

Why can't we solve these problems? 为什么我们不能解决这些问题?
We know what they are. 我们了解这些问题
Something always seems to stop us. 但似乎总有什么阻止着我们
Why? 为什么?
I remember March the 15th, 2000. 我记得是2000年的3月15日
The B15 iceberg broke off the Ross Ice Shelf . B15冰山从罗斯冰架上脱落
iceberg:n.[地理]冰山;显露部分; Ice Shelf:n.冰架(与陆地相接的厚层浮动冰体);
In the newspaper it said, it was all part of a normal process . “这是一个正常过程的一部分”
A little bit further on in the article it said a loss that would normally take the ice shelf 50-100 years to replace. 随后文章又说道 “这个损失正常需要 50到100年的时间来恢复”
That same word, normal, had two different, almost opposite meanings. 同样一个词-“正常” 是两种不同的 甚至皆然相反的含义
If we walk into the B15 iceberg when we leave here today, we're going to bump into something a thousand feet tall, 76 miles long, 17 miles wide, and it's going to weigh two gigatons . 现在如果我们离开这儿 去往B15冰山 我们碰上的会是个 一千英尺高 76公里长 17公里宽 2亿吨重的大家伙
bump:n.肿块,隆起物;撞击;v.碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行;adv.突然地,猛烈地; gigatons:n.十亿吨;
I'm sorry. There's nothing normal about this. 这完全不是所谓的正常
And yet I think it's this perspective of us as humans to look at our world through the lens of normal is one of the forces that stops us developing real solutions. 透过“正常的”镜片观察世界的 这个视角 正是阻止我们 寻求现实解决方案的力量之一
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; lens:n.透镜,镜头;晶状体;隐形眼镜;汽车的灯玻璃;v.给…摄影;
Only 90 days after this, arguably the greatest discovery of the last century occurred . 冰山事件后的90天
arguably:v.可论证地; occurred:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在;(occur的过去分词和过去式)
It was the sequencing for the first time of the human genome . 这就是对人类基因组的 首次测序
sequencing:n.[计]排序; v.[计]定序(sequence的ing形式); genome:n.基因组;染色体组;
This is the code that's in every single one of our 50 trillion cells that makes us who we are and what we are. 它是存在我们身体 50兆个细胞中 决定了我们是谁的密码
and if we just take one cell's worth of this code and unwind it, it's a meter long, two nanometers thick. 如果我们将一个细胞的 基因密码展开 它有一米长 两纳米厚
unwind:vt.放松;解开;[计]展开;vi.放松;解开;松开; nanometers:n.[计量]毫微米(即十亿分之一米);
Two nanometers is 20 atoms in thickness . 两纳米就是20个原子那么厚
atoms:n.[物]原子(atom的复数); thickness:n.厚度;层;浓度;含混不清;
And I wondered, what if the answer to some of our biggest problems could be found in the smallest of places, where the difference between what is valuable and what is worthless is merely the addition or subtraction of a few atoms, and what if we could get exquisite control over the essence of energy, the electron . 我常想 如果一些大难题的答案 就藏在最细微的地方呢? 这种有价值和无意义间的 细微差别仅仅是 增加或者减少 几个原子的差别 如果 我们能对能源的核心 即电子进行 精确控制呢?
what if:如果…怎么办? valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; worthless:adj.无价值的;不值钱的;卑微的; merely:adv.仅仅,只不过;只是; addition:n.添加;[数]加法;增加物; subtraction:n.[数]减法;减少;差集; exquisite:adj.精致的;细腻的;优美的,高雅的;异常的;剧烈的;n.服饰过于讲究的男子; essence:n.本质;实质;精髓;香精; electron:n.电子;
So I started to go around the world finding the best and brightest scientists 于是我走遍世界 在大学里寻找
I could at universities whose collective discoveries have the chance to take us there, and we formed a company to build on their extraordinary ideas. 最优秀伟大的科学家们 他们的共同发现可能 帮我们实现这个愿望 我们成立了一个公司 来开发他们不寻常的想法
collective:adj.集体的;共同的;集合的;集体主义的;n.集团;集合体;集合名词; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
Six and a half years later, a hundred and eighty researchers, they have some amazing developments in the lab, and I will show you three of those today such that we can stop burning up our planet and instead, we can generate all the energy we need right where we are, cleanly , safely, and cheaply. 六年半后 180名研究者 终于在实验室有了 惊人的进展 并且 我们能在我们所处的地方 以清洁安全和廉价的方式 产生所有需要的能源
generate:v.产生;引起; cleanly:adv.干净地;清洁地;adj.干净的;爱清洁的;
Think of the space we spend most of our time.
Tremendous amount of energy is coming at us from the sun. 是来自太阳
We like the light that comes into the room but in the middle of summer, all that heat is coming into the room that we're trying to keep cool . 我们喜欢射进屋子的阳光 我们得减少进入屋子的热量 保持凉爽
keep cool:保持冷静;保持凉爽;镇定自若;
In winter, exactly the opposite is happening. 冬天则完全相反
We're trying to heat up the space that we're in, and all that is trying to get out through the window. 我们则对屋子 加热 防止热量散出
Wouldn't it be really great if the window could flick back the heat into the room if we needed it or flick it away before it came in. 如果窗户能够 根据我们的需要 把热量反射回屋里
One of the materials that can do this is a remarkable material, carbon , that has changed its form in this incredibly beautiful reaction where graphite is blasted by a vapor, and when the vaporized carbon condenses it condenses back into a different form: chickenwire rolled up. 就是碳 在这个如此美妙的反应里碳改变了形态 石墨被汽化 然后在冷凝 变成一种不同的形态 象卷起来的铁丝网
remarkable:adj.卓越的;非凡的;值得注意的; carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的; incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; reaction:n.反应,感应;反动,复古;反作用; graphite:n.石墨;黑铅;vt.用石墨涂(或搀入等); blasted:adj.该死的,可恶的; v.炸毁,把…炸成碎片; (blast的过去分词和过去式) vaporized:汽化了的; condenses:v.浓缩;使缩短(condense的三单形式);
But this chickenwire carbon, called a carbon nanotube , is a hundred thousand times smaller than the width of one of your hairs. 但是这个碳网 叫做碳纳米管 它比你的头发丝 还细一千倍
nanotube:n.奈米碳管;奈米管;纳米电子管; width:n.宽度;广度;某一宽度的材料;(游泳池两长边之间的)池宽;
It's a thousand times more conductive than copper . 它比铜的导电能力 要高一千倍
conductive:adj.传导的;传导性的;有传导力的; copper:n.铜;铜币;警察;adj.铜(制)的;(紫)铜色的;v.用铜板[铜皮]盖[包];
How is that possible? 这是怎么实现的?
One of the things about working at the nanoscale is things look and act very differently. 原因之一是碳纳米管的 结构十分与众不同
You think of carbon as black. 你也许觉得碳是黑的
Carbon at the nanoscale is actually transparent and flexible . 但碳纳米管里的碳 是透明的
transparent:adj.透明的;显然的;坦率的;易懂的; flexible:adj.灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的;
And when it's in this form, if I combine it with a polymer and affix it to your window when it's in its colored state it will reflect away all heat and light, and when it's in its bleached state it will let all the light and heat through and any combination in between. 碳处于此种形态下 如果我将其与一聚合物结合 贴到你的窗户上 在它着色的情况下 它能反射掉所有的光和热 当它是无色的状态下 它能让所有的光和热透过 也可在两种状态间调节
polymer:n.[高分子]聚合物; affix:vt.粘上;署名;将罪责加之于;n.[语]词缀;附加物; reflect:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;表明,表达; bleached:adj.漂白的;v.(使)变白,漂白,退色(bleach的过去分词和过去式) combination:n.结合;组合;联合;[化学]化合;
To change its state, by the way takes 2 volts from a millisecond pulse . 要调节它的状态 只需要1毫秒电脉冲的2伏电
by the way:顺便说一下; volts:n.伏特(volt的复数形式);电压; millisecond:n.毫秒; pulse:n.脉冲;脉搏;脉率;强劲的音乐节拍;v.搏动;跳动;震动;洋溢着;
And once you've changed its state it stays there until you change its state again. 一旦改变状态后会持续下去 直到你再次调节
As we were working on this incredible discovery at University of Florida, we were told to go down the corridor to visit another scientist, and he was working on a pretty incredible thing. 当我们在弗罗里达大学 观看这个不可思议的发现时 我们被告知去走廊的另一头 拜访另一个科学家 他也正在做一个 非常不可思议的项目
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; corridor:n.通道;过道;走廊(一国领土通过他国境内的狭长地带);
Imagine if we didn't have to rely on artificial lighting to get round at night. 试想一想 要是晚上我们 不依靠人工照明的话
artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; get round:v.说服;(消息)传开来;走动;旅行;避免;
We'd have to see at night, right? 我们得能夜视,对吧?
This lets you do it. 这个能帮你实现
It's a nanomaterial, two nanomaterials, a detector , and an imager . 这是个碳纳米材料,两个部件 一个探测器一个成像仪
detector:n.探测器;检测器;发现者;侦察器; imager:n.成像器,图象机;
The total width of it is 600 times smaller than the width of a decimal place . 它的宽度 比一个小数位的大小
decimal place:n.小数位;
And it takes all the infrared available at night, converts it into an electron in the space of two small films, and is enabling you to play an image which you can see through . 它将夜间可获得的红外线 在2个小胶片上 转化为电子 这样可你让你看到 图像
infrared:n.红外线;adj.红外线的; converts:vt.使转变; vi.转变,变换; n.皈依者; enabling:adj.授权的;v.使能够;授权给(enable的现在分词); see through:adj.透明的;穿透的;
I'm going to show to TEDsters the first time this operating. 我将向诸位 独家首次展示它
Firstly I'm going to show you the transparency . 首先你看到 它具有通透性
Firstly:adv.首先(主要用于列举条目,论点时);第一; transparency:n.透明,透明度;幻灯片;有图案的玻璃;
Transparency is key. 通透性是关键
It's a film that you can look through . 这是一个你可以看穿的胶片
look through:浏览,温习;看穿,识破;从…中显露;
And then I'm going to turn the lights out. 我把灯关掉
And you can see, off a tiny film, incredible clarity . 你可以清晰地 看到胶片后面的物体
As we were working on this, it dawned on us 当我们研究这个的时候,这个给我们灵光一现
This is taking infrared radiation , wavelengths , and converting it into electrons . 这是将红外辐射,波长 转化成电子
radiation:n.辐射;放射线;放射疗法; wavelengths:n.[物]波长(wavelength的复数); converting:v.(使)转变,转换,转化;可转变为;归附;(convert的现在分词) electrons:n.[物]电子(electron的复数形式);
What if we combined it with this? 如果把它 与此结合呢?
Suddenly you've converted energy into an electron on a plastic surface that you can stick on your window. 这样你就可以将能源 在一个塑料表面上转化为电子 你可以把这个塑料膜贴到窗户上
But because it's flexible, it can be on any surface whatsoever . 因为它灵活可变性 可适用于任何表面
The power plant of tomorrow is no power plant. 未来的发电厂 不再是电厂
power plant:n.发电厂;发电站;
We talked about generating and using. 我们谈了开发和利用能源
We want to talk about storing energy, and unfortunately the best thing we've got going is something that was developed in France a hundred and fifty years ago, the lead acid battery . 我们的储存手段是 一百五十年前 铅酸电池
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位;
In terms of dollars per what's stored, it's simply the best. 就其经济性来说
Knowing that we're not going to put fifty of these in our basements to store our power, we went to a group at University of Texas at Dallas , and we gave them this diagram. 交给他们这个图表
It was in actually a diner outside of Dallas-Ft. Worth Airport . 一个餐厅
We said, "Could you build this?" 我们问道:“你们能建这个吗?”
And these scientists, instead of laughing at us, said, "Yeah." 这些科学家
And what they built was eBox.
EBox is testing new nanomaterials to park an electron on the outside, hold it until you need it, and then be able to release it and pass it off. 电子盒子正测试碳纳米管材料 是否能将停留其外面的电子 保留住直到你需要的时候 释放它并令其通过
Being able to do that means that I can generate energy cleanly, efficiently , and cheaply right where I am. 能做到这个的话意味着 以清洁高效低廉的方式 发电
It's my energy. 这是我的能源
And if I don't need it, I can convert it back up on the window to energy, light, and beam it, line of site, to your place. 如果我暂不需要 可以在窗户上将其 转化为能源,光 一直照亮到你的屋子
beam:n.光线; v.发射(电波);
And for that I do not need an electric grid between us. 而这一切 完全不需要电网连接你我间的设备
electric:n.供电;adj.电的;用电的;电动的;发电的; grid:n.网格;格子,栅格;输电网;
The grid of tomorrow is no grid, and energy, clean efficient energy, will one day be free. 未来的电网不需要电网 清洁高效的能源 也将被解放出来
If you do this, you get the last puzzle piece which is water. 如果能做到这一点那就剩下最后一个问题 这就是水
Each of us, every day, need just eight glasses of this, because we're human. 我们每个人每天 因为我们是人类
When we run out of water, as we are in some parts of the world and soon to be in other parts of the world, we're going to have to get this from the sea, and that's going to require us to build desalination plans. 这已经在有些地区发生了 不久的将来在全球都会出现这样的问题 我们就得从海里取水 这就要建海水淡化处理厂
run out of:用完; desalination:n.脱盐作用;减少盐分;
Nineteen trillion dollars is what we're going to have to spend. 这得花上19万亿美元
These also require tremendous amounts of energy. 和无可估计的大量能源
In fact, it's going to require twice the world's supply of oil to run the pumps to generate the water. 事实上,这需要两倍全世界的 石油供给保持机器运转 来淡化海水
pumps:n.[机]泵; v.用泵送;
We're simply not going to do that. 我们不会这么做
But in a world where energy is freed and transmittable easily and cheaply, we can take any water wherever we are and turn it into whatever we need. 但是如果能源能被自由地获取 并能便捷低成本地 进行转化的话 我们可以随处取水 并将其处理
I'm glad to be working with incredibly brilliant and kind scientists, no kinder than many of the people in the world, but they have a magic look at the world. 我很高兴能与 非常聪明和友善的科学家共事 也许没有这世上的很多人 那么善良 但是他们对世界有完全不一样的看法
And I'm glad to see their discoveries coming out of the lab and into the world. 我很高兴他们的发现 能走出实验室走向世界
It's been a long time in coming for me. 我等待这一切很久了
Eighteen years ago, 18年前
I saw a photograph in the paper. 我在报纸上看到一幅照片
It was taken by Kevin Carter who went to the Sudan to document their famine there. 那是凯文?卡特 在苏丹纪录大饥荒 拍下的照片
I've carried this photograph with me every day since then. 自此我一直将这张照片 随身携带
It's a picture of a little girl dying of thirst. 这是一个小女孩死于饥渴的照片
By any standard this is wrong. 无庸置疑这是个悲剧
It's just wrong. 一个悲剧
We can do better than this. 我们能改善这种情况
We should do better than this. 我们应该有所作为
And whenever I go round to somebody who says, "You know what, you're working on something that's too difficult. 每当我 听到有人说
It'll never happen. You don't have enough money. 不会成功的 你没有足够的资金
You don't have enough time. 没有足够的时间
There's something much more interesting around the corner," 别的研究更有趣好玩儿”
I say, "Try saying that to her." 我说:“你能对着她说这些吗”
That's what I say in my mind. And I just say "Thank you," and I go on to the next one. 我对那些人说声谢谢,继续我的研究
This is why we have to solve our problems, and I know the answer as to how is to be able to get exquisite control over a building block of nature, the stuff of life, the simple electron. 这就是为什么我们必须解决问题的原因 我知道 答案就在于 怎样去精确地控制 自然的基础单元 生命的物质: 就是电子
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)