

Oliver was an extremely dashing, handsome, charming and largely unstable male that I completely lost my heart to. 而帮助我自己的狗狗 另一个动物在想什么, 我完全倾心于他。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; charming:adj.令人着迷的;吸引人的;v.吸引;迷住;控制,保护;(charm的现在分词) largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; unstable:adj.不稳定的;变化莫测的;(行为、情绪)反复无常的
He was a Bernese mountain dog, and my ex-husband and I adopted him, and about six months in, we realized that he was a mess . 他是伯尔尼兹山地犬, 我的前夫和我收养了他, 差不多六个月之后, 我们发现他一团糟。
ex-husband:前夫; adopted:adj.被收养的;被采用的;v.采用;接受;(adopt的过去式和过去分词); mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺;
He had such paralyzing separation anxiety that we couldn't leave him alone. 他患有麻痹性分离焦躁症 我们根本不能留他独处。
paralyzing:v.使瘫痪或麻痹;使惊愕;(paralyze的现在分词) separation:n.分离;分开;分割;隔离; anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事;
Once, he jumped out of our third floor apartment. 有一次,他直接从我们公寓的三楼跳出去。
He ate fabric . He ate things, recyclables . 他吃布料,也吃回收物。
fabric:n.织物;布料;(社会,机构等的)结构; recyclables:adj.可回收利用的;可再循环的;
He hunted flies that didn't exist. 他捕捉不存在的苍蝇。
He suffered from hallucinations . 他深受幻觉困扰。
He was diagnosed with a canine compulsive disorder and that's really just the tip of the iceberg . 他被诊断过为“犬类强迫性障碍” 而这些还只是冰山一角而已。
diagnosed:v.诊断(疾病);判断(问题的原因);(diagnose的过去分词和过去式) canine:adj.犬的;犬齿的;犬科的;似犬的;n.犬;[解剖]犬齿; compulsive:adj.强制的;强迫的; disorder:n.混乱;骚乱;vt.使失调;扰乱; tip of the iceberg:冰山一角;事物的表面部分;
But like with humans, sometimes it's six months in before you realize that the person that you love has some issues . 但是跟人类一样, 有时候六个月之后 你才发现 你爱的那个人有一些毛病
(Laughter) (笑)
And most of us do not take the person we're dating back to the bar where we met them or give them back to the friend that introduced us, 但大部分人不会把约会对象 丢回我们刚认识的那个酒吧 或者还给那位介绍我们认识的朋友
(Laughter) (笑声)
We love them anyway, and we stick to it, and that is what I did with my dog. 不管怎样我们都爱他, 而且坚持爱下去。 我也这样对我的狗狗。
And I was a — I'd studied biology . 我学过生物学。
I have a Ph.D. in history of science from MIT, and had you asked me 10 years ago if a dog I loved, or just dogs generally , had emotions , I would have said yes, but I'm not sure that I would have told you 我是MIT的科学史博士 如果十年前你问我 如果我爱的狗狗,或者狗这个群体 有没有情绪,我会告诉你“有”。 但我不确定是否会告诉你
generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地; emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数)
that they can also wind up with an anxiety disorder, a Prozac prescription and a therapist . 他们也会患焦虑症、 吃百忧解(一种治疗精神抑郁的药物)、看治疗师。
Prozac:n.百忧解(一种治疗精神抑郁的药物); prescription:n.处方;药方;医生开的药;开处方; therapist:n.临床医学家;治疗学家;
But then, I fell in love, and I realized that they can, and actually trying to help my own dog overcome his panic and his anxiety, it just changed my life. 但我坠入了爱河,然后发现他们有种种问题, 而帮助我自己的狗狗 克服他的恐慌和焦虑, 也改变了我的生活,
overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; panic:adj.恐慌的;n.惊恐;恐慌;惶恐不安;v.惊慌失措;
It cracked open my world. 打开了我的世界。
And I spent the last seven years, actually, looking into this topic of mental illness in other animals. 我在过去的七年 探究了其他动物的精神疾病。
Can they be mentally ill like people, and if so, what does it mean about us? 他们会像人一样患精神疾病吗? 如果会,这对我们意味着什么?
And what I discovered is that I do believe they can suffer from mental illness, and actually looking and trying to identify mental illness in them often helps us be better friends to them and also can help us better understand ourselves. 然后我发现我相信 他们会受精神疾病折磨, 而且观看并试着辨认他们的精神疾病 有助于我们成为更好的朋友 也能更好地了解自己。
So let's talk about diagnosis for a minute . 让我们稍微聊聊诊断过程吧,
diagnosis:n.诊断; for a minute:一会儿;
Many of us think that we can't know what another animal is thinking, and that is true, but any of you in relationships — at least this is my case — just because you ask someone that you're with or your parent or your child how they feel doesn't mean that they can tell you. 很多人认为我们不可能知道 另一个动物在想什么, 的确如此, 但你们任何一个谈过恋爱的 至少就我而言 仅仅问了在一起的伴侣、父母和孩子, 他们感觉如何 不代表他们能告诉你。
They may not have words to explain what it is that they're feeling, and they may not know. 也许他们不会用语言解释自己的感觉。 亦或他们真的不清楚。
have words:争吵;
It's actually a pretty recent phenomenon that we feel that we have to talk to someone to understand their emotional distress . 事实上这是最近的一个现象 我们以为,想了解对方的情绪困扰 就必须跟他们聊聊。
phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; distress:n.危难,不幸;贫困;悲痛;v.使悲痛;使贫困;
Before the early 20th century, physicians often diagnosed emotional distress in their patients just by observation . 在二十世纪早期之前, 医师们经常仅仅靠观察 就诊断他们的病人。
physicians:n.[内科]内科医生(physician的复数); patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) observation:n.观察;观测;监视;(尤指据所见、所闻、所读而作的)评论;
It also turns out that thinking about mental illness in other animals isn't actually that much of a stretch . 同时更没有费心思索过 其他动物的精神疾病。
Most mental disorders in the United States are fear and anxiety disorders, and when you think about it, fear and anxiety are actually really extremely helpful animal emotions. 大多数美国人的精神障碍是 恐惧和焦躁性障碍, 但仔细想一想, 这两者实际上是极其有益的动物情绪。
disorders:n.无秩序,混乱; v.[电子]扰乱(disorder的单三形式); United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
Usually we feel fear and anxiety in situations that are dangerous, and once we feel them, we then are motivated to move away from whatever is dangerous. 通常在危险的情况下我们才会感到恐惧和焦躁, 一旦感受到它们, 我们就会受到刺激而远离危险。
motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
The problem is when we begin to feel fear and anxiety in situations that don't call for it. 问题是,我们在不必要的时候也会感受到恐惧和焦虑。
Mood disorders, too, may actually just be the unfortunate downside of being a feeling animal, and obsessive compulsive disorders also are often manifestations of a really healthy animal thing which is keeping yourself clean and groomed . “情绪障碍”实际上仅仅是 作为有感知动物的一种消极面 强制性障碍也是 一种健康动物行为的表现 它让你保持干净整洁。
Mood:n.情绪,语气;心境;气氛; downside:n.下降趋势;底侧;adj.底侧的; obsessive:adj.强迫性的;着迷的;分神的; manifestations:n.临床表现(manifestion的复数);显示;证明; groomed:adj.打扮的;修饰的;v.喂马(groom的过去式和过去分词);整饰;推荐;
This tips into the territory of mental illness when you do things like compulsively over-wash your hands or paws , or you develop a ritual that's so extreme that you can't sit down to a bowl of food unless you engage in that ritual. 这就进入了精神疾病领域 当动物强迫地过度洗手或洗爪子, 或发展出极端的仪式行为 以至于心满意足之前 都不能坐下好好吃饭。
tips:n.尖端; v.(使)倾斜,翻覆; (tip的第三人称单数和复数) territory:n.领土,领域;范围;地域;版图; compulsively:adv.强制地,强迫地; paws:n.(动物的)爪; v.(不断地)挠,抓; (paw的第三人称单数和复数) ritual:n.仪式;惯例;礼制;adj.仪式的;例行的;礼节性的; engage:v.吸引,占用;使参加;雇佣;使订婚;预定;
So for humans, we have the " Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ," 所以 对于人类我们有一本《诊断与统计手册》
Diagnostic:adj.诊断的;特征的;n.诊断法;诊断结论; Statistical:adj.统计的;统计学的; Manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的;
which is basically an atlas of the currently agreed-upon mental disorders. 这本册子主要收录了目前认可的精神障碍。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; atlas:n.地图集;寰椎; currently:adv.当前;一般地; agreed-upon:互相认可的;议定;预定付款的时间;
In other animals, we have YouTube. 而其它动物,我们有Youtube
This is just one search I did for "OCD dog" 这只是搜索【强迫症狗】的结果
but I encourage all of you to look at "OCD cat." 但我鼓励你们所有人 去搜一搜【强迫症猫】
You will be shocked by what you see. 你会被结果惊到的。
I'm going to show you just a couple examples. 在这我就分享一些例子
This is an example of shadow-chasing. 这是一直追影子的狗
I know, and it's funny and in some ways it's cute. 我知道,这很好笑在某个程度上还很可爱
The issue, though, is that dogs can develop compulsions like this that they then engage in all day. 问题是,狗狗有了这种强迫行为 就会一整天地重复下去。
So they won't go for a walk, they won't hang out with their friends, they won't eat. 它们不去散步, 不跟朋友玩, 也不吃饭。
hang out with:与…出去玩;与…闲逛;
They'll develop fixations like chasing their tails compulsively. 然后产生心理固着, 比如强迫地追自己尾巴。
Here's an example of a cat named Gizmo . 这里有只猫叫 【吉斯莫】,
He looks like he's on a stakeout but he does this for many, many, many hours a day. 他看起来正在监视什么 但这一举动每天会持续若干小时
He just sits there and he will paw and paw and paw at the screen. 他就坐在那,用前爪一直,一直,一直摆弄百叶窗
This is another example of what's considered a stereotypic behavior. 这是另外一个重复行为
This is a sun bear at the Oakland Zoo named Ting Ting. 这是一只在【奥克兰】动物园的 马来熊名为 【听听】,
Oakland:n.奥克兰(美国加州西部城市); Ting:叮叮声
And if you just sort of happened upon this scene, you might think that Ting Ting is just playing with a stick, but Ting Ting does this all day, and if you pay close attention 然而如果你刚好看到这个画面, 你可能会觉得【听听】 只是在玩树枝, 但【 听听】 一整天就这样, 如果你们仔细看
and if I showed you guys the full half-hour of this clip , you'd see that he does the exact same thing in the exact same order, and he spins the stick in the exact same way every time. 再等这半个小时的视频放完, 会注意到它每次都做着同一动作, 以同一顺序和同一方式转那个树枝,
clip:v.剪辑;修剪;削减;固定;n.夹;夹子;速度;钳; spins:n.[物]旋转; v.[物]旋转(spin的三单形式);
Other super common behaviors that you may see, particularly in captive animals, are pacing stereotypies or swaying stereotypies, and actually, humans do this too, and in us, we'll sway, we'll move from side to side. 其他非常常见的行为, 尤其是笼子里的动物, 有固定的踱步行为 事实上我们人类也一样 我们会摆动, 从这边挪到那边。
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; captive:adj.被俘虏的;被迷住的;n.俘虏;迷恋者; swaying:v.使摇动;支配;偏向一边(sway的ing形式);
Many of us do this, and sometimes it's an effort to soothe ourselves, and I think in other animals that is often the case too. 我们很多人这么做 其实是一种放松方式, 而且我相信其他动物也是如此。
But it's not just stereotypic behaviors that other animals engage in. 但他们不止重复行为
This is Gigi. She's a gorilla that lives at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston . 她是【吉吉】。住在波士顿【富兰克林】动物园的母猩猩。
gorilla:大猩猩 Boston:n.波士顿(美国城市);
She actually has a Harvard psychiatrist , and she's been treated for a mood disorder among other things. 她有一个来自哈弗的精神医师 帮她治疗她的情绪病和其他问题。
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; psychiatrist:n.精神病学家,精神病医生; treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式)
Many animals develop mood disorders. 很多动物都会有情绪障碍,
this horse is just one example — develop self-destructive behaviors. 比如这只马 有自残行为。
They'll gnaw on things or do other things that may also soothe them, even if they're self-destructive, which could be considered similar to the ways that some humans cut themselves. 他们会乱咬东西 虽然是在放松心情, 但本质上在自我伤害 就像有些人割伤自己
Plucking . 还有拔毛!
Turns out, if you have fur or feathers or skin, you can pluck yourself compulsively, and some parrots actually have been studied to better understand trichotillomania , or compulsive plucking in humans, something that affects 20 million Americans right now. 原来,只要你有皮毛,羽毛,或皮肤 你就可能强迫性地拔毛, 人们通过研究鹦鹉 试图找出人类【拔毛癖】或强迫性拔毛的原因。 一个正在困扰两千万美国人的问题。
Lab rats pluck themselves too. 实验室的老鼠也拔自己的毛。
In them, it's called barbering . 这在它们看来是“理发”。
Canine veterans of conflicts of Iraq and Afghanistan are coming back with what's considered canine PTSD , and they're having a hard time reentering civilian life when they come back from deployments . 从伊拉克和阿富汗冲突退役的犬类 回来后被发现患有【犬类创伤后症候群】, 当它们被调回来后 它们很难回到正常的生活。
veterans:n.老兵;退伍军人(veteran的复数形式); conflicts:n.冲突; v.抵触; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲); PTSD:abbr.创伤后精神紧张性精神障碍(post-traumaticstressdisorder); reentering:v.重返;重新存入;[律]收回(贷出物);再进入;(reenter的现在分词) civilian:adj.民用的;百姓的,平民的;n.平民,百姓; deployments:部署;
They can be too scared to approach men with beards or to hop into cars. 它们会害怕接近留胡子的人 或不敢跳进车内。
approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; hop:n.啤酒花;单足短距离跳跃;;v.单脚跳行;齐足(或双足)跳行;突然快速去某处;
I want to be careful and be clear, though. 在这里我想谨慎地澄清,
I do not think that canine PTSD is the same as human PTSD. 我不认为犬类的【创伤后症候群】 跟人类的是一回事。
But I also do not think that my PTSD is like your PTSD, or that my anxiety or that my sadness is like yours. 但我同样不认为 我的【创伤症候群】和你的一样, 或我的焦虑和悲伤跟你的一样。
We are all different. 我们都是不同的。
We also all have very different susceptibilities . 会有非常不同的承易受性。
So two dogs, raised in the same household , exposed to the very same things, one may develop, say, a debilitating fear of motorcycles, or a phobia of the beep of the microwave , and another one is going to be just fine. 比如两只狗在一个家庭里长大, 接触相同的环境, 一只可能对摩托车产生强烈畏惧, 或对微波炉的【叮】声感到恐惧, 而另一只可能就很正常。
household:n.家庭;一家人;同住一所(或一套)房子的人;adj.家庭的;家常的;王室的; exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式) debilitating:adj.使衰弱的;v.使虚弱(debilitate的ing形式); phobia:n.恐怖,憎恶;恐惧症; microwave:n.微波;
So one thing that people ask me pretty frequently : 有件事很多人经常问我:
Is this just an instance of humans driving other animals crazy? 会不会是因为人类把动物逼疯了,
Or, is animal mental illness just a result of mistreatment or abuse ? 或者,动物的精神问题是被虐待的结果?
mistreatment:n.虐待; abuse:n.滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端;恶习,陋习;v.滥用;虐待;辱骂;
And it turns out we're actually so much more complicated than that. 而事实其实比这更复杂
So one great thing that has happened to me is recently I published a book on this, and every day now that I open my email or when I go to a reading or even when I go to a cocktail party , people tell me their stories of the animals that they have met. 最近我遇到的一件好事 自从出版了这方面的书之后 我每天打开电子邮箱 或者去一些 读书会 又只是或者去一些酒会, 人们都爱告诉我 他们见过的动物的故事。
recently:adv.最近;新近; cocktail party:n.鸡尾酒会;
And recently, I did a reading in California, and a woman raised her hand after the talk and she said, "Dr. Braitman, I think my cat has PTSD." 最近,我在加州去了一个读书会, 然后在结束时 一个女人举起手告诉我 “布莱曼博士,我觉得我的猫患有【创伤后症候群】。”
And I said, "Well, why? Tell me a little bit about it." 然后我就说:“嗯,怎么说?多告诉我一点。”
So, Ping is her cat. She was a rescue , and she used to live with an elderly man, and one day the man was vacuuming and he suffered a heart attack , and he died. 她的猫叫【萍】。她是被救出来的, 她之前跟一位老人家住在一起, 而一天那个人就在吸尘 然后他突然心脏病发,过世了。
Ping:发出撞击声 rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救; elderly:adj.上了年纪的;过了中年的;稍老的; vacuuming:v.用真空吸尘器清扫;(vacuum的现在分词) heart attack:n.[医]心肌梗塞
A week later, Ping was discovered in the apartment alongside the body of her owner, and the vacuum had been running the entire time. 一个星期后,人们在公寓里被发现【萍】 在她主人的尸体旁, 而吸尘器就这么一直开着。
For many months, up to I think two years after that incident, she was so scared she couldn't be in the house when anyone was cleaning. 很多个月之后,直到事发后整整两年, 每次家里有人在做卫生她都非常惊恐,不能呆在家。
She was quite literally a scaredy cat . 是一只名副其实的胆小猫
literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地: scaredy cat:胆小鬼;
She would hide in the closet . 她会躲在衣橱里,
She was un-self-confident and shaky , but with the loving support of her family,a lot of a time, and their patience , now, three years later, she's actually a happy, confident cat. 她不自信,全身发抖, 但那家人付出了爱,时间和耐心 现在,三年后, 它变成一只自信又幸福的猫。
shaky:adj.摇晃的;不可靠的;不坚定的; patience:n.耐性,耐心;忍耐,容忍; confident:adj.自信的;确信的;
Another story of trauma and recovery that I came across was actually a few years ago. 我遇到的另一个从创伤恢复的故事 是几年前。
trauma:n.[外科]创伤(由心理创伤造成精神上的异常);外伤; recovery:n.恢复,复原;痊愈;重获;
I was in Thailand to do some research. 我在泰国做一些研究。
I met a monkey named Boonlua, and when Boonlua was a baby, he was attacked by a pack of dogs, and they ripped off both of his legs and one arm, and Boonlua dragged himself to a monastery , where the monks took him in. 我碰到一只猴子名叫【布鲁纳】, 在布鲁纳很小的时候, 被一群狗攻击了, 它们扯掉了他的双腿和一条手臂, 然后布鲁纳把自己拖到了一个寺院, 一个和尚把他带了进去。
They called in a veterinarian , who treated his wounds . 把他交给兽医治疗伤口。
veterinarian:n.[兽医]兽医; wounds:n.(身体上的)伤,伤口; v.使(身体)受伤; (wound的第三人称单数和复数)
Eventually , Boonlua wound up at an elephant facility , and the keepers really decided to take him under their wing, and they figured out what he liked, which, it turned out, was mint Mentos and Rhinoceros beetles and eggs. 最后布鲁纳去了一个大象收容所, 饲养员决定把他留下, 还发现他喜欢 【薄荷味曼妥思】、独角仙和蛋。
Eventually:adv.最后,终于; facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资; mint:n.薄荷;[金融]造币厂,巨款;v.铸造,铸币; Rhinoceros:n.[脊椎]犀牛; beetles:n.甲虫;v.快速移动;(beetle的第三人称单数和复数)
But they worried, because he was social, that he was lonely, and they didn't want to put him in with another monkey, because they thought with just one arm, he wouldn't be able to defend himself or even play. 但他们很担心,因为他喜社交却也很孤独, 他们不想把他跟其他猴子放在一起, 因为他们觉得, 一只手臂的它根本无法自卫,甚至根本不能一起玩耍。
And so they gave him a rabbit, and Boonlua was immediately a different monkey. 然后,他们就给了它只兔子, 布鲁纳瞬间就变了。
He was extremely happy to be with this rabbit. 它很喜欢跟这只兔子腻在一起。
They groomed each other, they become close friends, and then the rabbit had bunnies , and Boonlua was even happier than he was before, and it had in a way given him a reason to wake up in the morning, and in fact it gave him such a reason to wake up that he decided not to sleep. 它们帮彼此梳毛,成为了很亲密的朋友, 然后这只兔子生了宝宝, 而布鲁纳比之前更快乐, 这给了他早晨起床的动力, 实际上动力太足他干脆不睡了。
He became extremely protective of these bunnies, and he stopped sleeping, and he would sort of nod off while trying to take care of them. 他对兔宝宝有极强的保护欲, 他不睡觉了 结果在照顾兔宝宝时坐着打瞌睡,
In fact, he was so protective and so affectionate with these babies that the sanctuary eventually had to take them away from him because he was so protective, he was worried that their mother might hurt them. 实际上他的保护欲太强, 收容所不得不把它们分开 因为他保护欲过强, 甚至担心兔妈妈会伤害它们。
affectionate:adj.深情的;充满深情的; sanctuary:n.避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿;
So after they were taken away, the sanctuary staff worried that he would fall into a depression , and so to avoid that, they gave him another rabbit friend. 所以当兔宝宝被拿走后, 收容所的员工们担心它会沮丧, 为了避免这样, 又给了他另外一直兔子朋友。
My official opinion is that he does not look depressed . 我的专业意见是它看起来完全不消沉。
official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; depressed:adj.沮丧的; v.使抑郁; (depress的过去式和过去分词)
(Laughter) (笑~~)
So one thing that I would really like people to feel is that you really should feel empowered to make some assumptions about the creatures that you know well. 所以 有一件事我很想让很多人知道, 你们其实被赋予了 准确猜测你所熟悉的动物的能力
empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式) assumptions:n.假定;假设;承担;获得;(assumption的复数) creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
So when it comes to your dog or your cat or maybe your one-armed monkey that you happen to know, if you think that they are traumatized or depressed, you're probably right. 所以, 当你自己的狗狗 或猫,又或者你认识的独臂猴 如果你觉得它们有创伤或消沉的话, 你八成是对的。
one-armed:adj.独臂的; traumatized:adj.心理受到创伤的;v.使受创伤(traumatize的过去式和过去分词);
This is extremely anthropomorphic , or the assignation of human characteristics onto non-human animals or things. 他们可以被极端拟人化 即是说,其他生物或事物被赋予人类的特点。
anthropomorphic:adj.拟人的,赋予人性的; assignation:n.分配;约会;指定;[经]转让; characteristics:n.特征;特点;品质;(characteristic的复数) non-human:adj.非人类的;非人工的;
I don't think, though, that that's a problem. 但我不觉得 这是问题,
I don't think that we can not anthropomorphize . 我们别无他法,只能拟人化
It's not as if you can take your human brain out of your head and put it in a jar and then use it to think about another animal thinking. 因为你不可能把人脑从脑袋里取出来 再放到一个罐子里 用来思考其他动物的思维。
We will always be one animal wondering about the emotional experience of another animal. 我们永远会是一个动物 好奇另外一个动物的精神体会。
So then the choice becomes, how do you anthropomorphize well? 所以我们的选择是,把拟人做得贴切
Or do you anthropomorphize poorly? 还是做得糟糕?
And anthropomorphizing poorly is all too common. 而糟糕的拟人实在太常见了。
anthropomorphizing:v.赋与(…)人性[人形]; (anthropomorphize的现在分词);
It may include dressing your corgis up and throwing them a wedding, or getting too close to exotic wildlife because you believe that you had a spiritual connection. 装扮你的【威尔士矮脚狗】,让它们结婚, 或跟野生动物靠的太近 因为相信自己和它们灵魂相连什么的
corgis:n.小狗;威尔士矮脚狗(等于Welshcorgi或corgy); exotic:adj.异国的;外来的;异国情调的; spiritual:n.圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的);adj.精神的,心灵的;
There's all manner of things. 有各种各样的东西。
Anthropomorphizing well, however, I believe is based on accepting our animal similarities with other species and using them to make assumptions that are informed about other animals' minds and experiences, and there's actually an entire industry 我认为是基于接受我们 跟其他物种的相似之处 然后再用来做一些假设, 使我们更了解其他动物的思维和经历, 其实有一整个行业
similarities:n.相仿性;类似性;相像处;(similarity的复数) species:n.[生物]物种;种类; informed:adj.见多识广的; v.通知; (inform的过去分词和过去式)
that is in some ways based on anthropomorphizing well, and that is the psychopharmaceutical industry. 基于贴切的拟人化, 那就是【精神药物】的行业。
One in five Americans is currently taking a psychopharmaceutical drug, from the antidepressants and antianxiety medications to the antipsychotics . 有五分之一的美国人正在服用精神药物, 从抗抑郁药和抗焦虑的药物 到抗精神病药,
antidepressants:n.[药]抗抑郁药(antidepressant的复数形式);抗忧郁剂; antianxiety:adj.抗焦虑的; medications:n.药;药物;(medication的复数) antipsychotics:n.抗精神病药;
It turns out that we owe this entire psychopharmaceutical arsenal to other animals. 其实我们欠动物们 一整个精神药物行业。
These drugs were tested in non-human animals first, and not just for toxicity but for behavioral effects. 这些药先在非人类动物身上测试, 而且并不止测毒性还会观察对行为的影响。
toxicity:n.[毒物]毒性; behavioral:adj.行为的;
The very popular antipsychotic Thorazine first relaxed rats before it relaxed people. 一个非常常用的安定剂--【冬眠灵】 第一个“放松”的是老鼠,而不是人类。
Thorazine:n.[有化][药]氯丙嗪; relaxed:adj.轻松的;冷静的;v.放松;休息;宽慰;(relax的过去分词和过去式)
The antianxiety medication Librium was given to cats selected for their meanness in the 1950s and made them into peaceable felines . 【利眠宁】----- 抗焦虑的药物 在上世纪50年代喂给根据恶劣程度挑选出的猫 然后让它们变的听话又温顺。
Librium:n.[药]利眠宁(一种安定药,等于chlordiazepoxide); meanness:n.卑鄙;吝啬;劣等; peaceable:adj.和平的;平静的;温顺的; felines:adj.猫科的;猫一样的;狡猾的;n.猫科动物;
And even antidepressants were first tested in rabbits. 还有一些抗抑郁药首先在兔子身上测试。
Today, however, we are not just giving these drugs to other animals as test subjects, but they're giving them these drugs as patients, both in ethical and much less ethical ways. 今天,被喂药的动物不是测试对象 而是病人。 出于道德和不道德的原因
SeaWorld gives mother orcas antianxiety medications when their calves are taken away. 美国【海洋世界】 在拿走【逆戟鲸】妈妈的宝宝之后 喂给她抗焦虑药物。
orcas:n.逆戟鲸;兽人(orca的复数); calves:n.小牛; v.生小牛;
Many zoo gorillas have been given antipsychotics and antianxiety medications. 很多动物园的大猩猩都会被喂精神病药 和抗焦虑药。
But dogs like my own Oliver are given antidepressants and some antianxiety medications to keep them from jumping out of buildings or jumping into traffic. 而狗狗,像我的【奥利弗】一样 吃抗抑郁药和抗焦虑药 是为了防止它们从楼房里跳出去, 或 跳进车来车往的交通。
Just recently, actually, a study came out in "Science" 最近,一篇在【科学】杂志发表的一项研究
that showed that even crawdads responded to antianxiety medication. 表明,连 喇蛄(一种淡水小龙虾) 也会对抗焦虑药有反应。
crawdads:n.喇蛄(一种淡水小龙虾);(美)退缩者(等于crawfish); responded:v.回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;(respond的过去式和过去分词)
It made them braver, less skittish , and more likely to explore their environment. 药物让它们更勇敢,不那么惊慌, 并且更容易让它们勘察它们的环境。
skittish:adj.轻佻的;活泼的; explore:v.探索:探测:探险:
It's hard to know how many animals are on these drugs, but I can tell you that the animal pharmaceutical industry is immense and growing, from seven billion dollars in 2011 to a projected 9.25 billion by the year 2015. 很难知道有多少动物在服用这些药物, 但我可以告诉你动物制药业很强大 从2011年的70忆美金, 到2015年预估的92.5忆
pharmaceutical:adj.制药(学)的;n.药物; immense:adj.巨大的,广大的;无边无际的;非常好的;
Some animals are on these drugs indefinitely . 有些动物会无限期服用这些药物,
Others, like one bonobo who lives in Milwaukee at the zoo there was on them until he started to save his Paxil prescription and then distribute it among the other bonobos . 还有些,比如【密尔沃基】动物园的黑猩猩 本来一直服用【帕罗西汀(抗抑郁药】 直到他把药藏起来, 并且分给其他黑猩猩
Milwaukee:n.(美国)密尔沃基; Paxil:n.帕罗西汀(抗抑郁药物); distribute:v.分发;分配;分销;分散; bonobos:n.倭黑猩猩(bonobo的变形);
(Laughter) (Applause) 就停用了
More than psychopharmaceuticals , though, there are many, many, many other therapeutic interventions that help other creatures. 除了精神药物以外, 市面是上还有很多 很多 为动物治疗的方案。
psychopharmaceuticals:精神病药物; therapeutic:adj.治疗的;治疗学的;有益于健康的;n.治疗剂;治疗学家; interventions:n.[法]干预,干涉;处置(intervention的复数);
And here is a place where I think actually that veterinary medicine can teach something to human medicine, which is, if you take your dog, who is, say, compulsively chasing his tail, into the veterinary behaviorist , 而这里,我认为是人类药学可以向 兽类药学学习的地方。 就拿你的狗来说, 他可能不停地追自己的尾巴, 见了【动物行为学家】,
veterinary:adj.兽医的;n.兽医(等于veterinarian); behaviorist:n.行为主义者;
their first action isn't to reach for the prescription pad; it's to ask you about your dog's life. 而他的第一反应不是去拿处方药方; 而是问问你,你家狗狗的生活。
They want to know how often your dog gets outside. 他们想知道你的狗室外活动频率,
They want to know how much exercise your dog is getting. 有多少体育锻炼的时间,
They want to know how much social time with other dogs and other humans. 有多少和其他狗和人社交的时间。
They want to talk to you about what sorts of therapies , largely behavior therapies ,you've tried with that animal. 他们想了解你为你的狗狗试过多少行为治疗方案。 特别是跟药物相结合。
Those are the things that often tend to help the most, especially when combined with psychopharmaceuticals. 这些就是最能帮助狗狗的方式, 特别是跟药物相结合。
The thing, though, I believe, that helps the most, particularly with social animals, is time with other social animals. 而我相信最能帮助阿萨飒飒Z你 社交性动物的是 花时间在其他社交性动物上。
In many ways, I feel like I became a service animal to my own dog, and I have seen parrots do it for people and people do it for parrots and dogs do it for elephants and elephants do it for other elephants. 很多时候,我都觉得我成了为自家狗狗服务的动物 见过鹦鹉为人类服务, 也见过人类为鹦鹉服务, 狗狗为大象服务 然后大象再为其他大象服务。
I don't know about you; 我不知道你,
I get a lot of Internet forwards of unlikely animal friendships. 但我在网上受邀转发 很多动物之间不可思议的友谊
I also think it's a huge part of Facebook, the monkey that adopts the cat or the great dane who adopted the orphaned fawn , or the cow that makes friends with the pig, 我还认为这组成了【脸书(FB)】的很大一部分, 猴子收养了猫 或是【大丹犬】收养了失去双亲的鹿宝宝, 又或是奶牛跟猪成了朋友,
adopts:收养;采用; great dane:n.丹麦大狗;大丹狗; orphaned:v.使成为孤儿;(orphan的过去分词和过去式) fawn:vi.奉承;n.小鹿;浅黄褐色;小动物;adj.浅黄褐色的;vt.生(小鹿或小动物);
and had you asked me eight, nine years ago, about these, 如果你八、九年前问我 这些故事的话,
I would have told you that they were hopelessly sentimental and maybe too anthropomorphic in the wrong way and maybe even staged, and what I can tell you now is that there is actually something to this. 我会告诉你这些太感情用事了, 或是用错误的方式过于拟人化 甚至是表演出来的 但现在我能告诉你,动物之间是真情实感。
hopelessly:adv.绝望地;无望地;无可救药地; sentimental:adj.伤感的;多愁善感的;感情用事的;寓有情感的;
This is legit . In fact, some interesting studies have pointed to oxytocin levels, which are a kind of bonding hormone that we release when we're having sex or nursing or around someone that we care for extremely, oxytocin levels raising in both humans and dogs 这是真的。事实上,有些有趣的研究表明, 【催产素】,一个社交产生的荷尔蒙 会在我们性交,养育宝宝, 或是在极其喜爱的人身边会产生, 【催产素】水平会在
legit:adj.合法的;n.正统剧;正统剧院; oxytocin:n.[药]催产素;缩宫素;脑下垂体后叶荷尔蒙之一种; hormone:n.[生理]激素,荷尔蒙; release:v.释放;发射;让与;允许发表;n.释放;发布;让与;
who care about each other or who enjoy each other's company, and beyond that, other studies show that oxytocin raised even in other pairs of animals, so, say, in goats and dogs who were friends and played with each other, their levels spiked afterwards. 彼此关心和愿意陪伴的人和狗身体里上升, 不止这些,其他研究还表明【催产素】 在其他组合动物身体里也会上升。 所以,山羊和狗狗成为朋友,一起玩耍后, 它们的【催产素】水平会达到一次高峰
I have a friend who really showed me that mental health is in fact a two-way street . 我有个朋友向我展示了 精神疾病其实是双向的。
two-way street:双向街道;互谅互让;
His name is Lonnie Hodge , and he's a veteran of Vietnam. 他的名字叫【朗尼·何举】,他是越南战争回来的老兵。
When he returned, he started working with survivors of genocide and a lot of people who had gone through war trauma. 他回来后, 开始跟【种族屠杀】幸存者 和其他有战争创伤的人一起工作
And he had PTSD and also a fear of heights, because in Vietnam, he had been rappelling backwards out of helicopters over the skids , and he was givena service dog named Gander , a labradoodle , to help him with PTSD and his fear of heights. 他有【战后创伤症候群】并且他还恐高, 因为在越南, 他经常从直升机上反向绕绳下降, 然后他就有了只服务犬叫【甘德】,一只【拉布拉多贵宾犬】 帮助他克服创伤后遗症和恐高。
rappelling:n.绳索下降;vi.用绳索下降(rappel的现在分词); skids:n.[车辆]刹车,[矿业]滑道(skid的复数); v.打滑; Gander:n.雄鹅;呆子;一瞥;vi.闲逛; labradoodle:n.拉布拉多贵宾狗;
This is them actually on the first day that they met, which is amazing, and since then, they've spent a lot of time together visiting with other veterans suffering from similar issues. 这是它们第一次碰面, 非常愉快, 他们会花很多时间 拜访其他有相同问题的老兵。
But what's so interesting to me about Lonnie and Gander's relationship is about a few months in, 但引起我兴趣的是【朗尼】和【甘德】的关系 在认识几个月后,
Gander actually developed a fear of heights, probably because he was watching Lonnie so closely. 【甘德】开始恐高, 可能是因为他近距离观察了朗尼
What's pretty great about this, though, is that he's still a fantastic service dog, because now, when they're both at a great height, 这很了不起,它还是只很赞的服务犬, 因为现在,如果他们同时站在高处
Lonnie is so concerned with Gander's well-being that he forgets to be scared of the heights himself. 【朗尼】因为过于担心【甘德】的安全 甚至忘记了自己恐高。
concerned with:关心;涉及;忙于;与…有关; well-being:n.幸福;康乐; be scared of:害怕...
Since I've spent so much time with these stories, digging into archives , 自从我花这么多时间在这些故事上, 钻研归档,
I literally spent years doing this research, and it's changed me. 我花了很多年来做这份研究, 这真的 改变了我。
I no longer look at animals at the species level. 我再也不会从物种层面来看动物,
I look at them as individuals , and I think about them as creatures with their own individual weather systems guiding their behavior and informing how they respond to the world. 我把它们看成独立的个体, 然后待它们为有独立内在系统的生物 引领着它们的行为, 告知它们如何回应这世界。
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); informing:v.知会;通知;通告;了解;熟悉;对…有影响(inform的现在分词)
And I really believe that this has made me a more curious and a more empathetic person, both to the animals that share my bed and occasionally wind up on my plate, but also to the people that I know 我相信这让我 变成了一个更好奇、更赋有同情心的人, 不管是跟我睡一张床 偶尔还跟我抢饭的动物 还是我认识的
curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; empathetic:adj.移情作用的;同感的(等于empathic); occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然;
who are suffering from anxiety and from phobias and all manner of other things, and I really do believe that even though you can't know exactly what's going on in the mind of a pig or your pug or your partner, that that shouldn't stop you from empathizing with them. 有焦躁症、恐惧症、或者其他病症的人们, 我真的相信 就算你不可能明确了解 一只猪、哈巴狗或是你伴侣的 这也不应该阻止你理解他们
phobias:n.[内科]恐怖症;憎恶(phobia的复数); empathizing:移情;神会;
The best thing that we could do for our loved ones is, perhaps, to anthropomorphize them. 我们给所爱对象最好的礼物 也许就是【拟人化】他们。
Charles Darwin's father once told him that everybody could lose their mind at some point. 【查尔斯·达尔文】的父亲曾告诉他 所有人都可能在某一刻失去理智,
Thankfully , we can often find them again, but only with each other's help. 值得感激的是,我们常常能找回理智, 但需要彼此的帮助。
Thank you. 谢谢。