

OK. We've heard a lot of people speak at this conference about the power of the human mind. 在这次的会议上, 我们已经听到了很多人 讲解人类意志的力量。
And what I'd like to do today is give you a vivid example of how that power can be unleashed when someone is in a survival situation, how the will to survive can bring that out in people. 而我今天想做的 就是带给你们一个鲜明的例子, 它展示人们是如何在亟需生存的环境下 释放这种力量的, 以及这种力量是如何被生存的欲望所激发。
vivid:adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的; unleashed:v.发泄;突然释放;使爆发(unleash的过去分词和过去式) survival:n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物;
This is an incident which occurred on Mount Everest; it was the worst disaster in the history of Everest . 这是发生在珠穆朗玛峰上的一个事件。 它是珠穆朗玛历史上最惨重的灾难。
occurred:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在;(occur的过去分词和过去式) Mount:n.山;坐骑;山峰;衬纸板;v.登上;爬上;攀登;准备; disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸; Everest:n.珠穆朗玛峰(世界最高峰);
And when it occurred, I was the only doctor on the mountain. 灾难发生时,我是珠峰上唯一的医生。
So I'll take you through that and we'll see what it's like when someone really summons the will to survive. 所以我将带领你们重温那次灾难, 身临其境地去感受一下。 当人们唤醒自身对生存的渴求时, 究竟是怎样的一种情形。
OK, this is Mount Everest. 这就是珠穆朗玛峰。
It's 29,035 feet high. 海拔29035英尺。
I've been there six times: Four times I did work with National Geographic , making tectonic plate measurements; twice, I went with NASA doing remote sensing devices . 我总共去过那里六次。四次是跟着国家地理 丈量构造板块。 两次是跟着美国航天局 研究远程感测系统。
Geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; tectonic:adj.[地质]构造的;建筑的;地壳构造上的; remote sensing:遥感; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
It was on my fourth trip to Everest that a comet passed over the mountain. Hyakutake. 在我第四次珠穆朗玛之行的时候, 一个彗星,百武彗星划过峰顶。
And the Sherpas told us then that was a very bad omen , and we should have listened to them. 随行的夏尔巴人告诉我们 这是个凶兆, 事后想想,我们真应该听从他们的意见。
Sherpas:n.夏尔巴人(Sherpa的复数形式); omen:n.预兆;前兆;v.预告;
Everest is an extreme environment. 珠穆朗玛是个极端的环境。
There's only one-third as much oxygen at the summit as there is at sea level . 峰顶的氧气只是海平面的三分之一。
summit:n.峰会;山顶;顶点;最高点; sea level:海平面;
Near the summit, temperatures can be 40 degrees below zero. 靠近峰顶的地方, 气温可以到达零下40度。
You can have winds 20 to 40 miles an hour. 风速有时高达每小时20到40英里。
It's actually a wind-chill factor which is lower than a summer day on Mars . 这其实是“风冷因素”, 它要比火星上的夏天还要寒冷。
factor:n.因素;要素;[物]因数;代理人;v.做代理商;v.把…作为因素计入; Mars:n.火星
I remember one time being up near the summit, 我记得有一次,在离峰顶不远的地方,
I reached into my down jacket for a drink from my water bottle, inside my down jacket, only to discover that the water was already frozen solid. 我伸手到我的鸭绒衣里 想拿出我的水壶喝口水, 当时我的水壶是在我的鸭绒衣里, 但我伸手进去的时候却发现水壶里的水已经冰冻如石了。
That gives you an idea of just how severe things are near the summit. 你们由此可以想象峰顶的环境 是何等的恶劣。
OK, this is the route up Everest. 这就是登顶的线路图。
It starts at base camp , at 17,500 feet. 从17500英尺的大本营开始。
base camp:n.登山大本营;
Camp One, 2,000 feet higher. 2000英尺之上是一号营地,
Camp Two, another 2,000 feet higher up, what's called the Western Cwm. 再往上2000英尺是二号营地 昵称“西库姆冰斗”。
CampThree is at the base of Lhotse, which is the fourth highest mountain in the world, but it's dwarfed by Everest. 三号营是在洛子峰的山脚。 洛子峰是世界上第四高的山峰,但和珠穆朗玛峰相比,还是小巫见大巫了。
And then Camp Four is the highest camp; that's 3,000 feet short of the summit. 四号营是最高的营地。 距离峰顶只有3000英尺。
This is a view of base camp. 这就是大本营,
This is pitched on a glacier at 17,500 feet. 搭建在17500英尺高的冰川上。
pitched:adj.倾斜的;v.用力扔;投;抛;投球;当投手;触地;(pitch的过去分词和过去式) glacier:n.冰河,冰川;
It's the highest point you can bring your yaks before you have to unload . 这大本营就是你随行的牦牛所能攀爬的最高点, 在这之后你就不得不卸下行囊。
yaks:n.牦牛;喋喋不休; unload:v.脱手;(从车、船上)卸;退出;推卸(责任);
And this is what they unloaded for me: 而这就是我当时所卸下来的东西。
I had four yak loads of medical supplies, which are dumped in a tent, and here I am trying to arrange things. 我一共带了四个牦牛才能承载的医疗用品, 全部被转放在一个帐篷里。 这是我在整理杂物。
dumped:v.丢弃,扔掉;丢下;抛弃;倾销,抛售;(dump的过去分词和过去式) arrange:v.安排;排列;整理;
This was our expedition . 这是我们的探险队。
It was a National Geographic expedition, but it was organized by The Explorers Club. 它是一个国家地理的探险队, 不过是由探险者俱乐部组织的。
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) Explorers:n.探险者;勘探者;考察者;(explorer的复数)
There were three other expeditions on the mountain, an American team, a New Zealand team and an IMAX team. 当时还有其他的三个探险队在山上, 一个美国队,一个新西兰队, 还有一个IMAX电影摄像队。
expeditions:n.探险(expedition的复数);远征; Zealand:西兰岛(丹麦最大的岛) IMAX:n.IMAX超大银幕技术;艾麦克斯影院;
And, after actually two months of preparation, we built our camps all the way up the mountain. 经过两个月的准备, 我们一路搭建帐篷直奔山顶。
This is a view looking up the icefall , the first 2,000 feet of the climb up from base camp. 这是仰望“冰布”的景象。 它是从大本营算起的 首个2000英尺攀爬。
And here's a picture in the icefall; it's a waterfall , but it's frozen, but it moves very slowly, and it actually changes every day. 这是一幅冰布内部的照片。 它其实是一个瀑布,但已经被冻结,很缓慢地流动着, 而且每天都会有变化。
When you're in it, you're like a rat in a maze; you can't even see over the top . 当你深处其中的时候,感觉就好像是一只在迷宫里的老鼠一样, 甚至无法看到顶端。
over the top:adj.过多的;言过其实的;夸大其词的;
This is near the top of the icefall. 这是距离冰布顶部很近的地方。
You want to climb through at night when the ice is frozen. 要等到夜晚降临,冰全部冻结的时候,才可以爬过去,
That way, it's less likely to tumble down on you. 以避免冰块在你脚下分裂。
These are some climbers reaching the top of the icefall just at sun-up . 这是些在日出时,登上冰布顶的攀爬者们。
climbers:n.登山者(climber的复数);[植]攀缘植物;脚扣; sun-up:阳光行动;
This is me crossing a crevasse . 这是我跨越一个裂缝。
We cross on aluminum ladders with safety ropes attached . 我们攀爬一个有安全绳索的铝制梯子。
aluminum:n.铝; ladders:n.[建]梯子(ladder的复数);v.装设梯子(ladder的第三人称单数形式); attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式)
That's another crevasse. 这是另一个裂缝。
Some of these things are 10 stories deep or more, and one of my climbing friends says that the reason we actually climb at night is because if we ever saw the bottom of what we're climbing over, we would never do it. 有些裂缝有十层楼那么深,甚至更深。 跟我同行的攀爬者说 我们之所以选择在夜晚攀爬 是因为如果我们可以清楚看见 我们所攀爬的裂缝的底部的话, 我们是打死也不会爬过去的。
Okay. This is Camp One. 这就是一号营。
It's the first flat spot you can reach after you get up to the top of the icefall. 是在爬过冰布顶部之后 遇到的第一块平地。
And from there we climb up to Camp Two, which is sort of the foreground . 从那里,我们继续爬往二号营, 看起来好像是前景。
These are climbers moving up the Lhotse face, that mountain toward Camp Three. 这些登山者正沿着洛子峰 爬往第三营。
They're on fixed ropes here. 他们捆绑着固定的绳索。
A fall here, if you weren't roped in, would be 5,000 feet down. 如果你在这里跌倒,身上又没有保护绳索的话, 迎接你的将是5000英尺的坠落。
This is a view taken from camp three. 这是三号营的照片。
You can see the Lhotse face is in profile , it's about a 45 degree angle. It takes two days to climb it, so you put the camp halfway through. 你可以看到洛子峰的侧面。 45度的仰角,要花两天的时间才能爬到顶。 所以你得在半途中驻扎营地。
If you notice, the summit of Everest is black. 如果你仔细看的话,会发现珠穆朗玛的峰顶是黑色的。
There's no ice over it. 上面并没有冰的覆盖。
And that's because Everest is so high, it's in the jet stream , and winds are constantly scouring the face, so no snow gets to accumulate . 这是因为珠穆朗玛是如此之高, 它处于急流层, 狂风不停地席卷着表面, 因此没有积雪的残留。
jet stream:n.(地球高空的)急流;(飞机发动机的)喷气流; constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; scouring:v.搜寻,搜查;擦净;冲刷成;(scour的现在分词) accumulate:vi.累积;积聚;vt.积攒;
What looks like a cloud behind the summit ridge is actually snow being blown off the summit. 山脊后面那看起来像云彩的东西 实际上是被风吹散的白雪。
This is on the way up from Camp Three to Camp Four, moving in, up through the clouds. 这是有三号营攀往四号营, 穿过云层。
And this is at Camp Four. 这是四号营。
Once you get to Camp Four, you have maybe 24 hours to decide if you're going to go for the summit or not. 一旦你抵达四号营,你只有大概24个小时的时间 来决定你是否要登顶。
Everybody's on oxygen, your supplies are limited , and you either have to go up or go down, make that decision very quickly. 因为每个人都需要氧气罩。而氧气存量又是有限的。 所以你必须快速做出决定, 要么登顶,要么下山。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
This is a picture of Rob Hall. 这是Rob Hall的照片。
He was the leader of the New Zealand team. 他是新西兰队的领头人。
This is a radio he used later to call his wife that I'll tell you about. 这是他后来用来给他妻子打电话的收音机, 我等一下会跟你们详细介绍。
These are some climbers waiting to go to the summit. 这是些等着登顶的登山者们。
They're up at Camp Four, and you can see that there's wind blowing off the summit. 他们正在四号营。你们可以看到,冷风正吹过峰顶。
This is not good weather to climb in, so the climbers are just waiting, hoping that the wind's going to die down. 这种天气并不利于登山, 所以这些登山者们只是等候者,期盼寒风可以减缓。
And, in fact, the wind does die down at night. 事实上,大风在那晚的确是减弱了。
It becomes very calm, there's no wind at all. 变得非常平静。根本是一点风都没有。
This looks like a good chance to go for the summit. 看上去是登顶的绝佳良机。
So here are some climbers starting out for the summit on what's called the Triangular Face. 这里看到就是一些开始向峰顶前进的登山者们, 他们所攀爬的就是所谓的“三角峰面”。
It's the first part of climb. 这只是登顶的第一步。
It's done in the dark, because it's actually less steep than what comes next, and you can gain daylight hours if you do this in the dark. 这是在夜间进行的,因为随后的登程要比这个陡很多, 所以在夜间出发的话,就可以稍后获取宝贵的日光。
steep:adj.陡峭的;不合理的;夸大的;急剧升降的;v.泡;浸;使…充满;n.峭壁;浸渍; daylight:n.日光;
So that's what happened. 这就是当时的情形。
The climbers got on the southeast ridge. 登山者们登上东南山脊,
This is the view looking at the southeast ridge. 这是瞭望东南山脊的景象。
The summit would be in the foreground. 峰顶就在前景中。
From here, it's about 1,500 feet up at a 30-degree angle to the summit. 从这里算起,距离峰顶大概是1500英尺 30度仰角的攀爬。
But what happened that year was the wind suddenly and unexpectedly picked up. 但那年所发生的事情是 风速突然意想不到地加大。
A storm blew in that no one was anticipating . 暴风在无人预知的情况下突袭。
You can see here some ferocious winds blowing snow way high off the summit. 你在这里看到一些狂风暴雪 席卷峰顶。
And there were climbers on that summit ridge. 而登山者们就在那个峰顶脊梁上。
This is a picture of me in that area taken a year before, and you can see I've got an oxygen mask on with a rebreather . 这是一张我一年前 在那个区域拍摄的照片。 你可以看到我带着氧气罩 和呼吸器。
oxygen mask:n.氧气面具;氧气面罩; rebreather:n.换气器;氧气呼吸器;再生式氧气系统;(水下)呼吸器;
I have an oxygen hose connected here. 我有一个氧气栓连在这里。
You can see on this climber, we have two oxygen tanks in the backpack -- little titanium tanks, very lightweight -- and we're not carrying much else. 你可以看到在这个登山者的背包中有两个氧气罐, 小的钛金罐,非常轻便。 我们也没有携带过多的其他东西。
titanium:n.[化学]钛(金属元素); lightweight:n.轻量级选手;无足轻重的人;adj.重量轻的;平均重量以下的;
This is all you've got. You're very exposed on the summit ridge. 这就是你所需的一起。在峰顶脊梁上,你的一切都暴露在外。
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
OK, this is a view taken on the summit ridge itself. 这是站在峰顶脊梁上拍摄的一张照片。
This is on the way toward the summit, on that 1,500-foot bridge. 这是前往峰顶的路上 经过那个1500英尺的链接路。
All the climbers here are climbing unroped, and the reason is because the drop off is so sheer on either side that if you were roped to somebody, you'd wind up just pulling them off with you. 所有的登山者都没有捆绑绳索, 原因是因为 两边都极其陡峭, 如果你和他人用绳索连在一起的话, 一旦失足,会连同其他人一起坠下山。
sheer:adj.纯; v.十足地; n.透明薄纱; v.[航海](使)偏航; (使)转向;
So each person climbs individually . 所以每个人都是单独攀登。
And it's not a straight path at all, it's very difficult climbing, and there's always the risk of falling on either side. 而且攀登的线路并不是一条直线。 这是非常艰难的攀爬, 总是有 坠入两边的风险。
If you fall to your left, you're going to fall 8,000 feet into Nepal; if you fall to your right, you're going to fall 12,000 feet into Tibet. 如果你坠向左边,你将下落 8000英尺到达尼泊尔。 如果你坠向右边,你将下落 12000英尺到达西藏。
So it's probably better to fall into Tibet because you'll live longer. 所以还是跌入西藏比较好 至少你能多活一段时间(多活4000英尺)。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But, either way, you fall for the rest of your life. 但不管怎样,你都将坠向死亡。
OK. Those climbers were up near the summit, along that summit ridge that you see up there, and I was down here in Camp Three. 这些登山者们即将到达顶峰, 沿着你们看到的那条峰顶脊梁而行进着, 而我当时则是身处下方的三号营。
My expedition was down in Camp Three, while these guys were up there in the storm. 我的探险队当时在三号营, 而这些登山者则是陷在暴风中。
The storm was so fierce that we had to lay, fully dressed, fully equipped, laid out on the tent floor to stop the tent from blowing off the mountain. 那场暴风是如此猛烈,我们不得不全身躺下, 全副武装地 躺在帐篷里 以防止帐篷被吹走。
It was the worst winds I've ever seen. 那是我所见过的最恶劣的暴风。
And the climbers up on the ridge were that much higher, 2,000 feet higher, and completely exposed to the elements . 而那些峰脊上的登山者们 则是身处高处,比我们所在地还要高2000英尺的地方, 并完全地暴露在暴风雪之中。
We were in radio contact with some of them. 我们通过无线电和他们中的一些人保持着联系。
This is a view taken along the summit ridge. 这是沿着峰脊所拍摄的一张照片。
Rob Hall, we heard by radio, was up here, at this point in the storm with Doug Hansen. 我们从无线电中收听到说 Rob Hall此时正在峰脊上,身处暴风中, Doug Hansen也和他在一起。
And we heard that Rob was OK, but Doug was too weak to come down. 我们听说Rob还可以, 但是Doug身体过虚,无法下山来。
He was exhausted , and Rob was staying with him. 他已经精疲力竭了。Rob就呆在他的身边。
exhausted:adj.筋疲力尽的; v.使筋疲力尽; (exhaust的过去分词和过去式)
We also got some bad news in the storm that Beck Weathers, another climber, had collapsed in the snow and was dead. 我们也听到了一些其他关于暴风的坏消息。 另一位登山者Beck Weathers 当时已经倒在雪中,不幸逝世了。
Beck:n.招手;点头;(英)小河; collapsed:v.倒塌,坍塌;倒下,昏倒;坐下;(collapse的过去分词和过去式)
There were still 18 other climbers that we weren't aware of their condition. 还有另外18位登山者 所处情况我们当时不得而知。
They were lost. There was total confusion on the mountain; all the stories were confusing , most of them were conflicting . 他们迷失了。山上一片迷茫。 各项信息都令人费解,而且很多又是相互矛盾。
confusion:n.困惑;混淆;混同;困窘; confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词) conflicting:adj.互相斗争的;相冲突的;v.冲突,抵触;(conflict的现在分词)
We really had no idea what was going on during that storm. 我们真的对暴风中的一切一无所知。
We were just hunkered down in our tents at Camp Three. 我们只是困守在 三号营的帐篷里。
Our two strongest climbers, Todd Burleson and Pete Athans, decided to go up to try to rescue who they could even though there was a ferocious storm going. 我们中最强壮的两个登山者Todd Burleson和Pete Athans 决定登顶去尝试援救可能援救的人, 虽然说当时的暴风依旧是格外猛烈。
Todd:n.托德(姓氏,英国化学家,曾获1957年诺贝尔化学奖); rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救;
They tried to radio a message to Rob Hall, who was a superb climber stuck, sort of, with a weak climber up near the summit. 他们试着给Rob Hall发送无线电信息。 Rob Hall是个杰出的登山者, 不过当时却是和一个相对较弱的登山者 困在了峰顶附近。
I expected them to say to Rob, "Hold on. We're coming." 我当时以为他们会对Rob说 “坚持。我们马上就来。”
But in fact, what they said was, "Leave Doug and come down yourself. 但事实上,他们说的是 “丢下Doug,你自己下山来。
There's no chance of saving him, and just try to save yourself at this point." 现在已经没有拯救他的机会了, 最重要的是拯救你自己。”
And Rob got that message, but his answer was, "We're both listening." Rob收到了那条信息, 但他的回复是: “我们两个人都在收听这条信息。”
Todd and Pete got up to the summit ridge, up in here, and it was a scene of complete chaos up there. Todd和Pete最终抵达了峰脊, 迎接他们的是一片混乱。
But they did what they could to stabilize the people. 但是他们还是竭尽所能稳定周边的人员。
I gave them radio advice from Camp Three, and we sent down the climbers that could make it down under their own power. 我从三号营通过无线电向他们传送建议, 我们让那些有能力自己下山的人员 自行下山。
The ones that couldn't we just sort of decided to leave up at Camp Four. 那些不能自己下山的人,我们决定将他们暂时搁放在四号营。
So the climbers were coming down along this route. 所以登山者们是沿着这条线路下来的。
This is taken from Camp Three, where I was. 这是在三号营,我当时的所在地,拍摄的照片。
And they all came by me so I could take a look at them and see what I could do for them, which is really not much, because Camp Three is a little notch cut in the ice in the middle of a 45-degree angle. 他们都来到我身边, 以便于我检查他们,看看有什么是我可以做的。 但我所能做的其实不多,因为三号营 是在45度的冰面上 凿出来一个小洞。
take a look at:看一看;检查; notch:n.刻痕,凹口;等级;峡谷;v.赢得;用刻痕计算;在…上刻凹痕;
You can barely stand outside the tent. 现站在帐篷外面都难,
It's really cold; it's 24,000 feet. 因为实在是太冷了。而且又是在24000英尺的高地上。
The only supplies I had at that altitude were two plastic bags with preloaded syringes of painkiller and steroids . 在当时那个海拔上,我唯一的医疗器材 就是两个塑料袋中 事先装好了止痛药和类固醇的 针筒。
altitude:n.海拔;海拔高度;高程;(海拔高的)高处; preloaded:adj.预装入的;v.预先加料;[计]预装入(preloade的过去式和过去分词); syringes:n.(皮下)注射器; v.用注射器清洗(耳朵); (syringe的第三人称单数和复数) painkiller:n.止痛药; steroids:n.甾族化合物;类固醇;(steroid的复数)
So, as the climbers came by me, 所以这些登山者来到我身边,
I sort of assessed whether or not they were in condition to continue on further down. 由我来检测他们是否适合 继续向山下行进。
assessed:v.对…进行评估(assess过去时形式); whether or not:是否…; in condition:adv.健康状况好,身体条件适合;
The ones that weren't that lucid or were not that well coordinated , 对于那些已经不太清醒的,手脚不太协调了的,
lucid:adj.明晰的;透明的;易懂的;头脑清楚的; coordinated:v.使协调;使相配合;搭配,协调;(coordinate的过去分词和过去式)
I would give an injection of steroids to try to give them some period of lucidity and coordination where they could then work their way further down the mountain. 我就会注射一针类固醇, 来帮助他们暂时恢复 一些清醒和协调性, 这样他们可以继续向山下行进。
injection:n.注射;大量资金的投入;(液体的)注入; lucidity:n.明朗;清澈;清醒度; coordination:n.协调,调和;对等,同等;
It's so awkward to work up there that sometimes 在那么高的地方医治有时候是相当困难的。
I even gave the injections right through their clothes. 我甚至不得不直接将针管插过他们的衣服来进行注射。
It was just too hard to maneuver any other way up there. 在那种高度下,任何其他的办法 都很难奏效。
While I was taking care of them, we got more news about Rob Hall. 正当我照顾这些病人的时候, 我们得到了关于Rob Hall的最新消息。
There was no way we could get up high enough to rescue him. 在当时,我们是无论如何也无法及时赶到他所在的高度去援救他。
He called in to say that he was alone now. 他打电话进来,告诉我们说他现在是独自一人。
Apparently , Doug had died higher up on the mountain. 很显然,Doug已经在峰上的某个更高处离世了。
But Rob was now too weak to come down himself, and with the fierce winds and up at that altitude, he was just beyond rescue and he knew it. 但Rob现在已经变得无比虚弱,无法自己爬下山来。 更要命的是,风依旧是如此猛烈,他又在如此高的海拔上, 他是彻底无救了, 而他自己也清楚这一点。
At that point, he asked to be paged into his wife. 在那种情况下, 他请求联系他的妻子。
He was carrying a radio. 他当时携带着一个收音机。
His wife was home in New Zealand, seven months pregnant with their first child, and Rob asked to be patched into her. That was done, and Rob and his wife had their last conversation. 她的妻子正守在新西兰的家中, 怀着他们七个月大的第一个孩子。 Rob请求和她连线。我们达成了他的请求。 之后Rob和他的妻子 进行了最后的一次谈话,
pregnant:adj.怀孕的;富有意义的; patched:v.打补丁;缝补;修补;(patch的过去分词和过去式)
They picked the name for their baby. 为他们的孩子选好了名字。
Rob then signed off, and that was the last we ever heard of him. 随后Rob就挂断了, 而那也是我们最后一次听到他的声音。
I was faced with treating a lot of critically ill patients at 24,000 feet, which was an impossibility . 我当时所面临的是近乎不可能完成的医疗任务── 在24000英尺的海拔上 医治一群病重的患者。
treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) critically:adv.精密地;危急地;批评性地;用钻研眼光地; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数) impossibility:n.不可能;不可能的事;
So what we did was, we got the victims down to 21,000 feet, where it was easier for me to treat them. 所以我们到头来做的是,是把这些患者 带到21000英尺的海拔。那里更方便我来医治他们。
This was my medical kit . 这就是我当时的医疗箱,
It's a tackle box filled with medical supplies. 是一个装满了医疗器备的钓具箱。
tackle:v.处理; n.用具;
This is what I carried up the mountain. 这就是我带上山的一切,
I had more supplies lower down, which I asked to be brought up to meet me at the lower camp. 我在山下有更多的器备。 我已经叫人把这些器备带到低处的营地以便我随后使用。
And this was scene at the lower camp. 而就是当时在低处营地的场景。
The survivors came in one by one . 幸存者们一个个地走进来。
one by one:一个接一个;
Some of them were hypothermic , some of them were frostbitten , some were both. 他们有些人体温过低, 有些人生了冻疮,而有的则是两者皆具。
hypothermic:adj.体温过低的;低体温的; frostbitten:adj.冻伤的;受霜害的;v.使冻伤(frostbite的过去分词);
What we did was try to warm them up as best we could, put oxygen on them and try to revive them, which is difficult to do at 21,000 feet, when the tent is freezing. 我们试着尽可能地让他们身体暖和起来, 给他们氧气,帮助他们呼吸, 这在21000英尺的海拔上, 在冰冷的帐篷中,并不是一件容易的事。
This is some severe frostbite on the feet, severe frostbite on the nose . 这是脚上的严重冻伤, 还有鼻子上的严重冻伤。
frostbite:n.冻伤;冻疮;vt.参加冬季帆船比赛使冻伤;使受霜害 on the nose:准确;
This climber was snow blind. 这个登山者患上了雪盲症。
As I was taking care of these climbers, we got a startling experience. 正当我医治这些登山者的时候, 不可思议的事情发生了。
Out of nowhere , Beck Weathers, who we had already been told was dead, stumbled into the tent, just like a mummy , he walked into the tent. Beck Weather不知从哪里钻了出来, 我们之前被告知说他已经离世了, 不过他现在竟然像一个木乃伊一样 跌跌跄跄地走进了帐篷中。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的; stumbled:v.绊脚;跌跌撞撞地走;蹒跚而行;(stumble的过去分词和过去式) mummy:妈妈
I expected him to be incoherent , but, in fact, he walked into the tent and said to me, "Hi, Ken . Where should I sit?" 我本以为他会口齿不清, 但事实上他走进帐篷,对我说到: “嘿,Ken。我应该坐在哪里?”
incoherent:adj.语无伦次的;不连贯的;不合逻辑的; Ken:n.视野范围,见地,知识范围;
And then he said, "Do you accept my health insurance ?" 随后他又说到: “你接受我的医保不?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
He really said that. 那真是他的原话。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So he was completely lucid, but he was very severely frostbitten. 虽然他当时神智很清醒,但却被严重冻伤。
You can see his hand is completely white; his face, his nose, is burned. 你们可以看到,他的手已经全白了, 他的脸和鼻子则是被灼伤了。
First, it turns white, and then when it's completed necrosis , it turns black, and then it falls off. 它先会变白,当到达坏疽的阶段时, 它则会变黑,随后脱落。
It's the last stage, just like a scar. 这是最后的阶段,就像个结疤一样。
So, as I was taking care of Beck, he related what had been going on up there. 就在我照顾Beck的时候, 他向我重述了在峰上所发生的一切。
He said he had gotten lost in the storm, collapsed in the snow, and just laid there, unable to move. 他说他迷失在暴风中, 瘫在了雪中, 然后就躺在那里,无法移动。
Some climbers had come by and looked at him, and he heard them say, "He's dead." 有些登山者经过他身旁,打量了他一番, 然后他听到他们说,“他已经死了。”
But Beck wasn't dead; he heard that, but he was completely unable to move. 但Beck当时并没有死,他可以听清他们的谈话, 不过他完全无法移动。
He was in some sort of catatonic state where he could be aware of his surroundings , but couldn't even blink to indicate that he was alive. 他处于一种强直性昏厥的状态── 可以感知身边的环境, 却无法通过眨眼这样简单的事情来告诉别人他还活着。
catatonic:adj.紧张性精神症的;n.紧张性精神症患者; surroundings:n.周围的环境;环境;(surrounding的复数) blink:vt.眨眼;使…闪烁;vi.眨眼;闪烁;n.眨眼;瞬间;闪光; indicate:v.表明;显示;象征;暗示;
So the climbers passed him by, and Beck lay there for a day, a night and another day, in the snow. 所以登山者们离他而去, Beck躺在那里,一天,一夜, 又一天, 在白雪中。
And then he said to himself, "I don't want to die. 但他告诉自己说: “我不想死。
I have a family to come back to." 我的家人还在等着我。”
And the thoughts of his family, his kids and his wife, generated enough energy, enough motivation in him, so that he actually got up. 他对他家人、他的孩子、 他的妻子的思念之情 给予了他充足的力量, 激发了他的动力, 于是他终于站了起来。
generated:v.产生;引起;(generate的过去式和过去分词) motivation:n.动机;积极性;推动;
After laying in the snow that long a time, he got up and found his way back to the camp. 在雪中躺了那么长一段时间后, 他站了起来,并且找到了回营地的路。
And Beck told me that story very quietly, but I was absolutely stunned by it. Beck轻声地向我讲述着这个故事, 但我却完全被其打动了。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; stunned:adj.震惊的; v.使昏迷; (stun的过去分词和过去式)
I couldn't imagine anybody laying in the snow that long a time and then getting up. 我无法想象任何人可以在雪中 瘫痪那么久, 却依旧可以站起来。
He apparently reversed an irreversible hypothermia . 很明显,他逆转了 无法逆转的过低体温。
reversed:v.颠倒; (reverse的过去分词和过去式) irreversible:adj.不可逆的;不能取消的;不能翻转的; hypothermia:n.降低体温;低体温症;
And I can only try to speculate on how he did it. 而我现在只能猜测 他是如何做到这一点的。
So, what if we had Beck hooked up to a SPECT scan, something that could actually measure brain function? 如果我们将Beck连到一个电脑扫描仪上, 来观测他当时的脑部活动, 我们会看到什么呢?
what if:如果…怎么办? hooked:adj.弯曲的; v.(使)钩住,挂住; (hook的过去分词和过去式) SPECT:abbr.[核]单光子发射计算机化断层显像(singlephotonemissioncomputedtomography);
Just very simply, the three parts of the brain: the frontal lobe , where you focus your attention and concentration; you have the temporal lobe, where you form images and keep memories; and the posterior part of your brain, 这是简化了的大脑的三个部分: 额叶── 用来集中注意力的组织; 颞叶── 用来构建影像、存储记忆的组织; 而在大脑的后部,
frontal lobe:n.额叶(与行为、学习和个性有关); temporal:adj.暂时的;当时的;现世的;n.世间万物;暂存的事物; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) posterior:adj.其次的;较后的;n.后部;臀部;
which contains the cerebellum , which controls motion; and the brain stem , where you have your basic maintenance functions, like heartbeat and respiration . 有控制行动的小脑, 以及协调如心跳、呼吸等 这些基本生命机理的 脑干。
cerebellum:n.[解剖]小脑; stem:n.花草的茎或梗;高脚酒杯的脚;烟斗柄;词干;v.阻止;封堵;遏止; maintenance:n.维护,维修;保持;生活费用; heartbeat:n.心跳;情感; respiration:n.呼吸;呼吸作用;
So let's take a cut through the brain here, and imagine that Beck was hooked up to a SPECT scan. 所以让我们在这里截取这个大脑的横切片, 想象着Beck就连在 这个大脑扫描仪上,
This measures dynamic blood flow and therefore energy flow within the brain. 测量着动态血液流动, 也就是大脑中的能量流动。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的;
So you have the prefrontal cortex here, lighting up in red. 这里,前额的大量活动 呈现红色。
prefrontal:adj.[解剖]前额的;额叶前部的;n.[解剖]额前骨; cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮;
This is a pretty evenly distributed scan. 这是一个分配相对平均的脑切片。
evenly:adv.均匀地;平衡地;平坦地;平等地; distributed:adj.分布的;分散的;v.分发;分配;使分布(distribute的过去分词和过去式)
You have the middle area, where the temporal lobe might be, in here, and the posterior portion , where the maintenance functions are in the back. 大脑的中部在这里, 颞叶可能就在这里, 这是后脑的部分,基本机理的维护都在后面。
This is a roughly normal scan, showing equal distribution of energy. 这是一个比较正常的脑切片, 能量分布地很平均。
roughly:adv.粗糙地;概略地; distribution:n.分布;分配;分发;分销;
Now, you go to this one and you see how much more the frontal lobes are lighting up. 再来看看这张切片, 额叶是格外的兴奋。
This might be what Beck would be experiencing when he realizes he's in danger. 而这就有可能是当Beck意识到自己身处险境时, 所经历的事情。
He's focusing all his attention on getting himself out of trouble. 他集中了他所有的注意力, 一心只想脱离险境。
These parts of the brain are quieting down. 大脑这些部分的活动都被减缓。
He's not thinking about his family or anybody else at this point, and he's working pretty hard. 在这种状况下,他并没有在想着他的家人或是其他任何人, 而是在竭尽全力抗争着。
He's trying to get his muscles going and get out of this. 他正试着重新激活他的肌肉,脱离险境。
OK, but he's losing ground here. 不过他开始败退下来,
He's running out of energy. 他没有足够的能量。
It's too cold; he can't keep his metabolic fires going, and, you see, there's no more red here; his brain is quieting down. 天气过于寒冷,他无法维持他的新陈代谢。 如你所见,这里不再是红色的了。 他的大脑开始安静下来。
He's collapsed in the snow here. Everything is quiet, there's very little red anywhere. 他瘫在了雪中。一切都变得鸦雀无声。 红色的部分一点点消逝。
Beck is powering down. Beck的能量一点点流失。
He's dying. 他正一步步接近死亡。
You go on to the next scan, but, in Beck's case, you can see that the middle part of his brain is beginning to light up again. 不过当我们来到下一张脑切片, 我们会看到 Beck大脑的中间部分 又变得兴奋起来。
He's beginning to think about his family. 他还是回想他的家人。
He's beginning to have images that are motivating him to get up. 他脑中浮现家人的各种影像 激励他站起来。
He's developing energy in this area through thought. 仅仅通过思考, 他在这个区域中聚集了能量。
And this is how he's going to turn thought back into action. 这就是他如何将思想 转化为行动。
This part of the brain is called the anterior cingulate gyrus . 这部分的大脑被称为带状前回。
anterior:adj.前面的;先前的; cingulate:adj.有色带的;(昆虫腹部)有色带环绕的; gyrus:n.[解剖]脑回(形成大脑半球的组织);回转;
It's an area in which a lot of neuroscientists believe the seat of will exists. 很多脑部专家相信 这个区域 就是人类意志的所在。
This is where people make decisions, where they develop willpower . 这是人们做决定、培养意志的地方。
And, you can see, there's an energy flow going from the mid portion of his brain, where he's got images of his family, into this area, which is powering his will. 而且如你们所见,一股能量 正从充满他家人影像的大脑中部 流向 掌管其意志的区域。
Okay. This is getting stronger and stronger to the point where it's actually going to be a motivating factor. 而这股能量变得越来越强壮 直到它变成了 一个激励他的因素。
He's going to develop enough energy in that area -- after a day, a night and a day -- to actually motivate himself to get up. 在一天、一夜、又一天之后 他将在那个区域积攒足够的能量 来激励他站起来。
And you can see here, he's starting to get more energy into the frontal lobe. 如你所见, 他的额叶开始集聚更多的能量。
He's beginning to focus, he can concentrate now. 他开始集中精力。他现在可以全神贯注了。
He's thinking about what he's got to do to save himself. 他在考虑如何拯救自己。
So this energy has been transmitted up toward the front of his brain, and it's getting quieter down here, but he's using this energy to think about what he has to do to get himself going. 所以这股能量已经被转移到 他大脑的前部, 而这部分则变得渐渐安静下来, 不过他正在利用这股能量 来思考一个可以让他重新动起来的办法。
And then, that energy is sort of spreading throughout his thought areas. 而之后,这股能量就好似 在他的思想区域里扩散开来一样。
He's not thinking about his family now, and he's getting himself motivated . 他现在不再挂念他的家人,而是在想着如何激励他自己。
motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
This is the posterior part, where his muscles are going to be moving, and he's going to be pacing himself. 这是大脑后部,帮助他的肌肉重新活动起来, 随后他将开始自我调整,
His heart and lungs are going to pick up speed. 他的心脏和肺将开始提速。
So this is what I can speculate might have been going on had we been able to do a SPECT scan on Beck during this survival epic . 如果我们可以将Beck连接在电脑扫描仪上, 我猜想这就是当时在他惊人的求生过程中 所发生的一切。
So here I am taking care of Beck at 21,000 feet, and I felt what I was doing was completely trivial compared to what he had done for himself. 这是我在海拔21000英尺的地方照顾Beck, 和他所做的一切自救相比 我感觉我所做的是如此微不足道。
trivial:adj.不重要的,琐碎的;琐细的; compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
It just shows you what the power of the mind can do. 这向你们展示了人类意志的力量。
He was critically ill, there were other critically ill patients; luckily, we were able to get a helicopter in to rescue these guys. 他病得很严重。还有许多其他的患者病得很严重。 幸运的是,我们得以获取一架直升飞机 来援救这些人。
A helicopter came in at 21,000 feet and carried out the highest helicopter rescue in history. 一架直升飞机来到21000的海拔处 完成了人类历史上海拔最高的直升机援救。
It was able to land on the ice, take away Beck and the other survivors, one by one, and get them off to Kathmandu in a clinic before we even got back to base camp. 它得以降落在冰上,将Beck 以及其他幸存者,一个个地运走, 并在我们赶回大本营之前, 就已经把他们送到了加德满都(尼泊尔首都)的一家诊所。
This is a scene at base camp, at one of the camps where some of the climbers were lost. 这是在大本营的一幕, 我们遇难的登山者中就有一些 来自其中的一个营地。
And we had a memorial service there a few days later. 几天后,我们在那里 举行了一场悼念仪式。
These are Serphas lighting juniper branches. 这是一些夏尔巴人燃烧杉树枝,
They believe juniper smoke is holy. 因为他们相信杉树的烟是神圣的。
And the climbers stood around on the high rocks and spoke of the climbers who were lost up near the summit, turning to the mountain, actually, to talk to them directly . 登山者们站在那些高处岩石的四周 追忆那些 在峰顶遇难的同伴们, 转向大山,去和他们直接对话。
There were five climbers lost here. 一共有五名登山者不幸逝世。
This was Scott Fischer, 这是Scott Fischer,
Rob Hall, Rob Hall,
Andy Harris, Andy Harris,
Doug Hansen and Yasuko Namba. Doug Hansen 以及Yasuko Namba。
And one more climber should have died that day, but didn't, and that's Beck Weathers. 还有一名登山者 本应在那天逝世,但是却没有, 他就是Beck Weathers。
He was able to survive because he was able to generate that incredible willpower, he was able to use all the power of his mind to save himself. 而他幸存的原因 就是因为他可以召唤那股难以置信的意志力, 用他所用的精神力量 拯救了自己。
These are Tibetan prayer flags. 这些是藏族的祷告旗。
These Sherpas believe that if you write prayers on these flags, the message will be carried up to the gods, and that year, Beck's message was answered. 夏尔巴人们相信 如果你将祷告写在这些旗上面, 你的讯息将会被带往神那里。 而那一年,Beck的祈祷得到了回应。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)