

By raising your hand, how many of you know at least one person on the screen? 在座的各位至少认识 一位萤幕上的人请举手。
Wow, it's almost a full house . 哇, 基本上每个人都举手了。
full house:n.客满;
It's true, they are very famous in their fields. 他们在各自的领域都十分有名。
And do you know what all of them have in common? 你们知道他们有什么共同点吗?
They all died of pancreatic cancer . 他们都死于胰腺癌。
pancreatic:adj.胰的;胰腺的; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤;
However, although it's very, very sad this news, it's also thanks to their personal stories that we have raised awareness of how lethal this disease can be. 虽然这是很糟的一件事, 但是正因为他们的故事 才使我们注意到胰腺癌有多致命。
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; lethal:adj.致命的,致死的;n.致死因子; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
It's become the third cause of cancer deaths, and only eight percent of the patients will survive beyond five years. 在由癌症导致的死亡中,胰腺癌死亡率位居第三, 患有胰腺癌的病人只有8%可以活到五年以上。
That's a very tiny number, especially if you compare it with breast cancer, where the survival rate is almost 90 percent. 这个数字几乎微不足道。 特别是跟乳腺癌比起来。 乳腺癌的存活率几乎达到百分之九十。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较; survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物;
So it doesn't really come as a surprise that being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer means facing an almost certain death sentence . 所以,被诊断出胰腺癌即几乎意味着死亡 并不十分令人吃惊。
diagnosed:v.诊断(疾病);判断(问题的原因);(diagnose的过去分词和过去式) death sentence:n.死刑;
What's shocking, though, is that in the last 40 years, this number hasn't changed a bit,while much more progress has been made with other types of tumors . 让人惊讶的是,过去40年里, 肿瘤治疗的各个领域都有了突飞猛进的发展, 然而有关胰腺癌的数据一直没有产生多大改变。
So how can we make pancreatic cancer treatment more effective ? 我们如何能使对胰线癌的治疗更有效?
treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象;
As a biomedical entrepreneur , 作为生物医学的企業家,
biomedical:adj.生物医学的; entrepreneur:n.企业家;承包人;主办者;
I like to work on problems that seem impossible, understanding their limitations and trying to find new, innovative solutions that can change their outcome . 我喜欢挑战看起来不可能的问题, 了解它们的限制, 并试着找出创新的解决方法, 从而改变现有的结果。
limitations:n.局限性;(限制)因素;边界(limitation的复数形式); innovative:adj.革新的,创新的; outcome:n.结果,结局;成果;
The first piece of bad news with pancreatic cancer is that your pancreas is in the middle of your belly , literally . 乳腺癌的存活率几乎达到百分之九十。 胰脏差不多位于你肚子的正中间。
pancreas:n.[解剖]胰腺; belly:n.腹部;胃;食欲;v.涨满;鼓起; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
It's depicted in orange on the screen. 它是在萤幕上橘色的部份。
But you can barely see it until I remove all the other organs in front. 但几乎很难被看见, 除非把其他在前面的内脏都拿开。
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; organs:n.[生物]器官;机构;风琴(organ的复数);
It's also surrounded by many other vital organs, like the liver , the stomach, the bile duct . 它也被其他许多重要的内脏包围, 例如肝,胃,胆管。
vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的; liver:n.肝;(动物供食用的)肝; bile duct:n.胆管;
And the ability of the tumor to grow into those organs is the reason why pancreatic cancer is one of the most painful tumor types. 让肿瘤有机会长到那些器管裏, 这就是为什么胰腺癌 是最痛苦的肿瘤之一。
The hard-to-reach location also prevents the doctor from surgically removing it, as is routinely done for breast cancer, for example. 以乳腺癌为例,肿瘤一般采取收摘除的方法。 然而胰腺难以触及的位置 使得手术摘除不再是一个合理的选项。
location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位 surgically:adv.如外科手术般地; routinely:adv.例行公事地;老一套地;
So all of these reasons leave chemotherapy as the only option for the pancreatic cancer patient. 这些原因导致化疗成了 胰腺癌患者唯一的选择。
chemotherapy:n.[临床]化学疗法; option:n.选择;可选择的东西;
This brings us to the second piece of bad news. 这带给我们第二个坏消息,
Pancreatic cancer tumors have very few blood vessels . 胰腺肿瘤有很少的血管。
Why should we care about the blood vessel of a tumor? 为什么我们要注意肿瘤血管的问题?
blood vessel:n.血管;
Let's think for a second how chemotherapy works. 让我们想一下化疗是怎么作用的。
The drug is injected in the vein and it navigates throughout the body until it reaches the tumor site . 化疗的药物被注射到静脉裏, 它通过整个身体直到到逹肿瘤处。
injected:v.(给…)注射(药物等); (inject的过去分词和过去式) vein:n.血管;叶脉;[地质]岩脉;纹理;翅脉;性情;vt.使成脉络;象脉络般分布于; navigates:导航;找到正确的行进方向;航行;绕过; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址;
It's like driving on a highway, trying to reach a destination. 像在高速公路开车,试着到逹目的地。
But what if your destination doesn't have an exit on the highway? 但是你的目的地并没有出口怎么办?
what if:如果…怎么办?
You will never get there. 你就永远到不了目的地。
And that's exactly the same problem for chemotherapy and pancreatic cancer. 这就是用化疗治疗 胰腺癌的问题的所在。
The drugs navigate throughout all of your body. 化疗的药物通过整个身体,
They will reach healthy organs, resulting in high toxic effect for the patients overall , but very little will go to the tumor. 会接触到健康的内脏, 会让毒性作用在病人的全身上下, 但只有非常少数会到逹肿瘤裏面。
toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; overall:v.全部; n.外套; adj.全面的;
Therefore, the efficacy is very limited . 因此疗效非常地有限。
efficacy:n.功效,效力; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
To me, it seems very counterintuitive to have a whole-body treatment to target a specific organ. 对我来说,只需针对特定的器官, 却采用让全身接受治疗是有悖常理。
counterintuitive:adj.违反直觉的; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药;
However, in the last 40 years, a lot of money, research and effort have gone towards finding new, powerful drugs to treat pancreatic cancer, but nothing has been done in changing the way we deliver them to the patient. 然而, 在过去40年, 大量的时间、研究和努力都被投入到了 寻找新的、能更有效地治疗胰腺癌的药物。 但却没有在改??变将药物送达患处的方式上 做出更多的尝试。
So after two pieces of bad news, 接连两个坏消息之后,
I'm going to give you good news, hopefully. 希望我能在给各位一些好消息。
With a collaborator at MIT and the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston , we have revolutionized the way we treat cancer by making localized drug delivery a reality. 经过同一名来自麻省理工大学的研究人员 与波士顿的麻州综合医院的共同研究, 我们有了革命性的治疗癌症的方法, 让药只在局部上作用的方法成真。
collaborator:n.[劳经]合作者;勾结者;通敌者; Boston:n.波士顿(美国城市); revolutionized:adj.革命化的;被彻底改革的;v.彻底改革(revolutionize的过去式); localized:adj.局部的;地区的;小范围的;v.定位(localize的过去分词); delivery:n.[贸易]交付;分娩;递送;
We are basically parachuting you on top of your destination, avoiding your having to drive all around the highway. 我们让你空降在目的地的正上方, 从而避免你在高速上四处乱转。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; parachuting:n.跳伞;v.跳伞;伞降;空投;(parachute的现在分词)
We have embedded the drug into devices that look like this one. 我们把药嵌入在你看到的这个装置。
embedded:adj.嵌入式的;植入的;内含的;v.嵌入(embed的过去式和过去分词形式); devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
They are flexible enough that they can be folded to fit into the catheter , so the doctor can implant it directly on top of the tumor with minimally invasive surgery . 它很有弹性, 可以折起来放入导管之中, 因此医生可以用微创手术, 直接放入肿瘤上面。
flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的; catheter:n.[医]导管;导尿管;尿液管; implant:vt.种植;灌输;嵌入;n.[医]植入物;植入管;vi.被移植; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; minimally:adv.最低限度地;最低程度地; invasive:adj.侵略性的;攻击性的; surgery:n.外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室;
But they are solid enough that once they are positioned on top of the tumor, they will act as a cage. 它一旦放入又足够稳固 在肿瘤的上面, 作用像一个笼子一样。
They will actually physically prevent the tumor from entering other organs, controlling the metastasis . 它可以实际上防止肿瘤 进入到其他器官裏。 进而控制肿瘤移转。
The devices are also biodegradable . 这个装置也可以被生物分解。
That means that once in the body, they start dissolving , delivering the drug only locally , slowly and more effectively than what is done with the current whole-body treatment. 这意味从装置被放入身体, 它们就会开始溶解, 相比目前针对整个身体的疗法, 这样可以使药物慢而有效的被运送到局部。
dissolving:adj.消溶的;毁灭性的;v.使溶解(dissolve的现在分词); locally:adv.在本地;局部地;在地方上;
In pre-clinical study, we have demonstrated that this localized approach is able to improve by 12 times the response to treatment. 临床研究中, 我们证明了这种定点治疗的方法 可以使疗效提升十二倍。
demonstrated:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式) approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; improve:v.改进;改善; response:n.响应;反应;回答;
So we took a drug that is already known and by just delivering it locally where it's needed the most, we allow a response that is 12 times more powerful, reducing the systemic toxic effect. 我们拿已经知道的药, 把它放在最需要的局部部位, 让它有12倍强的作用能力, 同时减轻了对身体系统的有毒影响。
We are working relentlessly to bring this technology to the next level. 我们不懈努力为了使科技更上一层楼。
relentlessly:adv.残酷地,无情地; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
We are finalizing the pre-clinical testing and the animal model required prior to asking the FDA for approval for clinical trials. 我们正在做最终确定的临床测试, 动物实验还有待美国药物管理局 对临床试验的认可。
finalizing:v.把(计划、旅行、项目等)最后定下来;定案;(finalize的现在分词) prior:adj.先前的; n.(小隐修院)院长; v.居先; approval:n.批准;认可;赞成; clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的;
Currently , the majority of patients will die from pancreatic cancer. 目前,大部份的胰腺癌病患会面临死亡。
Currently:adv.当前;一般地; majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人:
We are hoping that one day, we can reduce their pain, extend their life and potentially make pancreatic cancer a curable disease. 我们希望有一天, 能减少他们的痛苦,延长他们的寿命, 并可能使胰腺癌成为 一个可治之症。
extend:vt.延伸; vi.延伸; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; curable:adj.可治愈的;可医治的;可矫正的;
By rethinking the way we deliver the drug, we don't only make it more powerful and less toxic, we are also opening the door to finding new innovative solutions for almost all other impossible problems in pancreatic cancer patients and beyond. 经由再次思考用药方式, 我们不仅使药更有效也更少毒害, 在解决治愈胰腺癌患 甚至更多领域不可能完成的问题, 找到了创新的解决方式。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢大家。
(Applause) (鼓掌)