

So a chip , a poet and a boy. 那么,一块芯片、一个诗人和一个男孩。
It's just about 20 years ago, 大约20年前,
June 1994, when Intel announced that there was a flaw at the core of their Pentium chip. 1994年6月,英特尔公司宣告 他们的奔腾芯片 存在一个瑕疵。
Intel:n.美国英特尔公司(财富500强公司之一,以生产CPU芯片著称); flaw:n.瑕疵,缺点; v.使生裂缝,使有裂纹; vi.生裂缝; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核; Pentium:n.美国英特尔公司生产的微处理器,中文译名为"奔腾";
Deep in the code of the SRT algorithm to calculate intermediate quotients necessary for iterative floating points of divisions -- (这会让芯片在)运行 SRT 算法 计算迭代浮点数除法求中间商的运算中 出错。
intermediate:adj.中间的; v.起调解作用; n.中级学生; quotients:[数]商; iterative:adj.[数]迭代的;重复的,反复的;n.反复体; divisions:n.分开;分隔;分配;除(法);不和;差异;(division的复数)
I don't know what that means, but it's what it says on Wikipedia — there was a flaw and an error that meant that there was a certain probability that the result of the calculation would be an error, and the probability was one out of every 360 billion calculations. 我不知道这意味着什么,但维基百科告诉我—— 这是一种瑕疵,一个错误。 这意味着确有可能 在计算中将得到一个错误结果, 并且可能在3600亿次计算中 发生一次。
Wikipedia:维基百科; probability:n.可能性;机率;[数]或然率;
So Intel said your average spreadsheet would be flawed once every 27,000 years. 然而,英特尔宣称在你使用制表软件时 平均每27,000年才会遇到一次这个错误。
spreadsheet:n.电子制表软件;电子数据表;试算表; flawed:adj.有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的;
They didn't think it was significant , but there was an outrage in the community . 他们认为这个瑕疵影响不大, 但是这在当时引起了社会的公愤。
significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物; outrage:n.愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱;vt.凌辱,强奸;对…施暴行;激起愤怒; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
The community, the techies , said, this flaw has to be addressed . 全社会、技术人员们忿忿不平: “这个瑕疵理应得到解决。”
techies:n.哥布林工程师(全称为GoblinTechies,游戏"魔兽"中的角色); addressed:v.写(收信人)姓名地址:致函:演说:演讲:向…说话; (address的过去分词和过去式)
They were not going to stand by quietly as Intel gave them these chips . 他们没有袖手旁观, 因为英特尔给了他们这些有瑕疵的芯片。
So there was a revolution across the world. 于是,一场革命在世界各地蔓延开来,
People marched to demand -- okay, not really exactly like that — but they rose up and they demanded that Intel fix the flaw. 人们纷纷游行示威。 好吧,其实也并完全是这样的。 但是,他们联合起来要求 英特尔修复瑕疵。
And Intel set aside 475 million dollars to fund the replacement of millions of chips to fix the flaw. 后来,英特尔被迫支出4.75亿美元 用于收回、修护数以百万计 存在瑕疵的芯片。
fund:n.基金;资金;存款;v.投资;资助; replacement:n.替换;更换;替代品;接替者;
So billions of dollars in our society was spent to address a problem which would come once out of every 360 billion calculations. 全社会花费了数十亿美元 去解决一个 每3600亿次运算出现一次 错误。
Number two, a poet. 第二个故事,关于一个诗人。
This is Martin Niem?ller. 他是马丁·尼莫拉。
You're familiar with his poetry . 你一定很熟悉他的诗。
familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友; poetry:n.诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌艺术;
Around the height of the Nazi period, he started repeating the verse , "First they came for the communists , and I did nothing, did not speak out because I was not a communist. 在纳粹集权时代, 他开始向人们重复这样的诗句, “他们追杀共产主义者的时候, 我没有说话, 因为我不是共产主义者;
verse:n.诗,诗篇;韵文;诗节;vi.作诗;vt.使熟练,使精通; communists:n.共产党员(communist的复数形式); speak out:畅所欲言;大胆地说;大声地说;
Then they came for the socialists . 接着他们追杀社会主义者;
Then they came for the trade unions . 追杀工会成员;
trade unions:工会;
Then they came for the Jews. 又追杀犹太人;
And then they came for me. 最后他们奔我而来,
But there was no one left to speak for me." 但是已经没有人能为我说话了。”
speak for:要求得到;代表…讲话;
Now, Niem?ller is offering a certain kind of insight . 现在,尼莫拉是在给我们提供某种洞悉。
This is an insight at the core of intelligence . 这是一种对于智慧核心的洞悉。
We could call it cluefulness. 我们可以称它为“智能”。
It's a certain kind of test: 这是某种测试:
Can you recognize an underlying threat and respond ? 你能否辨别 潜在的威胁和响应?
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; underlying:adj.根本的; v.构成…的基础; (underlie的现在分词) respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和;
Can you save yourself or save your kind? 你能否拯救你自己和你的同类?
Turns out ants are pretty good at this. 实际上,蚂蚁非常擅长于此。
Cows, not so much. 然而,牛却表现平平。
So can you see the pattern? 那么,你能够看出这些规律吗?
Can you see a pattern and then recognize and do something about it? Number two. 你能否看出这些规律然后认出来 并且尝试去做一些事情改变它?这是第二个故事。
Number three, a boy. 第三个故事,关于一个男孩。
This is my friend Aaron Swartz. 这是好朋友艾伦·斯沃兹。
He's Tim's friend. 他也是提姆的朋友。
He's friends of many of you in this audience, and seven years ago, 他也是许多在座听众的朋友, 七年前,
Aaron came to me with a question. 艾伦抛给我一个问题,
It was just before I was going to give my first TED Talk. 就在我第一次 TED 演讲之前。
I was so proud. I was telling him about my talk, "Laws that choke creativity." 我很自豪,在和他讲述我的演讲 《阻碍创造力的法律》。
choke:n.窒息; v.阻塞; (尤指感情激动而)说不出话来;
And Aaron looked at me and was a little impatient , and he said, "So how are you ever going to solve the problems you're talking about? 然而艾伦看着我 似乎有些不耐烦,然后他说: “那么你有没有试图 去解决你说的那些问题呢?
Copyright policy , Internet policy , how are you ever going to address those problems so long as there's this fundamental corruption in the way our government works?" 版权政策、互联网政策, 你准备怎样去解决这些 存在于政府运作中的 基本的腐败所带来的问题?
Copyright:n.版权;著作权;adj.受版权保护的;未经准许不得复制的;v.获得…的版权; policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; so long as:adv.只要; fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落; in the way:妨碍;挡道;
So I was a little put off by this. 他的话让我有一点失落
He wasn't sharing in my celebration. 他并没有分享我的喜悦,
And I said to him, "You know, Aaron, it's not my field, not my field." 接着,我跟他说:“艾伦,你知道, 这不是我的领域,不是我的领域。”
He said, "You mean as an academic , it's not your field?" 他说:“你的意思作为一个学者,这不是你的领域?”
I said, "Yeah, as an academic, it's not my field." 我说:“对,作为一个学者,这不是我的领域。”
He said, "What about as a citizen? 他说:“那么作为一个公民呢?
As a citizen." 作为一个公民。”
Now, this is the way Aaron was. 你看,这就是艾伦为人处世的方式
He didn't tell. He asked questions. 他并不说,而是提问。
But his questions spoke as clearly as my four-year-old's hug. 但是他问题掷地有声, 如同我四岁时的一个拥抱。
He was saying to me, "You've got to get a clue . 他告诉我, “你得自己去寻找线索。
You have got to get a clue, because there is a flaw at the core of the operating system of this democracy , and it's not a flaw every one out of 360 billion times our democracy tries to make a decision. 你得自己去找到线索,因为 这是我们民主政治系统核心的一个瑕疵 并且,我们的民主并非每3600万次 尝试表决才会重现这个瑕疵。
operating system:n.(计算机)操作系统; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治;
It is every time, every single important issue . 它时刻存在, 存在于每一个重要的论点上。
We've got to end the bovinity of this political society. 我们必须结束这种政治社会中牛性的顺从思维
We've got to adopt , it turns out, the word is fourmi-formatic attitude -- that's what the Internet tells me the word is -- the ant's appreciative attitude that gets us to recognize this flaw, save our kind and save our demos . 我们必须采取行动, 通过蚁式的思维方式来思考政治 这就是英特尔公司告诉我们的 蚁式的思维态度 来帮助我们认识到这个缺陷 去拯救我们的孩子和我们的民主
adopt:v.采取;接受;收养;正式通过; attitude:n.态度;看法;意见;姿势; appreciative:adj.感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的; demos:n.民众;人民;游行;录音样带(demo的复数形式);
Now if you know Aaron Swartz, you know that we lost him just over a year ago. 如果你认识艾伦斯沃兹 你知道他已经离开了我们 就在一年前
It was about six weeks before I gave my TED Talk, and I was so grateful to Chris that he asked me to give this TED Talk, not because I had the chance to talk to you, although that was great, but because it pulled me out of an extraordinary depression . 就在我到TED演讲前的六个礼拜 现在我非常感激 克里斯邀请我来到TED演讲 并不是因为我有机会跟你们分享我的演讲 尽管这也很伟大 但是因为它把我从一种巨大的压抑中拉了出来
extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁;
I couldn't begin to describe the sadness. 我不能总是宣泄我的悲伤
Because I had to focus. 因为我必须要投注全部注意到真正重要的问题上
I had to focus on, what was I going to say to you? 那就是我能为你们讲一些什么
It saved me. 这件事拯救了我
But after the buzz , the excitement , the power that comes from this community, 在脑中嗡嗡作响数秒之后 一种来自这个社会的令人兴奋的力量喷涌而来
buzz:n.嗡嗡声; v.发出嗡嗡声; excitement:n.兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物;
I began to yearn for a less sterile , less academic way to address these issues , the issues that I was talking about. 我开始期待用一种趣味性的、 活泼的方式去谈论这些 我和你们讨论的话题
yearn:vi.渴望,向往;思念,想念;怀念;同情,怜悯; sterile:adj.不育的;无菌的;贫瘠的;不毛的;枯燥乏味的; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
We'd begun to focus on New Hampshire as a target for this political movement, because the primary in New Hampshire is so incredibly important. 我们开始投入注意力到新罕布什尔州去 我们建立达到这个州政治进步的目标 因为这对于在新罕布什尔州的大选来说 具有难以置信的重要意义
Hampshire:n.汉普郡(英国南部之一郡); incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地;
It was a group called the New Hampshire Rebellion that was beginning to talk about, how would we make this issue of this corruption central in 2016? 这个小组叫 新罕布什尔州反抗小组 我们开始讨论如何在2016年 针对这个腐败中心引发社会的争论
But it was another soul that caught my imagination , a woman named Doris Haddock , aka Granny D. 但是有另外一个点子勾起了我的想象 一个叫做多丽丝哈多克,我们通常也叫她D奶奶
imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物; Haddock:n.[鱼]黑线鳕(鳕的一种);
On January 1, 1999, 15 years ago, at the age of 88, Granny D started a walk. 在15年前的1999年1月1号, 当她88岁的时候,她开始了一场徒步行走
She started in Los Angeles and began to walk to Washington, D.C. 她从洛杉矶出发 计划走到华盛顿特区
with a single sign on her chest that said, "campaign finance reform ." 她胸牌上写着一个简单的口号 “竞选财务改革”
finance:n.财政,财政学;金融;v.负担经费,供给…经费; reform:v.改革;改进;改良;(使)悔改;n.改革;改良;改善;
Eighteen months later, at the age of 90, she arrived in Washington with hundreds following her, including many congressmen who had gotten in a car and driven out about a mile outside of the city to walk in with her. 18个月后 当她90岁的时候 她和几百个追随她的人一起来到了华盛顿特区 其中包括了许多开车前往的国会议员 他们甚至开出城区一公里 放下车和她一起结伴步行
(Laughter) (笑)
Now, I don't have 13 months to walk across the country. 对我来说,我没有13个月的时间 可以让我横穿整个国家
I've got three kids who hate to walk, and a wife who, it turns out, still hates when I'm not there for mysterious reasons, so this was not an option , but the question I asked, could we remix Granny D a bit? 我有三个很讨厌步行的孩子 和一个事实证明仍然很讨厌 我因为神秘理由不在家的妻子 所以对我来说没有机会(去做这件事) 但是我有一个问题 我们是否能够中和D奶奶的想法一些
mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; option:n.选择;可选择的东西; remix:vt.使再混合;再搅拌;重新合成(乐曲等);n.混录版歌曲;
What about a walk not of 3,200 miles but of 185 miles across New Hampshire in January? 一场3200公里的徒步如何? 或者是一场185公里的 在一月份横跨新罕布什尔州步行活动怎么样?
So on January 11, the anniversary of Aaron's death, we began a walk that ended on January 24th, the day that Granny D was born. 追随这个想法,在1月11号 艾伦忌日的那天 我们开始了这项活动 直到 1月24号D奶奶生日那天
A total of 200 people joined us across this walk, as we went from the very top to the very bottom of New Hampshire talking about this issue. 总共有200个人和我们一起经历了这项徒步行走 我们翻越和行走在新罕布什尔州的山脉和河流 在此过程中我们讨论竞选财务腐败问题
And what was astonishing to me, something I completely did not expect to find, was the passion and anger that there was among everyone that we talked to about this issue. 令我们惊讶的是 当我们讨论这些问题时,那些我从来没有预想到的 存在于我们每一个人身体中激情和愤怒
astonishing:adj.令人十分惊讶的;v.使十分惊讶;使吃惊;(astonish的现在分词) passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒;
We had found in a poll that 96 percent of Americans believe it important to reduce the influence of money in politics . 有一项名义调查,96%的美国人 相信削减金钱在政治上的影响 会对美国社会非常重要
poll:n.投票; v.获得(票数); adj.当事人一方作成的; influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数)
Now politicians and pundits tell you, there's nothing we can do about this issue, 而当今的政界人士和学者却告诉你 他们对于这个问题束手无策
politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数) pundits:权威(pundit的复数);
Americans don't care about it, but the reason for that is that 91 percent of Americans think there's nothing that can be done about this issue. 因为美国人民并不关心这个, 但是,他们不关心这件事的原因是因为 91%的美国人 认为对于这个问题是没有解决的方法的
And it's this gap between 96 and 91 that explains our politics of resignation . 这里有一个96%和91%之间存在的缺口 来解释了我们政治上顺从不反抗的原因
gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开; resignation:n.辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从;
I mean, after all, at least 96 percent of us wish we could fly like Superman, but because at least 91 percent of us believe we can't, we don't leap off of tall buildings every time we have that urge. 我的意思是,毕竟至少我们当中96%的人们 希望我们能像超人一样飞翔 但是至少有91%的人却不相信我们可以飞翔 我们并不能每次从高楼大厦之间跳跃飞翔 我们有的仅仅是这个冲动
That's because we accept our limits, and so too with this reform. 这就是为什么我们接受了自己的局限的原因 而这一改革也是如此
But when you give people the sense of hope, you begin to thaw that absolute sense of impossibility . 但是当你给民众这种希望的感觉的时候 你已经开始消融了这种不可能性的感觉
thaw:vi.融解;变暖和;vt.使融解;使变得不拘束;n.解冻;融雪; impossibility:n.不可能;不可能的事;
As Harvey Milk said, if you give 'em hope, you give 'em a chance, a way to think about how this change is possible. 正如哈维米克尔说的那样,如果你给予一个希望 给予一种机会,一种思考的方式 关于改变的可能性
Hope. 那就是希望
And hope is the one thing that we, Aaron's friends, failed him with, because we let him lose that sense of hope. 而”希望“这样东西 我们作为艾伦的朋友却没能给予他的 因为我们让他失去了这种希望的感觉
I loved that boy like I love my son. 我如同爱自己的儿子一样爱着他
But we failed him. 但是最终我们却让他失望
And I love my country, and I'm not going to fail that. 我热爱我的国家 但我不想让我的国家失望
I'm not going to fail that. 我不能让它失望
That sense of hope, we're going to hold, and we're going to fight for, however impossible this battle looks. 我们向往能够拥有这种希望的感觉 我们希望因此去为那些 尽管看起来不可能胜利的斗争而战斗
What's next? 接下来我们做了什么呢
Well, we started with this march with 200 people, and next year, there will be 1,000 on different routes that march in the month of January and meet in Concord to celebrate this cause, and then in 2016, before the primary, there will be 10,000 who march across that state, meeting in Concord to celebrate this cause. 首先,我们开始了一场200个人的游行 第二年更多的人加入进来,他们在一月的时候 行走在不同的线路上 而这个人数将有可能到达1000人 他们最后将康科德相遇去庆祝这项活动 紧接着2016年,大选之前 将会有1万人横跨新罕布什尔州 最终在康科德相遇去庆祝这项活动
routes:n.路线;途径;路途;渠道;v.按某路线发送;(route的第三人称单数和复数) Concord:n.和谐;和睦;一致;协调;
And as we have marched, people around the country have begun to say, "Can we do the same thing in our state?" 当我们开始游行的时候,来自不同国家的人们 开始讨论,我们能不能够在我们自己的州 做同样的事情
So we've started a platform called G.D. Walkers,that is, Granny D walkers, and Granny D walkers across the country will be marching for this reform. Number one. 所以我们开始了一个叫做G.D. Walkers的平台 G.D. 步行者们 将会为这个改革而游行
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处;
Number two, on this march, one of the founders of Thunderclap , David Cascino, was with us, and he said, "Well what can we do?" 第二,在今年三月 其中一个雷霆的创始人,戴维卡西诺 跟我们一起参与步行 然后他说,我们能真正做些什么?
founders:n.创办人;造物者(founder的复数); Thunderclap:n.霹雳;雷声;晴天霹雳似的消息;
And so they developed a platform, which we are announcing today, that allows us to pull together voters who are committed to this idea of reform. 然后他们创立了一个平台 目的是 创造机会让我们把所有 有志于这种想法的投票民众联合起来。
pull together:齐心协力; committed:adj.坚信的; v.做出错事; (commit的过去分词和过去式)
Regardless of where you are, in New Hampshire or outside of New Hampshire, you can sign up and directly be informed where the candidates are on this issue so you can decide who to vote for as a function of which is going to make this possibility real. 不管你在哪儿 在不在新罕布什尔州 你可以注册并直接收到 那些候选人关于竞选资本问题上的信息 根据这个你可以选择你应该将票投向谁 这个平台将把最初可能性构想 转化为真实可能的平台
Regardless:adj.不管的; v.不顾后果地; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; informed:adj.见多识广的; v.通知; (inform的过去分词和过去式)
And then finally number three, the hardest. 最后第三,也是最难的
We're in the age of the Super PAC. 我们正在经历超级资本的时代
Indeed yesterday, Merriam announced that Merriam-Webster will have Super PAC as a word. 事实上昨天,韦氏字典宣告 韦氏字典将会将超级PAC收录到词典中
It is now an official word in the dictionary. 现在它成为一个官方认可的词汇了
So on May 1, aka May Day, we're going to try an experiment. 在5月1日,也就是国际劳动节 我们将开始一项实验
We're going to try a launching of what we can think of as a Super PAC to end all Super PACs. 我们将尝试推出一项 可以帮助我们思考的计划 来帮助我们结束超级筹款机的垄断
And the basic way this works is this. 这也是这项工作最根本的地方
For the last year, we have been working with analysts and political experts to calculate, how much would it cost to win enough votes in the United States Congress to make fundamental reform possible? 在过去的一年里,我们已经开始 和分析家们、政治专家一起 计算政客会花费多少钱 才能在大选重赢得足够选票 使得从根本上改革成为可能?
analysts:n.分析师;分析家;[分化]分析员(analyst的复数); United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
What is that number? Half a billion? A billion? 那么这个数字是多少呢?500万?1000万?
What is that number? 这个数字到底是什么呢?
And then whatever that number is, we are going to kickstart , sort of, because you can't use KickStarter for political work, but anyway, kickstart , sort of, first a bottom-up campaign where people will make small dollar commitments contingent on reaching very ambitious goals, and when those goals have been reached, we will turn to the large dollar contributors , to get them to contribute to make it possible for us to run the kind of Super PAC necessary to win this issue, to change the way money influences politics, so that on November 8, which I discovered yesterday is the day that Aaron would have been 30 years old, on November 8, we will celebrate 218 representatives in the House and 60 Senators in the United States Senate who have committed to this idea of fundamental reform. 不管这个数字是多少 我们将启动众筹网 因为你不可能使用众筹网去做政治工作 但是不管如何,各种各样的众筹网 是第一个自下而上的运动 人们可以花费很少的钱 去帮助达到一个非常有野心的目标 当这些目标已经达成 我们将会得到很大的经济收益 去帮助他们实现可能 对我们来说去经营超级PAC 来赢得胜利非常必要 去改变金钱影响政治的方式 因此在11月8日 我昨天发现 假如艾伦依然健在,选举日那一天将会是他30岁生日 在11月8号这天 我们将会庆祝,承担这项改革使命的218位 白宫代表和60位国会议员 在美国参议院 已经开始致力于根本性变革。
kickstart:脚踏起动;脚踏起动器; bottom-up:adj.[计]自底向上的;从细节到总体的; commitments:n.承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身;(commitment的复数) contingent:n.代表团;一组与会者;小分队;adj.依情况而定的; ambitious:adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的; contributors:n.贡献者;参与者;编著者(contributor的复数形式); contribute to:有助于;捐献; influences:n.影响; v.影响; representatives:n.代表;众议院(representative的复数形式); Senators:n.参议员(senator的复数); Senate:n.参议院,上院;(古罗马的)元老院;
So last night, we heard about wishes. 昨晚,我们听到了许多美好的期望
Here's my wish. 这是我的期望
May one. 可能仅仅是一个
May the ideals of one boy unite one nation behind one critical idea that we are one people, we are the people who were promised a government, a government that was promised to be dependent upon the people alone, the people, who, as Madison told us, meant not the rich more than the poor. 来自一个男孩 对国家团结的思考带来的一个想法 但我们是站在一起的人 我们有权获得一个政府 一个聆听民众之需求和呼吁的政府 正如麦迪森所说 不是富人,也不仅仅是穷人
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; dependent upon:取决于;
May one. 5月1日
And then may you, may you join this movement, not because you're a politician, not because you're an expert, not because this is your field, but because if you are, you are a citizen. 希望你加入到这项改革中来 不是因为你是一个政客 不是因为你是一个专家 也不是因为这是你擅长的领域 而是因为你是 一位美国公民
Aaron asked me that. 这是艾伦问我的
Now I've asked you. 就是现在我在问你的
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)