

Everybody, heads up! Keep moving! 大家注意头顶 别停
Keep it clear. 别挡着路
Okay, down. 好 放低点
Keep going. Come on! 别停下来!
That's good. Stay. 很好 稳住
Slow it down. 慢慢降下来
Okay, pushing team, move in there. 推柜组开工了
Move it! 动作快
I want tasers on full charge. 电击枪满负荷准备
Steady ! - Come on, step back in. 别慌 -怕什么 给我上!
Steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣;
All right, move it. 好了 动手
And push!
We're unlocked. Koading team, step away. 解锁 装卸组 后撤
Gate keeper. 守门人
Jophery, raise the gate. 乔福瑞 开闸
Block the opening! Don't let her get out! 把门堵上 别让它跑出来了!
Work her back! 把它赶回去!
Shoot her! 开枪打它!
Shoot her! 快开枪!
What's this I hear at the airport ? Hammond 's not even here? 为什么我在机场就听说哈蒙德根本不在这?
airport:n.机场;航空港; Hammond:n.哈蒙德(美国城市);
He sends his apologies. 他让我向你致歉
We are facing a $20 million lawsuit by the family of that worker... 我们正面临着工人家属 2000万美元的诉讼
and you're telling me that Hammond can't even be bothered to see me? 你却告诉我哈蒙德懒得见我?
bothered:adj.烦(恼)的; v.使(某人)烦恼;
He had to leave early. He wants to be with his daughter. 他必须早点动身 要去陪他女儿
She's getting a divorce . - I understand that... 他女儿正闹离婚呢 -这我能理解
but we've been advised to deal with the situation now. 但我们得立刻处理这些麻烦事
advised:adj.考虑过的; v.劝告; (advise的过去分词和过去式)
The insurance company... - Okay? 保险公司 -没事儿吧?
Underwriters feel the accident's raised serious safety questions about the park. 保险商觉得那次意外 凸显了公园的安全隐患
That makes the investors very, very anxious. 这让投资者们感到十分担忧
I had to promise to conduct a very thorough on-site inspection . 我不得不答应全面实地检查
conduct:v.实施;执行;表现;引导;n.举止;管理方法;经营方式;实施办法; thorough:adj.彻底的;十分的;周密的; on-site:adj.现场的; inspection:n.视察,检查;
Hammond hates inspections . They slow everything down. 哈蒙德讨厌检查 完全拖慢进度
Juanito, they'll pull the funding . That'll slow him down even more. 华尼托 不然投资商会撤资的 那样会更慢
Watch your head. 当心头
If two experts sign off on the island... 如果有两位专家为这个岛的安全背书
the insurance guys will back off. 保险公司的家伙就会让步的
I've already got lan Malcolm, but they think he's too trendy . 我本来找了兰.马尔科姆 但是他们觉得他太新潮了
They want Alan Grant . - Grant? 他们想要艾伦.格兰特来做 -格兰特?
You'll never get him out of Montana . - Why not? 你别指望能让他出蒙大拿州 -为什么
Why not? 为什么
Because Grant's like me. 因为格兰特跟我一样
He's a digger . 他是个掘客
Dr. Grant, Dr. Sattler, we're ready to try again. 格兰特博士 斯特勒博士 我们准备好了
I hate computers. 我讨厌电脑
The feeling's mutual . 怕是它也不喜欢你
How long does this usually take? - It should bring an immediate return. 这通常要多久 -应该马上会有反应的
Shoot the radar into the ground and... 把雷达波射到地底下
the bone bounces the image back. 龙骨就能反射回图像
Bounces it back. 反射回来
This new program's incredible . 这新玩意儿太不可思议了
A few more years' development and we won't even have to dig anymore. 再过几年 都不用我们亲手去挖了
Where's the fun in that? 那还有什么好玩的
It's a little distorted , but I don't think it's the computer. 图像有点扭曲 但貌似不是电脑的问题