

(Music) (音乐)
["Oedipus Rex"] 《俄狄甫斯王》
["The Lion King"] 《狮子王》
["Titus"] 《狄多的仁慈》(根据古罗马皇帝狄多改编,莫扎特晚年歌剧作品)
["Frida"] 《弗里达》
["The Magic Flute "] 《魔笛》
["Across The Universe"] 《穿越苍穹》
(Applause) (掌声)
Julie Taymor: Thank you. Thank you very much. 朱丽·泰莫:谢谢,谢谢
That's a few samples of the theater, opera and films that I have done over the last 20 years. 以上这些是我20年来 执导的一些戏剧、歌剧和电影的节选片段
But what I'd like to begin with right now is to take you back to a moment that I went through in Indonesia , which is a seminal moment in my life and, like all myths , these stories need to be retold and told, lest we forget them. 但是我想以多年前 我在印度尼西亚的一段亲身经历 作为今天演讲的开头 那是我生命中具有开创性意义的一段经历 就像所有神话故事 需要不断地口口相传 才不至于被人们所遗忘
Indonesia:n.印尼,印度尼西亚(东南亚岛国); seminal:adj.种子的;精液的;生殖的; myths:神话;谬见; retold:vt.再讲(retell的过去式和过去分词); lest:conj.唯恐,以免;担心;
And when I'm in the turbulent times, as we know, that I am right now, through the crucible and the fire of transformation , which is what all of you do, actually. 在我创作的日子里并不是那么一帆风顺,你们也知道 其实现在也还是,我经历了各种严峻的考验 和之后的浴火重生 事实上这也是你们正在经历的
turbulent:adj.骚乱的,混乱的;狂暴的;吵闹的;激流的,湍流的; crucible:n.坩埚;严酷的考验; transformation:n.转变;(用于南非)民主改革;
Anybody who creates knows there's that point where it hasn't quite become the phoenix or the burnt char . 任何从事创作的人都知道,总有那么一个浴火的时期 你要嘛变成火凤凰,要嘛被烤成一块焦炭
phoenix:n.凤凰;死而复生的人; char:n.炭; v.把…烧成炭;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I am right there on the edge, which I'll tell you about, another story. 而且我正处在这个时期内, 具体到时我会给你们讲另外一个故事
I want to go back to Indonesia where I was about 21, 22 years, a long time ago, on a fellowship . 我想先回到印度尼西亚的故事上, 那是很久以前了,当时我差不多二十一二岁 在印尼用奖学金留学
And I found myself, after two years there and performing and learning, on the island of Bali, on the edge of a crater , Gunung Batur. 在巴厘岛演出和学习了两年之后 我在一座叫巴图尔的火山口 找寻了到自我
performing:adj.表演的;演奏的;v.做;执行;演出;运转(perform的现在分词) on the edge of:adv.几乎;濒于;在…边缘; crater:n.火山口;弹坑;弧坑;[天文学]巨爵座;v.(使)成坑状;
And I was in a village where there was an initiation ceremony for the young men, a rite of passage . 当时我所在的村子里 有一种为年轻男性而设的仪式 即男子成年礼
initiation:n.启蒙,传授;开始;入会; ceremony:n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼; rite of passage:n.(标志人生重要阶段的)通过仪式;
Little did I know that it was mine as well. 我完全不知道那也竟成了我的“成年礼”
And as I sat in this temple square under this gigantic beringin banyan tree, in the dark, there was no electricity , just the full moon , down in this empty square, and I heard the most beautiful sounds, like a Charles Ives concert as I listened to the gamelan music from all the different villagers that came for this once-every-five-years ceremony. 当时我坐在寺庙广场 一棵大榕树下 四周没有灯光,一片漆黑,只有一轮圆月 皎洁地照在空旷的广场 而且我还听见了世上最美妙的声音 当我听到 五年一度的典礼上村民们 演奏的甘美兰音乐时(印尼管弦乐器) 就像听着查尔斯·艾夫斯的音乐会(美国古典音乐作曲家)
gigantic:adj.巨大的,庞大的; banyan:n.菩提树;[林]印度榕树; electricity:n.电力;电流;强烈的紧张情绪; full moon:n.满月;圆月; Ives:n.艾维斯(男子名);
And I thought I was alone in the dark under this tree. 我以为漆黑的树下只有我一个人
And all of a sudden , out of the dark, from the other end of the square, 但突然之间 在广场对面的夜幕里
all of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
I saw the glint of mirrors lit by the moon. 我看到月光照耀下,有东西像镜子一样闪闪反光
And these 20 old men who I'd seen before all of a sudden stood up in these full warrior costumes with the headdress and the spears, and no one was in the square, and I was hidden in the shadows. 突然有二十个我之前都见过的老人 身着勇士服 顶戴头饰,手持长矛站了出来 当时广场上空无一人,而我也躲在树影里
warrior:n.勇士; costumes:n.服装,装束; v.给(某人)穿上特殊服装; (costume的第三人称单数和复数) headdress:n.头发编梳的式样;饰头巾;
No one was there, and they came out, and they did this incredible dance. 没有人在那观赏,他们就这样冒出来 跳起了让人难以置信的舞蹈
'"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhahahahaha." 呼呼呼呼呼呼呼哈哈哈哈
And they moved their bodies and they came forward, and the lights bounced off these costumes. 他们左右摇摆,身体前倾 月光在他们服装上跳动闪耀着
And I've been in theater since I was 11 years old, and performing, creating, and I went, "Who are they performing for with these elaborate costumes, these extraordinary headdresses ?" 我从11岁起,就开始在剧院里 参加演出,编写剧本,我就想 他们身着盛装 戴上如此别致的头饰 到底是表演给谁看啊
elaborate:adj.精心制作的;详尽的;煞费苦心的;v.精心制作;详细描述;变复杂; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的; headdresses:n.头发编梳的式样;饰头巾;
And I realized that they were performing for God, whatever that means. 之后我意识到,他们是表演给神明看 虽然我也不知道其意义是什么
But somehow , it didn't matter about the publicity . 不知为何,这个表演既不是公开的
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; publicity:n.宣传,宣扬;公开;广告;注意;
There was no money involved . 也不关钱的事儿
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词)
It wasn't going to be written down. It was no news. 没人会将其记录下来 这也不是啥新鲜事儿
And there were these incredible artists that felt for me like an eternity as they performed . 但当这些伟大的艺术家们表演的时候 我感觉到了一种永恒与不朽
eternity:n.来世,来生;不朽;永世; performed:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好)(perform的过去分词和过去式)
The next moment, as soon as they finished and disappeared into the shadows, a young man with a propane lantern came on, hung it up on a tree, set up a curtain. 过了一会儿 他们结束了表演,消失在对面的黑暗中 一个年轻人提着一个油灯出现了 他把灯挂在树上后又弄了一片幕布
as soon as:一…就; disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词) propane:n.[有化]丙烷;
The village square was filled with hundreds of people. 小小的乡村广场上挤满了几百号人
And they put on an opera all night long. 他们整夜都在表演歌剧
Human beings needed the light. 人类需要光
They needed the light to see. 没有光,人类就看不见
So what I gained and gathered from this incredible, seminal moment in my life as a young artist was that you must be true to what you believe as an artist all the way through, but you also have to be aware 所以作为一个年轻的艺术家 我从这个对我具有开创性意义时刻学到的是 一个艺术家必须 对自己的信仰始终坚贞如一 但同时还要明白
that the audience is out there in our lives at this time, and they also need the light. 这一刻,我们生活里的观众在看着我们 他们同样需要光亮
And it's this incredible balance that I think that we walk when we are creating something that is breaking ground, that's trying to do something you've never seen before, that imaginary world 我想我们就一直走在这种 微妙的平衡上 当我们试着创作一些新的东西 当我们尝试做一些前所未见的事情 就像一个我们
where you actually don't know where you're going to end up, that's the fine line on the edge of a crater that I have walked my whole life. 不知该在哪儿停下的天马行空的世界 这种平衡就是火山口那细线般的边缘 而我一生都在这种边缘上行走
What I would like to do now is to tell you a little bit about how I work. Let's take "The Lion King." 现在我想介绍 一些关于我工作上的事情 我们以《狮子王》为例
You saw many examples of my work up there, but it's one that people know. 你们刚刚也看到了我的一些作品 但《狮子王》的知名度高一些
I start with the notion of the ideograph. 首先我要先说说”象形“
An ideograph is like a brush painting, a Japanese brush painting. 所谓的“象形”就像毛笔画,日本水墨画那样
Three strokes , you get the whole bamboo forest. 三两笔就能勾画出一片竹林
strokes:n.中风; v.轻抚; (stroke的第三人称单数和复数)
I go to the concept of "The Lion King" 这使我联想到《狮子王》的概念
and I say, "What is the essence of it? 我想,它的本质是什么
What is the abstraction ? 它的抽象概念是什么
If I were to reduce this entire story into one image, what would it be?" 如果我要把整个故事浓缩到一幅图里 这幅图该是什么样子
The circle. The circle. It's so obvious . 答案是圆,就是圆,显而易见
The circle of life. The circle of Mufasa's mask. 《生生不息》的圆(狮子王片头曲,获奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲), 狮王木法沙面具的圆
The circle that, when we come to Act II and there's a drought , how do you express drought? 我们表演第二幕时 有一个干旱的场景 你们会怎么表现干旱
drought:n.干旱;缺乏; express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
It's a circle of silk on the floor that disappears into the hole in the stage floor. 圆,我们用丝带围成了一个圆 然后像水一样逐渐从舞台上的洞里消失
The circle of life comes in the wheels of the gazelles that leap . 生命的圆伴随着 跳跃的瞪羚一起出现
gazelles:n.羚羊;(gazelle的复数) leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲;
And you see the mechanics . 我们就是这样排演的
And being a theater person, what I know and love about the theater is that when the audience comes in and they suspend their disbelief , when you see men walking or women walking with a platter of grass on their heads, you know it's the savanna . 作为一个戏剧人,我对戏剧的了解和热爱在于 当观众入场后 他们会把怀疑放在一边 当你看见人在舞台上行走 头上顶着个长满草的帽子 你就知道那是热带草原
suspend:v.暂停;悬浮;中止;挂; disbelief:n.怀疑,不信; platter:n.大浅盘;唱片;唱机转盘; savanna:n.[生态]热带草原;热带的稀树大草原;
You don't question that. 人们并不会去怀疑
I love the apparent truth of theater. 我热爱剧院里这个浅显的事实
I love that people are willing to fill in the blanks. 我热爱人们乐意自行脑补空白
The audience is willing to say, "Oh, I know that's not a real sun. 观众会乐意说 好吧,我知道那个太阳是假的
You took pieces of sticks. 你们用一些小木条
You added silk to the bottom. 和丝带固定在它的底部
You suspended these pieces. You let it fall flat on the floor. 先放平在舞台上,然后用绳子吊着,
And as it rises with the strings , I see that it's a sun. 当道具随着绳子升起的时候, 我知道那是代表太阳
But the beauty of it is that it's just silk and sticks. 但美就美在那仅仅是丝带和小木条做的
And in a way, that is what makes it spiritual . 某种程度上 这种象征性精神上的太阳
That's what moves you. 才是触动你的地方
It's not the actual literal sunrise that's coming. 那个场景并不是真正的日出
literal:adj.文字的;逐字的;无夸张的; sunrise:n.日出;朝霞;
It's the art of it. 而是表演艺术上的日出
So in the theater, as much as the story is critical and the book and the language, the telling of the story, how it's told, the mechanics, the methods that you use, is equal to the story itself. 所以在戏剧里 故事本身当然关键 剧本、对白 故事的阐述和解读 排演的手法和方式 也都和故事本身一样重要
And I'm one who loves high tech and low tech. 我是个既爱高科技也爱低科技的人
So I could go from -- 所以我可以从······
For instance , I'll show you some "Spider-Man" later, these incredible machines that move people along. 比如,我待会儿会给你们展示《蜘蛛侠》 这些能让人飞来飞去的吊威亚机器
But the fact is, without the dancer who knows how to use his body and swing on those wires, it's nothing. 但事实上如果舞者们 不懂如何运用肢体 和怎么吊威亚 一切都是空谈
So now I'm going to show you some clips from the other big project of my life this year, "The Tempest ." 现在我们来看一个视频剪辑 来自我今年的另外一个大项目 ——《暴风雨》(莎士比亚的著作)
clips:n.夹子; v.夹住; Tempest:n.暴风雨;骚动;动乱;vt.使狂怒;扰乱,使激动;vi.小题大作;起大风暴;
It's a movie. I did "The Tempest" on a stage three times in the theater since 1984, '86, and I love the play. ——《暴风雨》(莎士比亚的著作) 我共执导过三次《暴风雨》的戏剧 我特别喜欢那个剧本
I did it always with a male Prospero. 我执导的时候总是让男演员扮演普洛斯彼罗 (普洛斯彼罗:戏剧《暴风雨》中的主角)
And all of a sudden, I thought, "Well, who am I gonna get to play Prospero? 有次我心血来潮想 让谁扮演普洛斯彼罗合适呢
Why not Helen Mirren? She's a great actor. Why not?" 为什么不找海伦·米伦呢 她是个好演员啊,为什么不呢
And this material really did work for a woman equally as well. 电影里把话剧男性主人公改编成女性其实也行得通的(详见电影《暴风雨》)
So now, let's take a look at some of the images from "The Tempest." 所以,现在我们来看一下 《暴风雨》里的一些场景
take a look at:看一看;检查; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
(Music) (音乐)
(Video) Prospera: Hast thou, spirit, performed to the point the tempest that I bade thee ? 普洛斯佩拉:幽灵,你有没有照我的命令操纵暴风雨
Hast:have的第二人称单数现在式; thee:pron.(第二人称单数的宾格)你;
Ariel : I boarded the king's ship. In every cabin , I flamed amazement . 艾瑞尔:我上了国王的船,每个船舱都充满了烈火的尖叫
Ariel:n.羚羊类;瞪羚(主要产于阿拉伯等地的一种大眼羚羊); cabin:v.把…关在小屋内; n.(轮船上生活或睡觉的)隔间; (通常为木制的)小屋; amazement:n.惊异;惊愕;
Prospera: At first sight , they have changed eyes. 普洛斯佩拉:他们一见倾心
At first sight:乍一看;初看之下;
Miranda : Do you love me? 米兰达:你爱我吗
Ferdinand: Beyond all limit. 米兰达:你爱我吗
HM: They are both in either's powers. 海伦·米伦:他们已经离不开彼此了
Trinculo: Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows . 特林鸠罗:同床异梦,方晓痛苦
Misery:n.痛苦,悲惨;不幸;苦恼;穷困; bedfellows:n.伙伴;同床者(等于bedmate);
(Music) (音乐)
Looking for business, governor? 大人,要找点儿乐子吗
Caliban: Hast thou not dropped from heaven? 卡利班:你们是从天堂来的吗
Stephano: Out of the moon, I do assure thee. 斯特凡诺:从月亮上来,我向你保证
Prospera: Caliban! 普洛斯佩拉:卡利班!
Caliban: This island is mine. 卡利班:这岛是我的!
Prospera: For this, be sure, tonight thou shalt have cramps . 普洛斯佩拉:我可以保证,今晚你将全身绞痛痉挛
shalt:v.应该;将要;必须(shall的第二人称单数现在式); cramps:n.肌肉抽筋; v.束缚;
Antonio: Here lies your brother no better than the earth he lies upon. 安东尼奥:你的兄长身死此地,与地上泥土毫无异处
no better than:几乎等于;实际上和…一样;
Sebastian: Draw thy sword. 塞巴斯蒂安:拔剑吧
And I, the king, shall love thee. 我会以国王的身份敬爱你
Prospera: I will plague them all, even to roaring . 普洛斯佩拉:我要折磨他们,直到他们歇斯底里
plague:n.瘟疫;灾祸;麻烦;讨厌的人;vt.折磨;使苦恼;使得灾祸; roaring:adj.咆哮的; n.咆哮; v.咆哮; (roar的现在分词)
Ariel: I have made you mad. 艾瑞尔:我已经让你们疯狂了
Prospera: We are such stuff as dreams are made on. 普洛斯佩拉:我们不过是编织幻想的材料
and our little life is rounded with a sleep. 而且我们卑微的生活不过是黄粱一梦
(Music) (音乐)
JT: Okay. 好了
(Applause) (掌声)
So I went from theater, doing "The Tempest" 很多年前,我从剧院舞台上
on the stage in a very low-budget production many years ago, and I love the play, and I also think it's Shakespeare's last play, and it really lends itself, as you can see , to cinema. 以低预算投入 执导《暴风雨》戏剧 我喜欢那个剧本,同时我想 那可是莎士比亚的最后一个剧本啊 而且你们也看到了 它非常适合拍成电影
on the stage:在舞台上;现阶段;当演员; low-budget:adj.适于低预算的;低预算制成的; as you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
But I'm just going to give you a little example about how one stages it in theater and then how one takes that same idea or story and moves it into cinema. 但是我想给你们举一些例子 关于怎样让它在剧院舞台演出 还有怎样把同样的想法或故事 搬到电影荧幕上
The ideograph that I talked to you about before, what is it for "The Tempest"? 刚才我们提到了“象形文字” 那《暴风雨》的象形是什么呢
What, if I were to boil it down, would be the one image that I could hang my hat on for this? 如果我讲这个故事浓缩成一幅图 那是怎样一幅图 才适合我的想法呢
And it was the sand castle, the idea of nurture versus nature, that we build these civilizations -- she speaks about it at the end, Helen Mirren's Prospera -- 这个意象就是沙堡 关于先天自然和后天培养 我们所建造的这些文明成果 海伦·米伦(普洛斯佩拉扮演者)在最后说到
nurture:v.养育;培养;养护;支持; versus:prep.对;与...相对;对抗; civilizations:n.文明(civilization的复数形式);
we build them, but under nature, under the grand tempest, these cloud-capped towers, these gorgeous palaces will fade and there will -- leave not a rack behind. 我们后天建造了它们,但在大自然下,在暴风雨之下 这些高耸入云的巨塔,这些富丽堂皇的宫殿终将会如沙堡般逐渐崩坏 连一点废墟的痕迹也没有留下
gorgeous:adj.华丽的,灿烂的;极好的; fade:v.褪色; adj.平淡的; n.[电影][电视]淡出; rack:n.架子; v.使痛苦不堪;
So in the theater, I started the play, it was a black sand rake , white cyc, and there was a little girl, Miranda, on the horizon , building a drip castle, a sand castle. 所以,我在戏剧里是这样开场的 一块黑色的沙地 一块白色幕布 一个叫米兰达的小女孩正在舞台边上 堆着沙堡
rake:vi.搜索;用耙子耙;掠过,擦过;n.耙子;斜度;钱耙;放荡的人,浪子; horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围; drip:n.滴落;滴落(的液体);水滴;v.(液体)滴下;
And as she was there on the edge of that stage, two stagehands all in black with watering cans ran along the top and started to pour water on the sand castle, and the sand castle started to drip and sink, but before it did, the audience saw the black-clad stagehands. 当她在舞台的边上时 两个全身黑衣的舞台工作人员 手提喷壶沿着幕前走 然后开始往沙堡上倒水 沙堡开始漏水倒塌 但在沙堡崩坏前 观众看见了这两个身着黑衣的工作人员
stagehands:n.舞台工作人员;舞台管理; pour water on:泼冷水,使沮丧;
The medium was apparent. It was banal . We saw it. 这个方法很明显,很老套 我们都见过
medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的; banal:adj.陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的;
But as they started to pour the water, the light changed from showing you the black-clad stagehands to focusing, this rough magic that we do in theater, it focused right on the water itself. 但当他们开始倒水的时候 灯光从这两个舞台人员身上聚焦到 喷水壶倒出的水上, 这个戏剧里的老套把戏再粗浅不过了
And all of a sudden, the audience's perspective changes. 但是在那一瞬间, 观众的视角突然也跟着改变了
It becomes something magically large. 它好像被魔法般放大
It becomes the rainstorm. 仿佛真的成了暴风雨
The masked actors, the puppeteers , they disappear, and the audience makes that leap into this world, into this imaginary world of "The Tempest" actually happening. 戴面具的演员和傀儡师都消失了 观众的思维也跳跃到了这个世界里 跳到这个“暴风雨”正在肆虐的想象世界里
puppeteers:n.操纵木偶的人;操纵傀儡;vt.操纵; leap into:跳进…里面去;
Now the difference when I went and did it in the cinema, 在电影中 我则采取了不同的手法
I started the actual movie with a close-up of a sand castle, a black sand castle, and what cinema can do is, by using camera, perspective, and also long shots and close-ups , it started on a close-up of the sand castle, and as it pulled away, 我以一个黑色沙堡的特写镜头 作为这部电影的开幕 拍摄电影时就是可以 运用摄像机的不同视角 同时还有远景镜头和特写镜头 电影以沙堡的特写镜头开始 然后镜头拉远
you saw that it was a miniature sitting in the palm of the girl's hands. 你们会发现那其实是 一个放在女孩儿手上的微缩模型
miniature:adj.微型的,小规模的;n.缩图;微型画;微型图画绘画术;vt.是…的缩影; palm:n.手掌;手心;棕榈树;v.把…藏在手中(尤指玩戏法);
And so I could play with the medium, and why I move from one medium to another is to be able to do this. 所以我能随心所欲地运用这些方法 我从一个方法换到另一个方法 就是为了达到这个目的
Now I'm going to take you to "Spider-Man." 现在我给你们展示《蜘蛛侠》
(Music) (音乐)
(Video) Peter Parker: ? Standing on the precipice , 彼得·帕克:站在悬崖之边
I can soar away from this. ? 我能在此冲上云霄
JT: We're trying to do everything in live theater that you can't do in two dimensions in film and television. 我们正在立体剧院里尝试一些新方法 那些方法不能用二维平面媒体表现出来 像是电影和电视
PP: ? Rise above yourself and take control. ? 超越自我,掌握一切
George Tsypin: We're looking at New York from a Spider-Man point of view . 乔治·希平:我们正从蜘蛛侠的视角看纽约
point of view:观点;见地;立场;
Spider Man is not bound by gravity. 蜘蛛侠不受引力控制
Spider:n.蜘蛛; bound:n.跳跃:v.跳跃着跑:形成…的边界(或界限)adj.一定会:很可能会:
Manhattan in the show is not bound by gravity either. 戏里的曼哈顿也摆脱了地心引力
PP: ? Be yourself and rise above it all. ? 彼得·帕克:做好自己,然后超越一切
Ensemble : ? Sock! Pow! ? 和声:碰!啪!
? Slam ! Scratch ! ? 砰!擦!
Slam:v.(使…)砰地关上; n.猛关(或推,摔,撞等); Scratch:n.擦伤; adj.打草稿用的; v.抓;
Danny Ezralow: I don't want you to even think there's a choreographer . 丹尼·艾佐罗:我不想你们认为那经过精心编排
It's real, what's happening. 那些真实的,正在发生的事情
I prefer you to see people moving, and you're going, "Whoa, what was that?" 那些真实的,正在发生的事情 然后说:“哇哦,那是个啥”
(Music) (音乐)
JT: If I give enough movement in the sculpture , and the actor moves their head, you feel like it's alive. 朱丽·泰莫:如果我给这个雕塑足够多的动作 然后演员晃动头部 你会感觉那就是个活生生的人
It's really comic book live. It's a comic book coming alive. 这的确是漫画直播 栩栩如生真人版的漫画
(Music) (音乐)
Bono : They're mythologies . 博诺:这些漫画英雄
Bono:n.宝鸟服饰;报喜鸟(品牌名); mythologies:n.神话(mythology的复数);神话学;神话集;
They're modern myths, these comic book heroes. 博诺:这些漫画英雄
PP: ? They believe. ? 彼得·帕克:他们相信
(Screams) (尖叫)
(Music) (音乐)
(Applause) (掌声)
JT: Ohhhh. What was that? 朱丽·泰莫:哇哦,那是个啥
Circus , rock 'n' roll, drama . 马戏、摇滚、戏剧
Circus:n.马戏;马戏团; drama:n.戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;戏剧性事件;
What the hell are we doing up there on that stage? 我们TMD到底在那舞台干啥呀
Well, one last story, very quickly. 好吧,最后一个故事,很快就讲完
After I was in that village, I crossed the lake, and I saw that the volcano was erupting on the other side , Gunung Batur, and there was a dead volcano next to the live volcano. 在我离开那个村子后,我穿过那个湖 看见另一边的火山在喷发 也就是巴图尔火山 它旁边有座死火山
volcano:n.火山; erupting:v.爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出;突然发生;爆发;(erupt的现在分词) on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
I didn't think I'd be swallowed by the volcano, and I am here. 我从没想过会被火山吞没 而且我现在在这儿
But it's very easy to climb up, is it not? 但是很容易就能爬上去,对吧?
You hold on to the roots, you put your foot in the little rocks and climb up there, and you get to the top, and I was with a good friend who was an actor, and we said, "Let's go up there. 只要紧紧抓住树根 把脚稳稳放在小石头间 不断往上爬 然后就能达到顶点 我当时和一个演员朋友一起 我们说,我们上去吧
hold on to:坚持;紧握;克制;
Let's see if we can come close to the edge of that live volcano." 看看我们能不能接近 巴图尔火山口边缘
And we climbed up and we got to the very top, and we're on the edge, on this precipice, 然后我们爬了上去,到达山顶时候 我们真是在火山口边,悬崖之边
Roland disappears into the sulfur smoke at the volcano at the other end, and I'm up there alone on this incredible precipice. 罗兰消失在火山口另一端的 硫磺烟雾之中 我孤零零一个人 面对着这不可置信的悬崖绝壁
Did you hear the lyrics ? 注意到刚才的歌词了吧
I'm on the precipice looking down into a dead volcano to my left. 我从火山悬崖上往下看 我的左手边是座死火山
To my right is sheer shale . It's coming off. 而我右边是正在脱落陡峭的页岩层
sheer:adj.纯; v.十足地; n.透明薄纱; v.[航海](使)偏航; (使)转向; shale:n.[岩]页岩;泥板岩;
I'm in thongs and sarongs . It was many years ago. 我穿着人字拖和莎笼裙 而且是很多年前
thongs:n.皮带(thong的名词复数); n.丁字裤; v. v.给…装皮带(thong的第三人称单数形式); sarongs:[服装]莎笼(sarong的复数);
And no hiking boots. 没有登山鞋
And he's disappeared, this mad French gypsy actor, off in the smoke, and I realize, 这个疯狂的法国吉普赛演员 又消失在烟雾里,我意识到
gypsy:n.吉卜赛人; adj.象吉卜赛人的; v.流浪;
I can't go back the way that I've come. I can't. 我不能从来时的路回去,绝对不行
So I throw away my camera. I throw away my thongs, and I looked at the line straight in front of me, and I got down on all fours like a cat, and I held with my knees to either side of this line in front of me, for 30 yards or 30 feet, I don't know. 所以我扔掉照相机 脱掉人字拖 看向那条正好在我面前的路 我像一只猫一样四肢着地往下爬 我用膝盖紧靠 这条路的两侧 爬了30码还是30英尺 记不清了
throw away:adj.信口开河的;用后可扔的;n.废品; on all fours:完全一致;四脚着地地;匍匐;
The wind was massively blowing, and the only way I could get to the other side was to look at the line straight in front of me. 狂风在呼啸 而我到达另一边的唯一途径 就是指望我面前这条路
I know you've all been there. 我知道你们都经历过
I'm in the crucible right now. 我现在就在经历严酷的考验
It's my trial by fire. 这是烈火的试炼
It's my company's trials by fire. 这是烈火给我的公司的试炼
We survive because our theme song is "Rise Above." 我们成功地挺过来了 因为我们的主题曲是《超越》
Boy falls from the sky, rise above. 蜘蛛侠男从天空而降,然后又直冲云霄
It's right there in the palm of both of our hands, of all of my company's hands. 恰好都在我们的掌控之中 我们公司手中拥有许多优越资源
I have beautiful collaborators , and we as creators only get there all together. 我有出色的合作伙伴 我们作为创作者 必须通力合作才能成功
I know you understand that. 我知道你们理解
And you just stay going forward, and then you see this extraordinary thing in front of your eyes. 而且你只要保持前进 你就能发现奇迹 将出现在你眼前
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)