

You know, what I do is write for children, and I'm probably America's most widely read children's author, in fact. 正如你们所知,我的工作是写儿童读物 实际上,我也许是美国 最广泛的儿童读物作者
And I always tell people that I don't want to show up looking like a scientist. 我经常告诉其他人 我不想被看成一个科学家
You can have me as a farmer, or in leathers , and no one has ever chose farmer. 你能把我当做一个农民,或者穿着皮衣的人 但是没人曾选是农民
I'm here today to talk to you about circles and epiphanies . 我今天来告诉你们 是关于循环和顿悟
And you know, an epiphany is usually something you find that you dropped someplace. 顿悟 通常指你发现你陷入某些境况
You've just got to go around the block to see it as an epiphany. 你需要四处的碰壁 去寻找顿悟
That's a painting of a circle. 这是一幅循环的图片
A friend of mine did that -- Richard Bollingbroke. 我的一个朋友画的--理查德·鲍林布罗克
It's the kind of complicated circle that I'm going to tell you about. 这是中很复杂的 我将要告诉你们的
My circle began back in the '60s in high school in Stow , Ohio where I was the class queer . 我的循环起源于60世纪 源于俄亥俄州,斯朵高中 当我还是个捣蛋鬼
Stow:vt.装载;收藏;使暂留;堆装; queer:adj.奇怪的; vt.搞糟; n.同性恋者;
I was the guy beaten up bloody every week in the boys' room, until one teacher saved my life. 我是那种每周在男生宿舍 被打到出血的那种人 直到一个老师把我从这种生活中解救出来
She saved my life by letting me go to the bathroom in the teachers' lounge . 她把我解救出这种生活让我住在 老师休息室的浴室里
She did it in secret. 她悄悄的做着
She did it for three years. 她一做就做了3年
And I had to get out of town. 但是我不得不离开这个城镇
I had a thumb , I had 85 dollars, and I ended up in San Francisco, California -- met a lover -- and back in the '80s, found it necessary to begin work on AIDS organizations . 带着特长,还有85美元, 最终我落脚在斯圣弗朗西科(旧金山),加利福尼亚-- 遇到了我的爱人-- 回想到80年代,我发现 开始在艾滋病组织工作是很必要的
thumb:v.翻阅;以拇指拨弄;作搭车手势;笨拙地摆弄;n.拇指; lover:n.爱好者;情侣;热爱者; organizations:n.组织,构造,有机体(organization的复数);组织机构;
About three or four years ago, 大约三四年之前
I got a phone call in the middle of the night from that teacher, Mrs. Posten, who said, "I need to see you. 我在深夜接到了一通 来自于那个老师,普斯顿老师的电话 她说,“我需要见你
I'm disappointed that we never got to know each other as adults. 我很失望 我们从来没有以成年人的姿态互相了解
Could you please come to Ohio, and please bring that man that I know you have found by now. 你能来俄亥俄吗 请把那个你 寻找到的人也带过来
And I should mention that I have pancreatic cancer , and I'd like you to please be quick about this." 我应该提一下 我有胰脏癌 但我想请你 能忽略这部分
pancreatic:adj.胰的;胰腺的; cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤;
Well, the next day we were in Cleveland. 那,第二天我们就到了克利夫兰市
We took a look at her, we laughed, we cried, and we knew that she needed to be in a hospice . 我们遇见了她,交谈着,哭泣着 我们知道她需要住进晚期病人的安养院
We found her one, we got her there, and we took care of her and watched over her family, because it was necessary. 我们为她找了一个,带她过去 照顾她 并照料她的家庭 因为这是必须的
It's something we knew how to do. 有些事我们需要知道如何去做
And just as the woman who wanted to know me as an adult got to know me, she turned into a box of ashes and was placed in my hands. 就是这个把我当做成年人看待 想了解我的女生 最终化成了盒中的粉末 安置在我的手中
And what had happened was the circle had closed, it had become a circle -- and that epiphany I talked about presented itself. 所发生的 就是循环的结束 这就形成了一个循环-- 其中我所说的顿悟 就得到了自我体现
The epiphany is that death is a part of life. 这顿悟是 死亡是生命的一部分
She saved my life; 她救了我的命
I and my partner saved hers. 我和我朋友救了她的命
And you know, that part of life needs everything that the rest of life does. 那段日子需要的东西 生命来完成(TBR)
It needs truth and beauty, and I'm so happy it's been mentioned so much here today. 它需要真实和美好 我很高兴这些今天被多次的提到
It also needs -- it needs dignity , love and pleasure, and it's our job to hand those things out. 它还需要-- 它需要尊严 爱和欢乐 我们的工作就是把这些散步开去
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)