

On my desk in my office, I keep a small clay pot that I made in college. It's raku, which is a kind of pottery that began in Japan centuries ago as a way of making bowls for the Japanese tea ceremony . 在我办公室的桌上,有一个小瓷罐 是我在大学的时候自己做的。日本乐烧,一种陶瓷。 是几个世纪以前日本 用于制作茶道会的碗
clay:n.黏土;陶土; pottery:n.陶器;陶器厂;陶器制造术; tea ceremony:n.茶道(日本沏茶和饮茶的礼仪);
This one is more than 400 years old. 我们看到的这一个有四百多年的历史
Each one was pinched or carved out of a ball of clay, and it was the imperfections that people cherished . 每一个,都是用捏或雕的手法做出来 尽管如此做出的陶器不尽完美,但这种不完美正是人们追求的
pinched:adj.苍白清瘦的,清癯的; v.拧; carved:v.雕刻;刻;把(熟肉)切成块;(carve的过去分词和过去式) imperfections:n.不合格折贴(imperfection的复数); cherished:adj.珍爱的;珍视的;珍视;珍爱;珍藏的;
Everyday pots like this cup take eight to 10 hours to fire. 乐烧需要在火里烧制8-10小时
I just took this out of the kiln last week, and the kiln itself takes another day or two to cool down , but raku is really fast. You do it outside, and you take the kiln 我上周刚把这个乐烧从窑里取出 而窑还需要一两天才能冷却下来 而乐烧则比它快得多,你把它取出窑后
kiln:vt.烧窑;在干燥炉干燥;n.(砖,石灰等的)窑;炉;干燥炉; cool down:冷却;平静下来;
up to temperature. In 15 minutes, it goes to 1,500 degrees, and as soon as you see that the glaze has melted inside, you can see that faint sheen , you turn the kiln off, and you reach in with these long metal tongs , you grab the pot, and in Japan, this red-hot pot 过15分钟,它就降至1500度 一旦你看见里面的釉融化, 内部变得光泽,你就将瓷器翻转 用这种长长的钳子夹住 在日本,烧红的罐子
as soon as:一…就; glaze:vt.装以玻璃;上釉于;vi.变呆滞;变得光滑;n.釉;光滑面; melted:v.(使)熔化,融化;(使)软化,变得温柔;(melt的过去分词和过去式) faint:n.昏厥;v.昏厥;adj.昏眩;(光,声,味)微弱的;微小的;可能性不大的; sheen:n.光辉,光泽,光彩;adj.光辉的;有光泽的;华丽的;vi.闪耀;发光; tongs:n.[机]夹具;钳子(tong的复数);v.用钳夹取(tong的三单形式); grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物; red-hot:adj.炽热的;最新的;热烈的;非常激动的;n.热狗;法兰克福香肠;
would be immediately immersed in a solution of green tea, and you can imagine what that steam would smell like. 会直接浸入到一种绿茶溶液中 你可以想象那种蒸汽是什么样的味道
immersed:adj.沉入的; v.浸没; (immerse的过去分词和过去式) solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答;
But here in the United States, we ramp up the drama a little bit, and we drop our pots into sawdust , which catches on fire, and you take a garbage pail , and you put it on top, and smoke starts pouring out. 但在美国,我们有所改进 我们把它置于易燃的锯末之中, 接着就得用一个垃圾桶 往上面一盖,浓烟滚滚
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) ramp:n.斜坡,坡道;敲诈;vi.蔓延;狂跳乱撞;敲诈;vt.敲诈;使有斜面; drama:n.戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;戏剧性事件; sawdust:n.[木]锯屑;adj.撒木屑的;无实质的;vt.在…上撒木屑;用木屑填塞; garbage:n.垃圾;废物; pail:n.桶,提桶; pouring:v.倾倒;倾泻;连续流出;倒出;喷发;(pour的现在分词)
I would come home with my clothes reeking of woodsmoke. 回到家里时,衣服上都是烟味
I love raku because it allows me to play with the elements . 我喜爱乐烧是因为它让我接触到原始的素材
I can shape a pot out of clay and choose a glaze, but then I have to let it go to the fire and the smoke, and what's wonderful is the surprises that happen, 我捏出形状,选择釉料 可之后我要让它经受火和烟的考验 当结果来临的时候是多么让人惊喜呀
like this crackle pattern, because it's really stressful on these pots. They go from 1,500 degrees to room temperature in the space of just a minute. 例如这种细小的开片,布满整个瓷器 这是因为乐烧从1500度降到室温 不过才用短短几分钟
crackle:n.裂纹; vt.使发爆裂声; vi.发劈啪声,发出细碎的爆裂声; stressful:adj.紧张的;有压力的; room temperature:室温;
Raku is a wonderful metaphor for the process of creativity. 乐烧是创造过程的一个美妙比喻
metaphor:n.暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的;
I find in so many things that tension between what I can control and what I have to let go happens all the time, whether I'm creating a new radio show or just at home negotiating with my teenage sons. 很多事情你可以控制 但另一些你只能任其发展 这种情形总是发生,无论是我在电台做节目 或是在家与未成年的孩子们商谈
tension:n.张力;拉伸;矛盾;紧张局势(或关系,状况);v.绷紧; negotiating:v.谈判;磋商;协商;商定;达成协议;(negotiate的现在分词)
When I sat down to write a book about creativity, 每当我坐下来开始写一本关于创造力的书
I realized that the steps were reversed . 我感觉这些步骤正在回溯
reversed:v.颠倒; (reverse的过去分词和过去式)
I had to let go at the very beginning, and I had to immerse myself in the stories of hundreds of artists and writers and musicians and filmmakers , and as I listened to these stories, I realized that creativity grows out of everyday experiences more often than you might think, including letting go. 经常不得不回到开头,不得不回到 那些几百个从不同的艺术家,作者,制片 音乐那里听来的故事 从这些故事中,我意识到创造力 来自于平时的积累的 也许比你想象的更多,包括 顺其自然
It was supposed to break, but that's okay. (Laughter) (Laughs) 本以为它会碎掉的,但却完好(笑)
That's part of the letting go, is sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't, because creativity also grows from the broken places. 看似你放弃,却又似收获了什么 因为在这个过程中,创造力往往 从那些断点成长起来
The best way to learn about anything is through stories, and so I want to tell you a story about work and play and about four aspects of life that we need to embrace in order for our own creativity to flourish . 兼听则明,这是告诉我们要 从故事里学到东西。我想给你们讲一个 关于工作,娱乐和生活中四个方面的故事 需要投入 才能使我们的创造力枝繁叶茂
aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数); embrace:n.拥抱,怀抱;v.拥抱;乐意采纳(思想、建议等);信奉;包括; flourish:n.兴旺; vt.夸耀; vi.繁荣,兴旺;
The first embrace is something that we think, "Oh, this is very easy," but it's actually getting harder, and that's paying attention to the world around us. 第一点是关于我们想些什么 看起来非常容易,但其实很难 我们如何观察周围的世界
So many artists speak about needing to be open, to embrace experience, and that's hard to do when you have a lighted rectangle in your pocket that takes all of your focus. 许多艺术家说需要开放的心灵 去体验,但实际上 如果你事先就有些条条框框 吸引了你的全部注意,这是很难做到的。
lighted:adj.发光的;燃烧的;v.点燃(light的过去分词);照亮; rectangle:n.矩形;长方形;
The filmmaker Mira Nair speaks about growing up in a small town in India. Its name is Bhubaneswar, and here's a picture of one of the temples in her town. 制片家Mira Nair谈到小时候在印度的一个小镇 成长的故事,小镇名叫Bhubaneswar, 这位于她城镇一座寺庙的图像
Mira Nair: In this little town, there were like 2,000 temples. 小镇里,大约有2000多个寺庙
We played cricket all the time. We kind of grew up in the rubble . The major thing that inspired me, that led me on this path, that made me a filmmaker eventually , 我们玩耍,打板球 在废墟中长大。激励我最终走上 电影制片这条道路的事情
cricket:n.蟋蟀;板球; rubble:n.碎石,碎砖;粗石堆; inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式) eventually:adv.最后,终于;
was traveling folk theater that would come through the town and I would go off and see these great battles of good and evil by two people in a school field with no props but with a lot of, you know, passion , and hashish as well, and it was amazing. 是那些大篷车的剧团,他们的巡回演出穿越整个城镇 我总会追上去看他们出色的表演,二个人 在学校的操场上,就可以上演善良与邪恶 虽没有道具,但却有许许多多的 激情。如同印度大麻,效果奇妙
evil:adj.邪恶的;不幸的;有害的;讨厌的;n.罪恶,邪恶;不幸; props:n.[矿业]支柱;小道具;后盾(prop的复数);v.支撑;维持(prop的三单形式); passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; hashish:n.以印度大麻提炼的麻药;印度大麻制剂(等于hasheesh);
You know, the folk tales of Mahabharata and Ramayana, the two holy books, the epics that everything comes out of in India, they say. After seeing that Jatra, the folk theater, 民间故事中的“摩诃婆罗多”和“罗摩衍那” 两部圣经,史诗,告诉我们印度的一切 Jatra民间剧场让我知道了
I knew I wanted to get on, you know, and perform . 什么是我最想要的和最想追求的
Julie Burstein: Isn't that a wonderful story? 这难道不是一个奇妙的故事吗?
You can see the sort of break in the everyday. 每天你都能看到这类小歇的场所
There they are in the school fields, but it's good and evil, and passion and hashish. And Mira Nair was a young girl with thousands of other people watching this performance , but she was ready. She was ready to open up to what it sparked in her, and it led her, as she said, down this path to become an award-winning filmmaker. 学校操场,上演着善良与邪恶 激情与大麻。Mira Nair不过是一个年轻女孩 和其他数千观众一同看演出 不同的是她心有所想,她敞开胸怀 去接受启发,点亮她心智的一刻 如同她告诉大家的,走向 一条成功的电影制片家的道路
performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演; sparked:v.点燃,发动(spark的过去式,过去分词);鼓舞; award-winning:adj.应获奖的;优等的;备受赞誉的;
So being open for that experience that might change you is the first thing we need to embrace. 所以,开放的态度也行会改变你的人生 这是你需要关注的第一件事情
Artists also speak about how some of their most powerful work comes out of the parts of life that are most difficult. 艺术家也谈到某些他们最震撼的作品 是来自于生活中最困难的磨难
The novelist Richard Ford speaks about a childhood challenge that continues to be something he wrestles with today. He's severely dyslexic . 小说家Richard Ford提到 他从小到大都在与之斗争的挑战 因为他有严重的阅读障碍
novelist:n.小说家; Ford:n.福特[姓氏];浅滩;v.涉(水);渡河;津渡; childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 wrestles:n.摔跤;搏斗;斗争;vi.摔跤;斗争;斟酌;vt.与摔跤;与…搏斗;使劲搬动; severely:adv.严重地;严格地,严厉地;纯朴地; dyslexic:adj.诵读困难的;n.诵读困难者;
Richard Ford: I was slow to learn to read, went all the way through school not really reading more than the minimum , and still to this day can't read silently much faster than I can read aloud, 我学习阅读极慢。整个学校期间 只可以说读了很少的部分 直到现在,仍然不会快速默读 只能大声念
minimum:n.最低限度;最小值;最少量;极小量;adj.最低的;最小的;最低限度的; to this day:至今;
but there were a lot of benefits to being dyslexic for me because when I finally did reconcile myself to how slow 但阅读障碍也给我带来许多好处 因为当我最终接受了不得不慢慢读书的事实
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; reconcile:v.使和谐一致;调和;使配合;使和解;妥协;
I was going to have to do it, then I think I came very slowly into an appreciation of all of those qualities of language and of sentences that are not just the cognitive 我发现我的 慢使得我有时间 去体悟语言所具有的神韵 语句并不只是信息
appreciation:n.升值;欣赏;感谢;增值; cognitive:adj.认知的,认识的;
aspects of language: the syncopations, the sounds of words, what words look like, where paragraphs break, where lines break. I mean, I wasn't so badly dyslexic that 语言的各种要素,句子,标点,语调 怎样用词,停顿 断句。你知道,因为我是严重的阅读障碍
I was disabled from reading. I just had to do it really slowly, and as I did, lingering on those sentences as I had to linger, I fell heir to language's other qualities, which I think has helped me write sentences. 我基本不会读,不得不慢慢来 真的很慢,因此我在这些句子之中停留徘徊, 也正因此,我感受到语言的别样魅力 这才使我成为小说家
lingering:adj.拖延的; v.继续存留; (linger的现在分词) heir:n.[法]继承人;后嗣;嗣子;
JB: It's so powerful. Richard Ford, who's won the Pulitzer Prize , says that dyslexia helped him write sentences. 如此震撼。RichardFord, Pulitzer奖获得者, 居然说是阅读障碍帮助他写出东西
Pulitzer Prize:n.普利策奖(美国年度奖,颁发给文学、音乐或新闻业优秀作品的奖项之一); dyslexia:n.难语症;[医]诵读困难;阅读障碍;
He had to embrace this challenge, and I use that word intentionally . He didn't have to overcome dyslexia. 他不得不直面他的挑战,拥抱困难 我这样形容;他并不需要克服阅读困难症
intentionally:adv.故意地,有意地; overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜;
He had to learn from it. He had to learn to hear the music in language. 需要的是通过从中学习,学习如何 感受语言的韵律
Artists also speak about how pushing up against the limits of what they can do, sometimes pushing into what they can't do, helps them focus on finding their own voice. 艺术家们也谈论如何克服极限 突破自我,甚至拿自己达不到的要求 来考核和激励 通往超越之路
The sculptor Richard Serra talks about how, as a young artist, he thought he was a painter, and he lived in Florence after graduate school . 雕塑家Richard Serra谈到 他年轻时候,想做一名画家 他从学校毕业后居住在Florence。
sculptor:n.雕刻家; Serra:n.[生物]锯齿状器官; graduate school:研究所,研究院;
It's from 1656, and it's called "Las Meninas," 这是源自1656年的画,被称为 Las Menias
and it's the picture of a little princess and her ladies-in-waiting , and if you look over that little blonde princess's shoulder, you'll see a mirror, and reflected in it are her parents, the King and Queen 画的是小公主和她的侍女, 如果你仔细就会发现 在那个金发公主的肩膀上方,有一面镜子 映射出公主的父母,西班牙的国王和王后
princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; ladies-in-waiting:(伺候女王,皇后等的)女官;女侍臣;宫廷侍女(lady-in-waiting的名词复数); blonde:n.金发女郎;adj.金黄色的; reflected:adj.反射的;得自他人的;v.反射;思考;(reflect的过去式和过去分词)
of Spain, who would be standing where you might stand to look at the picture. 他们也许正站在你现在所在的位置上 注视着这幅画
He's standing on the left with his paintbrush in one hand and his palette in the other. 他站在左边,一只手拿着画笔 另一手端着调色板
paintbrush:n.画笔;漆刷; palette:n.调色板;颜料;
And I thought, "I'm not going to be able to do that painting." 我自觉自己不能画到这样的境界
I was to the point where I was using a stopwatch and painting squares out of randomness , and I wasn't getting anywhere. So I went back and dumped all my paintings in the Arno, and I thought, I'm going to just start playing around. 当时我正在我绘画生涯的计时终点 我那些信手涂鸦的作品 什么都不是,这样是不会有所成的。回到住处 把我的画全部扔进了Arno河,漫无头绪
stopwatch:n.码表;跑表;vt.用秒表测定时间; randomness:n.随意;无安排;不可测性; dumped:v.丢弃,扔掉;丢下;抛弃;倾销,抛售;(dump的过去分词和过去式)
JB: Richard Serra says that so nonchalantly , you might have missed it. He went and saw this painting by a guy who'd been dead for 300 years, and realized, "I can't do that," and so Richard Serra went back 语气是这样轻描淡写,你可能都会忽略 他从一幅300多年前的绘画中 悟出来自己做不到 明智的转行
to his studio in Florence, picked up all of his work up to that point, and threw it in a river. 并把自己以前的所谓作品 统统扔进河里
Richard Serra let go of painting at that moment, but he didn't let go of art. He moved to New York City, and he put together a list of verbs 〞 to roll, to crease , to fold 〞 more than a hundred of them, and as he said, 从那一刻起 Richard Serra 撒手绘画 但他并没有撒手艺术,他后来移居纽约 他列出来一串动词 滚,折叠,封口 一百多个,正如他自己所说
put together:..放在一起;组合;装配; verbs:n.[语]动词(verb的复数); crease:n.折痕;折缝;v.起皱;弄皱;使起折痕; fold:v.折叠;包;可叠平(以便贮存或携带);裹;n.褶;褶层;折叠部分;褶痕;
he just started playing around. He did these things to all kinds of material. He would take a huge sheet of lead and roll it up and unroll it. He would do the same thing to rubber , and when he got to the direction "to lift," 漫无头绪,四处折腾他手边的材料 他把一大块铁皮拿来 又滚又叠,橡胶也一样 当找到他心灵解脱的那一刻
sheet:n.薄板;床单;纸张;报纸;v.覆盖;展开;给…铺床单;铺开;adj.片状的; unroll:vt.展开,铺开;显示;vi.显露;展现; rubber:n.橡胶;橡皮;v.涂橡胶于…;
he created this, which is in the Museum of Modern Art. 他做成了这个,陈列在当代艺术馆
Richard Serra had to let go of painting in order to embark on this playful exploration that led him to the work that he's known for today: huge curves of steel that require our time and motion to experience. In sculpture , Richard Serra 不得不放弃绘画 为了踏上这个顽皮的探索 并最终因为他的作品而成名 巨大的曲线拷问着我们的时感和动感 让你在雕塑中体验
embark:vi.从事,着手;上船或飞机;vt.使从事;使上船; playful:adj.开玩笑的;幽默的;爱嬉戏的; exploration:n.探索;勘探;探险;[医]探查术; curves:n.曲线; v.(使)沿曲线运动; (curve的第三人称单数和复数) motion:n.动作;移动;手势;请求;意向;议案;v.运动;打手势; sculpture:n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀;vi.从事雕刻;
Richard Serra is able to do what he couldn't do in painting. Richard Serra做到了他在绘画中做不到的东西
He makes us the subject of his art. 他把我们也包含在他的作品里面
So experience and challenge and limitations are all things we need to embrace for creativity to flourish. 挑战,经历,极限 太多的事情需要我们去拥抱 创造力才会蓬勃发展。
There's a fourth embrace, and it's the hardest. 这是第四个方面,也是最难的一面
It's the embrace of loss, the oldest and most constant of human experiences. 从失落中找到回归 最古老和最永恒的人类经验
In order to create, we have to stand in that space between what we see in the world and what we hope for, looking squarely at rejection , at heartbreak , at war, at death. 是可贵资源。站在那个高度 看我们目所能及的地方和心所能及的地方 正视失败,体验心碎 无论是在战争中,还是直面死亡
squarely:adv.直角地;诚实地;正好;干脆地;正当地; rejection:n.抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西;盖帽; heartbreak:n.心碎;伤心事;
That's a tough space to stand in. 这是一个心理中艰难的空间站
The educator Parker Palmer calls it "the tragic gap ," 教育家Parker Palmer 称之为“凄美”
Palmer:n.朝圣者;变戏法的人;毛虫(尤指北美的小舌麦蛾幼虫); tragic:adj.悲剧的;悲痛的,不幸的; gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开;
tragic not because it's sad but because it's inevitable , and my friend Dick Nodel likes to say, "You can hold that tension like a violin string and make something beautiful." 悲剧不仅因为伤痛,还因为不可避免 我的朋友 Dick Nodel喜欢这样说 “绷紧你的心弦, 去演奏华丽的乐章。”
inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的; Dick:n.阴茎,鸡巴;侦探;誓言; string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的;
That tension resonates in the work of the photographer 这种张力反映在摄影师Joel Meyerowitz的作品里
Joel Meyerowitz, who at the beginning of his career was known for his street photography , for capturing a moment on the street, and also for his beautiful photographs of landscapes -- of Tuscany , of Cape Cod, of light. 他由于擅长城市摄影而被众人所知 那些凝固下来的时刻 那些美丽魅力的照片 街道,丘陵,海岬,市镇 和幻影
Joel:n.约珥(圣经人物);(圣经中的)约耳书; at the beginning of:在…的开始; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历; photography:n.摄影;摄影术; capturing:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;(capture的现在分词) landscapes:n.风景; v.从事庭园设计; Tuscany:n.托斯卡纳区(意大利行政区名);
Joel is a New Yorker, and his studio for many years was in Chelsea , with a straight view downtown to the World Trade Center, and he photographed those buildings in every sort of light. Joel 是纽约人,干摄影棚很多年 坐落在Chelsea, 笔直的可见市中心 那里有世贸大厦。他喜爱的目标 他拍摄过大厦每种光线的照片
Chelsea:n.切尔西(伦敦自治城市,为文艺界人士聚居地); downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的;
You know where this story goes. 你们都知道后来的故事
On 9/11, Joel wasn't in New York. He was out of town, but he raced back to the city, and raced down to the site of the destruction . 9.11时候,Joel不在纽约 但他飞奔而回,直奔目的地 废墟
site:n.地点;位置;场所;v.设置;为…选址; destruction:n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁;
Joel Meyerowitz: And like all the other passersby , Joel Meyerowitz:像所有其他人一样
I stood outside the chain link fence on Chambers and Greenwich , and all I could see was the smoke and a little bit of rubble, and I raised my camera to take a peek , just to see if there was something to see, and some cop , a lady cop , hit me on my shoulder, and said, "Hey, no pictures!" 我站在Chambers的警戒线外 在Greenwich,我可以看见烟雾滚滚 一片废墟中,我举起我的相机 偷偷的,看我能否看见什么 警察来了,一个女警,敲敲我的肩膀 “不许拍照!”
Chambers:n.内庭(chamber的复数); Greenwich:n.格林威治 peek:v.窥视;偷看;探出;n.偷看,窥视;看一眼; cop:v.遭受;忍受;注意到;n.警察;
And it was such a blow that it woke me up, in the way that it was meant to be, I guess. 她真像是一拳敲醒了睡梦中的我 她提醒了我应该做的事情,我想
in the way:妨碍;挡道;
And when I asked her why no pictures, she said, "It's a crime scene. No photographs allowed." 当我问为什么不许,她说 “这是犯罪现场,禁止拍照。”
And I asked her, "What would happen if I was a member of the press?" And she told me, "Oh, look back there," and back a block was the press corps tied up in a little penned-in area, and I said, "Well, when do they go in?" 我问;如果我是新闻记者怎样? 她指着一旁说;“看,都在那边。” 一个街区远的地方,新闻采访团 被圈在一个小圈子里 我问:“什么时候才允许进来?”
press corps:n.记者团;特派记者组;
and she said, "Probably never." 她答:“也行永远不会。”
And as I walked away from that, I had this crystallization , probably from the blow, because it was an insult in a way. 我清楚的记得,我走开了 好像挨了一棒,有点屈辱
crystallization:n.结晶化;具体化; insult:v.侮辱;辱骂;损害;n.侮辱;凌辱;无礼;
I thought, "Oh, if there's no pictures, then there'll be no record. We need a record." 我想,“如果没有照片, 就没有记录,我们需要记录,
And I thought, "I'm gonna make that record. 我想,”我一定要记录下来
I'll find a way to get in, because I don't want to see this history disappear ." 我会发现一个可行的办法, 我不要看到这段历史消失。“
JB: He did. He pulled in every favor he could, and got a pass into the World Trade Center site, where he photographed for nine months almost every day. 他做到了。他说服了他能想到的一切关系 得到一张进入废墟的通行证 后来的九个月里,几乎每一天,他都在现场
Looking at these photographs today brings back the smell of smoke that lingered on my clothes when I went home to my family at night. 现在看到这些照片,仿佛带我回到 那些连衣服上都充满了烟土味 夜里下班回家的日子
My office was just a few blocks away. 我的办公室也离世贸大厦不远
But some of these photographs are beautiful, and we wondered, was it difficult for Joel Meyerowitz to make such beauty out of such devastation ? 有些照片很漂亮 我们猜想,是不是磨难才使得 Joel Meyerowitz 从大灾难中找出了它凄美的一面
JM: Well, you know, ugly , I mean, powerful and tragic and horrific and everything, but it was also as, in nature, an enormous event that was transformed after the fact into this residue , and like many other ruins 你想,我的意思是说,丑恶,暴力 悲剧,恐怖充满整个事件,但是 本质上,这也是历史的瞬间 烟尘散去,断脊残墙 如同其他很多废墟一样
ugly:adj.丑陋的;邪恶的;令人厌恶的; horrific:adj.可怕的;令人毛骨悚然的; enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; transformed:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);(transform的过去分词和过去式) residue:n.残渣;剩余;滤渣; ruins:n.遗迹(ruin的复数形式);废墟;v.毁灭(ruin的三单形式);
〞 you go to the ruins of the Colosseum or the ruins of a cathedral someplace 〞 and they take on a new meaning when you watch the weather. 如同古罗马斗兽场,或某所残存的教堂 衬托在蓝天白云下,让你思考
Colosseum:n.罗马圆形大剧场; cathedral:n.大教堂;
I mean, there were afternoons I was down there, and the light goes pink and there's a mist in the air and you're standing in the rubble, and I found myself recognizing both the inherent beauty of nature and the fact that nature, as time, is erasing this wound . 有一个下午我坐在那儿 粉色的夕阳,淡淡的暮色尘雾 站立在废墟中良久,我重新发现 审视我们的自然遗产和它内在的本质 时间为证 伤口平复
mist:n.薄雾; v.(使)结满雾气(模糊不清); recognizing:v.认识;认出;承认;接受,赞成(recognize的现在分词) inherent:adj.固有的;内在的;与生俱来的,遗传的; erasing:v.擦除;清除;取消(erase的现在分词); wound:n.创伤,伤口;v.使受伤;受伤,伤害;
Time is unstoppable , and it transforms the event. 天地万物,只有时间永恒
unstoppable:adj.无法阻碍的;无法停止的(副词unstoppably); transforms:v.[数][电]变换; n.语法转化规则;
It gets further and further away from the day, and light and seasons temper it in some way, and it's not that I'm a romantic . I'm really a realist . 她不会停下脚步 而岁月匆匆,一切都是过客 我并不是浪漫主义者,我很现实
romantic:adj.浪漫的;爱情的;n.浪漫的人;耽于幻想的人; realist:n.现实主义者;实在论者;
The reality is, there's the Woolworth Building in a veil of smoke from the site, but it's now like a scrim across a theater, and it's turning pink, you know, and down below there are hoses spraying , 现实是,伍尔沃斯大楼 一丝薄雾中,看似一些虚渺的网格 从舞台飘过,渐变红色 原来是楼下喷雾的泉眼
veil:n.面纱;面罩;遮蔽物;托词;v.遮蔽;掩饰;以面纱遮掩;用帷幕分隔; hoses:n.软管;胶皮管;长统袜(hose的复数); spraying:v.喷;喷洒;向…扫射(或抛洒);撒尿(以示领地占有);(spray的现在分词)
and the lights have come on for the evening, and the water is turning acid green because the sodium lamps are on, and I'm thinking, "My God, who could dream this up?" 与暮色中夕阳的光线交织 又在冷光灯的照耀下,变得冷绿 我感叹;”天呀,谁做梦能想到?“
sodium:n.[化学]钠(11号元素,符号Na); lamps:n.灯具(lamp的复数); v.看;
But the fact is, I'm there, it looks like that, you have to take a picture. 现实是我看到了 立此为证
JB: You have to take a picture. That sense of urgency , of the need to get to work, is so powerful in Joel's story. 立此为证!这种使命感和紧迫感, 使得Joel的故事感动了大家
When I saw Joel Meyerowitz recently , I told him how much 每次我见到Joel Meyerowitz,我告诉他
I admired his passionate obstinacy , his determination to push through all the bureaucratic red tape to get to work, and he laughed, and he said, "I'm stubborn , but I think what's more important is my passionate optimism ." 我很钦佩他充满激情的固执,他的决心 和他冲破种种阻碍去拍摄历史的勇气 他笑道;”我是很固执, 但更重要的是 我充满了乐观精神。“
passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的; obstinacy:n.固执,顽固;(病痛等的)难治,难解除; determination:n.测定;确定;决心;计算; push through:完成;挤著穿过; bureaucratic:adj.官僚的;官僚政治的; stubborn:adj.顽固的;顽强的;难处理的; optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义;
The first time I told these stories, a man in the audience raised his hand and said, "All these artists talk about their work, not their art, which has got me thinking about my work and where the creativity is there, and I'm not an artist." He's right. We all wrestle with experience and challenge, limits and loss. 第一次我面对听众讲述这些故事的时候, 有人举手:”所有这些艺术家都是谈他们的工作 并不是他们的艺术,这也让我想到我的工作 创造力就在哪儿,虽然我不是艺术家。“ 他说得对,我们都在与命运角力 用我们的经验,直面挑战,极限和损失
Creativity is essential to all of us, whether we're scientists or teachers, parents or entrepreneurs . 创造力必不可少 不管是否我们是科学家或教师 父母或企业家。
essential:n.要点;要素;实质;必需品;adj.完全必要的;必不可少的;极其重要的;本质的; entrepreneurs:n.企业家;(entrepreneur的复数)
I want to leave you with another image of a Japanese tea bowl. This one is at the Freer Gallery in Washington, D.C. 在结束之际,我向你介绍另一个 日本茶碗 它存放在华盛顿的 Freer Gallery艺术馆
It's more than a hundred years old and you can still see the fingermarks where the potter pinched it. 一百多年历史,不过你仍然可以看见 制作者留下的指纹
But as you can also see, this one did break at some point in its hundred years. 你也可以看见,它实际上已经碎了 一百多年中的某一天
But the person who put it back together, instead of hiding the cracks , decided to emphasize them, using gold lacquer to repair it. 有人重新修补了它 但他并没有去隐藏裂纹 而是夸张了裂纹,用金漆描过。
cracks:n.裂纹; v.破裂; (crack的第三人称单数和复数) emphasize:v.强调;重视;着重;使突出; lacquer:vt.涂漆;使表面光泽;n.漆;漆器; repair:v.修理;修补;修缮;补救;n.修理;修补;修缮;
This bowl is more beautiful now, having been broken, than it was when it was first made, and we can look at those cracks, because they tell the story that we all live, of the cycle of creation and destruction, 拥有这些裂纹,却使得它更漂亮 甚至比原来还好看 看着这些裂缝, 仿佛在述说过去和未来的故事 生命诞生和消失的周期
of control and letting go, of picking up the pieces and making something new. 获取或是放手 一切都可以重新来过。
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢大家 (鼓掌)