

Long ago, in ancient China, the Peacocks ru/ed over Gongmen City. 很久以前…在古老的中国 孔雀统治着宫门城
They brought great joy and prosperity to the city for they had invented fireworks . 他们为宫门城 带来了欢乐和繁荣 因为他们发明了烟火
prosperity:n.繁荣,成功; fireworks:n.烟花;烟火表演;激烈的言辞;令人激动的行动;(firework的复数)
But their son, Lord Shen, saw darker power in the fireworks. 但是皇子沈五爷 发现烟火邪恶的力量
What had brought co/or and joy cou/d a/so bring darkness and destruction . 带来灿烂色彩和欢乐的烟火 现在也能带来黑暗和毁灭
Shen's troub/ed parents consu/ted a soothsayer . 他的父母忧心的向羊仙姑求助
She foreto/d that if Shen continued down this dark path, he wou/d be defeated by a warrior of b/ack and white. 她预言沈五爷 若继续走向这条黑暗之路 他将被一名黑白相间 的勇士击败
The young /ord set out to change his fate. 年轻的沈五爷 决定改变他的命运
But what he did next on/y sea/ed it. 他接下来所做的 反而注定了他的宿命
Shen returned to his parents fu// of pride. 他趾高气昂地回去见他父母
But in their faces, he saw on/y horror . 但他在他们的眼里只看到恐惧
He was banished from the city forever. 他被永远逐出城外
But Shen swore revenge . 他发誓要报仇
Someday he wou/d return and a// of China wou/d bow at his feet. 而且他有一天会回来 到时全中国将臣服于他
lt's almost done, Lord Shen, but we've run out of metal. 就快做好了,沈五爷 但是金属用完了
run out of:用完;
Search the farthest villages! Find more metal! 到各大小村庄搜刮! 把铁器都给我拿回来!
China will be mine. 中国会是我的…
And then the Dragon Warrior joined the Furious Five! 神龙大侠后来就加入 盖世五侠的行列
Dragon:n.龙;悍妇;母夜叉; Furious:adj.激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的;
And they became the most awesomest kung fu team ever! 成为超炫的功夫团队!
Enough talk. Let's fight! 别说了,来打吧!
Thirty-three... - Listen, listen! 听一下…
You can hear the Dragon Warrior training right now! 神龙大侠好像在练功!
Thirty-three. Stop him! 33!阻止他!
Thirty-four. - lt's too dangerous! 太危险了!
Thirty-five. Stay focused. - Thirty-six! 专心一点! 36!
37! - Thirty-seven! - Yeah!
How is he doing that with his face? 他是怎么做到的?
Thirty-eight bean buns ! 38个红豆包!
Yes! New record! You monster ! 全新的记录! 你是食神!
Keep going! Hit 40! - He'll never hit 40. 继续塞!塞满40个! 不可能的啦!
You guys wait and we'll go to 40. 等着瞧,我会塞下40个
Do it. 加油!
No problem! 没问题
Give me a minute. 等我一下
He did it! - Well done , Po! 他做到了! 干得好,阿宝!
Well done:好样的,干得好;
Your training has paid off. 你这么努力终于有了成果
Master Shifu ! Gotta go. See you later! 师父在叫! 我得闪了,回头见!
You'll save those for me, right? 你们会留一些给我吧?
lnner peace. 平心静气…
lnner peace. 平心静气…
lnner peace. 平心静气…
Master Shifu. 师父…
Master Shifu, what do we got? 师父…敌人是谁?
Pirates? Vandals of Volcano Mountain? 海盗?火山帮?
Vandals:n.破坏文化遗产的人(vandal的复数); Volcano:n.火山;
Whatever it is, l will take them down. 'Cause l am in a mood . 不管是谁,我都会打败他们 因为我斗志高昂
l need to get something done, you know what l mean? 我得做些什么,你明白吗?
What are you doing? 你在做什么呀?
One of Master Oogway's final teachings . 龟大仙教我的最后一招
Awesome ! 帅呆了!
How did you do that? 你是怎么做到的?