

Almost a year ago, my aunt started suffering back pains. 大概一年前 我阿姨开始受到背疼折磨
She went to see the doctor and they told her it was a normal injury for someone who had been playing tennis for almost 30 years. 她去看了医生 医生说只是平常伤痛 就像一个打过三十年网球的人 会受的伤痛
They recommended that she do some therapy , but after a while she wasn't feeling better, so the doctors decided to do further tests. 医生建议她去接受一些理疗 但过了一段时间还是没有好转 于是医生进行了进一步檢查
recommended:v.推荐;举荐;介绍;劝告;建议;(recommend的过去分词和过去式) therapy:n.治疗,疗法;
They did an x-ray and discovered an injury in her lungs, and at the time they thought that the injury was a strain in the muscles and tendons between her ribs , but after a few weeks of treatment , again her health wasn't getting any better. 做完X光檢查后 发现她伤病在于肺部 那时医生还以为病疼 只是肋骨间肌肉和肌腱 通常的拉伤 但是经过几周的治疗 阿姨的情况仍没有好转
strain:n.压力;品系;应力;张力;v.扭伤;拉紧;滤;损伤; muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数); tendons:n.肌腱,[解剖]腱;蹄筋(tendon的复数); ribs:n.[解剖]肋骨;排骨(rib的复数); treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;
So finally , they decided to do a biopsy , and two weeks later, the results of the biopsy came back. 最终,医生决定进行组织切片 两周后 切片檢查结果显示为
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; biopsy:n.活组织检查;切片检查法;v.活组织检查;切片检查法;
It was stage 3 lung cancer . 肺癌第三期
Her lifestyle was almost free of risk. 阿姨的生活方式本是很健康的
She never smoked a cigarette, she never drank alcohol , and she had been playing sports for almost half her life. 她从不吸烟 也从不饮酒 她保持运动 几乎从不间断
Perhaps, that is why it took them almost six months to get her properly diagnosed . 也许,这也说明为什么医生几乎六个月后 才给了她正确的诊断
My story might be, unfortunately , familiar to most of you. 不幸的是,这个例子可能 很多人也经历过
unfortunately:adv.不幸地; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;
One out of three people sitting in this audience will be diagnosed with some type of cancer, and one out of four will die because of it. 在座各位有三分之一的人 可能诊断出有某种类型的癌症 并且四分之一的人 可能因此丧生
Not only did that cancer diagnosis change the life of our family, but that process of going back and forth with new tests, different doctors describing symptoms , discarding diseases over and over , was stressful and frustrating , especially for my aunt. 不仅是癌症确诊 会彻底改变一个家庭的生活 还有那个诊断的过程 反反覆覆,各种测试 与不同医生描述病症 讨论病情,一遍又一遍 这个过程伴随着压力和沮丧 我阿姨深受其苦
diagnosis:n.诊断; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的; describing:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的现在分词) symptoms:n.症状;征候;征兆;(symptom的复数) discarding:v.丢弃;打出(discard的ing形式); diseases:n.[医]病(disease的复数);[医]疾病;[植保]病害;疾病种类; over and over:反复;再三; stressful:adj.紧张的;有压力的; frustrating:adj.令人沮丧的;v.使沮丧;(frustrate的现在分词) especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
And that is the way cancer diagnosis has been done since the beginning of history. 这种癌症诊断过程 从以前到现在都是如此
We have 21st-century medical treatments and drugs to treat cancer, but we still have 20th-century procedures and processes for diagnosis, if any. 我们现在有 21 世纪的医疗技术和药品 来治疗癌症 然而,对于癌症来说,我们仍在应用 20 世纪的诊断程序 和诊断过程
treatments:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论;(treatment的复数) procedures:n.程序;规程(procedure的复数); processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
Today, most of us have to wait for symptoms to indicate that something is wrong. 今天,我们大多数人还必须等待 出现某种症状才意识到危险
Today, the majority of people still don't have access to early cancer detection methods, even though we know that catching cancer early is basically the closest thing we have to a silver bullet cure against it. 今天,大多数人仍然不知道 早期癌症的檢测方法 即使我们已经明白 及早发现癌症 才是我们治愈癌症 的最有效方式
majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: detection:n.侦查,探测;发觉,发现;察觉; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的; bullet:n.子弹;只选某党全部候选人的投票;豆子;vi.射出;迅速行进;
We know that we can change this in our lifetime, and that is why my team and I have decided to begin this journey , this journey to try to make cancer detection at the early stages 我和我的团队坚信,在有生之年 我们能够改变这种情况 于是我们开始了这一征程 致力于在癌症初级阶段 就檢测到癌症
and monitoring the appropriate response at the molecular level easier, cheaper, smarter and more accessible than ever before. 并在分子层面上对相应的治疗反应给予监控 而且比以往更方便
appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; response:n.响应;反应;回答; molecular:adj.[化学]分子的;由分子组成的; accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
The context , of course, is that we're living at a time where technology is disrupting our present at exponential rates, and the biological realm is no exception . 就在当下 我们所处的时代背景下 科技正在以指数级的速度 改变着我们当下的处境 生物领域也不例外
context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; disrupting:v.扰乱;使中断;打乱;(disrupt的现在分词) exponential:adj.指数的;n.指数; biological:adj.生物学的;生物的;与生命过程有关的;加酶的;n.[药]生物制品; realm:n.领域,范围;王国; exception:n.例外;异议;
It is said today that biotech is advancing at least six times faster than the growth rate of the processing power of computers. 据说,现今生物科技的进步速度 至少六倍于 电脑处理速度的增长
biotech:abbr.生物技术;生物科技(biotechnology); processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词)
But progress in biotech is not only being accelerated , it is also being democratized . 然而,生物科技的进步 不仅是进步速度加快 而且变得更加大众化
accelerated:v.(使)加速;加速;加快(accelerate的过去分词和过去式) democratized:vt.使民主化;使大众化;vi.民主化;大众化;
Just as personal computers or the Internet or smartphones leveled the playing field for entrepreneurship , politics or education, recent advances have leveled it up for biotech progress as well, and that is allowing multidisciplinary teams like ours to try to tackle and look at these problems with new approaches . 就像个人电脑和网路 或智慧型手机在商業、政治、教育领域 造成的扁平化影响一样 现今的科技进步也在生物科技领域开辟了一片新天地 这使得 像我们一样的多学科团队 能够尝试从一个新途径来研究和解决 这些生物科技的课题
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; smartphones:智能手机(smartphone的复数); leveled:n.水平; adj.水平的; vi.瞄准; vt.使同等; playing field:n.运动场;操场; entrepreneurship:n.企业家精神; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) multidisciplinary:adj.有关各种学问的; tackle:v.处理; n.用具; approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度;
We are a team of scientists and technologists from Chile, Panama, 我们团队的科学家和工程师 来自智利、巴拿马
Mexico, Israel and Greece, and based on recent scientific discoveries, we believe that we have found a reliable and accurate way of detecting several types of cancer at the very early stages through a blood sample. 墨西哥、以色列和希腊 基于最新的科学发现 相信我们已经发现了 一种可靠和准确的方式 在非常初期时檢测出若干种癌症 而这只需血液样本就可以完成
Israel:n.以色列(亚洲国家);犹太人,以色列人; scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; reliable:adj.可信赖的;可依靠的;真实可信的;可靠的; accurate:adj.精确的; detecting:n.检测;检定;v.发现;探知(detect的现在分词);adj.探测的;
We do it by detecting a set of very small molecules that circulate freely in our blood called microRNAs. 我们的方法是,檢测一组小血液分子 该类血液分子在我们血液里自由流动 我们称之为:微 RNAs
molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数); circulate:v.循环;传播;流传;传阅;
To explain what microRNAs are and their important role in cancer, 为了解释什么是微RNAs 及它在癌症檢测中的作用
I need to start with proteins , because when cancer is present in our body, protein modification is observed in all cancerous cells. 我们从蛋白质开始说起 当癌症开始在我们身体里出现 我们观察到,在所有癌细胞中 蛋白质出现了改变
proteins:n.[生化]蛋白质(protein复数); modification:n.修改;改进;改变; observed:adj.观察的;观测的;v.观察;遵守;注意到(observe的过去分词形式); cancerous:adj.癌的;生癌的;像癌的;
As you might know, proteins are large biological molecules that perform different functions within our body, like catalyzing metabolic reactions or responding to stimuli or replicating DNA, but before a protein is expressed or produced, relevant parts of its genetic code present in the DNA are copied into the messenger RNA, so this messenger RNA 众所周知 蛋白质是一种大型生物分子 在我们身体内承担不同功能 例如,促进新陈代谢反应 对外部刺激发生反应 或是进行 DNA 复制 但是,在蛋白质表达或产出之前 存在于 DNA 中的 相关遗传密码 被复制到传讯息的核糖核酸 (RNA) 中 这种传讯息的核糖核酸
perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好); catalyzing:n.催化(作用); metabolic:adj.变化的;新陈代谢的; reactions:n.反应;回应;抗拒;生理反应;副作用(reaction的复数) responding:v.响应;作出反应;反应灵敏;(respond的现在分词) stimuli:n.刺激;刺激物;促进因素(stimulus的复数); replicating:n.八音阶间隔的反复音; adj.复制的; v.复制(replicate的ing形式); expressed:v.表示;表达;显而易见;不言自明;(express的过去分词和过去式) relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的; genetic code:n.遗传密码; messenger:n.报信者,送信者;先驱;
has instructions on how to build a specific protein, and potentially it can build hundreds of proteins, but the one that tells them when to build them and how many to build are microRNAs. 携带着指令来产生出特定一种蛋白质 虽然它隐含制造数百种蛋白质的讯息 但其中有一段讯息能决定何时生产蛋白质 及生产多少 这部分就是微 RNAs
specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地;
So microRNAs are small molecules that regulate gene expression .
regulate:v.调节;控制; expression:n.表现,表示,表达;
Unlike DNA, which is mainly fixed, microRNAs can vary depending on internal and environmental conditions at any given time, telling us which genes are actively expressed at that particular moment. 微 RNAs 在任意时间 能根据内外环境不同而变化 它决定了哪种基因在特定时刻被有效表达
mainly:adv.大多;大部分;主要地;首要地; vary:vi.变化;变异;违反;vt.改变;使多样化;变奏; internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; genes:n.基因;(gene的复数)
And that is what makes microRNAs such a promising biomarker for cancer, because as you know, cancer is a disease of altered gene expression. 这就是为什么微 RNAs 有希望成为 癌症檢测的生物标记的原因 我们知道 癌症是一种基因表达变异产生的疾病
biomarker:n.生物标志物;生物标记;生物指标; altered:adj.改变了的:v.(使)改变,更改,改动:(alter的过去分词和过去式)
It is the uncontrolled regulation of genes. 是基因调节的失控所致
uncontrolled:adj.不受控制的; regulation:n.规则;法规;控制;规章制度;adj.规定的;必须穿戴的;必须使用的;
Another important thing to consider is that no two cancers are the same, but at the microRNA level, there are patterns. 另一个重要问题是 没有任何两种癌症是相同的 但在微 RNAs 层面上是可以进行分类的
cancers:n.癌; (Cancers是cancer的复数)
Several scientific studies have shown that abnormal microRNA expression levels varies and creates a unique , specific pattern for each type of cancer, even at the early stages, reflecting the progression of the disease, and whether it's responding to medication or in remission , making microRNAs a perfect, highly sensitive biomarker. 若干科学研究表明 异常微 RNAs 的表达 会产生不同而各自独特的类型 对应各种不同类型的癌症 即使在癌症最初阶段 微 RNAs 也能反应出病症的发展过程 以及药物治疗是否有效 或是否处于病症缓解中 这使得微 RNAs 成为一个极其有效 非常灵敏的生物标记
abnormal:adj.反常的,不规则的;变态的; varies:n.多重复合;v.使不同;改变;违背(vary的三单形式); unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; reflecting:v.反映;映出(影像);反射;显示,表明,表达;(reflect的现在分词) progression:n.前进;连续; medication:n.药;药物; remission:n.缓解;宽恕;豁免; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; sensitive:adj.敏感的;感觉的;易受影响的;n.敏感的人;有灵异能力的人;
However, the problem with microRNAs is that we cannot use existing DNA-based technology to detect them in a reliable way, because they are very short sequences of nucleotides , much smaller than DNA. 可是,微 RNAs 的困难在于 我们无法使用现有基于 DNA 的技术 来可靠地檢测它 由于微 RNAs 是非常短的核酸序列 远远小于 DNA
sequences:n.[数][计]序列,顺序;继起的事(sequence的复数形式); nucleotides:n.核甘酸;核甘酸基(nucleotide的复数形式);
And also, all microRNAs are very similar to each other, with just tiny differences. 并且,所有的微 RNAs 之间非常相似 差别极其微小
So imagine trying to differentiate two molecules, extremely similar, extremely small. 就像试着去分辨出 两个极其类似、极其微小的分子
differentiate:vi.区分,区别;vt.区分,区别; extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地;
We believe that we have found a way to do so, and this is the first time that we've shown it in public. 我们认为已经发现一个分辨的办法 这是我们首次公布于众
Let me do a demonstration . 我来示范一下
Imagine that next time you go to your doctor and do your next standard blood test , a lab technician extracts a total RNA, which is quite simple today, and puts it in a standard 96-well plate like this one. 想像你下次去看医生 要做一次血常规檢测 一名实验技术员提取了一条完整 RNA 这在当今是很简单的 然后放入一个这样的标准 96 孔盘中
standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的; blood test:n.验血;vi.作血液检查; technician:n.技术员;技师;(艺术、体育等的)技巧精湛者; extracts:n.提取物,[化学]萃取物(extract复数形式); v.[图情]摘录(extract的第三人称单数形式);
Each well of these plates has specific biochemistry that we assign , that is looking for a specific microRNA, acting like a trap that closes only when the microRNA is present in the sample, and when it does, it will shine with green color. 这些标准试剂盘中,每一个孔中 都有我们预先分配好的特定生化试剂 以对应找出特定微 RNAs 这看来像一个设置好的陷阱 只有当血液样本中的微 RNAs 被檢测到 它开始闪现绿光
biochemistry:n.生物化学;生物化学过程; assign:v.指定;指派;转让;分派;n.[法]受让人; trap:v.使陷入困境;卡住;夹住;收集;吸收;n.陷阱;圈套;捕捉器;诡计;
To run the reaction, you put the plate inside a device like this one, and then you can put your smartphone on top of it. 为完成这一反应 你要把试剂盘放入这样一个设备当中 接下来把智慧型手机放在它上方
If we can have a camera here so you can see my screen. 请把摄影机对准这里 让大家可以看到我的手机萤幕
A smartphone is a connected computer and it's also a camera, good enough for our purpose. 手机和电脑连接在一起 手机同时也是摄影机 足够实现我们的目标
The smartphone is taking pictures, and when the reaction is over, it will send the pictures to our online database for processing and interpretation . 手机在照相 当反应结束后 手机把图片 发送到我们的线上数据庫中进行处理 和解读
This entire process lasts around 60 minutes, but when the process is over, wells that shine are matched with the specific microRNAs and analyzed in terms of how much and how fast they shine. 全过程大约持续 60 分钟 当程序结束后 闪光的试剂孔与特定微 RNAs 配对分析 根据闪光的亮度和频率得出分析结果
And then, when this entire process is over, this is what happens. 这是我们得到的结果
This chart is showing the specific microRNAs present in this sample and how they reacted over time. 这张图显示了血液样本中所含的特定微 RNAs 和它们随着时间的变化反应
reacted:v.起反应; (react的过去分词和过去式)
Then, if we take this specific pattern of microRNA of this person's samples and compare it with existing scientific documentation that correlates microRNA patterns with a specific presence of a disease, this is how pancreatic cancer looks like. 接下来,我们将这一样本中的微 RNAs 的特定类型 总结出来 与现有的科学文献进行比较 由于这些文献已将特定的微 RNAs 类型 与特定的疾病表现进行了关联 我们檢测出样本结果为胰腺癌
compare:v.比较;对比;n.比较; documentation:n.文件,证明文件,史实,文件编制; correlates:相关; presence:n.存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态; pancreatic:adj.胰的;胰腺的;
This inside is a real sample where we just detected pancreatic cancer. 刚檢测出来的胰腺癌样本 是一个真实的案例
(Applause) (掌声)
Another important aspect of this approach is the gathering and mining of data in the cloud, so we can get results in real time and analyze them with our contextual information. 我们方法的另一重要部分是 在云端进行数据的收集和整理 这使我们能即时得到檢测结果 并与相关讯息结合分析
aspect:n.方面;层面;外观;方位; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的; contextual:adj.上下文的;前后关系的;
If we want to better understand and decode diseases like cancer, we need to stop treating them as acute , isolated episodes , and consider and measure everything that affects our health on a permanent basis. 如果我们希望更加了解 和揭秘类似癌症这样的疾病 我们应该停止那种治疗突发、孤立疾病的治疗方式 开始分析和评估所有因素 所有会影响我们长期健康的因素
decode:vt.[计][通信]译码,解码;vi.从事破译工作; treating:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;处理;讨论;(treat的现在分词) acute:adj.严重的,[医]急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的; isolated:adj.偏远的; v.隔离,孤立,脱离; episodes:n.一段经历;片段,插曲;一集;(episode的复数) permanent:adj.永久的,永恒的;n.烫发;
This entire platform is a working prototype . 这一檢测系统还是一个原型机
platform:n.平台; v.把…放在台上[放在高处; prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态;
It uses state-of-the-art molecular biology , a low-cost , 3D-printed device, and data science to try to tackle one of humanity 's toughest challenges. 它应用了最先进的分子生物科技 通过低成本的 3D 列印技术制作 及数据庫技术 来尝试解决一个人类最艰难的挑战
state-of-the-art:adj.最先进的;已经发展的;达到最高水准的; biology:n.(一个地区全部的)生物;生物学; low-cost:adj.廉价的;价格便宜的; humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
Since we believe early cancer detection should really be democratized, this entire solution costs at least 50 times less than current available methods, and we know that the community can help us accelerate this even more, so we're making the design of the device open-source . 我们相信,癌症早期檢测方法 应该被推广普及化 我们的整套檢测方案相对目前的檢测方法 费用节省至少 50 倍 我们也知道相关行業的关注能幫助我们 更迅速完善推广这一方案 现在我们将设备的设计方案 免费公开
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; open-source:adj.(计算机)开放源代码;
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Let me say very clearly that we are at the very early stages, but so far, we have been able to successfully identify the microRNA pattern of pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and hepatic cancer. 你们要知道 我们目前仍处于起步阶段 但我们已经可以 成功分辨出了一些癌症的微 RNAs 类型 如胰腺癌、肺癌 乳腺癌、肝癌
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: hepatic:adj.肝的;肝脏色的;治肝病的;
And currently , we're doing a clinical trial in collaboration with the German Cancer Research Center with 200 women for breast cancer. 目前,我们正在进行一项临床试验 实验是与德国癌症研究中心合作 有 200 位女性参与的乳癌临床试验
currently:adv.当前;一般地; clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的; collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌;
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This is the single non-invasive , accurate and affordable test that has the potential to dramatically change how cancer procedures and diagnostics have been done. 这是一个单项的、无创伤 准确和可负担的檢测方案 可能会彻底改变 以往癌症的诊断程序和诊断方法
non-invasive:adj.非侵入性的;非入侵的; affordable:adj.负担得起的; dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地; diagnostics:n.诊断学(用作单数);
Since we're looking for the microRNA patterns in your blood at any given time, you don't need to know which cancer you're looking for. 血液内的微 RNAs 类型 所以你不必知道所要檢测的特定癌症类型
You don't need to have any symptoms. 你也不用等到感觉到有任何症状
You only need one milliliter of blood and a relatively simple array of tools. 只需要一毫升血液样本 和一系列相对很简单的工具
milliliter:n.毫升; relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; array:n.数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服;v.排列,部署;打扮;
Today, cancer detection happens mainly when symptoms appear. 当前,癌症檢测通常发生于 患病症状显现后
That is, at stage 3 or 4, and I believe that is too late. 这已经是癌症的第三或四阶段 我认为这已经太迟了
It is too expensive for our families. 对一个家庭来说代价太大了
It is too expensive for humanity. 对全人类来说代价也太大了
We cannot lose the war against cancer. 我们不能在与癌症的斗争中失败
It not only costs us billions of dollars, but it also costs us the people we love. 失败的损失不仅是无数的金钱 还会失去我们所爱的人
Today, my aunt, she's fighting bravely and going through this process with a very positive attitude . 如今,我的阿姨正勇敢抗争着 她以积极乐观的态度面对这一过程
bravely:adv.勇敢地;华丽地; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; attitude:n.态度;看法;意见;姿势;
However, I want fights like this to become very rare. 可是,我还要努力把这样的抗争 变得越来越少出现
I want to see the day when cancer is treated easily because it can be routinely diagnosed at the very early stages, and I'm certain that in the very near future, because of this and other breakthroughs that we are seeing every day in the life sciences , the way we see cancer will radically change. 我希望有一天 癌症可以轻鬆治愈 因为,在常规体檢中 初期癌症就可以檢测到 我坚信 不久的将来 因为这套檢测系统 和其他生命科学领域 不断出现的突破 我们看待癌症的方式 将会根本改变
treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) routinely:adv.例行公事地;老一套地; breakthroughs:突破; life sciences:n.生命科学; radically:adv.根本上;彻底地;以激进的方式;
It will give us the chance of detecting it early, understanding it better, and finding a cure. 对癌症,我们将有机会及早发现 深入了解 彻底治愈
Thank you very much. 感谢大家
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