our social, collective unconscious , but how do these top-10 Nielsen-rated shows over 50 years reflect the idea of our social conscience ? 尼尔森排行是如何 反映你所闻 也就是社会性的集体潜意识 同时这些50年间 在尼尔森排行前十的电视节目 是如何反映了 我们的社会良知?
ratings:n.评级;等级(rating的复数形式); collective unconscious:n.集体无意识(普遍存在于人类,成因是遗传); social conscience:n.社会良知;
How does television evolve over time, and what does this say about our society? 电视又是如何与时俱进 怎样反映了社会现实?
Now speaking of evolution , from basic biology , you probably remember that the animal kingdom, including humans, have four basic primal instincts . 说到演化 从生物学来说,你大概想到 动物世界,包括人类 具有四种基本本能
evolution:n.演变;进化;发展;渐进; biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; primal:adj.原始的; n.被压抑童年情绪的释放; vt.释放(被压抑的童年情绪); instincts:n.本能;天性;直觉;(instinct的复数)
You have hunger; you have sex; you have power; and you have the urge for acquisitiveness. 饥饿,性欲,权利 和获取欲望
As humans, what's important to remember is that we've developed, we've evolved over time to temper , or tame , these basic animal instincts. 作为人类,重要的是 我们在漫长时间中演化 能够驾驭 这些本能
evolved:v.(使)逐渐形成;进化;进化形成;(evolve的过去分词和过去式) temper:n.脾气;情绪;心情;性情;v.使缓和;使温和;使(金属)回火; tame:adj.养驯的;驯服的;平淡无奇的;枯燥乏味的;v.驯化;驯服;使易于控制;
We have the capacity to laugh and cry. 我们可以笑和哭
We feel awe , we feel pity. 我们感受敬畏和同情
That is separate and apart from the animal kingdom. 这讲我们 和动物区别开来
The other thing about human beings is that we love to be entertained. 人类的另一特性是 我们热衷于娱乐
We love to watch TV. 我们喜欢看电视
This is something that clearly separates us from the animal kingdom. 这也是区别于 动物的
Animals might love to play, but they don't love to watch. 动物也许喜欢玩耍 但他们不喜欢观看
So I had an ambition to discover what could be understood from this uniquely human relationship between television programs and the human conscious. 所以我试图 探索 这种电视节目和 人类良知间的独特关系 能给我们什么启示
Why has television entertainment evolved the way it has? 为什么电视娱乐以它的方式发展?
I kind of think of it as this cartoon devil or angel sitting on our shoulders. 我想像它 像卡通版的天使和魔鬼一样 坐在我们肩膀上
Is television literally functioning as our conscience, tempting us and rewarding us at the same time ? 电视是不是真的 如同我们的良知 诱惑我们的同时奖励我们?
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: tempting:adj.吸引人的;诱惑人的;v.引诱;(tempt的现在分词); rewarding:adj.有益的;值得做的;报酬高的;v.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬;(reward的现在分词) at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
So to begin to answer these questions, we did a research study. 为解答这个问题 我们做了一个研究
We went back 50 years to the 1959/1960 television season. 从50年前开始 1959/1960的收视旺季
We surveyed the top-20 Nielsen shows every year for 50 years -- a thousand shows. 每一年 我们调查尼尔森排行前20个电视节目- 是从一千个电视节目里挑出来的
We talked to over 3,000 individuals -- almost 3,600 -- aged 18 to 70, and we asked them how they felt emotionally . 我们向三千余名 几乎是三千六百名- 18到70岁的 观众征询他们的情绪上的感受
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); emotionally:adv.感情上;情绪上;令人激动地;情绪冲动地;
How did you feel watching every single one of these shows? 他们对观看这每一个电视节目的 感受如何?
Did you feel a sense of moral ambiguity ? 有觉得一种道德的不确定吗?
Did you feel outrage ? Did you laugh? 有觉得愤怒吗?笑了吗?
What did this mean for you? 对你意义何在?
So to our global TED audiences, 所以对全球的TED观众
I want to say that this was a U.S. sample. 我想说这是个美国标本
But as you can see , these emotional need states are truly universal . 但是 这些感情需求是共通的
as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的;
And on a factual basis, over 80 percent of the U.S.'s most popular shows are exported around the world. 另外一个实事是 超过百分之八十的美国流行电视节目 出口到全世界
factual:adj.事实的;真实的; exported:v.[贸易]出口;输出(export的过去分词);adj.出口的;
So I really hope our global audiences can relate. 所以我真心希望全球观众 能有同感
Two acknowledgments before our first data slide: 在展示数据前 首先要感谢两个人:
For inspiring me to even think about the idea of conscience and the tricks that conscience can play on us on a daily basis, 一位启发了 我去思考良知这个问题 以及良知是如何影响我们的日常生活
I thank legendary rabbi , Jack Stern . 谢谢传奇牧师,杰克?斯特恩
legendary:adj.传说的,传奇的;n.传说集;圣徒传; rabbi:n.拉比(犹太人的学者);法师;犹太教律法专家;先生; Stern:n.船尾;末端;adj.严厉的;坚定的;
And for the way in which I'm going to present the data, 另外关于公布数据方法
I want to thank TED community superstar Hans Rosling, who you may have just seen. 我得谢谢TED社区的明星汉斯?罗斯林 你们也许刚刚见过
Okay, here we go. 好,我们开始吧
So here you see, from 1960 to 2010, the 50 years of our study. 这里看到的 就是从1960年到2010年 50年的研究
Two things we're going to start with -- the inspiration state and the moral ambiguity state, which, for this purpose, we defined inspiration as television shows that uplift me, that make me feel much more positive about the world. 我们从两点着手- 启发性和道德不确定性 为此 我们定义启发性为 电视节目提升我们 使我们更积极面对世界
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; uplift:vt.提高;抬起;vi.提高;上升;升起;n.举起,抬起;道德的向上;精神的高涨; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
Moral ambiguity are televisions shows in which I don't understand the difference between right and wrong. 道德不确定性是指那些 我不明白 是非分界的电视节目
As we start, you see in 1960 inspiration is holding steady . 你看到1960年开端 启发性比较稳定
steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣;
That's what we're watching TV for. 那是我们看电视的原因
Moral ambiguity starts to climb. 道德不确定性开始爬升
Right at the end of the 60s, moral ambiguity is going up, inspiration is kind of on the wane . 六十年代末 道德不确定性在上升 启发性则在衰落
Why? 为什么
The Cuban Missile Crisis , JFK is shot, the Civil Rights movement , race riots , the Vietnam War, 古巴导弹危机,肯尼迪总统遇刺 美国民权运动 种族暴动,越战
Cuban:n.古巴人;古巴产雪茄;adj.古巴的; Missile:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物; Crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; Civil Rights movement:n.(美国)民权运动(20世纪50年代和60年代非裔美国人争取平等权利的运动); riots:n.暴动(riot的复数);v.骚乱(riot的第三人称单数形式);闹事;
MLK is shot, Bobby Kennedy is shot, 马丁·路德·金遇刺,鲍勃?肯尼迪遇刺
Watergate . 水门事件
Look what happens. 看看有什么变化
In 1970, inspiration plummets . 70年代,启发性下滑
Moral ambiguity takes off. 道德不确定性上升
They cross, but Ronald Reagan, a telegenic president, is in office. 二者交叉而过 但罗纳德?里根,最上镜的总统上任
It's trying to recover. 试图纠正
But look, it can't: 但是看,不行
AIDS, Iran-Contra, the Challenger disaster , Chernobyl . 艾滋病,伊朗门 更严重的灾难,切尔诺贝利核事故
disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸; Chernobyl:n.切尔诺贝利(乌克兰的一座城市);
Moral ambiguity becomes the dominant meme in television from 1990 for the next 20 years. 道德不确定性成为电视的主导模因 从1990年开始持续了20年
dominant:adj.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的;n.显性; meme:n.大脑模仿病毒;文化基因;弥母;
Take a look at this. 再来看看这个
Take a look at:看一看;检查;
This chart is going to document a very similar trend . 这个图表将要展现的是非常相似的趋势
But in this case, we have comfort -- the bubble in red -- social commentary and irreverence in blue and green. 但在这个表上,有舒适性-红点 社会评论以及不敬 是蓝点和绿点
bubble:n.泡;气泡;肥皂泡;一点感情;v.起泡;冒泡;洋溢着(某种感情); commentary:n.评论;注释;评注;说明; irreverence:n.非礼;不敬行为;
Now this time on TV you have " Bonanza ," don't forget, you have "Gunsmoke," 这个时候的电视上 可以看到《大淘金》,别忘了《荒野大镖客》(均为西部片)
you have "Andy Griffith," 还有安迪·格里菲斯
you have domestic shows all about comfort. 国内的电视节目都令人愉快
This is rising. Comfort stays whole. 舒适性在上升,在主导地位
Irreverence starts to rise. 不敬呈上升趋势
Social commentary is all of a sudden spiking up. 社会评论突然激增
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地; spiking:n.尖峰形成;强化;v.以大钉钉牢,使...失效(spike的ing形式);
You get to 1969, and look what happens. 看看1969年的情况
You have comfort, irreverence, and social commentary, not only battling it out in our society, but you literally have two establishment shows -- "Gunsmoke" and "Gomer Pyle" -- in 1969 are the number-two- and number-three-rated television shows. 舒适性,不敬和社会评论 同时占据社会 当时有两大电视节目- 《荒野大镖客》和《傻子派尔》- 在1969年是分别排行第二和第三的电视节目
What's number one? 第一是什么呢?
The socially irreverent hippie show, " Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In ." 藐视社会的嬉皮士节目 《鲁旺和马丁搞笑集》
irreverent:adj.不敬的,无礼的; hippie:n.嬉皮士;嬉皮模样的年青人;adj.嬉皮的; Rowan:n.花楸(一种山梨); Laugh-In:使人开心的事;
They're all living together, right. 他们都同时存在
Viewers had responded dramatically . 观众对此反映强烈
responded:v.回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;(respond的过去式和过去分词) dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地;
Look at this screen spike in 1966 to a bellwether show. 看看1966年的这个 对于一个人气节目的反应突起
spike:n.长钉,道钉;钉鞋;细高跟;vt.阻止;以大钉钉牢;用尖物刺穿; bellwether:n.前导;领导者;系铃的公羊;群众的首领;
When you guys hear this industry term, a breakout hit, what does that mean? 当你听到这个行业术语,突破 这意味着什么?
It means in the 1966 television season, 意味着1966年收视旺季里
The " Smothers Brothers" came out of nowhere . 《窒息兄弟》横空出世
Smothers:vt.使窒息; vi.窒息; n.窒息状态; nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
This was the first show that allowed viewers to say, "My God, 这是第一个电视剧 让观众惊叹 天哪
I can comment on how I feel about the Vietnam War, about the presidency , through television?" 我能通过电视对越战 还有总统执政评论?
comment on:对…评论; presidency:n.总统(或董事长,会长,大学校长等)的职位(任期);管辖;支配;
That's what we mean by a breakout show. 这就是我所说的突破
So then, just like the last chart, look what happens. 最后一部分
In 1970, the dam bursts . The dam bursts . 1970年 如溃堤一般
Comfort is no longer why we watch television. 舒适性不再是我们看电视的原因
Social commentary and irreverence rise throughout the 70s. 社会评论和不敬 在70年代不断上升
Now look at this. 看看这个
The 70s means who? Norman Lear. 70年代的代表人物是谁?诺曼?李尔
You have "All in the Family," "Sanford and Son," 有《全家福》,《桑福德和儿子》
and the dominant show -- in the top-10 for the entire 70s -- "M'A'S'H." 和人气剧- 整个70年代稳居前十的 《风流医生俏护士》
In the entire 50 years of television that we studied, seven of 10 shows ranked most highly for irreverence appeared on air during the Vietnam War, five of the top-10 during the Nixon administration. 在我们研究过的50年的 电视节目中 七成高居 不敬的分类榜单的节目 开播于越战期间 前十里有5个是出现于尼克松执政期
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; Nixon:n.尼克松(美国第37任总统);
Only one generation, 20 years in, and we discovered, 只是短短一代人时间,20年 我们发现
Wow! TV can do that? 哇!电视能做到这些?
It can make me feel this? 能让我们感受到这些?
It can change us? 它能改变我们?
So to this very, very savvy crowd, 对于这群聪明人
I also want to note the digital folks did not invent disruptive . 我也想指出 数码时代并没有颠覆时代
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; disruptive:adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的;
Archie Bunker was shoved out of his easy chair along with the rest of us 40 years ago. 40年前 亚奇?邦克连同我们 被推下了安乐椅
Archie:n.高射炮(等于archibald); Bunker:n.沙坑;煤仓;燃料库;vt.使陷入困境;把球击入沙坑; shoved:v.猛推;乱挤;推撞;乱放;(shove的过去分词和过去式) easy chair:n.安乐椅;
This is a quick chart. Here's another attribute : fantasy and imagination , which are shows defined as, "takes me out of my everyday realm " 这个图表比较精简 这是另一个要素 幻想和想像 它被定义为 “逃离平庸日常生活”
attribute:n.属性;象征;v.把…归因于;认为…属于;认为某人(某物)具有某种特性; fantasy:n.幻想; adj.虚幻的; v.空想; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; realm:n.领域,范围;王国;
and "makes me feel better." 和“让我感觉更美好”
That's mapped against the red dot, unemployment , which is a simple Bureau of Labor Department statistic . 这个标记跟红点,即失业率相对 失业率是单纯从劳动部获得的数据
unemployment:n.失业;失业率;失业人数; Bureau:n.局,处;衣柜;办公桌; statistic:n.统计学;统计数字;统计资料;(一项)统计数据;adj.统计(上)的;
You'll see that every time fantasy and imagination shows rise, it maps to a spike in unemployment. 可以看到 每次幻想/想像的节目增加 与失业率的上升相对应
Do we want to see shows about people saving money and being unemployed ? 我们想看节目里 人们省吃俭用还是无业状态吗?
No. In the 70s you have the bellwether show "The Bionic Woman" 不 70年代 有热门剧《无敌女金刚》
that rocketed into the top-10 in 1973, followed by the "Six Million-Dollar Man" and "Charlie's Angels." 1973年这个剧升到前十的榜单 跟在后面的是《无敌金刚》和《女探俏娇娃》
Another spike in the 1980s -- another spike in shows about control and power. 另一个增长是在80年代 这个增长是关于控制和权利的节目的增加
What were those shows? 是什么电视剧呢?
Glamorous and rich. 关于荣誉和财富的
'" Dallas ," "Fantasy Island." 《达拉斯》《梦幻岛》
Incredible mapping of our national psyche with some hard and fast facts: unemployment. (这些剧)与一个冷硬的现实 共同标记了国民的精神状态: 这个现实就是失业率
psyche:n.灵魂;心智; hard and fast:adj.(船)牢牢搁浅的;必须遵守的;不可违逆的;固定的;
So here you are, in my favorite chart, because this is our last 20 years. 这里是我最喜欢的部分 因为这是最后的20年
Whether or not you're in my business, you have surely heard or read of the decline of the thing called the three-camera sitcom and the rise of reality TV . 无论如何你肯定是其中一部分 你肯定听过或者读到过 三位摄像系统的情景喜剧的衰落 和真人秀的崛起
Whether or not:是否…; decline:v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝;n.下降; reality TV:n.(电视)真人秀;
Well, as we say in the business, 行业内所称
X marks the spot . X标记点
X marks the spot:X标记;地图全开;找到了想找的东西
The 90s -- the big bubbles of humor -- we're watching "Friends," "Frasier," "Cheers" and " Seinfeld ." 90年代-幽默的泡沫期 我们看《六人行》《欢乐一家亲》《干杯酒吧》和《宋飞传》
bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数) humor:n.幽默;心情;情绪;脾气;v.迎合;迁就; Seinfeld:n.宋飞正传(美国系列喜剧名);
Everything's good, low unemployment. 一起都很美好,低失业率
But look: X marks the spot. 但是看:X标记点
In 2001, the September 2001 television season, humor succumbs to judgment once and for all . 2001年 2001年九月的收视旺季中 幽默一下子转变为评论
succumbs:vi.屈服;死;被压垮; judgment:n.判断;裁判;判决书;辨别力; once and for all:一劳永逸地;彻底地;最后一次;
Why not? 为什么?
We had a 2000 presidential election decided by the Supreme Court . 2000年总统大选 最后又最高法庭判决
presidential:adj.总统的;首长的;统辖的; Supreme Court:最高法院;
We had the bursting of the tech bubble. 科技泡沫的破碎
We had 9/11. 911事件
Anthrax becomes part of the social lexicon . 炭疽热称为新热门词
Anthrax:n.炭疽,炭疽热; lexicon:n.词典,辞典;
Look what happens when we keep going. 看看后面是什么?
At the turn of the century, the Internet takes off, reality television has taken hold. 随着新世纪的到来,互联网普及 真人秀开始占主导
What do people want in their TV then? 人们希望在电视上看到什么?
I would have thought revenge or nostalgia . 我认为是报复 或者怀旧
revenge:n.报复;复仇;v.报复;替…报仇;洗雪; nostalgia:n.乡愁;怀旧之情;怀乡病;
Give me some comfort; my world is falling apart. 给我点舒适的东西,我的世界破碎不堪
No, they want judgment. 不,他们要公平
I can vote you off the island. 我要通过投票让你离开小岛
I can keep Sarah Palin's daughter dancing. 我要让莎拉?佩林的女儿继续跳舞
I can choose the next American Idol . You're fired. 我来定下一个美国偶像 你被炒了
That's all great, right? 非常爽 是吧?
So as dramatically different as these television shows, pure entertainment, have been over the last 50 years -- what did I start with? -- one basic instinct remains. 所以如同这些悬殊不同的电视剧 过去50年间的纯娱乐 该怎么说?- 有一个本能留下来了
We're animals, we need our moms. 我们是动物,需要母亲
There has not been a decade of television without a definitive , dominant TV mom. 还没有一个年代的电视剧 没有一个强大的有利的电视母亲
The 1950s: 50年代:
June Cleever in the original comfort show, "Leave it to Beaver ." 欢乐剧《反斗小宝贝》里的朱恩?克里夫
original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的; Beaver:n.海狸;海狸皮毛;
Lucille Ball kept us laughing through the rise of social consciousness in the 60s. 露西?鲍尔让我们欢笑 在60年代的社会意识觉醒里
Maude Findlay, the epitome of the irreverent 1970s, who tackled abortion , divorce , even menopause on TV. 莫德?芬德利 是无敬畏的70年代典型 荧屏上的她经历过流产,离婚 甚至是绝经
epitome:n.缩影;摘要;象征; tackled:v,解决,处理,对付;(tackle的过去式和过去分词) abortion:n.流产,小产;流产的胎儿;(计划等)失败,夭折; divorce:n.离婚;分离;v.与某人离婚;使分离; menopause:n.更年期;活动终止期;
The 1980s, our first cougar was given to us in the form of Alexis Carrington. 80年代 艾丽克希丝·卡琳顿(《豪门恩怨》) 带来第一个冲击
Murphy Brown took on a vice president when she took on the idea of single parenthood . 墨菲?布朗因为她单身母亲的身份 而被一位副总统(丹?奎尔)批判
Murphy:n.马铃薯,土豆; vice:n.恶习;缺点;[机]老虎钳;卖淫;prep.代替;v.钳住;adj.副的;代替的; parenthood:n.亲子关系;父母身份;
This era's mom, 这个时代的母亲
Bree Van de Kamp. Bree Van de Kamp
Bree:n.清汤; Van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运;
Now I don't know if this is the devil or the angel sitting on our conscience, sitting on television's shoulders, but I do know that I absolutely love this image. 现在我也不确定是那个魔鬼还是天使 坐在我们的良知上 坐在电视的肩膀上 但我知道我喜欢这个图片
So to you all, the women of TEDWomen, the men of TEDWomen, the global audiences of TEDWomen, thank you for letting me present my idea about the conscience of television. 所以向左右人 TEDWomen的女士们,TEDWomen的男士们 TEDWomen的全球观众 谢谢给我这个机会说出我的 关于电视良知的观点
But let me also thank the incredible creators who get up everyday to put their ideas on our television screens throughout all these ages of television. 也请允许我感谢了不起的制作人 在电视时代的这么多年里 他们每一天 将新点子放到电视荧屏上去
They give it life on television, for sure, but it's you as viewers, through your collective social consciences , that give it life, longevity , power or not. 他们将生命献给电视事业 但,是作为观众的你们 通过社会的集体意识 给予了电视生命,存在 力量,
consciences:n.道德心,良心; longevity:n.长寿,长命;寿命;
So thanks very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (鼓掌)