

Could I protect my father from the Armed Islamic Group with a paring knife? 我能保护父亲 那是 1993 年 6 月某个星期二的早晨,
Islamic:adj.穆斯林的; paring:n.削皮;削下来的薄片;v.削掉(pare的现在分词);
That was the question I faced one Tuesday morning in June of 1993, when I was a law student. 这是我曾面对的问题, 那是 1993 年 6 月某个星期二的早晨, 当时我还是法律系学生。
I woke up early that morning in Dad's apartment on the outskirts of Algiers, Algeria, to an unrelenting pounding on the front door. 那天早上我起得早, 我在父亲的公寓里, 在阿尔及利亚的阿尔及尔郊区, 前门不断传来重击声。
outskirts:n.郊区;市郊;(市镇的)边缘地带;(outskirt的复数) unrelenting:adj.无情的;不屈不挠的;不松懈的;
It was a season as described by a local paper when every Tuesday a scholar fell to the bullets of fundamentalist assassins . 地方报形容这个季节 每周二都会有位学者 死在基本教义派刺客的子弹下。
described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式) scholar:n.学者;奖学金获得者;聪颖勤奋的学生; bullets:n.子弹;弹丸;(bullet的复数) fundamentalist:n.基要主义者;信奉正统派基督教的人;adj.基要主义的; assassins:n.暗杀者,行刺者;(assassin的复数)
My father's university teaching of Darwin had already provoked a classroom visit from the head of the so-called Islamic Salvation Front, who denounced Dad as an advocate of biologism before Dad had ejected the man, and now whoever was outside would neither identify himself nor go away. 我父亲在大学教的达尔文课程 激怒了一位旁听者, 他来自所谓的伊斯兰拯救阵线总部, 谴责我父亲是生物中心论的拥护者之后, 我父亲才将他赶出教室。 而现在不管门外站的是谁, 他都不会表明身分,也不会离开。
provoked:v.激起;引发;挑衅;刺激;(provoke的过去分词和过去式) so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; Salvation:n.拯救;救助; denounced:adj.公开抨击的;v.谴责;揭发;声明…无效(denounce的过去分词); advocate:v.拥护;支持;提倡;n.支持者;提倡者;辩护律师;出庭辩护人; ejected:adj.射出的;被驱逐的;被放出的;v.喷射;驱逐(eject的过去分词); whoever:任何人:无论是谁: identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现:
So my father tried to get the police on the phone, but perhaps terrified by the rising tide of armed extremism that had already claimed the lives of so many Algerian officers, they didn't even answer. 我父亲试着打电话叫警察, 但也许警察被高涨的情势吓到, 因为武装极端主义已经夺去 非常多阿尔及利亚警官的性命, 没有人接听电话。
tide:n.潮汐; v.顺应潮水航行; extremism:n.极端主义(尤指政治上的极右或极左);极端性;过激主义; claimed:v.宣称;声称;断言;索取;认领;索要(claim的过去分词和过去式) Algerian:adj.阿尔及利亚的;n.阿尔及利亚人;
And that was when I went to the kitchen, got out a paring knife, and took up a position inside the entryway . 那时我去厨房, 拿出一支水果刀, 在大门前摆好姿势。
It was a ridiculous thing to do, really, but I couldn't think of anything else, and so there I stood. 其实做这件事很蠢, 但我想不到还能做什么, 只好就站在那。
When I look back now, I think that that was the moment that set me on the path was to writing a book called "Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: 现在回过头看,我想就是那一刻 让我决定写一本书, 书名是《你的伊斯兰教令不适用于此:
Fatwa:n.法学家的裁决; Apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism ." 对抗伊斯兰教基本教义派不为人知的故事》。
Untold:adj.数不清的;未说过的;未透露的;无限的; Fundamentalism:n.原教旨主义;基要主义;
The title comes from a Pakistani play. 标题源自于巴基斯坦戏剧。
I think it was actually that moment that sent me on the journey to interview 300 people of Muslim heritage from nearly 30 countries, from Afghanistan to Mali, to find out how they fought fundamentalism peacefully like my father did, and how they coped with the attendant risks. 我想正是那个时刻 让我展开一段旅程, 访问三百位穆斯林出身的人, 他们来自三十个国家, 从阿富汗到马利, 我找出他们如何和平对抗基本教义派, 就跟我父亲一样, 以及他们如何设法解决伴随而来的风险。
journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; interview:n.接见,采访;面试,面谈;v.采访;接见;对…进行面谈; heritage:n.遗产;传统;继承物;继承权; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲); peacefully:adv.平静地;和平地; coped:vi.处理;对付;竞争;n.长袍; attendant:adj.伴随的;侍候的;n.服务员,侍者;随员,陪从;
Luckily, back in June of 1993, our unidentified visitor went away, but other families were so much less lucky, and that was the thought that motivated my research. 幸运的是,1993 年 6 月 那位未表明身分的访客离开了, 但其他家庭可没那么幸运, 就是这个想法驱使我做研究。
unidentified:adj.未经确认的;未辨别出的,身份不明的; motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
In any case , someone would return a few months later and leave a note on Dad's kitchen table, which simply said, "Consider yourself dead." 无论是哪种情况, 几个月后都会有人回来, 在我父亲的餐桌上留张纸条, 上面写着:「准备幫自己办后事。」
In any case:无论如何;
Subsequently , Algeria's fundamentalist armed groups would murder as many as 200,000 civilians in what came to be known as the dark decade of the 1990s, including every single one of the women that you see here. 随后,阿尔及利亚的基本教义派武装团体 谋杀二十万名老百姓, 这是后来我们所知 1990 年代的黑暗十年, 亡者包括你在这里 可以看到的每一位女性。
Subsequently:adv.随后,其后;后来; civilians:n.平民;市民;文官;无军职人员;(civilian的复数)
In its harsh counterterrorist response , the state resorted to torture and to forced disappearances , and as terrible as all of these events became, the international community largely ignored them. 而在严酷的反恐对策中, 政府诉诸酷刑与强迫失踪, 和这些事件一样恐怖的是 国际间大多忽视他们。
harsh:adj.严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的; counterterrorist:反恐怖主义者; response:n.响应;反应;回答; resorted:n.凭借,手段;度假胜地;常去之地;vi.求助,诉诸;常去;采取某手段或方法; torture:v.折磨;拷问;歪曲;n.折磨;拷问;歪曲; disappearances:n.绝灭(电影名); community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; ignored:v.忽视;对…不予理会;佯装未见;不予理睬;(ignore的过去分词和过去式)
Finally , my father, an Algerian peasant's son turned professor, was forced to stop teaching at the university and to flee his apartment, but what I will never forget about Mahfoud Bennoune, my dad, 最后,我的父亲,身为教授的阿尔及利亚农民之子, 被迫停止在大学教书, 并要他的从公寓消失, 但我永远忘不了的是 马福.班努尼,我的父亲,
Finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; flee:v.逃走;迅速离开;逃避,逃跑
was that like so many other Algerian intellectuals , he refused to leave the country and he continued to publish pointed criticisms , both of the fundamentalists and sometimes of the government they battled. 就像许多阿尔及利亚的知识分子一样 拒绝离开祖国, 而且他持续发表尖锐评论, 他们与基本教义派作战, 也不时与政府作战。
intellectuals:n.[劳经]知识分子(intellectual的复数); publish:v.出版;发表;公布; criticisms:n.批评;评论(criticism的复数形式); fundamentalists:n.原教旨主义者(fundamentalist的复数形式);基要派;
For example, in a November 1994 series in the newspaper El Watan entitled "How Fundamentalism Produced a Terrorism without Precedent ," 例如《国家报》1994 年 11 月的系列报导 题为<基本教义派如何无先例地制造出恐怖主义>
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; entitled:v.使享有权利;使符合资格;给…命名;(entitle的过去分词和过去式) Terrorism:n.恐怖主义; Precedent:n.先例;前例;adj.在前的;在先的;
he denounced what he called the terrorists' radical break with the true Islam as it was lived by our ancestors. 他谴责所谓的 恐怖主义激进分子破坏了 长久以来先民遵循的伊斯兰真理。
These were words that could get you killed. 这些字眼可能会让你丧命。
My father's country taught me in that dark decade of the 1990s that the popular struggle against Muslim fundamentalism is one of the most important and overlooked human rights struggles in the world. 我父亲的祖国教我, 在那黑暗的 90 年代, 扺抗穆斯林基本教义派的浪潮 是世界上最重要 且被忽视的人权抗争之一,
This remains true today, nearly 20 years later. 即使将近二十年后的今日仍是如此。
You see, in every country where you hear about armed jihadis targeting civilians, there are also unarmed people defying those militants that you don't hear about, and those people need our support to succeed. 你看,不管在哪个国家 你都会听到武装圣战者 针对平民百姓, 也有很多手无寸铁的人民 公然反抗那些激进分子,只是你没听过, 那些人需要我们的支持才能成功。
jihadis:兰圣战分子; unarmed:adj.不带武器的;非武装的;不使用武器的;徒手的 defying:反抗; militants:n.激进份子(militant的复数);
In the West, it's often assumed that Muslims generally condone terrorism. 西方国家通常都认为 穆斯林普遍都会容忍恐怖行动。
assumed:adj.假定的;假设的;v.假定;假设;认为;承担;(assume的过去分词和过去式) generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地; condone:vt.宽恕;赦免;
Some on the right think this because they view 有些右翼者这样想是因为他们认为
Muslim culture as inherently violent , and some on the left imagine this because they view Muslim violence , fundamentalist violence , solely as a product of legitimate grievances . 伊斯兰教文化与生俱来就很暴力, 有些左翼者这样想是因为 他们认为穆斯林暴力、 基本教义派的暴力, 完全是合理的怨愤产物。
inherently:adv.内在地;固有地;天性地; violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的; violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; solely:adv.单独地,唯一地; legitimate:adj.合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的;v.使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize); grievances:n.不平的事;委屈;抱怨;牢骚;(grievance的复数)
But both views are dead wrong. 但这两种观点都大错特错。
In fact, many people of Muslim heritage around the world are staunch opponents both of fundamentalism and of terrorism, and often for very good reason. 事实上许多生来就是伊斯兰教徒的人 在世界各地都坚决反对 基本主义和恐怖主义, 而且通常都有很好的理由。
staunch:adj.坚定的;忠诚的;坚固的;vt.止住;止血; opponents:n.对手(opponent的复数形式);
You see, they're much more likely to be victims of this violence than its perpetrators . 你看,他们更像是暴力受害者, 而非加害者。
Let me just give you one example. 我举个例子。
According to a 2009 survey of Arabic language media resources , between 2004 and 2008, no more than 15 percent of al Qaeda's victims were Westerners . 根据一份 2009 年 阿拉伯语的媒体调查, 在 2004 年到 2008 年间, 盖达组织的受害者中,不到 15% 是欧美人。
According to:根据,据说; survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); no more than:adv.只是;仅仅; Westerners:n.西方人(westerner的复数);
That's a terrible toll , but the vast majority were people of Muslim heritage, killed by Muslim fundamentalists. 那是很恐怖的死亡人数, 但大多数人生下来就是穆斯林, 却被穆斯林基本主义者所杀害。
toll:n.伤亡人数; v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟); (尤指)鸣(丧钟); majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人:
Now I've been talking for the last five minutes about fundamentalism, and you have a right to know exactly what I mean. 我已经谈了五分钟基本教义派, 而你们有权知道 我真正要传达的意思。
I cite the definition given by the Algerian sociologist 我引用的定义出自阿尔及利亚社会学家
cite:v.引用;援引;引述;提及(原因);n.引文; definition:n.定义;清晰度;(尤指词典里的词或短语的)释义;解释; sociologist:n.社会学家;
Marieme Helie Lucas, and she says that fundamentalisms, note the "s," so within all of the world's great religious traditions, "fundamentalisms are political movements of the extreme right which in a context of globalization manipulate religion in order to achieve their political aims." 玛丽梅.艾利.鲁卡斯, 她说众多的基本教义派, 注意「众多」, 在全世界的重要宗教传统中, 「众多的基本教义派都是极右派的政治运动, 在全球化的背景下 操控宗教, 来达成他们的政治目的。」
religious:adj.宗教的;虔诚的;严谨的;修道的;n.修道士;尼姑; extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; globalization:n.全球化; manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改;
Sadia Abbas has called this the radical politicization of theology . 萨迪亚.阿巴斯称此为 宗教理论的极端政治化。
Abbas:n.阿巴斯(地名,伊朗最大港口);阿巴斯王朝; politicization:n.政治化; theology:n.神学;宗教体系;
Now I want to avoid projecting the notion that there's sort of a monolith out there called Muslim fundamentalism that is the same everywhere, because these movements also have their diversities . 我想尽量避免投射出某种想法, 那就是有种庞大的组织 称为穆斯林基本教义派,在各地都一样, 因为这些运动也各有不同。
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; monolith:n.整块石料;庞然大物; diversities:n.差异;参差;(diversities是diversity的复数);
Some use and advocate violence. 有一些使用与提倡暴力,
Some do not, though they're often interrelated . 有些则不然,虽然他们常相互影响。
They take different forms. 他们都有不同的形式。
Some may be non-governmental organizations , even here in Britain like Cageprisoners. 有些也许是非政府组织, 即使在英国这里,像是伊斯兰教囚犯组织。
non-governmental:非政府的;非官方的; organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构;
Some may become political parties, like the Muslim Brotherhood , and some may be openly armed groups like the Taliban . 有些则成为政党, 像是穆斯林兄弟会, 有些可能是公开的武装团体, 像是塔利班。
Brotherhood:n.兄弟关系;手足情谊;四海之内皆兄弟的信念; Taliban:塔利班;
But in any case, these are all radical projects. 但不论是哪一种,这些都是激进的化身。
They're not conservative or traditional approaches . 那不是保守或传统的手段,
conservative:adj.保守的;n.保守派,守旧者; traditional:传统的,惯例的, approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度;
They're most often about changing people's relationship with Islam rather than preserving it. 也往往改变大众与伊斯兰教的关系, 而非保护这段关系。
What I am talking about is the Muslim extreme right, and the fact that its adherents are or purport to be Muslim makes them no less offensive than the extreme right anywhere else. 我指的是穆斯林的极右派, 以及它的追随者 自称是穆斯林的这个事实, 不会让他们的攻击性 少于任何地方的极右派人士。
adherents:n.信徒;追随者;adj.附着的;粘着的; purport:n.主旨;大意;主要意思;v.自称;标榜; offensive:n.进攻;攻势;攻击;侵犯;adj.冒犯的;得罪人的;无礼的;
So in my view, if we consider ourselves liberal or left-wing , human rights-loving or feminist , we must oppose these movements and support their grassroots opponents. 因此在我看来,如果我们自认为 自由主义者或左派人士, 爱好人权者或女性主义者, 我们都必须反对这些运动, 并支持反抗他们的平民百姓。
liberal:adj.宽宏大度的; n.理解且尊重他人意见的人; left-wing:adj.左派的; feminist:n.男女平等主义者;adj.主张男女平等的; oppose:v.反对(计划、政策等);抵制;阻挠;(在竞赛中)与…对垒; grassroots:adj.基层的;草根的;乡村的;n.草根;基础;
Now let me be clear that I support an effective struggle against fundamentalism, but also a struggle that must itself respect international law, so nothing I am saying should be taken as a justification for refusals to democratize , and here I send out a shout-out of support to the pro-democracy movement in Algeria today, Barakat. 我先声明, 我支持实际的抗争 来抵抗基本教义派, 但抗争也一定要 尊重国际法, 因此我所说的一切都不应该被视为 拒绝民主化的辩解, 在此,我要公开声援 今天在阿尔及利亚巴拉卡的亲民主运动。
effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; justification:n.理由;辩护;认为有理,认为正当;释罪; refusals:n.拒绝;优先取舍权;推却;取舍权; democratize:vt.使民主化;使大众化;vi.民主化;大众化; shout-out:突然呼喊,大叫; pro-democracy:支持民主;
Nor should anything I say be taken as a justification of violations of human rights, like the mass death sentences handed out in Egypt earlier this week. 我所说的一切也不该被视为 侵犯人权的辩解, 像是本周前几天在埃及的大批死刑宣判。
violations:n.违反,妨碍;违规或不雅行为(violation的复数形式); mass:n.块,团; adj.群众的,民众的; v.聚集起来,聚集;
But what I am saying is that we must challenge these Muslim fundamentalist movements because they threaten human rights across Muslim-majority contexts , and they do this in a range of ways, 我想表达的是 我们必须挑战这些穆斯林基本教义派的运动, 因为他们危害人权, 充斥在以穆斯林为主的社会中, 他们运用各种方式,
most obviously with the direct attacks on civilians by the armed groups that carry those out. 直接攻击平民百姓,最显见的就是 透过武装团体执行各种任务。
But that violence is just the tip of the iceberg . 但那样的暴力只是冰山一角。
tip of the iceberg:冰山一角;事物的表面部分;
These movements as a whole purvey discrimination against religious minorities and sexual minorities. 这些运动普遍都宣扬 歧视宗教弱势与性别弱势。
as a whole:总的来说; purvey:vi.供应;供给;vt.供应;供给; discrimination:n.歧视;区别,辨别;识别力; minorities:n.少数(minority的复数形式);少数民族;少数族裔; sexual:adj.性的;性别的;有性的;
They seek to curtail the freedom of religion of everyone who either practices in a different way or chooses not to practice. 他们企图削减大家的宗教自由, 针对那些用不同方式实践 或是选择不去实践的人。
seek:v.寻求;寻找;谋求; curtail:vt.缩减;剪短;剥夺…特权等;
And most definingly, they lead an all-out war on the rights of women. 最明确的是, 他们引领对女权的全面战争。
Now, faced with these movements in recent years, Western discourse has most often offered two flawed responses . 面对近年来的这些运动, 西方论述最常提出 两种错误的反应。
discourse:n.论述;谈话;演讲;vi.演说;谈论;讲述;vt.说出;演奏出; flawed:adj.有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的; responses:n.回答,答复;反应;响应;(response的复数)
The first that one sometimes finds on the right suggests that most Muslims are fundamentalist or something about Islam is inherently fundamentalist, and this is just offensive and wrong, 第一种,时常出自右翼人士, 他们会说大多数的穆斯林都是基本主义者, 或和伊斯兰教有关的事骨子里都是基本教义派, 这很冒犯,也不正确,
but unfortunately on the left one sometimes encounters a discourse that is too politically correct to acknowledge the problem of Muslim fundamentalism at all or, even worse, apologizes for it, and this is unacceptable as well. 但不幸的是,从左翼者那边也常碰到 一种过于政治正确的说法, 以致于完全无法承认穆斯林基本教义的问题, 更糟的是,无法为问题致歉, 这也让人无法接受。
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; encounters:v.遭遇(encounter的第三人称单数);邂逅;n.遭遇战(encounter的复数);相见; politically correct:adj.政治上正确的(指言行上避免有歧视之嫌); unacceptable:adj.不能接受(或允许、同意)的;
So what I'm seeking is a new way of talking about this all together, which is grounded in the lived experiences and the hope of the people on the front lines. 因此我想找的是一种新的方式, 能够一併讨论所有问题, 并且是根植在生活经验中, 以及前线人们的希望之中。
I'm painfully aware that there has been an increase in discrimination against Muslims in recent years in countries like the U.K. and the U.S., and that too is a matter of grave concern , but I firmly believe that telling these counter-stereotypical stories of people of Muslim heritage who have confronted the fundamentalists and been their primary victims is also a great way of countering that discrimination. 我很痛苦地意识到 近年来对穆斯林的歧视与日俱增, 像是在英国、美国, 这也是极度令人忧心的问题, 但我坚信 诉说这些不同于刻板印象、 关于穆斯林的故事, 他们对抗基本主义者, 且成为首当其冲的受害者, 述说他们的故事也是种反抗歧视的好方式。
painfully:adv.痛苦地,费力地; grave:adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;v.雕刻;铭记; concern:v.涉及,关系到;使担心;n.关系;关心;关心的事; confronted:v.使…无法回避;降临于;处理;面对;对抗;(confront的过去分词和过去式)
So now let me introduce you to four people whose stories 因此,现在让我为各位介绍四个人,
I had the great honor of telling. 我很榮幸能与各位分享他们的故事。
Faizan Peerzada and the Rafi Peer Theatre workshop named for his father have for years promoted the performing arts in Pakistan. 法山.皮扎达与以他父亲为名的 拉菲皮尔剧院工作坊, 已多年在巴基斯坦推广表演艺术。
Peer:n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员;v.仔细看;端详; workshop:n.车间;研讨会;讲习班;工场;v.学习; promoted:v.促进:促销:提升:(promote的过去分词和过去式) performing arts:n.表演艺术;
With the rise of jihadist violence, they began to receive threats to call off their events, which they refused to heed . 随着圣战暴力的崛起, 他们开始被威胁终止活动, 但他们拒绝服从。
jihadist:n.圣战主义者; heed:v.注意;留心;听从(劝告或警告);n.注意;留心;
And so a bomber struck their 2008 eighth world performing arts festival in Lahore, producing rain of glass that fell into the venue injuring nine people, and later that same night, the Peerzadas made a very difficult decision: they announced that their festival would continue as planned the next day. 因此,一枚炸弹攻击了 2008 年举行的第八届世界拉合尔表演艺术嘉年华, 如雨落下的玻璃碎片 在事发现场 造成九个人受伤, 随后在同一天晚上, 皮扎达做了一个非常艰难的决定, 他们宣布嘉年华 隔天如期举行。
bomber:n.轰炸机;投弹手; venue:n.审判地;犯罪地点;发生地点;集合地点; injuring:v.伤害,使受伤;损害,伤害;(injure的现在分词)
As Faizan said at the time, if we bow down to the Islamists, we'll just be sitting in a dark corner. 如同法山当时所说, 如果我们对伊斯兰教徒低头, 未来就只能坐在阴暗的角落。
But they didn't know what would happen. 但是他们不知道会发生什么事,
Would anyone come? 会有人来吗?
In fact, thousands of people came out the next day to support the performing arts in Lahore, and this simultaneously thrilled and terrified Faizan, and he ran up to a woman who had come in with her two small children, 事实上,隔天有成千上万人前来拉合尔 支持这场表演艺术, 这也让法山感到激动又害怕, 他跑到一名带着 两个孩子来参加的女士面前,
simultaneously:adv.同时地; thrilled:adj.非常兴奋; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的过去分词和过去式)
and he said, "You do know there was a bomb here yesterday, and you do know there's a threat here today." 他说:「你知道昨天这里有炸弹攻击吧? 你知道今天这里有恐怖威胁吧?」
And she said, "I know that, but I came to your festival with my mother when I was their age, and I still have those images in my mind. 她说:「我知道, 但我和母亲一起参加过你办的嘉年华, 那时候我和他们一样小, 那些影像至今还印在我心上,
We have to be here." 我们一定要参加。」
With stalwart audiences like this, the Peerzadas were able to conclude their festival on schedule . 有像她这样勇敢的观众, 让皮扎达最终能如期完成 他们的嘉年华。
stalwart:adj.坚定的;健壮的;n.坚定分子; conclude:v.断定:得出结论:终止:达成:缔结(协定) on schedule:adv.按时;按照预定时间;
And then the next year, they lost all of their sponsors due to the security risk . 隔年, 他们失去了所有的赞助商, 原因是安全考量。
sponsors:n.赞助商;主办单位(sponsor的复数);v.赞助(sponsor的三单形式);主办;倡议; security risk:n.(尤指危及国家、机构等安全的)危险分子;
So when I met them in 2010, they were in the middle of the first subsequent event that they were able to have in the same venue, and this was the ninth youth performing arts festival held in Lahore in a year when that city had already experienced 44 terror attacks. 后来我在 2010 年和他们碰面, 他们正在筹办下一次的活动, 在同一个地方举办, 也就是第九届的青年表演艺术嘉年华, 在拉合尔举行, 那年当地已历经了 44 次的恐怖攻击。
This was a time when the Pakistani Taliban had commenced their systematic targeting of girls' schools that would culminate in the attack on Malala Yousafzai. 那个时候正是巴基斯坦的塔利班 开始有系统地以女子学校为目标, 最后引发对马拉拉的攻击事件。
commenced:v.开始(commence的过去分词); systematic:adj.系统的;体系的;有系统的;[图情]分类的;一贯的,惯常的; culminate:v.(以某种结果)告终;(在某一点)结束;
What did the Peerzadas do in that environment? 皮扎达在那种环境下做了什么?
They staged girls' school theater. 他们安排了女子校园剧院。
So I had the privilege of watching "Naang Wal," 我有幸观赏《结》,
which was a musical in the Punjabi language, and the girls of Lahore Grammar School played all the parts. 那是用旁遮普语表演的歌舞剧, 拉合尔文理学校的女学生 扮演所有的角色。
Punjabi:n.旁遮普省;旁遮普人;旁遮普语;adj.旁遮普的;旁遮普人的;旁遮普语的; Grammar School:n.(尤指旧时英国的)文法学校;
They sang and danced, they played the mice and the water buffalo , and I held my breath, wondering, would we get to the end of this amazing show? 他们唱歌、跳舞, 扮演老鼠和水牛, 我屏息凝气, 心想我们能不能看到 这场表演的最后一刻?
water buffalo:[畜牧][脊椎]水牛;
And when we did, the whole audience collectively exhaled , and a few people actually wept , and then they filled the auditorium with the peaceful boom of their applause . 结束时, 全场观众都鬆了一口气, 有些人甚至流下眼泪, 后来,礼堂里充满 大家的温馨掌声。
collectively:adv.共同地,全体地; exhaled:vt.呼气;发出;发散;使蒸发;vi.呼气;发出;发散; wept:v.哭泣(weep的过去式); auditorium:n.礼堂,会堂;观众席; boom:n.繁荣;吊杆;v.激增;繁荣昌盛;轰鸣;轰响;adj.(美)猛涨起来的; applause:n.欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎;
And I remember thinking in that moment that the bombers made headlines here two years before but this night and these people are as important a story. 在那当下我心想 炸弹客上了新闻头条 不过是两年前的事, 但是今晚和这些人 也同是一样重要的故事。
Maria Bashir is the first and only woman chief prosecutor in Afghanistan. 玛丽亚.巴希尔 是阿富汗首位,也是目前唯一的女性总檢察长。
Maria:n.母驴;母马;[天文学]海(指月亮,火星表面的阴暗部分); prosecutor:n.检察官;公诉人;[法]起诉人;实行者;
She's been in the post since 2008 and actually opened an office to investigate cases of violence against women, which she says is the most important area in her mandate . 她从 2008 年起任职, 并设立部门 调查针对女性的暴力案件, 她说那是她的任务中最重要的一环。
investigate:v.调查;研究;审查; mandate:n.授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作;vt.授权;托管;
When I meet her in her office in Herat , she enters surrounded by four large men with four huge guns. 我和她在她的赫拉特办公室碰面, 她进入时 被四位手持大型枪枝的彪形大汉围绕。
In fact, she now has 23 bodyguards , because she has weathered bomb attacks that nearly killed her kids, and it took the leg off of one of her guards. 其实现在她有 23 位保镳, 因为她才刚经历炸弹攻击, 她的孩子差点被炸死, 其中一位保镳还失去一条腿。
Why does she continue? 为什么她还要继续下去?
She says with a smile that that is the question as she puts it, "Why you risk not living?" 她面带微笑, 她是这样描述的:「为什么你要冒这种生命危险?」
And it is simply that for her, a better future for all the Maria Bashirs to come is worth the risk, and she knows that if people like her do not take the risk, there will be no better future. 对她来说这答案简单明瞭, 能替所有女性创造更美好的未来 值得冒险, 她知道如果像她这样的人 不去冒险, 就不会有更好的未来。
Later on in our interview, 之后在我们的访谈中,
Prosecutor Bashir tells me how worried she is about the possible outcome of government negotiations with the Taliban, the people who have been trying to kill her. 檢察长巴希尔告诉我她有多担心 政府和塔利班协商的可能结果, 那些是曾试图杀了她的人。
outcome:n.结果,结局;成果; negotiations:n.谈判(negotiation的复数);磋商;
'"If we give them a place in the government," 她问:「如果让他们担任公职,
she asks, "Who will protect women's rights?" 谁来保护妇女的权利?」
And she urges the international community not to forget its promise about women because now they want peace with Taliban. 她鼓吹国际组织 不要忘了对女性的承诺, 只因为他们现在希望与塔利班和平共处。
A few weeks after I leave Afghanistan, 我离开阿富汗几周后,
I see a headline on the Internet. 看到一则网路头条。
An Afghan prosecutor has been assassinated . 阿富汗檢察官遇刺。
I google desperately , and thankfully that day I find out that Maria was not the victim , though sadly, another Afghan prosecutor was gunned down on his way to work. 我绝望地上网搜寻, 谢天谢地, 玛丽亚不是受害者, 但让人难过的是,另一位阿富汗檢察官 在回家的路上被枪杀。
google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; desperately:adv.拼命地;绝望地;不顾一切地;极度地; thankfully:adv.感谢地;感激地; victim:n.受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者;
And when I hear headlines like that now, 现在只要我听到像那样的头条,
I think that as international troops leave Afghanistan this year and beyond, we must continue to care about what happens to people there, to all of the Maria Bashirs. 我都会想, 在国际军队今年撤离阿富汗之后, 我们仍须持续关心 那里的人发生什么事, 以及像玛丽亚那样的女性发生什么事。
Sometimes I still hear her voice in my head saying, with no bravado whatsoever , "The situation of the women of Afghanistan will be better someday. 有时候我仍听见她的声音在我的脑海里萦绕, 她一点也不逞强地说: 「阿富汗妇女的处境 总有一天会更好。
bravado:n.虚张声势;冒险; whatsoever:pron.无论什么;
We should prepare the ground for this, even if we are killed." 我们应该为此打稳基础, 即使我们会因此丧命。」
There are no words adequate to denounce the al Shabaab terrorists who attacked the Westgate Mall in Nairobi on the same day as a children's cooking competition in September of 2013. 没有任何言语足以谴责 索马利亚青年党的恐怖分子, 他们曾攻击奈洛比的西门百货, 儿童厨艺大赛 就在 2013 年 9 月的同一天举行。
adequate:adj.充足的;适当的;胜任的; competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
They killed 67, including poets and pregnant women. 他们杀了 67 人,包括诗人和孕妇。
Far away in the American Midwest , 我在遥远的美国中西部
I had the good fortune of meeting Somali-Americans who were working to counter the efforts of al Shabaab to recruit a small number of young people from their city of Minneapolis to take part in atrocities like Westgate. 很好运碰到索马利亚裔的美国人, 他们致力于反抗索马利亚青年党, 避免他们召募故乡明尼亚波利斯的年轻人 参与像西门百货那样的暴行。
fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生 recruit:n.新兵; v.吸收(新成员); (通过招募)组成; Minneapolis:n.明尼阿波里斯市(美国一座城市); atrocities:n.暴行(atrocity的复数);残忍;
Abdirizak Bihi's studious 17-year-old nephew Burhan Hassan was recruited here in 2008, spirited to Somalia, and then killed when he tried to come home. 阿迪里扎.毕希 有一位勤学的 17 岁侄子伯罕.哈桑 2008 年时在这里被召募, 带到索马利亚, 后来在试图回家时被杀身亡。
studious:adj.用功的;热心的;专心的;故意的;适于学习的; recruited:v.招聘,雇佣;招募;(recruit的过去分词和过去式)
Since that time, Mr. Bihi, who directs the no-budget Somali Education and Advocacy Center, has been vocally denouncing the recruitment and the failures of government and Somali-American institutions like the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center where he believes his nephew was radicalized during a youth program. 自那时起, 无预算管理索马利亚教育与提倡组织的毕希先生 一直大声谴责这种召募行动 和失败的政府, 以及索马利裔美国人的机构, 像是阿布巴卡.阿斯-沙迪克伊斯兰教中心, 他相信侄子就是在这个组织的 青年课程中被怂恿。
Advocacy:n.主张;拥护;辩护; vocally:adv.用声音;口头地; denouncing:v.谴责;指责;斥责;告发;(denounce的现在分词) recruitment:n.补充;征募新兵; institutions:n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯,制度;(institution的复数) radicalized:vt.使…激进;使…偏激;vi.激进化;成为过激论者;
But he doesn't just criticize the mosque . 但他不只是批判清真寺,
criticize:v.批评;批判;挑剔;指责;评论;评价; mosque:n.清真寺;
He also takes on the government for its failure to do more to prevent poverty in his community. 他也批判政府 未能努力 减少他们社群的贫穷。
Given his own lack of financial resources, 考虑到拮据的经济资源,
Mr. Bihi has had to be creative . 毕许先生必须更有创意。
To counter the efforts of al Shabaab to sway more disaffected youth, in the wake of the group's 2010 attack on World Cup viewers in Uganda , he organized a Ramadan basketball tournament in Minneapolis in response. 要抵抗索马利亚青年党 不让他们动摇更多不满的青年, 在 2010 年青年党攻击 乌干达世界杯的观众之后, 他策画斋戒月篮球比赛, 在明尼亚波利斯举行以回应该起攻击。
sway:n.影响;摇摆;摆动;统治;v.摇动;说服;使相信;使动摇; disaffected:adj.不满的; v.使疏远; in the wake of:紧紧跟随;随着…而来;作为…的结果;仿效; Uganda:n.乌干达(非洲国家); organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式) Ramadan:n.斋月(伊斯兰教历的九月,等于Ramazan); tournament:n.锦标赛,联赛;比赛;
Scores of Somali-American kids came out to embrace sport despite the fatwa against it. 许多索马利亚裔的美国孩童出来 投入运动怀抱, 无视伊斯兰领袖的命令。
embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱;
They played basketball as Burhan Hassan never would again. 他们打篮球, 但伯罕.哈桑却无法再次打球。
For his efforts, Mr. Bihi has been ostracized by the leadership of the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center, with which he used to have good relations. 毕希先生的努力 让他因此被阿布巴卡.阿斯-沙迪克伊斯兰教中心的高层排挤, 失去原来的友好关系。
He told me, "One day we saw the imam on TV calling us infidels and saying, 'These families are trying to destroy the mosque.'" 他告诉我:「有天我看到伊斯兰教领袖在电视上, 称我们离经叛道, 还说『这些家人都试图破坏清真寺。』」
imam:n.伊玛目;(伊斯兰的)阿訇; infidels:n.异教徒;无信仰者;adj.异教徒的;无宗教信仰的;
This is at complete odds with how Abdirizak Bihi understands what he is trying to do by exposing al Shabaab recruitment, which is to save the religion I love from a small number of extremists . 这完全违背了 阿迪里扎.毕希的理念, 他不断尝试努力 揭发索马利亚青年党的召募行动, 就为了拯救我所热爱的宗教 免受少数极端分子控制。
odds:n.几率;胜算;不平等;差别; exposing:v.暴露;显露;揭露;揭穿;使面临;(expose的现在分词) extremists:n.极端主义者;极端分子;过激分子;(extremist的复数)
Now I want to tell one last story, that of a 22-year-old law student in Algeria named Amel Zenoune-Zouani who had the same dreams of a legal career that I did back in the '90s. 我想说的最后一个故事是, 有一位在阿尔及利亚的 22 岁法律系学生 名叫阿梅尔.任努-佐尼, 她也梦想从事法律相关职業, 和我在 90 年代时一样。
legal:adj.法律的;合法的;法定的; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
She refused to give up her studies, despite the fact that the fundamentalists battling the Algerian state back then threatened all who continued their education. 她拒绝放弃学業, 无视基本主义者 在和阿尔及利亚政府交战之后 威胁所有继续上学的人。
On January 26, 1997, Amel boarded the bus in Algiers where she was studying to go home and spend a Ramadan evening with her family, and would never finish law school. 1997 年 1 月 26 日, 她在阿尔及尔搭上公车, 准备从学校回家, 和家人共渡斋戒月的夜晚, 却永远无法念完法学院了。
When the bus reached the outskirts of her hometown, it was stopped at a checkpoint manned by men from the Armed Islamic Group. 巴士开到她家乡的郊区外时, 在檢查站被拦了下来, 站岗的是伊斯兰武装组织的男子。
Carrying her schoolbag, 阿梅尔拿着书包
Amel was taken off the bus and killed in the street. 被带下公车, 在街上被杀死。
The men who cut her throat then told everyone else, "If you go to university, the day will come when we will kill all of you just like this." 男人切断她的喉咙, 之后告诉每个人: 「如果你去念大学, 总有一天我们会回来杀了你, 就像这样。」
Amel died at exactly 5:17 p.m., which we know because when she fell in the street, her watch broke. 阿梅尔在下午五点十七分过世, 我们会知道是因为,她倒在街上时 手表摔破了。
Her mother showed me the watch with the second hand still aimed optimistically upward towards a 5:18 that would never come. 她妈妈给我们看手表, 上头的秒针仍乐观地迈向 永远不会到来的五点十八分。
second hand:adj.旧的,二手的;adv.间接地,第二手地; optimistically:adv.乐观地;乐天地; upward:adj.向上的;上升的;adv.向上;
Shortly before her death, 阿梅尔死前
Amel had said to her mother of herself and her sisters, "Nothing will happen to us, Inshallah , God willing, but if something happens, you must know that we are dead for knowledge. 曾告诉母亲和姊妹: 「一切都会平安无事,这是阿拉的旨意, 但如果发生了什么事, 你们要知道,我们是为了知识而死。
You and father must keep your heads held high." 你和父亲一定要昂首挺立。」
The loss of such a young woman is unfathomable , and so as I did my research 如此年轻的少女生命殒落让人无法理解, 因此当我做研究时,
I found myself searching for Amel's hope again and her name even means "hope" in Arabic. 发现自己再次寻找阿梅尔的希望, 而她的名字甚至是阿拉伯语中的「希望」。
I think I found it in two places. 我想,我在两个地方找到了希望。
The first is in the strength of her family and all the other families to continue telling their stories and to go on with their lives despite the terrorism. 第一处是在她坚强的家人与其他人身上, 他们继续诉说自己的故事, 继续生活,无视于恐怖主义。
In fact, Amel's sister Lamia overcame her grief , went to law school, and practices as a lawyer in Algiers today, something which is only possible because the armed fundamentalists were largely defeated in the country. 其实阿梅尔的妹妹拉米亚已经走出伤痛, 在法学院就读, 也在阿尔及尔当律师, 这种事之所以能发生, 是因为武装基本主义者 在国内的势力被大幅消灭。
Lamia:n.拉弥亚(希腊神化中人首蛇身的女怪);妖妇; overcame:v.克服(overcome的过去式); grief:n.悲痛;忧伤;不幸;
And the second place I found Amel's hope was everywhere that women and men continue to defy the jihadis. 第二个我发现阿梅尔希望之处, 是各个地方不分男女 都持续反抗圣战。
We must support all of those in honor of Amel who continue this human rights struggle today, like the Network of Women Living Under Muslim Laws. 为了向阿梅尔致敬,我们必须全面支持那些 至今仍继续为人权而奋战的团体, 像是「穆斯林律法下的女性组织」。
It is not enough, as the victims rights advocate 这还不够,就像受害者权利倡导者
Cherifa Kheddar told me in Algiers, it is not enough just to battle terrorism. 查理法.凯达在阿尔及尔告诉我的, 只是对抗恐怖主义是不够的。
We must also challenge fundamentalism, because fundamentalism is the ideology that makes the bed of this terrorism. 我们也要挑战基本教义派, 因为基本主义是 创造出恐怖主义基础的意识型态。
Why is it that people like her, like all of them are not more well known ? 为什么像她这样的人、像他们的人 没有更加广为人知?
well known:adj.著名的;众所周知的;清楚明白的;
Why is it that everyone knows who Osama bin Laden was and so few know of all of those standing up to the bin Ladens in their own contexts. 为什么每个人都认识宾拉登, 却少有人认识那些 用各种方式起身反抗宾拉登的人们。
Laden:adj.负载的; vt.装载(等于lade); vi.装载(等于lade); v.装载(lade的过去分词);
We must change that, and so I ask you to please help share these stories through your networks. 我们一定要改变, 因此我请各位幫忙分享这些故事, 运用你们的网络。
Look again at Amel Zenoune's watch, forever frozen, and now please look at your own watch and decide this is the moment that you commit to supporting people like Amel. 再看一眼阿梅尔.任努-佐尼的手表, 永远冻结了, 现在请看着你自己的手表, 决定这一刻就是你承诺 支持像阿梅尔这样的人。
We don't have the right to be silent about them because it is easier or because Western policy is flawed as well, because 5:17 is still coming to too many Amel Zenounes in places like northern Nigeria, where jihadis still kill students. 我们没有对他们沉默的权力, 只因为那更简单, 或是因为西方国家的政策也有缺失, 因为五点十七分仍然发生在 太多阿梅尔.任努-佐尼身上, 发生在像北奈及利亚这样的地方, 圣战仍在那里杀害学生。
The time to speak up in support of all of those who peacefully challenge fundamentalism and terrorism in their own communities is now. 声援所有 和平对抗基本教义派 和社群内恐怖分子的时刻 就是现在。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)