

Today I'm going to take you on a voyage to some place so deep, so dark, so unexplored that we know less about it than we know about the dark side of the moon. 今天,我将带你们启程前往 一个很深、 很黑暗、未被探索过的地方, 我们对它的了解比我们对月球背面的了解还要少。
voyage:v.航行;远行;(尤指)远航;n.航行;(尤指)航海; unexplored:adj.[地质]未勘查过的;
It's a place of myth and legend . 这是一个充满神秘与传奇之地。
myth:n.神话;虚构的人,虚构的事; legend:n.传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字;
It's a place marked on ancient maps as "here be monsters." 在古代地图上,它被标识为 “怪物出没”的地方。
It is a place where each new voyage of exploration brings back new discoveries of creatures so wondrous and strange that our forefathers would have considered them monstrous indeed. 这个地方,每个新的探索之旅 都带回了有关惊人的神奇生物的新发现, 我们的祖先认为这些生物是怪物。
exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数) wondrous:adj.奇妙的;令人惊奇的;非常的; forefathers:n.祖先;祖宗(尤指男性);(forefather的复数) monstrous:adj.巨大的;怪异的;荒谬的;畸形的;
Instead, they just make me green with envy that my colleague from IUCN was able to go on this journey to the south of Madagascar seamounts to actually take photographs and to see these wondrous creatures of the deep. 实际上,我十分羡慕 我世界自然保护联盟的同事们 能够去马达加斯加海岭的南部继续此次旅程, 去拍摄真实的图片, 去观察这些海洋深处的神奇生物。
green with envy:adj.非常嫉妒的; colleague:n.同事,同僚; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; seamounts:n.海底山;
We are talking about the high seas . 我们谈论的是公海。
high seas:n.公海;
The "high seas" is a legal term, but in fact, it covers 50 percent of the planet. 公海是一个法律概念。 但实际上,它覆盖了地球的50%。
With an average depth of the oceans of 4,000 meters, in fact, the high seas covers and provides nearly 90 percent of the habitat for life on this Earth. 海洋的平均深度 是4000米。 实际上,公海为地球上的生命 提供了近90%的 栖息地。
It is, in theory, the global commons, belonging to us all. 理论上,它是全球共有的, 属于我们大家。
But in reality, it is managed by and for those who have the resources to go out and exploit it. 但是,事实上 它被某些 有资源走入并勘探深海的人 管理和利用着。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); exploit:v.利用…为自己谋利;剥削;压榨;运用;发挥;
So today I'm going to take you on a voyage to cast light on some of the outdated myths and legends and assumptions that have kept us as the true stakeholders in the high seas in the dark. 因而,今天我要带你们展开旅程, 破除一些过时的 阻止我们成为 在黑暗的公海的真正的利益相关者的 神话、传奇与猜想。
outdated:adj.过时的;旧式的;v.使过时(outdate的过去式和过去分词); myths:神话;谬见; legends:n.传说; (legend的复数) assumptions:n.假定;假设;承担;获得;(assumption的复数) stakeholders:n.利益相关者;赌款保存人(stakeholder的复数);
We're going to voyage to some of these special places that we've been discovering in the past few years to show why we really need to care. 我们将航向一些特定的地点, 在过去数年我们在这些地方有所发现, 这些发现表明为何我们确实需要关注公海。
And then finally , we're going to try to develop and pioneer a new perspective on high seas governance that's rooted in ocean-basin-wide conservation , but framed in an arena of global norms of precaution and respect. 最后,我们将试着 发展和提出一个新的 有关公海治理的观点。 这一观点植根于整个海洋的保护, 在国际准则框架内 进行预警和关注。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; governance:n.管理;统治;支配; conservation:n.保存,保持;保护; framed:v.给…做框;给…镶边;制订;拟订;(frame的过去分词和过去式) arena:n.舞台;竞技场; norms:n.[标准]标准,规范;基准(norm复数形式); precaution:n.预防,警惕;预防措施;v.警惕;预先警告;
So here is a picture of the high seas as seen from above -- that area in the darker blue. 好,这是一幅公海图片, 正如之前所看到的 -- 是用深蓝色表示的区域。
To me, as an international lawyer, this scared me far more than any of the creatures or the monsters we may have seen, for it belies the notion that you can actually protect the ocean, the global ocean, that provides us all with carbon storage, with heat storage, with oxygen, if you can only protect 36 percent. 对于我,一名国际律师, 这更加让我害怕, 比起任何我们可能见过的生物或怪物更令人害怕, 因为它说明我们能切实保护海洋, 全球海洋 提供给我们所有人需要的 碳、热量、氧气, 如果你仅能保护其中的36%的话。
belies:vt.掩饰;与…不符;使失望;证明…虚假错误; notion:n.观念;信念;理解; carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的;
This is indeed the true heart of the planet. 这是真正的地球之心。
Some of the problems that we have to confront are that the current international laws -- for example, shipping -- provide more protection to the areas closest to shore. 我们不得不面对的一些问题 是现有的国际法—— 例如,航海方面—— 提供了更多保护 给那些近岸区域。
For example, garbage discharge , something you would think just simply goes away, but the laws regulating ship discharge of garbage actually get weaker the further you are from shore. 例如,垃圾排放, 你可能认为仅仅是简单地排放掉, 但是法律关于 船舶垃圾排放的规定 实际上离岸上越远就越软弱。
garbage:n.垃圾;废物; discharge:v.履行;释放;排出;流出;n.出院;执行;退伍;排出(物); regulating:vt.调节;校正(regulate的现在分词);
As a result , we have garbage patches the size of twice-Texas. 因此,我们垃圾排放场所的 面积相当于德克萨斯的两倍。
As a result:结果; patches:n.斑点;小块;补丁;眼罩;v.打补丁;缝补;修补;(patch的第三人称单数和复数)
It's unbelievable . 这令人难以置信。
We used to think the solution to pollution was dilution , but that has proved to be no longer the case. 我们过去认为解决污染的办法 是进行稀释, 但是这已被证明不再适用。
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; dilution:n.稀释,冲淡;稀释法;冲淡物;
So what we have learned from social scientists and economists like Elinor Ostrom, who are studying the phenomenon of management of the commons on a local scale , is that there are certain prerequisites that you can put into place that enable you to manage and access open space for the good of one and all . 因此,我们从社会学家 和经济学家,如埃莉诺.奥斯特洛姆那里学到的是, 他们正在研究 局部地区对共有物的管理现象, 那里有某种先决条件, 你能满足先决条件, 就能为了个人或社会的利益 管理和进入 公共领域。
phenomenon:n.现象;杰出的人;非凡的人(或事物); management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; prerequisites:n.预备知识,先决条件(prerequisite复数); enable:v.使能够;使有机会;使成为可能;使可行; one and all:全都;人人;
And these include a sense of shared responsibility, common norms that bind people together as a community . 这些包括一种共同的责任感, 共同的理念将人们团结在一起。
bind:v.结合;装订;有约束力;过紧;n.捆绑;困境;讨厌的事情;植物的藤蔓; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
Conditional access: You can invite people in, but they have to be able to play by the rules. 有条件准入:你可以邀请人们加入, 但他们必须按规则行事。
And of course, if you want people to play by the rules, you still need an effective system of monitoring and enforcement , for as we've discovered, you can trust, but you also need to verify . 当然,如果你想让人们按规则行事, 仍需要一个有效的系统 来监督和实施, 正如我们所发现的, 你可信任他们,但是也须证明他们可信。
effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; enforcement:n.执行,实施;强制; verify:vt.核实;查证;
What I'd also like to convey is that it is not all doom and gloom that we are seeing in the high seas. 我还想传达的是, 厄运和黑暗 并非我们在公海上所见到的全部。
convey:vt.传达;运输;让与; doom:n.厄运;毁灭;劫数;死亡;v.使…注定失败(或遭殃、死亡等); gloom:n.忧郁;阴暗;v.变阴暗;变忧沉;使黑暗;使忧郁;
For a group of very dedicated individuals -- scientists, conservationists , photographers and states -- were able to actually change a tragic trajectory that was destroying fragile seascapes such as this coral garden that you see in front of you. 对于一群非常乐于奉献的个人—— 科学家、环境保护主义者、 摄影家和国家—— 能够实实在在地改变悲剧轨迹, 这些悲剧轨迹破坏了脆弱的海洋风光。 例如这个珊瑚花园, 你面前所看到的这张,
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式) individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); conservationists:n.自然资源保护论者; tragic:adj.悲剧的;悲痛的,不幸的; trajectory:n.[物]轨道,轨线;[航][军]弹道; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; seascapes:n.[海洋]海景;海景画; coral:n.珊瑚;珊瑚虫;adj.珊瑚的;珊瑚色的;
That is, we're able to save it from a fate of deep-sea bottom trawling . 我们能够 从深海底部的拖网捕捞中挽救其命运。
deep-sea:adj.深海的; trawling:n.拖网作业;v.用拖网捕鱼;搜罗(trawl的ing形式);
And how did we do that? 我们怎么做的呢?
Well, as I said , we had a group of photographers that went out on board ships and actually photographed the activities in process . 如我之前所说,我们有一群摄影家登船出海, 他们拍摄了拖网捕捞活动过程。
as I said:正如我所说的 process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
But we also spent many hours in the basements of the United Nations , trying to work with governments to make them understand what was going on so far away from land that few of us had ever even imagined that these creatures existed. 但是,我们也在在联合国的机构 内花了一些时间, 尝试与政府合作,让他们明白 远离陆地的地方发生了什么 我们过去几乎没有人能想象到的事, 这些生物存在。
United Nations:n.联合国;
So within three years, from 2003 to 2006, we were able to get norm in place that actually changed the paradigm of how fishers went about deep-sea bottom trawling. 故在3年内, 从2003到2006年, 我们能够建立一些规范。 这些规范确实改变了过去的模式, 有关渔民从事 深海拖网捕捞的模式,
paradigm:n.范例;词形变化表; fishers:渔夫;渔船;食鱼貂(fisher的复数形式);
Instead of "go anywhere, do anything you want," 你不再能想去哪就去哪,想干啥就干啥。
we actually created a regime that required prior assessment of where you're going and a duty to prevent significant harm. 我们确实创设了一种制度, 你想到哪里去需要预先评估, 并有责任避免重大损害。
regime:n.政权,政体;社会制度;管理体制; prior:adj.先前的; n.(小隐修院)院长; v.居先; assessment:n.评定;估价; significant:adj.重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的;意味深长的;n.象征;有意义的事物;
In 2009, when the U.N. reviewed progress, they discovered that almost 100 million square-kilometers of seabed had been protected. 2009年,当联合国检查我们的进度时, 他们发现, 几乎1亿平方公里的海床 受到了保护。
reviewed:v.复习;评估;评论;检讨;(review的过去分词形式) seabed:n.海底;海床;
This does not mean that it's the final solution, or that this even provides permanent protection. 这并非意味着问题得到了彻底解决 或者已经提供了永久性保护。
But what it does mean is that a group of individuals can form a community to actually shape the way high seas are governed, to create a new regime. 但是它确实意味着, 一群个人可以形成一个团体, 来切实塑造 公海时代的治理方式, 创造一种新的制度。
So I'm looking optimistically at our opportunities for creating a true, blue perspective for this beautiful planet. 故我乐观地看待我们的机遇, 来创造一个真正蔚蓝的前景, 为这美丽的星球。
Sylvia's wish provides us with that leverage , that access to the heart of human beings, you might say, who have rarely seen places beyond their own toes , but are now hopefully going to become interested “西尔维娅的愿望”(项目名称) 向我们提供了 通往人类心灵的途径。 你可能会说, 这些几乎鼠目寸光的人 现在却越来越有兴趣
leverage:n.影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效力;v.举债经营;借贷收购; rarely:adv.很少地;难得;罕有地; toes:n.脚趾;足尖部;有…脚趾的;v.用脚尖走;(toe的第三人称单数和复数)
in the full life-cycle of creatures like these sea turtles , who indeed spend most of their time in the high seas. 关注海龟这样的生物的整个生命周期。 他们真的将大部分时间花在了公海上。
Today, we're just going to voyage to a small sampling of some of these special areas, just to give you an idea of the flavor of the riches and wonders they do contain. 今天我们只打算航行到 这些特殊地区中的很小一部分, 仅仅是给你一点 有关它们所蕴含的富饶与神奇风情的概念。
The Sargasso Sea, for example, is not a sea bounded by coastlines , but it is bounded by oceanic currents that contain and envelope this wealth of sargassum that grows and aggregates there. 例如马尾藻海, 它不是一个被海岸包围的海洋, 它被洋流环绕, 洋流包裹和环绕着 马尾藻的养分。 马尾藻生长、聚集于此。
Sargasso:n.马尾藻类海草; coastlines:n.[海洋]海岸线(coastline的复数); oceanic:adj.海洋的;海洋产出的;在海洋中生活的;广阔无垠的; envelope:n.信封,封皮;包膜;[天]包层;包迹; wealth:n.财富;大量;富有; aggregates:n.总量; v.聚集;
It's also known as the spawning ground for eels from Northern European and Northern American rivers that are now so dwindling in numbers that they've actually stopped showing up in Stockholm , and five showed up in the U.K. just recently . 它也被认为是鳗鱼产卵之地。 这些鳗鱼来自北欧 和北美的河流。 这些鱼的数量正在减少。 在斯德哥尔摩,它们已经消失了。 最近在英国发现了5条。
spawning:v.播种,产卵;大量生成(spawn的现在分词);n.产卵;增殖; eels:n.鳗鱼;鳗;鳗鲡;(eel的复数) dwindling:减少;变小;退化;使减少(dwindle的现在分词); Stockholm:n.斯德哥尔摩(瑞典首都); recently:adv.最近;新近;
But the Sargasso Sea, the same way it aggregates sargassum weed , actually is pulling in the plastic from throughout the region . 但是在马尾藻海 以聚集马尾藻的同样方式 聚集了 充满整个区域的塑料。
weed:v.除草;铲除;n.杂草,野草;菸草; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; region:n.地区;范围;部位;
This picture doesn't exactly show the plastics that I would like it to show, because I haven't been out there myself. 这个图片并未确切显示 我所想展示的这些塑料垃圾,因为我自己从未到过那里。
But there has just been a study that was released in February that showed there are 200,000 pieces of plastic per square-kilometer now floating in the surface of the Sargasso Sea, and that is affecting the habitat for the many species in their juvenile stages who come to the Sargasso Sea for its protection and its food. 但是这有一项研究 已于2月开始进行 表明那里每平方公里有 20万片塑料垃圾 正漂浮在马尾藻海的海面。 而且影响了很多 处于成长阶段的物种的栖息地。 它们来到马尾藻海 为了获得保护及食物。
released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) species:n.[生物]物种;种类; juvenile:adj.青少年的;幼稚的;n.青少年;少年读物;
The Sargasso Sea is also a wondrous place for the aggregation of these unique species that have developed to mimic the sargassum habitat. 马尾藻海仍是个神奇之地, 由于这些独特物种的聚集。 它们已适应马尾藻的栖息地。
aggregation:n.[地质][数]聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体; unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; mimic:vt.模仿,摹拟;n.效颦者,模仿者;仿制品;小丑;adj.模仿的,模拟的;假装的;
It also provides a special habitat for these flying fish to lay their eggs. 它也确实提供了一个特殊的栖息场所, 让这些飞鱼产卵。
But what I'd like to get from this picture is that we truly do have an opportunity to launch a global initiative for protection. 但是,我从这幅图片想到的是, 我们确实有机会 开展全球化的保护倡议
launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射; initiative:n.倡议;主动性;积极性;主动权;adj.起始的;
Thus, the government of Bermuda has recognized the need and its responsibility as having some of the Sargasso Sea within its national jurisdiction -- but the vast majority is beyond -- to help spearhead a movement to achieve protection for this vital area. 因此,百慕大政府已经认识到 必要性和责任感。 有部分马尾藻海 在其国内管辖权的范围之内—— 但是,马尾藻海庞大的主体部分超出了其管辖范围—— 百慕大政府正作为一项运动的先锋 来保护这个极重要的地区。
Bermuda:n.百慕大群岛(北大西洋西部群岛); recognized:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的过去分词和过去式) jurisdiction:n.司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限,权力; majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: spearhead:n.矛头;先锋;先锋部队;vt.带头;做先锋; vital:adj.至关重要的;生死攸关的;有活力的;
Spinning down to someplace a little bit cooler than here right now: the Ross Sea in the Southern Ocean. 现在我们转向一个比马尾藻海更冷一点的地方, 南太平洋的罗斯海。
It's actually a bay. 它实际是个海湾。
It's considered high seas, because the continent has been put off limits to territorial claims . 它被认为是公海,因为该大陆 已经超出 任何国家宣示领土的限度。
continent:n.大陆,洲,陆地;adj.自制的,克制的; territorial:adj.领土的;区域的;土地的;地方的;n.地方自卫队士兵; claims:v.宣称; n.声明; (claim的第三人称单数和复数)
So anything in the water is treated as if it's the high seas. 因此,该水域中的一切都被当做公海一样对待。
But what makes the Ross Sea important is the vast sea of pack ice that in the spring and summer provides a wealth of phytoplankton and krill that supports what, till recently, has been a virtually intact near-shore ecosystem . 但是罗斯海如此重要 是因为广袤海域由浮冰构成。 浮冰在春季和夏季 提供养分给浮游生物和磷虾。 直到近年它们仍支持着 一个完整的 近海生态系统。
phytoplankton:n.[植]浮游植物(群落); krill:n.南极磷虾; virtually:adv.事实上,几乎;实质上; intact:adj.完整的;原封不动的;未受损伤的; near-shore:近岸; ecosystem:n.生态系统;
But ont co >lor="Black"> t color= >"Black"> unfortunately >, CCAMLR, ont co >lor="Black"> t color= >"Black"> the regio >nal ont co >lor="Black"> t color= >"Black"> commission > ont co >lor="Black"> t color= >"Black"> in charge of > ont co >lor="Black"> t color= >"Black"> conserving > and managing fish stocks and other living marine resources, is unfortunately starting to give in to fishing interests and has authorized the expansion of toothfis ont co >lor="Black"> t color= >"Black"> h fisherie >s in ont co >lor="Black"> t color= >"Black"> the regio >n. 但是不幸的是,CAMLAR—— 一个地区的委员会, 它负责保护和管理渔业资源 和其他海洋生物资源, 不幸地开始向捕鱼利益让步 并授权在本地区 扩大对牙鱼的捕捞。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; commission:n.委员会;佣金;犯;委任;委任状;vt.委任;使服役;委托制作; in charge of:负责;主管; conserving:adj.保存的;v.保护;保藏;糖渍(conserve的ing形式);
The captain of a New Zealand vessel who was just down there is reporting a significant decline in the number of the Ross Sea killer whales, who are directly dependent on the Antarctic toothfish as their main source of food. 一艘新西兰船舶的船长 刚到过那里。 他报告称, 罗斯海虎鲸数量急剧减少。 虎鲸直接依赖南极牙鱼 作为主要食物来源。
Zealand:西兰岛(丹麦最大的岛) vessel:n.器皿;轮船;脉管;大船; decline:v.下降;衰退;减少;谢绝;n.下降; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; dependent on:依赖于;依靠; Antarctic:adj.南极(地方)的;n.南极地区;网络释义:南极的;南极区;南极地带的;
So what we need to do is to stand up boldly , singly and together, to push governments, to push regional fisheries management organizations , to declare our right 因此,我们需要做的是大胆站起来, 分别和共同 向政府施压, 向地区渔业管理组织施压, 宣示我们的权利,
boldly:adv.大胆地;冒失地;显眼地; singly:adv.逐一地;个别地;各自地;直截了当地; organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构;
to declare certain areas off-limits to high seas fishing, so that the freedom to fish no longer means the freedom to fish anywhere and anytime. 声明公海某些地区捕鱼量的上限。 以此说明捕鱼自由不在意味着 在任何地方、任何时间捕鱼的自由。
Coming closer to here, the Costa Rica Dome is a recently discovered area -- potentially year-round habitat for blue whales. 换一个更接近这里的地方,哥斯达黎加圆突区 是近年才开发的地区—— 是潜在的蓝鲸的常年栖息地。
Costa:n.[解剖]肋骨;叶脉;[昆]前缘脉; Dome:n.圆屋顶;vi.成圆顶状;vt.加圆屋顶于…上; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; year-round:adj.(开放,使用或运转等)一年到头的;整年;全年;全年的;
There's enough food there to last them the summer and the winter long. 这里有足够的食物 让他们度过四季。
But what's unusual about the Costa Rica Dome is, in fact, it's not a permanent place. 但是,哥斯达黎加圆突区的不平凡之处 在于它实际不是一个永久性区域。
It's an oceanographic phenomenon that shifts in time and space on a seasonal basis. 这是一个海洋学的现象, 它随时间及季节变动。
oceanographic:adj.海洋学的;有关海洋学的(等于oceanographical); shifts:n.转移; v.转移; (shift的第三人称单数) seasonal:adj.季节的;周期性的;依照季节的;
So, in fact, it's not permanently in the high seas. 实际上,它并非永久处于公海上,
It's not permanently in the exclusive economic zones of these five Central American countries, but it moves with the season. 它也并非永久处于 中美洲五国的专属经济区。 它随季节移动。
As such, it does create a challenge to protect, but we also have a challenge protecting the species that move along with it. 正因为如此,对它进行保护是项挑战。 但是我们也面临着保护随着它而移动的物种的挑战。
We can use the same technologies that fishers use to identify where the species are, in order to close the area when it's most vulnerable , which may, in some cases, be year-round. 我们能够使用同样的技术, 即渔民识别鱼群所在地的技术, 来接近这一地区。 当它极其脆弱的时候 ——在很多情况下,这可能是常年的。
technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的;
Getting closer to shore, where we are, this was in fact taken in the Galapagos. 我们靠近海岸一点, 就会发现这是在加拉帕格斯群岛发生的情况。
Many species are headed through this region, which is why there's been so much attention put into conservation of the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape. 很多物种经过这一地区, 因而这里获得很多 有关保护 太平洋东部热带海洋的关注。
Eastern:adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东方国家的;n.东方人;东正教信徒; Tropical:adj.热带的;热情的;酷热的;
This is the initiative that's been coordinated by Conservation International with a variety of partners and governments to actually try to bring integrated management regime throughout the area. 此倡议是得到 国际保护组织 和各方面以及一些政府的配合, 力图建立一体化的管理制度, 在这一区域。
coordinated:v.使协调;使相配合;搭配,协调;(coordinate的过去分词和过去式) variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化; integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词)
That is, it provides a wonderful example of where you can go with a real regional initiative. 它提供了一个“你能去哪里”的极好范例, 用一个真实的地区性倡议的方式。
It's protecting five World Heritage sites. 它保护着五处世界遗产。
Unfortunately, the World Heritage Convention does not recognize the need to protect areas beyond national jurisdiction, at present. 不幸的是,世界人类遗产公约 没有意识到需要保护的区域 目前超出了国家管辖的范围。
So a place like the Costa Rica Dome could not technically qualify the time it's in the high seas. 因此,一个像哥斯达黎加圆突区的地方, 严格来说无法证明 它在公海内的时间。
So what we've been suggesting is that we either need to amend the World Heritage Convention, so that it can adopt and urge universal protection of these World Heritage sites, or we need to change the name and call it Half-the-World Heritage Convention. 因此我们建议: 要么我们需要修订世界人类遗产公约, 让它能适应 和推动对这些世界遗产的普遍性保护。 要么我们改变该公约的名称, 称之为“半世界人类遗产公约”。
amend:v.修正;修订(法律文件、声明等); adopt:v.采取;接受;收养;正式通过; universal:adj.普遍的;全体的;全世界的;共同的;
But what we also know is that species like these sea turtles do not stay put in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape. 但是,我们也知道像这些海龟这样的物种 不会一直处于太平洋东部热带海洋。
These happen to go down to a vast South Pacific Gyre , where they spend most of their time and often end up getting hooked like this, or as bycatch. 它们有时会进入广阔的南太平洋的涡流中, 在此度过它们的大半生。 并且它们经常最后被这样钩住, 或者被误捕。
Gyre:n.回转;旋回;旋转;vi.旋回; hooked:adj.弯曲的; v.(使)钩住,挂住; (hook的过去分词和过去式)
So what I'd really like to suggest is that we need to scale-up . 因此,我确实要建议我们需要拓展。
We need to work locally , but we also need to work ocean-basin-wide. 我们需要局部性工作, 但是我们也需要进行海洋全流域的工作。
We have the tools and technologies now to enable us to take a broader ocean-basin-wide initiative. 我们现在有一些工具和技术 使我们能提出一个更广泛的 海洋全流域的倡议。
We've heard about the Tagging of Pacific Predators project, one of the 17 Census of Marine Life projects. 我们听说过“标记太平洋捕食动物”工程, 这是17个“海洋生命普查”工程之一。
Tagging:n.标记;锻尖;v.加标签于;附加;把…称为(tag的现在分词形式); Predators:n.捕食性动物;实行弱肉强食的人(或机构);掠夺者;(predator的复数) Census:vt.实施统计调查;n.人口普查,人口调查;
It's provided us data like this, of tiny, little sooty shearwaters that make the entire ocean basin their home. 它为我们提供了这样的数据, 小小的灰鹱 以整个海盆为家。
provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) sooty:adj.乌黑的;煤烟熏黑的;vt.用煤灰覆盖;用煤烟弄脏; shearwaters:n.海鸥;海鸥类飞鸟; basin:n.水池;流域;盆地;盆;
They fly 65,000 kilometers in less than a year. 在不到一年的时间内, 它们飞行65000公里。
So we have the tools and treasures coming from the Census of Marine Life. 因此我们有来自“海洋生命普查”工程的工具和数据。
And its culminating year that's going to be launched in October. 它的最后一年 将于10月开始。
culminating:v.(以某种结果)告终;(在某一点)结束;(culminate的现在分词) launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词)
So stay tuned for further information. 故要继续等待进一步信息。
What I find so exciting is that the Census of Marine Life has looked at more than the tagging of pacific predators; it's also looked in the really unexplored mid-water column , where creatures like this flying sea cucumber have been found. 振奋人心的发现是 “海洋生命普查” 不只着眼于标记太平洋的捕食动物, 它同样注意未被探索过的中水层生物, 在这里像这样游动的海参一类的生物 已被发现。
column:n.栏目,纵队; sea cucumber:n.海参;
And fortunately, we've been able, as IUCN, to team up with the Census of Marine Life and many of the scientists working there to actually try to translate much of this information to policymakers . 幸运的是,像国际自然和自然资源保护联合会一样,我们能够 与“海洋生命普查”工作合作, 而且有很多科学家为之工作, 力图传递 很多这种信息给政策制定者们。
team up with:与…合作,与…协作; translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; policymakers:n.决策人;(policymaker的复数)
We have the support of governments now behind us. 现在我们有了政府的支持。
We've been revealing this information through technical workshops . 我们通过技术工作室发布这种信息。
revealing:adj.暴露的;发人深省的;v.揭示;露出;显示;展示;(reveal的现在分词) technical:adj.工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的; workshops:n.工作坊,[工业]车间;研习会,讲习班(workshop的复数形式);
And the exciting thing is that we do have sufficient information to move ahead to protect some of these significant hope spots, hotspots . 令人兴奋地是我们有足够的信息 去进一步保护一些 明显有希望的地区和热点地区。
sufficient:adj.足够的;充分的; hotspots:n.热点(hotspot的复数);麻烦地点,热点地区;
At the same time we're saying, "Yes, we need more. We need to move forward." 同时,我们号召 “是的,我们需要更多,我们需要前进”。
At the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
But many of you have said, if you get these marine protected areas, or a reasonable regime for high seas fisheries management in place, how are you going to enforce it? 但是你们中的很多人说过, 如果这些海域能得到保护, 或是一项合理的公海渔业管理制度能够到位。 你将如何去执行它?
Which leads me to my second passion besides ocean science, which is outer space technology . 这将我引向除了海洋科学以外,我第二感兴趣的方面, 就是外层空间技术。
passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; outer:adj.外面的,外部的;远离中心的;n.环外命中; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
I wanted to be an astronaut, so I've constantly followed what are the tools available to monitor Earth from outer space -- and that we have incredible tools like we've been learning about, in terms of being able to follow tagged species throughout their life-cycles in the open ocean. 我曾想成为一名宇航员, 故我一直关注 可从外层空间, 监测地球的技术—— 如我们所知,我们拥有惊人的技术, 跟踪被标记了的物种的科技, 在它们的整个生命周期中, 在海洋里。
constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; tagged:adj.标记的;示踪的;加标记的;v.附以签条(tag的过去分词); in the open:在户外;在野外;
We can also tag and track fishing vessels . 我们也能标记和追踪渔船。
track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪; vessels:n.血管(vessel的复数);船舶;容器;
Many already have transponders on board that allow us to find out where they are and even what they're doing. 很多船上已经装了异频雷达收发机, 使我们能发现它们在哪里以及在做什么。
But not all the vessels have those to date. 但是迄今为止并非所有船舶都安装上了。
It does not take too much rocket science to actually try to create new laws to mandate , if you're going to have the privilege of accessing our high seas resources, we need to know -- someone needs to know -- where you are and what you're doing. 这并不需要多少高科技 来创造新的法律。 如果你想拥有特权 获得我们的公海资源, 我们需要知道——有人需要知道—— 你在哪里以及在做什么。
rocket science:复杂的事;航天器学; mandate:n.授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作;vt.授权;托管; privilege:n.特权;优待;v.给与…特权;特免;
So it brings me to my main take-home message, which is we can avert a tragedy of the commons. 因此,它将我带回主题 这就是我们能够避免共同的悲剧。
take-home:=take-homepay; avert:vt.避免,防止;转移; tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品;
We can stop the collision course of 50 percent of the planet with the high seas. 我们能阻止这些冲突, 这些冲突发生在占地球50% 的公海上。
But we need to think broad-scale. We need to think globally. 但是我们需要广泛思考,我们需要全球性的思考,
We need to change how we actually go about managing these resources. 我们需要改变我们正用于 管理这些资源的方式。
We need to get the new paradigm of precaution and respect. 我们需要获得新的 关于预防和重视的模式。
At the same time, we need to think locally, which is the joy and marvel of Sylvia's hope spot wish, is that we can shine a spotlight on many of these previously unknown areas, and to bring people to the table, if you will, to actually make them feel part of this community that truly has a stake in their future management. 同时,我们需要局部性思考。 “西尔维娅的愿望”能够获得成功的原因 是我们能够聚焦于一个亮点, 在这些此前未知的地区。 然后把问题带给人们——如果你愿意—— 使他们感到自己是这个团体的一部分 这个团体确实具有利害关系 在他们未来的管理中。
marvel:n.奇迹;vt.对…感到惊异;vi.感到惊讶; spotlight:n.聚光灯;反光灯;公众注意的中心;v.聚光照明;使公众注意; previously:adv.先前;以前;
And third is that we need to look at ocean-basin-wide management. 第三,我们需要关注海洋全流域的管理
Our species are ocean-basin-wide. 各物种都是海底全流域活动的
Many of the deep-sea communities have genetic distribution that goes ocean-basin-wide. 很多深海群落 有着遗传学分布, 遍及海洋全流域。
communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数) genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销;
We need to better understand, but we also need to start to manage and protect. 我们需要理解, 但是我们也需要开始管理和保护。
And in order to do that, you also need ocean-basin management regimes . 为了做到这些, 你也需要海盆管理制度。
That is, we have regional management regimes within the exclusive economic zone , but we need to scale these up, we need to build their capacity , so they're like the Southern Ocean, where they do have the two-pronged fisheries and conservation organization. 我们有地区性管理制度, 在专属经济区。 但是我们需要整合它们,我们需要设立权限, 像在南太平洋那样。 在那里,它们有双管齐下的渔业 和保护组织。
exclusive economic zone:专属经济区; capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; two-pronged:adj.双叉的,二叉的;双尖的,双支的;
So with that, I would just like to sincerely thank and honor 所以在这一点上,我愿意真诚感谢和赞扬
Sylvia Earle for her wish, for it is helping us to put a face on the high seas and the deep seas beyond national jurisdiction. “西尔维娅.厄尔的愿望”, 它帮助我们面向公海 和超出国家管辖权的深海。
It's helping to bring an incredible group of talented people together to really try to solve and penetrate these problems that have created our obstacles to management and rational use of this area that was once so far away and remote . 这有助于我们组建一个令人惊叹的团体。 它由极具天赋的人们共同组成, 力图解决和洞察 这些给我们制造障碍的问题, 来管理和理性利用 这曾一度遥远的区域。
penetrate:v.渗透;进入;穿过;看透; obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式) rational:n.理性;人类;合理的事物;[数]有理数;adj.合理的;理性的;明智的;理智的; remote:adj.偏远的;偏僻的;遥远的;久远的;
So on this tour, I hope I provided you with a new perspective of the high seas: one, that it is our home too, and that we need to work together if we are to make this a sustainable ocean future for us all. 因此,这趟旅程,我希望能带给你们 一个有关公海的全新视角, 公海只有一个,它也是我们的家园。 我们需要共同努力, 如果我们要使公海在未来成为可持续的属于所有人的海洋。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)