

You know for me, the interest in contemporary forms of slavery started with a leaflet that I picked up in London. 我对于现代奴隶制度的兴趣 是从我在伦敦读到的一个小宣传册开始的。
contemporary:n.同时代的人;同时期的东西;adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的; slavery:n.奴隶制;奴隶身份;蓄奴;adj.流口水的;被口水弄脏的; leaflet:n.小叶;传单;
It was the early '90s, and I was at a public event. 这是上世纪90年代初的事情了, 当时我是出席一个公共集会。
I saw this leaflet and it said, "There are millions of slaves in the world today." 那个小宣传册上面说: “今天,全世界仍有上百万的奴隶。”
And I thought, "No way, no way." 我当时想,“这绝对是扯淡。”
And I'm going to admit to hubris . 可是现在我不得不承认我当年太自负了。
Because I also, I'm going to admit to you, 另外,我还要承认一点,
I also thought, "How can I be like a hot-shot young full professor who teaches human rights and not know this? 我当时在想, 我身为一个年轻有为的主讲人权事务的全职教授, 而对现代社会仍有上百万奴隶这一现状却一无所知,
full professor:na.正教授;
So it can't be true." 这简直太不可思议了。
Well, if you teach, if you worship in the temple of learning, do not mock the gods, because they will take you, fill you with curiosity and desire, and drive you. Drive you with a passion to change things. 既然我在知识的殿堂里进行教学工作, 就应该对知识保持着虔诚, 不能随意否定自己所不确定的东西。 因为对待知识的虔诚 能够给予人好奇心及求知欲望, 给予人一股热情, 让世界因你而不同。
worship:n.崇拜;崇敬;爱慕;阁下;v.崇拜(上帝或神);做礼拜;热爱;崇拜; mock:n.英国模拟考试;adj.仿制的,虚假的;v.嘲笑;不尊重; curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒;
I went out and did a lit review, 3,000 articles on the key word "slavery." 于是,我亲自查找了一些相关资料。 我找到了3000篇关键词为“奴隶制”的文章,
Two turned out to be about contemporary -- only two. 可是其中只有两篇是关于现代奴隶制度的,只有两篇。
All the rest were historical . 其余的讲的都是历史中的奴隶制。
All the rest:其他所有相关信息; historical:adj.历史的;史学的;基于史实的;
They were press pieces and they were full of outrage , they were full of speculation , they were anecdotal -- no solid information. 我找到的这些文章要么是义愤填膺, 要么是充满了怀疑主义,要么是对一些小故事的渲染, 但是没有什么确凿的信息。
outrage:n.愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱;vt.凌辱,强奸;对…施暴行;激起愤怒; speculation:n.投机;推测;思索;投机买卖; anecdotal:adj.轶事的;轶事一样的;多轶事的;
So, I began to do a research project of my own. 于是,我开始自己着手研究这一课题。
I went to five countries around the world. 我的足迹遍布在世界各地的五个国家。
I looked at slaves. I met slaveholders , and I looked very deeply into slave-based businesses because this is an economic crime. 我和奴隶、奴隶主都有过接触。 另外,我尤其观察了 靠奴隶支撑的种种产业。 因为这是一项由经济衍生的罪恶,
slaveholders:n.奴隶所有者; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的;
People do not enslave people to be mean to them. 奴隶主将奴隶奴役,不是为了折磨他们,
They do it to make a profit . 而是为了从中牟利。
And I've got to tell you, what I found out in the world in four different continents , was depressingly familiar . 另外,我要告诉你我在四个大洲做实地考察时所取得的发现, 奴隶的生存现状在全世界都是惊人的凄苦, 而又是惊人的相似。
continents:n.[地理]大陆,大洲(continent复数); depressingly:adv.郁闷地;抑压地; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;
Like this: 请看这个,
Agricultural workers in Africa, whipped and beaten, showing us how they were beaten in the fields before they escaped from slavery and met up with our film crew. 这些是在非洲干农活的奴隶们, 他们被鞭挞、被殴打, 他们在向我们展示他们在逃离奴隶主之前, 在遇见我们的摄制组之前, 他们是如何在田间被殴打的。
Agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; whipped:v.鞭打;鞭策;除去,抽出(whip的过去分词和过去式)
It was mind-blowing . 这很令人震惊。
And I want to be very clear. 有一点我想说明,
I'm talking about real slavery. 我所想大家展示的是赤裸裸的奴隶制。
This is not about lousy marriages, this is not about jobs that suck . 它不像一桩不合适的婚姻, 或是一份糟糕的工作。
lousy:adj.非常糟的;极坏的;恶劣的; suck:v.吸吮;吸取;n.吮吸;
This is about people who can not walk away, people who are forced to work without pay, people who are operating 24/7 under a threat of violence and have no pay. 奴隶们的自由被剥夺了,他们不能离开他们的主人, 奴隶们被迫为他们的主人工作,却没有工资, 奴隶们片刻不得休息, 因为他们时刻生活在暴力的威胁下, 即使如此,他们仍然得不到工资。
It's real slavery in exactly the same way that slavery would be recognized throughout all of human history. 这里我所谈到的现代的奴隶制 和历史上我们所熟知的那种奴隶制 是一模一样的。
recognized:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到;(recognize的过去分词和过去式) throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
Now, where is it? 那么,现在哪里还有奴隶呢?
Well, this map in the sort of redder, yellower colors are the places with the highest densities of slavery. 看这个地图上发红、发黄的那些区域 就是奴隶人口密度最高的地区。
yellower:adj.黄色的;蛋黄;黄色人种的;胆怯的; densities:n.密度(density的复数);
But in fact that kind of bluey color are the countries where we can't find any cases of slavery. 事实上,只有那些蓝色的区域 是完全没有奴隶的国家。
And you might notice that it's only Iceland and Greenland where we can't find any cases of enslavement around the world. 你也许会注意到,在全世界范围内 只有冰岛和格陵兰 是完全没有奴隶的存在的。
We're also particularly interested and looking very carefully at places where slaves are being used to perpetrate extreme environmental destruction . 关于现代奴隶制这一问题, 其中有一点 特别引起我研究的兴趣, 那便是奴隶被用于 破坏环境的种种产业中。
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; perpetrate:vt.犯(罪);做(恶); extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; destruction:n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁;
Around the world, slaves are used to destroy the environment, cutting down trees in the Amazon; destroying forest areas in West Africa; mining and spreading mercury around in places like Ghana and the Congo; destroying the coastal ecosystems in South Asia. 奴隶在全世界范围内被广泛地雇佣于破坏环境的种种产业, 例如在亚马逊热带雨林伐木, 摧毁西非的丛林, 在加纳和刚果等地 开采汞并造成泄露, 在南亚破坏当地沿岸的海洋生态环境。
mercury:n.[化]汞,水银;[天]水星;温度表;精神,元气; coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的; ecosystems:n.生态系统(ecosystem的复数);
It's a pretty harrowing linkage between what's happening to our environment and what's happening to our human rights. 奴隶们的人权被践踏, 世界各地的环境也遭受破坏, 而这两者之间的联系尤为令人痛心。
harrowing:adj.令人痛心的; v.耙地; (harrow的现在分词) linkage:n.连接;结合;联接;联动装置;
Now, how on Earth did we get to a situation like this, where we have 27 million people in slavery in the year 2010? 事态为何会发展到如此地步, 在2010年的今天, 世界上竟然还有2700万奴隶?
That's double the number that came out of Africa in the entire transatlantic slave trade . 这个数字 相当于当年跨大西洋奴隶贸易中所涉及的奴隶的整整两倍。
transatlantic:adj.大西洋彼岸的,横渡大西洋的;美国的; slave trade:n.(尤指17–19世纪的)奴隶买卖;
Well, it builds up with these factors . 造成如今奴隶现状的有三点因素,
factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
They are not causal , they are actually supporting factors. 虽然这三点因素都不是直接导致现今奴隶的现状的,但都对其起助长作用。
One we all know about, the population explosion : the world goes from two billion people to almost seven billion people in the last 50 years. 因素一,众所周知,是人口大爆炸。 在过去的五十年里, 世界人口从20亿激增到今天的差不多70亿了。
population explosion:n.人口激增;人口爆炸;
Being numerous does not make you a slave. 人口众多并不导致奴隶问题,
Add in the increased vulnerability of very large numbers of people in the developing world, caused by civil wars, ethnic conflicts , kleptocratic governments, disease ... you name it, you know it. 但是在发展中国家, 过多的人口引发了一系列问题, 比如内战、民族冲突、政府腐败、疾病等等, 这些都使得很大一部分人变得更脆弱了。
vulnerability:n.易损性;弱点; civil:adj.公民的;民间的;文职的;有礼貌的;根据民法的; ethnic:adj.种族的;人种的; conflicts:n.冲突; v.抵触; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
We understand how that works. In some countries all of those things happen at once, like Sierra Leone a few years ago, and push enormous parts ... about a billion people in the world, in fact, as we know, live on the edge, live in situations where they don't have any opportunity and are usually even destitute . 这其中的流程我们大家都清楚。 在一些国家,上述的那些灾难同时发生, 比如几年前的塞拉利昂。 这一系列事件把不计其数的人 逼迫到了生存的边缘, 人们的生活极度窘迫, 他们没有翻身的机会,日日与贫困为伴。
Sierra:n.(尤指西班牙和美洲的)锯齿状山脉; Leone:n.利昂(塞拉利昂货币单位); enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; destitute:adj.穷困的;无的;缺乏的;n.赤贫者;vt.使穷困;夺去;
But that doesn't make you a slave either. 但是这些也不能把一个人变成奴隶,
What it takes to turn a person who is destitute and vulnerable into a slave, is the absence of the rule of law. 真正把一个既贫困又脆弱的人变成一个奴隶的 是法制的缺失。
vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的; absence:n.没有;缺乏;缺席;不注意;
If the rule of law is sound, it protects the poor and it protects the vulnerable. 如果一个国家的法制是健全的, 那么弱势群体也将会得到保护。
But if corruption creeps in and people don't have the opportunity to have that protection of the rule of law, then if you can use violence, if you can use violence with impunity , you can reach out and harvest the vulnerable into slavery. 但是如果腐败的毒瘤扩散开来, 而且弱势群体们无法拿起法律的武器 来保护自己, 在一个社会里, 使用暴力也不会受到制裁, 那么,人们就可以轻易地将毒手伸到弱势群体中 并把他们奴役。
corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落; creeps:n.缺磷症;佝偻病;毛骨悚然的感觉;v.爬;蔓延(creep的第三人称单数形式); impunity:n.不受惩罚;无患;[法]免罚;
Well, that is precisely what has happened around the world. 实际上,这就是一个人变成奴隶的背景和过程。
Though, for a lot of people, the people who step into slavery today don't usually get kidnapped or knocked over the head. 尽管,今天有很大一部分人, 他们并不是被人绑架, 或者是被人当头打晕, 从而被奴役的。
They come into slavery because someone has asked them this question. 当说起被奴役的过程, 全世界的奴隶可能都会给你讲同一个故事。
All around the world I've been told an almost identical story. 对,这个故事放之四海皆准。
People say, "I was home, someone came into our village, they stood up in the back of a truck, they said, 'I've got jobs, who needs a job?'" 故事大概就是这样:“有一天,我回家了, 有个人来到了我的村庄, 他从卡车的背后站了起来,对我问道:‘我要招工, 你们谁想要工作?’”
And they did exactly what you or I would do in the same situation. 换成是在座的各位,面对这种状况 估计也要和那些穷苦人做出同样的选择。
They said, "That guy looked sketchy . I was suspicious , but my children were hungry. 穷人们回想当时的场景,“招工的人看上去挺可疑的 但是我的孩子们都饿坏了。
sketchy:adj.写生风格的;写生的;概略的; suspicious:adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的;
We needed medicine. 我们需要买药看病。
I knew I had to do anything I could to earn some money to support the people I care about." 我顾不了那么多了, 只要有机会我就要赚钱养活我的家人。”
They climb into the back of the truck. They go off with the person who recruits them. 穷人们爬进了卡车的后部,跟着招工的那人走了。
recruits:n.新兵; v.征募;
Ten miles, 100 miles, 1,000 miles later, they find themselves in dirty, dangerous, demeaning work. 走了不知多远, 他们最后发现他们的工作肮脏、危险且下贱。
They take it for a little while, but when they try to leave, bang !, the hammer comes down, and they discover they're enslaved . 他们工作了一段时间, 可当他们试图离开的时候,却遭到了暴力阻止, 直到这时,他们才意识到自己已经变成奴隶了。
bang:n.猛敲; v.猛敲; v.正好; hammer:n.锤子; v.锤打; enslaved:v.使成为奴隶;奴役;使受控制;(enslave的过去分词和过去式)
Now, that kind of slavery is, again, pretty much what slavery has been all through human history. 历史中对人的奴役 过程其实跟上述的都差不多。
But there is one thing that is particularly remarkable and novel about slavery today, and that is a complete collapse in the price of human beings -- expensive in the past, dirt cheap now. 但是现代的奴隶制 有一点很值得一提, 那便是 人口价格的急剧下滑。 过去人口还很昂贵,但是今天却贱得很,
remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; novel:adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说; collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭; dirt cheap:adj.毫无价值的;贱如粪土的;非常便宜的;adv.非常便宜地;
Even the business programs have started picking up on this. 就连电视里面的贸易类节目 都开始注意到这点了。
I just want to share a little clip for you. 这里我想和大家分享一个小短片。
Daphne: OK. Llively discussion guaranteed here, as always, as we get macro and talk commodities . 视频:女主播:好的,欢迎大家收看我们的节目, 我们将宏观地对经济展开一些讨论。
guaranteed:adj.必然的; v.保证; macro:adj.巨大的,大量的;n.宏,巨(计算机术语); commodities:n.商品(commodity的复数);日用品;商品期货;
Continuing here in the studio with our guest Michael O'Donohue, head of commodities at Four Continents Capital Management . 参与我们今天节目的嘉宾是迈克尔.奥多诺胡 “四大洲资产管理集团”的负责人。
studio:n.工作室;[广播][电视]演播室;画室;电影制片厂; Management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段;
And we're also joined by Brent Lawson from Lawson Frisk Securities. 参与我们今天节目的还有来自劳森证券所的 布伦特.劳森先生。
Brent:n.黑雁;布伦特(英国英格兰东南部城市); Frisk:v.搜身;搜(某人)的身;活蹦乱跳;n.(猫儿等)欢跃;快活的时刻;搜身
Brent Lawson: Happy to be here. 布伦特.劳森:很高兴来到这里。
D: Good to have you with us, Brent. 女主播:很高兴你能参与我们的节目,布伦特。
Now, gentlemen ... Brent, where is your money going this year? 好的,先生们。布伦特,能说说你今年的资产流向么?
BL: Well Daphne, we've been going short on gas and oil recently and casting our net just a little bit wider. 布伦特.劳森:好的,达芙妮,最近我们对天然气和石油进行了卖空, 另外,我们把贸易的范围又进一步扩大了。
We really like the human being story a lot. 我们现在对人口的贸易很感兴趣。
If you look at a long-term chart, prices are at historical lows and yet global demand for forced labor is still real strong. 看看这个长期的图表,就会发现 人口的价格出现了历史新低, 然而对于劳动力的需求量依旧很大。
long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
So, that's a scenario that we think we should be capitalizing on. 针对这种现状,我觉得我们应该做人口贸易。
scenario:n.方案;情节;剧本; capitalizing:资本化;
D: Michael, what's your take on the people story? Are you interested? 女主播:迈克尔,关于人口贸易你持什么态度呢?你对这个问题感兴趣吗?
Michael O'Donoghue: Oh definitely . Non-voluntary labor's greatest advantage as an asset is the endless supply. 迈克尔:哦,当然感兴趣了,非志愿性劳动力最大的一项优势便是 它的供应是源源不断的。
definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: asset:n.资产;优点;有用的东西;有利条件;财产;有价值的人或物; endless:adj.无止境的;连续的;环状的;漫无目的的;
We're not about to run out of people. No other commodity has that. 劳动力永远都用不完,其他的商品可没有这个特性。
run out of:用完; commodity:n.商品,货物;日用品;
BL: Daphne, if I may draw your attention to one thing. 布伦特.劳森:达芙妮,我想让你注意一点,
That is that private equity has been sniffing around, and that tells me that this market is about to explode . 私募股权投资基金的人最近告诉我, 买卖人口的生意很快就要火。
equity:n.公平,公正;衡平法;普通股;抵押资产的净值; sniffing:v.抽鼻子;嗅,闻;抱怨;(sniff的现在分词) is about to:眼看就要;即将;正要;行将; explode:v.爆炸;爆裂;勃然(大怒);突然发生(危险);
Africans and Indians, as usual, 如同以往,我们会继续买卖非洲人和印度人,
South Americans, and Eastern Europeans in particular are on our buy list. 另外,需要注意的是 我们现在也要做南美人和东欧人的生意了。
Eastern:adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东方国家的;n.东方人;东正教信徒; Europeans:n.欧洲人(European的复数); in particular:尤其,特别;
D: Interesting. Micheal, bottom line , what do you recommend ? 女主播:有意思,迈克尔,给大家最后总结一下吧?
bottom line:n.底线;归根结底;账本底线,盈亏一览结算线; recommend:v.推荐;介绍;劝告;建议;使受欢迎;
MO: We're recommending to our clients a buy and hold strategy . 迈克尔:我建议我们的客户们 采取屯仓策略。
recommending:v.推荐,举荐;介绍;劝告;建议;使受欢迎;(recommend的现在分词) clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数) strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;
There's no need to play the market . 在人口市场做贸易没必要耍什么把戏。
play the market:投机行为;投机倒把;
There's a lot of vulnerable people out there. It's very exciting. 弱势群体的人口实在太多了,这十分激动人心。
D: Exciting stuff indeed. Gentlemen, thank you very much. 女主播:确实很有趣,先生们,多谢你们参与此节目。
Kevin Bales : Okay, you figured it out. That's a spoof . 凯文.贝勒斯:好的,大家也能看出来,刚才那个短片是安排好的一个讽刺笑话。
Bales:n.捆(bale的复数);毛包;v.将…打包(bale的三单形式); spoof:vt.哄骗; vi.行骗; n.诳骗; adj.哄骗的;
Though I enjoyed watching your jaws drop, drop, drop, until you got it. 尽管我自己很喜欢这个片子, 但是你们在明白这是一个笑话之前,一定会觉得诧异万分。
MTV Europe worked with us and made that spoof, and they've been slipping it in between music videos without any introduction, which I think is kind of fun. 这个小短片是我们和欧洲MTV公司合作制作的。 它被插到了一个音乐视频中间, 而且不加任何说明,我感觉挺逗的。
Here's the reality. 好的,不开玩笑了。
The price of human beings across the last 4,000 years in today's money has averaged about 40,000 dollars. 在过去40000年里一个人的平均价格 按照今天的货币标准是40000美元。
Capital purchase items . 人无异于商品。
purchase:n.购买;采购;购买的东西;购买项目;v.购买;采购; items:n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一则,一条(新闻)(item的复数)
You can see that the lines cross when the population explodes . 现在注意人口激增所导致的两条线的交点。
The average price of a human being today, around the world, is about 90 dollars. 今天,在世界范围内一个人的平均价格 差不多是90美元。
They are more expensive in places like North America . 在北美等一些地区,这个价格会更高些,
North America:n.北美洲;
Slaves cost between 3,000 to 8,000 dollars in North America, but I could take you places in India or Nepal where human beings can be acquired for five or 10 dollars. 一个奴隶在北美能卖到3000到8000美元。 但是在印度或者尼泊尔这类地方, 花上5美元到10美元就能买到一个人。
acquired:adj.习得的; v.获得; (acquire的过去分词和过去式)
They key here is that people have ceased to be that capital purchase item and become like Styrofoam cups. 我想要阐述的重点是 人们现在连商品都算不上了, 现在他们就像是一次性纸杯。
ceased:v.停止(cease的过去式及过去分词形式);中止;中断; Styrofoam:n.泡沫聚苯乙烯;
You buy them cheaply, you use them, you crumple them up, and then when you're done with them you just throw them away. 你能用很少的钱买到他们,然后利用他们。 当你把他们压榨得差不多的时候, 你就能把他们压扁了扔掉。
These young boys are in Nepal. 这些尼泊尔的小男孩,
They are basically the transport system on a quarry run by a slaveholder. 他们被一个采石场场主奴役着, 承担者整个采石场的运输工作。
basically:adv.主要地,基本上; transport:n.运输;输送;运送;运输机;v.输送;传播;使产生身临其境的感觉;(旧时)流放; quarry:n.采石场;猎物;来源;vi.费力地找;vt.挖出;努力挖掘;
There are no roads there, so they carry loads of stone on their backs, often of their own weight, up and down the Himalaya Mountains. 因为那里没有路, 所以这些小男孩就用自己的身体抗着沉重的石头, 在喜马拉雅山上艰难跋涉。
One of their mothers said to us, "You know, we can't survive here, but we can't even seem to die either." 有一位男孩的母亲告诉我们, “你看,我们在这里根本就活不下去, 不过我们又死不了。”
It's a horrible situation. 这可真是一个可怕的情形。
And if there is anything that makes me feel very positive about this, it's that there are also -- in addition to young men like this who are still enslaved -- there are ex-slaves who are now working to free others. 关于现代奴隶的现状, 有一点还是值得我欣慰的, 那就是,如今不但有像这位尼泊尔小男孩这样被奴役着的人们, 还有一些逃跑成功的奴隶正致力于解放其他奴隶,
positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; in addition to:除…之外;
Or, we say, Frederick Douglass is in the house. 或者可以说,弗雷德里克.道格拉斯(著名废奴主义者)就在我们身边。
I don't know if you've ever had a daydream about, "Wow. What would it be like to meet Harriet Tubman? 我不晓得大家是否曾梦想过 亲眼见见哈里特.塔伯曼(著名废奴主义者)?
What would it be like to meet Frederick Douglass?" 或者与弗雷德里克.道格拉斯(著名废奴主义者)见个面怎么样?
I've got to say, one of the most exciting parts about my job is that I get to, and I want to introduce you to one of those. 我要说的是,我这份工作最激动人心的一部分就是 我能遇见这样的人。 我想为大家介绍这其中的一位,
His name is James Kofi Annan. He was a slave child in Ghana enslaved in the fishing industry, and he now, after escape and building a new life, has formed an organization that we work closely with to go back and get people out of slavery. 他的名字叫做詹姆斯.科菲.安南(和联合国秘书长重名了),他曾是一个加纳的童奴, 在捕鱼业工作。 在他成功出逃之后, 他成立了一个解放奴隶的组织 和我现在合作甚密。
This is not James, this is one of the kids that he works with. 这个不是詹姆斯,这是一个他救出来的孩子。
James Kofi Annan (Video): He was hit with a paddle in the head. And this reminds me of my childhood when I used to work here. 视频:詹姆斯.科菲.安南:他被人用船桨给打了, 看,打在脑袋上,这让我想起了我自己的童年, 当时我就在这里工作。
paddle:n.划桨;明轮翼;vt.拌;搅;用桨划;vi.划桨;戏水;涉水; reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期
KB: James and our country director in Ghana, 凯文.贝勒斯:詹姆斯和我们在加纳的向导伊曼纽尔.奥托
Emmanuel Otoo are now receiving regular death threats because the two of them managed to get convictions and imprisonment for three human traffickers for the very first time in Ghana for enslaving people, from the fishing industry, for enslaving children. 经常收到死亡威胁, 因为他们两个正在争取 把三个人贩子治罪并且关进监狱, 原因是这些人贩子在捕鱼业使用奴隶 而且奴役儿童, 这样的起诉在加纳史无前例。
convictions:n.判罪;定罪;坚定的看法(或信念);坚信;肯定;(conviction的复数) imprisonment:n.监禁,关押;坐牢;下狱; traffickers:n.贩毒者(trafficker的复数); enslaving:v.使成为奴隶;奴役;使受控制;征服;(enslave的现在分词)
Now, everything I've been telling you, 我承认,
I admit, is pretty disheartening . 我现在所告诉你的一切都十分令人悲痛,
But there is actually a very positive side to this, and that is this: The 27 million people who are in slavery today, that's a lot of people, but it's also the smallest fraction of the global population to ever be in slavery. 但是这其中也有好的一面。 那就是, 尽管当今世界的奴隶有2700万之大, 虽然数目看上去很庞大, 但是这个数字所占世界总人口的奴隶比例 是历史上最小的。
And likewise , the 40 billion dollars that they generate into the global economy each year is the tiniest proportion of the global economy to ever be represented by slave labor. 同样的,使用奴隶的产业400亿美元的产值 在全球总经济中的所占的份额 也是有史以来 最少的。
likewise:adv.同样地;也; generate:v.产生;引起; economy:n.经济;节约;理财; proportion:n.比例;部分;份额;均衡;v.摊派;使相称; represented:v.代表; (represent的过去式和过去分词)
Slavery, illegal in every country has been pushed to the edges of our global society. 奴隶制度,在每个国家都是违法的, 现如今,它已经被我们逼到了灭绝的边缘。
And in a way, without us even noticing, has ended up standing on the precipice of its own extinction , waiting for us to give it a big boot and knock it over. And get rid of it. 也许我们自己还没有注意到, 今天的奴隶制度 已经占到了悬崖的边上, 只要我们狠狠地踹他一脚, 它就会被打倒,我们将从此不受奴隶制度的侵扰。
precipice:n.悬崖;绝壁;险境; extinction:n.绝种;
And it can be done. 这绝对是可行的。
Now, if we do that, if we put the resources and the focus to it, what does it actually cost to get people out of slavery? 现在,如果我们能够付诸实践, 并且把资源集中起来,解决奴隶制问题。 大家可能会问,根除奴隶制的代价究竟有多大呢?
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
Well, first, before I even tell you the cost 在我告诉大家代价究竟有多大之前,
I've got to be absolutely clear. 有一点我必须申明,
We do not buy people out of slavery. 解决奴隶制问题不是花钱把人赎回来这么简单。
Buying people out of slavery is like paying a burglar to get your television back; it's abetting a crime. 从奴隶主手中花钱赎人 就像是花钱把你丢了的电视从盗贼手里买回来。 这是助纣为虐。
burglar:n.破门盗贼;入室窃贼; abetting:v.教唆;唆使;煽动;怂恿;(abet的现在分词)
Liberation , however, costs some money. 诚然,解放奴隶确实需要花一些钱。
Liberation, and more importantly all the work that comes after liberation. 解放奴隶不是全部,更重要的 是奴隶们被解放的后续工作。
It's not an event, it's a process . 这不是一个独立的事件,这是一个持续的过程。
It's about helping people to build lives of dignity , stability , economic autonomy , citizenship . 我们要帮助奴隶们开始有尊严的生活, 稳定的且能自由支配自己经济活动的生活, 并且享有公民权。
dignity:n.尊严;高贵; stability:n.稳定性;坚定,恒心; autonomy:n.自治,自治权; citizenship:n.[法]公民身份,公民资格;国籍;公民权;
Well, amazingly, in places like India where costs are very low, that family, that three-generation family that you see there who were in hereditary slavery -- 令人惊讶的是, 在印度这种物价偏低的地方, 有你所看到的这种三世同堂的家庭 是世袭的奴隶。
so, that granddad there, was born a baby into slavery -- but the total cost, amortized across the rest of the work, was about 150 dollars to bring that family 图片中的这位老人,一出生就是奴隶了。 但是把这个三人奴隶家庭解放的总费用, 包括各种善后工作的费用, 如果通过分期付款的方式支付的话,
granddad:n.爷爷;外公; amortized:adj.分期偿还; n.摊销额; vt.摊销(amortize的过去分词);
out of slavery and then take them through a two year process to build a stable life of citizenship and education. 总计不过需要150美元, 另外还有用两年的时间为他们争取公民权和教育。
A boy in Ghana rescued from fishing slavery, about 400 dollars. 从加纳的捕鱼业解放一个男童差不多要400美元。
In the United States, North America, much more expensive. Legal costs, medical costs ... 但是在美国, 解放一个奴隶就贵得多了,
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
we understand that it's expensive here: about 30,000 dollars. 其中要涉及法律程序、医疗保险等等,你们懂的, 这些费用差不多要30000美元。
But most of the people in the world in slavery live in those places where the costs are lowest. 实际上,世界上绝大多数的奴隶 所生活的地方, 当地的物价指数都是最低的。
And in fact, the global average is about what it is for Ghana. 在全球范围内解放一个奴隶的平均代价 和加纳当地差不多(一个人400美元)。
And that means, when you multiply it up, the estimated cost of not just freedom but sustainable freedom for the entire 27 million people on the planet in slavery is something like 10.8 billion dollars -- what Americans spend on potato chips and pretzels , 那就意味着,把这个数字和世界奴隶总人口相乘, 为全世界2700万奴隶取得自由的代价, 不仅仅是自由, 而是可持续性的自由, 也只不过区区108亿美元而已。 美国人花在零嘴上的钱差不多就有这些,
multiply:vt.乘; vi.乘; v.多样地; adj.多层的; estimated:adj.估计的;预计的;估算的; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; chips:炸土豆条(chip的复数) pretzels:n.椒盐卷饼(常作小吃);(pretzel的复数)
what Seattle is going to spend on its light rail system: usually the annual expenditure in this country on blue jeans , or in the last holiday period when we bought GameBoys and iPods and other tech gifts for people, we spent 10.8 billion dollars. 西雅图花在轻轨上的钱差不多就有这些, 我们全国每年花在买牛仔裤上的钱就有这些, 或者是我们上个假期 花在游戏机、随身听和给别人买的礼物上面的钱 就能有108亿美元。
Seattle:n.西雅图(美国一港市); annual:n.年报;年鉴;年刊;adj.每年的;年度的;一年的; expenditure:n.支出,花费;经费,消费额; blue jeans:n.蓝色牛仔裤;
Intel's fourth quarter earnings : 10.8 billion. 因特尔第四季度的收入也是108亿美元。
It's not a lot of money at the global level. 在全球范围考虑,这108亿美元不算是什么大钱,
In fact, it's peanuts . 简直是小菜一碟。
And the great thing about it is that it's not money down a hole, there is a freedom dividend . When you let people out of slavery to work for themselves, are they motivated ? 这份投资最好的一点就是 钱不是掉进无底洞了, 这份钱所买来的自由是会产生红利的。当人们从奴役中被解放出来, 为自己工作的时候, 他们不更加有积极性么?
dividend:n.红利;股息;[数]被除数;奖金; motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
They take their kids out of the workplace , they build a school, they say, "We're going to have stuff we've never had before like three squares, medicine when we're sick, clothing when we're cold." 他们把自己的孩子带出了工作的地方, 他们建起了学校,然后说: “我们将会拥有我们之前从未拥有过的东西,比如三个广场, 生病时候吃的药, 冷的时候暖和的衣服。”
They become consumers and producers and local economies begin to spiral up very rapidly. 他们将成为生产者和消费者, 当地的经济也将因此迅猛发展。
consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数) economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数) spiral:n.螺旋;旋涡;螺旋形之物;adj.螺旋形的;v.使成螺旋形;vi.盘旋;螺旋形上升;
That's important, all of that about how we rebuild sustainable freedom, because we'd never want to repeat what happened in this country in 1865. 我们要发展的是可持续性自由, 这至关重要, 因为,我们不想让在这个国家1865年时发生的悲剧 再次重演。
Four million people were lifted up out of slavery and then dumped . 当年,有400万奴隶被解放了出来, 但是他们又随即被抛弃了,
Dumped without political participation , decent education, any kind of real opportunity in terms of economic lives, and then sentenced to generations of violence and prejudice and discrimination . 奴隶们没能得到参政权, 良好的教育, 以及任何实际的 改善经济水平的机会, 他们数代人 仍注定将生活在暴力和歧视的阴影下。
participation:n.参与;分享;参股; decent:adj.正派的;得体的;相当好的; prejudice:n.偏见;侵害;vt.损害;使有偏见; discrimination:n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力;
And America is still paying the price for the botched emancipation of 1865. 今天的美国 仍在为1865年不彻底的奴隶解放付出着代价。
botched:v.笨拙地弄糟;(botch的过去分词和过去式) emancipation:n.解放;释放;
We have made a commitment that we will never let people come out of slavery on our watch, and end up as second class citizens. 我们要作出一项承诺, 那就是,我们永远不能看着 奴隶在我们的手里得到了解放, 但最终仍沦为社会的二等公民。
commitment:n.承诺;投入;保证;许诺; second class:adj.第二流的;次劣的;adv.坐二等车;作为第二类邮件;
It's just not going to happen. 这绝对不会发生。
This is what liberation really looks like. 真正的解放应该是这样。
Children rescued from slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana, reunited with their parents, and then taken with their parents back to their villages to rebuild their economic well-being so that they become slave-proof -- absolutely unenslaveable. 在加纳,在捕鱼业工作的童奴被解放出来 和父母团聚, 他们被他们的父母带回了故乡的村庄, 重建他们新的经济生活, 这样,他们便不可能再次被奴役, 绝对不会。
reunited:v.重聚;使再结合(reunite的过去式和过去分词); well-being:n.幸福;康乐;
Now, this woman lived in a village in Nepal. 现在,看这位妇女, 她住在尼泊尔的一个村落。
We'd been working there about a month. 我们在那里工作了差不多一个月。
They had just begun to come out of a hereditary kind of slavery. 她们刚刚从世袭制的奴役中被解放出来。
They'd just begun to light up a little bit, open up a little bit. 她们才刚刚开始对未来燃起希望, 迎接新生活。
But when we went to speak with her, when we took this photograph, the slaveholders were still menacing us from the sidelines . They hadn't been really pushed back. 可当我们与她交谈并拍下这张照片的时候, 奴隶主仍然在暗中对我们很不友好。 奴隶主面对我们的对抗并没有退缩。
menacing:adj.威胁的;危险的;恐吓的;v.威胁;对…构成危险;危及;(menace的现在分词) sidelines:n.(球场)边线;端线;兼职(sideline的复数形式);
I was frightened . We were frightened . 我当时挺害怕的,我们当时都害怕了。
We said to her, "Are you worried? Are you upset ?" 我们问她,“你害怕么?你有不安么?”
upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱;
She said, "No, because we've got hope now. 她说,“不,因为我们现在的生活有盼头了。
How could we not succeed," she said, "when people like you from the other side of the world are coming here to stand beside us?" 当有像你们这样的人 从世界的另一端来到这里帮助我们, 我们何愁不能成功?”
Okay, we have to ask ourselves, are we willing to live in a world with slavery? 让我们问自己一个问题, 我们是否愿意生活在一个没有奴隶的世界?
If we don't take action, we just leave ourselves open to have someone else jerk the strings that tie us to slavery in the products we buy, and in our government policies . 我们也许只是袖手旁观, 等待着能有别人站出来 通过日常消费和制定政府政策 来改变奴隶制的现状。
jerk:v.猛拉;n.混蛋;突然而剧烈的动作;adj.卤的; strings:一串,悬挂(string的第三人称单数和复数) policies:n.政策;方针;原则;为人之道;保险单(policy的复数)
And yet, if there's one thing that every human being can agree on, 但是有一点应该能够取得大家的共识,
I think it's that slavery should end. 那便是:奴隶制应当灭亡。
And if there is a fundamental violation of our human dignity that we would all say is horrific , it's slavery. 如果有什么东西 从根本上侵犯了人类的尊严, 那真是十分可怕, 而这东西,就是奴隶制。
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; violation:n.违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸; horrific:adj.可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的;
And we've got to say, what good is all of our intellectual and political and economic power -- and I'm really thinking intellectual power in this room -- if we can't use it to bring slavery to an end? 我不禁要问, 智力、政治力量和经济力量 究竟有什么实在的好处么? 如果我们这一个屋子里面的人不能够用我们的智慧打倒奴隶制, 那么智慧又有何用呢?
I think there is enough intellectual power in this room to bring slavery to an end. 我认为,我们这间屋子理所蕴含的智慧 足够强大能把奴隶制打倒了。
And you know what? If we can't do that, if we can't use our intellectual power to end slavery, there is one last question: 另外你知道么,假如我们做不到, 如果我们做不到利用我们的智慧解放奴隶的话, 我有最后一个问题留给大家,
Are we truly free? 那我们还能算是真正自由的人吗?
Okay, thank you so much. 好,谢谢大家。
(Applause) (鼓掌)