

I love paper, and I love technology , and what I do is I make paper interactive . 我热爱纸张,我也热爱技术。 我做的就是让纸张具有交互性(通过技术)。
technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; interactive:adj.合作的;相互影响的;互相配合的;交互式的;n.交互式视频设备;
And that's what I say when people ask me what I do, but it really confuses most people, so really, the best way for me to convey it is to take the technology and be creative and create experiences. 当别人问我做什么工作时,我一般就这样回答。 但是,这令人费解, 因此实际上,对我来说,描述我工作最好的方式是:
confuses:v.使糊涂;使迷惑;(将…)混淆;使更难于理解;(confuse的第三人称单数) convey:vt.传达;运输;让与; creative:adj.创造性的;
So I tried to think what I could use for here, and a couple of weeks ago I had a crazy idea that I wanted to print two DJ decks and to try and mix some music. 于是,我尝试着去想,在这儿我可以用些什么。 几个星期前,我有了一个疯狂的想法。 我想打印两张DJ台, 而且尝试着混合一些音乐。
And I'm going to try and show that at the end, and the suspense will be as much mine if it works. 我打算在最后展示这个。 如果这个凑效,悬念就会如我所预期的那样。
And I'm not a DJ, and I'm not a musician, so I'm a little bit scared of that. 我不是DJ,我也不是什么搞音乐的人。 因此我对此有一点点的担心。
So I think, I found the best way to describe my journey is just to mention a few little things that have happened to me throughout my life.
describe:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
There's three particular things that I've done, and I'll just describe those first, and then talk about some of my work. 我做过3件比较特别的事情。 首先,我会先讲讲这几件事, 然后介绍一下我的工作。
So when I was a kid, I was obsessed with wires, and I used to thread them under my carpet and thread them behind the walls and have little switches and little speakers, and I wanted to make my bedroom be interactive but kind of all hidden away. 当我还是一个小孩的时候,我对电线非常得痴迷。 我常常将电线藏在地毯下面, 或者将它们藏在墙后, 我还有一些小开关和小扬声器, 我希望不着痕迹地让我的卧室变得非常有交互性。
obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词) thread:n.螺纹;线索;思路;脉络;v.穿过;穿(针);纫(针);(使)穿过; carpet:n.地毯;v.用地毯铺(房间的)地板;
And I was also really interested in wireless as well. 我对无线电也非常感兴趣。
So I bought one of those little kits that you could get to make a radio transmitter , and I got an old book and I carved out the inside and I hid it inside there, and then I placed it next to my dad 所以我买了些大家都买得到的元件,做了一个无线电发送器。 然后,我找了一本旧书,把里面挖空,把那个无线电发送器藏在书里, 然后把它放到我老爸旁边,
kits:n.装备;小桶;锦囊(kit的复数); transmitter:n.[电讯]发射机,[通信]发报机;传达人; carved:v.雕刻;刻;把(熟肉)切成块;(carve的过去分词和过去式)
and snuck back to my bedroom and tuned in on the radio so I could eavesdrop . 最后悄悄溜回我的卧室,打开收音机。 这样,我就可以偷听。
snuck:潜行(sneak的过去式和过去分词); tuned:v.(为乐器)调音,校音;调整,调节(发动机);调频道(tune的过去分词和过去式) eavesdrop:n.屋檐上流下来的水;vi.偷听,窃听;
I was not at all interested in what he was saying. 其实,我对他说什么并不感兴趣,
not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
It's more that I just liked the idea of an everyday object having something inside and doing something different. 我更多的只是喜欢这个点子:在日用品里藏一些东西 做一些不同的事情。
Several year later, 几年以后,
I managed to successfully fail all of my exams and didn't really leave school with much to show for at all, and my parents, maybe as a reward , bought me what turned out to be a one-way ticket to Australia, and I came back home about four years later. 我成功得挂掉了我所有考试, 而且没有真的离开学校来证实这一点。 我的父母,也许是作为奖励, 给我买了一张最后发现是单程的去澳大利亚的机票。 我大概四年后才回家。
reward:n.[劳经]报酬;报答;酬谢;v.[劳经]奖励;奖赏; one-way:adj.单程的;单行道的;单方面的;
I ended up on a farm in the middle of nowhere . 我最终到了一个偏远的农场。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
It was in far western New South Wales. 这个农场坐落在新南威尔士州的西部,
And this farm was 120,000 acres. 占地面积达12 万亩,
There were 22,000 sheep, and it was about 40 degrees, or 100 or so Fahrenheit . 那儿有 22,000 只羊, 温度大概在 40 度左右, 相当于华氏温度100度左右。
And on this farm there was the farmer, his wife, and there was the four-year-old daughter. 那里住着农场主、他的妻子、 还有他们四岁的女儿,
And they kind of took me into the farm and showed me what it was like to live and work. 他们把我带进农场。 有点想让我看看生活和工作是什么样子。
Obviously, one of the most important things was the sheep, and so my job was, well, pretty much to do everything, but it was about bringing the sheep back to the homestead . 很明显,在这里,最重要的事情之一就是羊, 所以我的工作是,嗯,差不多要做的一切, 就是把羊带回农庄。
And we'd do that by building fences, using motorbikes and horses, and the sheep would make their way all the way back to the shearing shed for the different seasons. 我们将通过建立围栏、 使用摩托车和马匹, 而羊只想着一路回到相应季节的剪毛棚里。
shearing:n.剪羊毛;剪取的羊毛;v.剪羊毛(shear的现在分词);修剪; shed:v.摆脱;去除;蜕;落;n.工棚;简易房;剪羊毛棚;挤奶棚;
And what I learned was, although at the time, like everyone else, 我自己学到的就是, 虽然当时,像别人一样,
I thought sheep were pretty stupid because they didn't do what we wanted them to do, what I realize now, probably only just in the last few weeks looking back, is the sheep weren't stupid at all. 我以为羊非常傻, 因为它们没做我们想让它们做的事情。 我现在意识到,大概只是在过去的几个星期, 回头一想,羊群一点都不蠢。
We'd put them in an environment where they didn't want to be, and they didn't want to do what we wanted them to do. 我们想把他们赶到它们不喜欢的环境里。 它们不想做我们想让它们做的事情。
So the challenge was to try and get them to do what we wanted them to do by listening to the weather, the lay of the land, and creating things that would let the sheep flow and go where we wanted them to go. 因此,面临的挑战是要试着让它们 做我们想要他们做的, 通过观察天气、地形, 做一些东西使羊群走向我们想让它们去的地方。
Another bunch of years later, 更多的一些年之后,
I ended up at Cambridge University at the Cavendish Laboratory in the U.K. 我到英国剑桥大学的卡文迪什实验室攻读物理学博士。
Cambridge:n.剑桥(英国城市);坎布里奇(美国马萨诸塞州城市); Cavendish:n.板烟; Laboratory:n.实验室,研究室;
doing a Ph.D. in physics.
My Ph.D. was to move electrons around, one at a time . 我的博士课题是一次移动一个电子。
electrons:n.[物]电子(electron的复数形式); one at a time:每次一个;一次一个;
And I realize — again, it's kind of these realizations looking back as to what I did — 我意识到 — — 又是这种认识 回望过去,看看自己做过些什么 — —
I realize now that it was pretty much the same as moving sheep around. 我现在意识到这其实和移动羊群差不多。
It really is. 真的。
It's just you do it by changing an environment. 你要做的只是不断变化环境。
And that's kind of been a big lesson to me, that you can't act on any object. 对我来说,这一直都是一个重要的经验, 你不能作用在任何对象上。
You change its environment, and the object will flow. 你只能改变它的环境,从而让对象自然的流动。
So we made it very small, so things were about 30 nanometers in size; making it very cold, so at liquid helium temperatures; and changing environment by changing the voltage , and the electrons could make flow around a loop one at a time, on and off, a little memory node . 所以我们将东西做得很小 约 30 纳米, 使它温度很低,维持在液氦温度, 同时通过改变电压来不断改变环境, 从而电子就会循环绕流。 一次,打开和关闭,一个小小的内存节点。
nanometers:n.[计量]毫微米(即十亿分之一米); helium:n.[化学]氦(符号为He,2号元素); voltage:n.电压;伏特数; loop:n.循环;回路;环路;圈;v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动; node:n.节点;结点;茎节;(根或枝上的)节;
And I wanted to go one step further, and I wanted to move one electron on and one electron off. 我想要更进一步, 我想要同时让一个电子动,另一个不动。
And I was told that I wouldn't be able to do this, which, you know, as we've heard from other people, that's the thing that makes you do it. 当时,人们和我说,这事不可能。 你也知道,这种别人都说不可能的事,恰是你要做的事情。
And I was determined , and I managed to show that I could do that. 我决心已下,而且最终证明我能做这件事。
And a lot of that learning, I think, came from being on that farm, because when I was working on the farm, we'd have to use what was around us, we'd have to use the environment, and there was no such thing as something can't be done, because you're in an environment where, if you can't do what you need to do, you can die, and, you know, 很多这样的教训,我想, 正是来自那个农场。 因为当我在农场工作时, 我们要善于利用我们身边的事物, 我们要善于利用环境。 没有事情是不到的。 因为你身处的环境是: 如果你不能做你要做的, 你就活不下去,你知道,
I had seen that sort of thing happen. 我看过这样事发生。
So now my obsession is printing, and I'm really fascinated by the idea of using conventional printing processes , so the types of print that are used to create many of the things around us to make paper and card interactive. 现在,我痴迷于印刷, 有个创意让我非常着迷, 这个创意是:使用传统的印刷工艺, 也就是使用这种可以用来创建我们身边很多东西的打印机, 来使纸张和卡片具有互动性。
obsession:n.痴迷;困扰;[内科][心理]强迫观念; conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
When I spoke to some printers when I started doing this and told them what I wanted to do, which was to print conductive inks onto paper, they told me it couldn't be done, again, that kind of favorite thing. 我对某些打印商说我开始做这个, 并告诉他们我想做的, 我想打印导电油墨到纸上, 他们告诉我这行不通。 再次,让人喜欢的事情。
So I got about 10 credit cards and loans and got myself very close to bankruptcy , really, and bought myself this huge printing press , which I had no idea how to use at all. 我用了10 张信用卡和贷款, 几近破产,真的, 买了这个巨大的印刷机, 当时我还完全不知道如何使用它。
bankruptcy:n.破产; printing press:n.印刷机;
It was about five meters long, and I covered myself and the floor with ink and made a massive mess , but I learned to print. 它大约五米长, 地板上和身上被我弄得全是墨水, 整个一团糟,但最终我学会了怎么打印。
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺;
And then I took it back to the printers and showed them what I've done, and they were like, "Of course you can do that. 我拿着我做的给那些打印商看, 他们又说:”你当然可以这样做,
Why didn't you come here in the first place ?" 你为什么不先来这儿?
in the first place:首先;起初;
That's always the case. 事情总是这样。
So what we do is we take conventional printing presses, we make conductive inks, and run those through a press, and basically just letting hundreds of thousands of electrons flow through pieces of paper so we can make that paper interactive. 我们做的事情是使用传统打印机, 制作导电油墨, 并将导电油墨打印到纸上, 基本上,我们只是让成千上万的电子流过纸张。 从而,使得纸张具有互动性。
And it's pretty simple, really. 其实这相当简单。
It's just a collection of things that have been done before, but bringing them together in a different way. 这只是一个许多已做过事情的集合。 只不过聚集的方式与以往不同。
So we have a piece of paper with conductive ink on, and then add onto that a small circuit board with a couple of chips , one to run some capacitive touch software, so we know where we've touched it, and the other to run, quite often, some wireless software so the piece of paper can connect. 一张带有导电油墨的纸, 再加上一个装着两个芯片的小型电路板, 其中一个芯片可以运行一些电容式触摸软件, 从而知道我们触碰的位置, 另一个芯片,很多时候, 运行一些无线软件来连接纸张。
circuit board:n.线路板;电路板; chips:炸土豆条(chip的复数) capacitive:adj.[电]电容的;电容性的;电容式触控面板;
So I'll just describe a couple of things that we've created. 接下来,我将介绍几样我们做的东西。
There's lots of different things we've created. 我们做了很多不同的东西。
This is one of them, because I love cake. 这是其中之一,因为我爱蛋糕。
And this one, it's a large poster , and you touch it and it has a little speaker behind it, and the poster talks to you when you touch it and asks you a series of questions, and it works ou t your perfect cake. 这是一个大海报, 你可以触碰它, 它后面有个小喇叭, 当你碰触碰海报时, 海报就可以和你对话, 问你一系列的问题, 并计算出属于你的完美蛋糕。
But it doesn't tell you the cake there and then. 但它并不会当场告诉你蛋糕是怎样。
It uploads a picture, and the reason why it chose that cake for you, to our Facebook page and to Twitter. 而是上载一张图片以及它为你选择那块蛋糕的原因到 Facebook 页面和 Twitter。
So we're trying to create that connection between the physical and the digital , but have it not looking on a screen, and just looking like a regular poster. 我们正尝试着建立物理世界与数字世界之间的连接, 但这个连接并不是通过屏幕, 而是通过一个看似普通的海报。
physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键;
We've worked with a bunch of universities on a project looking at interactive newsprint . 我们和几所大学合作过一个关于互动新闻报纸的项目。
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆; newsprint:n.新闻用纸(等于newspaper);
So for example, we've created a newspaper, a regular newspaper. 比方说,我们制作了一份报纸, 一份很平常的报纸。
You can wear a pair of headphones that are connected to it wirelessly , and when you touch it, you can hear the music that's described on the top, which is something you can't read. 你可以戴上一副无线连接到它的耳机。 你触摸它,你就可以听到报纸上描述的却“读不到”的音乐。
headphones:n.[电讯]耳机;听筒;[电子]头戴式受话器;(headphone的复数) wirelessly:用无线电报与…联系;用无线电报发送(信息等):;;打无线电报;打无线电话; described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式)
You can hear a press conference as well as reading what the editor has determined that press conference was about. 你能听一次新闻发布会, 同时读到编辑已确定的新闻发布会内容。
press conference:记者招待会,新闻发布会; as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
And you can press a Facebook "like" button or you can vote on something as well. 您可以按 Facebook 喜欢 按钮, 你也可以对一些东西投票。
Something else that we created, and this was an idea that I had a couple of years ago, and so we've done a project on this. 这儿还有一些我们制作的其它东西。 这是我几年前的一个想法。 于是,我们做过一个关于这个项目。
It was for funding from the government for user-centered design for energy-efficient buildings, difficult to say, and something I had no idea what it was when I went into the workshop , but quickly learned. 这个项目由政府出资, 以用户为中心设计的高效节能建筑。 这个很难说,有些东西,在刚进车间时,我完全不懂, 好在很快就学会了。
funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词) energy-efficient:adj.节能的,节约能源的;高能效的; workshop:n.车间;研讨会;讲习班;工场;v.学习;
And we wanted to try and encourage people to use energy better. 我们想试着鼓励人们更好地使用能源。
And I really liked the idea that, instead of looking at dials and reading things to say -- looking at your energy usage , 我真的很喜欢的想法,不是看着数字, 阅读一些文字,— —看着您的能源使用情况,
I wanted to create a poster that was wirelessly connected and had color-changing inks on it, and so if your energy usage was trending better, than the leaves would appear and the rabbits would appear and all would be good. 我想要制作一张以无线方式连接的海报, 涂上可变色的油墨。 所以如果您的能源使用情况趋向更好, 海报上叶子就会出现,兔子也会出现, 一切都会好。
And if it wasn't, then there'd be graffiti and the leaves would fall off the trees. 如果情况相反,海报就会变得乱糟糟的, 叶子会从树上落下来。
So it was trying to make you look after something in your immediate environment, which you don't want to see not looking so good, rather than expecting people to do things in the local environment because of the effect that it has a long way off . 所以,这是希望让人们照看好周围环境中的东西, 那些你不想看上去不好的东西, 而不是去指望人们在当前环境下做一些事情, 仅仅因为其影响久远。
a long way off:在远处;
And I think, kind of like going back to the farm, it's about how to let people do what you want them to do rather than making people do what you want them to do. 我想,这有点像回到了那个农场。 如何让人们主动做你想要他们做的, 而不迫使人们做你想要他们做的。
do what you want:做你想做的;
Okay. 好吧。
So this is the bit I'm really scared of. 到了我真的很害怕的部分。
So a couple of things I've created are, there's a poster over here that you can play drums on. 我做的几样东西。 这里有一张海报, 你可以在这里打鼓。
And I am not a musician. It seemed like a good idea at the time. 我不是一个音乐家。
If anyone wants to try and play drums, then they can.
I'll just describe how this works. 我描述一下这个是如何工作的。
This poster is wirelessly connected to my cell phone, and when you touch it, it connects to the app. 这张海报是以无线方式连接到我的手机。 当你拍打它时,它就会连接到手机上的应用。
(Drums) (鼓声)
And it has really good response time . 它响应时间很短,
response time:n.反应时间;回应时间;
It's using Bluetooth 4, so it's pretty instantaneous . 因为用的是蓝牙 4,所以几乎是实时的。
Bluetooth:n.蓝牙技术(一种无线通信的标准); instantaneous:adj.瞬间的;即时的;猝发的;
Okay. Thanks. 好。谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
And there's a couple of other things. 还有几个其他东西。
So this one is like a sound board, so you can touch it, and I just love these horrible noises. 你可以点击它,我喜欢这种可怕的噪音。
(Sirens, explosions , breaking glass) (爆炸、 打破玻璃,警笛)
Okay, and this is a D.J. turntable . 好。这是一个DJ转盘。
So it's wirelessly linked to my iPad, and this is a software that's running on the iPad. 它以无线的方式连接到我的 iPad。 这是一个在 iPad 运行的软件。
Oh, yes. I just love doing that. 哦,是。我就喜欢做这些。
I'm not a D.J., though, but I just always wanted to do that. 虽然我不是DJ,但我一直想干这个。
(Scratching) (挠)
So I have a crossfader , and I have the two decks. 这有一个唱片平滑转换器,还有两个转台。
So I've made some new technology, and I love things being creative, and I love working with creative people. 我做了一些新的技术。 我喜欢有创意的事情, 喜欢和有创意的人一起工作。
So my 15-year-old niece , she's amazing, and she's called Charlotte , and I asked her to record something, and I worked with a friend called Elliot to put some beats together. 我是五岁的侄女,她很棒, 她叫夏洛特。 我让她录制了一些东西。 我和我的朋友,埃利奥特, 把一些打击声混在一起。
niece:n.外甥女,侄女; Charlotte:n.法国水果奶油布丁;夏洛特;
So this is my niece, Charlotte. 这就是我的侄女,夏洛特。
(Music) (音乐)
Yay! 耶 !
(Applause) (掌声)
So that's pretty much what I do. 这差不多就是我做的。
I just love bringing technology together, having a lot of fun, being creative. 我只是热衷于将一些技术汇集在一起, 有趣,有创意。
But it's not about the technology. 我想要的并不是技术本身,
It's just about, I want to create some great experiences. 而是创造一些极致的体验。
So thank you very much. 非常谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)