

So just by a show of hands, how many of you all have a robot at home? 家里有机器人的观众请举下手~
Not very many of you. 嗯,不算太多。
Okay. And actually of those hands, if you don't include Roomba how many of you have a robot at home? 好。这些举手的观众中, 哪些人家里的机器人不是扫地机器人?
So a couple. 寥寥无几。
That's okay. 谢谢,可以放下来了。
That's the problem that we're trying to solve at Romotive -- that I and the other 20 nerds at Romotive are obsessed with solving. 这就是我们 Romotive 团队——我和另外20个怪才—— 想要解决的问题,而我们真的乐在其中。
nerds:n.书呆子;网虫;讨厌鬼(nerd的复数); obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词)
So we really want to build a robot that anyone can use, whether you're eight or 80. 我们的目标是造出来一种谁都用得了的机器人, 不管你是8岁还是80岁。
And as it turns out, that's a really hard problem, because you have to build a small, portable robot that's not only really affordable , but it has to be something that people actually want to take home and have around their kids. 我们发现,这确实是一个很难的问题, 因为这不仅要求你构造出来的机器人小巧、轻便, 成本控制在可接受的水平, 还要求你做出来的机器人 足够有趣,使得人们愿意把它们带回家,带给孩子。
portable:adj.便携式的;手提的;轻便的;n.便携机;(尤指)手提电脑; affordable:adj.负担得起的;
This robot can't be creepy or uncanny . 这个机器人样子不能太丑陋。
creepy:adj.令人毛骨悚然的;爬行的; uncanny:adj.神秘的;离奇的;可怕的;
He should be friendly and cute. 他应该是很萌、很可爱的。
So meet Romo. 他就是 Romo。
Romo's a robot that uses a device you already know and love -- your iPhone -- as his brain. Romo 机器人使用你已经熟知并喜欢的设备—— 你的 iPhone —— 作为他的大脑。
And by leveraging the power of the iPhone's processor , we can create a robot that is wi-fi enabled and computer vision-capable for 150 bucks , which is about one percent of what these kinds of robots have cost in the past. 利用 iPhone 的处理器和传感器, 我们只花了大概150美元就做出来 一台带有WIFI和计算机视觉功能的机器人, 价格只有过去类似机器人的造价的百分之一。
leveraging:v.利用贷款进行投机;(leverage的现在分词) processor:n.[计]处理器;处理程序;加工者; wi-fi:abbr.无线保真技术(wirelessfidelity);无线上网技术; enabled:v.使得;授予…权力;(enabled是enable的过去式) bucks:n.元;雄鹿;(buck的复数)
When Romo wakes up, he's in creature mode. 现在 Romo 醒了,他现在处在自主模式。
So he's actually using the video camera on the device to follow my face. 他通过手机上的摄像头识别和跟踪我的脸。
video camera:n.摄像机;
If I duck down, he'll follow me. 如果我弯下腰,他也会跟着我转。
He's wary , so he'll keep his eyes on me. 他有些担心,所以他的视线一直没有离开我。
If I come over here, he'll turn to follow me. 如果我来这边,他也会跟我跑。
If I come over here -- (Laughs) 如果我来这边——(笑声)
He's smart. 他很聪明。
And if I get too close to him, he gets scared just like any other creature. 如果我靠他太近, 他会像其它小动物一样感到害怕,
So in a lot of ways, Romo is like a pet that has a mind of his own. 在很多方面,Romo 跟你的宠物差不多,有自己的意识。
Thanks, little guy. 谢谢,小家伙。
(Sneezing sound) (打喷嚏的声音)
Bless you. 保重啊。
And if I want to explore the world -- uh-oh, Romo's tired -- if I want to explore the world with Romo, 如果我想要探索这个世界——啊哈,Romo 累了—— 如果我想通过 Romo 探索这个世界,
I can actually connect him from any other iOS device. 我可以通过别的 iOS 设备来连接 Romo。
So here's the iPad. 比如这个 iPad。
And Romo will actually stream video to this device. Romo 可以将视频流转接到这台设备上。
So I can see everything that Romo sees, and I get a robot's-eye-view of the world. 所以现在我能看到 Romo 看到的一切, 通过机器人的视角看世界。
Now this is a free app on the App Store, so if any of you guys had this app on your phones, we could literally right now share control of the robot and play games together. 我们在 App Store 上放了一个免费 App, 如果你们在自己的手机上安装了这个 App 我们现在就可以一起控制这个机器人,还可以一起玩游戏。
So I'll show you really quickly, 让我来快速演示一下,
Romo actually -- he's streaming video, so you can see me and the entire TED audience. Romo 现在正在传送视频图像, 你可以看到我和整个观众席。
If I get in front of Romo here. 如果你站在 Romo 面前。
And if I want to control him, I can just drive. 如果我想要控制 Romo,我点几个按钮就可以了。
So I can drive him around, and I can take pictures of you. 我可以让他来回的移动, 我还可以让 Romo 拍照。
I've always wanted a picture of a 1,500-person TED audience. 我很想要拍一张有1500位TED观众的照片。
So I'll snap a picture. 喀嚓!拍好了。
And in the same way that you scroll through content on an iPad, 同样的方式,你可以在 iPad 上来回的滚动画面,
scroll:n.纸卷;卷轴;涡卷形装饰;v.滚屏;滚动; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
I can actually adjust the angle of the camera on the device. 我可以调整设备上的摄像头的角度。
So there are all of you through Romo's eyes. 这就是通过Romo 的眼睛看到的你们的样子。
And finally , because Romo is an extension of me, 最后,Romo 作为我的一个延伸,
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; extension:n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机;
I can express myself through his emotions . 我可以依照我的心情来改变他的表情。
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务; emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数)
So I can go in and I can say let's make Romo excited. 所以我可以登录进来,然后让 Romo 作出兴奋的表情。
But the most important thing about Romo is that we wanted to create something that was literally completely intuitive . 我们创造 Romo 最最重要的一个考虑 就是他的操作一定要非常非常的直观。
You do not have to teach someone how to drive Romo. 任何人都应该不需要人教就会驾驶 Romo。
In fact, who would like to drive a robot? 现在,谁愿意现场试一下?
Okay. Awesome . 好的,酷。
Here you go. 给你。
Thank you, Scott. 谢谢,Scott。
And even cooler, you actually don't have to be in the same geographic location as the robot to control him. 更酷的是,即使你跟 Romo 相隔两地, 你也可以毫无障碍的控制他。
geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的; location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位
So he actually streams two-way audio and video between any two smart devices . 实际上,他可以在两台智能设备之间(如手机和平板电脑) 双向的传送视频和音频信号,
two-way:adj.双向的;相互的;两路的; audio:adj.声音的;录音的; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
So you can log in through the browser , and it's kind of like Skype on wheels. 比如你可以通过浏览器登录 Romo, 这个时候他就像是带轮子的 Skype 电话一样。
log:原木,日志 browser:n.[计]浏览器;吃嫩叶的动物;浏览书本的人; Skype:n.网络电话(一个网络语音沟通工具);
So we were talking before about telepresence , and this is a really cool example. 我们刚才讨论过远程视觉呈现(telepresence) 这就是非常酷的例子。
You can imagine an eight-year-old girl, for example, who has an iPhone, and her mom buys her a robot. 想象一下一个8岁的小姑娘,有一个 iPhone, 她的妈妈给她买了一个 Romo 机器人。
That girl can take her iPhone, put it on the robot, send an email to Grandma, who lives on the other side of the country. 小姑娘可以把她的 iPhone 插到机器人上, 给她住在很远的地方的外婆发封电子邮件。
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
Grandma can log into that robot and play hide-and-go-seek with her granddaughter for fifteen minutes every single night, when otherwise she might only be able to get to see her granddaughter once or twice a year. 外婆可以登录进入 Romo,跟孙女玩躲猫猫的游戏, 可以每天晚上都玩15分钟, 如果没有 Romo,她可能一年只有一两次机会见到自己的乖孙女。
Thanks, Scott. 谢谢你,Scott。
(Applause) (掌声)
So those are a couple of the really cool things that Romo can do today. 所以,Romo 现在已经可以做一些很酷的事情了。
But I just want to finish by talking about something that we're working on in the future. 最后我想要分享一下我们未来的工作目标。
This is actually something that one of our engineers, Dom, built in a weekend. 这实际上是我们的工程师之一 Dom 在一个周末做出来的。
It's built on top of a Google open framework called Blockly. 它基于 Google 的一个称为 Blockly 的开源框架构建。
This allows you to drag and drop these blocks of semantic code and create any behavior for this robot you want. 它允许你以拖拽代码块的方式 创造出任何你想要的机器人的行为。
drag:v.拖曳;生拉硬拽;拖动;n.拖累;令人厌烦的人;累赘;绊脚石; semantic:adj.语义的;语义学的(等于semantical);
You do not have to know how to code to create a behavior for Romo. 你不需要知道如何针对 Romo 编程。
And you can actually simulate that behavior in the browser, which is what you see Romo doing on the left. 你要做的就是在浏览器中模拟你想要的行为, 就是现在 Romo 在屏幕左边做的那样。
And then if you have something you like, you can download it onto your robot and execute it in real life, run the program in real life. 然后如果你想的话, 你可以把代码下载到你的机器人中,在真实环境中执行 在现实环境中运行程序。
And then if you have something you're proud of, you can share it with every other person who owns a robot in the world. 如果这些程序让你很自豪, 你可以向全世界所有有这款机器人的玩家分享你的代码。
So all of these wi-fi?enabled robots actually learn from each other. 所以,这种带WIFI连接的机器人实际上是可以相互学习的。
The reason we're so focused on building robots that everyone can train is that we think the most compelling use cases in personal robotics are personal. 我们尽最大努力做到让任何人都可以训练机器人,是因为 我们认为个人机器人最吸引人的地方就是个性化。
compelling:adj.引人入胜的; v.强迫; (compel的现在分词) personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; robotics:n.机器人学;
They change from person to person. 每个人对机器人的需求都是不同的。
So we think that if you're going to have a robot in your home, that robot ought to be a manifestation of your own imagination . 我们认为,如果你打算买台机器人放在家里, 这个机器人应该是你自己想象力的体现。
manifestation:n.表现;显示;示威运动; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
So I wish that I could tell you what the future of personal robotics looks like. 我希望我能够向你描述未来的个人机器人会是什么样子。
To be honest, I have no idea . 但是老实说,我也不知道。
I have no idea:我没有头绪…;
But what we do know is that it isn't 10 years or 10 billion dollars or a large humanoid robot away. 但是我们知道这不会是那种很大的类人机器人, 或是需要花10年时间和100亿造出来的机器人。
The future of personal robotics is happening today, and it's going to depend on small, agile robots like Romo and the creativity of people like yourselves. 未来的个人机器人会顺着当前的研究方向发展, 即依赖于你自己的创造力,去操纵 像 Romo 这样小巧灵活的机器人。
So we can't wait to get you all robots, and we can't wait to see what you build. 我们已经等不及让你们人手一个机器人, 等不及看到你们的想象力了。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)