

When I first arrived in beautiful Zimbabwe , it was difficult to understand that 35 percent of the population is HIV positive . 当我第一次到达美丽的津巴布韦时 我很难想象这个国家有35%的人口 感染艾滋病毒。
Zimbabwe:n.津巴布韦(国家名,位于非洲); HIV:n.艾滋病病毒; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
It really wasn't until I was invited to the homes of people that I started to understand the human toll of the epidemic . 直到我受邀到那些患者的家里 我才认识到人类为传染艾滋病所付出的代价
toll:n.伤亡人数; v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟); (尤指)鸣(丧钟); epidemic:n.流行病;蔓延;adj.传染病;流行性的;
For instance , this is Herbert with his grandmother. 举个例子,这是Herbert和他的祖母
When I first met him, he was sitting on his grandmother's lap. 当我第一次看到他时,他坐在他祖母的大腿上
He has been orphaned , as both of his parents died of AIDS, and his grandmother took care of him until he too died of AIDS. 他因父母双双死于艾滋而成为孤儿 他的祖母照顾他直到他也同样死于艾滋
He liked to sit on her lap because he said that it was painful for him to lay in his own bed. 他喜欢坐在她的大腿上 因为他说躺在床上会觉得很痛
When she got up to make tea, she placed him in my own lap and I had never felt a child that was that emaciated . 当祖母起身去泡茶时,他把Herbert放在我的大腿上 我从来没有抱过这么瘦弱的孩子
Before I left, I actually asked him if I could get him something. 在我走之前, 我问他是否需要些什么
I thought he would ask for a toy, or candy, and he asked me for slippers , because he said that his feet were cold. 我以为他会想要玩具、糖果什么的 但他想要的是拖鞋 因为他说他的脚会冷
This is Joyce who's -- in this picture -- 21. 这是Joyce 一个21岁女孩的照片
Single mother, HIV positive. 一个感染了艾滋的单亲妈妈
I photographed her before and after the birth of her beautiful baby girl, Issa. 我在她生下宝贝女儿Lssa 的前、后为她拍照
And I was last week walking on Lafayette Street in Manhattan and got a call from a woman who I didn't know, but she called to tell me that Joyce had passed away at the age of 23. 当我上周走在曼哈顿的拉法叶大街时 接到一个我不认识女人的电话 她跟我说年仅23岁的Joyce 去世了
Joyce's mother is now taking care of her daughter, like so many other Zimbabwean children who've been orphaned by the epidemic. 现在是Joyce的妈妈在照看她的女儿 像很多因传染艾滋病而变成孤儿 的津巴布韦儿童一样
So a few of the stories. 这是众多案例中的几个故事
But with every picture, there are individuals who have full lives and stories that deserve to be told. 但在每张照片中 他们每个人都有值得被传颂的 生命的历程和故事
individuals:n.[经]个人;[生物]个体(individual的复数); deserve:vi.应受,应得;
All these pictures are from Zimbabwe. 所有这些照片都来自津巴布韦
Chris Anderson: Kirsten, will you just take one minute, just to tell your own story of how you got to Africa? Chris Anderson:Kirsten,能不能请你用一分钟的时间 简单的告诉我们你为什么想去非洲
Kirsten Ashburn: Mmm, gosh. Kirsten Ashburn: Mmm 怎么说呢
CA: Just -- CA:简单谈谈就好
KA: Actually, I was working at the time, doing production for a fashion photographer. KA:事实上,我那时正为一位时尚摄影师 做制作的工作
And I was constantly reading the New York Times, and stunned by the statistics , the numbers. 那时我一直都在看纽约时报 对艾滋病相关的统计和数字感到震惊
constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; stunned:adj.震惊的; v.使昏迷; (stun的过去分词和过去式) statistics:n.统计数字;统计资料;统计学;(statistic的复数)
It was just frightening . 那些资料非常吓人
So I quit my job and decided that that's the subject that I wanted to tackle . 所以我辞掉工作 从事我真正想做的事
quit:v.离开;放弃;停止;使…解除;n.离开;[计]退出;adj.摆脱了…的;已经了结的; tackle:v.处理; n.用具;
And I first actually went to Botswana where I spent a month -- this is in December 2000 -- then went to Zimbabwe for a month and a half, and then went back again this March 2002 for another month and a half in Zimbabwe. 在2000的12月我花了一整个月 呆在博茨瓦那 然后又去津巴布韦待了一个月 接着在2002年的三月我又去了津巴布韦 待了一个月
CA: That's an amazing story, thank you. 这是个很棒的故事 谢谢
KB: Thanks for letting me show -- 谢谢你给我机会