

Boys, let's do this! 孩子们 快点儿
Gray? 格雷
Honey, what are you doing? 亲爱的 你在干嘛
What is this here? Let's go. 还在看什么 快走吧
Come on, honey. Your flight's in two hours. 快点 亲爱的 还有两小时就起飞了
Dane County Airport is 36 minutes away, 60 with traffic. 去戴恩县机场只要36分钟 堵车也只要60分钟
County:n.郡,县; Airport:n.机场;航空港;
How many minutes to get your little butt in the van ? 那你乖乖地上车需要多少分钟
butt:n.屁股;烟头;笑柄;靶垛;粗大的一端;v.以头抵撞;碰撞; van:n.厢式货车;客货车;v.选矿;用车搬运;
How many of those? 多少呀
Feed the monster under your bed? - Yes. 喂过你床下的小怪物了吗 -喂过了
Call me every day... 每天都要给我电话
and text me pics so I don't forget what you look like. 给我发照片 我才不会忘记你的样子
I'm only gonna be gone a week. 我只是要离开一星期
Zach. 扎克
You're not going off to war here. Please. 你又不是要上战场 快点
Come on. 上车
I will see you later. - I love you. 回见 -我爱你
Bye, okay? - Bye. 再见 -再见
Are you in, buddy ? 你爱上她了吗 儿子
I know it hurts, sweetheart . 我知道这很难受 亲爱的
Are you gonna be okay? 你还好吗
Everything right on there? 东西都带上了吗
I'm so jealous . 我都嫉妒你了
You're gonna have so much fun. I love you. 你肯定能玩得很开心 我爱你
I love you, too. 我也爱你
Okay, great. 很好
All right, let's give these to your brother, okay? 先把这些给你哥哥吧
You hold these, please. Can you hold these? 拿上这些 拜托 拿好了
Honey, I need you to take care of these. - Yeah. 亲爱的 要保管好这些 -知道
Hey. 听着
Alright. - Listen to your mother. 好了 -听妈妈的话
Take care of your brother. Answer your phone. 照顾好你弟弟 记得接电话
I'm serious. It's the green button. 我是认真的 那个绿色的键
When you see my name, push it, okay? 看到我名字时 就按下它 知道吗
And remember... something chases you, run. 还有记住 如果有东西追你 赶紧跑
Come on. 拜托
All right. - You're funny. Okay, let's go. Come on. 好了 -真好笑 来吧 我们走
Bye, guys. - Bye. 再见 儿子们 -再见
I miss you already. - Yeah. 我已经开始想你们了 -知道
So much for our last family breakfast. 这就是最后一次家庭早餐
Why do you have to say things like that? 你干嘛非得这么说
Did you call your sister? 你给你妹妹打电话了吗
Straight to voice-mail . 直接转到语音信箱了
It'll be fine. 没事的
She handles 20,000 people a day, right? 她每天要照顾两万个人呢
She can handle two more. 多两个都不是事儿
How big is the island? 那个岛有多大
Big. 很大
But how many pounds? 有多少磅重
That doesn't make sense . 哪有这么问的
make sense:有意义;讲得通;言之有理;
When they first opened, they had 8 species . 当他们开园时 只有8个品种
Now they have 14 herbivores and 6 carnivores . 现在他们有14种食草类和6种食肉类
herbivores:n.[动]食草动物,植食动物;食草者(herbivore的复数形式); carnivores:n.[动]食肉动物;食虫植物(carnivore的复数);
That's 50 tons of food a week. 每周要消耗50吨食物
Welcome to Isla Nublar, home of Jurassic World. 欢迎来到伊斯拉.纳布拉尔 侏罗纪世界
We hope you have a safe and enjoyable stay with us. 我们希望您在此享受一个安全快乐的旅程