

Riitta Ikonen: Meet our friend Bob. 瑞塔·伊肯恩(Riitta Ikonen): 这位是我们的朋友鲍勃。
We met on a wintery night in the company of the members of the New York Indoor Gardening Society. 在一个冬天的夜晚, 我们在纽约室内园艺协会聚会上相识。
And one of the regulars was this charismatic gentleman studying the wonders of carnivorous plants. 这位魅力非凡的先生 作为协会的固定成员之一, 正在研究肉食性植物的奇妙之处。
We were there looking for collaborators for an art project looking at modern humans' belonging to nature. 而我们当时 正要为研究现代人对自然的归属感 这样一个艺术项目寻找合作人。
wintery:adj.寒冷的;冷淡的(等于wintry); Indoor:adj.(在)室内的;在户内进行的;在室内用的; charismatic:adj.超凡魅力的;神赐能力的; carnivorous:adj.食肉的;肉食性的; collaborators:n.[劳经]合作者;投敌者(collaborator的复数);
Karoline Hjorth: We couldn't resist slipping a little note in Bob's pocket to say we'd love to hear from him. 卡洛琳·约斯(Karoline Hjorth): 我们不由向鲍勃的口袋里塞了一张小纸条, 上面说,我们期待他的回复。
And the next day, he called us and excitedly proclaimed how, "This is not a time in my life when I want to lay around in bed." 第二天,他给我们打了电话, 特别激动地说, “我可不想把这么美好的时光用来赖床。”
And the next week, we were all sitting on a J train to Forest Park in Queens. 于是第二周的一天, 我们一起坐在了皇后区 森林公园的观光火车上。
resist:v.抵制;阻挡;反抗;回击;抵抗;忍住;n.防染剂;防蚀用涂料;防腐剂; slipping:n.滑动;adj.渐渐松弛的;v.滑动;(slip的现在分词); excitedly:adv.兴奋地;激动地; proclaimed:公告;
RI: Bob has worked for decades in New York's fashion photography industry, and he had to be replaced by three people when he eventually chose to move on to new adventures. 瑞塔:鲍勃在纽约时尚摄影领域 已经工作了几十年, 在他决定要开启 全新的冒险历程之时, 需要三个人才能 完全接替他的工作。
Bob agreed to collaborate with us on the condition that we wouldn't mess with the style that he had taken many decades to perfect. 鲍勃同意了我们的合作请求, 但前提是我们不可以扰乱 他坚持了数十年, 不断完善的风格。
So we promised to do just that, and only added a few pine needles . 我们向他保证了这一点, 但只是向其中加了一点松针。
photography:n.摄影;摄影术; eventually:adv.最后,终于; collaborate:vi.合作;勾结,通敌; mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺; pine:n.松木;松树;vi.难过,悲伤 needles:n.针数,千针本;[印刷]折页顶针(needle复数形式);
You might be wondering why the two of us were trimming Bob's pine needle beret in the park in the first place . 你们可能早就开始好奇, 为什么我们两个会出现在公园, 为鲍勃修剪他的松针贝雷帽?
We met a few years prior , when I was investigating on the internet, looking for a collaborator for an art project looking at modern humans' relationship to nature. 其实,我们两个人 早几年就认识了, 那时候我还在网上做研究, 为探究人与自然关系的艺术项目 寻找合作人。
trimming:n.(菜肴的)配料; v.修剪; (trim的现在分词) beret:n.贝雷帽; in the first place:首先;起初; prior:adj.先前的; n.(小隐修院)院长; v.居先; investigating:v.调查;研究;审查;(investigate的现在分词)
So I do what people do, 我就像大部分人一样,
I go to Google and I type in three words: "Norway," 打开谷歌,输入了三个关键词: “挪威”、
'"grannies" and "photographer." “老奶奶”和“摄影师”,
And I click on the number one search result, which was Karoline Hjorth here. 然后我点击了第一个搜索结果, 就是我旁边的卡洛琳·约斯。
(Laughter) (笑)
KH: I had just put out a book about Norwegian grandmothers. 卡洛琳:我刚出版了一本书, 是有关挪威的老妇人。[02:05]
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; Norwegian:adj.挪威的;挪威人的;挪威语的;n.挪威人;挪威语;
And initially , we teamed up to look at how natural phenomena were explained through human form. 最开始我们两个合作, 是为了研究自然现象 是如何通过人体形式解释的。
And we started investigating folktales in a small coastal city in Norway. 后来我们开始研究 挪威一个沿海小城市的民间传说。
RI: We reasoned that the older the local interviewee , the closer we would be to these talking rocks of these stories. 瑞塔:我们发现 当地受访者的年纪越大, 我们就越能贴近 这些会讲故事的石头们。
initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数); folktales:n.民间故事;民间传说; coastal:adj.沿海的;海岸的; interviewee:n.被接见者;被访问者;
KH: Agnes, for example, is Norway's oldest parachuting granny. 卡洛琳:比如说艾格尼斯, 她是挪威最年长的跳伞奶奶。
Her latest jump was at 91. 她最近一次跳伞时 已是 91 岁高龄。
And this portrait is an homage to the fabled north wind often featured in Nordic folk tales. 这张照片向 北欧神话中虚构出来的北风 表达了敬意。
We met another fabled character called Lyktemann, on a bog just outside of Oslo. 我们在奥斯陆外的一个沼泽, 还遇到了一个虚构人物, 叫做里克特曼。
parachuting:n.跳伞;v.跳伞;伞降;空投;(parachute的现在分词) portrait:n.肖像;描写;半身雕塑像; homage:n.敬意;尊敬;效忠; fabled:adj.寓言中的,虚构的;v.虚构(fable的过去分词); Nordic:adj.北欧人的;斯堪的纳维亚的;日耳曼民族的;n.北欧人;日耳曼民族; bog:n.沼泽;泥塘;vt.使陷于泥沼;使动弹不得;vi.陷于泥沼;动弹不得;
Lyktemann's presence as mysterious lights has been recorded for centuries in many different cultures under as many different names, like Joan the Wad, will-o'-the-wisp or the man of the lantern. 里克特曼的出现,就像 几世纪以来被记载下来的 众多文化中 被冠以各种不同名字的神秘之光, 比如火把女神琼、鬼火 或是提灯人。
The contemporary view or the contemporary explanation to these lights is that they are the product of ignited marsh gas . 对于这些说法, 现代观点或是现代解释 则认为他们只是被点燃的沼气。
The more adventurous view is that a character appears when the fog hangs low, and there are unwary travelers about who have lost their path. 更大胆的说法认为, 在浓雾散去之后 会有这样一个人物浮现出来, 同时还有一些不够警惕的旅客 逐渐迷失了道路。
presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态; mysterious:adj.神秘的;不可思议的;难解的; contemporary:n.同时代的人;同时期的东西;adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的; ignited:v.(使)燃烧,着火;点燃;(ignite的过去分词和过去式) marsh gas:n.沼气; adventurous:adj.爱冒险的;大胆的;充满危险的; unwary:adj.粗心的;不警惕的;不谨慎的;
RI: He is known for being quite a mischievous character, never quite revealing the true nature of his intentions . 瑞塔:他是个出了名的反面角色, 从未展露出内心真正的意图。
KH: And as Bengt is an expert in astronavigation , an ex-submarine captain and the previous chief mate on board the tall ship Christian Radich, 卡洛琳:而本格特 作为天文导航领域的专家、 前潜艇长, 以及克里斯蒂安·拉蒂奇 高桅横帆船上的前任大副,
Bengt was the perfect personification of Lyktemann. 他绝对是里克特曼化身的不二人选。
mischievous:adj.淘气的;(人,行为等)恶作剧的;有害的; revealing:adj.暴露的;发人深省的;v.揭示;露出;显示;展示;(reveal的现在分词) intentions:n.目的,意向,意图;打算;(intention的复数) astronavigation:n.天文导航; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前; mate:n.助手,大副; v.使配对; personification:n.人格化;化身;拟人法(一种修辞手法);象征;
RI: In our initial quest of looking into the contemporary role of folklore , we were quickly pooh-poohed for looking into something seen as childish children's bedtime stories. 瑞塔:我们最开始 研究神话的现代意义时, 看到那些有些幼稚的 孩童睡前故事,
Even saying the word "folklore" got people looking really puzzled . 即使说到“神话”这个词, 也会让人们摸不着头脑。
KH: And it wasn't just the accent . 卡洛琳:这可不只是 因为我们的口音哦。
(Laughter) (笑)
RI: We even had an eighth-generation local potter state that people from this region have come up with some of this nation's best inventions, and they don't have time to turn rocks and wonder what is under. 瑞塔:我们还到了 一个祖上八代做陶土的地方, 这个地区的人 创造了这个国家最棒的发明, 但他们没有时间把每块石头 都翻开,探其究竟。[04:04]
quest:n.追求;寻找;vi.追求;寻找;vt.探索; folklore:n.民俗学;民间传说;民间风俗; pooh-poohed:vt.藐视;vi.发呸声;int.呸!; childish:adj.幼稚的,孩子气的; puzzled:adj.困惑的;茫然的;搞糊涂的; accent:n.口音;重音;强调;特点;重音符号;v.强调;重读;带…口音讲话; region:n.地区;范围;部位; come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
This rejection was exactly what we needed to keep poking further into this subject. 像这种回绝正激发了 我们继续研究这个课题的决心。
(Laughter) (笑)
KH: We continued to interview people about their relationship with their surroundings and started wondering what's happening with people's imagination . 卡洛琳:在我们对于民众 和周围环境的关系 进行了连续的采访后, 开始疑惑, 人们的想象力究竟是怎么来的。
rejection:n.抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西;盖帽; poking:v.捅;推;戳;探;露出;伸出;探出;(poke的现在分词) surroundings:n.周围的环境;环境;(surrounding的复数) imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
Can our relationship to nature really be explained so pragmatically , so entirely boringly , so that a rock is just a good old straightforward rock, and a lake is just a basic wet place, entirely separate from us? 我们与自然的关系 可以被如此实际、 枯燥乏味地解释出来吗? 那么石头就只是一块简简单单的 好看的老石头, 湖泊也只是简单的一块湿地, 和我们没有关联吗?
Can our surroundings really be explained to such a dull degree of rationality ? 我们的环境是否真的能 以这种枯燥的理性程度来解释呢?
RI: The name of our project, "Eyes as Big as Plates," 瑞塔:我们项目的名字 叫做《眼大如盘》,
is borrowed from a folk tale . 这个名字也是从一个民间传说借鉴的。
pragmatically:adv.讲究实效地;实用主义地; boringly:adv.乏味地; straightforward:adj.简单的;坦率的;明确的;径直的;adv.直截了当地;坦率地; dull:v.减轻; adj.枯燥无味的; rationality:n.合理性;合理的行动; folk tale:n.民间故事;民间传说;
And there's one with a dog that's living beneath a bridge and another version, where there is a troll doing the same thing. 传说中有条狗住在桥下, 而另外一个版本中, 是一个侏儒住在桥下。
And this open-eyed and potentially risky approach to seeing the world around you has become an emblem of the curiosity that guides our interactions . 而这种以可能危险的开阔方式 来看待你周遭的世界, 已经成为了引导我们交流的 一种好奇心的标志。
KH: Serendipity is our project manager. 卡洛琳:我们的项目主管 就是机缘巧合。
beneath:prep.在…之下;adv.在下方; troll:n.山精,巨怪;v.曳绳钓(鱼);拖钓;搜查; open-eyed:adj.公开的;留神的; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; emblem:n.象征;徽章;符号;vt.象征;用符号表示;用纹章装饰; curiosity:n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩; interactions:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰;(interaction复数) Serendipity:n.意外发现珍奇事物的本领;有意外发现珍宝的运气;
And ideally , we meet our collaborators through random chance. 我们希望能够在随机的场合 遇到我们的合作人。
In the opposite lane in the swimming pool , at the choir practice, in a noodle bar or in a Senegalese fishing harbor , as you do. 在泳池的相反泳道上, 在合唱团排练的时候, 在面馆, 或是在塞内加尔的渔港, 就像你一样。
Each image starts with a conversation, much like a casual interview. 每张照片都是以对话开始的, 像是日常访谈。
ideally:adv.理想地;观念上地; random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地; lane:n.车道;小巷;泳道;胡同; swimming pool:n.游泳池;游泳场;游泳馆; choir:n.唱诗班;合唱团,歌唱队; Senegalese:n.塞内加尔人;塞内加尔语;adj.塞内加尔的;塞内加尔人的; harbor:n.港口;港湾;(比喻)避难所;[军]坦克掩蔽场;v.停泊;包含;隐匿;怀抱(恶意);
RI: And we never call these collaborators "models," 瑞塔:我们不会把 这些合作人称作“模特”,
as there are three authors to each image, all equally crucial to the realization of their portrait. 每张图片都有三个作者, 三个人对于他们肖像的体现 都同等重要。
There is no age limit , absolutely anybody with an interesting lived life is more than qualified to join. 没有年龄限制, 只要生活充满乐趣, 任何人都可以加入。
KH: This is Boubou. 卡洛琳:这位是布布。
His son-in-law happened to be in this harbor when we came looking for locations . 我们在找地方的时候, 他的女婿刚好在这个港口。
crucial:adj.重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的; realization:n.实现;领悟; age limit:n.年龄限制; absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; qualified:adj.有资格的; v.合格; (qualify的过去分词和过去式) son-in-law:n.女婿; locations:n.地方;地点;位置;定位(location的复数)
And one impromptu house visit and fish market shopping spree later, 在当下决定拜访他家,以及后来 一同去海鲜市场大买了一番之后,
Boubou and his family all waded in a low tide with us. 布布一家和我们 一同在浅滩趟水嬉闹。
RI: A wearable sculpture is born from the conversation with each collaborator and is made from materials found in the surroundings. 瑞塔:和每位合作人对话之后, 都会有一件 可以穿戴的雕塑作品诞生, 这些作品都是由当下环境中 可以找到的材料制作而成。
impromptu:n.即兴曲;即席演出;adv.即席地;adj.即席的; spree:n.狂欢;无节制的狂热行为;欢闹;vi.狂欢;狂饮; waded:v.跋涉,涉,蹚(水或淤泥等);(wade的过去分词和过去式) tide:n.潮汐; v.顺应潮水航行; wearable:adj.可穿用的,可佩带的;耐用的;n.衣服; sculpture:n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vi.从事雕刻;
About one third of Senegal's arable land is devoted to millet , an incredibly itchy-to-wear, nutritious and hardy staple with deep cultural roots. 塞内加尔的可耕土地 约有 1/3 都在种植小米, 这种植物穿在身上奇痒无比, 但它营养丰富、耐寒能力强, 是拥有深厚文化根基的主要作物。
This is Mane , one of the grand grandmothers of the Ndos village, a tornado of vigor and energy. 这位是梅妮, 是恩多斯村的曾祖母之一, 也是兼具魄力和活力的风云人物。
And she applauded to our invitation to portray her in her personal favorite crop, with which she works every day. 我们发出邀请, 用她个人最爱的农作物为她做肖像, 她对此大加赞赏。 这些作物正是她每天工作的内容。
devoted:adj.专心致志; v.献身; (devote的过去分词和过去式) millet:n.小米;粟;稷;黍的子实; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; nutritious:adj.有营养的,滋养的; hardy:adj.坚强的;勇敢的;能吃苦耐劳的;鲁莽的;n.强壮的人;耐寒植物;方柄凿; staple:n.主要产品; adj.主要的,常用的; v.把…分级; cultural:adj.与文化有关的;文化的;与艺术、文学、音乐等有关的; Mane:n.(马等的)鬃毛; tornado:n.[气象]龙卷风;旋风;暴风;大雷雨; vigor:n.[生物]活力,精力; applauded:v.鼓掌;称赞;赞许;赞赏(applaud的过去分词和过去式) invitation:n.邀请,引诱 portray:vt.描绘;扮演; personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
KH: It's important that participation is voluntary . 卡洛琳:自愿是参与项目的重要前提。
(Laughter) (笑)
If you have doubts in the beginning, you will definitely regret it by the time Riitta is stuffing cold, wet bull kelp up your nose. 如果你在最开始就心存质疑, 那么随着瑞塔不停地 把冰冷潮湿的巨藻塞到你鼻子周围, 你绝对会后悔这个决定。
(Laughter) (笑)
participation:n.参与;分享;参股; voluntary:adj.自愿的;志愿的;自发的;故意的;n.志愿者;自愿行动; definitely:adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地; stuffing:n.填料;填充物;v.填满;装满;塞满;灌满;把…塞进;(stuff的现在分词) bull:n.废话;公牛;彪形大汉;v.大量买进以期抬高价格;吓唬; kelp:n.[植]巨藻,海藻;海草灰;vi.烧制海草灰;
Working with an analog camera means the process can be slow and physically challenging. 使用模拟摄像机, 就意味着这个进程会非常缓慢, 对身体也是个挑战。
The person in front of the camera might be kneeling for three hours in a freezing sleet , be bombarded by mosquitoes or actually, they can also be allergic to the local flora they've just been coated in. 相机前的人 可能已经在渗骨的雨夹雪中 跪了3个小时, 可能被蚊子不停侵扰, 或者他们甚至可能 对他们身上满铺的 这种当地植物群落过敏。
analog:n.[自]模拟;类似物;adj.[自]模拟的;有长短针的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; kneeling:v.跪;跪着;跪下;(kneel的现在分词) sleet:vi.下雨夹雪;下冰雹;vt.冻雨拍打;使下霰般落下;n.雨夹雪;雨淞; bombarded:v.轰炸(bombard的过去分词); adj.被轰击的; mosquitoes:n.蚊子(mosquito的复数); allergic:adj.对…过敏的;对…极讨厌的; flora:n.植物区系;植物群;
RI: And many other things. 瑞塔:还远不止这些哦。
(Laughter) (笑)
And then, there's, of course, the elements . 其次,还有元素。
Unpredictability is one of the main drivers that keeps this process interesting. 不可预知性是整个进程中 保持趣味的一个主要原因。
For example, in Iceland, we were in operation mode, shooting for two weeks, without knowing that the camera was not functioning properly. 比如,在冰岛, 我们在严谨的工作模式下 拍摄了两周, 却压根儿没发现相机的设置不对劲。
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) Unpredictability:n.不可预测性,不可预知性;不可预见性;
Ooh, right? 很遗憾吧?
KH: And because we work with analog cameras with actual film rolls, the excitement from the shoots keeps giving until we pick up the negatives from the lab. 卡洛琳:因为我们用的模拟相机 用的是菲林胶卷, 所以拍摄的兴奋感一直持续到了 我们在工作室挑选成片的时候。
RI: Luckily, Edda, pictured here, was one of the few that was captured on film in Iceland. 瑞塔:幸运的是,图片中的艾达 是我们在冰岛拍摄到的 少数成片之一。
Pictured here amid bubbling , steaming hot springs between two tectonic plates. 这张照片是在 两个地质板块之间的 一个热气腾腾的 汩汩温泉中拍摄的。
excitement:n.兴奋;刺激;令人兴奋的事物; negatives:n.[摄]底片; v.否定; captured:adj.捕获的;被俘的;v.捕获;占领;引起;(capture的过去式和过去分词) amid:prep.在…过程中;在…中;四周是; bubbling:v.起泡;冒泡;洋溢着(某种感情);(bubble的现在分词) tectonic:adj.[地质]构造的;建筑的;地壳构造上的;
Supposedly , there are these little hot spring birds that dive into these bubbles , and according to the legend , these little birds represent the souls of the dead. 理论上,应该有小巧的温泉鸟 冲到汩汩的泉眼中, 而且根据传说, 这些小鸟就代表了死去的亡灵。
We have the honor of working with some of the toughest and bravest and coolest people around, and thoroughly enjoy how some of our works and portraits stomp on stereotypes about age, gender and nationality. 我们非常荣幸,有机会 和世界各地最勇敢、最坚韧、 最酷的人们合作。 我们也非常享受 看到我们的有些作品和肖像, 冲破了人们关于年龄、 性别和国籍的刻板印象。
Supposedly:adv.据说;据信;据传; dive:n.潜水;跳水;俯冲;猛冲;v.猛冲;(头朝下)跳入水中;[体]跳水(运动); bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数) according to:根据,据说; legend:n.传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字; represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; thoroughly:adv.彻底地,完全地; portraits:n.肖像;半身照;详细的描述;描绘;(portrait的复数) stomp:v.迈着重重的步子走(或跳舞、移动); stereotypes:n.模式化观念(或形象); v.对…形成模式化(或类型化)的看法; (stereotype的第三人称单数和复数) gender:n.性别;
KH: To us, much of Western society is unnecessarily confused when it comes to the usefulness of this absolutely rock-and-roll demographic . 卡洛琳:对我们来说,面对这种 颠覆性的人口学研究的意义, 西方社会的多数人 都会产生本不必要的困惑。
(Laughter) (笑)
RI: Attitude , life experience and stamina are some of the main traits we have found amongst all our collaborators, as well as a formidable curiosity for new experiences. 瑞塔:态度、人生历程 和耐力是我们 在合作人身上 发现的几种主要品质, 同样还有对于新鲜体验的 那种令人钦佩的好奇心。
unnecessarily:adv.不必要地;多余地; confused:adj.困惑的; v.使糊涂; (confuse的过去分词和过去式) usefulness:n.有用;有效性;有益; rock-and-roll:n.摇滚乐;摇滚舞;adj.摇滚乐的; demographic:adj.人口统计学的;人口学的; Attitude:n.态度;看法;意见;姿势; stamina:n.毅力;精力;活力;持久力; amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且; formidable:adj.强大的;可怕的;令人敬畏的;艰难的;
KH: We have noticed how the solitary figures in our images are increasingly viewed as representations of the age of loneliness, known as the Eremocene. 卡洛琳:我们注意到 在我们的照片中,独居者的形象 是如何逐渐变成了 孤独岁月的体现, 也就是所谓的“孤独年代”。
RI: We are trying to encourage a new way of participating in and communicating with our surroundings. 瑞塔:我们试着去鼓励 一种参与到环境中 并与之交流的全新方式。
KH: There is the assumption that humans have created a new geological epoch , and we need to learn how to see what our role is in it. 卡洛琳:有一种设想认为, 人类已经创建了 一种全新的地质时代, 我们要学着 如何看清自己处于其中的角色。
solitary:adj.孤独的;独居的;n.独居者;隐士; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) increasingly:adv.越来越多地;渐增地; representations:代表;表现(representation的复数); participating:v.参加;参与(participate的现在分词) assumption:n.假定;设想;担任;采取; geological:adj.地质的,地质学的; epoch:n.[地质]世;新纪元;新时代;时间上的一点;
RI: We'll be working with farmers, cosmologists , geo-ecologists, ethnomusicologists and marine biologists to see how art can change the way we think, act and live. 瑞塔:我们还会和农民、 宇宙学家、地球生态学家、 民族音乐学家和海洋生物学家合作, 探讨艺术会如何改变我们思考、 行动和生活的方式。
KH: It's not clear who or what is the protagonist in our work, whether it's the human figure or the nature around them, and we like it that way. 卡洛琳:我们作品中的主人公 究竟是人物形象, 还是他们周遭的环境, 目前尚不明确。 但我们喜欢这样。
Ten years and 15 countries into the project, we are not sure how, if, or when this project will end. 这个项目持续了 10 年, 跨越了 15 个国家, 我们不确定是否、何时, 或是这个项目将以怎样的方式结束。
cosmologists:n.宇宙论者,宇宙学家; ethnomusicologists:n.人种音乐学家; marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; biologists:n.生物学家(biologist的复数); protagonist:n.主角,主演;主要人物,领导者;
RI: We have vowed to continue as long as it's fun, and we'll keep making new images and more books that explore -- 瑞塔:我们已经发誓,只要我们 仍乐在其中,就会继续下去。 我们也会继续创造全新的人物, 发表更多的探索书籍……
KH: How to balance life amongst the effects of the climate crisis . 卡洛琳:如何在 气候危机的影响下平衡生活。
The writer Roy Scranton beautifully summarized how our project can be approached . 作家罗伊·斯克兰顿(Roy Scranton) 曾把我们这个项目的目的 做了优美的总结。
vowed:v.起誓;立誓;发誓;(vow的过去分词和过去式) as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; explore:v.探索:探测:探险: crisis:n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻;adj.危机的;用于处理危机的; summarized:v.总结,概括;概述(summarize的过去式及过去分词形式); approached:v.走近;临近;探讨;建议;(approach的过去分词和过去式)
'"We need to learn to see, not just with Western eyes but with Islamic eyes and Inuit eyes, not just with human eyes but with golden-cheeked warbler eyes, coho salmon eyes and polar bear eyes, and not even just with eyes at all, “我们要学着去看, 不只是用西方人的眼睛, 还要用伊斯兰教徒的眼睛 和伊努伊特人的眼睛, 不只是用人类的眼睛, 还要用金腮林莺的眼睛、 银大马哈鱼的眼睛, 和北极熊的眼睛。 甚至不只是用眼睛,
but with the wild, barely articulate being of clouds and seas and seas and rocks and trees and stars." 还要用狂野不羁、 不加修饰的白云沧海、 嶙峋怪石、葱茏草木、璀璨星河。”
RI: Perhaps if we start seeing ourselves through coho salmon eyes, we might begin to synchronize better with our fellow flora, fauna and funga. 瑞塔:如果我们通过银大马哈鱼的眼睛 看待我们自己, 或许就可以和我们的 动植物、真菌伙伴们更加协调。
Islamic:adj.穆斯林的; Inuit:n.因纽特人(加拿大北部以及格陵兰和阿拉斯加部分地区的一个种族的人,有时误指西伯利亚及阿拉斯加南部和西部的人); warbler:n.啭鸟;鸣鸟;用颤音歌唱的人; coho:n.相干振荡器;银大马哈鱼(等于cohosalmon,原产于太平洋海域); salmon:n.鲑鱼;大马哈鱼;鲑肉色;鲑鱼肉;橙红色,粉橙色;adj.浅澄色的; polar bear:n.北极熊;白熊; barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; articulate:vt.清晰地发(音); vi.发音; adj.发音清晰的; synchronize:vt.使…合拍;使…同步;vi.同步;同时发生; fauna:n.动物群;[动]动物区系;
To do this requires both imagination and empathy . 达成这一点,既需要想象力, 也需要同理心,
And curiosity is at the root of both. 而好奇心是这两者的根基。
KH: As Halvar, one of our first collaborators, said nearly 10 years ago, "If you stop being curious , you might as well be dead." 卡洛琳:作为我们第一批合作人之一的 哈尔瓦,在大概十年前曾说过, “如果你不再感到好奇, 就可能已与死亡无异。”
empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着; curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; might as well:不妨,何妨;还是…的好;
(Both) Thank you. (同时)谢谢各位。
(Laughter) (笑)
(Applause) (鼓掌)