

Now I'm going to give you a story. 让我给大家讲个故事。
It's an Indian story about an Indian woman and her journey . 这是个发生在印度的故事,关于一个印度女性和她的心路历程。
Let me begin with my parents. 让我从我的父母开始讲。
I'm a product of this visionary mother and father. 我是这对 远见卓识的父母的产物。
Many years ago, when I was born in the '50s -- '50s and '60s didn't belong to girls in India. 多年前当我出生时,正是五十年代 — 在印度五十年代,六十年代, 是不属于女性的。
They belonged to boys. 这是个属于男性的时代。
They belonged to boys who would join business and inherit business from parents, and girls would be dolled up to get married. 这个时代属于自己创业的男性, 以及从父母那里继承家业的男性。 女孩子们则像洋娃娃一样打扮起来嫁人。
inherit:v.继承;接替(责任等);继任; dolled:n.洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人;v.把…打扮得花枝招展;
My family, in my city, and almost in the country, was unique . 我的家庭,在我的城市 — 甚至整个国家 — 是非常特殊的。
We were four of us, not one, and fortunately no boys. 我们姐妹四个, 很幸运没有一个兄弟,
We were four girls and no boys. 我们是四姐妹。
And my parents were part of a landed property family. 我的父母 是祖祖代代拥有地产的家庭。
My father defied his own grandfather, almost to the point of disinheritance , because he decided to educate all four of us. 我的父亲为了教育我们四姐妹, 和我的祖父争执, 几乎丢掉了 继承权。
defied:adj.受蔑视的;遭违抗的;v.违抗(defy的过去式); disinheritance:n.废嫡;[法]剥夺继承权;断绝父子关系;
He sent us to one of the best schools in the city and gave us the best education. 他把我们送进了城里最好的学校 给了我们最好的教育。
As I've said, when we're born, we don't choose our parents, and when we go to school, we don't choose our school. 我曾说,当我们出生时,我们不能选择父母。 当我们上学时,我们也没法选择学校。
Children don't choose a school. (在印度)孩子们不能选学校,
They just get the school which parents choose for them. 只是去上父母替他们选好的学校。
So this is the foundation time which I got. 所以这个时期给我打下了基础。
I grew up like this, and so did my other three sisters. 我自由成长,我的三个姐妹也是。
And my father used to say at that time, "I'm going to spread all my four daughters in four corners of the world." 我父亲曾说, “我要把我的四个女儿送到世界的四个角落去。”
I don't know if he really meant [that], but it happened. 我不知道他是不是真的想让我们远走,但是这的确发生了。
I'm the only one who's left in India. 我是唯一留在印度的。
One is a British, another is an American and the third is a Canadian. 我的姐妹们一个在英国,一个在美国, 一个在加拿大。
So we are four of us in four corners of the world. 我们四个天各一方。
And since I said they're my role models, 我提过我的模范典型就是我的父母,
I followed two things which my father and mother gave me. 我从他们身上继承了两样东西。
One, they said, "Life is on an incline . 一个是他们说的:“生命像爬斜坡,
You either go up, or you come down." 不进 则退。”
And the second thing, which has stayed with me, which became my philosophy of life, which made all the difference, is: 100 things happen in your life, good or bad. 第二件,一直伴随我, 它成为了我的生命哲学, 让我的生命截然不同, 就是一百件事发生在你的生命中,不管好的坏的。
Out of 100, 90 are your creation . 九十件是你自己创造的。
They're good. They're your creation. Enjoy it. 九十件中有好事,你创造的就享受它们。
If they're bad, they're your creation. Learn from it. 要是你做了坏事,就从中学习。
Ten are nature-sent over which you can't do a thing. 一百件中只有十件是自然控制的,你无能为力。
It's like a death of a relative , or a cyclone , or a hurricane , or an earthquake. 这就好像亲友去世, 龙卷风,飓风,地震,
relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物; cyclone:n.旋风;[气象]气旋;飓风; hurricane:n.飓风,暴风;
You can't do a thing about it. 你是无能为力的。
You've got to just respond to the situation. 你只能被动作出反应。
But that response comes out of those 90 points. 但是你的反应也包含在这九十件能够掌控的事情之中。
Since I'm a product of this philosophy, of 90/10, and secondly, "life on an incline," 我是这个哲学下的产物, 九成一成哲学(90/10), 也同时相信生命像爬斜坡。
that's the way I grew up to be valuing what I got. 这就是我的成长之路 — 珍视我所得。
I'm a product of opportunities, rare opportunities in the '50s and the '60s, which girls didn't get, and I was conscious of the fact that what my parents were giving me was something unique. 我得到了很多机会, 很多非常珍贵的机会, 那是五六十年代的女孩子很少得到的。 我也认识到我父母给我的教育是 非常独特的。
conscious of:意识到;
Because all of my best school friends were getting dolled up to get married with a lot of dowry , and here I was with a tennis racket and going to school and doing all kinds of extracurricular activities. 因为所有我学校里的好朋友都被打扮起来 连同大批陪嫁嫁人了。 而我背着个网球拍子,整天就是上学, 参加各种业余活动。
dowry:n.嫁妆;天资;亡夫遗产; tennis racket:n.网球拍; extracurricular:adj.课外的;业余的;婚外的;
I thought I must tell you this. 我觉得我必须给你们讲这个故事,
Why I said this, is the background. 因为这是我的背景。
This is what comes next. 现在我要讲我做了什么。
I joined the Indian Police Service as a tough woman, a woman with indefatigable stamina , because I used to run for my tennis titles, etc. 我成了一个作风强硬的女性,加入了印度警察局, 我也是一个具有不屈不挠毅力的女性, 因为我曾是网球冠军等等。
indefatigable:adj.不知疲倦的;不屈不挠的;有耐性的; stamina:n.毅力;精力;活力;持久力;
But I joined the Indian Police Service, and then it was a new pattern of policing. 但是我参加了印度警察局。 之后开始了新的治安政策。
For me the policing stood for power to correct, power to prevent and power to detect . 我认为警察应该负责纠察, 预防和侦察。
This is something like a new definition ever given in policing in India -- the power to prevent. 这给了印度警察系统一个新的定义 — 预防。
Because normally it was always said, power to detect, and that's it, or power to punish. 因为通常我们只强调侦查。 或者惩戒。
But I decided no, it's a power to prevent, because that's what I learned when I was growing up. 但是我认为不是这样的,第一位是预防, 因为这是我从我的成长经历学到的:
How do I prevent the 10 and never make it more than 10? 怎么能够预防百分之十的事故发生?怎么能够不发生更多事故?
So this was how it came into my service, and it was different from the men. 这是我怎么进行工作的思考, 和男性的工作思维模式大不相同。
I didn't want to make it different from the men, but it was different, because this was the way I was different. 我并没有刻意求异,但是我的理念确实不同于男人。 因为我就是有所不同。
And I redefined policing concepts in India. 这样我修改了印度的警察理念。
I'm going to take you on two journeys , my policing journey and my prison journey. 我将介绍给大家两个改革, 一个是警察系统的改革,一个是我的监狱改革。
What you see, if you see the title called "PM's car held." 这里我们看到的,如果你看这个标题, 它叫作:“总理车被扣。”
This was the first time a prime minister of India was given a parking ticket . 这是有史以来第一次印度总理的车子 被罚停车票。
prime minister:n.首相;总理; parking ticket:n.违章停车罚单;
(Laughter) (众笑)
That's the first time in India, and I can tell you, that's the last time you're hearing about it. 印度史上第一次, 我也不怕说,也是最后一次。
It'll never happen again in India, because now it was once and forever. 以后在印度这再也不会发生了, 因为现在的政策是一次被扣永不发还。
And the rule was, because I was sensitive , 这是因为我为人很敏感,
I was compassionate , I was very sensitive to injustice , and I was very pro-justice. 有同情心,在公正性方面也很敏感, 又好见义勇为。
compassionate:adj.慈悲的;富于同情心的;vt.同情;怜悯; injustice:n.不公正;不讲道义;
That's the reason, as a woman, I joined the Indian Police Service. 这也是我作为女人参加警察部门的原因。
I had other options , but I didn't choose them. 我有其他的选择,但是我没有选它们。
options:n.选择; v.得到或获准进行选择; (option的三单形式)
So I'm going to move on. 下一个要讲的是,
This is about tough policing, equal policing. 我的政策是严格执法,公平执法。
Now I was known as "here's a woman that's not going to listen." 如今我被认为是个不听管教的女性。
So I was sent to all indiscriminate postings, postings which others would say no. 所以我常被派到所有恣意妄为的部门, 那些别人都不愿意去的部门。
I now went to a prison assignment as a police officer . 目前我被派到一个监狱作警察,
assignment:n.分配:(分派的)工作,任务: police officer:n.警官;警察;警务人员;
Normally police officers don't want to do prison. 通常警察是不愿直接在监狱工作的。
They sent me to prison to lock me up, thinking, "Now there will be no cars and no VIPs to be given tickets to. 他们(警察局)送我去,把我也关起来, 认为从此重要人物的车子 不会被罚停车票了。
Let's lock her up." 想把我关起来。
Here I got a prison assignment. 结果我就真去了。
This was a prison assignment which was one big den of criminals. 这个监狱是个重犯云集的窝点,
Obviously, it was. 当然,过去是现在不了。
But 10,000 men, of which only 400 were women -- 10,000 -- 9,000 plus about 600 were men. 这个监狱有一万个罪犯, 只有四百个女性罪犯 — 一万个里面 — 九千六百个罪犯 是男性,
Terrorists, rapists , burglars , gangsters -- some of them I'd sent to jail as a police officer outside. 恐怖分子,强奸犯, 窃贼,黑帮 — 有些还是我亲手捕获的 在我作警察的时候。
rapists:n.强奸犯;强奸者;(rapist的复数) burglars:n.破门盗贼;入室窃贼;(burglar的复数) gangsters:n.匪徒;黑帮;诈骗犯(gangster的复数); jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱;
And then how did I deal with them? 现在我又该怎么对付他们呢?
The first day when I went in, 第一天我走进监狱,
I didn't know how to look at them. 我都不知道怎么正视他们。
And I said, "Do you pray?" When I looked at the group, I said, "Do you pray?" 我就问他们:“你祈祷么?” 我看着他们,问他们:“你们祈祷么?”
They saw me as a young, short woman wearing a tan suit. 他们看着我,一个年轻的小个子女人,一身戎装。
I said, "Do you pray?" 我问:“你们祈祷么?”
And they didn't say anything. 他们什么也没有回答。
I said, "Do you pray? Do you want to pray?" 我又问:“你们每天祈祷么?现在来祈祷怎么样?”
They said, "Yes." I said, "All right, let's pray." 他们说:“好的。”我就说:“那好,让我们来祈祷吧。”
I prayed for them, and things started to change. 我为他们祈祷,从那时事情开始有了变化。
This is a visual of education inside the prison. 这是一张在监狱内施教的照片。
Friends, this has never happened, where everybody in the prison studies. 在座的朋友们,这是前所未有的, 监狱里的每个人都学习。
I started this with community support. 这是靠着公众支持搞起来的,
Government had no budget . 政府没有资金。
It was one of the finest, largest volunteerism in any prison in the world. 这是世界上所有监狱中 最好的,最大的志愿者队伍。
This was initiated in Delhi prison. 德里监狱是头一例子。
initiated:v.开始;发起;创始;使了解;传授;吸收;(initiate的过去式和过去分词) Delhi:n.德里(印度城市名);
You see one sample of a prisoner teaching a class. 你可以看到一个 关于一个囚犯给别人上课的例子。
These are hundreds of classes. 那里有成百上千堂课。
Nine to eleven, every prisoner went into the education program -- the same den in which they thought they would put me behind the bar and things would be forgotten. 九点到十一点,所有的囚犯都来受教育 — 正是在这里他们认为 把我派到监狱就天下太平了。
We converted this into an ashram -- from a prison to an ashram through education. 我们把这个监狱改造成了一个静修之所 — 靠着教育。
converted:adj.修改的;改变信仰的;v.转变;改变信仰(convert的过去式和过去分词形式); ashram:n.修行的处所;聚会所;嬉皮群居村;
I think that's the bigger change. 我认为这是个更大的改变。
It was the beginning of a change. 这还只是个开始。
Teachers were prisoners. Teachers were volunteers . 这些老师都是囚犯,都是志愿教课的。
volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数)
Books came from donated schoolbooks . 书都是学校捐的。
donated:v.捐赠,赠送;献(血);捐献(器官);(donate的过去分词和过去式) schoolbooks:n.教科书;adj.(美)教科书式的;过于简单的;
Stationery was donated. 设备都是靠捐献的。
Everything was donated, because there was no budget of education for the prison. 所有的一切都是志愿贡献的。 因为对于监狱教育,我们没有任何预算。
Now if I'd not done that, it would have been a hellhole . 如果我当初没有这样做, 现在这个监狱会成为一个地狱。
That's the second landmark . 这是第二个我要分享的改革。
landmark:n.[航]陆标; adj.有重大意义或影响的;
I want to show you some moments of history in my journey, which probably you would never ever get to see anywhere in the world. 现在我想向你们展示我的历程中的一些片断, 恐怕大家在别处是看不到的。
One, the numbers you'll never get to see. 一来是你看不到具体数字,
Secondly, this concept. 二来这些概念也不会被提起。
This was a meditation program inside the prison of over 1,000 prisoners. 这是一个监狱里的冥想课程, 这个监狱有上千的囚犯。
One thousand prisoners who sat in meditation. 一千个囚犯全在静坐冥想。
This was one of the most courageous steps 这是我在管理监狱时,
I took as a prison governor. 实施的最前卫的改革之一。
And this is what transformed . 这个改革也在不断进步。
You want to know more about this, go and see this film, "Doing Time, Doing Vipassana ." 如果你感兴趣, 请去看这部电影:“铁窗后,静坐冥想”
You will hear about it, and you will love it. 你能了解更多,而且你绝对会喜欢这个电影。
And write to me on KiranBedi.com, and I'll respond to you. 或者你也可以给我写信到我的网站(KiranBedi.com), 我都会回复大家。
Let me show you the next slide. 让我再给你们看一张幻灯片。
I took the same concept of mindfulness , because, why did I bring meditation into the Indian prison? 我(对警察们)同样运用了正念的力量。 因为,为什么我在监狱里推广静坐呢?
Because crime is a product of a distorted mind. 因为罪行是由恶念引发的。
It was distortion of mind which needed to be addressed to control. 恶念需要被加以控制,
distortion:n.变形;[物]失真;扭曲;曲解; addressed:v.写(收信人)姓名地址:致函:演说:演讲:向…说话; (address的过去分词和过去式)
Not by preaching , not by telling, not by reading, but by addressing your mind. 而不是靠说教,道听途说, 或者阅读,而是靠掌控你自己的意念。
preaching:v.讲道(尤指教堂中礼拜时); n.讲道; (preach的现在分词)
I took the same thing to the police, because police, equally, were prisoners of their minds, and they felt as if it was "we" and "they," 我同样向警察们推荐了这个方法, 因为警察,同样的,也是他们自己意念的囚徒, 警察把世界分成了我们(警察)和他们(罪犯),
and that the people don't cooperate . 这样大家就不能一同协作。
This worked. 这个方法在警察身上同样奏效。
This is a feedback box called a petition box. 这是个意见箱,叫做“请愿箱”。
feedback:n.反馈;反馈意见;回授;[电子]反馈; petition:n.请愿;请愿书;祈求;[法]诉状;vi.请愿;请求;vt.请愿;请求;恳求;
This is a concept which I introduced to listen to complaints , listen to grievances . 这是另一个我引进的概念, 来听取意见,听取抱怨。
complaints:n.不满;抱怨;投诉;控告;(complaint的复数) grievances:n.不平的事;委屈;抱怨;牢骚;(grievance的复数)
This was a magic box. 这是个魔术箱。
This was a sensitive box. 这是个感应计。
This is how a prisoner drew how they felt about the prison. 这是罪犯画的关于监狱生活的绘画,
If you see somebody in the blue -- yeah, this guy -- he was a prisoner, and he was a teacher. 如果你看得见那个蓝衣服的人 — 就是这个男的 — 他是个教师,也是个罪犯。
And you see, everybody's busy. There was no time to waste. 你可以看到每个人都很忙碌,没有时间浪费。
Let me wrap it up. 让我在此说个结束语吧。
I'm currently into movements, movements of education of the under-served children, which is thousands -- India is all about thousands. 我现在热衷的很多运动, 对于没有足够教育的儿童 加强教育, 印度有成千上万儿童缺乏教育。在印度很多问题都涉及到数以千计的人口。
Secondly is about the anti-corruption movement in India. 其次是在印度反腐败的运动。
That's a big way we, as a small group of activists, have drafted an ombudsman bill for the government of India. 路漫漫其修远兮, 作为一小群活动家,我们 已经向印度政府起草了申诉专员条例草案。
drafted:v.起草;草拟;选派;抽调;(draft的过去分词和过去式) ombudsman:n.监察专员(专门负责调查人民对政府各部门控告案件的官员);视察官;
Friends, you will hear a lot about it. 在座的朋友们将会听到很多我们的声音。
That's the movement at the moment I'm driving, and that's the movement and ambition of my life. 这是现在我正努力推动的运动, 这也是我生命的动力和抱负。
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (众鼓掌)
Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. 谢谢大家,非常感谢,谢谢。
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢,谢谢,谢谢大家。