

All right, let's get ready for the worst TED Talk ever. 好,准备好迎接史上 最糟的 TED 演讲。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I mean it. We prepared 30 minutes ago. 我是说真的。 我们半小时前才准备的。
I want to have it clear -- I love to be here with you all, but I wanted to be here not to tell my story but to tell the story of the amazing people of Puerto Rico that came together to feed the people of Puerto Rico. 我想先澄清──我很高兴 能和大家聚在这里, 但我来这里想说的不是我的故事, 而是在波多黎各 一群很了不起的人的故事, 他们团结起来, 供应食物给波多黎各人。
My name is José Andrés, and you know I love to feed the few, but even more, I love to feed the many. 我是荷西安德烈斯,你们知道 我喜欢给少数人做吃的, 但我更喜欢给很多人做吃的。
Here, right after the hurricane , like we'd done many times before after an earthquake in Haiti or Sandy or others, 在这里,颶风过后, 就像我们在海地地震、桑迪颶风 等很多灾难过后做过的事情一样,
hurricane:n.飓风,暴风; Haiti:n.海地;
I had this sense of urgency to be there and to try to feed one person, and always, you have crazy friends that want to join you in those impossible endeavors . 我有种想要赶过去的心急感, 试着供应食物给一个人。 而且总是会有疯狂的朋友想要加入, 去做那些不可能的事。
urgency:n.紧急;催促;紧急的事; endeavors:尽力;
I'm always surrounded by amazing friends that only help me to be better. 我身边总是有许多了不起的朋友,
Nate came next to me. 奈特跟着我去。
This was a Monday, and this is what we found. 这是星期一,而这是我们所看到的。
The destruction you saw on TV, one more hurricane, but this destruction was real. 你们在电视上看到的毁灭, 但这毁灭是真实的。
More than 85 percent of the electricity in the island was gone. 岛上 85% 的电力都无法供应了,
Every single electric post was gone. 每根电线杆都倒了。
All the cell towers were gone. 所有的电信基地台也坏了,
You couldn't communicate with anybody. 你无法和任何人联络。
You couldn't find anybody the moment you moved away from San Juan. 只要一离开圣胡安, 就无法找到任何人了。
Even in San Juan, we had issues trying to use our cell phones. 即使在圣胡安, 我们用手机也会遇到问题。
And what I found was that the island was hungry, and the people didn't have money, because ATMs were not working, or their cards, which are electronic , for food stamps, they couldn't use it in their supermarkets, or there was no food or gas or clean water to cook. 我发现,这座岛屿饿了, 这些人没有钱,因为 ATM 都坏了, 食物券要用的卡是电子的, 在超市中无法使用, 有些地方没有食物、瓦斯, 或干净的水来做菜。
ATMs:abbr.高级文本管理系统(AdvancedTerminalManagementSystem); electronic:adj.电子的;电子器件的;电子设备的;
The need and the urgency of now was real, and I was just able to get into a meeting at FEMA, where many of the main NGO partners were having a conversation about how to feed the island in the weeks to come, 需求和急迫性都是真实的, 我才参加了联邦紧急事务 管理署的一场会议, 会议上,主要的 非政府组织伙伴在讨论 在接下来数周要如何 供应食物给岛民,
but the urgency was right now, in this minute, in this second, and we almost had three million people that needed to be fed. 但急迫程度已经是 现在此时此刻就需要了, 且需要食物的人有近三百万人。
So we began doing what we do best. 所以,我们开始做我们最擅长的。
We went to see the sources of food, and I was able to see that the private industry actually was ready and prepared and thriving , but somebody at FEMA was not able even to be aware of that. 我们去看了食物来源, 我发现有私人产業其实已经准备好, 恢复状况良好, 但联邦紧急事务 管理署的人却不知道。
sources:n.来源;出处;起源;根源;原因;v.(从…)获得(source的第三人称单数和复数) thriving:v.兴旺发达;繁荣;旺盛;茁壮成长;(thrive的现在分词)
And what we did was use fine kitchens. 我们就去使用很好的厨房。
José Enrique, one of my favorite men in the whole world, one of the great restaurants in San Juan, where before landing, I began calling all the chefs of Puerto Rico, 荷西安瑞克,世界上 我最喜欢的人之一, 圣胡安最棒的餐厅之一, 降落前我就开始打电话给 波多黎各所有的厨师,
and everybody was like, "Let's not plan, let's not meet, let's start cooking." 人人都说:「咱们别计画了, 咱们别会开会了, 咱们开始做饭吧。」
(Laughter) (笑声)
And that's what we did. 我们就这么做了。
We began feeding the people of Puerto Rico, on a Monday. 星期一,我们开始供应 食物给波多黎各的人。
On a Monday, we did a thousand meals, sancocho, an amazing stew with corn and yucca and pork . 星期一,我们做了一千份餐, 里面有玉米、木薯,和猪肉。
stew:v.炖,炖汤;焖;忧虑;受闷热;n.炖,炖汤;烦恼;闷热;鱼塘; yucca:n.丝兰; pork:n.猪肉;
By Sunday, we were doing 25,000. 到星期日时,我们做到两万五千份。
By Sunday, we already didn't only use the restaurant, but we rented the parking lot right across. 到星期日时,我们不只是用餐厅, 我们还租了就在对街的停车场。
parking lot:n.停车场;
We began bringing food trucks, and a rice and chicken pie operation, and refrigerators, and volunteers began coming. 我们开始找来餐车, 有个做米饭和鸡肉派的,还有冰箱, 志工开始加入。
volunteers:n.志愿者; v.自愿做; (volunteer的第三人称单数和复数)
Why? Because everybody wants to find a place to help, a place to do something. 为什么?因为大家都想要尽一份心力, 都想做点什么。
This is how we began our first delivery . 这是我们开始做初次外送的方式。
The hospitals -- nobody was feeding the nurses and the doctors, and we began feeding our first project, 在医院,没有人供应 食物给护士和医生, 我们开始进行我们的 第一个供餐计画,
Hospital Carolina . 卡罗莱纳医院。
All of a sudden , every single hospital was calling us. 突然间,所有的医院 都开始打电话找我们。
All of a sudden:突然地,出乎意料地;
'"We need food so we can feed our 24/7 employees taking care of the sick and the elderly and the people in need." 「我们需要食物,你们能否 给我们不间断工作的员工供应食物, 他们在照顾病人、老人, 和有需要的人。」
And then the place was too small. We were receiving orders. 接着,我们的地方也不够大了。 我们不停接到订单。
Every time we got one guest, one customer, we never stopped serving them, because we wanted to make sure that we were able to be stabilizing any place we were joining, any city, any hospital, any elderly home. 每当我们接到一个客户,一个客人, 我们不会停止服务他们, 因为我们想要确保我们能够稳定 任何我们参与的地方, 任何城市、任何医院、 任何老年人之家。
Every time we made contact with them, we kept serving them food, day after day , so we needed to grow. 每当和它们接头之后,我们就会 持续供应食物给它们,日复一日, 所以,我们得变更大。
contact:n.接触,联系;v.使接触,联系; day after day:日复一日;
We moved into the big coliseum . 我们搬到了大体育馆。
25,000 meals became 50,000 meals, became, all of a sudden, the biggest restaurant in the world. 两万五千份餐变成五万份, 突然间,它成了世界上最大的餐厅。
We were making close to 70,000 meals a day from one location alone. 我们能做到一天供应近七万份餐, 仅一个地方。
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Volunteers began showing up by the hundreds. 开始有数百名志工加入。
At one point, we got more than 7,000 volunteers that were at least one hour or more with us, at any given moment, more than 700 people at once. 我们的志工数还一度达到七千名, 他们会花至少一个小时来协助我们, 在任何时刻,都有 超过七百人在同时工作。
You saw that we began creating a movement, a movement that had a very simple idea everybody could rally behind: let's feed the hungry. 我们开始创造一个运动, 这个运动的想法很简单, 人人都可以加入: 供应食物给饥饿的人。
And we began making food that people could recognize , not things that come from a faraway place in plastic bags that you open and you cannot even smell. 我们开始做大家熟悉的食物, 不是来自远方的、 装在塑胶袋中的、打开后 连都闻都不想闻的食物。
recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; faraway:adj.遥远的;恍惚的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
We began making the foods that people feel home. 我们开始做家常菜。
People in these moments, they had this urgency of feeling they are alive, that somebody cares. 在这样的时刻,这些人很迫切 需要感受到他们还活着, 感受到有人在乎。
One meal at a time, it didn't only become something used to bring calories to their bodies, calories that they needed, but they needed something else. 一次一份餐, 这些餐并不只是把 他们需要的热量带给 他们的身体, 他们还有其他需求。
They wanted to make sure that you and you and you and you, that you were caring, that we were sending the message that we are with you. 他们想要知道你、你,还有你, 你们都在乎, 我们送出的讯息就是 「我们与你们同在。」
Give us time, we are trying to fix this. 给我们时间,我们在试着解决问题。
That's what we found every time we began joining the communities . 每次我们进入社区, 我们都会发现同样的状况。
Fresh fruit began coming, even when in FEMA, they were asking me, "José, how are you able to get the food?" 新鲜水果开始进来, 连联邦紧急事务管理署也问我, 「荷西,你是如何拿到食物的?」
Simple: by calling and paying and getting. 很简单:打电话,付钱,然后取货。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
We began feeding people in San Juan. 我们开始给圣胡安的人供应食物。
Before you knew, we were feeding the 78 municipalities all across the island. 转眼间,我们已经在给 全岛 78 个自治市供应食物了。
We needed a plan. One kitchen alone was not going to feed the island. 我们需要一个计画。 一间厨房不够供应整个岛屿。
I went to FEMA. They kicked me out with eight armored guards and AK-47s. 我去找联邦紧急事务管理署, 八个拿着步枪的武警将我赶了出去。
I told them, "I want 18 kitchens around the island." 我告诉他们:「在全岛, 我要 18 个厨房。」
Guess what? Three days ago, we reached our 18th kitchen around Puerto Rico. 猜猜如何?三天前,我们开了
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People began being fed. 大家开始得到食物。
Volunteers kept showing up. 志工不断加入。
We never had any system to deliver the food, people would tell me. 大家会告诉我,我们不曾 有任何系统来外送食物。
Sure, we had the system. 当然,我们有系统,
The entire island of Puerto Rico was the perfect delivery system. 整个波多黎各岛就是个 完美的外送系统。
Anybody with a truck wanted to help. 有卡车的人都想要协助。
Anybody going from A to B was for us the way to be bringing hope and a plate and a whole meal to anybody. 任何要从 A 点到B点的人, 就能幫我们把希望、 一个盘子和一份餐带给任何人。
We began finding amazing systems to do these food trucks, 10 amazing food trucks. 我们开始发现有很棒的 系统可以用这些餐车, 10 台很棒的餐车。
We began learning not to use the place that needed the food, but the number, the number of the apartment: 我们开始学到不要用 需要食物的地名, 而是用号码, 公寓的号码:
Lolo, a 92-year-old veteran that was surrounded by water. 洛洛是一位 92 岁的 退伍军人,被水包围。
veteran:n.老兵; adj.(尤指军事方面)老练的;
We began giving not only hope to people, but knowing their names, checking day after day, making sure that those elderly people will never, ever again feel alone in a moment of disrepair . 我们不只是给予大家希望, 我们还知道他们的名字, 日复一日地察看他们, 确保那些老人在这 荒废的时刻也永远不会 再感到孤独。
in a moment:立刻; disrepair:n.失修,塌毁;破损;
And we began going to the deeper areas, places that all of a sudden, the bridges were broken, but we had to go, because it was easy to stay in San Juan. 我们开始深入一些地区, 在那些地方,桥樑突然断裂了, 但我们得去,因为 待在圣胡安是很容易的,
We had to go to those places that actually, they really needed us. 我们得去真正需要我们的地方。
And we kept going, and people kept waiting for us, because they knew that we will always show up, because we will never leave them alone. 我们不断去做, 而大家也总是在等着我们, 因为他们知道我们总是会出现, 因为我们永远不会丢下他们。
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The food trucks became our angels, and the food trucks kept sending hope, but we saw we needed more: 餐车变成了我们的天使, 餐车不断递送希望。 但我们还需要更多:
Vieques and Culebra, two islands far away from the island -- somebody had to be feeding them. 别克斯岛和庫莱布拉岛 是远离本岛的两个岛屿── 得要有人供应食物给那些岛。
We didn't only bring food and make a hotel kitchen operation in Vieques and bring daily food to Culebra. 我们不只把食物带到别克斯岛, 在那里做了饭店厨房营运, 每日把食物带到庫莱布拉岛。
We brought the first water purification system to the island of Vieques, where we could be filtering one gallon per minute. 我们还把第一个水净化系统 带入别克斯岛, 在那里,我们一分钟 可以过滤一加仑的水。
purification:n.净化;提纯;涤罪; filtering:v.[化工]过滤,滤除(filter的ing形式); gallon:n.加仑
All of a sudden, big problems become very simple, low-hanging fruit solutions, only by doing, not planning and meeting in a very big building. 突然间,大问题也变小了, 有了可轻易达成的解决方案, 我们只是去做,而不是在 非常大的大楼中计画和开会。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then we found creative ways. 接着,我们想出有创意的办法。
We needed helicopters. We asked. We got. 我们需要直升机。 我们去问,然后就有了。
We needed planes. We asked, we paid, and we got. 我们需要飞机。我们去问, 我们付钱,然后也有了。
We kept sending food to those places that really were in need. 我们持续把食物送到 那些真正有需求的地方。
And the simple ideas just become powerful. 简单的想法也变得很强大。
Volunteers will go to the edges of the island. 志工会去到岛屿的各个角落,
All of a sudden, it was a movement. 突然间,它成了一项运动。
The teams of World Central Kitchen will be received with prayers, with songs, with claps , with hearts, with smiles. 世界中央厨房的团队 受到大家的欢迎,伴随着 祷告、歌曲、喝采、拥抱、 微笑。
We were able to connect in so many corners. 我们在许许多多的角落建立连结。
When I tell you that even the National Guard began calling us because our national poor guy's guards, big heroes in a moment of chaos , they couldn't get a simple humble plate of hot food. 甚至连美国国民警卫队 也开始打电话找我们, 因为我们可怜的国民警卫队员们, 他们是混乱时期的大英雄, 他们却连最简单的 一盘热食都得不到。
National Guard:n.国民警卫队;后备役军人; chaos:n.混沌,混乱; humble:adj.谦逊的; vt.使谦恭;
And partnerships show up. 合作关系出现了,
Mercy Corps , 美慈组织、
Mercy:n.仁慈,宽容;怜悯;幸运;善行; Corps:n.兵团;(陆军)特种部队;(从事某工作或活动的)一群人;
HSI from Homeland Security , partnerships that they didn't happen calling the top. 国土安全调查局。 这些合作关系不是 通过给上级打电话实现的,
Homeland Security:n.国土安全(美国防止恐怖袭击的行动及机构);
They happened in the hotel room, in the middle of the street, in the middle of the mountains. 而是发生在饭店房间、发生在街头、 发生在山里面。
We saw that by working together, we can even reach more people. 我们意识到,共同协作使我们 可以幫助到更多人。
Partnerships that happen by logic , and the urgency of now is put to the service of the people. 因为逻辑以及急迫性 而产生的合作关系,开始服务人民。
When we have emergency relief organizations , we cannot be planning about how to give aid a month from now. 当我们有急赈组织时, 我们不能去计画一个月 之后要如何提供救助。
emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的; relief:n.救济;减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕; organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构;
We have to be ready to start giving help the second after something happens. 我们得要马上准备好提供协助, 事情一发生就要去做。
And children were fed, and all of a sudden, the island, while still in a very special moment where everything is fragile , we saw that an NGO like ours -- we didn't want to break the private sector -- that already, small restaurants were being opened, that somehow , normalcy , whatever normalcy means today in Puerto Rico, was happening. 孩童得到了食物, 突然,这座岛屿, 虽然还处在特殊时期, 一切都还很脆弱, 我们却看到像我们这样的 非政府组织── 我们不想要破坏私人企業── 已经有小型的餐厅开张, 以某种方式,常态── 不论常态在波多黎各是 什么意思,它正在发生。
fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; private sector:n.(国家经济的)私营部分; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; normalcy:n.常态;
We began trying to be sending the message: we need to start moving away from the places that are already stabilized and keep concentrating in the areas that really need help. 我们开始把讯息传出去: 我们得要开始离开那些 已经稳定下来的地方, 持续把焦点放在 真正需要协助的地区。
stabilized:adj.稳定的;减摇的;v.稳定(stabilize的过去分词); concentrating:v.集中(注意力);聚精会神;(使)浓缩(concentrate的现在分词)
(Video): People of Puerto Rico, two million meals! (影片):波多黎各的人民,200 万份餐!
José Andrés OK, let me translate this to you. 荷西安德烈斯:好, 让我翻译给各位听。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Almost 28 days later, more than 10 food trucks, more than 7,000 volunteers, 18 kitchens ... 近 28 天之后, 10 多台餐车, 7千多名志工, 18 个厨房……
we served more than two million meals. 我们提供了 200 多万份餐。
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And you guys coming here to TED, you should be proud, because we know many of you, you are part of the change. 各位来到 TED 的朋友, 你们应该感到骄傲, 我知道在座有许多人 参与了这项改变。
But the change is only going to happen if after we leave this amazing conference , we put the amazing ideas and inspiration that we get, and we believe that nothing is impossible, and we put our know-how to the service of those in need. 但要让改变发生,在我们 离开这了不起的大会之后, 我们要利用我们的想法 和得到的灵感, 我们相信没有不可能的事, 我们要把我们的专长 用来服务有需要的人。
conference:n.会议;研讨会;商讨会;体育协会(或联合会) know-how:n.诀窍;实际知识;专门技能;
I arrived to an island trying to feed a few people, and I saw a big problem, and all of a sudden, the people of Puerto Rico saw the same problem as me, and only we did one thing: we began cooking. 我到那座岛屿时只是 想给少数人供应食物, 但我看到问题有多大, 突然间,波多黎各人民 跟我看到了一样的问题, 只是我们做了一件事: 我们开始做饭。
And so the people of Puerto Rico and the chefs of Puerto Rico, in a moment of disrepair, began bringing hope, not by meeting, not by planning, but with only one simple idea: let's start cooking and let's start feeding the people of Puerto Rico. 所以波多黎各的人民, 波多黎各的厨师,在这荒废的时刻, 开始带来希望, 不是透过开会, 不是透过计画, 只透过一个简单的想法: 咱们开始做饭,咱们开始供应食物 给波多黎各的人民。
Thank you. 谢谢。
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Dave Troy: Go back out. 戴夫特洛依:请出来。
(Laughter) (笑声)
DT: The public loves you. 戴:大家很爱你。
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Nate Mook : A couple of quick questions, because I think some folks would be interested to hear. 奈特穆克:快速问几个问题, 因为我想很多人也想知道。
So as you said, you came the first time, got on the ground, went to the government command center, started to have some meetings with people, and they weren't very receptive . 如你所言,你第一次到来, 踏上这陆地, 到政府的指挥中心, 和一些人会面, 他们不太乐于接受。
José Andrés: This is great. This is how good my talk was. 荷西安德烈斯:这很棒。 我的演讲有这么好。
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's the first talk with a follow-up in the history of TED. 这是 TED 史上第一场 演讲还搭配有后续的。
I feel so good. 我感觉很好。
(Laughter) (笑声)
NM: So tell us why, what were some of the challenges, and then when you noticed, they started coming to you to ask you. 奈:请告诉我们为什么, 有哪些挑战, 他们什么时候 开始找上你,询问你的。
JA: We cannot be asking everything from Red Cross or Salvation Army . 荷:我们不能向红十字会 或救世军索求一切。
Salvation Army:n.(基督教的)救世军;
But the idea is, I donated before to those organizations, and they are the big organizations, and maybe the problem is that we're expecting too much from them. 我以前曾捐助那些组织, 它们都是很大的组织。 也许问题在于我们 对它们的期望太多,
It's not like they didn't do what they were supposed to do. 并不是它们没有做该做的事,
It's that the perception is that that's what they do. 而是我们总觉得那是他们的本职。
But all of a sudden, you cannot get into a moment like this and wash your hands, and you say somebody else is going to be picking it up. 但在这样的时刻, 你不能拍拍手走人, 说会有其他人接手来做。
We had a simple problem that had a very simple solution . 我们有个简单的问题, 问题的解决方案也很简单。
This was not a faraway country or the Green Zone in Baghdad . 这不是遥远的国家, 或巴格达的绿区。
This was American soil, a beautiful place called Puerto Rico, with hundreds, thousands of restaurants and people willing to help, but all of a sudden, we had people hungry, and we didn't have a plan how to feed them in the short term. 这是美国领土, 一个叫波多黎各的美丽的地方, 这里有成千上百的餐厅 和人民愿意幫忙。 突然间,我们有人挨饿了, 我们没有要如何在短期 供应食物给他们的计画。
So yes, FEMA, to a degree, was thinking about how to feed the people. 是的,某种程度上,联邦紧急事务 管理署是有在想要如何供应食物。
Red Cross didn't have the right answers, because Southern Baptist Church, the biggest food organization in America, my heroes, they were never called to Puerto Rico. 红十字会没有好的答案, 因为美南浸信会, 美国最大的食物组织, 我的英雄,他们从来没有 被请到波多黎各。
When you see the Red Cross delivering food in America after a hurricane, it's Southern Baptist Church doing it. 当你们看到颶风后有 红十字会在美国递送食物, 是美南浸信会在做。
We didn't have that in Puerto Rico. 但我们在波多黎各没有那些。
Salvation Army came and asked me for 420 meals on a Wednesday rainy night for a local elderly shop. 星期三,下雨的晚上, 救世军来跟我要 420 份餐, 给当地的一间老人商店。
I love to help the Salvation Army, but in my world, they are the ones who are supposed to be helping us to answer those calls of help. 我很乐意协助救世军, 但在我的世界里, 他们才是应该要协助我们 回应那些求援的人。
Thursday morning is when I wake up super worried that actually we didn't have the plan to feed the island. 星期四早上,我醒来时非常担心, 担心我们没有供应食物 给那座岛的计画。
And some people will say maybe you are making the problem bigger than it was. 有些人可能会说,也许你把问题 变得比原本还大。
Well, we had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of organizations knocking on our door, asking for a tray of food, so if that's not proof that the need was real ... 有几百间、几百间、 几百间、几百间的组织 来敲我们的门,索求一盘食物, 如果那还不能证明需求是真的……
tray:n.盘;托盘;碟;(各种用途的)浅塑料盒; proof:n.证据;证实;adj.能抵御;可防护;
We cannot be feeding people in America anymore with MREs or something like you open and, you know, 我们不能再给美国人民 提供野战口粮了, 或者是那种你打开之后──
I was giving to this little cat a little bit of those same foods -- 我给一些小猫喂这些东西──
(Laughter) (笑声)
and then I gave them the chicken and rice we made, and they went for the chicken and rice. 然后我给牠们我们做的鸡肉和米饭, 牠们选择了鸡肉和米饭。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
They don't even eat that themselves. 连牠们都不要吃那些东西。
We can feed humanity for a day or two or five, but those MREs cost, like, 12, 14, 15, 20 dollars to the American taxpayer . 我们可以给人吃 一天、两天、五天的野战口粮, 但那些野战口粮要花掉美国纳税人 12、14、15、20 美元。
humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科; taxpayer:n.纳税人;所收租金只够支付地产税的建筑物;
It's OK for certain moments, during battle, but not to be feeding Americans for weeks and weeks and weeks, when actually, you can be hiring the local private business community to do the same job better, creating local jobs, helping the local economy to come back, 在某些时候是可以的, 比如在战时, 但不能连续数星期 都让美国人吃这种食物。 况且,你是可以雇用 当地的私人企業社区, 来把同样的事做得更好, 创造当地的工作机会, 协助当地的经济复苏,
for certain:肯定地;确凿地; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
and in the process making sure that everything was going to go back as normal as quick as possible. 同时在这个过程中确保一切都能 尽快恢复正常。
That's where we began cooking. 于是我们就开始做饭了。
You were there with me, and that's why we spent every single dollar we had in our credit cards. 你们当时也在, 那就是为什么我们花光了 我们信用卡的每一分钱。
If AmEx is listening to this, please, a discount would be appreciated . 如果美国运通有在听的话, 拜托,打个折可以吗。
discount:n.折扣;vt.低估;打折扣;打折出售 appreciated:v.欣赏;感激;理解;(appreciate的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Or Visa . 或 Visa。
NM: So what's the situation now? 奈:现在的情况如何?
You know, it's been a month. 已经一个月了。
You said there's been some improvements in San Juan and focus on the areas outside, but obviously there are still major challenges, and what's next? 你说圣胡安已经有些改善, 把重点放在外围区域, 但很显然仍然有重大困难, 下一步是什么?
JA: There are. So what's next is we slowly began going down after, more or less , FEMA let us know that they thought they had everything under control and we were no longer needed, but you only believe everything so much. 荷:是有困难。接下来, 我们会缓慢地开始缩减。 联邦紧急事务管理署告诉我们, 他们认为一切已经在他们的掌控中, 不再需要我们了, 但你不能太过相信他们说的。
more or less:或多或少;
We moved from the big place you saw, 60,000 meals a day, to another one, as big, but more strategically located , also cheaper, where we are going to be making 20-25,000 meals a day, and then we are leaving four, five, six kitchens strategically located around the island, very high up in the mountains, in the poor areas. 我们从各位看到的大场地, 一天 6 万份餐, 搬到了同样很大, 但有策略考量的场地, 也比较便宜。 在那里我们一天会做 2 万到 2 万 5 千份餐, 我们会留下 4、5、6 间厨房, 它们在岛上分布也是有策略考量的, 在高山上,在非常贫穷的地区。
strategically:adv.战略性地;战略上; located:adj.位于; v.确定…的准确地点; (locate的过去分词和过去式)
We got a lot of data. 我们有很多的资料。
We know who is using SNAPs , who is using food stamps, the cards. 我们知道谁在用补充营养协助计画、
SNAPs:n.纽扣; v.猛咬;
We know who has them and we know who is using them. 我们知道谁有、谁在用。
So in the parts of the island where nobody is using them, those are the parts of the island where we are going to be focusing our efforts. 所以,在岛上没有人 使用这些东西的区域, 那些区域才是我们努力的重点区域。
So it's amazing how sometimes simple data can give you a clue of who are the people in need. 有时,没想到很简单的资料就能 让你知道谁是需要幫助的。
So we went to a town called Morovis. 我们到了一个叫摩洛维斯的小镇,
Beautiful. 很漂亮。
The best chicken restaurant in the history of mankind . 那里有人类史上最棒的鸡肉餐厅,
You should all travel to Morovis. 你们都应该去摩洛维斯旅行。
DT: Sounds good. 戴:听起来很棒。
JA: So I saw the chicken. We were bringing sandwiches. 荷:我看到鸡肉。 我们把三明治带过去。
I stopped. I was with these Homeland Security officers. 我停下来,我和 国土安全部的官员在一起,
We ate the chicken. 我们吃了鸡肉。
I left to drop these sandwiches in this other place called San Lorenzo. 我离开去把那些三明治 送到一个叫圣罗伦佐的地方。
San Lorenzo was critical , because the bridge was broken, and so it was an island inside the island, a little community surrounded by water. 圣罗伦佐很危急,因为桥已经断了, 它是岛屿内的岛屿, 被水包围的一个小社区。
Everybody told us, "It's a disaster down there." 每个人都告诉我们: 「这里是重灾区。」
We dropped the sandwiches. 我们把三明治带去。
I went back to Morovis, and I thought, you know, if it's a disaster, sandwiches is not enough. 我回到摩洛维斯,心想, 如果那是重灾区,三明治是不够的。
I brought 120 chickens, with yucca and with rice, and we went back to that broken bridge, we crossed the river, water up to everywhere. 我带了 120 只鸡过去, 还有木薯和米饭。 我们回到断桥, 我们越过河流, 到处都是水。
We arrived with the 120 chickens, we dropped the food, and the community were very thankful, but they told us, "We're OK, we don't need more food. 我们带着 120 只鸡抵达, 我们递送了食物, 社区非常感激,但他们告诉我们, 「我们很好,不需要更多食物。
We have gas, we have money, we have good food and our water is clean. 我们有瓦斯,我们有钱, 我们有好食物,我们的水很干净。
Take care of the other communities around us that are in more need." 去照顾周围其他更有需求的社区。」
You see, communication is key. 沟通是关键。
In these scenarios , we can be relying on fake news or we can be having the real information that we can make smart decisions to really take care of the true issues. 在这些情况下,我们 可能会听到假新闻, 或者我们也可以有真正的 资讯来做聪明的决策, 来处理真正的问题。
scenarios:n.情节;脚本;情景介绍(scenario的复数); relying:v.依赖;信任;指望(rely的现在分词); fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的;
That's what we are doing. 那就是我们在做的。
(Applause) (掌声)
NM: It was an amazing operation, and to witness it firsthand and to play a small role -- 奈:那是很了不起的行动, 能亲眼见证它且在其中 贡献一份力,很棒──
witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证; firsthand:adj.直接的;直接采购的;直接得来的;adv.直接地;
JA: You made it happen. 荷:你让它成真。
You made it:你做到了;你成功了;
NM: At its peak , I think you were up to about 150,000 meals per day, across the island, which is pretty incredible . 奈:在巅峰时期, 我记得你一天做到了 15 万份餐, 全岛加起来, 这实在很了不起。
peak:n.高峰; v.达到高峰; adj.最高度的; incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的;
And I think, at the same time , really sort of setting a model for how this can be done, hopefully, moving forward. 我想,你同时也树立了一个 后来人可以效仿的榜样,
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
I mean, I think that's one of the big learnings out of this -- 我认为这也是 我们能够学到的重要一课──
DT: This is possible. You know, people can replicate this. 戴:这是可能的。 大家可以复制这个做法。
replicate:vt.复制; vi.重复; adj.复制的; n.复制品;
JA: But I'm going to stop coming to watch TED Talks, because you've got ideas that anything can happen. 荷:但我就不用再来看 TED 演说了, 因为你们有点子, 什么都有可能发生。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And then my wife told me, "Man, you told me you were going to cook a thousand meals a day. 我太太告诉我, 「你告诉我你一天只要做一千份餐。
I cannot leave you alone for a day. 我一天不看住你就给我乱搞。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I hope that World Central Kitchen -- you know, one thing we did I didn't say: 但我希望世界中央厨房── 我刚才没有说我们做过一件事:
I picked up the phone and I began calling people, people that I thought had expertise that could help us. 我拿起电话,开始打给大家, 打给我认为有专长能协助我们的人。
So I picked up the phone and I called a company called Bon Appétit, Fedele. 我拿起电话打给一间公司, 叫 Bon Appétit,
Bon Appétit's one of the big catering companies. Bon Appétit 是最大的 饮食服务公司之一,
They do food for Google and for arenas . 他们为 Google 以及 大型活动提供餐点,
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; arenas:n.竞技场(arena的复数形式);角斗场;
They're out of California. 他们在加州。
They belong to a bigger group called Compass . 他们隶属一个更大的集团, 叫 Compass。
And I told them, "You know what? 我告诉他们:「你们知道吗?
I need cooks, and I need cooks that can do volume and that can do good, quality volume." 我需要厨师,我需要 能做大量食物的厨师, 而且品质也要很好。」
In less than 24 hours, I began getting people and chefs. 不到 24 小时,就有人和厨师前来。
At one point, we got 16 of the best chefs that America can offer. 我们一度招揽了 美国最棒的 16 名主厨。
You see, America is an amazing heart country that always is sending their best. 美国是个很有人情味的国家, 总是提供最好的。
What we've been learning over the years is that those chefs of America are going to be playing a role in how we are going to be feeding America and maybe other parts of the world in times of need. 这些年来我们学到的是, 那些美国主厨会扮演一个角色, 协助我们供应食物给美国, 也许还有世界其他地方, 在这些地方需要幫助的时候。
What we need to start is bringing the right expertise where the expertise is needed. 我们需要开始做的 是把对的专长放在需要它们的地方。
Sometimes I have a feeling, like with FEMA, we are bringing the wrong expertise in the areas that it's not even needed. 有时我会觉得,联邦紧急事务管理署 是把错的专长带到不需要它们的地方。
The people of FEMA are great people. 联邦紧急事务管理署的人很棒。
The men and women are smart, they are prepared, but they live under this amazing hierarchy pyramidal organizational chart that everybody falls out of their own weight. 那里的人都很聪明, 他们有所准备, 但他们处在这个巨大的 金字塔阶层组织图底下, 这成了一种自我束缚。
hierarchy:n.层级;等级制度; pyramidal:adj.锥体的;金字塔形的;角锥状的;n.三角骨; organizational:adj.组织的;编制的;
We need to be empowering people to be successful. 我们得要赋权给人民, 让他们更成功。
What we did was a flatter organizational chart where everybody was owning the situation and we all made quick decisions to solve the problems on the spot . 我们做的,是水平的组织图, 每个人都知道情况, 我们能在快速做出决策来解决问题。
on the spot:adj.现场的;
(Applause) (掌声)
DT: Absolutely . 戴:当然。
(Applause) (掌声)
Another round of applause for José Andrés. 请再次为荷西安德烈斯鼓掌。
(Applause) (Cheering) (掌声)(欢呼)