

Relax . 放轻松
Anything in here would be dead by now. 这的生物已经灭绝了
There she is... 找到她了
the Indominus rex. 暴虐霸王龙
Specimen collected. 样本采集完毕
Sent to the surface. 送上去了
Roger that. 收到
Air One, clear for takeoff . 空中一号 你可以起飞了
Begin tracking . - Copy that. 开始追踪 - 收到
Go, go! - Tracking on. 开始行动 - 正在追踪
Land One, the asset is secure. 陆地一号 已获取
We got what we came for. 本次行动的目标物品
We're coming back for you. Close the doors. 我们现在回来接你 关闭闸门吧
Marine One, I got to close the gates. 海洋一号 我要关闭闸门了
Get out of there. 快出来
Understood. We're heading out. 收到 我们马上出来
Marine One, I need to close the gates. 海洋一号 我要关闭闸门了
Confirm position. 报告你们的位置
Can you hear me? Are you out? 听到了么 你们出来了么
Marine One? 海洋一号
Guys? - What is that? 伙计们 那是什么东西
Marine One, I'm closing the gates. 海洋一号 我关闭闸门了
Seriously, guys, I'm kind of exposed out here. 伙计们 我在这外面淋雨呢
exposed:adj.无遮蔽的; v.暴露; (expose的过去分词和过去式)
Marine One, confirm you're out. 海洋一号 报告你们的位置
Marine One, confirm position. 海洋一号 报告你们的位置
Can you hear me? Marine One, where are you? 能听到我么 还有一号 你们在哪
He's over there! - Now! Run! - Look behind you! 他在那 - 快跑 - 看你后面
I can't reach them! 我联系不上他们
Come on! - What?! 快点 - 什么
What is going on? 什么情况
I can't hear you! 我听不清楚你们在说什么
Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't go! 等等我 等等我 别走
Throw him the ladder ! 把绳梯扔给他
Don't go! 别抛下我
Oh! Oh, no!
No! Wait! Don't go! 不 等等我 别走
No, no! Aah!
Oh-ho, ye...
Oh, God! 我的天
No! No! Aah! Aah!
God, no!
We're gonna stall ! Cut it now! 这样下去飞机要失速了 快割断绳梯
Give him a chance! - We're gonna die here! 给他个机会吧 - 要不然我们都要死在这了
Come on! 快点
Come on! - No! No! No! 快点 - 不不不
I said cut it! 快割断绳梯
Don't do it! Aah! 不要啊
It's horrible ! 太残忍了
DNA sample secure. DNA样本到手了
Tell the boss we're coming back home. 告诉老板 我们返程了
Three years after the fall of Jurassic World, the debate over Isla Nublar rages on. 距离“侏罗纪世界”遭到摧毁已经过去了三年 围绕着怒布拉岛的争论仍然十分激烈
Jurassic:adj.侏罗系的;侏罗纪的;n.侏罗纪; debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; rages:v.肆虐;发怒(rage的第三人称单数);n.狂怒;凶猛;激情(rage的复数);
The island's long-dormant volcano , reclassified as active, has shown considerable unrest in recent months. 岛上长期休眠的火山 已重新归类为活火山 最近几个月来其活动明显增强
long-dormant:adj.长期静止的; volcano:n.火山; reclassified:v.将…重新分类;将…重新归类;(reclassify的过去分词和过去式) considerable:adj.相当大的;重要的,值得考虑的; unrest:n.不安;动荡的局面;不安的状态;