

In 2008, Cyclone Nargis devastated Myanmar . 2008年Nargis台风袭击了缅甸
Cyclone:n.旋风;[气象]气旋;飓风; devastated:adj.不安的,混乱的,震惊的; v.彻底破坏; (devastate的过去分词和过去式) Myanmar:n.缅甸(东南亚国家);
Millions of people were in severe need of help. 数百万人急需帮助
The U.N. wanted to rush people and supplies to the area. 联合国想调度人员、物资进入灾区
But there were no maps, no maps of roads, no maps showing hospitals, no way for help to reach the cyclone victims. 但是标明灾区道路的地图并不存在 地图上也没有标示医院,因此无法帮助台风受害的民众。
When we look at a map of Los Angeles, or London it is hard to believe that as of 2005 only 15 percent of the world was mapped to a geocodable level of detail. 当我们看洛杉矶,伦敦的地图时 让人难以置信的是 截止到2005年全世界只有15%的地方 有精确地图可供地理软件使用
The U.N. ran headfirst into a problem that the majority of the world's populous faces: not having detailed maps. 联合国跟世界大部分的人们 遭遇到一样的问题: 没有详细的地图。
headfirst:adv.不顾前后地;头向前地; majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: populous:adj.人口稠密的;人口多的;
But help was coming. 幸好援助来了
At Google , 40 volunteers used a new software to map 120,000 kilometers of roads, 3,000 hospitals, logistics and relief points. 在谷歌有40个志愿者 用一个软件 标示了120,000公里的路 3000个医院,运输和救援中心
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数) logistics:n.[军]后勤;后勤学;物流; relief:n.救济;减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕;
And it took them four days. 他们一共花了四天
The new software they used? Google Mapmaker . 他们用的软件?叫Google Mapmaker (地图创作家)
Google Mapmaker is a technology that empowers each of us to map what we know locally . Google Mapmaker 是一个允许我们 标注我们地方讯息的科技
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; empowers:授权;使能够(empower的第三人称单数); locally:adv.在本地;局部地;在地方上;
People have used this software to map everything from roads to rivers, from schools to local businesses, and video stores to the corner store. 人们使用这套软件 在地图上标注了道路,河流 学校,地方企业 电影出租店到街角的商店。
Maps matter. 地图很重要
Nobel Prize nominee Hernando De Soto recognized that key to economic liftoff for most developing countries is to tap the vast amounts of uncapitalized land. 诺贝尔奖被提名人Hernamdo De Soto认为 发展那些大量未被开发的土地 对发展中国家的经济跃进 起着关键性的作用。
Nobel Prize:n.诺贝尔奖; nominee:n.被任命者;被提名的人;代名人; recognized:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的过去分词和过去式) economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; liftoff:n.发射;起飞时刻;搬走;
For example, a trillion dollars of real estate remains uncapitalized in India alone. 举例来说,光在印度 还有三兆美元价值的不动产没被发展。
trillion:n.[数]万亿;adj.万亿的;num.[数]万亿; real estate:n.房地产;不动产;
In the last year alone, thousands of users in 170 countries have mapped millions of pieces of information, and created a map of a level of detail never thought viable . 光在去年 在170个国家数千个使用者 在地图上加上了数百万笔的讯息 创造了前所未有的精确度
And this was made possible by the power of passionate users everywhere. 这都要感谢世界各地热情的使用者 使这一切变为可能。
Let's look at some of the maps being created by users right now. 现在让我们看一看 这些使用者标注地图的情况:
So, as we speak people are mapping the world in these 170 countries. 就在我们在这里演说的同时 有170个国家的人在标示地图
You can see Bridget in Africa who just mapped a road in Senegal. 你可以看到在非洲的Bridget在标示赛内加尔的道路
And, closer to home, Chalua, an N.G. road in Bangalore. 离这近一点的Chulua在标示班加罗尔的NG路
This is the result of computational geometry , gesture recognition , and machine learning. 这是综合了计算机地理 动作识别,机器学习的结果
computational:adj.计算的; geometry:n.几何学;几何结构; gesture:n.手势;姿势;示意动作;表示;v.做手势;用手势表示; recognition:n.识别;认识;承认;认可;
This is a victory of thousands of users, in hundreds of cities, one user, one edit at a time. 这是分布在数百个城市 数千个使用者的胜利 一个使用者,一次编辑一个讯息
This is an invitation to the 70 percent of our unmapped planet. 这也是对全球那70%还没标注地图 的地区的邀请
invitation:n.邀请,引诱 unmapped:adj.未绘制地图的;地图上未标明的;
Welcome to the new world. 欢迎来到新世界
(Applause) (掌声)